MINDBLOWING - Modern Tools That Decode Mahabharata & Ramayana | Nilesh Nilkanth Oak | TRS 393

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do you think that the modern island of Sri Lanka was not a part of the ancient ramayan no it would be part of ancient ramayan it wasn't Raanana Lanka east of Maldives that's where Raanana Lanka was right now there is nothing just a deep ocean so effectively you are disagreeing with extreme rightwing portals which highlight the ramu as one of the most important correct when we talk about meapa they say that all the animals that we see around us are only 1% of the animals that have ever existed which is very true and also the
biggest Extinction of them happened in 11,000 BC beginning of younger D damn four Tusk elephants that are also described in ramayana you see for example that vertical line This is basically 15 M sudden sea level rise in the middle of 6 millennium BC in the Arabian Sea that's krishna's dwarka getting destroyed where is this South America angle written about in the texts Indra is the D of the East Direction Indra established it there ananta is referred to the Andes mountain with is SRA heads as the each Peak oh this is a real thing yes okay
it's like almost 800 ft tall Dam how deep have you gone in this stuff so shanaka is actually been married Raa sister and has gone to South America it's lost knowledge they don't know who created they don't know why it was created but it's described in the panas ram when I used to see Graham hanok and Randle Carlson's work always think there needs to be some Indian person who needs to go down and do the same kind of work but from an India context honor of my life meeting you today there's going to be many
points during the course of this conversation where you'll be shocked you'll be sitting back in your seat wherever you are whether you're watching this whether you're listening to this and you're going to go into a spiral of thought and there's very few guests who can invoke that kind of reaction in both myself and the audiences we found an Allstar ladies and gentlemen absolutely loved speaking to n I've asked so many people these questions about the Mahabharat and the ramayan nobody in the history of TRS has been able to answer it with the kind of proof
with the kind of research and with the kind of conviction that NES Oak has answered these questions uh we approached this historical conversation from a scientific and evidencebased bent of mind you're going to enjoy it as much as I did it's the first first part of an epic two-part conversation if you're someone who enjoys Indian culture this is one of the ultimate conversations that have been uploaded on the Indian internet I can promise you that and I say that because of the content that will follow this intro this is n on PRS [Music] welcome to
TRS n OA very happy to be here I love that you're an engineer I love it even more that you're an evidencebased I'd also say passion based modern day historian in many ways uh this is something I've learned from Dr Luke coutinho who told me that like expertise is always an outcome of passion and expertise becomes more of an expertise when you back it up with evidence and data so we're doing a Mahabharat and ramayan episode after a very long time on TRS we've had archaeologist on the show uh I've noticed that often uh academically
trained archaeologists and historians really value evidence and I'm sorry I'm starting it out like this but they often dislike people like you mhm uh I don't think audiences dislike people like you but it's always the Professionals of an industry who have gone through that grind whove put in those years of work in their own studies who don't love it when someone without a degree actually comes and speaks but if you scan history there's been a lot of grades who've not gone to a particular College to study a particular subject and still become Experts of that
subject yeah let's begin by talking about dirt archaeology uh I remember reading one of the yal Noah Harari books I can't remember which one where he spoke about the concept of fictions so he said that when you go buy a car which is created by schod okay what is skod really it's a company who thought of the name schod the guy who started it who thought of the logo the guy who started it now when you think of schod you're thinking of a car company but truly what it is is a fictional creation of the
guy who started it the same is the case for for um beer biceps my Channel's name in 2014 I thought of the name and I thought of huh you know I'll make this YouTube channel I'll call myself be biceps it's a fiction that came out of my head similarly that's the case with history as well before history was taught in schools some person in the past thought that we need to teach our kids about all these things that happened before they came into this world mhm what we call this subject let's call it history mhm
eventually history grew in the story of mankind and Mankind REO by they realize we need to go deeper into history okay so let's start a new field called archaeology so archaeology also began as a fiction in someone's mind and someone had to decide the rules of archaeology based on their experience in the field therefore the rules of dirt archaeology were created and dirt archaeology was created as a subject now these same rules which began as a fiction in some Europeans mind have made their way to archaeologist worldwide and they are the flag Poes that these
guys follow which may be very good for their process but I definitely feel that those flag poles limit you to some degree at least yeah and that's what I've picked up from people like yourself and grma and GA that you guys think in open space you guys think in free space you all reference ancient texts and you all don't dismiss ancient texts based on the fact that they simply don't follow the rules of dirt archaeology now parently when you ask an archaeologist in India about the truth about the ramayan and Mahabharat often they'll say that
we don't have out andout evidence that it happened at this 5,000 is BC Mark what's the mark for Mahabharat uh for them you mean no what's the mark you come that's like so Mahabharat happened I'll give you the formula of seven Mahabharat happened more than 7,000 years ago that's what the evidence shows ramayan happened more than 14,000 years ago and ruga definitely more than 21,000 years ago so think of the multiplication of s uh I'm thinking of a very weird thing in my head which I have to voice out but based on the dates that
you've given which is 5561 BC that's the Mahabharat and ramayan is 12,29 BC like think Simplicity you can say more than 14,000 years ago for ramayan gotcha yeah so we are 7,000 years away roughly from the Mahabharat Mahabharat was 7,000 years away from the ramay according to your dates yes so we are as far from the Mahabharat as the Mahabharat was from the ramayan yes do you think that's why the knowledge is coming to the Forefront again because of the seven multiplication of seven could be could be I mean I'm not a numerologist but mystical
cycle of 7,000 years cute thought good thought yes yeah you know I'll tell you one more thing I've learned through the show which is that uh when Krishna passed away at the end of the story of the whole epic they say it was the beginning of the kalyug uh and the Mahabharat happened in the dwapar yug the ramayan happened in the tra yog now again if we go back to this timeline that I just mentioned yeah effectively does it mean that uh the time difference between each of the yugs is 7,000 years one may reach
that conclusion uh I would say I will give you a brief on the Yuga but that may require a full episode that's how fascinating it is Yuga in the Indian context the simple definition if you look at the time is a period of time that's the simple definition a certain period of time like you know it's like saying bring me a cup of tea but the cup size may change something like this so yoga is a certain period of time uh there is one um researcher on in odisa he's a retired IPS officer Arun upad
G he has collected 26 plus different definitions of a Yuga to that I have added 10 plus so possibly the number sits said this but to simplify the matter I would say Yuga is not even the period of time okay there is a sense of it I'll give you a quick uh you know the Niles notes on that Clips notes okay four types for example Ina Brahman okay this is based on your action the you guys defined it I will just instead of srit I'll just go English straight what is AA Brahman uh Brahman will
go now say think of Vedas the Veda has a Sita which is the Mantra after that when the mantras are used in a yya there are some other manuals like how to do the yya okay so car you know how to drive a car but how to maintain the car or how to start the car check the car so that is the Brahman gr nothing to do with the word Brahman otherwise or something like this then there is arakas which is a philosophical discussions on those mantras and the yya and then there is a upanishad
which is essentially Guru teaching that same philosophy and everything else to shisha so like that so one of the Brahman gr Brahman connected to ruged it says when you are sleeping you are in a Kaluga when you wake up and sit sit up then you are in a dwapar when you stand up you are in the tra and when you get into action and you start walking that is you are in the sataa it says keep on walking keep on doing action stay in the satyaa stay in the kuga now this is nothing to do
with the time this has to do with the action okay let's look at another one the emotional state like Einstein's you would have heard like you know you sit with a beautiful lady for an hour and feels like a minute and you sit on a hot plate for a minute and feels like an hour by the way do you know that Einstein actually performed that experiment that would be a digression so I'll not go there 1938 after doing this experiment he wrote a paper he borrowed Charlie chaplain's wife for the date and he traveled from
New Jersey to New York in Oyster Bar sat there and when he felt like looked at the clock 57 minutes and he felt like with Charlie Chaplin's beautiful wife he felt like it was only a minute then he went to New Jersey perform the other experiment sitting on a hot plate anyways so exactly like this in the Bengal there was a great Saint you might have heard the name chaitanya Maha prabu like har Krishna moment sort of comes from that he wrote only Oka one of the schl he says because he was a great Krishna
Bak rad and Krishna bakta he says so the word if I have a separation from gobinda my is deata Nesha just a blinking of an eye that time feels like a Yuga so he's stating a emotional state just like Einstein's theory there this is the second kind the Third Kind is what people have confused for The Fourth Kind the Third Kind is like you have heard 432,000 years of Kaluga have you heard that yeah double that is like a dwapar 864,000 triple that is a tra and then four times that that has absolutely nothing NADA
to do with the chronological yugas of ramayana Mahabharata and so on that has everything to do with a mathematical competition formulations in astronomy that allows us to tell us the absolutely precise and accurate orbital periods of planets but somewhere that confusion happened and it was used and understood to be the durations of yoga and that's why you are comfortable when only 7,000 years I'll come to that in answering that the third one is basically there is a Yuga of five years okay in the calendrical Yuga the panchanga Yuga and then that was used along with
the astronomy evidence of the type I I I refer to to talk about the time periods okay now to answer that question so you said seven it seems like 7,000 years and the you guys changing possibly so but Mahabharat gives a beautiful definition uh if you remember recently our Prime Minister Modi G he referred to Kal chakra if you have heard that statement in the context of aod Mand and so you know what it is actually how do you change the kalachakra we do it and Mahabharat says Raja Kalam a king or administrator depending on
how he administers the kingdom the particular type of yoga comes and ra I will not belabor on that point but Mahabharat goes on giving many examples of this so depending on the administration of time com and I add my original contribution just like Raja kalasam I say pra kalasam pra has to develop the Civic sense also and a different type of yoga comes okay uh what would you like to say about that 7,000 year duration it's very magical okay I find it very useful in the sense of pneumonics but uh just the way I look
at things uh although it's a fascinating numerology thing I don't read more into it okay fair uh um let's talk a little bit more about the reality of the Mahabharat the one thing I've always questioned even as a kid was what were rasas when you talk about hidimba gach bakasur uh effectively if you truly try uh attaching it to reality was bakasur some kind of a cannibal like just a really well-built cannibal was uh hidimba and hidm also something similar and then if that's the case why do we have a hidimba temple in Himachal Pradesh
where they say that oh this is actually where she lived near kir ganga which is now known for Stoners who go up to T to kir ganga right but there is a hidimba temple there yeah um that's one question second question attached to that is this is something very very fascinating I learned from a Pary priest who was on the show what he spoke about was was that Zoran are also an ancient culture and I've really deep dived into Zoran ISM which is the religion of the pares I figured that it's perhaps definitely the sister
religion of sanatan I'm pretty convinced I agree uh even when you talk about the modern um practices it's literally in parallel with sanatan be at worshipping fire be at mantras be it aasta how we have Sanskrit um now in their mythology the word daa was villainous yes in our mythology the word Asura was villainous yeah cuter fact uh in their mythology Aura is Noble like it is the name of the Angels yeah and they pronounce sir as her we have Somas they have hras yes so their Aura is it our assura and their daa is
it are Dave correct now if again we try attaching these pieces of culture to reality perhaps we were two Waring tribes and um in our epics the asuras are painted sort of as villainous but if you actually study the Vishnu puran if you actually study the ramayan there are some slightly heroic asuras as well so it's not like you're painting all of them as negative you're painting most of them as negative with some exceptions and I'm 100% sure that they would say the same about daa and daa yeah uh also they were based out of
Central Asia Iran usbekistan all these places uh now was that what we count as patal Lo in our uh culture there is a there is a name for that land not patal patal would be South America okay more this one is a utara Kuru okay and utarak Kuru was known from this we can talk about like a ramayana times because there is a reference to Kuru jungle in the ramayan which is like a harana area but the kurus were known utara Kuru was known to ramay so 14,000 years ago also utarak Kuru existed which is
Iran think of Northern Afghanistan turkistan Tajikistan kazakistan that area east of a Caspian Sea 2,000 years ago uh the Greeks are Greeks also refer to that land do you know how uturo basically utarak Kuru okay but let me I mean that may take another episode but let's come back to this actually I studied just like what you said um what you studied uh the Persian for a long time uh my study started with lman Bal gangadhar til who wrote a book you know the oran and then the Arctic home in the vas going back to
140 150 years by the way he is the adya archo astronomer in the world not just India astronomy using astronomy in a way to understand our history in the modern times was started by lman bangad okay so the references that you said to and I would ask you a question did your guest the Pary guest uh mention how far in the back in Antiquity they refer to zor asrian religion yeah uh because I will say if you want to say the number that's great if you remember how far back he wanted to go it went
roughly to what you're talking about as the ramayan time read Because in Mahabharat there is a indirect reference to narad monei coming to yudish and narad Muni think of this as the journalist H but journalist with the Integrity okay so there is a reference to narad Muni coming to yudish and referring to a certain practice with the fire worship and all of this in a somewhat distant land but not that far distant land and as a very mysterious interesting practice in about 7,000 years ago okay but there are in of references in fact there is
this reference to ataa they are the followers of ataa that is what is known but something else Asura actually if you look at into the ruged assura is actually very much eulogized you know very much praised it's not seen in the negative way at all Indra is called assura which is the highest deity there you know so that's not waruna is called Asura over time this is what happens why now we may say rakas as a bad person rakas the Sanskrit basis for this there can be many meanings that's the beauty of a akara shabda
can have many meanings in the context but akara which is just a letter can also have many meanings when you combine it becomes different meanings rasa is Raam rasa the one who protects but think of it one who protects means he has to be powerful or she has to be powerful with the weapon knowledge and everything now someone who is a powerful power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely over period of time something counter can happen simple example is our sick Brothers not all of them but s the origin of sik is into protecting Hinduism
but eventually when the kistan moment came into being they were talking things against India or against Hindus and so on so forth so those who were meant to protect Hindus at some point for thousand different reasons we not go into that almost almost became enemy that can happen that's that's the reason of this now so raana was a rakas but raana is a in the disciplic succession he is a son or a grandson great grandson of a Great Sage great Rishi but person can turn around you know that can happen back to the uh hidimba
and so on so on so forth what are who are they basically they are human beings I mean just to simplify things I would say maybe they were people from Africa and they were having a connection so somewhere looked at something they were looked at as a different slightly different things different powers I'm jokingly saying this but actually there is a enough basis uh with a raana raana who has conquered the whole world he had gone all the way to South America I mean in every direction and he was even India he was controlling all
the way to Himalayas and all the way to where we are sitting right now that's why the you know his his uh generals were there into nasik where from where actually eventually shanaka incident happened and then raana snatched away SAA so he was controlling the pockets you know in the old times he was very powerful so because of that he has these relationships in the different parts of the world you know and then so intermarriages so you can say inter transnational marriages across the boundaries so those but they were human beings very powerful human beings
very altruistic very uh virtuous human beings my conjecture and again this is based on just hypothesis perhaps slightly emotional hypothesis because I love these epics is that I think lifespans were longer then lifespans were directionally longer but not some sometime you hear uh terms like say ram bhagan ram after he return ruled for 11,000 years that is not to be taken literally there is a statement that sometime you know the formula helps you in the engineering you substitute something and you know kilo calories calories like that so there the formula is ahoratra the you know
the common sense should never be left out you know so ahoratra which means in certain circumstances you consider a reference to a year equal to the day and of course vice versa gotta so 11,000 can be divided into days and that will come to 30 years or something like this go so not those extreme years but to your point absolutely valid uh based on the calculations in the Mahabharat we have to accept there is no other alternative to accept that bishara was about 140 plus years old at the time of Mahabharat war and he fought
for the first 10 days that's almost impossible for us to believe I don't mean out folks out there it's impossible for me to believe that but books like autobiography of a yogi where they speak about detailed Kaa yoga which is a form of yoga that involves for lack of better words your own energy channels or PR or Chi like Chinese culture they actually talk about how you can extend the biological life of your body and there's multiple chapters on it not going to Deep dive into that for the sake of a free flowing conversation yes
um so I would assume that lifespans were longer yes Health was generally better yeah but the human outcome of a longer lifespan is a longer time to build bigger kingdoms because effectively humans are tribal species yes so effectively what you're saying is they were probably just physically much better human beings correct who may or may not have had some kind of mystical Powers which is why they were uh initially perhaps kept for the protection of society they had goodness in them as well but sometimes power could corrupt correct that's why the heroes of the epics
like bee like ramj come in and take on rasas and asuras my question to you now is about the South America angle because it's come up on the show uh where is the South America angle written about in the text okay now great question it's written in multiple places but when we are narrating something we have to start somewhere so let's take that point as the time of uh King Bali so in the dasar series The Wan you know the WAN AAR and Bal mahabal or sometime known as a BAL was a very virtuous King
sort of in the southern part you can say you know southern part of our modern day India but it could be broad could have influence over Indonesia we just don't know that and he was so powerful like abuda he has made such a Prosperity that almost the other side is envious of it other side meaning within Indian context I'm saying and then they go to Wana and says do something about it and I will not go into that story but to bring it back to the patal so the story goes like this and people should
read it with all their previous spectacles removed you know like with objective fashion they will get this it's there in bhagwat puran so he subdues uh King Bali W subdues King Bali and we'll not again go to the detail because I want to take you to patal and then uh he is essentially kept in a house arrest okay so he's given a freedom but he's kept in a house arrest because he has such a great influence on his uh population so they cannot be just gotten rid of you know so to say and that house
arrest based on my understanding was in Indonesia where we call call today the Bali possibly o now bhagwat puran and many other puranas go on to tell and even some stray references come in Mahabharat and ramayan also so this is this incident is long before 14,000 years the Stray reference comes where after some time uh the restrictions on Bal were removed we have the description of that but then Bali did not return that's what it says he went further to patal now if you just take a straight line and the navigation you said speculated navigation
actually we don't have to speculate the archaeology the dirt archaeology we have a evidence of dirt archaeology of sophisticated ports in India like say Tamil Nadu puhar going back to 20,000 plus years so that was there so now he went there now he went to patal that's all it says and then he established various colonies sutala atala talatala rasa and many colonies like that now if you take now then the sort of a narration breaks down because after that there is not much description the descriptions do come as how opulent and prosperous that land is
and now that after the Spaniards it's very hard to believe that that is the case but actually if you look at the their archaeological history and other history it is EXT I've been there many times you've been to South America many many times I mean I speak broken Spanish you know I mean enough to get around myself alone every country multiple times but you see for example Peru they have 400 they not have now in the ancient times they developed 400 varieties of potatoes and they know which potato to plant at which height and so
on if you look at the names you will find some fascinating things for example so Bali did not return went further to patal now this is this is the relationship bali's great great grandfather is not immediate father but it it looks like as if he's a father grandfather no not really many generations in between he's a virochana virochana prad if those are the names now the in South America there is a story that somebody came from across the land across the ocean to civilizers and do you know what is the name of that person virocha
now if you see the spelling it can be virochana literally virocha and he civilizes that is what the belie if there is so in the South America the Incas but you come further up to the Mexico and you know all that area they have many stories like this another one the in the Mexico there are these people are called AAS you know I mean the you know AAS now that has to do with austa but also Asik the sages oh damn and think of the snakes like you know as a as a child forgive me
as a child uh when I grew up in Conan halfway between Mumbai and Goa and we used to see lots of snakes and you know our elders used to say maybe to get rid of our fear if you see a snake just say Astic aik aik three times and the snake will not do anything to you usually snake doesn't do anything to you but that Sage atic is connected with the nagas now nagas just like the rakshasas were human beings they are mentioned in the Mahabharata very well that's how the New Delhi the Indra pra
was established by getting rid of the Naga so to say by burning the Kanda Forest so the sage who was connected with the Naga as a individuals we have so many names Naga everywhere in the Andra Pradesh if you go today and Kerala by the way so those people also migrated there possibly with a bali and that's why you see all the symbolisms of the Now Chinese call it Dragon because they took that route by the way you know going there and also the sea route but also through Alaska and so this AAS the word
is AA again they refer to that person as a someone who came and civilized them but something more fascinating ramayan uh is aware of that land Mahabharat is aware of it but Mahabharat actually less so but ramayana sugri knows so much about that land I'll just give you idea sugas Atlas is my talk Series so when uh all the WAN parties who are also human beings by the way jokingly I say the people of Karnataka because that's where the kishkinda capital was so four parties Nan parties they are going in the four different directions and
sugriva is giving them the landmarks just like go there and take a left turn at a d Mar we will say in modern times in Mumbai he says go there you will find this so I'll just give you the East Direction take you to the patal now he doesn't say patal he doesn't use the word patal but he says okay start there in the center of India then you will go to the land of silver that is the Thailand area then the Yad so rad yaad dwe that is the land of yaa the grains that
is the Java the Java has come from yaa then he keeps on describing many islands then he says after that uh you will see the ocean that is possibly many oceans but the Pacific once you cross this now this is when it gets extremely fascinating once you cross it you are going to come to the area of a uh Lord ananta anant Dev and in that area to Mark the flag of ananta just like Arjuna has his own flag and Bima has his own flag that flag is inscribed into on the surface of the stone
surface of the mountain and he describes how that mountain is I'm going to say this to you Trish I will split it Trish like a trident Trish gold shining like a gold yellow color k like a pillar like a flag you know meaning like a pole like a structure like a you know palm tree something is there big structure mahat Trish it has been established at the front of a mountain with the V thei like a Yi like a rectangle is there at the bottom of it now why is this big deal just just like
that arundhati visha because today you can go to Peru and on the west coast of course the coast is only on the West Side you can near near the Bay of paracas you can see a trident like structure it's known as a candelabra of Andes and you can have that picture in front of you I given many talks on it and you can have this Ram verse next to you and you can see one is to one's correspondence not even a single detail missing now when Spaniards came there they asked like when they saw the
structure said did you do it said no we didn't do it the locals there said what about your grandparents no it was always there they said it was always there so nobody the locals also don't know the memory possibly lost but ramayan not only describes the structure ramayan tells you in the next shoka who made it why it was made when it was made just like we have a international dayline that goes through the Pacific to establish the end of a EAS Direction just like today we say Japan somewhere we have to start it right
somewhere we have to end itra Indra is the de of the East Direction Indra established it there and when was it done it was done in a k Yuga that is to say long time before ramayana well reference is in ramayana so it has to be before ramayana so that description comes no mention of patal but if you go to puranas you say which puranas almost all puranas but bhagwat puran is a good one Vishnu pan is a good one ramayan is good good one where raana goes there like shanaka is actually been married Ra's
sister and has gone to South America kala or I forgot uh her husband's name actually so hold on let's pull it up on the screen this is a lot of data and I would actually like to see it what was the name of the mountain uh it's called Candela bra c a n d l e bra like candle stand candala bra of Andes this one oh this is a real thing yes it exists in the stone yeah and and now if I sing that again okay it's like almost 800 ft tall golden at the top
of the mountain Stone and just look at the bottom you see the rectangle at the bottom yeah like a Yi you know we call that viika you knowa so the locals don't know how far back this dates correct it's lost knowledge they don't know who created they don't know why it was created but it's described in the panas RAM and it's not like Ramana is described somewhere and uh we are somehow making the dots no starting with the India going in the East Direction after going through Thailand Myanmar and and Indonesia then the crossing the
ocean and now you come at the land and this is where it is I wonder what the designs symbolize because it seems like it contains some meaning uh the Trish it's obvious and again Tres are not just related to Shiva ma an ancient part ofre it's even a weapon right think of it what do trishul signify because it's there in Greek culture as well posiden everywhere everywhere what what meaning does it have in our culture I mean it's it's a weapon right it's a very effective weapon like those people who have worked with the snakes
they might know that you know the Karu you know the word Karu it goes like this I mean I have killed many snakes you killed snakes I have to right they come inside the house right during the rainy season but there is a certain way they it allows to hold so this one is like a a three prong right so at least one of them will do the job when you throw at someone uh any have you ever wondered about what those designs mean uh no I haven't gone that far but would do you think
it could mean something something uh see what the description is it is the Insignia of ananta but I'm going to give you one more surprise there okay so the scho comes there we can pull the scho also if you want okay so go to waliki r.net that's a website valmiki Rik Raman is there okay let me just read out the English translation on that shalali island in wine ocean you will be seeing the Mansion of vinata son named guda The Eagle vehicle of Vishnu which is decorated with numerous jewels and which in Sheen will be
like Mount Kash the of Shiva this Mansion is construction of vishwakarma the Heavenly architect so the Mansion was there archaeologists have not found it or it might have been destroyed you know but go to the next one now this rakasa begins okay lante Nana Rupa there are three types of vampire bats that are found in the fosil just let me give one more piece of context here we had Amiga natra on the show who I felt was one of the Premier experts on both ramayan and Mahabharat and she constantly keeps highlighting valmiki's ramayan as the
only ramayan that should be referenced when it comes to even storytelling and this is all based on valak's R okay so this is as much proof as you can have as a sanatani yes now let's go on okay so now you can read the translation for verse 41 therefore no there about horrifying and merciless demons of various shapes and similar to mountains and size called mandas will be dangling upside down from mountain peaks who is dangling upside down bat bats right now so sometime you know the uh I wouldn't say exaggeration but embellishments like mountain
in size you know maybe it's like a mountain in fact their color is like a ash color like a mountain stone color you know so not always Mountain size they're not that big but embellishment can happen now people may remember because of this or perhaps I mean when we talk about meapa there is they say that all the animals that we see around us only 1% of the animals that have ever existed which is very true and they constantly talk about meapa being prevalent in unexplored lands like Australia has a lot of megaa even today
the big birds corre the kangaroos are megaa in so many ways but uh if you study zoology meapa was extremely prevalent in Australia and I'm sure it was prevalent in South America because of Galapagos Islands also exactly I would agree and also the biggest Extinction of them happened in 11,000 BC after younger D around that time exactly during the younger D beginning of a younger D Dam possible yeah yeah and Graham hanok talks about it but I have quary Extinction a book this thick and it just goes on and on we can talk about the
four Tusk elephants but we'll come to that that are also describ in ramayana okay the first half of this episode I was just you know active brain zone right now my skin is AC I'm just getting Goosebumps with like every sentence yeah but let's complete this first okay then we'll come to four tus elepants okay so so you understand that although it is called rakasa in reality it is a vamp bat okay now go down yeah when the morning happens they go up there look at the Shadow and catch their prey you know you can
read if you want the day after day day after day those demons will be falling in in water when sun always burns them at Sunrise and when the impetus of gatri him Fells them down yet they will be resurfacing and dangling on the mountain day after day seems a lot like some kind of giant bats right okay yes now today with the remaining whatever we have remaining the megaa 99% being extinct but even with what we have right now we have three varieties of these bats vampire bats in South America now we have watched too
many vampire movies so we think vampire bats are everywhere around the world no most of them I mean they eat animals and insects and all and then fruits and whatnot but the vampire bats in the sense of blood sucking bats in the whole world they are only available right now in South America okay so this is very solid evidence for that by the way okay now go down okay keep on going down we skip slowly okay uh just just let me read that okay soab white RAB this is referring to Andes by the way you're
talking about this 44 B 44 first line yeah 44 first line you know in yeah in the center of that milk ocean there is a white mountain of colossal size named rishab surrounded with closely growing trees ever flowered with flowers of heavenly fragrance and a lake renowned as lake sudarshan is also there go to Amazon go to Bolivia Peru beautiful which is reped with silvery lotuses whose fibrils are golden in Sparkle and which kingly swans will be scampering about yeah well now go to the next one like so skip 46 it's not that relevant okay
uh keep on going down I'll tell you yeah how deep have you gone in this stuff so well you full stop but I wanted to show okay here uh 51 okay uh can you bring up yeah okay so stick there ah 52 and you know you can read the whole translation but I'll read 52 sure now we are talking of Andy Mountain we are going to talk of the structure at in the verse 53 that I just read and we saw the candal of andies but just before that it is saying this structure that we
saw is the insignia for the ananta which is verse 52 and S is what all the peaks of Andes that's what the analogy is okay there you shall see then oor the Lotus the the lotus petal broad eyed thousand hooded serpent God In Black clothing mhm the lotus petal broaded thousand hooded serpent God In Black clothing named ananta sitting on top of that mountain that's what the symbol was mhm and sustaining the Earth on his head who will be like moon in his Brilliance and whom all beings hold in Revenant they all will have a
meaning we'll ignore it for the you know for brav I think it's describing the symbol for for brav but something else I want to tell you so the next one is the Insignia is given which we already discussed but now what I want you to do is go to search function so remember ananta okay ananta is referred to the Andes mountain with it SRA heads as the each Peak right now go to search and type mount ananta in Andes okay so it will come like a Sero okay so yeah yes now story is very similar
to this uh uh Candela bra VY now what can happen the Western world came in contact with South America in the recent times only 500 years ago so two possibilities either somebody from Spain or Western Europe who has studied ramayan very well or Indian literature has been fascinated with the name ananta went to South America and one of the peak he gave the name ananta that's one possibility what is the other possibility we have a description next to the Trident in walmik Ramaya that name was there from the beginning and I have gone through the
searching for it by the way let me give the credit where it is due one of the person Mitra Desai that I mentioned who is in Australia and she has written a novelet called flag of ananta based on This research and she discovered this Mount ananta not my Discovery but it is there in waliki Ram descriptions about South America name you know we don't have to do a guess work and if you look at it like you know if you say okay who gave the name like which Spaniard gave the name you come across saying
uh this is a native uh Indian language Indian meaning those Indians there Keta or aamar those are the languages it comes from there bottom line nobody knows well ramayana knows dear archaeologists I mean see this is where a lot of people get stumped I'm talking about Academia right in specific yes where they don't have respons us to this um they will call it coincidence but how many coincidence do you need for example Aurora boralis will not do that that will be another separate episode sugriva's Atlas if we do it sugriva in summary knew when he
is asking Wan parties to go in four different directions and he's giving them landmarks like this this is only in the East Direction he gives the landmarks in the north Direction Kash and everything going further the plantation of the bamboo and everything and you can can we talk a little bit about this sure uh very interesting yeah um what has he spoken about in the North in the north he says start with the center of India always you know start from like a Gateway of India type of thing you know Center of India you go
further now he's going across the sort of a Tibet SL Tibet you know where how we people do Kash yatra these days he says you will come to the Kash area he describes Kash area not a surprise people may easily know that but he describes it he says a beautiful land cooler temperatures no trees and you can go and check it even now kind of thing after that he says the land of many rivers which is if you consider which land is that that is the 40 latitude today like the uh the western part of
China today's China and then Turkmenistan and kazakistan that area that is called utara Kuru and utara madra in our literature so we say where it is it's there in Mahabharat it's there in Ram and it is there in the puranas okay after that now this is remember this is the description from 14,000 years ago today you can go just fine until the Arctic sea at least in the summer but sugri 14,000 years ago he is saying and I'm putting the 40 latitude just to make a point he says Beyond utarak kururu and utara madra there
is a land sugri beautifully describes what it is but he tells the WAN party do not dare go there if you go go there you will first thing it's very hard to go it describes Arctic sea all the wayra that's how he describes the Arctic sea but if you go there you will find it impossible to Comm it back now why is that because the ice age is taking place there people think Ice Age meaning the whole earth was covered that was not the case in last million years but the whole entire Europe especially Northern
Europe and Northern America they were covered with ice so he's saying don't go there there's like a Perma Frost and Tundra like conditions we we know that from the climatology study so he says don't go there so that's in the north Direction he describes Aurora Borealis you know what that is Northern Lights yeah so he says even when it's a dark land when do even when the sun is not there but the place is so bright is beautiful okay Aurora Boreal is possible is referring to Mahabharat also describes when Arjuna goes there now if you
go to the South he in the Southern direction of course the Lanka you know but further he's describing the land all the way to Antarctica now in in the modern uh description Antarctica was found only in the 18th century if you see the maps before 18th century the Western maps the Antarctica is like left empty now there are some maps in Italy for example and turkey who actually show the land masks there those are from 15th century what does that tell you and this this is Guy Peri re I don't know if that came into
any of these thing Peri re was a Turkish uh Navy man like Admiral Admiral Admiral or something and he says he created this world map based on this is 15th century 16th century so Columbus Maps also he used but then he says he used the maps of the Arab land he used the ancient maps of hinda and he created and if you see that he is showing Antarctica like a land with a exact mapping that you can match with Antarctica the map was created in 15th century but history books and Academia will teach you that
Antarctica was discovered by Europeans in 18th century 17 something because the winners of War always rewrite history books yeah because Discovery has a very different meaning in the west Discovery meaning under the dictates under the permission of the Christian Church the pope you find certain land it doesn't matter whose it belongs to you basically grab it Church has given you the right to grab it for yourself whoever discovers it meaning literally sees it so wasama discovered us it doesn't matter what rights we have what we want to him it was like the India is for
him to explore and exploit and that's what he did to the best of his ability and then the British did the same thing so the the inside the psych is there for that we can blame them you know not the blame the current you know issue is also so that modern Academia still completely blindly looks at that system as gospel so many ways yes because see Academia is a I gave a definition of Nasim Nicholas Talib you know see it is a regimented thing that they want to stay there it's a regimented thing like you
which is why countries have straight borders now so that conflict remains in these countries we remain third world mhm uh why has Kashmir been divided in this way correct so that we would be at War for hundreds of years and both countries would suffer exactly and be engaged with each other yeah same thing they did in Africa yeah right it's it's a century long geopolitical Ploy that's actually still working right teaches us a lot about how Human Society can work also true uh anyway that we're dting away now since I have gone three Direction let
me take a minute and do the West Direction yeah sure so going from India again Central India sashtra and going through modern day Pakistan Afghanistan Iran Iraq turkey Syria Romania sugriva is describing all these lands with a chain of mountains range of mountains that's what it is if you look at the geographical map of the world that's what you will find he describes all the way up to the Alps and he says Beyond he calls it Airi by the way to Andes he calls it udala Mountain you know and then to Andes sorry to Alps
he's calling it Airi so sugriva in effect just to summarize knew 14,000 years ago from Andes to Alps and from Arctic sea to Antarctica what is AA gir is Mountain AA is a set sun setting set setting of a sun yeah UDA okay yeah Rising mountains with the sunsets sunsets from the point of view of India if you think of it with the India in between sure uh in the same way that he's described bats in South America has he described other megaphon of people in other lands people especially in the Indonesia and papa guini
that area oh beautiful descriptions I mean you can we can go for ours beautiful description like you know he describes um the folks whose ears and now you can see that in Africa today ears have come down to like you know to their West or something or the lips coming down which you see in Africa body modification yeah body modifications yeah like this and in Indonesia proper uh also in the papa gu you actually see people putting all kinds of paraphernalia just like a feathers and decorating themselves and so on and those descriptions those descriptions
comes come there yeah anything else about megao uh megaa not much at least not that I recall right now okay the question that's popping up in my head is the whole Hanuman G jumping across the ocean and then meeting an on the way to Lanka yeah and then slaying that assur yeah uh yeah so my uh on the way to Lanka right my co- researcher again amazing researcher Rupa bhati she bhati G she's out of Gujarat she's Architect by profession but this is what we do engineer and then do something uh she has her interpretation
of it is that uh as Hanuman was going to Lanka and not to Sri L by the way that will be open another box so I won't do that right now we will be doing that but it's referring to actually going think of this as going east of Maldives that's where Raanana Lanka was right now there is nothing just a deep ocean west of Maldives uh east of Maldives because the zero prime meridian understood that goes through kurukshetra stanes uen wapi and Lanka Lanka is z00 zero long ude zero latitude kind of thing you know
right on the Equator so that's where we have to go Maldives we have to just go east of Maldives right now there is a deep ocean with a geological animal again we won't open that box right now it won't tell us much other than something funny happened there what do you mean something funny happened uh the Earth crust there below the ocean is one of the thinnest and we don't know why that happened but it's just one of the geological animaly you know so that's something to be noted down for maybe for future research why
do geologists believe that it's thin they don't know that's why it's an and sort of a mystery and you know research what if you dig through uh will be interesting thing to do a geologist on the show to yeah ask about that that's right so effectively what you're saying is either there was an island there that got submerged yeah or it even possibly again Rupa B has done great research uh many similar things or because of say and I'm going to come to that question that you ask about Hanuman meeting running into these uh individual
creatures uh very volcanically possibly very active area then and there are evidences evidence that going back to only two centuries three centuries it has happened in Indonesia a small island with active volcano broke into pieces so actually when it broke it split it moved on the surface of the ocean so to say literally the you know Islands became separated from each other something might have happened and then it would have disappeared and maldiv and the whole lakad could be pieces of that you know I mean that's all speculation for now if it exploded it would
have gone in the East direction also and perhaps joined that whole Papa New Guinea that's too far that's too far right where we are looking at you know from papini or Indonesia would be too far but this so this is a possibility what do you think that the modern island of Sri Lanka was not a part of the ancient ramayan uh no it would be part of ancient ramayan it wasn't raan as Lanka and there is a sufficient evidence for that for example Sri Lanka I don't know if you know this but the name Sri
Lanka was given in 1972 now what happens is uh see for example the land of Sri Lanka could be part of rahana's Kingdom for all it matters we don't know that India majority of India was part of Ra's Kingdom you know like a whole Maharashtra was a part of rahana's Kingdom based on those description but uh what we know is that uh even recent histories like going back to only thousand years when people are writing and our puranas many times they will say uh like person living from their Lanka then going to this island then
going to this island in the list they will refer to swe which is the old name of Sri Lanka Sim because simal is moved there I mean the is Right correct right so that is a very recent I'm talking last thousand years but my point is even in the last thousand years they are referring to Lanka as a separate place from singal so effectively here yeah you are disagreeing with extreme rightwing portals which highlight the ramu as one of the most important correct parts of ramayan History you're not refuting the ramayan 100% correct but you're
trying to look at it from a more evidence-based geographical perspective that the island of Sri Lanka is not not raavan Lanka that we hear about in ramayan but ravan Lanka was possibly an island that was accompanied with a lot of volcanic activity yeah that perhaps got submerged just like that Atlantis story that we've heard about yes and I remember reading this report way back this when I was a teenager and websites used to be very popular in in the mid 2000s someone had written an article about how Atlantis possibly could be Lanka it doesn't need
to be actually uh again if you have to go there we have to pull another graph and okay go for it um okay go to Google uh do Paul blanchon okay so yeah the same guy by the way he did his PhD in the same University where I was doing my masters in Canada you know uh amazing amazing individual now what we need is one of his paper Okay Reef drowning during the last glaciation hold on just just give me a second what what year is that um 1995 huh 1995 perfect click on that yeah
and you're going to be fascinated I'm going to show you three Atlantis one is raan's Lanka second one is the Plato's Atlantis third one is krishna's dwarka right on one chart if we find this okay Reef drowning during the last delation yes evidence for catastrophic sea level rise and ice sheet collapse this is the global warming that happened in that phase and by the way global warming we see today is accelerated because of pollution but it is also an act of nature taking away nothing from the reality of global warming it's a massive problem environmentally
speaking today but the earth goes through cycles of cooling and warming up which is why we see ice ages in the first place and de glaciation which is what he's talking about the question I have for you is was this nature based or was it because of some catastrophic event like a meteor strike uh no it doesn't no it's not metor metor strike it is that global warming that has began in the last 20,000 years again it's not some global warming the first time no the whole Cycles based on astronomy as well that's going on
so last 20,000 years ago why do we say that because that was the lgm last glacial maximum and since then water sea levels are rising okay so the sea levels are rising very smoothly but they are interrupted by these CR e catastrophic rise event so otherwise it's going like this but it's like this okay so these are the three as in temperatures warm up gradually according to the natural course of things corre but sometimes events happen because of which suddenly the temperature will increase simp yeah simple example would be say there's a block of ice
sitting and it's slowly melting but a point comes when it cracks and a big block falls down ah okay gotcha something like that so suddenly that's going to create waves into the water and then that just that block of ice breaking down will create a lot of weather changes it'll recreate M changes the water levels water levels migrations of people loss of life and everything that people are afraid that global warming will cause in the 203s and 40s could happen in one shot if nature wills it like it happened back then catastrophic uh geologically speaking
can this happen randomly even now yes that's what people fear yes environmentally conscious people fear this exactly correct and see environmentally we should be cautious irrespective of this global warming and C Rising because we need a clean Earth yeah and Earth is dying you know in many ways but in terms of uh the sea level rise we may be close to how high it gets okay that is not to say be very comfortable in Mumbai and Los Angeles and New York no we should worry like it's going to get worse like it might get worse
before it gets better but we are almost if you look at the 100,000 years of record we are almost there in terms of the highest sea level right possibly um sorry I'm not letting you continue again this is for better understanding we had a meteorologist yesterday uh he's one of the most reputed ones in the world his name is Dr Jagdish Shukla and uh he's contributed a lot to uh the Indian climate change movement Etc uh and he's contributed a lot to even uh the Indian science scene any not getting into that uh he spoke
about how the way we're going right now uh if we don't stop polluting the Earth and using uh fossil fuels then by 2030 we're going to do irreversible damage to the Earth so we only have six years left uh until we actually see perhaps a bit of an apocalyptic yeah situation only six years that wouldn't surprise me I would say uh similar predictions has come in the past and that's not to Discount what he's saying actually I'm so glad he's saying this but the human nature is such that humans will not understand many of them
have no luxury to understand with their daily uh survival things so it is for people who have a luxury of thinking like this to do something about it but what will happen is the Earth is also extremely vibrant extremely vibrant and it is capable of reversing itself but that's not to Discount his point actually I don't know if it's a six years because similar predictions I have even heard in 1990s and we are still around but maybe not as healthy as we are we ought to be or things like that so so it is happening
I mean the oceans are dying in a certain way you know the sea life is going away uh with the organic fertilizers the land is getting very very bad uh so like sguru ji's moment for soil reach save soil this is these are all very good initiatives now let's carry okay we are talking Ra's Lanka right now sure but where is the dirt archaeology evidence this is dirt archology evidence you see for example that vertical line This is basically so x axis is the time y AIS is the rise in the sea level gotcha okay
now uh you see the uh the vertical line where you see it okay the most vertical line that you see there in the in the vertical rise vertical rise correct if you draw a straight vertical line above there it is going to hit at 5,525 I mean maybe you can find 5525 and just draw a line Mahabharata text says that krishna's dwarka was flooded and destroyed by gushing sea Waters 36 years after the Mahabharat War 5561 plus 36 we have to do minus 36 because of BC 5525 BC in the middle of sixth millennium BCE
which is 5525 BC 5500 BC there was a this is Arabian Sea data dwarka is on the Arabian Sea West coast of India sudden sea level rise listen to this of 15 M imagine 15 M happen in Mumbai forget 15 m 3 m would be disastrous 15 M sudden sea level rise in the middle of 6 Millenium BC in the Arabian Sea that's krishna's dwarka getting destroyed 2 m is about a 6'5 or 6' 6t simple 6 feet yeah and you're saying 15 M so 50 50 ft seven times that much seven 6 and 1/2
foot guys kept one above the other that's how much sea levels Rose yes all over the world that's the interesting part we can go around the world if you like but this one is only the Arabian Sea which is has a direct connection with the Krishna dwarka I wonder why keeping physics in mind it wasn't all over the world ah great point be actually a brilliant question and I'm not doing this to praise you I'll still take it the brilliant question do you know why because there is a phenomenon called subsidence or subsidence whereas because
water is a liquid you would imagine that around the world they are all connected and in a in a equilibrium State they should attain the same height yeah true but the local land mass with respect to the ocean level is also changing yes okay God because land can be shaped differently locally right because these are the tectonic plates different tectonic plates and some pieces of land might block out the water like a dam correct correct and actually land goes down that is happened in davira in Gujarat the land has come up in in our times
so the ocean is no longer there in doav Vera two reasons actually water level is coming up so why the water went away from Dava because the land has risen there but so so this is krishna's dwarka what what s's effectively saying is the crust of the earth is not like an eggshell it's like a combination of different pieces of earth that go all around float around but also go up and down correct correct and then there are many other sub phenomenons like we call it this is a tectonic like the tectonic land but there
is something called Earth crust displacement Al Earth crust displacement like a orange uh skin moving over the core of the orange without moving the core of the orange that's another phenomenon something else depending on the quality of the clay and everything what sinks what comes up in an individual area changes you know it's a very complex phenomenon okay um now remember the time of ramay there is no written evidence but in the tradition of India Kerala I have seen from a Kerala novelist actually he used my dating and wrote a novel I mean he wrote
his novel used my dating of 12,29 okay Trin ner okay um so 12,000 now remember that Ka is like a, years before today before today so to get to 14.2 K 14,200 years is 12.2 like 12.2 BC 12,29 exactly that time now remember because it's a scientific thing it always has a standard error of plusus 150 years and so on so around that area you see what is happening uh so x- axis is time Y axis is the sea level rise so we have to start from here from the right 20,000 years ago and we
are coming towards the left as our today's time right okay so slowly water level is rising but at 14.2 which is Ram times suddenly there is a sea level rise of 13.5 M and then plus minus whatever it is which is probably what sank original Lanka Ra's Lanka now this is a speculation in the sense there is no explicit reference to the destruction of raahan as Lanka but if you come to Mahabharat there is no clear description of raan's Lanka whereas in ra Raman times raah is going there in Mahabharat times um Sev calls bima's
son GK and says please go on my behalf to vishan and just get his permission when they are doing the rajas y so this is called there is another field I mean academics should know that called hagiography or sort of think of it as a Fillin the blanks when all the information is not there still somebody's going to ask what happened to rana's Lanka during the Mahabharata times so the narrators has filled it with this but here quickly yeah so that is that possibly the loss of raan's Lanka that 14.2 event s 1 right now
do you remember when Atlantis was gone if you listen to Plato Plato in his time he said that happened 9,000 years ago now Plato's time is 2,000 years ago which means 9,000 BC is what we need to go to 9,000 years ago before Plato is 11,000 years ago from today look at the C2 11.5 event damn huh that's Atlantis this is somewhere between the time period of ramayan and Mahabharat between ramayan and Mahabharat has anything like this been spoken about the think of that that's the end of younger dras right that's the massive uh meteor
strike that happened not all of these jumps are meteor strikes uh but that one is yeah and I can explain I mean I would not do that today I can explain based on Paul blanchon research and some of the other research that I have done on this um what caused this but it's a very complex phenomenon is like a geology going deep down 200 levels okay okay so it's not as simple as a meteor strike uh no no meteor strike for C2 possibly but what caused c 1 and what caused cr3 see the if for
us on the map it looks the same but the causes are very different just as a example the causes for C1 CR2 are driven from the northern Point Northern Hemisphere like uh ice melting in North America and Western Europe the last one is caused by Antarctica cr3 yes which is the dwarka one dwarka one okay so I mean that that has to do with understanding Dynamics at a different level that's not a subject today not why but now the C3 look at the timing 7.6 Ka subtract 2,000 that's 5.6 5600 BCE plusus 130 years that's
the standard error there so anywhere in that time and 5600 BC plusus 130 years 5525 Falls right there and so so you ask me the question is the sea level rise the same everywhere the answer is no this is in Barbados this is in West West Indies Caribbean so there the Dynamics of the land and sea is different than what is what is in Barbados uh this data is from Barbados oh gotcha from West Indies got it as in there like in in Arabian SE I showed you 15 M rise there it is only 6.5
M rise exactly same time got it got it so there is an effect all over the globe it's just different in different parts 30 I have done research shown 30 different places around the globe for 5525 BC decisive no ifs no buts evidence for flooding and destruction of krishna's dka this is real archaeology and the real work of a real historian and adult archaeology that's why I said I have nothing against archaeologist in fact I am archaeologist how can I be against myself again the three steps the first step is great second Second Step dating
is great the third step when they connect the dots they don't even go that far because in their subjective mind they meaning not just archaeologist people in general those who don't believe in deep Antiquity for human civilization they say how how is something possible from a human perspective happening 7,000 years ago we were monkeys well that is their problem their premise is wrong therefore they don't even think of going that far the beauty of ramay and Mahabharat is once we astronomically figured this out therefore I'm looking for what caused the destruction of raan's Lanka and
Atlantis and krishna's dwarka otherwise why would you even go and look at this graph that will be a waste of time to somebody who does not believe any great human civilization was happening more than 5,000 years ago the person will not even look here okay um we had a member of the Marcos which is the Commando unit of the Indian Navy on the show whose job was to actually dive and explore dwara and uh he didn't reveal a lot on the podcast he actually didn't end up releasing the podcast because he revealed very Less on
the show uh and I felt like it wasn't good enough for an episode by itself but he was convinced that he was actually exploring the dwara of that age and he's a scuba diver so I asked him did you go inside the structure he said it's extremely dangerous to go inside that City structure because it under the ocean it degrades and almost becomes sand so you can get buried in that sand Cas but when you touch it it can actually disintegrate and all so he's like we're categorically told not to explore it too much right
uh but I think that's as far as the dwara explorations have gone yeah right yeah and I know that Graham hancok himself also keeps coming to India to explore dwara and Tamil Nadu yes and by the way do you know that what Graham hanok and the geologists uh L mil uh he's from he's a Canadian just like me I'm a Canadian and American and Indian by the way so I have communicated with Glen mil a lot on this geology data U what he so Graham hanok and Glen mil when they researched dwarka and the time
period they came up with do you know what that time period is 5525 BC they show I mean if you see the Graham hanok film on this underworld or whatever it is uh the dis appearance of a island on the west coast of Gujarat that is dwarka and I agree with him completely uh you know it's there in my research too it disappeared between uh that's uh 7,900 and 6,900 BP which is to basically say uh our date Falls 5525 Falls right between so then he moved on it is too sad because if you would
have stuck to it now see this is the challenge okay so for example I don't know I mean grah does so much more research he's always exploring more Fields so he may not have a time uh but it surprises me that he has done the research and only if it takes the pain of just opening my book which many people have suggested to him I don't know why he has not opened that's like a bingo another reward for him for all the hard work that he has done for some reason he has not connected the
dots I don't know why but whatever he claimed for dwarka is what I have shown but from what from the all the archaeology data but also from The Narrative data also from the astronomy data so literary the narrations the terrestrial and the celestial so this is a terrestrial evidence this is a terrestrial and is happening in 30 different places you go to Vietnam you find it Black Sea in Turkey the formation of Black Sea uh again maybe we'll do another one on this separate dwarka krishna's dwarka is a Episode by itself the formation of Black
Sea uh do you know when it was formed you can take a good guess now 5,000 55 25 BC now this is a very fascinating story that possibly your audience would love to hear so I have written my book first book when did the Mahabharat War happen uh the mystery of arundati in 2011 and I'm working I'm full-time working for a big corporation that time so I'm not talking much about it other than doing my research uh fast forward to uh 2015 or so I have written my second book also the historic Ram a prisoner
from Tennessee prison writes a email to me and he's been caught for some uh pod or something which was not allowed at that time there uh so he writes and he's writing something and I'm not exactly understanding what he's referring to but he says everyone is talking about the sixth millennium BCE and now is this new guy he's referring to me oh he's also talking about something happening and I asked him because I was fascinated I responded to him says who else is talking about this so he sends me the name of the book and
immediately I went and pulled that book from the library the book is written by two geologist from Columbia University New York okay Ryan and Pitman and they have given some name like a noa's ark or finding noa's flood or something what they have shown is the creation of the Black Sea which is if you think of geographically um I don't know if you want to bring like like a geography of the Europe kind of thing perfect excellent excellent beautiful so you have the Black Sea there right so you see the word Spain Spain and Portugal
just below that is that GI Gibralter Gibralter area that is the entrance to mediterian from Atlantic so now imagine this is a global event this uh 5525 BC Krishna dwarka is a global event everywhere like I show you the mediterian and Caribbean and all that so the uh sea level rising into Atlantic the water is gushing into mediteran from mediterian think where the Greece is that is the agian sea you come further to the Greece near that Bulgaria or whatever return that is the Sea of marmura and now if you want to expand just to
the Black Sea so where the istambul is written that is the Sea of murmur on the south and the Black Sea is on the North there is that Bosphorus Channel basically so the all the force of the salt water broke through that Bosphorus Channel and the salty water started pouring to the north into now what is Black Sea but it was essentially a Sweet Water Lake coming from the there and you know using nine different scientific parameters Ryan and Pitman from Colombia University have shown that this event was a sudden event and it happened 5525
BC and the book book is out there so this prisoner from the tennis prison sent me the information about this and I'm saying my God I'm researching this for like a 15 plus 20 years now and I did not know anything about this again the point I want to drive is unless I'm looking for evidence for 5525 BC even if somebody presents it to me I will not see it right so you should have a possibilities so if people in their subjective foolish judgment close their eyes and say nothing happened before 5,000 BC if there
is evidence they don't know what to do it yeah yeah because a lot of their life's work and lectures and public talks will be proved slightly wrong if not entirely wrong yeah and the and the thing with that is in science actually see all the revolutions happened by proving the previous Theory wrong and actually we should rejoice it yeah see if somebody comes tomorrow and comes up with a year which is different than 55 61 BC and can scientifically and logically prove that that is a better date than mine I should be happy and not
just somehow fight with that person now what is very clear is that date I can tell you would not be any time after 4500 BC because arundhati visha observation will not work there is a bishma nirwan I wrote a whole book on that which were only one and a half pages in my first book and I thought people will get goosebumps nobody got a goosebump in 2011 not by 2015 I said I need to write another book and now people get goosebumps when they read bishma nirwana because it's another piece of evidence from the Mahabharata
text do you know what it says actually arundati visha gives you a time bracket like 10,000 BC to 4500 BC as in the position of the stars arundhati and Bash only in between that observation is true what is said in Mahabharat bishma Nana evidence gives you like 5125 BC to 6722 BC a time period of 1500 years it says Mahabharat War can only happen here based on the mahabarata text evidence Goa one second and give you one high five for this when I used to see Graham hancok and Randall Carlson's work always think there needs
to be some Indian person who needs to go down and do the same kind of work but from an India context honor of my life meeting you today just want to say that thank you thank you for a Lowdown this was a lot of fun that's what I'll say uh I hope you enjoyed this history special that was only part one of an epic conversation with n o rarely has a guess stayed in my mind a week or two after they've appeared on the show and I'm not exaggerating but this conversation with n Oak has
been ringing in my head every day since we've recorded with him my only request to you is that you share this episode as much as you can on WhatsApp I hope that this reaches the entire history fandom based community of bhara culture I hope that this reaches every Indian if possible the one thing I do know is that this is one of those alltime epic TRS episodes that's going to be relevant even 10 to 15 years from now it's the age of podcasting in India but it's fueled because of the research and efforts of people
like nay shoke we'll be back very soon with another Stellar episode we've got an insane lineup coming up this month so keep supporting TRS rir and the team we'll see you very very soon [Music]
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