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Good evening! Welcome to the premiere of "From the River to the Sea." An international production with a groundbreaking vision and an unfiltered look at the Middle East conflict and how it could impact your life. You will watch this film now, for free right here on our channel. The day chosen for this premiere was not by chance. Exactly one year ago, on October 7, 2023, Israel was attacked in an unprecedented way, causing more than 1,200 victims, in addition to the kidnapping of more than 250 people. Many believe that the war between Israel and Palestine represents a
conflict over a piece of land. But is that really the case? In search of answers, we went to the Middle East, talked to survivors of the October 7 attacks, with the son of one of the founders of Hamas, with people directly involved with terrorism, authors, historians, and scholars of local culture, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, civilians from Gaza and Israel, members of the army and with great historical authorities directly involved in this history. No other Brazilian media company had access to the images and records we used in this production. I believe that from today you will
see this war with different eyes, and you will understand what is at stake. We invested time and resources to go personally to one of the most unstable regions in the world and had a life-changing and extraordinary discovery experience that will never be forgotten. All to ensure that this content reached you for free. This, of course, was only possible thanks to our subscribing members who support our cause and fund our productions. Without the support of each of our members, we would not have been able to carry out this work on an international level. You are a
fundamental part of our mission to provide independent content and committed to the search for truth. To you watching, all of our content is produced independently. We do not receive a single penny of public money and that is what guarantees our editorial freedom. "From the River to the Sea" comes to awaken the world to the real impacts of a war that one day could also be ours and prepare us for what we may face in the coming years. It is an initiative to make Brazil the first country to tell the story of this conflict in a
deep way while still being accessible to anyone. As a streaming platform, the natural way to make this project sustainable would be to launch this film exclusively on our subscriber platform. But at the time of this premiere, the film has already passed through several international premieres and has been watched by prominent figures from various countries. We are very pleased with the feedback so far. We have heard numerous times, from people we highly respect, that the result of the film is an unprecedented and unfiltered understanding of the conflict through the eyes of those who live this reality
every day and that it must be known by the entire world. This motivated us to trust in the content and not release this film only to our subscribers, but to make it available here on YouTube for free, so that everyone can know this story. We have subtitled and dubbed the film in various languages so that you can choose down below, directly on YouTube. Producing a film with international weight and being able to release it for free fills us with pride. It is a great honor to have a Brazilian independent media company reach this far. That's
why we decided to take an even greater risk and release this production for free on YouTube. This is the way we know that guarantees the greatest possible reach for this message. But for this to stand, you also need to do your part. It is very important that you become a member of "Brasil Paralelo" right now, at this very moment. By becoming a subscriber, you finance our mission of spreading this message to the four corners of the world. And to make this decision easier and bring in as many supporters as possible, we are offering a 50%
discount on all our plans so that you decide to become a subscribing member today. This special offer has been released for a limited time so that more people can have access to over 100 original BP productions, award-winning films, children's content, and courses and contribute to this cause. It is your decision that will ensure the reach of this film and the future of "Brasil Paralelo." What we will reveal today is something impactful and until now inaccessible to many people. We know the world needs to hear this message. That's why we lowered our prices so much and
launched a Black Friday promotion early so that you have no doubts and join this mission with us. Click on the link in the description or scan the QR code on the screen to fund the distribution of this film worldwide, gain access to the full, uncut version of the film and all our other exclusive content. We are counting on you. Now enjoy the free screening of the film "From the River to the Sea," and see you soon. From the Abrahamic tradition, three beliefs emerge that are now adopted by most of humanity. These three beliefs clash in
Jerusalem. Judaism mourns the destruction of its temple and awaits the Messiah in the Promised. Christianity calls holy the land where Jesus is said to have been buried. And Islam built al-Aqsa Mosque where Muhammad is said to have ascended to heaven. Our sacred texts teach that Abraham had two sons: Isaac and Ishmael. We, the Jewish people, descendants of Isaac, established our kingdom in the Promised Land until we were raptured and subjugated by cruel invaders. The rule of the Roman Empire led to the Great Jewish Revolt, which was brutally crushed. They erased Judea and gave another name
to our land: Palestine. For centuries, we lived persecuted around the world, strengthening the Zionist movement, which fights for our return. In the First Great War, a newfound ally renewed our hope. Echoing our cries for statehood, the British Empire promised its support for the creation "in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". But when the war was won, they placed their interests above previous promises and divided the territory amongst themselves. As if that were not enough, the promise made to us was also made with other people. While the descendants of Isaac spread across the
world in tribes, we, the Arab people, descended from Ishmael, Abraham's firstborn, migrated through the Middle East until, from Mecca, emerged the one who would guide us, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. With the final revelation, our caliphate conquered continents, broke down borders, and showed the strength of the Islamic truth. For centuries, we shed our blood fighting for the holy city of Al-Quds, where our Prophet ascended to heaven. When the First Great War began, the British colonial forces asked for our help, provided in exchange for a promise: the independence of our State. At least, that's
what we thought. For we were deceived by the British, who upon winning the war took possession of our lands and made another oath to the Zionists, bringing discord once again to the holy city. We were unwelcome in the land of our forefathers, and to make matters worse, another great war broke out. After the atrocities committed in World War II, and the attempted genocide that killed six million jews, million Jews, a promise was made: never again. never again. Finally, the world recognized the need for the jewish people to have their own country. The United Nations proposed
the recognition of the Promised Land as our sovereign State. even if it was just a fraction of it, and to maintain peace, the division of the territory, into two independent States: Israel for the Jews, and Palestine for the Palestinian Arabs. But the Arabs rejected the proposal. We could not accept this colonization of our lands by people who came here without our permission. So, as Israel declared its independence, a seven-nation Arab army declared war against us. Our neighbors came to the rescue of Palestine against the Zionist invaders supported by European colonizers to no avail. What Israel
came to call independence,(...) truth be told, is the catastrophe of my people.(...) Al-Nakba. Repeatedly, we managed to defend our existence until Egypt, our strongest neighbor,(...) gave up on war and accepted peace. But not everyone followed their example, and the Middle East continued to exact its price in blood. With the weakening of our Arab brothers,(...) new resistance movements emerged, willing to martyr themselves to defeat the Zionists. We created the Palestine Liberation Organization(...) with the aim of returning our land to the Palestinian people.(...) Israel continued to fight against terrorism, signed various agreements, and achieved great victories. That
led us to believe that fundamentalism was increasingly distant and ultimate peace each day closer. This seemed to be the end of history coming to fruition. Alas, an ominous threat still lurked in the shadows, watching, praying, and preparing. Anyone who observes objectively what has been happening in the last generation notices that there is a struggle. Who will be the leader of the value world in humanity? We are still in a situation where Western is the dominant culture. Things today are in danger, a certain destabilization. The Islamic world is trying to be the leader. First of all,
many people in the West have lost the desire to be the culture that led the world for the last few hundred years. They want to live their private lives and have given up the moral hegemony, the political hegemony, the economic hegemony, as Europe had, and the colonies of Europe. Secondly, there are many in Europe who regret and feel remorse for what they did to the peoples in Africa, for the people in North America, in South America, to the indigenous peoples, and we, the people of the West, must cancel everything we did to compensate for the
wrongs we're guilty of, the post-colonialist discourse. Thirdly, many in the West have given up on Christianity, becoming atheists. And when you give up on your religion, you give up on your history, you give up on your culture, you give up on your past, and essentially you have no roots, and therefore, it doesn't matter who will be here, whether it will be a country with a Christian majority or a Muslim majority, or any... it doesn't matter. Why? No need. They don't bring children into the world. And therefore, they are already looking ahead at a culture that
essentially ceased to exist or is on the way. What is happening in Gaza today is part of a global confrontation led by the US and Western forces. Palestine is the land that suffered most from the occupation With the approval of all countries in the world, including the UN Security Council, from the US, Great Britain, France, all agree that this land should be occupied. They are the ones who planted the Israeli occupation in it. This is Palestine. For this reason, the Palestinians endured with patience. They do not fight in vain, they fight for their freedom, just
like any other nation. It's not the Cold War. It's a warm-up for the next war. This is the Middle East, not the West. All the holy places of Judaism, Islam, Christianity are here. In the West, there is beer, vodka, whiskey, bars, jazz, ballet and spaghetti. In the Middle East, people speak in the name of God. In the name of the Old Testament, in the name of the New Testament, in the name of the Quran, in the name of the Bible, in the name of Moses, in the name of the Prophet Muhammad, in the name of
Jesus. It's a different language. The conflict here is extremely complicated and most people want a simple story. And most people also is thinking in terms that are very good for engineers: problems, solutions. You come to the Middle East, forget about solutions. Let me explain it this way... A pluralistic way of life is acceptable to a minority of the human race. The concept of "live and let live" is not common to most of humanity. This is largely a product of Western civilization. In the Middle East if someone is not afraid of you, you must be afraid
of him. We believe we are not fighting Israel's war. We are fighting the war of the entire Western, humane, and democratic world. We are simply on its front line. We are fighting against radical Islam that calls us the little Satan. But they call the United States the great Satan. No, no to Israel! América is biggest Satan! In this great struggle, the people of Israel are exactly in the middle. And this invites us to offer solutions to the value questions that humanity faces today. It can be said, all over the globe. My name is Einat Wilf.
I was born and raised in Jerusalem, in Israel. The 90s in general were this decade of euphoria where it wasn't just in Israel, it was around the world. The Soviet Union just collapsed. The countries of Eastern Europe became free. Apartheid in South Africa came to an end. Northern Ireland signed peace. So there was this mood of peace and change around the world and "the end of history". I was euphoric like so many israelis, of the peace camp, My name is Yariv Horowitz. I was born in Israel. For many years I have been exposed to the
Israel-Palestine war in several aspects. Wondering if there is any way to stay alive and live in peace with one's neighbors, that is the big question that has been in Israel for many years. I've made a lot of films over the years, many talking about peace, about having humanity. Mostly humanist films, I hope. So I was someone who worked with Shimon Peres, the Nobel Peace Prize winner. I was a member of the Labour Party, and then I became a Member of Parliament. I was part of the Peace camp, supporter of the Two States. Just give the
Palestinians the land. I supported all of this! What's amazing is that I was starting to hear what the Palestinians were saying. Really listen. The Palestinians have always told us what they wanted, We just don't listen. But they told us. "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." And this is the PLO flag. On one side, they show the Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock, and write "Al-Quds Lana". "Al-Quds Lana" means "Jerusalem is ours". Since when is Jerusalem a Palestinian city? After all, there has never been a Palestinian state here, or... a Palestinian
capital. On the other side: "Palestine". And this is essentially the map of the State of Israel, the entire State of Israel. This means that the idea of establishing the PLO and Palestine is intended to abolish the existence of the State of Israel completely. "From the river to the sea", from the Jordan River to the sea. From the river to the sea Palestine will be free! And in case you're wondering, because again, in English they like to pretend that "Palestine will be free" is a neutral idea where everyone lives in harmony. The original sentence, before being
translated into English, it was "from water to water, Palestine will be Arab". No Jews. Palestine is our from the river to the sea and from the north to the south it is our land and our right, and it is our nation, no concession on an inch or part of it. I was born in 1980, one year after the rise of the Islamic Revolution to power in Iran. For 18 years I lived in the city of Esfahan. For three years I studied at Koshan University. You've heard about this University in the newspapers, it is related to
the uranium reactor. One of these reactors is located in Koshan. Four years ago, I told a woman there that if we continue with this worldview in the Middle East, there will come a time when even garbage bags will not be enough for our bodies. She told me that I am a prophet of doom. I told them, I am not a prophet of doom nor a prophet of good news. I am simply a child of this neighborhood called the Middle East. I grew up with Muslims, I was educated with Muslims, I studied with them in mosques,
I studied Islam, I was in intelligence for 15 years. I know exactly what this world is. If you continue with this worldview, a day will come when garbage bags will not be enough for our bodies. And then the 7th of October arrived. We always explain to people that if I have to define it in one sentence what are these people who go to this kind of festival... are people who choose love. Nobody cares if you look weird, if you look normal or if you look not normal. So it's something like that... very... liberating and new,
breaking patterns that society imposes on you. We spent the night, celebrated with all the friends, everyone arrived, we met everyone, we celebrated, we danced, and then the sunrise came. And I was with someone who was Ranani Glazer. My boyfriend. RAFAELA: We're going to the rave. RANANI: Still alive and awake. We were dancing and suddenly the music stopped. For us it was out of the blue. And then we started hearing explosions. Then we looked up and we saw Too many missiles. A lot of missiles, from Gaza. I've lived here for almost four years now, Ranani lived
here for seven, eight years. We are used to this type of situation. Not because it's an everyday thing, but because we know the procedures. So we saw all this happening, and we were just: "Ok, let's understand where we're going." My friend and I were very calm. We were both soldiers in the army, and really, we saw, we went through, we said, it's all good, there are Iron Domes, The Iron Domes are essentially our shield here in the country, against rockets, which detects a rocket, and intercepts it, takes it down. So we started running in the
street, towards Reim. we saw the first road bunker, which is literally a block of cement, It's a rectangle of cement that has no door. This is a road bunker. And we were the first to enter, we arrived at the bunker at around 6:50, very quickly, we left the party, grabbed our things and left. And the three of us sat talking in the corner of the bunker. And suddenly we hear gunfire. From afar. In one moment, we see a crowd of people. Running back, running. A crazy crowd of people, running back towards the festival. And behind
them a vehicle with a machine gun in the back. And we see, pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa, all over. Time passed and slowly they went more and more and more people who were at the party entered. And we were 40 people again in a place that it's supposed to be for 12 when it's full. We started hearing gunshots outside, We didn't understand anything of what was happening. they threw the first gas grenade into the bunker. they threw the first one, they threw another one and another one, and equipment heating, some pumps that heat the environment so people can go
out. We started to feel like we were cooking, they started to come in, they started shooting at everyone who was moving. Then they started building, at the entrance to the bunker, a bonfire where they began to burn people's bodies, so all this smoke was also coming into the bunker. And in my head the only thing that was going on was... "Wow, I'm going to die like a Jew in the Holocaust" Because... my entire childhood as a Jew, you hear about the Holocaust. My whole family, on my grandmother's side, died in the Holocaust in Poland. You
find yourself in a small, gassed space, full of Jews... The first thing that comes to your mind is this. Ranani, from what I understood of him, began to feel helpless, And then he turned to me and he said that... He wanted to change something, he needed to try to combat it somehow, He just wanted to feel like "ok, since we're going to die..." "At least let me die trying." That's the feeling I got from him. And I didn't see him in there anymore, My left leg started to hurt a lot for about two hours, because
of the weight of other people on top of me... my ear, I felt it bleeding, I felt my eye burning... And I fainted... and woke up... And it was like the same cycle, I would pass out and wake up, I cursed God for not taking me yet, because I was already in absurd agony, I just wanted to die quickly, because it was hurting, my body hurts, my lungs hurt, everything is burning, it's so hot, you feel like you're cooking, people are screaming, it's a horrific scene that you don't even want to imagine, After about five
hours in this situation, I saw a man entering the bunker, and shouting: "me haeadain barraim, me haeadain!" Which is like "whoever is still alive, whoever is alive gives a sign of life!" And... At that moment I got up... I don't know how, I pushed the people who were on me, I got up... And I turned around (...) and he wasn't seeing me properly, Because of the gas, and it was a smell of... with a burned body, which is something that can neither be described nor forgotten. And he took it and started rushing me out. It
was only when he rushed me to leave that I froze, because... between me and him... there was a sea of ​​bodies. And only at that moment did I realize that I was surrounded by bodies. And this guy at the entrance, he hugged me like this, like, he put me in his arms. and took me out. The first thing I felt was the heat of the fire, on the bunker side, the scene of the burned bodies. He took me out and took me behind the bunker, to the part where it is smooth and has no entrance.
And I saw Rafa lying on the floor... looking up like this, kind of thanking God he was alive, kind of in shock like that. Looking at yourself and looking up. And the only thing I could say to him... it was "Ranani died". Even at that moment I didn't want to accept that I saw his body there. I saw it. But I didn't want to accept it, I wanted to believe that I imagined things. And... out of those 40 people only 10 came out alive, the people who were under many others... and the ironic... is that
everyone... most of the people who died inside the bunker they were extremely injured. Unrecognizable. And those who came out alive they didn't take a single bullet, because we were under all those. October 7th was the biggest terrorist attack in Israeli territory. About 3,000 Hamas terrorists have invaded Israeli territory, they entered a party that was taking place in southern Israel on the Jewish holiday, at this party they murdered more than 300 people, they left for different communities, entered dozens of communities in southern Israel. the terrorists murdered about 1,200 people, left 5,500 people injured and kidnapped 240
people. I said "man, what is this!?" They were laughing! They were killing and laughing! I saw. I saw their joy when they got there. And joy in harming innocent people. And I could see their eyes. Their smile. Their beard. The dirt here. I saw, we saw everything. And I saw their smile when they saw us. That joy. But joy that comes from a source of... from where they came... like... it can't be explained. Hi Dad. I'm talking to you from Mefalsim. Open my WhatsApp now and you'll see all those killed. Look how many I killed
with my own hands! Your son killed Jews! It's inside Mefalsim, dad. [Father] God is greater! God is greater! [Father] May God protect you! Dad, I'm talking from a Jewish woman's phone. I killed her and her husband. I killed ten with my own hands! Dad, ten with my own hands! Dad, open WhatsApp and see how many I killed. Open the phone, dad, I'm calling you on WhatsApp. [Father crying] Dad, I'm in Mefalsim. Dad, I killed ten! Ten! Ten with my own hands! Their blood is on their hands, put mom on phone! [Mother] Oh my son, God
bless you! I swear ten with my own hands, mother! I killed ten with my own hands! What is your full name? Omar Sami Marzuk Abu Rusha. From where? Gaza, A-Tafakh neighborhood. When you infiltrated (into Israel) what were your orders? The mission was simply to kill. Meaning...? We weren't supposed to kidnap, just kill. What were you told? To kill every person you see? To kill every person we see and come back. No difference between men, women, children? Everyone? Yes. We went to the first house. We checked it, there was nothing there. Hamzeh A-Zarad burned the exterior
room, set it on fire. Okay? Afterwards, someone came out towards the garden in the back with a water hose. Abu Ahmad and Hamseh saw him, shot him and killed him. We went to the third house. There was a woman inside. Hamzeh killed her. He shot at her. Afterwards, we entered a house that was near us, we entered through the window. We checked the house and heard the sounds of young children in the safe room. We shot them at the safe room. Is killing children logical in the Muslim religion? No. What did the prophet Muhammad say
regarding this? Children are not involved. About a week after the Hamas attack, I traveled to visit the kibbutzim that were hit in the Hamas attack. In my life, I have never seen such sights. And the thing I mainly remember is the smell. There was a smell that I had never known before. What is called the smell of death. And there was total destruction. Blood everywhere. And a smell, just a terrible smell. That is the strongest thing that was imprinted on me from that tour of the massacre sites. I entered the kibbutz, and went in the
nearest house. Interrogator: Okay At first there was no one and then I entered in a room, someone was there and she was scared. Scared of me, she told me to help her, I took her and threw her on the couch. The devil took over me, I laid her down, started undressing her and did what I did. Interrogator: What did you do? I slept with her. Interrogator: You did not sleep with her, sleep is to sleep. So what did you do? I raped her. Did October 7th change anything in your perspective? From my perspective, yes, I
was very disappointed, very disappointed... By understanding that evil exists too. There is pure evil. The world is so advanced, and we all learn history, philosophy, human rights. I couldn't believe it yet there was such a large percentage of people on this planet, not so many, 15%, 10%... That haven't gotten there yet. They are still in... "If you're going to have sex with that boy, we're going to kill you in the family!" "Because if you're gay, we're going to kill you!" It's a lot... It's fucking primitive. And that's okay, they can live like that, but Don't
come and kill me if I live differently. Good afternoon, Today, the people of Israel are under attack, orchestrated by a terrorist organization, Hamas. Hamas Hamas, Hamas Hamas Hamas, Hamas Hamas Hamas. Hamas Hamas Hamas Hamas Hamas launched a surprise attack inside Israel's borders overnight. They kidnapped Israelis and took them into Gaza. At this point, at least 200 Israelis are dead and 1,100 wounded. My name is Mosab Hassan Yousef, I was born in Ramallah, the West Bank. It is the part known to Israel as Judea and Samaria. where the Palestinian Authority has attempted to establish a Palestinian
state. I am the son of one of the founders of Hamas, Sheikh Hassan Yousef. I grew up among the Hamas leadership, very close to the decisions made, I have witnessed the evolution of Hamas. So with all this knowledge, I still think about how complicated it is understand all the dimensions of this conflict. We have no other choice but to resist, we have no other path but the path of bloodshed because we just cannot continue begging for our rights. If I told you that I knew my father completely, I would be lying to you. I don't
even know if he knows who he is. Your affiliation with Hamas It's more like a persona, a job he's taken on, a title or an identity that he had to connect. In my opinion, all of this is false. They're just... Not who he is. But what he insists on being. Where he is very convinced of this religious identity. From the first conditionings of your life, literally, it's just the first 15 or 20 years of his life. For us, the Holy Land was Palestine. That's how they referred to it. So we grew up believing that there
was something like Palestine, like a country. Furthermore, Islamic indoctrination which considers Jerusalem and the entire region as belonging to Islam, that Muslims should never hand it over for non-Muslims. So we grew up with this belief, from which we must emancipate ourselves, fight until we liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque, until we completely expel the Jewish people from that land. So it's not just a question of Palestine, Most importantly, it is an Islamic land and it is the duty of every Muslim around the world fight until she is freed. When I was arrested, I was filled with hatred against
Israel. I wanted revenge. In prison, Israel was looking for collaborators. And when Israel approached me to work for them, I thought could deceive and manipulate them in favor of Hamas. That's why I agreed in the first place. And I was only 19 years old... I had actually just turned 18. So I agreed with the hidden intention of harming the Israelis, When I saw Hamas in Israeli prison in 1996, I was shocked by Hamas' abuse. They abused their power... At that time, Hamas functioned as a small government. They had a complete government, ministers, leadership. They had
different tasks. They had security wings. They killed people, they tortured people... they accused innocent people... They destroyed lives inside and outside the prison. The only source that actually seemed credible and trustworthy it was the enemy that I thought all the time that I wanted to destroy, which was Israel. The early years of my relationship with the Israeli intelligence service were based on suspicion, on doubt. We didn't completely trust each other. But I focused on my education and I focused on learning. I focused on exploring and meet my enemy on the other side. Then it turned
into friendship, and bridges of trust were established until the Second Intifada began. The Second Intifada was a campaign of deliberate killing of civilians indiscriminately by suicide bombers on buses, in coffee shops, in restaurants and hotels. When the Second Intifada began, I found myself in meetings with Yasser Arafat. I found myself in meetings of the Hamas leadership, I found myself at the epicenter of the entire conflict. I was able to do something about it. I was able to stop the violence. Basically Yasser Arafat's strategy was his strategy to globalize the intifada. he thought what if we
turned this into global chaos, the whole world will pressure Israel to solve this problem. He started out hijacking commercial planes, they went to the Olympics in Munich, murdered many people. It was a strategy of Yasser Arafat, a strategy of Palestinian Liberation. My name is Yaakov Amidror. I am a Major General in the reserves after 36 years of service in the IDF. I was the National Security Advisor of the State of Israel and the National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister. And Arafat was the first serious leader after the '48 War, who arose for the Palestinians,
managed to unite almost everyone, and lead them both in the international arena and against the State of Israel, to something that is half a state. But when he reached that point, he proved that he could not transition from the stage of a terrorist leader to the stage of a state leader. It's not that we were constantly trying to kill Yasser Arafat. If we had been trying all the time, we would have succeeded. I am Uzi Dayan. All these years I was many years in the Israeli army up to the rank of Major General. I was
Deputy Chief of Staff and head of the National Security Council. My father was the younger brother of Moshe Dayan. There was eventually a team that tried to figure out how we could eliminate Yasser Arafat. We couldn't do it, mainly because he was always surrounded by many people, And we couldn't kill 300 Lebanese civilians, women, and children, just to maybe kill Arafat as well. I think it's a shame we didn't kill him back then. Because in the end, Arafat turned out to be the biggest enemy of the process. I knew him personally. I was in his
office several times. Yasser Arafat, on the one hand, presented himself as a pacifist. The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. But in secret, he gave Hamas permission and blessings for carrying out suicide bombing attacks. That's what I witnessed in your meetings. I'd put my hand in the fire for that information. And they're not looking for peace. They're not looking to end conflict. I know most of them on a personal level, your secret life, your public life, your family, your cousins... how they conduct business, their mindset. And... I consider them untrustworthy. They all killed Jews in
the name of Allah, in the name of the Prophet Muhammad. And maybe the Americans forgot the attack in September, the biggest terrorist attack in New York. Was that an accident? I want to reveal a secret to you now. The person who created Al-Qaeda. The organization that destroyed the Twin Towers, he is Palestinian. His name is Abdullah Azzam, he comes from near my village, he was a teacher at my school! Well, in the name of the merciful and compassionate, I am Muhammad Masad. I was born in the year 1975, in the village of Burqin near Jenin.
I was born in Gaza, in Khan Yunis, to a Palestinian family named Ayman Abu Sabouh My father worked for seven years in Israel, when he heard about the killing of Jews, he would say: Thank God, may they all die. When you were a child, had a dream, and my dream was to be a doctor. When I reached the age of school, the first lesson they taught us was the word Palestine. And they taught us arithmetic. Five Jews, we killed three Jews, how many are left? Two. We will kill them too, yes. First of all, I
was arrested by the Israelis, because I was with the Palestinians, I was a bomber, Then, I was trying to burn the Israelis, throwing Molotov cocktails to burn them! At the age of 19 and a half, I was arrested. I was arrested in the country. And I was brought to court. And I told the court that I wanted to be Jewish. And I was at the rabbinate, just deport me from the country. I wasn't just in court. There were also Palestinians who heard me. The people of PLO, in the Oslo Accords, released me from the Israeli
prison, so I returned to the West Bank, joined them, and went back to being a bigger and more sophisticated terrorist, thinking of richer plans to harm Israel, and to destroy the State of Israel, They deported me back to Gaza. And there I went through very difficult experiences. They hung me by my feet from the ceiling, head down. Under cold water, hot water. Electric shocks, nails in my hands. I remember being inside the mattress, with kicks everywhere, and kicks to the legs. And my father says, this is not my son. These are the children of traitors.
You brought shame to the family. They killed many of my friends because they opposed. One of them, the best man, the very best, who only wanted good for the population, opposed the Palestinian Authority on social networks, they killed him with clubs, axes, knives, his name was Nizar Banat, all this incident is documented. Three years ago, they killed him in front of his children's eyes. killed our friends, killed our brothers for opposing their corruption. For opposing the war, for opposing their inhumane actions. After a month, they kicked me out of the house. I was like a
homeless person wandering the streets in the same clothes, a short shirt, pants and size ten shoes. I fled from there to Egypt, from Egypt to Turkey, from Türkiye I came to Israel. So I left them, I disconnected from them, I fled into Israel, and I started living in Israel. but they could see that I am a human being, I changed my mind, and I came But just because I speak about the Palestinians, very day, every few hours, they send someone to kill me, They put a bomb under my car. I cannot drive a car, for
4-5 years now, because if I have a car, and they put a bomb under the car, I am not afraid for myself, they know me, I would run towards death in front of them. I am not afraid of death and I am not afraid of anything. but unfortunately, the world does not know what is happening. Apparently the world is blind, does not see. You know Mahmoud Abbas, you know his entire gang, Yes, but it's a lie. No one talks about how they killed our children in a cruel way. Look what it is to cut off
babies' heads, to hang them Hanging them on a rope... As if it were clothes to dry... I had to think, What if Hamas manages one day to destroy the state of Israel and build an Islamic state? as they want. Is this what they are going to do to our people? Because when you mix politics and religion, you have the most corrupt entity of all time. This is like the worst thing that could happen. And that is Hamas. Allahu Akbar! (God is the greatest!) not true that Hamas holds civilians by force, it's not true. You have
to understand Hezbollah, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, the difference between them? They all killed Jews in the name of Allah, in the name of the Prophet Muhammad. And maybe the Americans forgot the attack The culture of the Middle East is a culture of struggle, mainly over water, because most of the area of the Middle East is desert. My name is Dr. Mordechai Kedar. I studied Arabic from a young age in school. I served in the intelligence corps in military intelligence for 25 years. Afterwards, in academia, in the Arabic department. The Sahara, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Jordan... it's a
desert. In the desert, a person must preserve the water source, because it is the condition for survival in the desert. Therefore, anyone else is an enemy, because once he runs out of water, he looks for water, and he will kill you to take your water. And therefore in the desert, and I am talking about hundreds of thousands of years, since humans tried to live in the Middle Eastern desert, the other is by definition an enemy. And this is deeply embedded within the culture of the Middle East. Islam came into the world only 1400 years ago.
and it tried to organize the relationships between people, but the perception that the other is an enemy, that it did not change. It used it, because the moment you define the non-Muslim other as an enemy, you justify jihad against him. Say, brothers! I swear by God Almighty I will resist and struggle against the Israeli enemy Jihad is our way Jihad is our way and to die for God is our paramount wish. Jihad is when you wage war for Allah. The war between us, between the Jews and the Muslims, started already in the time of the
Prophet Muhammad. 1450 years ago, when the Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims wanted to convert the Jews, wanted the Jews who lived there to accept Islam, and that was the first conflict. It is a religious duty to which all Muslims are obliged to Jihad. And jihad applies if there is captured Islamic territory by non-Muslims, until this land is emancipated. Be liberated. Now those who cannot fight physically must fight with their own money. It is crucial to understand one very significant aspect, which is that the Israeli-Arab conflict is essentially a religious conflict. In other words, the thought
that it is merely a question of territory, or of competition on economic or strategic grounds, misses the deepness of the matter. The conflict started religious and continued territorial. What does that mean? In 1948, we returned to the State of Israel, we established the State of Israel, and the conflict that was first religious, became both religious and territorial. According to Islam, Judaism and Christianity are obsolete. In arabic: "Din Batil" (religião falsa). In hebrew: Dat Ba'teilah (a nullified religion). Both Judaism and Christianity. Islam sees itself as a religion that came into the world to cancel Judaism and
Christianity, and to adopt for itself everything that was ever Jewish or Christian. Therefore, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, and Jesus were all Muslims. According to the Islamic perception, Solomon built a mosque in Jerusalem. This is how Islam views history. Judaism, since it is an obsolete religion, does not deserve a state. The Jewish people, they are described in the worst possible way like the disobedient nation that fell from the grace of Allah, and they are under a curse, and they must be punished by the hands of Muslims. So basically Allah gave permission for Muslims to be
the sword of Allah on earth. Now, what worsened the situation, more than 20 years ago, Hamas came and took over Gaza, and this whole generation became anti-Jewish, every day indoctrination, every day Islamic ideology, that Israel must be destroyed, and who should destroy them? The army of Muhammad. They teach us things there are not in any of the holy books. They teach us that if we kill a Jew, cut off his head, decapitate him and throw his body into the sea, we enter paradise, and we get rewarded in rivers of honey, virgins, fragrances and beautiful things.
So as small children, we want the reward and are not afraid of the punishment. We asked Hitler why he left some of you alive. He did so in order to show us how wicked you are. We will come to you from under the ground and hammer fear into your hearts, We will defeat the enemy with weapons, oh esteemed people. We will defeat the enemy by inflicting fear and terror upon it. We will defeat the enemy by training men. All the Palestinians and Muslims should make preparations. The blood of martyrs is what Allah loves most. Martyrs
live in a place that is beautiful like no other. Martyrs are the first ones to enter Paradise. And above the ground we will tear your bodies apart with our rockets. Scram into the shelters, you mice, you sons of a Jewsish women! Look, I think they represent what is called the hard core. Now, numerically, it is very difficult to know. There is, one might say, the orthodox Islam throughout the generations with the dominant discourse. And there are different voices, the question of how loyal they are to the original Islam or not, is an internal question within
Islam itself. Asking itself questions, seeing on the one hand a very severe outbreak of violence, and many people do not want terrorism. I am an Arab Muslim. And I studied my Quran, that I believe in, But Hamas is not of Islam. there's no way a Muslim would kill a Christian, kill a Jew, kill an innocent, kill no matter what, a Muslim is forbidden to kill anything. A Muslim is forbidden to shed blood, unless he is defending his life or the lives of innocents. So arabs themselves go to israelis army to fight those fundamenllist and they
are muslims too. Hello, my name is Nader, 39 years old, living in Zarzir in the north. I am a Muslim. the identity statement of the State of Israel. I am Israeli in every respect. This is my country, this is my home. I command the Desert Reconnaissance Battalion, a battalion of Bedouins who volunteer for the IDF. We have actually been fighting shoulder to shoulder with our Jewish brothers since the establishment of the state, from 1948 to today, and we will continue in this way. And I think I will say it in Arabic to every Muslim citizen,
that Hamas is a terrorist organization. They kidnapped women, kidnapped men, killed children, raped women, killed the elderly. No religion allows this, not Islamic law, not Jewish law, not any law. Hamas claims to follow Islamic law, but they are far from it. Hamas builds tunnels instead of schools and hospitals. Hamas brings destruction to the heart of Gaza. Thank God, may they all die. My maternal grandfather, when we would visit him when I was three years old, was digging in the ground with my uncles, and I asked them what they were doing? What is this? He smiled
and said they were looking for water, so they dig in the ground and look for water, and every three or four months they dig another well looking for water. And so it started in Gaza, in Khan Yunis, and in Rafah. Actually, it was tunnels. The tunnels are not from today, the tunnels were dug fifty years ago. My paternal grandfather would sit The entire Gaza Strip is 40 kilometers for 10 kilometers, roughly speaking, And inside there are hundreds of kilometers of tunnels. Now, in many cases, above the places where the tunnels intersect, civil spaces are built
as schools, mosques and even hospitals. You can see the stairs down there about a 30 meter deep tunnel shaft. A significant number of the hostages, not all, a significant number of the hostages, were taken straight into the tunnels in Gaza. October 7th, 8:15 in the morning, five terrorists entered their house, they closed the vault door while my grandfather held it the doorknob, they shot five bullets at the doorknob, one of them wounded him, they entered the safe room, took my grandmother, they dragged my grandfather naked from the house. My grandfather and grandmother fought all their
lives for peace, for coexistence, doing everything so that the two nations could live in a good place. In 1984 he went to Gaza to tell the leader, Ashad al-Shawah, that if Gaza wanted a future, they have to build schools and invest in education, otherwise something very bad would end up happening. Every week he went to the border, taking sick citizens from Gaza to get chemotherapy and other treatments very expensive in Israeli hospitals which they could not receive in the hospitals in Gaza and brought them back before tending his cactus garden, of your family... playing the
piano, making a Friday dinner like every family wants, that's all a family wants. And that's what we haven't had since October 7th. Shiri, who up until this point, is very difficult to find a photo of her without a child in her arms. She is a kindergarten teacher by profession. We got a picture of her holding her two young children, Ariel, who was four at the time, and baby Kfir, who was 9 months old when he was taken from his bed. You can see the horror in Shiri's eyes when you watch the video. how terrified she
was for her children's safety. She was probably out of Yarden at that point. Yarden was taken to Gaza in a golf cart. Your head... was crushed by the terrorists. Later videos that only recently showed how... how brutal it was when they took him away from his wife and children. I tell you, it is the worst thing that can exist in the world to be a hostage's family. And why is that? Because you don't have closure. You know you're living your life not knowing if it's going to end, not knowing what happened to his family, of
what happened to your boy, to your daughter. You dogs, we will step on you. Here are the girls (woman who can get pregnant) These are the Zionists. You are beautiful. This is my son. David is no longer with us. That was a very difficult time. My son was a soldier in compulsory military service. The soldiers stayed there to take care of this group of people. At that moment a group of six terrorists appeared, They were heavily armed and had grenades. They planned to enter the Kibbutz. So our children, with their deaths, prevented them. Thanks to
them, the terrorists did not enter the Kibbutz. And they went to fight to try to save as many people as possible. Our son was injured on October 7th, After having fought a very long battle against the terrorists. He killed many terrorists. He protected and saved many soldiers who were there with him. Our lives have changed because we now miss, emptiness and much pain, And that's it very difficult for us. At Amichai's bedside, we promised him, that, from his heroism, which he demonstrated on the battlefield, and from the stories we heard from his friends, We will
continue living, We will continue doing good deeds, as Amichai used to do, the way we raised him. I was five years old, when we went through the Holocaust. My parents were taken to Auschwitz. Now, what happened here in Israel, It's something completely different. It's true that we grew up without parents, it's true that it was difficult. And often there was nothing to eat. Sometimes we didn't change the clothes on our backs for weeks, But none of that compares to what happened now. His name is Israel Amichay, He was 33 years old when he died. This
is my daughter. His mother. I have, thank God, amazing parents. Both are Holocaust survivors, Our son's name is Israel Amichay, He was born on the day of the celebration of PESSACH, This is the celebration of the birth of the People of Israel, Still, a one month old baby, we placed a small Israeli flag in their hands. At his funeral, The coffin came with the Israeli flag on top, the army soldiers accompanied him. I felt the strength we were receiving, Because we have a country, my parents and our roots. And I felt it very strongly, that
is not the case of any story, and that we are an eternal people, and that everything starts in the past. And we are part of a great chain. And I have the privilege of being my parents' daughter. Our son continues to carry the values that we grow upon them, And I'm very proud of that. It hurts a lot, it's been very difficult, We miss him so much, But it is a feeling of great honor, of being the daughter of my parents, and the mother of my child. We are not a people who like to participate
in wars! We only fight wars we have no choice in. We live surrounded by enemies, who think all the time, hurt us and exterminate us. We have always wanted to live in peace! We send our sons to the army, Wanting our children to return safe and sound. I didn't want my son to die. We are a country that values ​​life, that likes to live and blesses life. This is my brother Shilo Raucherber. He was 23 years old, and reached the rank of Commander in the army. He served in Battalion 51 in the Golani Brigade. Overall,
I came to say that I support this war. It cannot be in vain that they lost their lives. Which proves, even more, that something definitive needs to be done about this. In my opinion, this conflict had the biggest impact in Israel since 1948. My name is David Ricardo Ram, Reserve Army Colonel in Israel, responsible for the western and southern regions of Israel, with the National Guard. Arriving in the city of Ramallah, we exchanged fire with three terrorists who were heading to Jerusalem. Obviously, we managed to stop and arrest these terrorists, but one of them managed
to get a shot at me... It was almost a miracle. I moved my head half a millimeter and the bullet passed between the helmet and my head. I got hit in the back of the head. The bullet went in here, and it came out here. My whole life, I tried to teach to all my officers, is that the enemy is the armed enemy, who intends to kill me. But he also has the power to do it, and not just the intention. That's why I always say, the limits must be very clear. The enemy is the
one who wants to kill you and has the means to do it, those who do not have them, can't kill you. Until we remove the terrorist threat against Israeli civilians, this conflict cannot end like this. The question is: What will bring peace to the Middle East? So one possible answer is to make concessions to the other side, okay? Make concessions. But does not work. As was proven in World War II, okay? How about disarmament? Does disarmament bring peace? No, it doesn't. Now, do you know what made the Roman Peace possible? which means: "If you want
peace, prepare for war." To give you an idea every thousand people, here in Israeli territory, one was kidnapped, was murdered in the attack of October 7th. People come and rape and torture and burn! You know, we don't just accept this anymore! Okay?! We don't accept this passively. We respond! It is important for the future of the State of Israel that it is clear to everyone in the State of Israel that anyone who carries out such a barbaric act against the State of Israel, with unimaginable cruelty towards children, women, the elderly, civilians, a music festival, such
an entity will not be allowed to exist by Israel. Anyone who is currently in the Hamas leadership, no matter where he is, is a dead man. We have a special operation to locate all three thousand who invaded the State of Israel, and we will kill them one by one, none of them will remain alive, and we will go after all the Hamas leadership, no matter where. Because since 1948 we are a sovereign nation. And we have army, and we have airforce. You cannot do that to us anymore. If you're firing from your own kids house,
What should I do? Should I... Should I take the bullet? I don't wanna take the fucking bullet. I have a kid. I don't wanna take the fucking bullet. I put down the building. Citizens of Israel, we are at war, not in an operation, but at war. At same time, I have ordered an extensive mobilisation of reserves and that we return fire of a magnitude that the enemy has not knwon. Rahaf Mahmoud Asaad Ismail Quazaat. We used to go to school. Life was beautiful. When the war began, on the first day of war, we were ready
to go to school. Hamas members launched rockets, but we thought the Jews had launched missiles. Our mother told us not to go to school because it would start a war. We changed clothes and we didn't go to school. My father and uncle went out to see. They thought the tanks had retreated. The Jews shot my father. He was martyred at that moment. My uncle came back and said that my father had been martyred. My father became a martyr. At that moment, we do not believe that he had been martyred. The last time, before my family
was surrounded, My father turned on the TV and we watched it. We watched TV for a long time. The next morning I went to my sister's house. I slept at her house, and my family stayed at home. My niece and nephew stayed with my family. They were surrounded, and I remained in Gaza. Now, they're in the south. My father and half of my sisters went... Ultimately, if you don't amputate, it could negatively affect the patient, which can lead to death. We have already seen cases of childhood amputation. We see approximately three amputations per day. My
name is Razan Muneer Sobhi Arafat. I am 12 years old. And I'm from Zeitoun, in Gaza. I was sitting on the floor, and my family was in the room. It was time for the call to afternoon prayer. My sisters and I were at our uncle's house. We wanted to leave quickly, but suddenly, I found myself under sand, and there were rocks above me. We were surprised without warning, without communication, with nothing, and we knew we were in the safe zone. The area south of Wadi Gaza has been classified as a safe zone. We woke up
to the bombing. The house was falling on us. My wife and I were the first to wake up. I woke up shocked by the amount of rubble and destruction falling on my head. I said, "Help, guys! Help! My children are sleeping under the rubble." In a few moments, more than ten people arrived. They were young people from the neighborhood. I said to them: "Boys, my children, Maysa, Tariq and Reem, are down here. Please don't drop it here." They said, "OK, where?" Quickly, they began to remove the large stones. They started moving rocks, found a blanket
and pulled it up. They seized him and carried him by the four corners. So they threw him aside. That's how they found Maysa half dead. Tariq and Reem were taken to hospital. My nephew came to pick me up. So we went to Al-Awda Hospital. There I found Tariq and Reem martyred. Why? What did they kill lives for? They are responsible to God. They are responsible to God. At all political levels At military levels that caused the death of our children Our children are gone because of greed. We ask God to take revenge on them. Tell
me your full name. Syla. What grade are you in? Segunda. Thurd? Second. Do you remember what happened on the day of the bombing? We were walking home from school and we heard a bang. So I went to my mother. And my mother, my sisters and I were left homeless. Then I got hit, and the shrapnel left me deformed. What do you want, Syla? When you grow up, what do you want to do? I would like to travel, receive treatment and everything goes back to how it was before. And may the war end so that I
can see my family and people again. In every war, there are far more civilians who are killed than combatants. Far more civilians! The overall ratio is about 9 to 1, 9 times more civilians are killed Here in Gaza, it's roughly two to one. There is something people need to understand: the war with Hamas is asymmetric. From their point of view, every target is legitimate, it doesn't matter if they are children, if they are babies, if they are women, foreign civilians, anything that enters their target is, from their point of view, a legitimate victim. Such a
war takes time, especially since the terrorists use the people who are there, that are around you, as part of your defense. This is called a human shield. The hospitals, most of them (Hamas) are hidden in the hospitals. Shifa (hospital), for example, has underground levels. Shifa is not small, it is a large place that can be used to hide things. Why? So you don't attack them. This is very complicated, because Hamas operates within a civilian population. The absurdity is that Hamas' interest is to increase the number of civilian casualties. Because the more civilian casualties there are,
the better is the basis they have in the international system to argue against the State of Israel. When I was a fighter pilot and went on bombing missions of terrorist targets in Gaza, our security services would call people our security services would call people who lived near the targets and tell them, listen, we know that under your house there is an ammunition depot, a missile depot, leave the house because we are coming to attack that depot. IDF Officer: I am calling everyone now in Jabaliya. IDF Officer: We want to warn everyone beforehand IDF Officer: to
leave quickly and safely. Gazan resident: To all of Jabaliya? All of Jabaliya? IDF Officer: All of Jabaliya. To all of Jabaliya. There are 4 or 5 people north of the building. The target is cancelled due to the presence of civilians. Five children, standing near the construction site. Don't shoot, don't shoot. One second, we see a child in the picture. Have you identified a child? Yes, two even. Okay, let's stop here. What army in the world warns before attacking? Strategically it's almost crazy I warn before attacking, the enemy prepares. Maybe many of Hamas are still alive
because Israel warned them beforehand. And in the end, there is the question of who suffers more? But I don't connect as much with the dialogue of those who suffer the most, because a mother who lost her son, even if she lived in the most luxurious building in Tel Aviv, she suffers more than a mother in Gaza who did not lose her son. And a mother in Gaza, who is lucky, with her giant house that was not destroyed and lives a good life, but her son was killed, she suffers more than someone whose son wasn't killed.
In the end this suffering is not only national, it is also personal suffering, and the price is too high for both sides, and it has to stop. Because Israel went through great suffering on October 7th, the trauma, also as an Israeli citizen, is enormous, the fear, the feeling that you live under constant threat, the missiles, really difficult. But when we look at what is happening in Gaza, we see that the suffering is even greater, in terms of the number of deaths, the ability to survive, the impossibility of living a normal life, the impossibility of living
in a more protected environment, and because they have Hamas, they suffer a lot from Hamas. What they basically say is even if your army is very strong it is irrelevant, because we will kill your citizens, we will shoot at your cities and if you want to destroy us you won't be able to, because we are hiding behind our children hospitals, mosques, schools, etc. The pressure they put on us is for this reason, Hamas simply ends and surrenders, and if we do not surrender, Hamas' weapons cause more destruction than this war and we will suffer more.
The crime in this whole story, regardless of who is behind Palestine, and who is benefiting from Palestine as an ideology. The real victims in this are the children, Until when will we allow foreign entities who take advantage of hatred, take advantage of this ideology at the cost of children dying in every war, and then exploiting the tragedy of children to spread more propaganda and more hate, and fuel the flames of this conflict until it becomes global. The tragedy is that the Palestinians were so helpful that every time the voices of the Palestinians could have stood
up and said, "You know what? Enough is enough." Spend all our efforts, all our skills to destroy the Jewish state is a complete waste of resources. We don't want this anymore. We want to build for ourselves, live alongside them. We are tired of trying to destroy them. Every time they could have made that decision, they were so helpful to others that they immediately rushed to say: "No, no, no. You are pure victims of pure evil. Don't change anything. Keep fighting for justice, for rights." It's a tragedy, and we're all trapped in it. The Islamic countries
do not act as one single body in terms of power. But there are countries that what drives them is a sense of power. The Zionist regime is now in a total impasse. God willing, your wish will come true and this source of corruption will be wiped off the face of the Earth soon! "Death to America!" "Death to Israel!" "Death to America!" "Death to Israel!" Iran is essentially the head of the octopus, sending its terror arms throughout the Middle East with the aim of destroying the State of Israel. Therefore, we understand that we are essentially at
war with Iran. Iran, or better said, the Islamic Republic of Iran, is against the State of Israel. And speaking a lot in the media, on television and in society itself, against the State of Israel, since childhood Iranians have known what Israel represents to them. In Iranian society, especially in religious Muslim society, minorities are believed to be unclean. There is also religious discrimination in the very structure of the Iranian Regime. For example, if a Muslim murders a person from a religious minority, his punishment will be a financial fine. But if a person from the religious minority,
for example, a Jew murder a Muslim, his punishment will be death. A very important aspect of this conflict to be understood that iranian conflict is mostly against sunny world. There are two major denominations in the Arab world, The Shiite denomination and the Sunni denomination. The two denominations have clashed for 1,400 years. It's a bloody conflict. When the Prophet Muhammad died, Islam split. Some claimed that the successor should be from his family, and some said it should be from his followers. In other words, The dispute over the successor of the Prophet Muhammad is what split Islam.
There is in Islam a perception that I would call "Pax Islamica", That is, the Islamic peace. That if the whole world converts to Islam the world will live in peace. There will be no borders, there will be no countries, the whole world will be one Islamic state. Everyone will recognize Allah, will recognize Muhammad, and everyone will cooperate with each other. But most Islamic countries, or most Islamic peoples see it as an eschatological matter. Apocalyptic. A matter that will be at the end of history. Very few in Islam see it as a concrete matter for now.
And these are mainly the Iranians. Today's Iran is a remnant of a great Persian Empire that stretched from Europe to India and into Africa. They still dream of reclaiming those lands they once ruled. Before 1,300 years, Islam came to Iran and Islamized the Persians. Now, when you combine the ancient Iranian imperialist perceptions with the modern Iranian Islamic perception, you understand that what drives them in the imperialist perception is a dual matter. Both the Iranian national heritage and the newer Islamic heritage. The Iranians do not like the Arabs. The Iranians see the Arabs as inferior. The
Iranians think they are the smartest, and they say we do not want to be like the Arabs. The Iranians produce advanced weapons and combat equipment, So the plan of the Iranians is to take over all Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and the holy places of Mecca and Medina. They believe that they are the legitimate rulers of the Islamic world, not the Sunnis. And they hate each other very much. Indeed, Iran hates the Sunni world, and that includes Hamas. The irony of it. But they use Israel as a vehicle to infiltrate, to indoctrinate, to destabilize the
region and bleed the Middle East to a point where they can conquer it. Iran saw this alliance between Iran and a large Sunni organization as unacceptable and incomprehensible, according to religious logic. But in terms of interests, it is very understandable. There are Iranian interests in the region that intersect with the interests of Palestinians who seek to achieve their goals of freedom and independence. This freedom and independence needed the support of foreign countries. We did not find any real Arab who stood with the resistance with support in the political, diplomatic and military sense, except for Iran.
So the Palestinians went towards Iran. And they have a whole proxy system whose role is to build a ring of fire around the State of Israel. The fact is that the Islamic Republic of Iran did not want the United States. I didn't want Westernization. She adopted a practice which they call Sahar Ha'xihi. Sahar Ha'xihi means building Shiite coalitions... in countries that have Shiites. Iraq, 70% are Shiites. and the paramilitary popular mobilization force Al-Shaabi was created there. Yemen has thirty percent Shiites. As there are Houthis. Azerbaijan, there are Shiites who support Iran, the state of Azerbaijan.
As there are Husseiniyoun. Afghanistan and Pakistan have about ten percent each Shiites, they established there Fatemiyoun and Zainabiyoun. Lebanon has thirty percent Shiites. As there is Hezbollah. Now, to strengthen these militias, they need to spend money. They need to take taxes out of the country and dump them on them. There is a spiral of sacrificial machines here. The Iranians are willing to sacrifice Hezbollah, the Shiite Arabs. Hezbollah, the Shiite Arabs, are willing to sacrifice the enemies of Israel, Hamas, because they are Sunni, and Hamas is willing to sacrifice the residents of Gaza. So in this
spiral, everyone is willing to sacrifice the other. Iran is the great dismantler of the Middle East. Iran funds terrorists groups, provides training and knowledge. And the terrorist groups operating here in the Middle East Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis Islamic Jihad, among others, are Iran's proxies. They act according to the directives they receive from Iran, the father of terrorism in the world. So this is why the iranian game is much bigger than Israel. The dream of the Iranians, or more precisely the Islamic Republic of Iran, is first to control the Middle East. But secondly, ultimately, to conquer the
world. The Iran's attack launching 350 missiles and unmanned aircrafts into Israeli territory, with 60 tons of explosives. The Israeli army, together with our partners, managed to intercept 99% of these threats. Actually, some missiles were even intercepted in Jerusalem, above the Mosque. Look, I think that when someone says something, they mean it. And if the regime in Iran today constantly talks about wanting to destroy the State of Israel, and they see it as a messianic mission, then we should believe them that this is what they intend to do. And this is a danger not only to
the Jewish people, it is a danger to the peace of the entire world. The world needs to wake up to this before it is too late. The world must understand the developments in the Middle East because here in the Middle East an imperialist state is emerging, a very problematic one, and that is Iran, whose leaders and rulers are convinced that they are guided by Allah and all their decisions are divine decisions. Therefore, if they decide to establish a military nuclear project, it is a divine decision. The danger is that the use of the products of
the nuclear project will also be according to a divine decision against Christianity, against Judaism, and against other infidels in India, China, or Taiwan or Japan. The world must understand the imperialism that could consume all the good parts of the world that we know. Today, after two years of negotiations, the United States, together with our international partners, achieved something that decades of animosity has not. A comprehensive, long-term deal with Iran that will prevent it for obtaining a nuclear weapon. This deal will have my name on it. So nobody has a bigger personal interest in making sure
that deliver its promise. And if they try to cheat, we will immediately know about it, and sanctions snap back on. When he makes it possible to Iran to develop nuclear weapons by in the critical stage of enrichment, by waiting until the Iranians complete the entire process of enrichment, and he constantly says, "It's too early, too early, too early, too early. Oops, too late." Okay. This was his attitude vis-a-vis Iran. Iran's rulers promised to destroy my country, murder my people, and the response of this body, the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here,
has been absolutely nothing. Utter silence. Deafening silence. Perhaps now you can understand Why is Israel not joining you in celebrating into this deal. It took two years to convince Americans that it was serious. For two years, Americans told us we were wrong. All the experts told us that from where they were in 1995, it would take between 10 to 15 years to have a nuclear weapon, which means 2010 at the latest. Since then, Israel has worked to delay the process in Iran. So far, it's been working for us, but it's coming to an end. The
State of Israel will face a very difficult decision about what to do with the program Iran's nuclear if you don't want Iran to go nuclear. They are undoubtedly preparing an atomic bomb. They deceived the entire world for many years, claiming that they were not developing it, but they did. They have developed missiles that can deliver this nuclear weapon far beyond Israel. Israel is just the outpost of Western culture in the Middle East. What is certain is that Arab, Muslim and Sunni countries are locked in against Iran. To solve their problem. Either the Americans need to
embrace them, or if they don't embrace them, the Arab, Sunni countries will come in for the embrace from Russia and China. For Russia and China, it is another piece on their chessboard against the USA. And with all your cynicism, countries that themselves fight terrorism and kill terrorists, and kill civilians and terrorists, condemn the State of Israel is seen as an ally of the United States, and for relating to the United States he pays a price, it is not related to what they think about the state of Israel. They work in symphony towards creating a new
world order. so these are the things that are not secret. They've been declared by China, by Russia, by Iran, and their proxies. And October 7th did not happen just out of the blue. And if Israel falls against Sunni or Shia Jihad, this jihad will immediately move to Europe to take it also because of the encouragement it will give them, and the Atlantic Ocean is not wide enough to keep North and South America safe from this Jihad, especially after the large settlement of Muslims both in North and South America. I am Iranian, but I am not
from a Jewish community in Iran, I am Iranian from the Muslims of Iran. So please take into consideration that my opinions are from someone who was a minority. My way of speaking, my perception of the world, are part of me being a minority. Mohammad arrived from Algeria. Arrived in France. Now, in the liberal, Western French world that invented liberalism, They say that one must welcome the other. So they welcomed him. And there is something else called Equal Rights. So now Mohammad who has arrived from Algeria, he has the same rights as the sexy blonde French
Jennifer. Equal Rights. All good. So, Mohammad work a lot in France, and one day receive French citizenship. Mohammad calls another Mohammad in Algeria, and says there are many idiots in France. That he has the same rights as Jennifer. So, Mohammad brings another Mohammad, and another one, and another one, and these idiot liberals, hug everyone, Now, there are nine million there... Fifty years from now, France will no longer exist. My personal opinion about the Europeans, and may some muslim's brothers forgive me. The Europeans open their countries to the muslims. And they are integrated through asylum. They
see, hear and talk about how to deal with people providing shelter and welcoming them. They provide a salary to Palestine and other Arab countries refugees. Obviously that is not excuse for someone to leave, but I see this act of mercy upon muslims as a sign that has been lost in some Arab countries. The immigration of Palestinians and non-Palestinians to Europe will end up colliding because it means a large presence of strangers in Europe that will end in clashes that will force the immigrants to return, because Europe will suffer in the future. From the clash of
cultures, this is happening and it is natural. Very different things collide and will ultimately cause foreigners to return. In the Muslim world there is an expression called Jihad Hashaket. which means that when a Muslim lives in a liberal Western country, and he goes on, saying, our weapon is the womb of our women. Because the Muslim woman's womb makes children, and western democracy says elections. The people decide at the ballot box. So who will decide fifty years from now? The civilization of France and the West is a civilization of lies and sins, a civilization of atheism
and heresy. Their civilization is one of prostitution, promiscuity and homosexuality This is why they harbor feelings of hatred towards the Prophet Muhammad. "Oh Macron, know your place." "Oh Macron, know your place." "with Jihad we will destroy your honor!" "with Jihad we will destroy your honor!" "Oh Macron, you lowlife," "Oh Macron, you lowlife," "tomorrow we will conquer Paris." "tomorrow we will conquer Paris." This means that the Western liberal world, who is not aware of his nationalism, is committing suicide inside. And he doesn't understand that. It's just a very slow process, I understand that I am too
radical for this world. But, I am completely convinced that I am right in what I say. When we talk about 15% to 20% of the population, illegal immigrants. Well, this is the greatest threat against any society that is going eventually to lead to empulsion. They run away from their country because their country was destroyed by their culture. And then they bring the same culture to Europe. If you want the good guys to have a good life you must see to it that bad guys cannot destroy this good life. We live in the real world, not
in La La Land. Look, Islam will enter every househood. Whether you like or not. You're going to see more and more of this type of people who know that this society and the direction that it's going in is not the right direction. We're becoming to Islam. ... community leader has been speaking to the police as well, because... - Are you Free Palestine? - Free Palestine. - Fuck Media. I think... Apologies for the language you're hearing. A sensitive anger. I think you can hear that. - Yeah Casey, I think we... I apologize, we need to... leave
you there and ... A, it will undermine Europe. B, it now, as we speak, produced fascism in Europe on a level that we have not seen before. And a move to the radical right in Europe that we have never seen before. Because people want to defend themselves against it. Look, in the 90s, a document was already found in the United States that was written in May 1991. It is called in English translation, an explanatory memorandum, that is, a memorandum explaining the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. A document written more than 30
years ago. In which they explicitly state that they came to America to turn America into an Islamic place. I recommend everyone read this document either in the original Arabic or there is an English translation, because it was presented as an exhibit in the Holy Land Foundation trial. Which is the Holy Land Foundation that was essentially Hamas in the United States and people went to jail because of their activities within this foundation. They planned for the long term, those people of the Muslim Brotherhood, to take over the United States from within. In my opinion, it is
the same plan to take over South American countries from within. It may take a little longer in time, but in the Quran there is a verse that says: "Allah is with the patient", Allah is with those who have patience. It can take a hundred years, two hundred years, three hundred years, it doesn't matter. The future belongs to those who have patience. And they do have a lot of patience. We stand with the Palestinian resistance and their heroic and brave action on October 7th. From the river to the sea! Palestine will be free! Hamas! Hamas! This
is also to be understood. Are they actually asking for advocating on behalf of the Palestinian rights? or are they actually projecting their own frustration and their own problems using Palestine as a vehicle, as a device? So over the years, as I would meet Western governments, I began to separate between doing good and feeling good. So the problem is that we have too many people, whether it's college protesters or leaders of countries, that just want to feel good. So they say that they're fighting for a ceasefire. How will that happen? How will you enforce it? What
does it mean? But they like to say those words, I can assure you, they're feeling really good. They're doing no good. These people have no responsibility to what they're saying. If God forbid somebody would have listened to them, they would lose everything that is important to them. Intifada revolution! Intifada revolution! Intifada revolution! And doctor Gay, at Harvard does calling for the genocide of the jews violate the Harvard's rules bullying and harassment, yes or no? It can be depending on the context It is a context depending decision, congress woman. Is it a context depending decision? Is
that your testimony today? Calling for the genocide of the jews is depending upon the context? That is not bullying or harassement? This is the easiest question to answer yes, Ms. Magill. Harvard University, to my surprise, produced something that is academically sound, the Harvard Public Opinion Poll. And I read it very, very carefully. Now, people between 18 and 24 in America are saying, at the same time, Israel should be given to Hamas, 51%, okay? And Israel has a right to defend itself even in populated areas. So it's not only that they say stupid things. They also
contradict themselves, okay? They simply don't know what they're talking about. Qatar buys academia through grants, through donations to academic institutions. It buys research chairs, buys departments, buys people, pays them, invites them, Qatar, há anos, But not only academics. They are the spokespeople of Hamas, Qatar hosts Hamas leaders. Qatar is a state that supports terrorism in every possible way to take over the West through financial Jihad, which is also a type of jihad, which they conduct against the West, because in their view the West is infidel, Over the years, Qatar has built mosques in Europe, the
US and Canada. Qatar establishes associations, pays salaries. Qatar transfers and buys people. So, a part of the people we are talking about, These are the ones who receive money and financing from Qatar. The Qataris can give orders to this group, Who receives their money to write news against Israel. This group does not write against Qatar, because Qatar pays them. Which is also a type of jihad, which they conduct against the West, because in their view the West is infidel, the West is materialistic, the West is liberal, and therefore the culture of the West must be
destroyed by using means that the West is willing to accept. Financial penetration, penetration into academia, penetration into politics, penetration into the media. This is how Qatar turns its effort and its ability into Jihad, migration Jihad, media Jihad, political Jihad, and all other types of activities against the West in general and Israel in particular, because in Qatar they understand that Israel is the forward outpost of Western culture in the heart of the Middle East. This is how we should understand what Qatar is doing to the West to eliminate it. So, many people, first of all, have
een influenced by propaganda regarding Palestine. They don't know that this is actually an ideology that is coming at the expense of individuality, not vice versa. And why? Because they don't know. They've never been there. Democracy belongs to the West. The United States tries to promote democracy in the world. And here is a democratic base within a sea of ​​Arab and Islamic dictatorships. This war is different from all the other wars we have had so far. It is a decisive war in the great struggle between good and evil. And ladies and gentlemen, this is a wake-up
call to all the nations of the world to understand where the Middle East is walking towards, which is not a place that many people in the world would like. What is the way to end the war? Is it possible? Will there be peace between us and Israel? Yes. Repeat the question. I personally don't believe in peace. With our Palestinian enemy. The most I can think of is some security arrangements to ensure we protect ourselves. But true peace means that the world recognizes the right of Palestinians to self-determination to have the right to establish their Independent
Palestinian State. For this, they fought for 70 years and will fight for another 70 if the world does not recognize these rights. What happened in the process between us and the Palestinians, we tried very hard. In every way, negotiations, territorial concessions. Even... unilaterally. I think that overall what happened is that Yasser Arafat failed to be a leader above terrorism, and therefore he killed the peace process. And killed the idea of two states for two peoples. Then on October 7th, Hamas buried that idea. Now we Israelis will make sure that this idea does not come back
to life. I swear to God that as long as there is occupation there will be no peace. As long as I occupy my house, my land, How could I be at peace with you? How can I live with you in peace when you take my land, my money, my conditions and everything I own? There is no peace. It is impossible for there to be peace. You massacred me, you massacred me. They killed my sons and my daughters. I won't forgive you. I will never forgive you. There will be no agreement that can be trusted. Any
deal with them. Or any withdrawal from us. Even if there is no agreement. It ends with 122 victims per month in 2002. Or with a barbaric attack. Which includes rape, murder and child kidnapping. And beheadings. Barbarism unseen. Not seen in the 21st century. We just don't trust them. I think the world entered into a contract with us in 1948. the world should keep its word. The world should not treat Israel as something different, as to a standard which is impossible to achieve and undesirable to achieve. The world should let us defend ourselves. If I have
to choose between existing, defending myself and not being liked and having my existence undermined, I don't have a dilemma. I know exactly what I do. So So people won't like me. Bad luck. If we would have done what people liked, we would not have existed. When we tried to be lovable to everybody, we lost a third of our people. So I'm sorry, we tried it. It doesn't work very well. And I know that nobody is optimistic anymore, maybe, but I am. Because when I was a kid in the 70s, we had a war with Egypt
that we don't have anymore, we had with Jordan, we had with Dubai, we had with Morocco, and we don't have it. So in a way, there is achance that even the Muslim and the Palestinian will take a side of co-existent in the world. And it's not just with us, the Jews. This vicious cycle of violence must come to an end. And if we don't stop it, it's going to burn everything to ashes. not only Jewish children not only Jewish children but also Arab children. And it's really our responsibility to break the cycle of violence, even
though each one of us has to drop our interest in whatever it is, to break the cycle and allow a new generation to coexist together. There's nothing to do, I'll never trust the world again like I did before, my innocence will not be the same, I will forever live with the thought of the death of my friends, and... and the question is, what do you choose to do with it? Every dinner, every evening it seems like... it has no meaning, it's meaningless. I would like to tell my son, that I am a very happy mother,
For having had the opportunity to raise him during his thirty-one and a half years. That I am very happy that he becam the admirable person he was. Selfless, who loves people, who helps people, And I'm sure that whatever he did that day, It was out of love for the people in him It's difficult, I miss him. It's hard to understand that he is no longer with us, But, I'm sure he did the right thing. To my son we want to say that we are very proud of him. He can't even imagine how much. I would
like to hug you, first of all, Ask him for forgiveness. I'm sorry he had to die for us. I'm sorry he had to fight this war. But most of all, I wish I could hug him. I think we will always remain united, no matter what. To this day, it doesn't leave my mind. It doesn't. Never. He promised me a love story. Since beginning. He gave me a love story. Even the biggest cliché. Even the biggest cliché. What do I learn from life? Thank God for every day that I'm alive. For everything I have. That's the
biggest message. Be optimistic, Thank God for what we have. We lack nothing. We hope you enjoyed "From the River to the Sea." With the production and free availability, the first part has been completed. Now we need to make sure this content reaches the four corners of the country and the world. This project has the potential to open people's eyes to the magnitude of the problem we're facing. A problem that puts our culture and values at risk. We need to wake people up to the real threat that is getting closer to us every day. Your support
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