Confidence baby

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okay so you clicked on this video because you want to be confident do you want to walk into any meeting any room with all eyes on you with people actually listening to you and not pretending like they're hearing what you're saying do you want to attract that partner that you desire because your confidence radiates and they cannot do anything but be near you do you want to walk into every single room and have all eyes on you even if you're just in your pajamas because that's the energy you radiate well honey keep watching because i
will show you in this video how to get confident and before before you start to comment oh my god it's easy for you to say you're pretty it's easy for you to be confident i was more beautiful when i was younger way more beautiful i was extremely like when i would go out with my mom people would stop us constantly and be like you are gorgeous and i was the most insecure creature on this earth people would walk all over me people would use and abuse me like crazy you wanted a little dum-dum walking around
liz was a little dum-dum literally you would ask me anything i would do that for you through unfortunate situations and through growing up and realizing my worth i became confident and right now no i won't do anything for you if it's not benefiting me i won't i always put myself first i always do and even my my family start to respect me like even there like oh okay she's completely different you know and i'm going to show you how so keep watching hi guys welcome back to my channel i want to say yes i'm not
posting frequently i want to stress something i am a person that is dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder um i have gone through so much trauma that it is hindering me in my daily life right now my behavior is very um one day i'm happy next day i'm not and it's on and off constantly but i am working on it because like i told you guys if you have anything that you don't like about yourself whether it's on your appearance or on your character then change it do not stay the same that's what i've always been
preaching and that's what i will always preach so i do not like the fact how i treat other people because my trauma is so deeply ingrained in me so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to the therapist i am going to journal i am going to meditate i'm going to pray i am going to read the books on trauma because i am going to understand myself and that's what i want for you guys as well guys might say like oh liz it's taking so long in every video you say trauma yeah honey i
went through 18 years of daily abuse it's not gonna get fixed in a couple of months this is gonna take years and i'm aware of that and some days i'm like oh yeah i'm there i'm healing and the next day i'm like oh why do i have to go through this i don't deserve this but it's always up and down up and down so it's hard it's very hard but at least i'm trying i'm trying so i know i will get there um one day and yeah i'm just gonna be the cycle breaker i do
not want my children to go through trauma so i'm gonna stop it with me um so yeah and i'm literally gonna be the best mom i can and i'm gonna teach them the best things i can and all the love that i needed as a child i'll give my children first thing you need to do to become more confident is okay so from now on i want you to set daily goals small goals small goals okay for example um okay water you take water right this is one liters of water you have to start saying
okay from tomorrow on and every single day i'm gonna drink one liters of water and if you actually like maybe even say like you know what for the next month i'm gonna drink every single day one liter of water does not matter how dirty you eat does not matter what junk food it is does not matter at least you drink the one liter because that's the promise you made to yourself right now if you start doing this and if you start actually drinking the water you are gonna become like oh wait a minute if i
say that i will do something i actually do it so you are gonna be start to trust yourself right for example if you have uh if you have a person that's never on time you you meet you you meet up with them and they're never on time the next time you you go uh on a date or whatever with them you know that they're not gonna be on time so you don't trust them anymore you don't have that trust in them anymore right so the confidence in them is gone it's the same with you if
you promise yourself from tomorrow on i'm gonna eat clean from tomorrow i'm gonna start working on my business from tomorrow i'm gonna drink more water from tomorrow i'm gonna start my skincare and you do none of that what happens is you don't trust yourself anymore your word means nothing to you and that's the issue how can you trust yourself if you keep promising yourself things and you don't come true so if you are if your friends are all like insecure and everybody has anxiety i'm sorry but like start to make new friends that are confident
and that you can learn from i i do i'm not saying ditch your old friends i think you all need new friends you you guys are toxic to each other because nobody is growing you know so if you have a friend that's confident and i can teach you how to be more confident how to approach people how to talk to people that will elevate you in a way and if you are stuck with friends that are all like oh let's stay home let's do this and all introverts then nobody's gonna grow like even me i
am very much like i wanna stay home i don't wanna go anywhere i just wanna be my bubble i need people that drag me out i need people that are like liz let's go here let's go let's go here let's go meet people let's go do this blah blah blah because otherwise i will not come out of my shell i don't so it is very important to have a have friends that you want to be like you know and i'm not saying ditch your friends not at all you should all have friends that you want
to be like or you look up to like kind of mentors you know um if your friends are literally doing nothing with their life and they they do not want to improve let them go i don't care how hard it is but let them go because those people are very toxic you know because you're gonna be here at one point and they're still gonna be here and the only thing that's gonna happen is they're gonna drag you down on their level or they might come up to yours and where are you gonna go you're just
here nobody's elevating you you know so at the end of the day i think you can still be friends with those people but make sure you also have people in your life that can elevate you somehow that can be a mentor that can be an example for you another thing i'm gonna say is to be more confident is um take care of your physical appearance if you guys saw my self-care routine and how much i put effort into my looks you guys would be like whoa okay because i value my appearance a lot because the
first thing people see when they look at me is this i cannot impress anyone with my my personality at first because they don't know i'm not like talking to them or anything you know they're just looking at me i always look very clean and i am clean i'm gonna do a video uh to you guys like my favorite self-care things and stuff to help you guys but this is what i mean skincare routine hair care routine um gym my diet um if i don't like something about myself i go ahead and fix it stop being
so desperate stop stop being desperate for a relationship stop being desperate for a job stop being desperate for literally everything i am the most you know why i am not desperate because i don't attach myself to things or people if i'm in a relationship i do not expect that person to stay with me forever because that's being delusional completely and that's putting yourself up for for unhappiness failure and heartbreak and i don't do that i always i'm very realistic and i think you know what this person can leave me anytime this person can wake up
and think you know what i i don't love her anymore or i don't want this anymore and that's okay that's okay that imagine thinking that somebody is has to be tied to you no you're still an individual this person has the right to leave when they want to and you know a lot of people say like no if we have children together they must stay and everything if somebody is not happy with you it's their right to leave because that's their life you cannot make somebody for somebody to stay with you and you cannot make
yourself believe that they're gonna stay with you forever no you always have to have like you know what it's beautiful that what we have is love and i'm very excited but this yeah this might end as everything is going to end one day you know and once you have that mentality of like yeah they might leave then you're not desperate you know if i have a job and i think like this job might leave me as well and i might not have the job anymore yeah i'm not desperate for this job because i know another
thing will come you know this partner leaves another partner will come i will always have my options because i'm amazing is okay to outgrow people it is okay to outgrow situations it is okay to not have the same hobbies anymore it is okay to just not want the same career anymore not want the same things we as humans constantly evolve we do never like we never ever stay the same we never like when i was younger right i wanted to be a princess okay and right now i'm being treated as a princess but i'm not
obviously i'm not a real princess and at some point i want to be an astronaut and at some point i wanted to be a lawyer i became none of that you know obviously you're you you change you grow even i think right now what i'm doing i think oh it's my passion i love this i will do this forever probably not there will be some point that i would be like you know what i want to do something else because something else is my is my interest right now i'm older i i want other things
you know this is very normal the friends that i used to have a couple of years ago are not my friends today anymore why i outgrew them i got a different mentality so it's okay if you grew up for example doing uh one hobby like you danced your whole life and and you grew up and you're like you know what i don't want to do this anymore i don't want to dance this is not something that interests me it is okay to let that go you should not be stuck because you spent so many years
on it and the same goes for relationships do not think that you have to stay in this relationship because you spend so many years years mean nothing nothing if the situation is not bringing you happiness this confidence is not loud right you do not come inside of a room and you're like oh my god look at my accomplishment oh my god look look how good i look look how good i look no a confidence a confident person is silence because their confidence radiates so they will sit down and you'll feel this aura that's what i
mean like confidence it's not loud no no no no that arrogance we don't need that you have to be humble right but aware of your worth you walk in somewhere you know that at the end of the day you're not better than anyone you're you're still human you're the same they bleed you will bleed as well you're the same you know but you know your value you know your worth you won't settle for less than you think that you deserve that is confidence what is embarrassment what is embarrassment really honestly you know what like every
time i get embarrassed i think of like you know what i'm literally on a bowl right the earth and we're just floating around and then i'm looking at all these humans who they don't even know themselves what they're doing with their lives if if i can tell you one thing it does not matter if a person is a millionaire or poor a billionaire does not matter nobody nobody knows what they're doing with their lives they're literally all just figuring it out still even if they're 80 they're still figuring it out so everybody's still figuring their
life out everybody's so busy and engraved in their own lives nobody really cares about you you're not that important so what is embarrassment at the end of the day who are you embarrassed of these people that don't care about you these people that are so much thinking about their own problems and their own lives and that are literally trying to figure out everything you think they're like um even if you think about it do you remember something embarrassing somebody else did like i don't i can literally not recall anything i can recall something embarrassing that
i did but i bet those people cannot remember that either it's body language okay i'm gonna teach you sky some tricks right if you are sitting on a table or meeting shoulders back posture should be really good and like this chest forward and stuff this radiates confidence now if i go sit like this it means that i want to crawl up and i want to be a little bold and i don't want to be seen right so we we sit like this it's more elegant you look more elevated and it's better to talk another thing
is your hand gestures i had this comment that a girl made to me and she was like liz you used too much hand gestures while you talk here's one thing using hand gestures immensely powerful why because what else other than your voice can you bring uh your message over with if i talk like this all the time am i interesting to you no it's kind of creepy and my message does not come off across like as it should you know but if i talk like this and i use hand gestures and i'm trying to explain
to you what i'm trying to say it's much more bigger and it gives this dramatic effect another thing i learned is when a person cannot see your hands while talking they're less likely to trust you so if you are uh sitting on a table or whatever make sure that at least they can see your hands even if you're not talking just rest your hands somewhere and do that another thing is i remember when i was working as a student in the restaurant i used to do this a lot like close myself off kinda it's like
closed body language and uh the bartender that i was working would always go like this and i was like why would why do you always do that and he's like never ever cross cross your arms because that's close body language and that does not invite people to talk to you so open it another thing i want you to do is just go up to people and start talking to them start talking to random people and it doesn't matter what are they gonna do to you what is the worst that can happen no go away don't
talk to me okay bye i'm gonna then go to the next person and talk to them start having boundaries if there are certain things that you do not like and you do not want to accept them don't accept them not from friends not from family not from a relationship from anyone does not matter your boss nobody you do not accept disrespect towards your boundaries right and this is gonna this is really gonna elevate your confidence because when i was younger right i did not have boundaries people could ask me like uh liz can you do
this for me i feel okay okay i'll go figure it out i'll fix this for you and i would not ask anything for it you know and i was kind of like a pushover people would like make me do everything and then you know like use me kinda um but now they ask me liz can you do this and if i don't want to know i can't i can't do that for you liz can you come here no i can't i don't why i don't want to what are your plans nothing i'll sleep what's wrong
no i don't want to you know how much people start respecting me because i am like that because they are literally like oh okay um so i'm gonna ask somebody else who will do these things for me and liz her time liz thinks her time is so valuable so whenever she does want to meet i'll make sure i show up and show up as my best self i went on a date with a guy once and um this guy was very cocky he thought that you know whatever he was the whatever he's also very famous
um he literally picked me up right and his car he sits inside and he's like get in i looked at him and i keep standing outside he's like what are you doing and i i told him i'm not getting in you're not opening the door for me i'm not getting inside of the car he's like i won't open the door for you i turned around i went back home i did not step into his car then he called me he's like what are you doing are you insane are you crazy and then i'm like no
no you don't open the door for me i don't come on a date with you and then he's like that's not how how how you should be a man a man should just take care of a woman these things are outdated blah blah blah i'm like okay bye that's it this is how firm i was on my boundaries liz a couple years ago liz did not care if you open the door for her or not like liz would do everything by herself i won't now you don't open the door i'm not coming with you that's
it do not laugh at jokes at your own expense okay so um when i was in school and stuff right i used to be severely bullied and i thought i had friends no these these people were just laughing at me completely they were making jokes at me they were like literally physically tossing me around i was like the i was like the punch back you know why i had zero boundaries and i would just laugh with them at myself because i was like oh don't take yourself so seriously no no no take yourself seriously and
make sure nobody ever ever laughs at you it's not funny it's not funny and you know what they're gonna say oh you're so uptight you can't take a joke yeah exactly don't take a joke don't because what they will do is you start to take a joke like they're like ah you're so dumb you're like haha yes yes whatever and then next time they're like yeah you're so stupid and you know what little by little you're gonna see that these people start to mean what they're saying and it's not a joke anymore they really think
of you like that so from the beginning when somebody even jokes to you like oh you're so dumb why did you say that please please elaborate why did you call me dumb you know what i love love love love love this is my new thing in life the new mentality the bimbo mentality i love it literally whenever somebody makes a rude joke or anything towards you ask them to explain it literally say like so like so if they're like oh yeah um you're yeah you're so dumb say like huh why why am i dumb don't
let anybody ever ever laugh at you like that never it it's it's literally showing them you can disrespect me and i'll i'll left with you no it's not funny what is funny is it funny you think you are done honey then how can i help you this is an unpopular opinion and people probably gonna be like oh what are you saying this is this is really not good selfish people win at the end of the day the selfish ones win put yourself always first think about your own needs first and then everybody else because who
do you have at the end of the day you have yourself if you're gonna put everybody constantly in front of you then what are you doing really what is happening to you who are you are you even valuable to yourself how do you want to be valuable to other people if you don't even value yourself how are you trying to be confident but you're constantly telling like okay i don't want to go here but she really wants me to come so you're saying like what i want is not important what she wants is more important
so i'll go now honey stay home decide that what you want is more important than what somebody else wants what is best for you what is best for you people that will start getting angry at you for putting yourself first are the people that benefit from you putting yourself last and that's it nobody else will get angry at you for that know who you are if you know who you are nobody else can tell you anything because you know why you behave the way you behave you know why you say the things that you do
and you know yourself if you know a job very well you'll do that job with confidence because you know the job it's the same with you that's why i am trying to improve on my traumas i'm trying to learn about my traumas i'm trying to learn about my character because that way i can become more confident because if somebody tells me oh you did this to me why did you do that i know why i did that and i know myself and that makes me confident in whatever i do and that makes me confident in
my decisions in life so it's very important to know yourself so how do you get to know yourself okay so for me i always spend a lot of time with myself and alone a lot of time like a lot of time so i really started to enjoy my own company i start to i know how i am i know um what kind of things i enjoy i know what i don't like and i know how how i want to be treated and how i don't want to be treated you know i know why i react
the way i react and now with my uh healing that i'm going through i also start to understand what my behavior means and why i am the way that i am so that's what i'm saying like start journaling um start asking yourself questions like what do i enjoy what do you love what at the end of the day if you really think about it how do you know if i'm confident or not i can be faking this for all i know like literally i can just be walking around and being acting like i'm confident but
i'm just the most insecure human being ever how will you ever know you will never know if i'm really confident or not so why not just start acting like you are start acting like you are confident even if you're not nobody knows nobody knows if i walk around like this and just like oh yeah and just like start talking like very confidently who is going to know that i'm not who just praise yourself every single time you look in the mirror don't crave compliments from other people give yourself those compliments honey you look in the
mirror say oh wow you look amazing today say um whatever you're going for a meeting say you know what you are gonna kill this meeting tell yourself those things i swear it makes you feel better it makes you feel so much better like this i do this every single morning it just puts you in such a better mood to start doing that start being like you know what you're amazing oh damn you went through so much and you're still standing yes girl yes boy yes yes yes applaud yourself for your accomplishments acknowledge yourself love yourself
hug yourself kiss yourself love yourself love yourself give yourself the love that you need it give your give it to yourself you're craving love from other people honey you can give it to yourself take yourself out on dates literally like i go to the cinema alone i go to restaurants alone i go to bars and i dance alone i don't care liz is my best friend and liz is the smartest person that i know because we have so much fun together enjoy your company enjoy your life stop taking things so seriously and you know what
once you radiate that uh like that vibe of like ugh i just love it i just love whatever i'm doing i know that i'm doing the best for myself i know that i'm trying the hardest and even if you're taking like little baby steps if that means for you that you're trying amazing amazing be so proud of yourself and you know once you have that like uh okay like i'm taking the baby steps but i'm trying you know then it radiates so much confidence and it radiates so much love that people cannot help but want
to be around you because you're glowing you're really glowing i want you to start right now with what you have start with what you have i mean your hair is fried your skin is bad um i don't know you're not happy with your weight um you you don't have the finances everything start right now it's good it's good perfect it's perfect right now that you're just that you're just you're an improvement away right you're you're like this blank canvas and right now we can improve you we can make you amazing you know imagine you already
like being good and you're like oh i don't know what to do now no you are not your best self so now we can create her think that you're amazing and i think you should acknowledge that you're amazing and i think you should walk talk and act like you're blessed like you're amazing like you deserve to be there because you do every single opportunity that you get in your life every single like room you walk into where you think like oh i don't belong if you did not belong you would not get the opportunity like
like i said in my previous video why do i not want to like climb the mount everest why is that not my desire it's not mine because it's not for me it's not for me everything that i'm doing in my life every opportunity that i'm getting is for me and i'm so grateful because i'm blessed with my opportunity so start down so stop doubting yourself stop thinking like oh why do i deserve it because you do because you do and that's it period you do i just want to say i love you guys so much
um please forgive me for not consistently making a lot of videos but like i said i'm dealing with things but there is something coming for you guys as well that i have been working on to heal together and to grow together and i cannot wait to share it with you guys but uh right now be a little patient with me and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed it i love you guys so much and i see you in the next video
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