The Craziest Drugs You've Never Heard Of

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Are you curious about obscure, crazy, and scary drugs? Well, good! In this video, I detail 5 of the ...
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the craziest drugs that you have never heard of at this point in YouTube history I think everybody has watched at least one video about crazy or obscure drugs and while these videos are interesting usually if you've seen one you've seen them all and typically the entries are rather surface level fortunately this video is different we're going to cover drugs that are so random and so Unknown by the general public that even super Niche internet communities don't know about them oh yeah and this list gets crazier as it goes on let's begin salvinorin B methoxyethyl ether
if you thought of salvia when you heard salvinorin in the jumbled mess of scientific smart people speak then you would be correct but this isn't just regular Salvia this video is about drugs you've never heard of and this stuff is way crazier than regular Salvia in fact I think a good name for this would be super Salia but in case you're unfamiliar with regular Salvia let me recap quickly you see with regular Salvia from every trip report that I've seen using Salvia is almost a guaranteed miserable time and even at that the bar is so
low for selvia that even a good experience is pretty much just not being as traumatized as the majority of people that take it but sanor B isn't regular Salia this drug is salia's crackhead cousin honestly for all intents and purposes this drug is probably one of the most cursed compounds ever made for a variety of reasons for starters the National Library of Medicine states that this chemical is among the most potent and selective Kappa opioids known and in this case stronger is not always better to this day there has only ever been one reliable salvor
and B trip report and that's simply because even some of the most seasoned Psychonauts don't want to touch it likely because it's a cursed compound with a ridiculously long halflife according to sources salvinorin B is five times more potent than salvinorin a and lasts for a duration of 2 to 3 hours which brings using this drug into the realm of sheer insanity if you were crazy enough to want to try this drug you would need to heavily mentally prepare yourself beforehand because breakthrough drugs like salvia and DMT are known to caus time dilation which means
that your trip could feel longer than it actually is in real life time dilation is one of those things that's commonly discussed online yet nobody really knows how or why it happens in a post I found on the DMT Forum a user States I felt like I lived an entirely different life in the DMT World it felt like 10 years or so I even had a family and if that's not crazy enough another user commented on this post saying this happened to me on salvia and I had absolutely no awareness of this life I lived
a whole lifetime in another life and then zap I'm in my bedroom it was is unsettling to me and another user discussing his trip wrote what feels like an eternity only lasted 15 minutes keep in mind this is just regular Salvia which only lasts 5 to 20 minutes considering sanor and B is five times more potent and lasts about 15 times longer it's no wonder why so few even dare to try it so what happened to the person that did take this compound well for that we actually need to look at the research paper yeah
a research paper the doctors here had the psychonaut in the study measure his dose in micrograms which is extremely tiny an average dose of regular Salvia is measured in milligrams which is obviously much more the psychonaut in the study which is basically just a fancy name for someone who likes psychedelics said the following about his experience with sanor and B my head was observed to retract and my face was frozen in a frighteningly blank expression as if I were having a stroke my hands adopted a strange pose and waved around very slowly alternately creepily awkward
and graceful I remembered none of this then when talking about actually breaking through on the chemical which basically means losing track of your current reality and entering hyperspace they wrote I wasn't actually perceiving any objects in my environment it was my mind that I was perceiving as a manifestation of the movement of a five-dimensional object through a four-dimensional membrane uh whatever that means considering this was such a minuscule dose I can't imagine the trip report someone might come back with if they took a full send level dose luckily for you guys there is actually one
other trip report on the entire internet although it isn't reliable as an actual research paper this trip report is simply titled I cannot comprehend what happened and it's actually written by a career chemist who synthesized the compound himself and upon taking it was transported into an entirely different life in the 1950s this is his quote on the experience I fell through my floor into an endless array of eerie sounds I eventually reached the bottom and felt my body hit the ground a creature walked towards me and grabbed me by the neck and said and it
disturbing voice then he threw me up and I landed I stood up and realized that I was in the 1950s the trip went from impossible events to me simply existing in a different time I walked around on the street and found a newspaper on the ground I could read each and every article and on the top it read August 6th 1953 I didn't know that it wasn't real it was all I knew I could remember my life but it wasn't me it was the life of a person that I was in 1953 I could remember
my childhood School Years first job everything as potentially cool as it may seem to almost time travel this one part of this one story doesn't make this compound seem any less terrifying for CMA like many of the Obscure chemicals on this list finding information on 4 CMA is not easy that's because 4 CMA is a research chemical if you don't know what research chemicals are they're basically synthetic chemicals that were frankensteined in a lab as part of a research project in an attempt to either improve on an existing chemical or to create an entirely new
drug basically research chemicals are the result of scientists crafting random stuff like they're brewing potions in Minecraft the thing is most of these chemicals don't make the cut typically because they either have terrible side effects or they aren't useful medically or they just lost funding on the research if the established drugs that most people know about are the tip of the iceberg then research chemicals pretty much cover the rest of the iceberg all the way to the bottom 4 CMA is a research chemical that was originally synthesized in the 1960s as it was supposed to
be a stimulant that behaved similarly to an amphetamine despite what scientists expected however 4 CMA had a much more anti-depressant effect than S stimulant effect in test subjects but because it was mildly Pleasant to use drug dealers actually pressed this into their own pills to evade authorities according to sources for CMA was first identified at the Tomorrowland Festival in 2015 where a tablet was found in the possession of a drug dealer then it seemed to have disappeared while a study conducted in 2019 reported detection of 4 CMA in pills once again now you might be
curious why is the slightly Pleasant anti-depressant on this list well it turns out that this drug is highly neurotoxic to its users in studies done with rats it was found to permanently reduce serotonin and in further studies done on it it was also found that quote administration of 4 CMA caused a prolonged reduction in the levels of serotonin in the brain 1 month after injecting a single dose of the drug in other words it physically kills your serotonin receptors permanently now to make things worse there are still vendors that are knowingly selling this toxic chemical
with no regard for the general public this is bad because these drugs can easily end up in a wide variety of recreational pressed pills that are sold on the black market in regard to this in the research chemicals subreddit one user wrote nice a substance that could fry your brain like only a lifetime of MDMA use could in one city which I feel is pretty accurate and it's even been reported that abusing this chemical could leave you with quote an irreversible depression that would be like an MD may come down every day for the rest
of your life although it's been speculating that reaching this state would require multiple large doses over a long period of time if you don't want to take the chance at permanently damaging your serotonin neurons I would strongly recommend staying away from this drug I almost want to call 4 CMA super MDMA but it's really not the case it's honestly just the worst of Both Worlds the upside of MDMA is completely subdued in for CMA and the downside of MDMA is Amplified to such an extreme degree there is absolutely no value in the trade-off pyros no
not the TF2 Pyro pyros is an abbreviated word for the class of drugs known as pyol lopon and they're pretty much crack on crack if you remember the bath salts epidemic from about a decade ago well pyros are to blame pretty well known in The Fringe drug Community as being the most addictive class of chemicals on Earth and when I say most addictive I'm talking about 20 times more addictive than crack these drugs are absolutely insane and they don't even hold a candle to the mainstream drugs known for their addictiveness for example with commonly known
drugs most people actively decide to stop using it before their Supply runs out this is definitely not the case with this stuff barely anyone in recorded history has started using a supply of pyros and just stopped halfway through out of sheer willpower in most stories on the internet people who start a stash of pyros only end their days long Bender because they became full-blown psychotic and ended up in a psych wward or if they're lucky started seeing Shadow People early on and got scared enough to flush the rest of their supply down the toilet but
this stuff is so addictive that I'm convinced somebody has flushed their stash down the toilet and then immediately gone sewer diving afterwards on a quest to find his precious like goleem and Lord of the Rings because of this even the most seasoned drug users won't take this stuff because the compulsion to take more is practically impossible to overcome in hindsight it's no wonder we had a bath salts zombie epidemic just to clarify bath salts are literally just pyros imagine you're trying to quit a chemical that's 50 times more addictive than crack and every time you
make a stop at the gas station for your nightly Twinkies a scraggly old dude in the back who smells like salami is tempting you to buy it for a couple bucks the thing about the bath Sal epidemic was that whenever authorities finally got around to outline the latest chemical the drug lords that sold them would just hire some armchair chemist on the internet to look for slightly different chemicals on the dark web that kind of look the same keep in mind they wouldn't even know what the side effects would be so basically they were pretty
much just selling random research chemicals to homeless people as test subjects because of this a lot of people got caught up in bath salts addiction around 2012 because they had no idea how addictive they would be but that's not even it the most diabolical aspect of pyros is that they make you extremely horny I'm not joking like a 64h hour Edge session with no break or sleep until you literally pass out from exhaustion or get submitted to urgent care they say that meth can turn you into a gooning degenerate but this stuff is like meth
Time 5 to make matters even worse somewhere along the way armure chemists on the internet somehow figured to conveniently turn this compound into vape juice which pretty much makes this invention the world's worst Jewel so the next time your mom gets mad at you for your vaping addiction feel free to remind her that there's some 45-year-old dude with scraggly hair in this basement vaping super crack and jorking it for 10 days straight the amount of gooning behavior pyrro caus would literally make your average Discord moderator look like a Buddhist monk long story short outside of
their extremely addictive qualities these drugs are well known for turning you into a D1 gooner like legitimately the Michael Jordan of gooning from what I've read this drug easily makes you the biggest degener in the world trust me when I say pyros are one diabolical class of drugs 5 Meo DMT 5 Meo DMT is basically dmts mysterious grandfather if you think the sorcerers we talked about in the medieval video were mysterious you'll be even more intrigued by this chemical compound this chemical is sometimes nicknamed the god molecule and surprisingly unlike other chemicals in this list
this substance is actually naturally occurring but this isn't found in a mushroom or tree bark like normal drugs 5mo DMT is naturally occurring in toad Venom of all things I mean talk about hardcore unlike the more forgiving and consistently spiritual trip brought on by regular DMT whether or not 5 muo DMT is going to be a glowing spiritual experience or an existential crisis was basically a coin flip and that's a problem because if you choose to inhale this stuff it is reported that this trip could last up to 2 hours which is eight times longer
than regular dmts duration of roughly 15 minutes and unlike most psychedelics in which people usually report Pleasant experiences when they use the drug with reverence and respect Meo DMT doesn't care how nicely you treat it and that sucks because if you have a bad time you could have a very bad time for up to 2 hours additionally in my armchair psychologist opinion I'd wager that a bad trip on 5 Meo DMT is at least 10 times worse than a bad trip on regular DMT to prove this point I'm calling upon a popular website known to
host trip reports on this website there's a category for bad trips for context with regular DMT some titles of bad trip reports include first breakthrough eag loss and bad trip accelerating the evil an ego death a cautionary tale unprepared liftoff into the worst case scenario and too much for a first time which to be honest pretty much sounds like the either took too much or experienced ego death which is kind of a normie experience with psychedelics now on the other hand here are the titles for bad trip reports on 5 Meo DMT existential horror pure
horror facing psychedelic Terror unimaginable deaths of Terror and I ended up praying to Jesus Christ yeah it's not a super fun way to spend your Sunday afternoon honestly as a word of caution if you're prone to existential anxiety I would shy away from Reading any bad trip reports altogether now it seems like a common theme in these reports that people actually think that they're about to die or actually dying while on the drug now I don't know about you but taking a drug that makes me believe I'm actually dead and now my only friends are
Casper the ghost the Grim Reaper and harambe totally sounds like a blast not one reason for these reoccurring death themes in trips might be that 5mo DMT is one of the only psychedelics that has the actual capability to kill you you see usually psychedelics can't kill you unless you do something really dumb Under the Influence five Meo DMT is different though because unlike most psychedelics this drug has caused death in at least two cases with the three major causes being quote Suffocation after vomiting lung shutting down and cardiac arrest one interesting trip report I found
about five mmt wrote I cannot emphasize enough how insanely weird alien and utterly Cosmic this felt like I'd broken some type of rule and I had entered an entirely different Universe of some type if you ask me 5mo DMT is nothing to mess with at at all before we get into the last entry on this list I want to make two quick Notes One this video was actually a top 10 not top five but because of time reasons we cut it in half with that being said the second part to this video is even crazier
than this first part you're currently watching due to the nature of this video it's rather risky for me to post videos like this so unless you guys really want part two I likely won't post it if you enjoy this video and want to see the next even more crazy compounds please tell me you want in the comments and maybe if this video gets 20,000 likes we'll do it so with that being said let's get to the last entry on this list technically the first half duster I know what you might be thinking what on Earth
do you mean by duster the nickname your elementary school bully gave you in fourth grade a brush for dusting Furniture an American indie rock band from San Jose California that was formed in 1996 okay nobody was thinking that one no I mean air duster air duster is the one drug that I can't State this clearly enough you never want to use and the reason is way more Insidious than you may think duster kills your brain cells by the way air duster is not just compressed air in a can the reason air duster is actually considered
a drug is because it's mostly a refrigerant not air and because this gas is heavier than air when most people are using it their voice becomes very deep and my voice gets really loud and sounds like a monster basically when you inhale the chemical replaces all of the oxygen in your lungs and removes carbon dioxide in the same way that regular air does all the while your body is getting tricked into thinking that it's inhaling oxygen because there's no carbon dioxide building up this causes the user to get hypoxic which is basic basically another word
for painless brain Suffocation essentially duster makes you suffocate without your brain sending you into fight or flight mode which often causes Euphoria as a byproduct this might sound cool or fun until you realize that every time you get high you're giving yourself insane amounts of brain damage this is because your brain can only bear around 2 to 5 minutes of hypoxia before your brain cells die permanently to make things even worse usually duster abusers will use this stuff for hours on end or until they pass out so instead of just minutes of killing their brain
cells they're doing it for hours a day according to numerous anecdotal sources I've seen across online this is one of the hardest drugs in the world to quit I know this sounds ridiculous but this is a reoccurring theme on this list for example in a post titled my story of air duster addiction one user on Reddit wrote about how addictive this stuff can really be in this post he writes about the first time he tried it quote one blast and I was done for I felt like I needed to feel this way for the rest
of my life I cannot describe the Euphoria then according to his story he went to rehab but immediately after he got out he relapsed writing I got a job that I lost but I received a paycheck for around $200 and literally went on a ridiculous binge on duster in my car in the Walmart parking lot I easily huffed over 50 cans in a 48h hour period I seriously couldn't stop he ends the story with saying quote this stuff will make a mess of you and will take you down faster than any hard drugs out there
this is not some kitty drug like I've said I've tried everything and nothing has compared to the insane Rush of euphoria you get from duster if you use duster even short lengths of abuse can cause permanent brain damage serious memory problems seizures a loss of IQ a loss of one's ability to focus confusion a permanent loss of coordination permanent slurred speech and death with that being said the biggest reason to not use duster is the fact that Walmart of all things would become your new drug dealer which might be one of the lamest ways to
die of all time on a big Forum called do you know anyone who permanently fried their brain from drugs to nobody surprise duster and inhalant in general was the most commonly mentioned drug in the replies and that's because most drugs don't kill your brain matter many of them will change your brain's chemistry but in most cases your brain can make a full recovery over a long enough period of time but this is not the case with duster in response to this question one person in this thread wrote I worked at a movie theater had a
cooworker who was above average intelligence he got into inhaling air cans after 3 months he was pretty much the dumbest person I ever knew he didn't make much sense and he thought everything was so funny another user wrote about their duster experience and I think it's safe to say that this stuff is definitely no joke according to the poster they quote probably inhaled dust off 3 to 10 times a day for 2 years then they talk about when they finally quit it quote by the time I stopped I could not understand language much I couldn't
understand the concept of family or why anything worked how it was supposed to work sometimes I read and words suddenly looked like foreign shapes to me and I can't decode them in my head I'm lucky I'm not like that to this day uh yeah definitely don't take this drug if you value your life all in all I'd wager even the most hardcore drug nerds out there haven't heard of at least one of the chemicals I mentioned on this list but if not don't worry because this is just the tip of the ice because like I
mentioned earlier there is another list ready to go if you guys want it to summarize some key takeaways are don't use five mmt unless you want to buy a 2-hour time share in the shadow realm if the weird guy from high school who took way too much interest in organic chemistry tells you he has some super Salvia don't take it if a smelly looking guy with a Blank Stare starts eyeballing the air duster in your shopping cart at Walmart don't give it to him don't ever take black market MDMA at a rap because it might
cause an endless depression and don't listen to anyone that says using baths salt is a good idea and please for the love of God don't hit someone else's bath salts Vape especially if it feels sticky Source trust me bro if you want to procrastinate even longer or stay up even later check out this video about seven weird ways you would have died in the Dark Ages
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