"wait, she's not body goals?"

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this is why you're not "body goals" 🍓Shop delicious body wash at Target, Walmart & Ulta: https://bi...
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this is why you're not body goals [Music] I just tell the truth and telling the truth is crazy in a world full of lies [Music] ever since I began using social media I've always tried to be cognizant of how not everything should be taken at face value like how real human skin wouldn't be so buttery smooth and pores are not a problem but essential features for the human skin to function but time and time again I become so accustomed to the implied standards of beauty on my feed in advertisements in any type of media I consume that I feel not beautiful when I have a nice food baby after a satisfying meal that I feel inferior when pictures taken in bad lighting cannot come close to the Instagram post of the influencers I admire or even my own Instagram photos because quite frankly I do not look like my Instagram photos ninety percent of the time during the week and honestly who does if you're ever curious as to what your favorite celebrities look like in real life just type their name into getting images Getty has a policy where they will not and do not alter their photos for anyone not the Kardashians not Madison Beer not Megan Fox not Alexis Wren not humans so today I really want to take some time to go through the quote-unquote undesirable non-body call trades and take you with me to build a new relationship with our cellulite and rolls and chat about how do we even get from having such normal things to fearing them as imperfections let's talk about cellulite cellulite is a fat deposit beneath the skin the main trait is the appearance of lumpy dimple flesh on the thighs hips buttocks and belly it is very common between 80 and 90 of all women who have gone through puberty have cellulite 80 to 90 you guys even the most lean and goddess-like celebrities we put on pedestals had or have cellulite it's just that we rarely get to see that very Human Side of them that we begin to think if we have these traits we are somehow inferior and not beautiful so I remember when I started puberty in high school my body was growing at a speed it was not accustomed to and I was just putting a more fat necessary to function as an adult woman so that was the first time I began to see cellulite and stretch marks around my butt and to tell you the truth I was mortified I was high key panicking okay I was researching everything and anything to see how I could fix this what was not helping though was my mom telling me to move my body more because girls my age should not be experiencing these type of issues I mean sure maybe she did not have a growth spurt like I did around that age as all bodies are so different [Music] but I just felt so deeply ashamed of my body because of that even though just like birthmarks people with Healthy Lifestyles can also have it it's a feature not a bug your favorite influencers also have it which is why we don't need to put celebrities and influencers on a pedestal even though they often show the smoothest skin on their feed a lot of times it has to do with lighting and goal and touch-ups what the eyes perceive especially from a screen of inorganic photoshops and touch-ups can be so deceiving which is why I'm so happy to share with y'all a way to feel beautiful and confident without over stressing how your look compares to unrealistic standards Super Pump that our community's favorite shower Essentials tree hut is sponsoring this video our favorite scrub just got a new BFF actually a few BFFs you guys I received the body wash lineup and I kid you not spent a solid 20 minutes smelling each of them so delicious smells so good they're made with skin loving ingredients that cleanse and hydrate the skin without stripping away the moisture leaving your skin soft and smooth perfect compliments to their Famous body scrubs I love chef's kiss get them before they run out a Target Walmart Ulta in store and online smell and feel beautiful like the Queens you are back to cellulite it is extremely unhelpful when the beauty industry begins to capitalize on the fear of looking less than the eight hour production and post-production of model legs butt and hips thus the rise of the popularity of liposuction laser acoustic wave therapy all kinds of cream and lotion and if these were all so effective wouldn't the Kardashians be a hundred percent cellulite free like does that look cellulady right there no you don't look salty lady if you look phenomenal and if I was you would be wearing thanks literally you even the richest most beautiful women on the internet who Define quote-unquote body goals have cellulite one thigh always like I was so upset because I was like just not what I look like so let's take some time to acknowledge that it is not a problem it is not a defect it does not mean you're ugly it simply means surprise you're human like the influencers you follow you worship who also have this natural trait I am not pressuring you to absolutely love this trait but just learn to be at peace with it and we can all save our precious energy on something else and speaking of wasting time do you guys know how much time I freaking wasted on worrying about my tummies sticking out and deviating from the super tiny ways that we are so familiar with this is not about Fitness and getting a stronger core I'm talking about looking snatched with the A4 waist 24 7 breakfast lunch and dinner yes let's talk about Rose not the Hawaiian bread rolls the roles that everyone is so horrified by the rose that are so things that people try to hide the rules that just mean we have enough skin in the region where we carry our organs interest in a small waist is never new there are several reasons why as humans we're naturally drawn to thinking a smaller waste makes someone more attractive from an evolutionary perspective the waste your hip ratio is an indication of Health to some extent the ratio calculation is one way your doctor can see if excess weight is putting your health at risk it determines how much fat is stored on your waist hips and buttocks in both men and women a waist your hip ratio of 1. 0 or higher increases the risk of heart disease and other conditions that are linked to being overweight and when it comes to reproduction women with high waist to hip ratio with 0. 8 or higher have significantly lower pregnancy rates than women with lower waist to hip ratios such as 0.
7 to 0. 79 so naturally we as humans are wired to think that a smaller waist to hip is attractive you are so proportional how long have you been measuring yourself like this every day for 10 years and yes I've gone on fitness challenges to slim my waist through stomach vacuuming which was the byproduct of me strengthening my internal abdominal muscles however when this preference goes overboard to become an obsession that could get dangerous so miss Kylie Jenner posted these photos so these highlights are just to show you that these curtains are the same curtains these curtains have been cinched in where her waist would have gotten cinched and then the curtain down there closest to her hip was accidentally warped out when that hourglass shape was being put in there the ways that waist trainers waste slimming tees and Photoshop waste are rampant online made it hard to distinguish what is normal before you comment why do you care this doesn't affect anyone pause to read this is exactly why I care and this the leads to this which leads to this like yes doing abs workouts give you a stronger core that could tighten your waist when you flex but as humans with rib cages and organs inside our abdomen area it's not only unrealistic but damaging do you think that the superficially slim ways from body goal posts are normal or real even the influencers who are indeed fit and healthy have snatched your waist in photos they post versus photos taken by others and yes at times they also have roles because it is impossible to survive without body fat skin and organs how our bodies look is also so much dependent on our posture lighting angle and in the digital age a lot of post-production I just want to be fully transparent that even though I know this by heart I sometimes still struggle with my internal body image because like other humans I bloat too and when I enjoy a big satisfying meal you bet I have a nice and plump food baby when we are so accustomed to a hyper reality of perfectly posing and sometimes not genuine photos resembling body goals of the era we lose touch with the reality Beyond just what's on screen and this is just a reminder that even the fittest hottest Queens have roles now why do we still compare ourselves to fake body goals there's no need to feel ashamed if you do this in fact it's kind of against our nature to not do so because if you're thin enough then you don't have that app that everybody wants enough weight on you to have an app then your stomach isn't flat enough it's all just [ __ ] impossible here we need to touch on social comparison Theory according to Social comparison Theory first proposed in 1954 by psychologist Leon festinger people have an innate drive to evaluate themselves often in comparison to others compared to them we are fine this is how we make sense of the world we as humans Define ourselves by reflecting and analyzing ourselves in relation to others like if everyone is tall then no one is tall if everyone's loud then no one's really loud except with today's social media with heavy filters selections positionings and photoshops the normal Benchmark has been set on an enhanced reality on steroids upper social comparison or comparing oneself to be someone judged better than oneself for example by having more wealth or material Goods higher social standing greater physical attractiveness can indeed promote inspiration and be associated with positive changes and self-concept through the assimilation effect but if you are comparing your beautiful natural raw self with the post carefully selected and maybe retouched photos or even videos of people you see on the internet uh you're not comparing Apples to Apples you're comparing apples to a hologram nft of some 3D printed red fruits influencers and celebrities alike are humans it's just not possible to reach and live the inorganic beauty standards 24 7 and they themselves cannot even reach that level of perfection they set out for the world so next time you wish you were body goals like someone remember that these people you follow are also not body goals 24 7.
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