What Is HEAVEN Like?

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Heaven is a concept so far beyond our imagination. In this video we go through 7 points on what the ...
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Many Christians have asked me if heaven will be boring. I mean, that's forever. So will you just be standing around and singing songs all day?
So for those of you who are concerned that heaven may actually be boring, or if you're just curious about what heaven will be like here are seven facts about heaven that everyone should know. Fact number one, heaven will not have sin or its effects. Revelation chapter 21, verse four.
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever. In this passage, John, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, is being told the future by Jesus.
And at the end of time, John is being shown that there will be a new heaven and a new earth with the new Jerusalem. And in this new world, John says that there won't be any death, sorrow, crying, or pain. So really fast.
For those of you who don't know, there is a heaven right now that's currently being used, but it will soon disappear and God will bring a new heaven. And for those of you who are thinking, why does there need to be a new heaven if it's perfect? well, it seems that once the unrighteous and the devil are judged and removed in the great White throne judgment, that God desires to create a world that has no remembrance of the old.
You see, earth and heaven have a history of corruption. Earth is tainted with death and sin and even heaven has places where Satan once walked as an angel. So in the same way that God created a perfect world back in the book of Genesis, God desires to bring forth a world that doesn't have any history of evil.
Which is why he says in revelation chapter 21 verse five, behold, I make all things new. So in this new heaven and new earth, there will no longer be death, sorrow, crying, or pain. And on top of that, revelation 2127 says, but there shall by no means enter it the new Jerusalem.
Anything that defiles or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Meaning there will be nothing that can enter into this new world that God creates, that can defile anything. Which means that this new world will not have any sin.
And that means there won't be any corruption, and everything in it will be right and fair. So that means no hospitals, no police stations, no wars, no theft, no discrimination, no pride, no injustice. and because God says that death and pain will be gone forever, there will be no possibility of these things entering into this new society ever again.
and speaking of things that will not be in heaven, there's another thing to add to the list. So fact number two, heaven will not have marriage. Luke chapter 20, verses 34 to 36 Jesus, answered and said to them, the sons of this age marry and are given in marriage, but those who are counted worthy to attain that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage, nor can they die anymore, for they're equal to the angels, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection.
In this passage, Jesus is answering the questions of the Sadducees, and Jesus tells them something interesting. And it's that marriage is for people on earth. But those who resurrect from the dead won't get married anymore, and they won't be able to die and will be equal to the angels.
Jesus speaks a lot about this resurrection. And he tells us in John 529 that people will either have a resurrection of life or a resurrection of condemnation. so those people who have faith and belong to God will rise again from the dead.
And when they rise to this new life, marriage will not be a thing. So being straightforward, there will not be marriage between people in heaven. And the reason why I say between people is because God's people are depicted as being a kind of bride to Jesus Christ.
Paul in second Corinthians chapter 11, verse two says that he wants to present the church as a pure virgin before Christ. And in Ephesians 525, Paul commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. so, while there won't be marriage between people in heaven, there will be a kind of closeness, oneness, and special love that will flourish between God and His people.
And this will be somewhat similar to marriage as we see on earth. and for people who have spouses or a dear loved one. I know that the thought of not being married to your partner may be difficult to come to terms with.
So I'll try to encourage you with this. God knows all that we will ever need. In fact, back in Genesis when God created everything, God didn't create Adam until he created a place for him to dwell.
And after God created Adam and said that everything was good, God saw that Adam was alone and God said that it was not good. So God created a wife for him. And after Adam and Eve sinned, God did not forsake them, but continued to meet their needs.
so the point I'm making here is that God knows us better than we know ourselves, and has always provided for the needs of his people. And when he sees the future and all that, it holds God and His infinite wisdom says Hmhm, my people won't need marriage. So as much as that may hurt us right now, we need to trust God and know that he is bigger than our desire for marriage and that that desire will be fulfilled in another way.
So now that we talked about what won't be in heaven, let's talk about what will be in heaven. So fact number three, heaven will have nations and rule. Revelation chapter 21 verses 22 to 26.
I saw no temple in the city. For the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are its temple. And the city has no need of sun or moon.
For the glory of God illuminates the city, and the lamb is its light. the nations will walk in its light. And the kings of the world will enter the city in all their glory.
Its gates will never be closed at the end of day, because there is no night there, and all the nations will bring their glory and honor into the city. In this passage, John continues to make observations about this new world, and he sees that the New Jerusalem does not need the sun or moon for light, because God himself will be illuminating the city. And then John says that nations and the kings of the world will enter into the city with all their glory and that they'll bring their glory and honor into the city.
So it would seem that in this new heaven and new earth, that there will still be nations. However, these nations will be devoid of any sin or corruption. So can you imagine a United States with zero corruption?
Think of the Philippines, Canada, India, the UK all without poverty, any injustice or evil. you see, God is the originator of all their languages. So the culture and beauty of all nations is rooted in God Himself.
So can you imagine a world where every country loved, feared, and respected God himself? Imagined their culture free of sin, their architecture without any flaws, their society free of any death or injustice, and their food without any blemish. And for those of you who are thinking there's food in heaven, Revelation chapter 22, verse two says that there will be fruit.
And even in Genesis chapters one and two, God created food for mankind. Back when the world was without sin. So there's some reason to believe that there will be things to eat in this new heaven.
And on top of there being nations, there will also be kings in heaven, which means that God will place some people in authority. There. Which makes sense because back when God created Adam in a world without any sin, God gave Adam authority over the Garden of Eden.
And on top of that, we see in Matthew chapter 25, verses 14 to 30, that the servants who did well were given rule for their faithfulness and interesting fact. God gives different kinds of crowns that may indicate a kind of rule that he gives in heaven. There's a crown of life mentioned in James chapter one, verse 12, the crown of righteousness, and second Timothy chapter four, verse eight, and the crown of glory, and first Peter chapter five, verse four.
So from what I read, it looks like heaven will have perfected nations that we can all visit, which will have beloved kings and rulers that will lead well and reflect to the heart of the King of Kings. And speaking of visiting these nations, look at fact number four. Heaven will be gigantic.
Revelation chapter 21, verses 1 to 2 and 16 and then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. and I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. The city lies four square, its length the same as its width, and he measured the city with his rod 12,000 stadia.
Its length and width and height are equal. In this passage John sees a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem. And what I find interesting here is that there's a distinction between heaven, earth, and Jerusalem.
So I know that many Christians believe that when they die, they go straight to heaven. And that's true for a time. But it seems that at the end of the age, God will create a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem.
So it looks like people may be able to visit all three. And back in revelation 2116, John sees this new Jerusalem being measured, and he says that the city is like a square where its length, width, and height are equal. and he says that the city is 12,000 stadia, which is approximately 1380 miles, or 2220km.
So if you look at the United States, the relative distance that would be would be from New York City to Dallas, Texas, which would be about a 22 hour drive. So that's the length of the New Jerusalem. Put another 1380 miles for the width.
And what I find crazy is that this city will be about 1380 miles tall. Mount Everest is only 5. 5 miles tall, or 29,029ft, or 8.
85km. So if you put 250 Mount Everest's on top of each other, you'll have the height of New Jerusalem. And what I'm about to tell you is speculation, but I have reason to believe that this new city will have architecture that's beyond our understanding.
I mean, if angels can fly, there's a possibility that we'd also be able to fly. So can you imagine if Heavenly Architecture took into account the fact that people can fly? Gravity probably wouldn't be much of a factor.
I mean, think about the crazy buildings that people have created today. And now imagine if God himself wanted to build and design his own building with his own power and creativity. Because if the new Jerusalem is that tall.
Don't you think the buildings can be gigantic, too? Can you imagine God's landscapes? His architecture, his walls, his decor, his streets.
Just one city in the new heaven. A new earth is 1380 miles high. So there's probably other cities too that aren't accounted for, especially if there's nations as previously mentioned.
So one of the things I'm really looking forward to is just exploring heaven. And I'm probably wrong in this, but I like to think that there will be coffee shops in heaven hidden in all these random beautiful places all throughout the New Jerusalem. So that's the size of heaven.
Let's look into what actually will be in heaven. So fact number five, heaven will be more than you can imagine. John, chapter 14, verses 2 to 3.
In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself. That where I am, there you may be also. In this passage.
Jesus, on the night of his arrest, tells his disciples that in heaven there are many mansions or dwellings. And he says he's going to leave them so he can prepare a place in heaven for them. So I want you to think of the idea that Jesus himself will be preparing a place for his people.
Look at First Corinthians chapter two, verse nine. But as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for those who love him.
So while we can't always be sure what heaven will have, we can know that heaven will be God's handiwork. And as he creates, he'll do so with a heart that loves us, with the wisdom to think of the best possible outcome and the power to make it happen. and since God is so far beyond our understanding, we really can't wrap our heads into what all of heaven will be like.
And I can only imagine what the music sounds and instruments, the cuisine and smells, the plants, the colors, the streets and buildings and its furniture. The creatures and animals. The art will all be like.
I mean, just look at the world around you and try to imagine the heaven version of that thing in all its perfection and glory. It's going to be crazy. So now that we did some imagining, there are some things in the new world that we can be sure of as we look into revelation chapters 20 and 21.
Some notable details is that the New Jerusalem will have 12 gates, and that the city will be decorated with gold and precious stones. We also see that the city won't have any need for the sun or moon for light, because God himself will be the source of its light. Which leads me to my next speculation.
I think that night might actually exist in the new heaven and new earth. night won't exist for sure in the New Jerusalem. But in regards to the new heaven and earth, it may actually be a possibility.
Another reason why I think so is because God created night back in Genesis chapter one, and he said it was good. So if night can exist in a perfect world in Genesis, it's possible that it may exist in the New World. In addition to that, the new world will have streets of gold, rivers, fruit trees, and God's throne.
And that's about it. So sorry I couldn't say more, but there's only a few verses that cover the new heaven, new Earth, and New Jerusalem. However, the most notable and most beautiful thing about this new world is that God Himself will be dwelling with his people.
So, fact number six, Heaven will have the fullness of God. Revelation chapter 22, verses 3 to 5. No longer will there be a curse upon anything.
For the throne of God and of the lamb will be there, and his servants will worship him, and they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads, and there will be no night there, no need for lamps or sun for the Lord God will shine on them, and they will reign forever and ever. In this passage, we see that God's people will see God's face, and that Him and His people will all reign and rule together. So what's crazy to note here is that God's people will be able to see God's face and all the fullness of his glory.
if you recall, Moses wanted to see God's glory. And we see God's response in Exodus 33 verse 20, But God said, you cannot see my face, for no man shall see me and live. So God placed Moses within a rock, and God used his hands to cover up Moses to protect him.
And then God allowed Moses to see his back. so understand that right now, if any of us saw God in all his glory, might, and power, we die. But not so.
And we're in heaven, because once were there we'll be able to see God. So try to understand what this means in first John chapter four verse eight, it says that God is love. So he's the source and author of all love.
So the reason why we as people can experience love at all is because of God Himself. So try imagining seeing God and knowing in your heart that he is love itself. Because I bet that when we see him, we'll sense of familiarity with God.
Because will realize that the love that we have in us is a piece of who God actually is. And on top of that God is infinite. So his power, his wisdom, his love, his righteousness is all without measure.
And we'll be able to see that. And mind you, any thought that you have of God right now is not God. You see, God is the only one that is infinite, and as of yet, our minds cannot think of anything infinite because there's always a limit.
So in heaven, God's people will finally be able to look at God for who he actually is. And we will finally be able to not just sing of his love. We'll be able to see how infinite his love actually is.
And when we speak of his greatness, we'll be able to behold it with our own eyes. if you look at the fruit of the spirit, as mentioned in Galatians five, you'll see that God is the source of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. So in heaven we will be able to experience complete, perfect, and infinite love, joy, and peace.
Because God is love and the source of all joy and peace. So all that to say, heaven is going to be great. And so far beyond our understanding and to close, people need to know that there's only one way to get there.
So fact number seven, heaven can only be reached through Jesus John chapter 14, verse six Jesus told him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the father except through me. In this passage, Jesus spoke to Thomas, and he told him that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to God the Father, who is in heaven unless they go through Jesus.
So according to the Bible, the only way that someone can go to heaven is if they believe and have faith in Jesus. Now I know there's many people who say that everyone can go to heaven in their own way. And I even heard some preachers say that all religions lead to heaven.
And this is incorrect because Jesus said he's the one and only way to God the Father. Imagine if I gave you directions to my house, and I said that you need to go north on this freeway and then take this exit and then turn right on this street. But then you looked at me and said, no, I'm going to go south on this freeway, and I'm not going to take your exit.
I'm going to take this one, and I'll turn however many streets I want to. And I'd say, that's fine, but you won't end up at my house. And the same thing is true with God.
Because heaven is God's home, and God has very specific directions to get to it. And according to John 316, the only way to eternal life is by believing in Jesus. by knowing that we are sinners, and that the punishment of our sin is death.
But Jesus took that punishment upon himself and died on the cross. So now anyone who believes in Jesus and His sacrifice for them won't perish but will have eternal life. This is the one and only way to heaven.
Okay, so what should you know about heaven? Seven things. Heaven will not have sin or its effects.
Heaven will not have marriage. Heaven will have nations and rule. Heaven will be gigantic.
Heaven will be more than you can imagine. Heaven will have the fullness of God, and heaven can only be reached through Jesus. So for all of you people who are thinking that you may actually be born in heaven, you have nothing to worry about because heaven will have more love, joy, and peace than our little minds can ever understand.
Because heaven will have the infinitude of God and will be able to see and know God. So while we may think that earth is great, I can guarantee you heaven will be infinitely greater because God Himself and all that he is, will be with us for all eternity. So hold this hope in your hearts and remember, going to this amazing place was made possible because Jesus loves you.
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