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Hi guys, I'm in a bit of a different location today. I'm on the rooftop, and yeah, you can see the Alps behind me. I just want to share a message with you today—what came through.
I believe that this video found you for a reason. I don't believe in coincidences, so just accept what resonates and leave the rest, like always. I saw a quote, and it really stuck with me: "The possibility of all your dreams coming true is what makes life interesting.
" That was something from *The Alchemist*—a quote from *The Alchemist*, the book *The Alchemist*. This is so true; sometimes we are so caught up in the mundane aspects of life that it makes us forget our mission—why we are here—and this journey of life that we are all experiencing together. So, whoever you are, I just want to let you know: focus on those dreams, focus on the magical aspects of life, and focus on the magic within yourself, because the magic can never leave you if it's within you.
If you connect with your divinity, you connect with the divine aspect of you—the most high, purest version of you, full of love, full of light, full of excitement, joy, and magic. Then, you are going to experience more of that in your life. But don't forget about those dreams; don't forget about the desires that you have, because when you have dreams and goals, it keeps you excited about what's going to come.
When you have no dreams and no desires, basically, you have no purpose, and you're just existing in life. It’s amazing to be grateful for where you are, but you can still be grateful for where you are while having dreams and desires—you can still have that. You don't need to get caught up in anything, whether it's the dreams and desires or being comfortable with where you are.
It's about that balance: being grateful for where you are and excited about where you are going. Because if you are seeing this video, you are going places, and it's just going to get better and better and better. Just focus on those dreams; they're not too big.
Just think about your dreams—they're not too big, they're not too grand. You are destined to experience your desires; you are fully destined to experience those dreams. These dreams are in your heart for a reason, and you are meant to experience them.
So, what is it? What is it that you dream about? Do you dream of being successful?
Do you dream of being in a harmonious relationship? Do you dream of having a family? Do you dream of being successful in your field, in your craft?
Well, you are deserving of it all. Just know that you are deserving, and you should get excited about it. You should focus on the possibility and the knowing that it is yours—on the possibility that it could come into your life at any moment.
Whoever you are, I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you on your journey. You are doing absolutely amazing. By the way, you've done a lot of inner work; you've done a lot of shadow work, inner child healing—you've done a lot of the work that needs to be done.
You've actually done the biggest part of it! So now, it's just about getting excited for the unfolding of your manifestations to come through—getting excited and waking up in the morning and being like, "Yes! Another day!
I'm so grateful! Another day is here, one day closer to living the desired reality, one day closer to experiencing the desires. " You can wake up and think, "Yes!
I'm so grateful for another day! I'm so blessed! " Don't get caught up in your current reality, because everything's temporary, right?
Everything's temporary. And if you focus your energy on what it is that you do want, you will go down that path. Don't focus your energy on what it is that you don't want, because then you are going to go down that path.
With the law of increase, what's not wanted will increase in your life. So, just understand that the magic is within you; it has always been within you. The thing is, you just forgot it for a little while.
But we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, and our job, our destiny, our role, our mission, is to remember who we truly are. Remember that the magic is always within us. Our intention is the magic; our desire is the magic; our alignment is the magic.
The alignment is magic because it's you getting to a state of who you've always been—of who you truly are—connecting to your core, your divinity, and understanding the major role that you have in the creation of your reality. It's not always about the external hustling, okay? That's not always going to get you to your goals.
I heard a really powerful metaphor: it's basically like taking unaligned action. When you are taking action from a place of fear, worry, or a scarcity mindset, you can compare it to getting out a vacuum cleaner or a Hoover and forgetting to plug it into the wall—forgetting to turn it on. But you are going around your whole house thinking that you are doing the work, that you are cleaning up, but actually, you're not.
So, it’s wasted energy. And I know this to be true as well because. .
. When I was at a time in my life when I was in this fear kind of mentality, I was scared, I was worried, and I was taking action from fear. I learned that no matter how much action I took, I always felt like I was two steps behind.
I always felt like nothing was substantial; nothing was really working, even though I was taking the physical action. But the moment I aligned myself, aligned my energy, aligned my thoughts with what it was that I wanted, being in this energy and this knowing, and this excitedness that it's all happening—that embodiment is the real magic, the truest and best form of manifestation to really get it to work. A butterfly has just gone past me, so that's my sign that this is a Divine message.
The magic will never leave your life if you understand that it's within you. It's always been within you. Always.
It's always been within you, and you are a magical person. You are a special person, and I'm so grateful that we've connected, that you've aligned with my energy, and I've aligned with yours in your reality. I'm just so proud of you; you are doing really amazing.
Just don't get stuck, don't get trapped in the limitations, thinking that that desire is so far away from you or that reality that you desire to experience is so far away from you. It's so many years in the future or whatever—no, it can happen right now. You can step into it right now, but you just have to align yourself and understand that the magic is within you.
It never left you; you just have to remember that it's there because you are a spiritual being having just a human experience in this temporary, you know, classroom of life. There's so much to learn here; there’s so much to experience. But the main lesson that we are all here as a collective is to remember that we are all connected, and, you know, there's a higher mission, and that is to come closer to love—that is to come back to love.
So yeah, I love you guys so much, and I'm so grateful that you are here. I'm sending you just so many blessings, so much love, and yeah, I feel so connected with love today. It's really nice; my heart feels really full.
My heart is so full that we are building such an amazing community here—it's absolutely amazing. So yeah, if you enjoyed this video, don’t forget to subscribe, don’t forget to leave a like, leave a comment down below, and also check my description box so you'll find everything from me. I've just released a new program, a new blueprint, which is the Quantum Shift Blueprint.
It's so transformational, and it’s for you if you really want to step into that desired reality and create that desired reality. Also, don't forget to check out the personal guidance, which is sent via email the same day. It's on sale right now for 1111, so if you're interested in that, don't forget to check that out too.
I’m sending you so much love, so many blessings, so much light on your journey, and I’ll see you in the next video. Bye!
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