How To STOP Seeking External Validation

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Are you constantly seeking external validation? Do you find yourself craving approval from others to...
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they scrolling through social media and you see someone's post getting tons of likes and comments suddenly you feel a Pang of jealousy or insecurity or what about this you just got some great news to share maybe a promotion or an award you worked hard for but people don't react as enthusiastically as you wanted them to and it suddenly kills your mood is that familiar we've all been there we all have a deep rooted desire to feel accepted and valued by others that's why we tend to seek validation from others through their praise admir ation and
support but when we rely solely on others to validate our worth it can leave us feeling empty and constantly seeking more now here's the good news you have the power to validate yourself with that said let's explore a few simple yet powerful psychologically backed strategies to help you gain that inner confidence boost that comes from within recognize the cycle let's start by acknowledging the cycle of seeking external validation take a moment to tune in to your thoughts and feelings notice when you're seeking external validation and ask yourself why what situations trigger your need for validation
maybe you've been feeling insecure about something lately and want some praise to boost your ego or maybe you didn't get enough attention and praise as a child which caused you to grow up needing it more than others understanding the patterns can help you break free from them but knowing your motives for seeking external validation you can find healthier and better ways to address them and start building your self-esteem from within practice self- appreciation another another important step to letting go of your need for approval is strengthening your foundation of self-acceptance this way you will no
longer feel the need to look to others to feel good enough about your choices and decisions keep a self- appreciation Journal where you start acknowledging daily or a few times a week the things you're most proud of about yourself choices you've made insights you've learned things you like about yourself times you've stayed true to yourself or whatever feels right for you try rejection therapy ever heard of rejection therapy instead of avoiding rejection you actively seek it out it might sound scary but it's actually a game Cher for boosting your confidence and ditching the need for
constant validation here's how it works you deliberately put yourself in situations where rejection is possible start small like asking for a discount or trying for a job you think you're not qualified for until you're eventually confident enough to do things like asking out strangers or pitching ideas at work as you constantly subject yourself to rejection or even just the possibility of it you realize it's not as terrible as you thought and you become less afraid of it this helps you stop relying on others opinions for validation so you can start validating yourself set personal goals
instead of relying on external benchmarks of success set your own personal goals and Milestones ask yourself what do I want to achieve what do I want out of life try to separate this from what others expect from you want of you or need from you whether it's mastering a new skill or pursuing a passion project focusing on your own goals Guided by your own values can boost your self-esteem and sense of fulfillment most importantly when you set personal goals whether you fail or succeed isn't as important as how much you grow and learn as a
person by shifting your perspective you can turn every setback into an important lesson and every goal is a catalyst for self validation listen to your intuition you know yourself best right so why rely on others for answers ancient wisdom tells us that everything we need is already inside us we just need to listen cultivate Stillness by spending time in nature taking time off your phone going for a walk meditating or journaling once you found your moment of Stillness start listening what does your gut say make decisions that align with what you authentically believe feel and
desire check in with yourself to see if it feels right and remind yourself that it is your choice to make remember your intuition is your inner Compass gu getting you toward self validation and alignment with your true self use self-care to self validate doing things that nourish your mind body and soul is a powerful way to validate yourself and is far better than relying on others approval whether it's doing something you love or just taking a moment to relax prioritize your self-care and self- soothing to help you handle your emotions better you can also try
positive affirmations and positive selft talk saying things like I'm confident or I'm worthy to empower yourself and cultivate more self-love and self-compassion so go ahead and indulge in activities that make you feel good give yourself the validation you deserve remember self validation is a journey not a destination it takes time and practice to break free from seeking external validation so be patient with yourself just know that you have the power to recognize and celebrate your own worth as Maya Angelo once said success is liking yourself liking what you do and likeing how you do it
now here's a question to ponder what would your life look like if you fully embraced and celebrated your own worth without seeking validation from others we'd love to hear your insights in the comments down below and if you found this video helpful let us know with a like and share to help us uplift more people be sure to subscribe and explore other videos too like harmful habits are hurting you without knowing it and six signs you're abandoning yourself for others fawning till next time thanks for watching
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