Pray This to Release Your Worries and Experience God’s Peace in Any Trial | Morning Prayer

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Grace Oasis
Life often brings trials and burdens that test your faith, but God’s Word reminds us to trust Him in...
Video Transcript:
before we pray let's listen to God's word and then we'll pray together Philippians 4: 6 and 7 it says be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus this means if something is troubling you pray about it instead of holding on to anxiety you are encouraged to tell him what you need thank him for what he has already done and trust him with the rest only then
will you experience the kind of peace that doesn't make sense to the world a peace that will protect your heart and mind through Jesus David expressed a profound truth in Psalm 119:71 it is good for me that I have been Afflicted that I may learn your statutes at first this might seem confusing how could hardship ever be good How can there be purpose in pain without challenges how would you truly know that God will never leave you without illness how could you fully understand that by his stripes you are healed without moments of need how
would you learn to trust God as your provider these struggles refine you and help you grow closer to him James 1: 2:4 says it beautifully consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face Trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything your hardships are not meaningless they produce endurance spiritual maturity and a deeper connection to God every challenge you face is shaping you molding you into the person he has called you
to be when God allows trials he is preparing you for something greater teaching you to trust him completely these moments of struggle are opportunities for God to strengthen your character and Faith he uses them to draw you closer reminding you that he is Sovereign and fully in control in those moments when life feels overwhelming it's natural to ask why is this happening to me how will this work for good how much longer will this last yet often God doesn't answer those questions right away in instead he lovingly invites you to trust in his promises naham
1:7 says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him similarly psalm 55:22 assures you cast your burden on the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved as you grow in your faith the Holy Spirit begins to transform your perspective what once felt un bearable becomes an opportunity to rely on God more deeply 2 Timothy 2:21 says if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable he will be a vessel for honorable use set apart as holy useful to
the master of the house ready for every good work your hardships are not wasted they are part of God's preparation refining you to be a vessel for his glory he empties you of self-reliance and fills you with his strength and purpose your life becomes a testimony of his goodness this transformation is what Jesus spoke of in Matthew 5:116 let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven as you experience God's love and grow in your relationship with him your heart begins to change you stop
focusing on what you don't have and start thanking him for how far he's brought you instead of always asking for more your prayer becomes Lord how can I serve you use me as a vessel for your purpose you can never repay Jesus for his sacrifice on the cross what he did was a gift of love Beyond Comprehension all you can offer in return is your heart your life lived in gratitude obedience and service let your life shine as a reflection of his grace and mercy pointing others toward his unfailing love in every trial in every
blessing let your story bring him glory let's take a moment to turn our hearts toward him in prayer heavenly father so often I have tried to carry burdens that are too heavy for me I've clung tightly to my worries tried to solve my problems in my own strength and held on to things that were never meant to be mine to control today I choose to lay them all at your feet I release every worry every anxiety every fear and into your capable hands trusting that you care for me far more than I could ever understand
father remind me of the truth that whatever I place in your hands is never lost you are the master of my life the one who holds the world together and you are the only one who can bring beauty from ashes and purpose out of pain teach me Lord to truly trust you not just with my words but with my heart and actions let my faith rest firmly in your promises knowing that you are faithful and true in all that you say Lord I confess that there are times when I grow impatient I want answers to
my questions I want solutions to my problems I want to see the end from the beginning but God you call me to walk by faith and not by sight help me to let go of my need to control the outcome and instead to trust that your plans are high higher and better than mine you see the whole picture when I only see a fragment you know the purpose behind every trial every struggle and every moment of waiting father I bring my afflictions before you the trials that have tested my endurance the challenges that have stretched
my faith and the moments of weakness where I felt like giving up I now see that you use these afflictions to refine me to mold me into the person you've called me to be thank you for the ways you use even the painful Seasons to draw me closer to you without those moments of struggle I would never have known the depth of your love the strength of your provision or the healing power of your touch Lord in my trials remind me of the lessons you've already taught me when my body is weak help me to
remember that by your stripes I am healed when I face Financial challenges let me remember that you are Jehovah jir my provider when I feel abandoned or forgotten remind me that you will never leave me nor forsake me strengthen my heart to believe that in every Affliction you are working to develop perseverance spiritual maturity and a deeper Reliance on you father I ask for the strength to endure with joy it's easy to become weary Lord but your word says that the testing of my faith produces perseverance and perseverance leads to spiritual maturity help me to
trust the process even when it's hard to see the purpose let my prayers in times of difficulty be marked not by desperation but by confidence in your sovereignty give me a heart that says Lord not my will but yours be done let me surrender fully to your divine plan knowing that you are working everything for my good and For Your Glory heavenly father I know that when I try to take matters into my own hands I am walking in Disobedience your word reminds me to trust in you with all my heart and to lean not
on my own understanding forgive me for the times I've tried to figure it all out on my own for the times I've doubted your provision and for the moments I've let fear overshadow my faith today I choose to trust you completely I choose to lean on your wisdom not mine I choose to walk by faith believing that you are directing my steps Lord I lift up the specific areas of my life where I feel burdened for the relationships that feel strained I entrust them to you for the unanswered prayers that weigh heavy on my heart
I give them to you for the private battles I face the sins I wrestle with and the areas where I long for breakthrough I place them in your hands teach me to approach every situation with prayer and Thanksgiving trusting that your peace which surpasses all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus father in moments of Affliction it's tempting to ask why why am I going through this why is is happening to me but instead of focusing on the why help me to focus on who you are you are my refuge in the
storm my stronghold in times of trouble you are the one who sustains me when I am weary and lifts me up when I am weak let my trials be an opportunity to know you more intimately to experience your faithfulness and to see your hand at work in my life Lord as I reflect on my journey I am reminded of how far you have brought me thank you for the times you carried me when I couldn't walk for the moments you provided when I had nothing and for the ways you made way when there seemed to
be no way let my heart always be filled with gratitude not just for what you've done but for who you are shift my perspective Lord from seeking what I can receive from you to seeking how I can serve you make me a vessel For Your Glory father empty me of my selfish desires my pride and my plans so that you can fill me with your spirit let my life be a reflection of your love and goodness let my actions words and decisions Point others to you I know that I can never repay the sacrifice of
Jesus on the cross but I offer my life as a Living Sacrifice holy and pleasing to you you use me Lord for your purposes let my light shine before others so that they may see my good works and glorify you my Father in Heaven Lord I surrender all to you my fears my failures my hopes and my dreams I place them in your hands knowing that you are a loving father who desires what is best for me let my life be a testimony of your grace a reflection of your glory and a witness to your
power teach me to trust you more each day to seek you with all my heart and to serve you with all my strength I praise you for who you are and for all you have done in my life to you be all the glory honor and praise now and forever in the precious name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen as a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special
prayer feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always
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