Credible Sources

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credible sources a quick look [Music] ah so many sources which ones do i use this paper is important hey pilar you know if this paper is that important you should stick to using credible sources hey anna that's a good idea i can totally do that by the way when you say credible source what do you mean exactly i mean resources that are reliable and trustworthy that sort of thing information that's based on evidence you know newspapers research articles information from professional organizations or maybe even the government so reliable from a trustworthy source and backed up
by evidence what else what about bias aren't people always talking about that yes look for resources that have as little bias as possible you'll never find things without any bias but aim for as little as possible and remember reliable sources have information you can verify if something is weird or looks wrong i check other sources or sometimes i look up the facts or evidence they cite myself you can also use the crap test if you find something that looks questionable oh i just found a pdf that outlines the crab test it's from chico state university
so one more question you said something about research articles as credible sources but they aren't the only credible source right exactly right scholarly sources like research articles or academic books are just one type of credible source they are a good thing to use but sometimes other sources are more useful it just depends on your need think about it a research article isn't your go-to credible source for information about the traffic accident on i-40 yesterday you need the newspaper for that or maybe the north carolina department of transportation website yeah that's a good one too oh
one other thing some sources of information are kind of tricky what do you mean by tricky i mean it can be hard to tell if something is a credible source or not sometimes even with a crap test it's hard to tell if you can't tell you can always contact the library the librarians can help you out they're pretty fabulous that way i guess they aren't too scary i found their website and it has a chat i can ask for remote help i guess i should get back to work good luck with your paper thanks for
all of your help now let me just take a more critical look at that onion article my uncle forwarded me [Music] you
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