Begin by getting into a comfortable position trust what your body wants and needs from you and whenever you're ready softly close your eyes allow your belly to become soft and loose feeling it expand even if only a little bit as you breathe in and deflate as you breathe out letting each breath feel rich rewarding and satisfying to you observing with kindness and non-judgment now perhaps you may expand your awareness to also feel the beating of your own heart just notice ing whatever it is you notice you are simply playing the role of a gentle Observer
for tune in to how you feel more present and more centered affirming to yourself I am here I am here with me I give myself permission to be in this moment now [Music] all of our power is in this moment we can't change what happened in the past and we cannot control what will happen in the future perhaps we have a feeling we can control what will happen in the future and perhaps it's fun to plan and day dream but tune in to how you feel so much power by being right here letting go of
any need to control letting your ability to Simply observe and be present with you letting that ability be all you need in this moment and even if only for this moment letting this be enough [Music] begin to invite your body to relax a little bit more deeply now releasing any tension or tightness in any muscles that you do not need to use right now particularly paying attention to the muscles in your face letting them become slack and heavy as well as in your shoulders and sit bones inviting yourself to drop in even more now staying
present with your breath your body and the sounds you are hearing putting everything else on pause even if only for right now I will leave you for a few moments to just bask in this present moment and as you do allow yourself to remain non-judgmental and if at any moment your mind wanders that's okay stay in the role of Observer observing your thoughts without being attached and then returning to your breath body and music [Music] [Music] very good on your next in breath breathe in extra deeply holding it at the top even if only for
a moment and then when you're ready letting it go completely with a sigh if you wish and whenever you reach the bottom just return to your regular flow of breathing and begin to slowly roll your shoulders nice and slowly really staying present with your body perhaps wiggling fingers and toes with eyes still closed becoming more aware of the space around you and very slowly when you're ready open your eyes back to the world around you and have a wonderful rest of your day [Music]