Set Goals with BRAINWASHING!

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Chase Hughes
[Complementary Training] - Want to unlock the hidden fears of anyone you meet in just 30 seconds? Cl...
Video Transcript:
hey it's chase hughes there's going to be a lot of goal setting videos coming out but i want to show you a quick and easy way to do this and i'm going to expose to you some of the ways that brainwashing is actually used on people and the exact formula to do it and the reason i want to do this is because i want you to be able to use these brainwashing techniques on yourself let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] so first let's talk a little bit about evolutionary psychology there's a theory out there called
the triune brain theory that our brain evolved in three stages where the first part of the brain to evolve was this little guy down here the little brain stem this is actually what keeps our heart going our blood flow our breathing digestion all of our circulation all the stuff that we can't consciously do we can't consciously control it the next part was this little guy up here this is the mammalian brain so this is kind of like the brain of an animal and finally we have the neocortex which covers up everything in that literally the
word cortex means cover so if we're looking at the animal part of the brain we kind of imagine something that's inside of an animal's head be it a chimpanzee or your dog it's pretty similar there's some intelligence and iq differences there but they're kind of similar one thing that's absolutely certain is that the mammalian part of the brain doesn't really comprehend language at all so what happens the reason for this part of the brain this is when we feel fear when we experience something that's fearful when we see something we really like when we see
a potential sexual partner it all rings off but it doesn't work off of words it works off of a visual images it works off of pain it works off of reward and fear so what it looks like down on the inside part of this brain is this little part right here so if this is what we really make all of our decisions with which it is most of our decisions in life come from this part of the brain so if we have a mammalian brain here in this little area and just a little bit surrounding
this how would we speak to that thing that part of our brain that cannot understand english or any language how do we communicate to that it's the most powerful thing it drives our emotions it drives our decisions our behaviors are really down deep inside of this part of our brain but we can't talk to it so how would you speak to an animal how would i convey a message to an animal we have to do things that are visual and emotional and we're really going to break this down in just a few seconds when your
brain thinks that something is really important to you it looks all over the place for it think of the last time you bought a new car and you drove around the entire city and all you could see was that exact make and model of vehicle and it wasn't that a bunch of people just went out and got them right when you did you just started noticing them because your brain somehow thought okay they think this is important i'm going to start looking for it everywhere i go and that's called the reticular activating system inside of
our brain it's basically a focus flashlight and that's really important to us because the more we are reminded of doing something the more we're reminding our brains that something is important to us the more the brain is going to look for it and we all know somebody who talks negatively all the time they complain about things all the time and that's what they get in their life that's what their brain says oh this person wants me to go find all these negative things i'm going to go find them but we're going to get down into
the brainwashing part of that and how that applies in just a second there's been a lot of studies done on success one of the most profound was a study where they followed people from a very young age five or six years old all the way until they were 40. the people who became older and were successful all had one big thing in common and that's the ability to delay gratification that ability to delay gratification was the single biggest factor in whether or not those people wound up successful later in life and that's just the introduction
to what discipline really is and i'd like to give you my definition from a behavioral expert's perspective of discipline and discipline is when in the moment you are placing your future self's needs ahead of your own that means the benefit to you in the future is more important than the reward in the present and if you think about this people who are overeating people who don't go to the gym people who eat bad food people who are doing things that are not good for them drinking too much smoking cigarettes whatever it is it all boils
down to whether or not they're prioritizing the needs of their future self or the desires of their present self so when you think about your future self i want you to think that needs to be my number one priority and we'll get down into this a little bit deeper in just a second let's talk about two key concepts here in a really tight package just so you can understand these concepts before we move into this brainwashing part of goal setting and what it really means the first is that most of our failures we can attribute
to future self-neglect now i'll say that again most of our problems in our lives we can attribute to future self neglect i'm neglecting my future self think about how many times you've been pissed off at yourself because you stayed up late you had an exam the next morning or there was something going on in your life you decided to go party at night and you know you had a big meeting or a job interview the next day or an exam we tend to be upset on our past tense self not really realizing that what we're
doing now is setting things up for the future self whether we like it or not and the second key concept here that i really want to unpack for you especially with this goal setting mentality is habit versus discipline and we've all heard people our friends maybe it's you we've all heard people that say oh he goes to the gym every day i wish i had that kind of discipline or i see her going to yoga or working out every day of her life i wish i had that level of discipline in my life but there's
a secret there a behavioral secret that with those people what you're seeing is not discipline you're seeing a habit disciplines only required a few times just like a teaspoon full of discipline just to get a habit started to where it becomes a repetitive behavior and neurons in the brain literally form a super highway the more often you do something and that's a huge part of the brainwashing formula that i developed for the military coming up next the brainwashing formula has an acronym that spells out f-e-a-r and that stands for focus emotional involvement agitation and repetition
in those four the focus part means that you need a person's undivided attention something has to be so important to a person that they're very focused on what's going on in the present moment in the emotional part we need the emotion to be involved for behavioral change and we also need this for ourself when we're changing ourselves if i want to communicate something to that animal brain like we talked about earlier i need emotion i need visualization on a very regular basis and agitation means that something has to be disrupted in a brainwashing scenario someone
might get their head shaved or wear outfits that are way too big for them or be placed in a room that's not comfortable or be deprived of sleep in some way in your life all we need to do is change things up and what we're doing is we're tricking that little three pound piece of meat inside of our skull that little animal brain that's in there we're tricking it into thinking this is a new environment i need to pay more attention to what's going on so the more you're able to agitate your life you wake
up at a different time you change your routines around move the furniture around in your house change the light bulbs to a different type of light bulb anything you can do to signal to your brain this is a different era i've started a new chapter in my life whatever you can do it automatically makes the brain start paying more and more attention to what's going on and we get that emotional involvement some people have talked about vision boards before and this is where like if one of my goals that i'm setting for the next year
is going to be i'm going to buy this type of house or this type of car i want to make this kind of money some of these people that that do vision boards and a lot of them attribute this to a spiritual thing which i don't know much about i'll give you the science behind that if you have a vision board with all of these photos that are tied to what you're looking for i've got the photo of the house the photo of the car the things that i want and i'm looking at that on
a very regular basis that is what's going to be the repetition the visual part of it but when you look at it it should be something that you try to make as sensory rich as possible so as you're looking at the vision board the more sensory rich what does it look like what's the temperature there right then what does it smell like what does it feel like the more sensory rich the more we're going to translate from the upper part of our brain which is language sending it down to the animal part of our brain
because it builds a cohesive image once it gets down there then there's emotion involved so we have the focus the emotional involvement and we have the agitation and those all three work together all the time so the more you can get a full visual picture and force that animal part of your brain to be emotional about the event the more likely you are to achieve your goals and the final piece of this is repetition the more often you do it the stronger those neurons will bond together we see this in lab studies all the time
neurons that are firing repeatedly begin to form a bond and then more neurons form around it so it begins from a path that you walk past the grass and it starts to get paved and more and more and more wide the more often you do something so it becomes an automatic behavior and a super highway and then success becomes a habit discipline becomes not just discipline but that just becomes a habit something that you normally do in the link below i've put the fear brainwashing technique model inside of a goal setting worksheet that you can
use to really crush your goals i want you to try this out and please reach back out to me if it works for you or if it doesn't the final part of this is a question that i get all the time how many goals should i set there's four goal categories that i personally set goals in this is brain body business and behavior each one of those might have two or three goals in it these are the big goals brain is the mechanism that will do everything for you if you don't prioritize your brain health
what you're putting into your body what you're doing to make your brain healthy all those things that are making your mental state and your psychology healthy if those aren't happening everything else is a domino effect of failure the brain is the organism that makes everything happen the body is next because the body is what you're using to achieve these goals if you're writing a book if you are starting a business and you're typing out emails you're doing it with your body the healthier your body is the more likely you are to achieve your goals because
the body is the vehicle that you're using to accomplish your goals the next is business and this could be how much do you want to make how many customers do you want to have we have a major contract coming up i want to score this many clients a month whatever it is i do two or three business goals there but i always use for every single goal i use the fear model how will i make sure that i'm focused on this how will i make it emotional what will i do to ensure that i am
agitated my my sense of self is a little bit shaken off and i'm letting my brain know this isn't the everyday situation we need to pay more attention to this and how will i make sure that i repeat this goal and some of this might be i'm going to put reminders all over my house some of it might be i'm going to put reminders on my phone i'm going to tell my phone remind me every three hours to do x y and z one thing i would highly recommend you do is put things everywhere you
can to remind you to connect to your future self and think about your future self one of my clients printed out a picture of themselves using an app that makes you look like 95 years old so they would always know i'm going to be that person one day and they were able to connect with their future self a lot of behaviors that were problematic before started correcting themselves and if you think about this from that perspective once we're prioritizing our future self and we've just got that mindset taken care of everything else is a by-product
so i'm eating better i'm spending money in in better places i'm making smarter investments i'm doing things with people i'm building social relationships that goes down to your relationship with your future self and how much and how often you think about them so the fourth b is behavior and behavior could mean i am going to schedule more time to focus on my self-discipline i'm going to change my habits i'm going to set goals better i'm going to go see a counselor or a coach i'm going to do something to make sure my mindset is constantly
improving and that's different from the health of the organism of your brain we're talking about the ecosystem of your psychology one critical thing you really need to have is a journal no matter what you're doing with the goals for this year for next year for the next 10 years you cannot manage what you cannot measure my strongest recommendation is to bring as much awareness as you can onto your daily behaviors am i looking forward to my future self on a regular basis just rate yourself on a one to ten scale every day and the journal
is the closest thing that you can ever have to a steering wheel on your own behavior the more awareness you bring to it the more control you're going to have over that behavior remember the animal part of our brain cannot speak english or any other language the more you want to speak to that the thing that makes all of our decisions down there it needs to be emotional visual sensory rich and repetitive on a very regular basis just like when you got that new car and you noticed it out everywhere you didn't have to try
to do that you looked at it on youtube all the time you looked at it online you noticed them driving around and eventually your brain starts thinking this is becoming more important to this person and you can absolutely do this you can hack your way into it and do it on purpose instead of on accident and that's the thing all we're doing is just taking a few techniques to manipulate a pound organism that's inside of our head and it's an animal brain so we've got to use techniques that speak to an animal how would you
show your dog the taj mahal you could take them there you could give them the smells of the experience the temperature we can do all kinds of things but we can't tell them about it so if you're setting goals they need to be emotional and they need to have a why they need to have a deadline and they need to have milestones associated with them which you will all find in the download link it's a free download with a goal setting worksheet using the fear brainwashing system please use this technique brainwash yourself and i promise
you this stuff works
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