My wife's boss came to our dinner, he sat with a smug smile, and then he announced that he would...

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Cheating Secrets
My wife's boss came to our dinner, he sat with a smug smile, and then he announced that he would sle...
Video Transcript:
welcome to the cheating Secrets Channel we hope you enjoy today's story Ron wisan couldn't wait to get back home to Amy his beloved wife of 10 years she wasn't just a beautiful woman who kept herself in great shape but also a fantastic cook and the best lover a man could wish for the day before Amy mentioned that she would like to invite her new boss Mike Armstrong over for dinner according to her he wanted to meet her husband and get a feel for her family atmosphere Ron saw nothing wrong with it and said he would
like to meet her new boss especially since the last two people in that position had not lasted long and left under somewhat mysterious circumstances the very last person in that position quit after just a few months claiming he needed an extended creative break in Sri Lanka to find himself and the person before him was found decapitated in his garage with his hands tied behind his back the police declared it a suicide but his genitals which had been surgically removed were never found Ron noticed the time and sent a message to his wife before locking his
office letting her know that he was already on his way her response came instantly we'll see each other soon love you Ron said goodbye to his secretary and headed home only stopping to buy a bouquet of roses for his wife he enjoyed doing things like that to surprise her and she loved receiving tokens of his love she also liked thanking him for small gifts Ron turned onto the driveway leading to his house noticing a black Mercedes parked by the curb in front of his home at least this person had the sense to stay away from
my driveway Ron thought to himself he entered the house and saw A well-dressed man in his mid-40s sitting on the couch Ron sized him up he was quite tall appeared to be in good shape with a hint of gray at his temples he was cleanly shaven and there was a Perpetual smirk playing on his face he stood up with a crooked Smile as Ron entered the room and extended his hand Ron shook it before apologizing he went to the kitchen and handed Amy the bouquet before enveloping her in his arms her face lit up as
she took the flowers I'll have to properly thank you for this later she whispered Ron kissed his wife's pretty face placing his hand on her backside now be a good host and go say hello to Mike she said Ron kissed her again and returned into the living room he approached his bar with drinks and offered Mike a glass of whiskey which he accepted the two men sat in the living room after Ron poured the drinks you've got quite a wife Mike remarked his smirk becoming even more noticeable I have to agree Ron said she's the
meaning of my life then I suppose you'll understand why I'm about to tell you what I'm going to do said Mike really Ron asked what is it I'm going to your pretty wife Mike said she'll enjoy it and you'll watch hold that thought for a second Ron said I'll be right back he walked into the kitchen I'm going to show Mike around a bit he said we'll be back soon Amy gave him a knowing look don't be long dear she said dinner will be ready in about 15 or 20 minutes great Ron said he returned
to the front room I hope you didn't tell your wife what I said said Mike said Ron shook his head no no said Ron letun go to my cave okay he said gesturing for Mike to follow him Mike stood up and followed Ron into his office also known as his personal man cave Mike looked around at what adorned the walls in addition to photos on the wall there were several official commendations medals knives and guns as well as a few sorts so you're planning to my wife huh Ron asked Mike nodded yes I am he
said grinning do you have a problem with that I take it my wife never told you about me Ron said she told me you're an accountant who does research for some special operations group he said yes said Ron that's true I am a certified accountant and yes I do work for a combined Federal and private operations group but I haven't always been an accountant oh said Mike Ron pointed to the items on the wall you know I used to serve in the military back then I was a scout sniper Ron said most of my 150
confirmed sniper kills were at distances of 300 to 600 M but I successfully hit targets at up to 1,200 M that's over a kilometer and at that distance you'll never hear the shot 1 second you're alive and breathing and the next you're dead he pulled out a drawer from his desk and ran hands over his knife collection Mike was getting uncomfortable by this point and it got worse when Ron pulled out a very large knife I'm also quite fond of close-range kills he said holding the sharp blades so Mike could see it there's nothing like
seeing your enemy take their last breath up close and personal Mike's face went pale and his smirk disappeared listen Ron this is nothing personal Mike muttered oh but it is personal Mike said Ron you just told me you're going to my wife and expect me to watch that makes it very personal for me I just want you to know what you're risking you see I believe in the old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure I'm sure you understand he glanced at his watch oh I think dinner will be ready
soon we better head back he said Mike nodded and watched in horror as Ron threw a knife at a thick Target on the far wall the knife hit dead center before him bedding halfway I like to practice Ron said to Mike who was now pale as Ash they made their way to the dining room where Amy had set the table for three placing the bouquet Ron had brought home in the center as always she seated Ron at the head of the table Mike to his left and herself to his right they sat down and Ron
took Amy's hand he extended his hand to Mike we like to say a prayer before meals he said Mike cautiously took Ron's hand a and Ron bowed their heads and closed their eyes Mike followed suit unsure of what to expect lord said Ron thank you for this food we're about to eat thank you for your many blessings on our home and family may you continue to bless us with your wisdom and Grace amen I hope everyone enjoys this said Amy uncovering the plates to reveal juicy Cornish hin one of Ron's favorite dishes I started cooking
it on a slow fire this morning it's delightful dear said Ron taking a big bite don't you agree Mike Mike nervously nodded in agreement yes it's very tasty he said you cook wonderfully Amy Ron noticed Mike nervously looking at him as he praised Amy's cooking don't worry Mike he said I never kill anyone at the dinner table do I dear Mike's face turned pale as Amy nodded approvingly not without good reason she said it can get quite messy and I really don't like having to scrub blood off the tablecloth she added after all it's over
100 years old by the way dear said Ron Mike told me he plans to you and he wants me to watch did you know anything about this really asked Amy no he's never mentioned anything like that to me she looked at Mike is that true Mike are you planning to me please Amy I never said that maybe your husband misunderstood me said Mike shaking his head Ron pulled out a tiny digital recorder and press the button I'm going to your pretty wife Mike's voice said she'll enjoy it and you'll watch Mike's face rened as Amy
shook her head what's gotten into you asked Amy we welcome you into our home feed you offer our hospitality and this is how you repay us please said Mike it was just a joke I was just kidding well there you have it dear said Ron it was just a joke I don't know she said what's the climax I'm not laughing listen that's not what I meant Mike said raising his hands really is this what you told the husband of your last ex-wife you slept with Ron asked what are you talking about Mike asked I told
you I'm an investigator I checked you out when Amy told me about about you Ron said according to my findings you were quietly let go from ASM Enterprises 3 months ago after being named in a civil suit for alienation of affection the man who filed that suit was the husband of the woman you were involved with who divorced him after catching you both naked in a hotel room Mike looked down at his plate is that true Amy asked Mike yes Mike said quietly I did something I'm not proud of but it's all in the past
speaking of the past Ron said I also found out that Mike's ex-wife got so tired of his infidelity that she joined a group called The Marriage Mutual Assurance Society or mmas isn't that right Mike yes it's true he said I even saw the video recording of the punishment she was going to impose on him Ron told Amy actually quite cruel I would have thought that would make you change your ways but it didn't did it Mike Mike looked at him in shock how do you know about this he asked it was supposed to stay secret
Mike Mike said Ron shaking his head I told you I'm an investigator I have access to information you wouldn't believe it was my task force that stood up for your wife on her behalf don't you remember Ron looked at Amy after we contacted his wife she agreed to give him a choice either he accepts the punishment and stays in the marriage or agrees to a fair divorce settlement I think he didn't want that humiliation so he agreed to the divorce Ron looked back at Mike you know you really dodged a bullet with that one he
said what punishment was she going to impose on him asked Amy that's cruel Ron said they would tie Mike up and brutally beat his balls off they would have made him watch his wife have sex with several men and then made him drink the juices of those men out of her she would have branded him and used him as her Pony not a pretty sight hm Amy said branded huh yeah said Ron right on his ass slowly Mike remed at the memory and your group saved his ass Amy asked Ron nodded unfortunately clearly he didn't
learn his lesson Ron said maybe we should teach him that lesson Amy said here tonight Ron nodded perhaps you stumbled upon something dear he said he looked at Mike who was shaking his head vigorously no please don't do this he pleaded shifting his gaze from Ron to Amy why not Ron asked obviously you didn't get the message before maybe we should teach you that it's not okay to sleep other men's wives I still have your ex-wife's number perhaps we should invite her over to help teach you a lesson and I have plenty of things I
can use to inflict a lot of pain on you Ron said looking it Amy you know I still have that knife throwing board in the basement he said what are you talking about Mike said you know one of those moving boards used in knife throwing art you must have seen them they sometimes strap a half naked assistant to the board and the thrower has to get the knives as close as possible without hitting her I think it's called The Wheel of death we could strip Mike naked TI him spread eagle to the board and see
how close we can get to his balls without cutting them off he said he looked at Mike wouldn't that be fun he asked you know Amy is pretty good at throwing knives too but not as good as me is that the spinning board Amy asked Ron nodded oh yes that would be fun we could place bets to see who gets closest she looked at Mike come on Mike it would be awesome Mike jumped out of his chair his face pale eyes wide open and his body physically shaking with horror no he said you people are
insane listen it was just a joke please forget I said anything he tried to turn away but Ron grabbed him turned him around and pressed him against the wall keeping a hand on Mike's throat Amy joined him with a two-pronged serving fork in her hand sorry buddy we're not joking Ron said please pleaded Mike what do I have to do to make this stop it's simple Ron said from now on you'll forget any thought of sleeping with my wife or any other wife except your own you'll embody professionalism no more working late and certainly no
more business trips out of town with Amy if I'm not there and you'll treat every woman with the respect she deserves and that's it Mike asked Ron nodded yes for the most part Ron said just know that I'll be watching and if you mess up you'll pay the price you should have paid a long time ago got it Mike nodded good now do you have something to say to us Mike nodded again I'm sorry truly I am I'll never do anything like that again with anyone he said please accept my apologies and forgive me Ron
looked at his wife what do you think dear he asked should we forgive him well dear she said we truly believe in forgiveness so yes this time we'll forgive him Ron loosened his grip on Mike's throat he looked at his wife so what do we have for dessert he asked I made a really delicious cheesecake she said boys would you like a slice Ron looked at Mike who was shaking with horror well how about dessert he asked Mike who shook his head uh no thank you he said I uh really need to go home Ron
noticed Amy looking at Mike's pants and glanced down he saw a wet spot on Mike's crotch and shook his head yeah I understand why you needed to go home Ron said noticing the smell coming from Mike's pants go on get out of here and remember what I said I will Mike said heading towards the front door they both noticed the wet spot at the back of his pants as he made his way out can you believe he actually his pants Ron asked yeah disgusting isn't it Amy responded and he actually thought he'd me maybe I
should bring him a box of chocolates tomorrow Ron laughed hearing screeching tires Ron turned to his pretty wife oh God I'm so damn turned on for you right now she said taking off her panties she ripped off her dress and sat on the table where Mike had just been sitting pushing his plate aside she spread her legs wide and took off her bra take me right here and now she said Ron lowered his pants and approached her do you think this cheesecake will last until tomorrow Ron asked Amy nodded oh yes she said letun clean
up this mess and then finish dessert upstairs okay author's note in 2013 a decapitated man with tied hands and feet was found in his garage Tulsa Oklahoma Police confirmed it as a suicide but didn't provide details hinting that the man had hanged himself thank you for being with us and listening until the end if you found it interesting Please Subscribe give us a like and leave your comments and we'll see you on the cheating Secrets Channel
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