a very concerned parent had posted the following video in the hopes that someone could explain the footage in it a child is seen playing in their crib when suddenly something truly terrifying is caught on camera now according to the parents ever since playing with the ouija board that they bonded a yard cell strange things have been happening on random occasions their son would stare at an empty space as though something was there and then suddenly cry out of nowhere the strangest incident however may just be the following video it's late at night when the following
is caught on camera take a look an unsettling screech-like noise is heard inside the child's room it seems to come out of nowhere yet sounds very close to the child but even weirder is the fact that the camera glitches whenever it screeches it's almost as though the presence of whatever this might be is so strong that it messes with the frequency of the camera then again it is often the case that people hack into these cameras perhaps this might be an instance of that but that doesn't explain how the camera shook whenever a loud banging
noise occurred the parents believe that whatever was making that noise must be the supposed paranormal entity that is haunting their child now there's not much info given on this clip so forming a solid opinion might be hard to do but nevertheless it's up to you to decide if the video is real or not just what exactly had occurred that night feel free to let me know what you think down below for the last six months matthew wayne's has been experiencing scary happenings in his house every so often he would hear what sounds like clicking noises
and whispers that seem to come out of nowhere matthew knows that it's best to ignore these sounds as people have told him that these odd occurrences would stop if he didn't give them any attention but as of recent matthew can no longer ignore these noises he notices that each time they occur he gets more scared and the more terrified he gets the more persistent these noises become it's almost as though these noises are feeding off his fear because of this matthew has been documenting these odd occurrences for the sole purpose of getting help so one
night while watching tv he begins to hear the strange noises he takes out his phone and begins to record but what happens next has left him shook this is what he captured okay okay so i'm just sat here i said they were going to start trying to document it i've been trying to watch this literally myself is literally just the corner of the sofa um trying to watch this i swear to god i can hear like whispering right i'm gonna listen for a minute i hate doing this i don't know why i've decided to do
this so i'm start just trying to watch tv i swear i just keep hearing whispering about [Music] about 10 minutes ago i just heard like three really loud loud okay i'm gonna flip it because nobody wants to see my ugly face and i'm gonna listen i'm gonna be quiet see if anyone else can hear it you don't have to listen closely to hear what sounds like someone or something breathing heavily in the background it is heard close to matthew as though it was right next to him and to make things even more creepy a bit
of whispering can be heard in the footage clearly matthew was beyond terrified but on the bright side of things he's now getting the support and help he hoped to achieve by filming this video yet ever since then matthew states that things have only gotten worse the activity continues and he does know what to do for now he is staying at his family's home until things settle down like with most videos the question is begged what exactly is going on inside this house unfortunately it seems that we won't know for sure until more footage is posted
[Music] a mother is going through her child's pile of toys when she finds a toy camera the mother states that she had bought the camera for her daughter but unbeknownst to the mother the camera contains a chilling photo that her daughter had taken to this day this photo chills her to the core in this video she shows us what was captured take a look so i got my daughter this camera from amazon for christmas she's sorry almost four um we're just hanging out at home today by ourselves my husband's at work she's been telling us
she hasn't seen somebody in her room um she can't really sleep well she refuses to sleep in there we just moved to this house um i never set the date or time on this camera because it's just like a little play camera so she would quit taking her phones and taking pictures of herself because she's at that age right now so um we just like never set the time so she just took a picture and she says mommy look there's a man in the photo i said what she said there's a man in my photo
and i went on that real quick like just this just happened just like five minutes ago like no one else is here it's just us like i'm gonna have to change the date and time so i can get more pictures for y'all but look at that in this new house she said she's been seeing people there appears to be a shadowy figure inside the family's house the mom believes that this may have been the man that her daughter sees but the fact that she's never seen this man herself except in this photo makes her think
that something supernatural is haunting her daughter but of course it's not sure if that's the case yet it seems that most viewers believe this is genuine evidence of something otherworldly but as with all videos you be the judge ghost or not you let me know this next video was submitted to me by a father who caught something pretty creepy on camera now the initial purpose of the video was to document a strange occurrence that often happens around 4 pm according to the father it is at this time when the baby monitor inside his bedroom picks
up a strange noise it's hard to make out the sound that is being made but whatever the source might be it definitely sounds creepy for this reason the father thought it'd be best to record and share this video however little did he know that something far more spooky would be caught on camera the father records the sound when suddenly something else is captured this is what he caught all right check this out there's this noise coming from the bedroom but my wife and my baby they're not here they're not in the bedroom and [Applause] if
this noise happens every day at this exact time man yeah there's no one in there no one uh [Music] all of a sudden the closet door opens on its own it opens wide enough showing no one inside understandably the father stands up in total shock as he just caught something that may just prove his belief according to him the strange noises have nothing to do with frequency interference but more to do with something paranormal he believes that whatever opened the door was responsible for the sounds that were picked up by the monitor whether ghost or
not the father is definitely creeped out by this he further adds that he'll continue to document more of these strange occurrences but until then this video stands to be the creepiest encounter he's had but as always what are your thoughts on this could this be evidence of something paranormal or did something else occur [Music] there is a photo on twitter that's currently trending however it isn't trending for the reason you're probably thinking the photo in question isn't a pick posted by a celebrity or anything mainstream in general but rather an ordinary image from someone with
a very small following the photo appears to be normal until you look closely and realize that the image isn't ordinary at all but instead something beyond that on august 3rd of 2022 twitter user natalina posted an image on their account that has left many people disturbed she didn't realize what she had captured until a friend of hers had seen the pic and told her about it in a text conversation had with someone else natalina explains the photo she writes hello i went to take some pictures of my house that was under renovation last year it's
from my late father i had taken the photos in november and that was it recently i sent the same photo i took in november to a friend of mine and he was like what the bro because he zoomed in and this just popped up [Music] in this picture i was alone and there was no one behind me behind natalina a solid shadow-like figure can be seen standing behind her it stands only a couple feet away from natalina while being hunched over and turned the other way as though it's trying its best not to be seen
although it's not clear as to what was captured natalina can't help but feel that a ghost or some other supernatural entity was caught on camera most viewers seem to agree with her adding that perhaps this may have been her deceased father who she mentions in the text conversation yet like most comments it is solely a belief and nothing certain but what do you think did natalina actually capture the ghost of her deceased father who once lived in this house or was something else captured if you caught something creepy on camera or if there's any ghost
videos you'd like me to check out and include in the next compilation you can send them over to scaryvideos444 gmail.com that being said let's get back to the video in this final clip a man is woken up by a mysterious noise when something pretty terrifying is caught on camera this video was posted about nine months ago and the person who recorded this states that while spending the night inside his aunt's house which is very old unusual events took place the following is the video he took i'm still hearing voices listen jesus christ now you're knocking
again oh my god he was a child's voice is heard close to the camera naturally the person recording fled from the room and went straight to his car after hearing the whispers not much else is known about the video which makes it even more creepy but doubtless the video itself is scary alone thanks for watching and i hope you enjoyed until next time you