the s24 really surprised me with all its new features so let me show you the coolest tips and tricks so that by the time you're done watching this video you'll be a total Pro and the very first trick everyone should know is actually hidden inside the internet app let's say you're browsing a web page or a Wiki page you'll actually find this brand new AI icon and if you tap on it it'll open this summarize feature and as you can imagine this reads over the entire article and summarizes it into a couple of points for
you so you don't have to read need the whole article then another trick to make you an s24 Pro is if you go into your gallery and select a few different images then tap and hold down you'll notice all the images stack and now you can just go open any other application like WhatsApp for example then drop them in and now you can instantly share them I call this drag to share and what's so cool about this as well is it also works in the Samsung internet app so like if you have a picture or
a gift you saw on the internet and want to share with someone instead of having to download it or save it just tap and drag then open any other application once again like WhatsApp drop it in and you can click Send nice okay now this is really freaking cool and it's what you can do with a new Galaxy AI keyboard okay so let's say you're busy typing out a message to one of your friends well now what you can do is if you tap on the Galaxy AI icon on your keyboard you'll see these three
options but the best is writing styles what does does is basically reads over your text and then rewrites it in a couple of different styles like professional to sound a bit more fancy casual there's even a social media style polite and emojify that adds emojis and these writing styles work pretty much anywh on your phone so if you wanted to you could actually use it to rewrite a short email then right above writing styles is another AI called chat translation so if you have a friend or client that sends you texts in another the language
like German then using this feature you can quickly translate every single message into English which is so Nifty and to reply back to them in their language just type out your message and the Galaxy AI will do all the Translating for you then just click Send simple dmle there are still so many useful AI features on this bad boy but before I show you those I got to show you some slick camera tricks so the s24 cameras haven't had that much of an upgrade but there are three new hidden tricks to it and the first
one is if you open up the camera application in here if you then go to more you'll see this dual record mode and as you guessed it with this mode you can record a video using two of the cameras but what's especially cool about this mode is if you tap on this little icon over here it'll open up this menu where you can choose exactly which camera lenses you want to use so you can record with the main wide camera and the zoom camera at the same time and if you tap this icon you can
actually save both videos separately which is really Nifty for social media then for the second hidden camera trick and this one is really sneaky inside the Galaxy store if you download an app called camera assistant inside that application settings you'll see this option that's called audio monitoring and once you turn that on if you head back to the camera application and into those settings then scroll down until you see Advanced video options and in here you can turn on zoom in mic and now the trick here is to actually connect a pair of bluetooth earbuds
to your s24 because when you record a video now using the camera whatever the s24 here you'll hear through your butts so if you wanted to listen in on what someone around you was saying if you just zoom into them while recording a video you'll actually be able to hear what they are saying through your butts she has no idea it is so sneaky I know but another thing you could even do is leave your phone near them and again you'll hear everything then for the third hidden camera trick is on your home screen if
you tap and hold down and go into the widgets you'll Now find this brand new camera widget to customize your home screen with and basically with this sick widget what you can do is assign a specific camera mode to it so once you tap on it it'll actually open up that camera mode you selected but there are even more tricks to customize this bad boy so I didn't know I needed this customization feature until I sort on the s24 it's found inside the PLU application and if you go into one of your alarms and scroll
all the way down you'll find this super cool new alarm background feature it is so simple to set up and what's even cooler is you don't have to choose a picture but you can actually choose a video for the background so you just click save and now whenever that alarm goes off whether it's to wake up remind you to take your meds exercise or anything else this really cool background will play and I just love how each different background could actually let you know what alarm is going off and if you're wondering where you can
get any of these cool wallpapers from then check out my website halworld docomo for my next customization trick you'll have to head into your wallpaper and style settings and interchange wallpaper because in here you'll find this new photo ambient wallpaper and when you tap on it it'll take you straight into your gallery where you can choose any picture but what is so cool about it is it'll actually add weather effects like rain and snow to your image depending on what the real time weather is like around you and it's so cool because in some cases
the rain actually bounces off or snow lands on the animal or person's head it does make it feel like a little realistic the Lux screen clock also got such a cool upgrade because now once you tap on it if you scroll all the way to the right you'll see these three little dots and if you tap on it you can actually choose any font from the Samsung store as your new clock font there's a bunch of different fonts in the Samsung store so you can really go crazy and style it to perfectly suit your lock
screen damn I love this okay now back to some sick new AI features did you know that if you tap and hold on the home button Google's new search AI will open up and scan over your entire screen and then if you Circle anything on that screen whatever's inside the circle will get searched on Google this is honestly so useful especially if you're scrolling through social media and see something you like you can just zoom in circle around it and Google will search it up for you and show you all the results but believe it
or not there's even more AI in inside two apps notes and voice notes so this is a pretty sick trick inside your notes app if you have a PDF you can actually summarize one of the pages by using that Galaxy AI icon so once you tap it it'll quickly summarize everything on that page for you in a few seconds and again if you just scroll down to another page hit that Galaxy AI button and summarize it'll do all the work for you such a cool feature but if you're someone who enjoys making long voice notes
then also not only can you transcribe cribe those voice notes into English within the Notes application but then you can even get a summary of your entire transcribed voice notes it's pretty crazy with how many useful AI features Samsung has packed into the s24 but now let me show you something new with a display so by now I'm pretty sure all of you know that within settings under lock screen and aod you can toggle on and always on display but now what you can also do is turn on show lock screen wallpaper so instead of
having that old boring always on display you can Now jazz it up and display your wallpaper all the time as you can see it also looks so sick whenever you unlock your phone and you don't need to worry about this eating up your battery cuz the s24 screen is dynamic so it'll automatically save on battery just like this Dynamic wallpaper you can get from hailes but to take the always on display to the next level you can turn on erase background and then make sure that when to show is on always because now if
you've got a subject in your wallpaper like a person or pet whenever you lock the s24 the background will fade away but what's important will stand out but let's kick things up a notch with a few hidden Gallery tricks now this is something I haven't seen on any other phone before inside the gallery if you play a normal video like this one while it's playing if you tap and hold down it literally turns into a slow-mo video for as long as you have your finger on the screen and what's even cooler is this actually works
with any video so it doesn't have to have been filmed with your camera even if it's a downloaded video just tap and hold and for bam next if you take a lot of portrait photos or even if you don't then you got to check this out in your gallery if you swipe up on any portrait photo you'll see this background effect feature now this isn't something new you've actually been able to change the blur amount and blur effect for a while but if you tap on somewhere else on the photo you'll actually see that the
s24 will re focus on that spot I also really love that there's a couple different blur options you can change to again after you've taken the pick like this spin one just looks so cool but there's even more impressive AI inside the editing mode where you'll see that Galaxy AI icon again and with this AI you can basically tap to erase anything you don't want in your image or straight up move an entire subject and also re tilt your image then just press this generate button and the Galaxy AI will work all its magic and
fill in any empty or blank spaces and basically do its best to make the image look real again but now let me show you even more pro [Music] tricks so inside the Galaxy store if you search for Galaxy enhan x you'll find this brand new app by Samsung and let me just show you how cool this is first if you open up a video from your gallery like this one I have of mic running for example once you've chosen the video you'll see these three settings under it more specifically this slow-mo setting which as you
guessed it turns and saves your normal video into a slow-mo video and it does a really good job what you can also do is choose to upload a landscape photo from your gallery and then turn that into a video by using this 24-hour time lapse setting it kind of changes the Hue of the shot to make it look like sunrise and sunset which is actually a lot of fun to play with if you have the right shot then there's a few other really cool tools within this app especially to to help you clean up any
photos like removing Shadows for example cleaning the lens fixing the blur sharpening den noising and even removing Reflections as you can see it does such an amazing job and these are just really cool editing tools that you won't actually find in the standard editor so definitely check it out so the s24 comes with three different adaptive settings and basically what that means is it'll automatically adapt and change to whatever environment you're using it in and the first setting to turn on is inside the display settings in here if you scroll down you'll find this brand
new adaptive color tone setting just turn this on and now the s24 will automatically adjust its screen depending on the type of lighting around you and where you are for the second adaptive setting this one is actually hidden and only shows up when you're on a call so if you swipe down into your quick settings then tap on mic mode and over here you'll see two different settings and I suggest you turn on The Voice Focus because now what this does is let's say you're out and about in a crowded or noisy area The Voice
Focus mode will drown out all the background noises so that the other person you're talking to can clearly hear you and for the third adaptive setting this one is found within your battery settings and it is called battery protection mode in here you'll see three different settings but the most important one is called adaptive and with adaptive battery protection your s24 will automatically handle its battery power saving all by itself so you don't even need to think about it nice okay now on to some s24 quick tips and the first one is hidden all the
way inside your accessibility settings under Vision enhancements right at the bottom called cursor thickness which as you might have figured changes the thickness of your cursor which is a neat little setting to give your estim for that extra custom look then if you're someone who often uses hotpots to help your friends out with data did you know that you can actually head into the settings and actually set up a onetime password for it so once you turn it on you'll actually see the onetime password but as soon as you turn it off and back on
again you got yourself a brand new password and speaking about security with all this new AI on the s24 you might want to go into advanced features and then advanced intelligence where right at the bottom you can turn on process data only on device so now when you use any AI features it'll all be done directly on your phone and none of it shared anywhere online to Samsung servers and that gives the s24 that little extra bit of security but to make it even more secure I suggest you get a VPN like surf shock because
by using surf shock you can connect to a different part of the world's internet and whatever you do on the Internet is also hidden so that nobody can pry around and see what you're searching for or track your real location so it secures your real location and what you're searching on the internet but besides that there's another the two reasons you should check out Sur shock and the next reason is that you can use it to watch content that's only available in other countries like we all know that Netflix has shows and movies that are
only available in other countries but might not be available in yours well by using surf Shar and connecting to that country's internet not only will your browsing and location history be super safe but you'll also get access to all the movies and series available in that country pretty sneaky but so cool and the fourth reason to get surf shark is its price cuz it costs less than a cup of coffee and for all those benefits it comes with it's so worth it you can also get it for 3 months free by using cails at checkout
or just scan a QR code so after seeing all of these tips and tricks you should be an absolute Pro with your s24 but believe it or not you can find even more tips and tricks in my s24 Ultra video so make sure you check that out and I'll see you in the next one [Music] toodles