Blessed Prayers To Fall Asleep | End Your Day With God | Prayers For Peace, Protection & Healing

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Grace For Purpose
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all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me [Music] i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy [Music] the ability
for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those times break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy loose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise
and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i
will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you
lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in
psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i
will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised [Music] lord there is no greater privilege than being loved by you there is no greater privilege than your mercy and goodness my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention may the holy ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and
worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that i can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms 24 3 to 4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and who shall stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit to always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a
pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked to anything that is false in jesus name lord you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me stumble o lord overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend
me and my family and let us hold your peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it not been of the lord we would have been consumed i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that
covers me head to toe because of the blood of jesus christ which was shed for me and i know that it is you that i live it's in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life my children and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection i thank you for your protection today i am grateful for
your provision in my life forgive me for all of my sins have mercy on me and my family i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress lord
just as you are on the throne we know everything is going to be all right you've promised to meet every need according to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through prayer continue to strengthen me through the tough times i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and thanksgiving may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in
jesus name i pray amen [Music] lord you are a mighty and all-powerful god i enter your presence with sincere gratitude for your protection over my life thank you for being my safe place for being my refuge i am thankful for your wonderful care and tender mercies lord in this world there are many enemies all around me in the unseen world the devil is working trying to derail me and destabilize me from the faith so i call on you this is a battle that i cannot fight with my physical hands so i call on a power
that is higher than i i call on you jesus your word reminds me that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and lord this highlights the need that i have for your heavenly protection your word says the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him thank you for your promise of protection a psalm that offers such a blessed hope i find peace in
you god because when i am worn out you're a god who renews my strength let your angels of peace go ahead of me let them have charge over me father i rest and i am at peace knowing that i don't need to worry about protection when i am covered by the blood of jesus lord i don't lean on my own understanding because you are an all-knowing god i pray for heavenly strength so that i will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that i face daily strengthen me so that i will
be able to withstand the attacks of the enemy give me the power i need to overcome give me peace so that i will not allow fear and anxiety to hold me back i put my trust in you as i seek your blessings of divine protection today [Music] i refuse to let anxiety or fear become my companion help me to trust in you and not to worry help me to fully rely on your unlimited ability to keep me guarded and protected i am blessed because i am under the care of jesus christ i am blessed because
you watch over me each and every day [Music] i am blessed and protected because you go before me lord jesus and watch over my coming in and going out i will rejoice always because no danger will overwhelm me when i am in your presence i will put my faith in you regardless of what i'm facing i will give my thanks to you in all situations i face and i am only strong and courageous because i know that you are on my side father i trust that all of my steps are ordered by you i have
confidence in your word that tells me to approach the throne of grace boldly and that if i ask anything according to your will then i know that you will hear me i simply want to take time out of my day and say thank you thank you for being good to me thank you for being patient with me father i pray that i will always abide under your shadow meaning that i am always close to you you are always near and never too far from me i will say to you lord you are the chief cornerstone
of my life and you are my strong tower i am trusting in you to be with me always and to be my defender you lord jesus are faithful and i trust and believe that you will strengthen me and protect me from the evil one [Music] lord i pray that you would help me in my time of need let nothing happen to me that would result in me losing my peace or joy [Music] i thank you today for blessing me with peace thank you for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not
troubled lord i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace [Music] grant me the grace lord to face my mountains to face my goliath with no fear but rather with an assured confidence that my lord will deliver he will uplift me and protect me from all harm thank you for listening to my prayer in jesus name i pray amen when was the last time you raised your hands to the lord when did you last raise your
hands and simply say jesus i surrender all to you when did you last raise your hands in worship saying all the glory all the honor and all praise to you lord or when did you last raise your hands in the middle of a battle or while you were in a challenge and just say this battle is not mine god this is yours here are a few scriptures i would like for you to hold on to in exodus 17 verse 11 the bible says whenever moses held up his hand israel prevailed and whenever he lowered his
hand amalek prevailed ezra 9 verse 5 says and at the evening sacrifice i rose from my fasting with my garment and my cloak torn and fell upon my knees and spread out my hands to the lord my god psalm 134 verse 2 says lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the lord [Music] so i say to you right now wherever you are whatever you're doing i want to encourage you to take a moment and lift your hands lift them to the lord lift your hands and tell jesus how much he means to
you tell him that you love him tell him that you adore him and i may be just a voice on the other side of the screen a voice that doesn't know who you are or what you're going through but i pray that in these few moments the holy spirit himself would take over i pray that the holy spirit would invade that space that you're in may he move in and take over your room take over your house or wherever you are and as you lift up your hands just acknowledge the lord for who he is
yes things may not be perfect but the lord deserves your praise regardless he deserves to be praised regardless of what you're going through someone listening right now needs to shift shift from a position where you've got your hands down and your head down and i want you to lift up your hands lift up your head and look unto jesus christ begin to tell him how beautiful he is how holy he is how patient and how kind he is to you so i don't know about you but my attitude from this moment onward is may god
be praised things may not turn out exactly like i want them to but may the lord be praised regardless should my health be perfect or should my body be in pain i will still praise the lord for his goodness my relationship didn't work out like i planned my marriage isn't that great at the moment but may god be praised so saints take this time and lift up your hands if you want to surrender to him then surrender if you're led to give him thanks then give him thanks if you're led to worship then by all
means worship and may the holy spirit lead you into this moment now let us pray dear god the god of abraham isaac and jacob you deserve all the honor and all the praise at this moment in time i pray that your presence may fill this place that i'm in may your presence be strong in my life may your word become alive in my heart may the holy spirit renew my spirit and renew my mind give me a heart and a mind of praise lord i echo the words in psalms 63 verse 4 which say so
i will bless you as long as i live in your name i will lift up my hands i declare the words in psalm 28 verse 2 which say hear the voice of my pleas for mercy when i cry to you for help when i lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary my hands are lifted as a sign of surrender lord my hands are lifted to you as a sign of humility i bow down to you lord for you are the great i am you are the god who said i am who i am
and i declare you to be my chief cornerstone i declare you to be my healer i say that you are my protector and my good shepherd you're my peace and lord you're my joy you're the light of my life and the light that burns through all darkness and sin i praise you king jesus because you are the way and the truth and the life no one goes to the father except through you and you alone i praise you lord because you have said in your word in revelation 1 verse 8 i am the alpha and
the omega says the lord god who is and who was and who is to come the almighty lord jesus my hands are lifted to you because you are the resurrection and the life whoever believes in you though they may physically die their souls shall gain eternal life no one else can offer such hope no one else can offer salvation but you king jesus my praise goes only to you because lord you are the light of the world whoever follows you will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life lord jesus i praise
you because you have said i'm the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst all that i can ever want everything i could ever need can be found in you lord lord you're the true vine the good shepherd the one that lays down his life for the sheep and so god i'm truly grateful for you i am in awe of your overwhelming love your word in ephesians 1 verse 7 says in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the
riches of his grace and you i find my deliverance in you lord jesus i have my salvation lord you paid the penalty for my sin all because of love and i am forever indebted to you although i can offer you nothing of worth lord jesus i will offer you my life i give you my heart i'll give you all my commitment and every bit of praise i can ever muster be glorified o lord be praised i bless your precious name for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen lord
jesus i would simply like to begin by praising you lord i adore you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father lord i pray that you would increase my faith i pray that you would help me to overcome unbelief help me to crush any doubtful thoughts that try and reason with probabilities or statistics help me lord to walk by faith and not by sight because as i do so
as i walk by faith i know that there is no statistic that matters there is no probability that matters the only thing that does matter is you king jesus lord your word says in mark 11 verses 22 to 24 have faith in god truly i say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him therefore i tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received
it and it will be yours lord help me to be confident in that word help me jesus and give me the grace to be able to have fearless faith a faith that is constant so that regardless of what the situation is i can remain rooted and firm in my belief in you should the test be a storm lord give me the faith to believe that you can calm the seas in my life should my test be a mountain give me the faith to believe that you my king can level that mountain should my test even
be a goliath lord give me the faith to believe that your power will defeat every giant lord when this world disappoints when it turns against me may the holy spirit constantly speak to me as a still small voice and may he reassure me that you are my rock when everything else is sinking sand ephesians 6 verse 16 says in all circumstances take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one help me lord jesus to take up that protective shield of faith a shield that renders the
devil's attacks useless lord even as i request that you increase my faith i pray that you would press upon my heart a need and a desire to search your word daily because the bible says in romans 10 verse 17 so faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of christ i bless your name lord jesus and i ask that you would search me and remove anything that hinders the growth of my faith if it's the people around me who are always discouraging i pray that you would remove them king jesus if it's pain then
father i ask you to heal me anything that might possibly be weighing me down i pray that you would lift my burdens i will continue to trust in you i will continue to cast my cares on you i will continue to place my faith and my hope in you lord you are the one who is who was and who will forever be and i thank you for loving me ever so deeply may your holy presence be with me now and always lord continue to strengthen me and continue to increase my faith in jesus name i
pray amen [Music] here are a few scriptures i would like for you to hold on to in exodus 17 verse 11 the bible says whenever moses held up his hand israel prevailed and whenever he lowered his hand amalek prevailed ezra 9 verse 5 says and at the evening sacrifice i rose from my fasting with my garment and my cloak torn and fell upon my knees and spread out my hands to the lord my god psalm 134 verse 2 says lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the lord so i say to you
right now wherever you are whatever you're doing i want to encourage you to take a moment and lift your hands lift them to the lord lift your hands and tell jesus how much he means to you tell him that you love him tell him that you adore him i pray that the holy spirit would invade that space that you're in may he move in and take over your room take over your house or wherever you are and as you lift up your hands just acknowledge the lord for who he is yes things may not be
perfect but the lord deserves your praise regardless he deserves to be praised regardless of what you're going through someone listening right now needs to shift shift from a position where you've got your hands down and your head down and i want you to lift up your hands lift up your head and look unto jesus christ begin to tell him how beautiful he is how holy he is how patient and how kind he is to you so i don't know about you but my attitude from this moment onward is may god be praised things may not
turn out exactly like i want them to but may the lord be praised regardless should my health be perfect or should my body be in pain i will still praise the lord for his goodness so saints take this time and lift up your hands if you want to surrender to him then surrender if you're led to give him thanks then give him thanks if you're led to worship then by all means worship and may the holy spirit lead you into this moment now let us pray dear god the god of abraham isaac and jacob you
deserve all the honor and all the praise at this moment in time i pray that your presence may fill this place that i'm in may your presence be strong in my life may your word become alive in my heart may the holy spirit renew my spirit and renew my mind give me a heart and a mind of praise lord i echo the words in psalms 63 verse 4 which say so i will bless you as long as i live in your name i will lift up my hands i declare the words in psalm 28 verse
2 which say hear the voice of my pleas for mercy when i cry to you for help when i lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary my hands are lifted as a sign of surrender lord my hands are lifted to you as a sign of humility i bow down to you lord for you are the great i am you are the god who said i am who i am and i declare you to be my chief cornerstone i declare you to be my healer i say that you are my protector and my good
shepherd you're my peace and lord you're my joy you're the light of my life and the light that burns through all darkness and sin i praise you king jesus because you are the way and the truth and the life no one goes to the father except through you and you alone i praise you lord because you have said in your word in revelation 1 verse 8 i am the alpha and the omega says the lord god who is and who was and who is to come the almighty lord jesus my hands are lifted to you
because you are the resurrection and the life whoever believes in you though they may physically die their souls shall gain eternal life no one else can offer such hope no one else can offer salvation but you king jesus my praise goes only to you because lord you are the light of the world whoever follows you will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life lord jesus i praise you because you have said i'm the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst all
that i can ever want everything i could ever need can be found in you lord lord you're the true vine the good shepherd the one that lays down his life for the sheep and so god i'm truly grateful for you i am in awe of your overwhelming love your word in ephesians 1 verse 7 says in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace and you i find my deliverance in you lord jesus i have my salvation lord you paid the penalty for my sin
[Music] all because of love and i am forever indebted to you although i can offer you nothing of worth lord jesus i will offer you my life i give you my heart i'll give you all my commitment and every bit of praise i can ever muster be glorified o lord be praised i bless your precious name for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is
filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you
lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy loose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my
ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today
and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me
i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me [Music] great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into
his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name
for you alone are worthy to be praised lord there is no greater privilege than being loved by you there is no greater privilege than your mercy and goodness my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention may the holy ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that i can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms
24 3 to 4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and who shall stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit to always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked to anything that is false in jesus name lord you are my shield and defense [Music] word
is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me stumble o lord overthrow the plans and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me and my family and let us hold your peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in
our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it not been of the lord we would have been consumed i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that covers me head to toe because of the blood of jesus christ which was shed for me [Music] and i know that it is you that i
live it's in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life my children and my loved ones into your caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection [Music] i thank you for your protection today [Music] i am grateful for your provision in my life forgive me for all of my sins have mercy on me and my family i thank you for being
a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything i am facing open my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress [Music] lord just as you are on the throne we know everything is going to be all right you've promised to meet every need according
to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through prayer continue to strengthen me through the tough times i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and thanksgiving may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in jesus name i pray amen [Music] lord you are a mighty and all-powerful god i enter your presence with sincere gratitude for your
protection over my life thank you for being my safe place for being my refuge i am thankful for your wonderful care and tender mercies lord in this world there are many enemies all around me in the unseen world the devil is working trying to derail me and destabilize me from the faith so i call on you this is a battle that i cannot fight with my physical hands so i call on a power that is higher than i i call on you jesus your word reminds me that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but
against principalities against powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and lord this highlights the need that i have for your heavenly protection your word says the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him thank you for your promise of protection a psalm that offers such a blessed hope [Music] i find peace in you god because when i am worn out you're a god who renews my strength let your angels of peace go ahead
of me let them have charge over me father i rest and i am at peace knowing that i don't need to worry about protection when i am covered by the blood of jesus lord i don't lean on my own understanding because you are an all-knowing god i pray for heavenly strength so that i will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that i face daily strengthen me so that i will be able to withstand the attacks of the enemy [Music] give me the power i need to overcome give me peace so
that i will not allow fear and anxiety to hold me back i put my trust in you as i seek your blessings of divine protection today i refuse to let anxiety or fear become my companion help me to trust in you and not to worry help me to fully rely on your unlimited ability to keep me guarded and protected i am blessed because i am under the care of jesus christ i am blessed because you watch over me each and every day i am blessed and protected because you go before me lord jesus and watch
over my coming in and going out i will rejoice always because no danger will overwhelm me when i am in your presence i will put my faith in you regardless of what i'm facing i will give my thanks to you in all situations i face and i am only strong and courageous because i know that you are on my side father i trust that all of my steps are ordered by you i have confidence in your word that tells me to approach the throne of grace boldly and that if i ask anything according to your
will then i know that you will hear me i simply want to take time out of my day and say thank you thank you for being good to me thank you for being patient with me father i pray that i will always abide under your shadow meaning that i am always close to you you are always near and never too far from me i will say to you lord you are the chief cornerstone of my life and you are my strong tower i am trusting in you to be with me always and to be my
defender you lord jesus are faithful and i trust and believe that you will strengthen me and protect me from the evil one lord i pray that you would help me in my time of need let nothing happen to me that would result in me losing my peace or joy i thank you today for blessing me with peace thank you for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not troubled lord i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would
result in me losing my peace grant me the grace lord to face my mountains to face my goliath with no fear but rather with an assured confidence that my lord will deliver he will uplift me and protect me from all harm thank you for listening to my prayer in jesus name i pray [Music] amen when was the last time you raised your hands to the lord when did you last raise your hands and simply say jesus i surrender all to you when did you last raise your hands in worship saying all the glory all the
honor and all praise to you lord or when did you last raise your hands in the middle of a battle or while you were in a challenge and just say this battle is not mine god this is yours here are a few scriptures i would like for you to hold on to in exodus 17 verse 11 the bible says whenever moses held up his hand israel prevailed and whenever he lowered his hand amalek prevailed ezra 9 verse 5 says and at the evening sacrifice i rose from my fasting with my garment and my cloak torn
and fell upon my knees and spread out my hands to the lord my god psalm 134 verse 2 says lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the lord [Music] so i say to you right now wherever you are whatever you're doing i want to encourage you to take a moment and lift your hands lift them to the lord lift your hands and tell jesus how much he means to you tell him that you love him tell him that you adore him and i may be just a voice on the other side of
the screen a voice that doesn't know who you are or what you're going through but i pray that in these few moments the holy spirit himself would take over i pray that the holy spirit would invade that space that you're in may he move in and take over your room take over your house or wherever you are and as you lift up your hands just acknowledge the lord for who he is yes things may not be perfect but the lord deserves your praise regardless he deserves to be praised regardless of what you're going through someone
listening right now needs to shift shift from a position where you've got your hands down and your head down and i want you to lift up your hands lift up your head and look unto jesus christ begin to tell him how beautiful he is how holy he is how patient and how kind he is to you so i don't know about you but my attitude from this moment onward is may god be praised things may not turn out exactly like i want them to but may the lord be praised regardless should my health be perfect
or should my body be in pain i will still praise the lord for his goodness my relationship didn't work out like i planned my marriage isn't that great at the moment but may god be praised so saints take this time and lift up your hands if you want to surrender to him then surrender if you're led to give him thanks then give him thanks if you're led to worship then by all means worship and may the holy spirit lead you into this moment now let us pray dear god the god of abraham isaac and jacob
you deserve all the honor and all the praise at this moment in time i pray that your presence may fill this place that i'm in may your presence be strong in my life may your word become alive in my heart may the holy spirit renew my spirit and renew my mind give me a heart and a mind of praise lord i echo the words in psalms 63 verse 4 which say so i will bless you as long as i live in your name i will lift up my hands i declare the words in psalm 28
verse 2 which say hear the voice of my pleas for mercy when i cry to you for help when i lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary my hands are lifted as a sign of surrender lord my hands are lifted to you as a sign of humility i bow down to you lord for you are the great i am you are the god who said i am who i am and i declare you to be my chief cornerstone i declare you to be my healer i say that you are my protector and my
good shepherd you're my peace and lord you're my joy you're the light of my life and the light that burns through all darkness and sin i praise you king jesus because you are the way and the truth and the life no one goes to the father except through you and you alone i praise you lord because you have said in your word in revelation 1 verse 8 i am the alpha and the omega says the lord god who is and who was and who is to come the almighty lord jesus my hands are lifted to
you because you are the resurrection and the life whoever believes in you though they may physically die their souls shall gain eternal life no one else can offer such hope no one else can offer salvation but you king jesus my praise goes only to you because lord you are the light of the world whoever follows you will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life lord jesus i praise you because you have said i'm the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst
all that i can ever want everything i could ever need can be found in you lord lord you're the true vine the good shepherd the one that lays down his life for the sheep and so god i'm truly grateful for you i am in awe of your overwhelming love your word in ephesians 1 verse 7 says in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace and you i find my deliverance in you lord jesus i have my salvation lord you paid the penalty for my
sin all because of love and i am forever indebted to you although i can offer you nothing of worth lord jesus i will offer you my life i give you my heart i'll give you all my commitment and every bit of praise i can ever muster be glorified o lord be praised i bless your precious name for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen lord jesus i would simply like to begin by praising you lord i adore you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all
your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to you my father lord i pray that you would increase my faith i pray that you would help me to overcome unbelief help me to crush any doubtful thoughts that try and reason with probabilities or statistics help me lord to walk by faith and not by sight because as i do so as i walk by faith i know that there is no statistic that matters there is no probability that matters the only thing that does
matter is you king jesus lord your word says in mark 11 verses 22 to 24 have faith in god truly i say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him therefore i tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours lord help me to be confident in that word help me jesus and give me the grace to be
able to have fearless faith a faith that is constant so that regardless of what the situation is i can remain rooted and firm in my belief in you should the test be a storm lord give me the faith to believe that you can calm the seas in my life should my test be a mountain give me the faith to believe that you my king can level that mountain should my test even be a goliath lord give me the faith to believe that your power will defeat every giant lord when this world disappoints when it turns
against me may the holy spirit constantly speak to me as a still small voice and may he reassure me that you are my rock when everything else is sinking sand ephesians 6 verse 16 says in all circumstances take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one help me lord jesus to take up that protective shield of faith a shield that renders the devil's attacks useless lord even as i request that you increase my faith i pray that you would press upon my heart a need and
a desire to search your word daily because the bible says in romans 10 verse 17 so faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of christ i bless your name lord jesus and i ask that you would search me and remove anything that hinders the growth of my faith if it's the people around me who are always discouraging i pray that you would remove them king jesus if it's pain then father i ask you to heal me anything that might possibly be weighing me down i pray that you would lift my burdens i will
continue to trust in you i will continue to cast my cares on you i will continue to place my faith and my hope in you lord you are the one who is who was and who will forever be and i thank you for loving me ever so deeply may your holy presence be with me now and always lord continue to strengthen me and continue to increase my faith in jesus name i pray amen [Music] here are a few scriptures i would like for you to hold on to in exodus 17 verse 11 the bible says
whenever moses held up his hand israel prevailed and whenever he lowered his hand amalek prevailed ezra 9 verse 5 says and at the evening sacrifice i rose from my fasting with my garment and my cloak torn and fell upon my knees and spread out my hands to the lord my god psalm 134 verse 2 says lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the lord so i say to you right now wherever you are whatever you're doing i want to encourage you to take a moment and lift your hands lift them to the
lord lift your hands and tell jesus how much he means to you tell him that you love him tell him that you adore him i pray that the holy spirit would invade that space that you're in may he move in and take over your room take over your house or wherever you are and as you lift up your hands just acknowledge the lord for who he is yes things may not be perfect but the lord deserves your praise regardless he deserves to be praised regardless of what you're going through someone listening right now needs to
shift shift from a position where you've got your hands down and your head down and i want you to lift up your hands lift up your head and look unto jesus christ begin to tell him how beautiful he is how holy he is how patient and how kind he is to you so i don't know about you but my attitude from this moment onward is may god be praised things may not turn out exactly like i want them to but may the lord be praised regardless should my health be perfect or should my body be
in pain i will still praise the lord for his goodness so saints take this time and lift up your hands if you want to surrender to him then surrender if you're led to give him thanks then give him thanks if you're led to worship then by all means worship and may the holy spirit lead you into this moment now let us pray dear god the god of abraham isaac and jacob you deserve all the honor and all the praise at this moment in time i pray that your presence may fill this place that i'm in
may your presence be strong in my life may your word become alive in my heart may the holy spirit renew my spirit and renew my mind give me a heart and a mind of praise lord i echo the words in psalms 63 verse 4 which say so i will bless you as long as i live in your name i will lift up my hands i declare the words in psalm 28 verse 2 which say hear the voice of my pleas for mercy when i cry to you for help when i lift up my hands toward
your most holy sanctuary my hands are lifted as a sign of surrender lord my hands are lifted to you as a sign of humility i bow down to you lord for you are the great i am you are the god who said i am who i am and i declare you to be my chief cornerstone i declare you to be my healer i say that you are my protector and my good shepherd you're my peace and lord you're my joy you're the light of my life and the light that burns through all darkness and sin
i praise you king jesus because you are the way and the truth and the life no one goes to the father except through you and you alone i praise you lord because you have said in your word in revelation 1 verse 8 i am the alpha and the omega says the lord god who is and who was and who is to come the almighty lord jesus my hands are lifted to you because you are the resurrection and the life whoever believes in you though they may physically die their souls shall gain eternal life no one
else can offer such hope no one else can offer salvation but you king jesus my praise goes only to you because lord you are the light of the world whoever follows you will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life lord jesus i praise you because you have said i'm the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst all that i can ever want everything i could ever need can be found in you lord lord you're the true the good shepherd the one
that lays down his life for the sheep and so god i'm truly grateful for you i am in awe of your overwhelming love your word in ephesians 1 verse 7 says in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace and you i find my deliverance in you lord jesus i have my salvation lord you paid the penalty for my sin [Music] all because of love and i am forever indebted to you although i can offer you nothing of worth lord jesus i will offer you
my life i give you my heart i'll give you all my commitment and every bit of praise i can ever muster be glorified o lord be praised i bless your precious name for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because
with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy [Music] the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as
a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the chords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy lose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord [Music] lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you
king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore [Music] john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach
me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved
you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and
a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised lord there is no greater privilege than being loved by you there is no greater privilege
than your mercy and goodness my prayer today lord is that i may be conscious and sensitive about giving you my full undivided attention [Music] may the holy ghost tug at my heart and remind me that my prayer time with you is sacred my prayer time is important and worth me finding a place far away from distractions so that i can be fully immersed in your love and in your presence your word in psalms 24 verse 3 to 4 says who shall ascend the hill of the lord and who shall stand in his holy place he
who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully help me holy spirit to always go before the lord and ask for his mercy and forgiveness so that i can pray with clean hands and a pure heart let my soul not be attached or linked to anything that is false in jesus name lord you are my shield and defense your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path do not let me stumble o lord overthrow the plans
and the plots of my enemies and help me to overcome in the name of jesus fight my battles lord as you have promised in your word you said in exodus 14 14 that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace i pray that you defend me and my family and let us hold your peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ that we will stand and testify and say had it not been of the
lord we would have been consumed i come to you seeking refuge and protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus i thank you father god for clothing me in a robe of righteousness that covers me head to toe because of the blood of jesus christ which was shed for me and i know that it is you that i live it's in you that i move and have my existence i surrender my life my children and my loved ones into your
caring hands you are a god full of compassion i pray for your hand of protection upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your holy presence surround me and my family with your hedge of protection [Music] i thank you for your protection today i am grateful for your provision in my life forgive me for all of my sins have mercy on me and my family i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything i am facing open
my eyes and help me to see your hand in every situation i'm facing let me not be unstable in my emotions father remove all stress and give me peace take all of my burdens and set me free you are the rock of all ages my strong tower and fortress lord just as you are on the throne we know everything is going to be all right you've promised to meet every need according to your glorious riches christ jesus thank you for the overcoming power and victory that comes through prayer continue to strengthen me through the tough
times i remain amazed by your love and care for me therefore i bless your name with joy and thanksgiving may your presence be felt continuously in my heart i remain confident that you are a faithful god and you will be my light in the darkest of hours be glorified in jesus name i pray [Music] amen lord you are a mighty and all-powerful god i enter your presence with sincere gratitude for your protection over my life thank you for being my safe place for being my refuge [Music] i am thankful for your wonderful care and tender
mercies lord in this world there are many enemies all around me in the unseen world the devil is working trying to derail me and destabilize me from the faith so i call on you this is a battle that i cannot fight with my physical hands so i call on a power that is higher than i i call on you jesus your word reminds me that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and lord this highlights the need that i have for your heavenly protection your
word says the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them o taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him thank you for your promise of protection a psalm that offers such a blessed hope i find peace in you god because when i am worn out you're a god who renews my strength let your angels of peace go ahead of me let them have charge over me father i rest and i am at peace knowing that i don't need to worry about protection
when i am covered by the blood of jesus lord i don't lean on my own understanding because you are an all-knowing god i pray for heavenly strength so that i will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that i face daily [Music] strengthen me so that i will be able to withstand the attacks of the enemy [Music] give me the power i need to overcome give me peace so that i will not allow fear and anxiety to hold me back i put my trust in you as i seek your blessings of
divine protection today [Music] i refuse to let anxiety or fear become my companion help me to trust in you and not to worry help me to fully rely on your unlimited ability to keep me guarded and protected i am blessed because i am under the care of jesus christ i am blessed because you watch over me each and every day i am blessed and protected because you go before me lord jesus and watch over my coming in and going out i will rejoice always because no danger will overwhelm me when i am in your presence
i will put my faith in you regardless of what i'm facing i will give my thanks to you in all situations i face and i am only strong and courageous because i know that you are on my side father i trust that all of my steps are ordered by you i have confidence in your word that tells me to approach the throne of grace boldly and that if i ask anything according to your will then i know that you will hear me i simply want to take time out of my day and say thank you
thank you for being good to me thank you for being patient with me father i pray that i will always abide under your shadow meaning that i am always close to you you are always near and never too far from me i will say to you lord you are the chief cornerstone of my life and you are my strong tower i am trusting in you to be with me always and to be my defender you lord jesus are faithful and i trust and believe that you will strengthen me and protect me from the evil one
lord i pray that you would help me in my time of need let nothing happen to me that would result in me losing my peace or joy i thank you today for blessing me with peace thank you for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not troubled lord i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace [Music] grant me the grace lord to face my mountains to face my goliath with no fear
but rather with an assured confidence that my lord will deliver he will uplift me and protect me from all harm thank you for listening to my prayer in jesus name i pray [Music] amen when was the last time you raised your hands to the lord when did you last raise your hands and simply say jesus i surrender all to you when did you last raise your hands in worship saying all the glory all the honor and all praise to you lord or when did you last raise your hands in the middle of a battle or
while you were in a challenge and just say this battle is not mine god this is yours here are a few scriptures i would like for you to hold on to in exodus 17 verse 11 the bible says whenever moses held up his hand israel prevailed and whenever he lowered his hand amalek prevailed ezra 9 verse 5 says and at the evening sacrifice i rose from my fasting with my garment and my cloak torn and fell upon my knees and spread out my hands to the lord my god psalm 134 verse 2 says lift up
your hands to the holy place and bless the lord [Music] so i say to you right now wherever you are whatever you're doing i want to encourage you to take a moment and lift your hands lift them to the lord lift your hands and tell jesus how much he means to you tell him that you love him tell him that you adore him and i may be just a voice on the other side of the screen a voice that doesn't know who you are or what you're going through but i pray that in these few
moments the holy spirit himself would take over i pray that the holy spirit would invade that space that you're in may he move in and take over your room take over your house or wherever you are and as you lift up your hands just acknowledge the lord for who he is yes things may not be perfect but the lord deserves your praise regardless he deserves to be praised regardless of what you're going through someone listening right now needs to shift shift from a position where you've got your hands down and your head down and i
want you to lift up your hands lift up your head and look unto jesus christ begin to tell him how beautiful he is how holy he is how patient and how kind he is to you so i don't know about you but my attitude from this moment onward is may god be praised things may not turn out exactly like i want them to but may the lord be praised regardless should my health be perfect or should my body be in pain i will still praise the lord for his goodness my relationship didn't work out like
i planned my marriage isn't that great at the moment but may god be praised so saints take this time and lift up your hands if you want to surrender to him then surrender if you're led to give him thanks then give him thanks if you're led to worship then by all means worship and may the holy spirit lead you into this moment now let us pray dear god the god of abraham isaac and jacob you deserve all the honor and all the praise at this moment in time i pray that your presence may fill this
place that i'm in may your presence be strong in my life may your word become alive in my heart may the holy spirit renew my spirit and renew my mind give me a heart and a mind of praise lord i echo the words in psalms 63 verse 4 which say so i will bless you as long as i live in your name i will lift up my hands i declare the words in psalm 28 verse 2 which say hear the voice of my pleas for mercy when i cry to you for help when i lift
up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary my hands are lifted as a sign of surrender lord my hands are lifted to you as a sign of humility i bow down to you lord for you are the great i am you are the god who said i am who i am and i declare you to be my chief cornerstone i declare you to be my healer i say that you are my protector and my good shepherd you're my peace and lord you're my joy you're the light of my life and the light that burns through
all darkness and sin i praise you king jesus because you are the way and the truth and the life no one goes to the father except through you and you alone i praise you lord because you have said in your word in revelation 1 verse 8 i am the alpha and the omega says the lord god who is and who was and who is to come the almighty lord jesus my hands are lifted to you because you are the resurrection and the life whoever believes in you though they may physically die their souls shall gain
eternal life no one else can offer such hope no one else can offer salvation but you king jesus my praise goes only to you because lord you are the light of the world whoever follows you will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life lord jesus i praise you because you have said i'm the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst all that i can ever want everything i could ever need can be found in you lord lord you're the true vine
the good shepherd the one that lays down his life for the sheep and so god i'm truly grateful for you i am in awe of your overwhelming love your word in ephesians 1 verse 7 says in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace in you i find my deliverance in you lord jesus i have my salvation lord you paid the penalty for my sin all because of love and i am forever indebted to you although i can offer you nothing of worth lord jesus
i will offer you my life i give you my heart i'll give you all my commitment and every bit of praise i can ever muster be glorified o lord be praised i bless your precious name for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen lord jesus i would simply like to begin by praising you lord i adore you i lift your name up high you are unmatched in all your ways god you are uncontested in your authority there is no rival to you almighty god there is no equal to
you my father lord i pray that you would increase my faith i pray that you would help me to overcome unbelief help me to crush any doubtful thoughts that try and reason with probabilities or statistics help me lord to walk by faith and not by sight because as i do so as i walk by faith i know that there is no statistic that matters there is no probability that matters the only thing that does matter is you king jesus lord your word says in mark 11 verses 22 to 24 have faith in god truly i
say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him therefore i tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours lord help me to be confident in that word help me jesus and give me the grace to be able to have fearless faith a faith that is constant so that regardless of what the situation is i can remain rooted
and firm in my belief in you should the test be a storm lord give me the faith to believe that you can calm the seas in my life should my test be a mountain give me the faith to believe that you my king can level that mountain should my test even be a goliath lord give me the faith to believe that your power will defeat every giant lord when this world disappoints when it turns against me may the holy spirit constantly speak to me as a still small voice and may he reassure me that you
are my rock when everything else is sinking sand ephesians 6 verse 16 says in all circumstances take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one help me lord jesus to take up that protective shield of faith a shield that renders the devil's attacks useless lord even as i request that you increase my faith i pray that you would press upon my heart a need and a desire to search your word daily because the bible says in romans 10 verse 17 so faith comes from hearing and
hearing through the word of christ i bless your name lord jesus and i ask that you would search me and remove anything that hinders the growth of my faith if it's the people around me who are always discouraging i pray that you would remove them king jesus if it's pain then father i ask you to heal me anything that might possibly be weighing me down i pray that you would lift my burdens i will continue to trust in you i will continue to cast my cares on you i will continue to place my faith and
my hope in you lord you are the one who is who was and who will forever be and i thank you for loving me ever so deeply may your holy presence be with me now and always lord continue to strengthen me and continue to increase my faith in jesus name i pray amen [Music] here are a few scriptures i would like for you to hold on to in exodus 17 verse 11 the bible says whenever moses held up his hand israel prevailed and whenever he lowered his hand amalek prevailed ezra 9 verse 5 says and
at the evening sacrifice i rose from my fasting with my garment and my cloak torn and fell upon my knees and spread out my hands to the lord my god psalm 134 verse 2 says lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the lord so i say to you right now wherever you are whatever you're doing i want to encourage you to take a moment and lift your hands lift them to the lord lift your hands and tell jesus how much he means to you tell him that you love him tell him that
you adore him i pray that the holy spirit would invade that space that you're in may he move in and take over your room take over your house or wherever you are and as you lift up your hands just acknowledge the lord for who he is yes things may not be perfect but the lord deserves your praise regardless he deserves to be praised regardless of what you're going through someone listening right now needs to shift shift from a position where you've got your hands down and your head down and i want you to lift up
your hands lift up your head and look unto jesus christ begin to tell him how beautiful he is how holy he is how patient and how kind he is to you so i don't know about you but my attitude from this moment onward is may god be praised things may not turn out exactly like i want them to but may the lord be praised regardless should my health be perfect or should my body be in pain i will still praise the lord for his goodness so saints take this time and lift up your hands if
you want to surrender to him then surrender if you're led to give him thanks then give him thanks if you're led to worship then by all means worship and may the holy spirit lead you into this moment now let us pray dear god the god of abraham isaac and jacob you deserve all the honor and all the praise at this moment in time i pray that your presence may fill this place that i'm in may your presence be strong in my life may your word become alive in my heart may the holy spirit renew my
spirit and renew my mind give me a heart and a mind of praise lord i echo the words in psalms 63 verse 4 which say so i will bless you as long as i live in your name i will lift up my hands i declare the words in psalm 28 verse 2 which say hear the voice of my pleas for mercy when i cry to you for help when i lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary my hands are lifted as a sign of surrender lord my hands are lifted to you as a
sign of humility i bow down to you lord for you are the great i am you are the god who said i am who i am and i declare you to be my chief cornerstone i declare you to be my healer i say that you are my protector and my good shepherd you're my peace and lord you're my joy you're the light of my life and the light that burns through all darkness and sin i praise you king jesus because you are the way and the truth and the life no one goes to the father
except through you and you alone i praise you lord because you have said in your word in revelation 1 verse 8 i am the alpha and the omega says the lord god who is and who was and who is to come the almighty lord jesus my hands are lifted to you because you are the resurrection and the life whoever believes in you though they may physically die their souls shall gain eternal life no one else can offer such hope no one else can offer salvation but you king jesus my praise goes only to you because
lord you are the light of the world whoever follows you will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life lord jesus i praise you because you have said i'm the bread of life whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst all that i can ever want everything i could ever need can be found in you lord lord you're the true vine the good shepherd the one that lays down his life for the sheep and so god i'm truly grateful for you i am in awe of
your overwhelming love your word in ephesians 1 verse 7 says in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace and you i find my deliverance in you lord jesus i have my salvation lord you paid the penalty for my sin [Music] all because of love and i am forever indebted to you although i can offer you nothing of worth lord jesus i will offer you my life i give you my heart i'll give you all my commitment and every bit of praise i can ever
muster be glorified o lord be praised i bless your precious name for listening to my prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
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Grace For Purpose
Alpha Waves Heal Damage In The Body, Brain Massage While You Sleep, Improve Your Memory
Alpha Waves Heal Damage In The Body, Brain...
Healing Energy for Soul
528Hz, Destroying unconscious blockages, Healing Frequency, Cleanse Negative Energy #40
528Hz, Destroying unconscious blockages, H...
Inner Peaces Music
Anointed Psalm Prayers To Fall Asleep | Peaceful Bible Sleep Talk Down To Invite God's Presence
Anointed Psalm Prayers To Fall Asleep | Pe...
Grace For Purpose Prayers
Goodness Of God - Top Christian Worship Songs 2024 - Top Worship Songs 2024 #188
Goodness Of God - Top Christian Worship So...
Worship Music
Prayer of Miracles
Listen to this and all good and lucky things will happen in your life - the butterfly effect 432hz
Listen to this and all good and lucky thin...
Tranquil Relax Music
POWERFUL PRAYERS | Plead The Blood Of Jesus For Protection | No Weapon Formed Will Prosper
POWERFUL PRAYERS | Plead The Blood Of Jesu...
Grace For Purpose
The Most Powerful Frequency of Universe 888Hz - Opens all the doors of abundance and prosperity
The Most Powerful Frequency of Universe 88...
Abundance Energy
Eternal Praise and Worship  Live Stream
Eternal Praise and Worship Live Stream
Eternal Praise and Worship
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