She Gives Birth And SELLS the BABIES INSTANTLY After #Tales #Folks

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Native African Tales
"She sells her babies for money"; In this captivating African tale, we follow the journey of Nana, a...
Video Transcript:
Mama abier I'm not ready to have this baby is there any way you can help me Mama abier looked at Nana with kind but serious eyes my dear it's too late to get rid of the baby safely it could be very dangerous for you Nana's heart sank she didn't know what to do but then Mama Abby said something that surprised her if you don't want the baby you can sell it after it's born there are people who would pay a lot of money for a healthy [Music] child once upon a time in a village far
away there lived a girl named Nana Nana was very beautiful with a kind heart that made everyone love her she was always helpful and sweet making people smile wherever she went Nana's father was a poor farmer he worked hard every day in the fields trying to grow enough food for his family Nana's mother was a Trader she sold little things in the market doing her best to make sure they had what they needed even though they didn't have much Nana's family was happy they loved each other very much Nana had a few close friends together
they walked to school every day Nana was very very smart she always listened to her teachers and studied hard because of this she was always the top of her class every week the head teacher would smile at Nana and say nana you are the best in the whole school then he would give her a little gift like a shiny pencil or a small book Nana felt proud and happy because she knew she was making her parents proud too the villagers all knew and loved Nana they would say Nana is a good girl she's going to
do great things one day and Nana would smile dreaming of a bright future as Nana Grew Older she reached her final year in school during this time she became very close to a girl named Bola Bola was not as smart as Nana and she wasn't as pretty either but she had a way of doing things that were different sometimes not very good the other girls in the village noticed this they would say to Nana Nana be careful with Bola she doesn't always make good choices but nana didn't listen she liked baa and wanted to be
her friend one day Nana went to school with an empty stomach there was no food at home and her parents couldn't give her anything to eat she felt very hungry and sad but when she arrived at school she saw Bowa carrying two plates of food Bowa smiled and said Nana I brought this for you I made it just for my special friend Nana was surprised and very thankful thank you so much baa she said and they sat down to eat together from that day their friendship grew even stronger Nana felt grateful to have a friend
like Bola who was there for her when she needed it even though Bola wasn't the best influence and she sometimes did things that weren't right Nana continued to do well in school she still listened to her teachers and studied hard Nana believed that as long as she stayed true to herself everything would be okay after Nana and baa finished school they began spending a lot of time together they would walk through the village visit the market and talk about everything Nana noticed that Bola always had nice clothes pretty jewelry and other things that Nana couldn't
afford this made Nana curious one day Nana asked Bowa how do you get all these nice things where does the money come from Bola smiled and said it's from a man named kley he gives me money and buys me gifts Nana didn't understand but why would he do that what do you do for him Rola looked around to make sure no one was listening then she whispered I sleep with kunle and he gives me money it's easy and I get whatever I want Nana was shocked she couldn't believe what she was hearing but what if
you get pregnant Bola aren't you scared Bola shook her head and laughed don't worry nana I know how to take care of that I won't get pregnant now it's nothing to be afraid of Nana felt confused and worried she had never thought about doing something like that but Bola made it sound so simple so easy Nana didn't know what to think but she trusted her friend Bola seemed so confident and Nana didn't want to lose her friendship so she kept quiet and continued to follow B's lead even though deep inside she felt something wasn't right
one bright morning Nana was on her way to B's house when she met a man named bakari bakari was young and handsome and he was well known in the village he was a palm wine Tapper and he owned a big farm where he made the sweetest Palm wine anyone had ever tasted back bakare was not only hardworking but also very kind as they talked bakar looked at Nana and smiled he liked her gentle nature and her beauty before they parted ways bakari reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box inside was a pair
of beautiful earrings he handed them to Nana and said these are for you Nana I hope they bring a smile to your face Nana was surprised and happy thank you bakari they so beautiful she said her eyes shining with gratitude from that day on Nana started meeting bakari every day they would talk laugh and sometimes walked together to his farm bakar always made Nana feel special and she began to look forward to their time together as days passed Nana and bakari grew closer one day in a quiet moment they ended up sleeping together Nana felt
a mix of emotions she liked bakari very much but she also felt unsure about what they had done while this was happening Nana's parents were busy planning her future they wanted her to learn a skill that would help her in life so they decided to send her to another Village called biku biku was known for its skill training and bustling Market and they thought it would be a good place for Nana to grow but a few weeks after being with bakare Nana realized something that made her heart sink she was pregnant nervously she went to
bakare and told him the news hoping he would stand by her but instead bakara shook his head and said no Nana I'm not responsible for that it's not my child his words were cold and he turned away from her Nana felt crushed and alone the man she thought cared for her had rejected her in her time of need now with a baby on the way she didn't know what to do after being rejected by bakari Nana felt lost and scared her parents not knowing about her troubles sent her off to biku Village to learn a
trade they wanted her to have a skill that would help her in life IU was a big Village famous for its skill training and busy markets people came from far and wide to learn and trade there as Nana left her parents' house she felt a mix of emotions she was excited about learning something new but she was also very scared about what was happening with her baby when she arrived in biku she stayed with a distant Aunt who lived near the market the aunt was was kind and welcom Nana into her home but nana couldn't
stop thinking about the baby growing inside her she didn't want to have it she didn't know how she could take care of a baby all by herself so she decided to visit a midwife in the village this Midwife was known as mama abier and she was the one people went to when they needed help with their pregnancies Nana went to Mama AB and explained her situation Mama AB I'm not ready to have this baby is there any way you can help me Mama abier looked at Nana with kind but serious eyes my dear it's too
late to get rid of the baby safely it could be very dangerous for you Nana's heart sank she didn't know what to do but then Mama AB said something that surprised her if you don't want the baby you can sell it after it's born there are people who would pay a lot of money for a healthy child Nana was shocked at first sell the baby but as she thought about it a new feeling came over her she could make money from this maybe this was a way to solve her problems she wouldn't have to take
care of the baby and she would have money to live on Nana looked at Mama ab and nodded okay I'll do it she said feeling a mix of relief and excitement now instead of worrying about the baby she started to focus on the idea of making money Nana's thoughts were no longer on learning a trade but on having her baby so she could sell it she didn't feel the usual excitement or worry that other mothers might feel instead she was focused on the idea of making money as the months passed Nana's belly grew and soon
it was time for the baby to arrive Mama abier the Midwife was ready she had already found a buyer who wanted a child when the day came Nana gave birth to a beautiful baby girl the baby cried loudly full of life and Mama AB placed the little girl in Nana's arms Nana looked at her daughter and felt nothing she didn't feel the love or attachment that new mothers usually feel instead she thought about the 500 gold coins and the shiny jewelry that were waiting for her after breastfeeding the baby Nana handed her over to Mama
AB who took the child to the buyer the buyer was pleased and gave Nana the promised gold coins and jewelry Nana looked at the money in her hands and felt felt excited she didn't think about the baby she had just sold all she could think about was how much money she had now with the gold coins jingling in her pocket and the jewelry sparkling in her hands Nana made a decision this is better than learning a trade she thought I can make more money by selling babies so instead of focusing on her skill training Nana
planned to get pregnant again she knew that as long as she could keep having babies she could keep selling them and making money Nana didn't see anything wrong with what she was doing to her it was just a way to get rich quickly it didn't take long for Nana to get pregnant again this time it was with a man named t t was just another man in the village and when Nana told him she was expecting his baby he reacted just like bakari had T shook his head and said that's not my baby nana I
don't want anything to do with it but nana didn't feel sad or worried instead she felt happy she was already thinking about the money she could make from selling this baby too without wasting any time she ran to Mama ab's Hut full of excitement Mama AB I'm pregnant again Nana said almost dancing with joy Mama ABI looked at Nana with concern Nana you must be careful selling babies is not something to take lightly it can lead to a path of regret but nana didn't want to hear it she smiled and said this is the path
I've chosen mama I'm going to keep doing this it's the best way for me to make money Mama abier sighed but she knew Nana wouldn't listen so she helped Nana through the pregnancy just as she had before after 9 months Nana gave birth to a baby boy he was strong and healthy crying loudly as he came into the world but nana didn't feel the need to hold him or even look at him she knew the buyers were already outside waiting without a second thought she handed the baby over to Mama abier who took him to
the buyers this time the payment was even greater the buyers gave Nana 2,000 gold coins and more jewelry even more beautiful than before Nana was thrilled the money was more than she had ever imagined she didn't think about the baby she had just sold only about the wealth she was accumulating as Nana looked at her growing pile of gold and jewels she felt powerful she believed she had found the perfect way to get rich and nothing else seemed to matter she was determined to continue down this path no matter what anyone said Nana's plan worked
even better than she had imagined she became very rich very quickly each time she got pregnant she sold the baby and collected more gold coins and jewels the more babies she sold the Richer she became soon Nana was living a life of luxury in biku Village she had the finest clothes the most beautiful jewelry and anything else she wanted but as Nana's wealth grew so did Mama ab's concern one day Mama abier sat Nana down and said Nana you must stop selling your babies they are your future your own flesh and blood you can't keep
doing this but nana just laughed and waved her hand don't worry mama abier I have many more children inside me I'll keep making money this way and nothing will stop me Nana did listen to the warnings she was too focused on her riches and the easy life she was living she sent money and Gifts back to her parents in her Village who were Amazed by how much she had they didn't know where all this money was coming from but they were proud of their daughter for for doing so well in biku Village By the time
nana decided to return to her Village she had sold 10 of her babies each sale had made her richer and more powerful she felt on top of the world believing that nothing could go wrong with her bags full of gold and jewels Nana was ready to go back home and show everyone how successful she had become she didn't think about the babies she had sold or the warnings she had ignored all she cared about was The Wealth she had gathered and the luxurious life she had built for herself when Nana finally returned to her Village
she looked so different that even her own parents didn't recognize her at first she was dressed in the finest clothes her skin glowed and she had expensive jewelry that sparkled in the sunlight the villagers gathered around amazed at how beautiful and Rich she had become who is this beautiful woman they whispered to each other unable to believe that this was the same Nana who had left them it was Bola Nana's old friend who first recognized her Nana is that really you baa shouted running up to her and hugging her tightly the villagers were astonished this
was Nana the girl who had left to learn a trade in biku Village they celebrated her return with joy and admiration with all the money she had made Nana built herself a big beautiful house she didn't stop there she also rebuilt her parents house making it Grand and comfortable her parents were proud thinking their daughter had done so well in life Nana lived alone in her grand house surrounded by all the wealth she had gathered from selling her babies she enjoyed the luxury and comfort her money brought her and she didn't have to worry about
anything the men in the village were captivated by her beauty and success many of them asked her to marry them thinking they could share in her wealth and happiness but nana always said no I don't need a husband she would say with a smile she was content with her riches and didn't see any reason to get married Nana believed that she had everything she needed she was rich beautiful and admired by everyone in the village to her life seemed perfect and she didn't think about the cost of her wealth or the future that might lie
ahead as time went on Nana's parents began to worry about her they saw that she was rich and successful but she wasn't married in their hearts they believed that having a husband and children would bring true joy and happiness to Nana's life one day her mother gently said Nana you have everything but you are alone it's important to have a husband and children to complete your happiness Nana thought about what her mother said although she had always been happy with her riches she began to wonder if something was missing maybe her parents were right soon
after Nana met a man named Akin Akin was also rich and came from a well-respected family in the village he was kind handsome and seemed to care deeply for Nana they spent time together and before long Akin proposed to Nana she agreed thinking that marriage would finally make her life complete the wedding was a grand affair with the whole village invited there was music dancing and feasting and everyone talked about how beautiful the couple looked together Nana felt happy and hopeful as she started this new chapter in her life but as the the months turned
into years something troubled Nana two years had passed and she still hadn't gotten pregnant Akin's mother who was eager for grandchildren began to pressure Nana she would often say why haven't you given us a child yet Nana a wife's duty is to bring children into the family Nana tried to stay hopeful but the pressure kept growing one day I kin's mother could no longer hide her frustration she stormed into their home and shouted Nana you are Barren you can't stay in this house any longer my son needs a wife who can give him children Nana
was heartbroken she loved Akin and didn't want to leave but his mother's words were final With Tears In Her Eyes Nana packed her belongings and left Akin's house she returned to her own home feeling empty and alone the marriage that she thought would bring her happiness had ended in sorrow Nana realized that all the riches in the world couldn't feel the void left by her inability to have a child as she sat in her grand house surrounded by the wealth she had accumulated Nana felt a deep sadness she had everything she thought she wanted but
now she was more alone than ever after being sent Away by Akin's mother Nana tried to rebuild her life she hoped to get married again thinking that maybe just maybe she could find happiness with another man but no matter how hard she tried no man wanted to stay with her because she couldn't have children words spread quickly in the village and people people began to see Nana differently they whispered behind her back and the sutors who once flocked to her now stayed away one day out of the blue bakari the very first man who had
denied her when she was pregnant came to her house he looked serious and demanded Nana where is my child the child you were carrying when you left the village Nana's heart raced she didn't want to admit what she had done so she lied I lost the baby bakari I had a miscarriage bakari looked at her his eyes filled with doubt but he left without another word just when Nana thought the worst was over two more men came knocking at her door on different days each asking the same question where is my child Nana to both
men she gave the same answer I lost lost the baby I had a miscarriage but Nana's lies didn't stay hidden for long a villager who had been listening in on one of the conversations overheard everything this villager knew the truth about what Nana had been doing in biku Village without hesitation they told the men Nana didn't lose your babies she sold them she's been selling her children to get rich the men were shocked and Furious the news spread like wildfire through the Village People couldn't believe what they were hearing the men who had come to
Nana now knowing the truth were filled with rage they returned to her house this time with a crowd of angry villagers behind them give us back our children Nana they demanded their voices loud and threatening if you don't we'll burn down your house Nana stood Frozen fear gripping her heart the wealth she had gathered the life she had built all of it was crumbling around her the villagers who once admired her now looked at her with disgust and anger Nana realized that her actions had finally caught up with her and the consequences were more terrible
than she had ever imagined with her heart heavy and her mind full of fear Nana knew she had had no choice but to try to find the children she had sold she traveled back to biku Village desperate to undo the wrong she had done when she arrived she went straight to Mama ab's Hut hoping the Midwife could help her mama abier seeing the sorrow in Nana's eyes sigh deeply nana I want you not to take this path now you must face the consequences of your actions now plear please mama abier help me find the children
I need to bring them back or the villagers will destroy everything I have Mama abier handed her a piece of paper with the addresses of the people who had bought the babies these are the people who took your children but be warned Nana they may not be willing to return them and once you leave don't come back here again Nana nodded and took the paper her heart pounding she traveled far and wide knocking on doors pleading with the people who had bought her children but her efforts were in vain some of the people denied ever
knowing her While others refused to return the children saying they were now part of their families each rejection cut deep into Nana's Soul and she felt the weight of her choices crushing her spirit after many fruitless attempts Nana returned to her Village in shame the villagers were waiting for her their anger still burning they didn't care about the gold and jewels she had once flaunted to them Nana was no longer a symbol of success but a reminder of greed and betrayal her parents were devastated by the news they couldn't believe what the daughter had done
they regretted sending her away without checking on her and not teaching her the dangers of loving money to much the weight of the shame was too much for Nana's mother to bear and she passed away leaving Nana feeling even more alone and broken in a final Act of repentance Nana gave away all her money and her house but the villagers rejected her offerings not wanting anything that came from such a dark place determined to make amends in any way she could Nana sold everything and gave the money to the less fortunate then with just a
small bag she left the village carrying nothing but her sorrow and regret Nana settled at the entrance of the village far from the life of luxury she once knew she lived alone spending her days in quiet reflection haunted by the memories of the children she had sold and the life she could have had though she found some peace within herself the loneliness never left her she realized too late the terrible mistakes she had made Nana's story became a lesson for all the children in the village parents would tell their children remember Nana who traded her
future for gold she had everything but lost it all because she couldn't see what truly mattered Nana lead the rest of her life in solitude her heart full of regret and as she sat by the entrance of the village she hoped that her story would help others avoid the path she had taken she learned that true wealth wasn't in gold or Jewels but in the love and life she had once taken for granted I hope you enjoyed the story if so please like the video comment what you learned from the tail and don't forget to
subscribe to the channel for more enchanting Tales just like this one thank you
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