How To Invest in Crypto as A COMPLETE Beginner [2024 GUIDE]

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Craig Percoco
My goal in this video is to show you EVERYTHING that I’ve learned over 7 years of trading & investin...
Video Transcript:
right now we can be seeing the biggest emerging market that the world has ever seen in our generation's one opportunity to generate massive amounts of wealth our opportunity right now to invest in crypto is similar to us putting a couple thousand into the S&P 500 and now having over $11 million and even though investing in this market is fairly simple once you know the basics sadly 99% of people won't pay any attention and will still be left behind but for the 1% that does including you guys who stumbled across this video you've an opport opportunity
right now to be in that 1% and even starting with a small amount of money be able to become a millionaire in the years to come okay I've been in the crypto space for over 5 years full-time trading over the past seven so this video is going to serve as a simple lesson of me taking all of the things that I've learned over my experience and giving you the simple cleancut version so I'm going to show you things like cryptocurrency Basics the short-term and long-term investment potential that I see how you can do simple fundamental
and technical analysis so that you actually understand what you're in different ways to actually make money in crypto as well as how to buy sell and organize all of your crypto activity as well as all the tips and tricks that I've learned over the years so if you make it to the end of the video you'll have a simple investing Foundation to be able to invest like the 1% so if that sounds good make sure you hit the like button on the video subscribe to the channel if you like trading and investing and if you
end up liking this video make sure you share it with a friend who you also want to be in the future millionaires club with so let's start off with the cryptocurrency basics so that you understand the main point of the entire Market okay the best way to think about crypto is it's a secure transparent way of storing and sharing information that is viewed by everyone but isn't necessarily controlled by one person this form of Technology allows information to be transferable between parties where during that transfer process there's a form of encryption so that it's a
secure way of sharing information but can be done completely on an open Ledger where everyone can see transparently what's going on there's really no Central entity that we're relying on to be transparent because both parties are in agreement and the information is there for everyone to see so even though there's a ton of cryptocurrencies out there there's a few main applications of crypto the first biggest one and this is applicable to bitcoin which is the most popular cryptocurrency is something that stores value so it protects against currency debasement and is a fast way of transferring
wealth Without Borders without having to deal with centralized government entities okay a lot of people just think this is for you know bad activity but this is actually one of the most transparent ways of transacting the second big use case for cryptocurrency is something called defi which stands for decentralized finance a simple way to look at this is considering it as programmable money so imagine a network where you can set up automations where all the transactions are happening by themselves and you can continue to build a network without needing all these different Departments of people
doing individual things it's a web of programmable money where something called smart contracts are executing all of these functions we're going to dive a lot more into understanding a little bit about how that works so you can really wrap your mind around it but coins like ethereum salana B&B these are all things that yes can store some value but are mostly geared towards decentralized finance and this is probably going to be one of the biggest emerging markets that the world ever seen like I said we're going to dive into that the third biggest category is
something called stable coins now these aren't really used as investment vehicles rather this is a cryptocurrency version meant to represent the value of a fiat currency when I say fiat currency I mean something like the US dollar or the W currencies that are issued by a central government some of the biggest ones are the usdt stable coin which is always going to be worth $1 and essentially allows you to use regular money but on the blockchain before we dive into key terms in learning a little bit more about cryptocurrency I want to move into section
two and talk about the huge investment potential in the short and long term for this emerging market so chances are you've probably heard a decent amount about Bitcoin and the whole reason Bitcoin has caught a lot of traction over the past several years is because it is considered a store of value fighting against one of the biggest issues that countries in general have and that the US is definitely starting to see which is something called currency debasement currency debasement is basically when centralized governments continue to print money increasing the total amount of money that is
out there which over time is going to erode the buying power of the currency and you can see with the US dollar since the 1900s $100 now only has the buying power as of 2020 of $3 and this was during Co where we printed 22% of the total US dollar supply in just a few years which is now even further drastically driving the buying power of the US dollar down we're losing about 3 to 4% of our buying power per year and this is one of the biggest things that the US is trying to solve
okay and there's something called Global Reserve currency right now the US dollar is the reserve currency of the world it's what we trade barrels of oil with you can consider it sort of the gold standard currency of the entire world and you can see the reserve currency status has changed hands quite a bit in 1450 it was Portugal with the status then it turned into Spain for about 110 years Netherlands for 80 France for 95 Great Britain for about 105 and the US is now starting to creep up into that average duration of time and
now some of the other large players in the world including Saudi Arabia and China are looking to potentially switch currencies for the trade of oil which if that does happen in the US is to lose the reserve currency status and about 6 months the US would lose about 30% of its value the cost of importing Goods would become drastically more expensive all of the debt that we've been accumulating the government would not be able to borrow at the current rates which would then result in a larger deficit they would need to be filled by either
increasing taxes or printing more money which then we would experience something called hyperinflation which is what a lot of countries with older currencies see this is why you can go to different countries with US Dollars and you're able to have tremendously more buying power and I'm I'm not here to play the whole Armageddon thesis what I am here to say is that even if this isn't to happen over the past 120 years we've still seen our currency lose about 97% worth of its value and if that doesn't ring alarm Bells saying that the globe needs
to store value they can't be inflated and manipulated by a centralized entity then I don't know what does and for years gold has been the solution around this and gold has been a tremendous store of value but if we really look at the breakdown of gold is it verifiable do we know how much gold is actually in the reserves still kind of held by a central entity whether it's a bank whether it's a government is it fungible meaning is it unique is it easily replaceable the answer is no is it portable absolutely not can't lug
around gold bars in your pockets is it durable yes it's very durable divisible not so easy to divide up fractional amounts of gold it needs to go through a process and it's not easy to do it's moderately scarce so we're continuing to mine gold over time we also have no idea how much gold is out in the solar system as well which could drastically impact the actual value that we do see in it does it have an established history yes gold has a very established history it's been one of the best stores of value over
time is it censorship resistant can the government or a central entity hide or lie about it that gets a moderate rating is it programmable of course gold is not programmable and is it decentralized once again the most of the gold in the world is still primarily owned by Central governments so the decentralization of that is still at a moderate level okay you can see traditional money scores almost low in every single category that's important and if we look at Bitcoin comparatively is it verifiable extremely fungible extremely portable extremely durable it gets a moderate rating it
can be easily divisible it is extremely scarce because we know there's only ever going to be 21 million Bitcoin it doesn't yet have a established history which also is an extreme opportunity to the upside considering that is so early in the market is it censorship resistant extremely everything is open in onchain for people to see it is also openly programmable and 100% decentralized okay so for rating currencies Bitcoin automatically destroys all of what we've seen before and as a way we can store value and easily send it all over the world without having to physically
move anything or deal with centralized governments and if we look at the chart of Bitcoin compared to the chart of the US dollar I'm pretty sure you understand where we're getting at and like I said I'm not here to call Armageddon but I'm saying if you are in your 20s or 30s the chances of something happening or just seeing what we've seen right now continuing to happen is extremely high and considering that Bitcoin still sits at only $1.3 trillion not only do I see this pretty easily being able to match the market cap of gold
which is sitting at about $15.5 trillion but I can actually see this being more accessible to more people than gold possibly passing the market capitalization of gold which if Bitcoin was able to pass the market capitalization of gold we would actually see the price of Bitcoin past a million which still if we look at the overall market cap would only require about 15% of the total Global money to be in Bitcoin for this to happen Okay so make sure you don't take this as Financial advice but not only do I view this as an amazing
investment opportunity but the amount of money that is going to drive into new companies and new cryptocurrencies that can move up hundreds of x's is going to be something that the world has never seen and is going to allow a lot of us to be able to amass a lot of wealth but we need to know the details of how to actually interact with the market and be able to set ourselves up in simple ways to take advantage of that so that's what we're going to dive into right now okay on the defi side imagine
Banking and finance all of healthcare government energy sustainability now being able to be programmed so instead of a ton of people working to allow for example a person to buy and sell a house this can all be now programmed completely transparently completely securely and the underlying currency that is required to be able to engage with this ecosystem is what people would hold and this is basically what ethereum or salana or B&B is so now that we understand the concepts the investment opportunity and how this sort of applies to real life let's take a deeper dive
into some of the cryptocurrency fundamentals and I'm also going to show you and share with you a notion sheet that I put together of all of my favorite cryptocurrency resources I'm going to be breaking down a little bit about each one but this is going to be in the description so you'll have a central area with all of the official links so you can also follow along as we dive into this stuff so these are some of the key terms that I want to go over before we dive into some of the softwares first thing
to understand is what an exchange is think of this as a way to actually buy and sell and transact cryptocurrencies and other assets there's different types of exchanges so a centralized exchange is something like coinbase or binance where the business is acting as the intermediary to facilitate transactions between two parties the next type of exchange is something called a DEX or a decentralized exchange this is a peer-to-peer Marketplace allowing cryptocurrency buyers and sellers to transact directly with each other without using any sort of centralized entity in order for us to figure out what's going on
sort of under the hood of a cryptocurrency and understanding the details that either make it good or bad we refer to this as something called tokenomics so it's the study and Analysis of the economic aspects of a cryptocurrency or blockchain project with particular focus on the design and distribution of the Native tokens that will play into different metrics that we're going to look at including market cap which shows us how many of these individual tokens are available for people to buy and sell and this is different from the total Supply which in the case of
Bitcoin like we were talking about has a total maximum supply of 21 million tokens some projects have this some projects do not okay just like the US dollar we don't have a Max on how many US Dollars we're going to print which would mean that the total supply of the US dollar is infinite so this is going to tell us the total amount of coins that can be issued into circulation if there is a total Supply we can look at something called fdv which stands for fully diluted value which shows us the market cap at
the current price of each coin if all of the coins were put into circulation a lot of times cryptocurrencies will release a little bit of their tokens at first so you'll be able to see the market cap by taking the total circulating supply of the tokens that are out and multiplying them by the per price unit amount this is a better way for us to get an idea of the true value of a company as more coins are added out into the circulating Supply this term is called dilution and this is exact what you're seeing
with say for example the US dollar when we print more money you're diluting the current Supply so say for example we had six coins here and each of them were priced at $10 that would mean that the market cap would be $60 and the circulating Supply would be six say for example we kept the same amount of money in the market so there was no new money added but now we 2x the total Supply meaning now there would be 12 total tokens now automatically considering there's only $60 in market cap each of these coins would
now cost $5 instead of 10 so say you only held six tokens if they add more to the supply you can hold the same amount of tokens but now you've lost half your value so this process is called a dilution all right then terms like trending and bullish when people say trending markets it means that the market is moving something like this so this is trending upwards same thing for a downward Trend we're seeing lower highs and lower lows which makes this once again trending downward this is going to be referred to as bearish and
when we have something trending in the up Direction This is often referred to as bullish so now that we know our fundamentals let's take a real world look applying some of these principles okay so my favorite resource probably of all time is going to be coin market cap which is going to allow us to see all of these details including the total Supply the circulating Supply the fdv this can be sort of your fundamental research hub for any coin that you hear people say so someone says check out this new coin called solar X okay
you can go in look it up see a price chart of it see all all of the official websites including the twittter the telegrams you can see the total market cap right here also going to show us our fdv right here and you can see only 20 million of the 400 million tokens are actually released into circulation which if we go over here and click on our white paper this going to show you a vesting schedule which shows you how they plan to actually send out all of their 400 million tokens in over what period
of time they plan to do it okay there's another good resource that does a very similar thing called coin gecko this is also going to show you all of the main cryptocurrencies by market cap as well as all of the other information that we also wanted to know another resource that I really like to look at is something called defi llama this is how much money is locked up into different blockchains which is essentially the building blocks for other cryptocurrencies to be built on in order for this to happen you can hold the token and
stake it to be able to be a part of the network validating those transactions so something like ethereum for example Works off a process called proof proof of stake which like I said basically validates transactions from individuals that hold over 30 tokens of ethereum and have it staked into the network so just as an example of how I use this I like to find investment opportunities by looking at comparisons between different blockchains with the different amount of total value locked into it you can see something called protocols here so these are essentially blockchains and you
can see one of the newest protocols called base is coinbase's new major protocol that currently has $1.6 billion worth of total value locked now if we look at for example binance's version of this there was around during a big move up in cryptocurrency you can see the total value locked at the high of the market was $21 billion so you can see for example the number one decks for binance smart chain was pancake swap so if we go back over to our coin market cap and we look at pancake swap you can see correspondingly at
the same time the market cap of pancake swap was about $6.8 billion and it moved all the way up from a couple hundred million in market cap so if I go over to base which is once again coinbase's main layer 2 they could potentially 20x or more in value if we do see a big run in cryptocurrency I found what I believe to be an amazing opportunity in crypto by finding the pancake version of coinbase called Aerodrome which you can see is still sitting only at a $400 million market cap just like what we saw
in pancake swap before we saw it go up to 6.6 billion and you can see here they're circulating Supply they can only dilute the supply by about 50% more which means they can't hyperinflate the currency and make it completely worthless and you'll see the fully diluted market cap is still sitting at around $1 billion compared to this other coin that we were looking at which is going to unlock $400 million tokens and only have about 20 million tokens in circulation so this is a little bit more advanced version of some of the crypto investing but
I wanted to show you how I tie all these things together so even if you just want to look at the price of basic coins and know what's going on in the market you can use coin market cap to do that okay another tool that I use to do comparative analysis is something called market cap of so a lot of these coins what they'll do is price their coin ridiculously cheap so you can have hundreds of millions of coins and then people think even if it goes to one penny I'll have millions of dollars okay
but if you look at the market capitalization there's still $12 billion worth of Market capital and this is going to show me how much xrp would cost if it had the current market cap of Bitcoin I can also switch between any token that I want so for example I could put in Solana then it would show me how much xrp would cost if it had the market cap of Soul this is a good tool to be able to compare the sizes of cryptocurrencies and get a realistic view of how much your investment could move up
okay so once again let's say for example we take arrow and we want to see how much Arrow would cost if it went to the all-time high of pancake Swap all right so you can sort of see the amount of upside that you can expect by using something called comparative analysis all right so now that we know a little bit about crypto fundamental let's take a dive deeper into some crypto technicals I'm going to show you some cool ways to analyze cryptocurrency on a technical level okay so the main thing that we're going to be
using for that is something called trading view you can go right to this website all right this is where you can start to chart out some of your Investments so when you open up trading view it's probably going to look something like this okay I could spend hours talking about the details of this software if you're interested in knowing a little bit more I'm going to link in a card right here an entire breakdown of my favorite features and how I use this software but for now I'm just going to teach you some simple Basics
that you can start to use right now to look at some of these cryptocurrencies and be able to see some cool data so up here in the top left if you click into here this is going to allow you to pick which Market you want to take a look at in this case we're going to be focusing on crypto but you can also do things like stocks as well so if we click on crypto then we're just going to type in things like ethereum salana Etc and we can choose which exchange we want to look
at the chart on okay so let's take Bitcoin as an example so if we scroll all the way in we'll see these Little Boxes here so this box shows us one week worth of the price of Bitcoin moving and you'll notice this one is white and this one is orange so for example this white box is basically like a box in whisker chart so we have the price opening here closing here and we also once again have the highs and lows here so if we moved over to say for example a 1 minute time frame
this is going to show us similar data but now it's going to show us one minute worth of price action so if you want to see what happened in the past week you can say go out to something like a 15minute Time time frame can show you what's happened say over the past week worth of price if you want to see what happened over the past year or two you can go into something like a weekly or a daily time frame so there's tons of different ways to do all sorts of analysis on these charts
I'm going to show you about three or four of my favorite basic forms of analysis that you can start using on your charts now to understand a little bit more about where we are in the market so let's take Bitcoin for an example here okay the first tool that I'm going to use often is something called a trend line so just like we were talking about bullish or bearish Trends I can click from one point to the other and be able to see different Trend levels so for example if I click along these two lows
right here I can right click and clone a horizontal copy you can see that lines up almost perfectly with these two high points here sort of giving us a channel for the price action to move in and out of using trend lines can show us areas where the price will likely have troubles breaking through or areas where the price will potentially bounce off so for example if I drag along these lows you can see the price of Bitcoin broke down under underneath this line tested it here before moving lower and then now that the price
has broken above this trend line again it came down bounced off of that low and is now continuing to move higher now we don't know what's going to happen obviously with Bitcoin right now you can start playing around with these Trend levels to pick a little bit better of the areas and have an idea of the high and low regions of a certain cryptocurrency so for example something like Solana I also used my trend line to see that these highs were bouncing off this level before the price was able to push Above This level this
is why I alerted out to the private side of our team to buy salana at this price and now we're setting up around 4 to 5x even early on in the potential bull run all right the next biggest tool that I like using is something called a Fibonacci retracement once again I have tons of videos talking about this in detail once you're done watching this I actually made a video showing exactly how to 100x your cryptocurrency portfolio without having to find 100x individual coins just by following some simple procedures which is what I've used to
be able to amass tremendous amount of capit I'm going to put that video in a card at the end of this video so that once you have all the fundamentals you can sort of dive a little bit deeper into that strategy but this Fibonacci retracement allows us to find potential dip buy levels based on the natural tendencies of buyers and sellers so I can essentially click at the top of the trend here this is going to give me all of the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence you can see this was almost the exact bottom of
where the price went before then eventually having another run up to take a run at all-time highs all right and if you want to get a better idea of how high a certain cryptocurrency could go something that we use in not only our investing but our day-to-day trading as well where we're able to find these smaller moves in the market trade them and be able to make regular profit day after day with similar patterns we can use something called a trend-based fib extension which is going to give us these same ratios but now it's going
to be starting at the bottom of a trend up to the first big push where there's a bit of a pullback and then a continuation dragging back down to the beginning of this trend and if we drag this line over you can see this golden ratio 1.618 multiplied by the distance of that first push either the 1618 or the 2618 often times shows us a very probable at least temporary top in the current Trend all right so naturally there was some profit taking and that tool can help you potentially pick tops and bottoms of the
market what I like to do is go over here and just put little stars on them as well that's going to pull them up into this menu so now you can have easy access to those so say for example you wanted to have a dip by order on Solana you can click at the beginning of this trend go up to our high point here this going to give you your 61.8 value once again not saying that Solana is necessarily going to come down to this value but just for other coins and for the sake of
example you can then keep track of where your position is by clicking on this button here and clicking on Long position okay that's going to allow you to click here be able to see where you expect the price to go as well as where you'll sell if the price goes against you so if you wanted to hold it basically until it went to zero you put this down to zero all right so now if the price comes down to here you'll be able to know exactly where you bought into the cryptocurrency what you're risking on
it then click on this click into usdt input the total amount of money say you put $500 into salana at this price that's going to show you the total amount of money that you're risking as well as if you can look really closely in here the open p&l if the price were to come down and get you here and then come back up to this price okay so then you can go up and click this button right here say you have a group of cryptocurrencies that you want to watch that you have bought in at
a certain price and you want to track the performance of those you can click on these three dots here you can open this button right here click this drop down and then you can click create new list right here call it my portfolio click save and then say I wanted to add my Solana analysis right here I could hit this little plus go to Soul click on the blue flagged crypto and now I'll have a nice organized list of all the cryptocurrencies that I've done my analysis on but say for example you wanted to keep
it extremely simple you can add two indicators that from all of my research of previous Market cycles and how cryptocurrency investing Works will show you exactly when's a good time to buy and when is a good time to sell and if you had have just done these two things for the entire time that bitcoin's been around you would have been able to make crazy amounts of gains in your portfolio so the first thing that you're going to add you're going to click on this little button right here and you're going to type in BTC Mining
cost this is going to open up the chart that shows you how much it costs to mine a single Bitcoin which is essentially the comp computational output required in order to mine a Bitcoin and you'll notice Over The History of Time the price of Bitcoin really rides nicely along the cost of mining because it doesn't really make sense for the price of Bitcoin to be below what it costs to actually make one as a fundamental way of valuing Bitcoin okay so if you're looking for a good time to buy Bitcoin it's when the price is
near or at the cost of mining that we see right here okay so all of these times would be really really good times to buy and for finding good times to sell if you want to keep it really really really simple there's something called the terminal price of Bitcoin you can just look up look into Bitcoin terminal price of Bitcoin this is going to show you a pretty complex mathematical formula called the terminal price of value now you don't need to know how it works this is a way of forecasting the future value of assets
and anytime the price of Bitcoin either exceeds or comes close to touching this line has almost perfectly timed all of the tops of the market you can use that as a simple sell tool and then when the price comes back down wherever this cost of mining chart is you just go ahead and rinse and repeat the process and this is a good way if you want to really really simply invest to maybe be able to sell a little bit of the position at the terminal price and buy a little bit of the position back at
the cost of Mining and be able to help compound your portfolio once again this is all stuff that I talk about in the other video and we are going to get a little bit deeper into portfolio building in the next chapters of this video okay if you're still here and you're enjoying this and you're riding it through all of these details let me know by hitting the like button and letting me know that this is helping you out so let's dive into chapter 5 and talk about ways to actually make money from cryptocurrency so we're
going to talk about a few different methods that are very applicable that you can start doing today okay so we're going to start off really simple and then we're going to sort of work our way up and go a little bit more advanced we're also going to talk about building a simple portfolio structure which is sort of what I've used as the Cycles progress on so when we're making money either in trading or investing we're obviously doing it by acquiring an asset at a certain price and then selling it in the future for an appreciated
price where now netting out a positive gain of say for in this example $20 okay so if we bought a hundred of these and had $1,000 of this coin and then we sold 100 of these for the $30 we would keep a $2,000 profit okay and so this is the main fundamental principle of investing trading anything that we're doing in crypto okay so when we're talking about trading versus investing trading is when this process happens in under one year all right and then when something is held for longer than a year this is really considered
an investment so generally speaking investing is getting into something and holding it for a significant amount of time and trading is a quick In-N-Out process to be able to make the money run and then apply it to the next thing with trading whenever you make money it's a short-term capital gain which is taxed at your current income bracket when you hold something for longer than 365 days it's considered a long-term capital gain which is then taxed substantially lower than your income which is why it's important to also consider that when you're buying and selling your
cryptos if you can hold them for over a calendar year then you're going to pay significantly Less on the taxes when you go to sell it so it's a good tip to help you plan when you're going to buy and sell these assets so we were to buy Bitcoin somewhere down here at the cost of mining then in November of 2021 sold our position at about $660,000 at the cost of mining you can see this happen in about a Year's worth of time this is technically going to be considered an investment because you're holding it
for a significant amount of time say you bought back here once it got close to the cost of Mining and now you're waiting for the price of Bitcoin to once again hit the cost of mining okay on this investment you would have made about a 6X return so say you started with $1,000 now you would have $6,000 to then go ahead and repurchase back at the cost of mining you'd still be up about a 2.5x so you'd be up about $113,000 or 13x on your original portfolio and if you just wait to the cost of
mining up here that would be about 7x which would put you about 40x on your overall position okay and if you were to rinse and repeat this entire process one more time you could quite literally take $1,000 and turn it into several hundreds of thousands of dollars and these are the concepts that I use starting with about $15,000 to amass it up into a significant chunk of capital if you just want to hold Bitcoin long term and hold it for the next 50 years and let Bitcoin be $2 $3 million potentially and you're going to
make a 40 to 50x on your money that's also considered long-term investing and just slowly adding to your position over time is definitely the safest option okay I'll always say something time in the market is always going to be timing the market okay so even if you are going to try a time these highs and lows just remember the concepts that we talked about in the beginning where if something big happens in Bitcoin that can drive up the price significantly and you don't want to be held on one of those parabolic moves because you were
just waiting for a little bit lower of a price okay the second way to really make money in crypto is that shorter time frame trading which is what I spend a lot of my time doing so that I can generate an income off of small Market moves like this so for example if we were to use our trend lines off of a level like this trend line on these lows here just like what we saw with salana the price breaks out Above This level I click on my Fibonacci indicator here and then have my special
dip by levels you'll see on this overall move we had a dip into this 61.8 level where then say for example I can buy at that level where I take profit on this green line keep in mind now all of these individual candles are on a 3 minute time frame so the time that this trade took would have been about 20 to 30 minutes say I was risking around $200 on this trade okay trades like this allow me to make say for example 3x what I'm risking so this trade would allow me to make $600
in about 24 minutes so when we're not just investing in cryptocurrency this is primarily what we're spending our time on on the private side of our trading team and also on our Discord and you can see all of our private team members learning and being able to take nice trades on the market on the channel as well I have tons of videos of me doing this in real time showing you the basics of how it works so let's get into chapter 6 where we actually talk about how to buy and sell these cryptos all right
so there's a few ways to buy sell and hold different cryptocurrencies the two biggest differences that you need to know is the spot market and the derivatives markets when you go on into a centralized exchange like coinbase or binance and you buy something on the spot Market you are actually purchasing that underlying asset and holding it in your name on that exchange when you use leverage most of the time or you use Futures you're buying derivatives so you're buying a representation of that instrument you're not actually exchanging it on the blockchain to hold that coin
in order to move cryptocurrency into the market in general you need something called a Fiat on and offramp and that's why I prefer to use coinbase so you can go onto coinbase and hit this buy or sell button and then click on here and you can either connect your bank account to get money into the system and if you click on Tether right here this is going to allow you to have usdt which is going to represent US dollar inside your coinbase now you can send crypto basically anywhere you want and then you can sell
it back to cash and put it back into your bank account all right so coinbase really falls under an investing category for me okay the ultimate goal is to get it into a cold storage wallet which is the last thing that I'm going to show you but coinbase is US regulated so it's awesome and has a decent selection of good cryptocurrencies as far as the short-term time frame trading is concerned okay there are other options depending on where you live that offer leverage trading for these sort of derivative markets that we were talking about okay
so you have options like FX or biit and you'll see options like this allow you to use leverage which allows us to take those shorter time frame trades all right and if you want to learn more about that entire process I also have training for you here on the sheet that's in the Des description I'll add a link in here and you can have all of the tools that I use and also learn a little bit more about the process of how we're actually doing this trading so these three pairs up here are examples of
centralized exchanges so you're still trusting in the government or the central entity that technically holds your private keys and ultimately holds your cryptocurrency when it comes to decentralized exchanges where it's a peer-to-peer process now you hold your own private seed phrase one of the most commonly used examples of decentralized exchange is something called meta mask so if you want to add all of these chains you can then send funds to this wallet address and have a little bit more flexibility in autonomy to sort of buy and sell what you want all right so say that
you wanted to buy a certain cryptocurrency you can click on this swap button right here say you had US dollar in here you can then input whatever cryptocurrency that you wanted to buy then you can swap your crypto for any coin that you want and the good thing about metamask is now you hold your private keys so you're not relying on a centralized exchange you have a seed phrase for this wallet so metamask is going to work for something called evm compatible chains so you can click over here then you can click add on networks
you can see all of the blockchains that you can use to send tokens back and forth on metamask say you wanted to use something like Solana okay this is where Phantom comes into the situation which is similar to metamask that I personally use because it's compatible with salana tokens okay so for your decentralized exchanges we have Phantom and metamask which are my two favorites for derivatives trading for short-term trading we have FX in bybit and then to get money in and out of crypto we have coinbase but if you want to talk about the Ultimate
Security of actually owning your own Bitcoin and basically being hack proof this is the ultimate way to do it it's something called Ledger live and what this allows you is something called custodial custody you yourself own your own keys and own all of the own cryptocurrency it's hardly ever online which makes it almost impossible to hack and it comes with its own app so essentially you can send your cryptocurrency into this account as soon as you unplug the thumb drive so all of your longer term investing things that you plan to hold indef itely should
be stored safely on your Ledger live then you can use things like coinbase for things that you're temporarily holding or that you want easier access to be able to buy and sell let's get into chapter 7 which is the final chapter and let's talk about actually organizing your cryptocurrency this is one of the most important things to focus on because it's really really easy to get lost down the rabbit hole you start buying and selling a bunch of things you start sending money to different places and now all of a sudden you have no idea
where your money even is I'm going to show you a good way to be able to track exactly how much money you've made or lost where all your money is and a way to look at it simply all in one spot okay so we're actually going to go back to our good friend coin market cap and you're going to click this little hamburger button up here and click on portfolios all right so you can hit create portfolio then you can just sign in with your Google account and then once you created your portfolio you can
click into this button right here search basically any coin that you buy you can type in the quantity the price that you got per coin the date any fees that are associated as well as notes so say for example in metamask wallet and then you can add your transaction and it will show you how much money is in your wallet how much your all-time profit is in one simple snapshot so that you actually know where you stand with your crypto investing instead of having it be all sprinkled around into different exchanges okay this is especially
going to be helpful when taxes roll around because then you'll know exactly how much money that you made and you'll have a rough understanding of how much money you made on each exchange so that when you populate your tax forms it's a lot easier to pay taxes okay obviously I can't offer tax advice but what I will say is a really helpful tool that I found is called coin Le I actually use coin Le and coin tracker both simultaneously you can actually automatically connect say your coinbase or any other exchange even decentralized exchange wallets and
it's going to automatically populate all the tax forms that you need so when it comes down to accounting you can send these forms off to your tax team or Into Turbo Tax or whatever that you use and it just takes a lot of the headache out of you trying to figure out by hand all the capital gains that you've made on crypto this is obious viously a simplified version of all the stuff there is to learn but these are the key things that I think are valuable to really start understanding how to dive into the
market do your own research get involved and be able to start investing into cryptocurrency which once again can be a massive Emerging Market to offer us crazy amounts of wealth generating opportunities like I said before the link to this sheet is going to be in the description so you can reference it and use this as a home base I also have tons of other YouTube videos talking about projects that I like how to build out a portfol folio as well as all of the trading information as well so this is a good foundation to then
dive further into the channel and continue learning and I hope it helps you on your journey in 25 years down the line you're extremely grateful that you came across this video okay if you're still here make sure you hit the like button on the video subscribe to the channel if you like trading and investing check us out on Instagram as well I'm dropping some exclusive content there but until next time guys I will see you all in the next video [Music]
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