God's Promise to Restore Everything You Lost | Morning Prayer & Devotional)

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Daily Jesus Devotional
Be blessed today, as you listen to this message about how God will restore your wasted years. Watch ...
Video Transcript:
life has a way of pulling us into moments that seem Beyond repair sometimes we look back at missed opportunities failed attempts bad decisions and mistakes that we regret deeply but my friends there is good news in the word of God no matter how much time feels lost or wasted God is a master at restoration today I want to speak to you about how God can take your Wasted Years and make them a testimony of his faithfulness and love I am also going to pray a powerful prayer with you in the mighty name of Jesus so
watch until the end and open your hearts to receive the blessings of this prayer imagine a field once destroyed by fire Barren and lifeless over time that same field can be rived teeming with life and Beauty again God can do that with your life too he doesn't just menend he rebuilds renews and restores even the years that seem hopelessly lost Joel 2:25 reminds us that God will restore the years that the swarming Locust has eaten it is not a mere suggestion but a powerful promise of what he will do for those who trust in him
let us now explore three profound truths of God's restorative Power number one God's restoration is beyond human understanding my friends when we speak of God's restoration we must realize it is not limited by human constraints or imagination God does not merely patch up The Broken Pieces Of Our Lives instead he creates something new something far greater than we could ever imagine Isaiah 43:1 19 declares behold I will do a new thing now it shall spring forth shall you not know it this is not just a comforting thought it is a promise that God's restoration brings
transformation think about Job who lost everything he had H dear his wealth his health and even his children to the human eye it seemed like his life was over yet job held on to his faith in God and in the end the Lord restored twice as much as he had before this restoration was not just about material wealth it was about the Redemption of his story and the deepening of his relationship with God the same God who restored job's a able and willing to restore your life he is not bound by the limitations of time
circumstances or even your mistakes often we look at our past and think how can anything good come out of this but the beauty of God's restoration is that he can use even our failures to bring about his glory Romans 8: 28 reminds us that that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose this does not mean that every situation is good but that God can bring good out of every situation consider the story of Ruth she was a widow in a foreign land with no prospects
and no hope for the future yet through God's Divine orchestration she became the great grandmother of King David and a part of the lineage of Jesus Christ H story is a powerful reminder that no matter how Bleak things may appear God's plans are always Redemptive God's restoration is also about reclaiming what the enemy has stolen in first Samuel 30 verses 18 to 19 we read about David recovering everything that that the amalekites had taken including his family and possessions not one thing was missing this shows us that when God restores he does so completely and
abundantly he is not a god of partial restoration but a God who restores in fullness when we allow God to restore us we must also be willing to let go of our limited understanding too often we try to dictate how God should work work in our lives but Proverbs 3 verse 5 reminds us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding his ways are higher than our ways and his plans are always perfect there are times when restoration comes in ways we do not expect it may not
look like the restoration we envision but it is always exactly what we need this is why faith is essential Faith allows us to trust God even when we cannot see the full picture it allows us to believe in his promises knowing that he is faithful to fulfill them God's restoration is also about healing he heals not just our physical bodies but also our hearts minds and Spirits Psalm 147 verse three tells us that the Lord heals the Brokenhearted and binds up their wounds this healing is a vital part of restoration because it allows us to
move forward in Freedom and wholeness when we think about restoration we must also remember that it is a process it does not always happen overnight but it is always worth the wait Isaiah 40: 31 one encourages us saying those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be wary they shall walk and not faint The Waiting season can be challenging but it is in this season that God works deeply within us he prepares us for what lies ahead and strengthens our faith
the process of restoration is not just about the outcome it is about the Journey of growing closer to God and trusting him more fully as we trust God to restore our Wasted Years we must also take action in faith faith is not passive it is active and Alive James 2: 26 reminds us that faith without works is dead this means stepping out in obedience even when when it feels uncomfortable or uncertain it means praying believing and aligning our actions with God's promises my friends God's restoration is a powerful Testament to his love and faithfulness it
reminds us that nothing is too broken or too lost for him to redeem as you surrender your Wasted Years to God trust that he will do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think let your faith rise knowing that the God who restored job Ruth and David is the same God who is working in your life today number two God's restoration redeems time and purpose my friends one of the most amazing aspects of God's restoration is how he redeems not only what was lost but also the the time that feels wasted when we think
of lost years we often associate them with regret moments we wish we could undo or reclaim yet God is not limited by time he is the creator of time and he holds it in his hands in Joel 2 verse 25 God promises I will restore to you the years that that the swarming Locust has eaten this is not just about regaining what was taken it is about Redeeming the very time that seemed wasted consider the story of Joseph sold into slavery by his own brothers and later imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit Joseph spent
years in situations that seemed unfair and purposeless yet God was at work behind the scenes aligning every moment with his Divine Purpose when Joseph was finally elevated to Second and command over Egypt it became clear that none of those years were wasted Genesis 50 verses 19 to 20 captures his perspective as he said to his brothers you meant evil against me but God meant it for good Joseph story reminds us that God can redeem even the years that feel like they have been stolen by betrayal Injustice or hardship when God restores he doesn't merely bring
us back to where we were he propels us forward into his purpose what seems like a setback is often a setup for something greater think of the Israelites Journey Through the Wilderness although they spent 40 years wandering God still brought them to the promised land in Deuteronomy 8: 2 Moses reminds them that God had been faithful to sustain them throughout the journey their restoration was not just about reaching the destination it was about becoming a people prepared to inherit God's promises God's restoration also realigns us with his purpose sometimes the Wasted Years are the result
of us walking outside of his will chasing our own desires instead of his plans yet even in those moments God's grace remains abundant Jeremiah 29:1 assures us for I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope this is the beauty of restoration God doesn't hold our mistakes against us but instead uses them as part of our testimony we also see this truth in the life of Peter after denying Jesus three times Peter must have felt that his purpose
was over yet Jesus sought him out after his resurrection and restored him in John 21: 15- 17 17 Jesus asked Peter three times do you love me this was not to shame him but to redeem him and recommission him for the purpose God had for his life Peter went on to become a pillar of the early church preaching boldly and leading many to Christ when God redeems time he also redeems the fruit that should have come from it he brings acceleration to the things that were delayed in Amos 9:13 we are told the plowman shall
overtake the Reaper and The Treader of grapes him who SWS seed this imagery speaks of divine acceleration a season where blessings come so rapidly that one Harvest overlaps with the next God's restoration is not limited by natural time lines he works supernaturally to redeem all that was lost my friends we must also remember that restoration requires partnership with God it begins with repentance where we turn away from the things that pulled us off course and align ourselves with God's will second chronicles 7:14 reminds us if my people who are called by my name will humble
them themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land God's promise to heal and restore is activated when we come to him with a humble and repentant heart restoration is not just about what God does for us it is also about what he does in us through the process he refines our character strengthens our faith and prepares us for what lies ahead Romans 5 verses 3 to 4 remind us that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance character and
character hope this hope is not just a fleeting feeling but a confident expectation of what God has promised God's restoration is also in invitation to trust him completely we may not always understand the timing or the method but we can rest assured that his plans are good Psalm 37 verse 5 tells us commit your way to the Lord trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass trust is the bridge between our current situation and God's promise of restoration let us also be reminded that restoration is a testimony of God's glory when others
see the transformation in our lives they are drawn to him Matthew 5:16 encourages us let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven God's Restoration in your life is not just for you it is a Testament to his power Grace and love for all to see my friends no matter how much time you feel has been lost God is more than able to redeem it he can restore your years your purpose and your hope as you surrender to him trust that he is working all
things together for your good and His glory and number three God's restoration brings greater blessings than we ever imagin my dear friends when we talk about God's restoration it is important to understand that it is not just about bringing things back to their original state God's restoration goes beyond mere recovery he doesn't just restore he multiplies and transforms the blessings he brings through restoration are often greater than what we had before the loss Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think this principle is clearly
seen in the story of the Widow in Second Kings where Elisha the prophet instructed her to gather as many vessels as possible to be filled with oil she was facing overwhelming debt and the loss of her sons to slavery but God used her obedience and Faith to multiply the little oil she had until it was enough to pay off her debts and provide for her Future 2 Kings 4: 5-7 tell us so she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons who brought the vessels to her and she poured it out
when the vessels were full she said to her son bring me another vessel and he said to her there is not another vessel so the oil ceased This Woman's faith in God's ability to restore didn't just result in her debts being paid it resulted in an overflow of blessings beyond what she could have imagined similarly when God restores your life it is not just to bring you back to where you were it is to position you for even greater blessings remember the story of Solomon when he became king he asked God for wisdom and in
response God gave him not only wisdom but also wealth honor and a long life in First Kings 3: 12-13 the Lord said to Solomon I have given you a wise and understanding heart so that there has not been anyone like you before you nor shall anyone like you arise after you and I have also given you what you have not asked both riches and honor so that there shall not be anyone like you among the Kings all your days Solomon's restoration was not just a return to what had been lost it was the beginning of
an era of unprecedented blessings when God restores he does so abundantly providing more than we could ever expect God's restoration can also bring healing to areas of Our Lives that we didn't even realize were broken there are times when we go through trials that seem to affect only one aspect of our lives but in truth they touch many areas of our hearts God's restoration reaches into every corner of our being our relationships our health our dreams and our purpose this holistic restoration is seen in the life of the prodigal son who returned to his father
after squandering his inheritance in Luke 15: 22 to 24 the father said to his servants bring out the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet and bring the fatted calf here and kill it and let us eat and be merry for this my son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found notice that the father didn't just welcome his son back He restored him to a place of honor and Authority this is what God does when he restores he brings
us back into the fullness of his Blessing beyond what we deserve as God restores your Wasted Years he will also bring a restoration of Joy Nehemiah 8:10 reminds us the joy of the Lord is your strength restoration is not just about fixing what is broken it is about filling us with the joy that comes from knowing that God is with us working in us and for us this Joy is a strength that carries us through difficult times and sustains us through the process of restoration in the story of the Israelites returning from captivity in Babylon
we see this truth powerfully displayed after years of Exile the people of Israel returned to their land and God promised to restore what had been taken from them Joel 2: 26 declares you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God who has dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be put to shame God's restoration brings joy that sustains us and gives us the strength to move forward in faith when God restores your Wasted Years he also restores your ability to dream and hope again for many
of us life's challenges can cause us to give upon our dreams feeling as though they are too far gone or too impossible to attain but God is in the business of resurrecting dreams he is the one who brings life to dead things in Ezekiel 37 verse three the Lord asks son of man can these bones live and Ezekiel responds oh Lord God you know then God commands the bones to live and they come together and are covered with flesh this is the power of God's restoration it breathes life into what seems impossible and brings New
Hope to our hearts as you receive God's restoration my friends remember that his work is never finished until he has done everything he has promised Philippians 1 verse 6 assures us being confident of this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ no matter how many years you may have lost God's restoration is an ongoing process that will continue until he has fulfilled every promise in your life trust him lean on his promises and know that he will never leave you or forsake
you God's restoration is a testament to his grace and goodness when we look back on our lives and see the hand of God moving in every area we are reminded that nothing is too broken for him to fix it is a powerful witness to those around us that God is a god of restoration a God who never gives up on his children and just as he has restored us he will use our story to bring others to Faith and Healing my dear friends as we trust God to restore our Wasted Years let us have faith
in his perfect timing and His abundant provision God does not just restore what we lost he gives us more than we could have ever imagined he redeems the time the purpose and the joy that we thought were gone forever as you surrender your past your regrets and your hopes to God know that he is working in your life he is the god of restoration and he will do more than you could ever ask or think now to all those within the sound of my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you
to pray this prayer with me or listen to this prayer in faith so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let us pray to our gracious and loving God Heavenly Father Sovereign Lord You Are The Almighty the creator of the heavens and the Earth the one who speaks and brings forth life from nothing you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end your majesty and power are beyond measure you alone are worthy of all praise all honor and all glory I thank you Lord that you are the one who
restores who heals and who makes all things new I exalt your name for your ways are perfect perfect and your promises are sure great is your faithfulness and your mercy endures forever I praise you oh lord for being a god of restoration a God who works wonders in the lives of those who call on your name you are The God Who Never Fails and for that I lift up my voice in praise and adoration Lord I come before you today with a Heart of Thanksgiving thank you Lord for being a God who sees me knows
me and loves me beyond measure thank you for the restoration that you have promised in your word and for the faithfulness you demonstrate even when I have failed I am grateful for your endless Grace your boundless love and the strength that you provide each day Lord I thank you for the mighty work of restoration that you are doing in my life for what you have already done and for what you are about to do thank you for your presence that sustains me for your hand that lifts me up and for your spirit that empowers me
I confess Lord that I have sinned against you in thought word and deed I ask for your forgiveness for every time I have failed you I also forgive those who have wronged me and I ask you to heal my heart of all bitterness and forgiveness Lord help me to walk in the fullness of your grace knowing that your forgiveness brings freedom and healing I Surrender every regret every failure and every disappointment into your hands today and I trust that you will restore me renewing my mind heart and spirit with your love and mercy Lord I
Thank you for your promise to restore the years that the locusts have eaten for you are the God who makes all things new I declare that every wasted year every lost opportunity every season of disappointment is now being redeemed in the name of Jesus Lord Break Every curse of wasted time and break every chain of regret in my life I decree and declare that the time I thought was lost is being restored in the name of Jesus I rebuke the spirit of hopelessness that has caused me to believe my past will Define my future and
I bind Every Lie of the enemy that tells me that I cannot be restored or that my dreams are Beyond reach in the name of Jesus I break every stronghold of Shame and I declare that I am free Lord I ask you to restore my soul heal the broken places in my heart and bring new life into the dreams that you have placed within me I speak restoration over my health my relationships and my finances Lord I am grateful that you are bringing new life and restoration to every area of my life that seems Barren
or lifeless whether has been lack I declare abundance in the name of Jesus where there has been Brokenness I speak healing and wholeness into every situation where there has been fear I declare peace knowing that you Lord are my stronghold and the prince of peace I speak victory over every area of my life knowing that you are the god of restoration and abundance in the name of Jesus I declare that the years that have been wasted are now being redeemed and restored to bring glory to your name I pray for healing Lord in my body
Mind and Spirit I rebuke every attack of the enemy against my health and declare that I am healed by the Str of Jesus every sickness disease pain and discomfort that has plagued me must go in the name of Jesus I pray for deliverance from every attack of the enemy whether it be mental emotional or physical in the name of Jesus I declare that I am free from every bondage and every affliction Lord protect me from every attack of the enemy and cover me under your Mighty Wings of protection I plead the blood of Jesus over
my mind my body and my spirit and I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper thank you for your Divine protection and your constant care over me and my loved ones Lord as I say this prayer together with everyone listening I am grateful for every heart that is opening before you right now we come into agreement today believing that your restorative power is moving in our lives we come in unity praying for each other's restoration knowing that where two or more are gathered in your name you are in the midst merciful Lord I
ask that you restore every broken dream every lost opportunity and every wound in the hearts of those listening today Lord pour out your spirit of healing and restoration over us now bring back the joy The Hope and the strength that we have lost and breathe new life into every area of Our Lives we trust that you are the God who makes all things new and we receive your your restoration now let your blessings overflow in our lives and the lives of our loved ones let your will be done in our lives as it is in
heaven for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen if you were blessed by this message type the word amen in the comments section below I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the name of Jesus you can help us to reach more persons and spread the gospel you can do this by sharing the video with a friend or family member who you know needs the blessing of this
prayer and by clicking the like button also remember to subscribe to our daily Jesus devotional channel for more videos that will bless your heart and uplift your spirit we appreciate all those who support us you're blessed to be a blessing now for those who are listening and you want to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior I urge you to receive God's grace with an open and repentant heart start where you are your past doesn't matter Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost God loves you it is not God's will
that anyone should perish but for all to come to repentance say this simple salvation prayer for yourself dear Lord Jesus I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior Lord Jesus hear my prayer I pray thank you Lord for saving me amen now that you have prayed this prayer you can ask a pastor to
baptize you at a local church and make that decision public baptism is a symbol of that decision to follow Jesus I then encourage you to have fellowship with other believers to learn more about your new life and to get to know more about God please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comment section so that we can present them before God for your blessings and victory also we invite other believers on the YouTube platform and all over the world to join us and start praying for you right now and we want you to
know that even if you don't see a reply to your prayer request it doesn't mean that you were not prayed for rest assured that we are actively lifting up each request to God that is in accordance with his will we believe in the power of prayer to bring Comfort healing and guidance in accordance with God's perfect plan to God be all the glory May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all [Music]
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