so you want to scale your Facebook ads fast in 2024 well I'm going to be going over a couple things that we personally applied that has allowed us to do significantly better numbers for our clients um and increase that speed of which we scale I've done over $100 million in revenue for my clients just in the last couple years so hopefully you can take a few of these and actually apply these to yourself and see some really good results with it so going into the very first thing that we're going to cover is new creatives
this is something that I've been very transparent with on my channel for a very long period of time now and I'll go over a couple different examples for yall you know we had this one particular client back in 2020 this is where I first discovered the importance of new creatives where um we were advertising a metal wall art that go people's walls and originally we positioned this product as just a beautiful piece of art to put on someone's wall and it really was not converting like we were stuck at like $500 a day to $11,000
a day in sales and we weren't really getting anywhere then through my research which creates all of our creatives I found comments of people saying hey I gave this to my girlfriend she loved it so I was like okay cool can we do a creative that's focused on the gifting angle so what I did was is we set up a photo shoot with a guy and a girl holding it together looking happy looking madly like they're in love and everything and then we uploaded that as the new creative and what we did was is we
just put a hook on it that said the perfect gift for my sweetheart and this creative took off absolutely crushed it for this account where you know like we went from like $1,000 a day all the way up to peeking out at $10,000 a day in revenue for a couple months with this creative itself so just simply new creatives can be a massive impact in the account and the cool thing about is there's a lot of different ways to play around with new creatives you can play around with the positioning you can play around with
the angle you can play around with little things like the actor the environment the location you can play around with you know different desires and stuff like that there's a lot of cool stuff that comes into that the planning process for a creative that you can play around with that plays a big impact in performance uh we have this clothing brand or you know we've had multiple clothing brands now that we've helped scaled scaled a women's clothing brand from 30,000 a month to 300K a month in revenue and then also to a men's clothing brand
that we scaled from 300K a month in Revenue to about 1.8 million2 million a month in revenue and both of them had the exact same strategy which was consistently new photo and video shoots every single week with our top selling products and these products itself were just simply taking our best performing you know pants or best performing skirt or best performing t-shirt and we would just simply take those shirts pants skirts whatever and we would take those bestselling products and just new actors new models new locations and we really painted that picture of what people
could experience the lifestyle they could have if they purchased this clothing and we did that Weekly um or bi-weekly and we consistently pumped out new creatives into the account which again allowed us to scale those Brands to those levels uh we had this other account where you know we just simply needed to to you know change the positioning in this product because we were focusing on a paint by numbers kit where you know the client was stuck about 150k a offin revenue he was testing a lot of creatives but just wasn't really getting any success
with it so that's why he came to us and was like hey Nick I know you do creatives way better than me so how can you help me you know transform this business and you know this particular client was stuck at like what I would say a product aware stage where there's like three reasons why you need to buy a paint by numbers kits just talking a lot about their product and was not talking about the connection to Their audience in terms of calling out what the audience wants then giving them the product so we
explored a whole new positioning this product which positioning for me is just hey you perceive this product to do this one thing so we're just going to completely position it to a whole new thing for us it was girl night so we changed the positioning from this girl night activity or from this just like here's why you need to buy paint by numbers to actually positioning it to a much more attractive desire which was a fun girl night and and we were able to scale this brand from 150k a month to about $2 and2 $3
million a month in Revenue um and literally all we did was use that hook you know for the girles who want a fun girls night we got a bunch of girls together we filmed content around the product and the girls having fun with this product so that way we can create the belief this product does that and then we simply just put in the account and it took off so new creatives are one of my favorite ways to actually increase and scale a Brand's Revenue um fairly quickly right there is other things we're going to
talk about in this uh video today but those are like one of the initial things we like to really look at um especially with a brand that's already been launched already running ads and stuff um what are easy things we can tweak to improve the performance now the next thing is landing page conversion rate uh whether you're driving traffic to a lead page whether you're driving traffic to an avoral whether you're driving traffic to a product page increasing the percentage of people that convert increase your sales overnight so for example if you're converting 1% of
people right now and you jumped up to 2% without changing anything in the ad account you're going to double your Revenue by just changing the conversion rate of your landing page and that's going to give you more money you can spend back into advertising and stuff like that now how does this actually work well we have to look at it from the perspective of the consumer right so you know for example my course itself I just increased the the conversion rate of it's from like 1% to like 3 to 5% right because I initially tried
to create this complex funnel right and I Mis align with my audience I tried buing like a training and then sending people to the course after the training and then I was like well you know I was basically not respecting the sales process from the perspective of I already know they see me as an authority because they're coming from my YouTube channel I don't need to get put further blocks in the way I just need to show them the product and boom so I actually removed all that training and we actually from a 1% to
like a 3 to 5% on my course so I increased Revenue significantly for my course and literally all I did was change my landing page I didn't change anything about how I was promoting it I didn't change anything about you know what angles I was using or stuff like that I literally just increased the landing page so some products need a longer sales page a longer landing page some products need short landing page with just a few really good photos of it um so it kind of depends on your product it also depends on you
know what are you having to convince someone right if you're going after like neck pain for example I need to show a whole bunch of visuals on that landing page that showcases how people no longer have neck pain because of my product if I'm going after like for example Rose skin Co their product called the Lumi that's one of my favorite landing pages to look at um they do a phenomenal job here at just you know a landing page itself they've been spending money for a very very long period of time now on Facebook ads
so they're one of the Real Deals and they just have a really good page they have a good you know basically really good product photos they have really good visual explanations of the product they handle um objections to the product they make the product seem a lot cheaper than actually is by comparing it to more expensive solutions they show customer testimonials they show you know like Authority news articles endorsing the product and everything like that they showcase a lot of really good things that you know basically they can they can get for you know actually
like showcase a bunch of very good things that helps out with that sales process right there which drastically increases the conversion rate on the landing page so if you take anything from this little lesson right here go to roskin and look at their product called the Lumi Lumi and just replicate their page break down each little section they have and why that section is there for what reason specifically and then simply just go and replicate that on your website now this last way to scale your Facebook ads fast actually comes from one of my
students you know this is something that I actually personally learned from this student this year and this student started with me you know December of 2023 but now it's August of 2024 you know roughly about 8 n months later this student went from $100 a day of AD spin to about $6,000 a day of AD Spin and he's been scaling very well and one thing while he did he apply a lot of the things like landing page conversion rate and also applying things like you know like testing new ads finding new winning ads all of
those good things one thing he applied that I personally didn't teach him that he actually just brought to the table for me to actually learn was he consistently tried focusing on doubling his aov this is the average order value of which someone spins um with your business so for aov itself there's a couple different ways we can manipulate this aov number one we can offer bundles instead of single products so again going back to Rose skinco they have like smooth skin bundle right where it's like a $2 $300 bundle and it has everything you need
for smooth hairfree skin that's a great example right there of a bundle you just take a couple products you put them together make them one product and then boom another thing you can do for aov is just it's called frequently bought together and if you go like on Amazon for example Amazon's really big with this go find a product and then go scroll down a little bit after you find a product on Amazon it'll be like add all three to the cart and save and it'll show like two other commonly products with your products that's
a phenomenal way to increase average order value because it's getting people to spend more money with you and we're not doing anything differently than what we're already doing now we're just adding these other things in which is going to increase the amount when someone spends with you which is going to give you more profit per order more profit per order is going to allow you to spend more money on Advertising another thing you can do is the little add to cart upsell so after someone clicks add to cart another little upsell sell pop up where
basically it'll just be like hey you know here's something else also too as well you might want and then you have the incart upsell to where like after someone clicks add to cart it shows everything that they have in that cart um and it'll have like basically like hey here's some other products you might want to also add to the cart and then lastly is once you actually go to like the checkout page and someone purchases they have oneclick upsell which is also a phenomenal tool right there where it basically just show Cas is some
other products that people can buy and it's also too with SCH bot is one click so you know it's easy they don't feel like reentering their credit card information they've already inserted in information and it's just boom here's some other things that you might we might also think you like add to card and go now also I want to give some tips real quick for aov because a lot of people do this wrong and I see a lot of people do like oh they purchased one iPhone let me offer him five more iPhones and it's
no what I like to ask myself is what are new problems that them buying my product creates for them so when I go to the store and I buy this iPhone for example one of the problems I have immediately now that I didn't have before is I need a case another problem that I have now that I didn't have before is I need a screen protector another problem I have now that I didn't need before is now I need airpods because you know the typical like little Jack is on here that can plug a regular
set of headphones into so it's like there's new problems create it for me when I buy that product what are those problems and what can I do to further help that person satisfy those problems the other thing is is what are other things I can offer for someone who you know they they purchase and stuff like that and what are other things I can further do to help better satisfy that desire so for example you know my ebook is about to come out right so my ebook itself like it's give be a $27 ebook nothing
crazy it's very detailed on everything I do all that good stuff so I'm basically giving you everything you need to convert but then it's like huh if I know they're investing into this ebook to better write ads that convert how can I better help them satisfy that desire of creating ads that convert well I could also upsell them on a course that shows me inside the ad account doing all of these things that I teach in the book to where it better shows them visually how this this works and it's like cool I can upsell
them on that right there and that's also increased the aov from $27 to $527 that gives me a lot more money now I can push back into ads spin so aov is phenomenal and when you combine new creatives when you combine improving your conversion rate and you combine aov this is how we've helped multiple stores now scale to multiple seven figures a month in revenue and hopefully this can be applied to you as far as the actual tactical of scaling Facebook ad ads look I mean we keep it simple inside the ad account one campaign
per business objective and then what we do is you know we just increase spin or decrease spin by 20% based off yesterday's performance so if yesterday's performance was bad and I waited at least 3 or 4 days for it to stabilize I'm going to decrease spin my 20% if yesterday's performance was good I'm going to increase spin my 20% and then from here I also might encourage you not to really decrease spin but just hold budget at that level regardless of performance so we can use that to find new winning ads and only scale if
we see better performance that's how I scale Facebook ads and but I just find that's just increasing or decreasing budget that's not actually scaling Facebook ads so that's just a couple tips right there for y'all hopefully this helps yall out hit the like button hit that subscribe button for new videos every Monday Wednesday and Friday and then if you're interested in me running your Facebook ads click link below to have Nick ter run your Facebook ads and then if you want oneone mentoring with me click link below to have Nick Tero Mentor you and if
you want my Facebook ads course that teaches you how to create Facebook ad creatives that convert and click the link below to Nick's Facebook ads course thank you all so much for watching hope you have a good rest of you day peace out