in this video I'm going to show you the four steps for creating a killer Facebook ads creative testing structure and ultimately how this structure influences your entire account so you can scale maximize your rowad and do this all essentially on easy mode so that you don't need to make em motional decisions and irrational decisions when you're optimizing your ads and this applies to all businesses of all sizes it doesn't matter if you have five creators available to you or just spending your first dollar all the way up to businesses that we are actively managing that
are spending hundreds of thous thousands of dollars per month and have thousands of creatives at their fingertips ready to test and launch this is a foolproof structure because it completely removes the emotional response that we as human beings have and that an algorithm doesn't furthermore it allows us to still create levers within our ad accounts so that we're not completely victim to an overarching broad strategy the system is still going to provide a ton of control for you we're ultimately going to be able to scale the best creatives over time steadily and we're not going
to waste our cash on creatives that are completely unproven we're going to hop into our Facebook ads account we're going to click create campaign go to sales campaign and then here we are creating a manual sales campaign we're going to name this campaign prospecting CBO this is going to be our primary prospecting campaign moving down to the settings you should not need to select anything here everything could stay exactly the same except for Advantage campaign budget you need to select this on for your daily budget you are going to set this to your total available
budget so if if you're spending $100 a day set this to 100 1,000 set this to 1,000 for your campaign bid strategy because we do not have a ton of signal here on this campaign we are setting it to highest volume or value we can leave everything else completely as is the next campaign that we're going to set up and this is going to be a fundamental piece we are going to actually get to in step four is going to be an Advantage Plus shopping campaign so we're going to click continue here we're going to
just name this ASC and we're going to scroll down to make sure everything is set up properly get your pixel in there as it should be make sure your attribution settings are set up for 7-Day click 1 day view definitely make sure you are including your engaged audiences and your existing customers which could be done in the advertiser settings and then as you scroll down there's nothing else that you need to set so the main purpose of the prospecting CBO campaign is to test any new creatives plus serve as the point where we could scale
different interests and scale existing creatives that are doing well but are not truly the best so this is a highly supportive campaign and a testing campaign the ASC campaign is the scale campaign this is the campaign that is going to be really the bulk of your account eventually the ASC campaign will dominate your account and instead of the initial setup where you have most of your budget in prospecting CBO you're actually over time going to favor the ASC campaign and we're also using the ASC campaign to handle most of your retargeting if not all of
your retargeting we are set up in a way so that we have maximized the amount of learnings the Facebook algorithm comp possibly have all at once and we ultimately eliminate the need for additional campaigns or over complicated setup we just do things in a really organized fashion that feeds that algorithm so it can find your customers as quick as possible so the second step is going to be going in to the adset level when we look at our prospecting CBO Campaign which is where we're selected right now and we enter this campaign what we'll see
is just one blank adset we're actually going to edit this from the top down so you can see the exact settings that I'd like to use first things first we're calling this broad pack one Broad literally stands for 100% broad targeting we don't have any demo breakdowns no age breakdowns we're not specifying even specific locations we are just letting this rip to the entire region that we are available in to any people and any time the pack stands for a pack of creative as we scroll down here select your pixel click show more options and
set your attribution setting to 7-Day click one day view that's going to give you the most amount of signals do not set Dynamic creative not only do I not recommend it but it's actually going away very very soon make sure your start date is set properly and then when it comes to audience controls click show more options and you should see your region which in this case is the United States a minimum age of 18 no exclusions and all languages for Advantage Plus audience you could leave this just as is you're not touching anything here
and you are leaving Advantage Plus placements on we are allowing this to run free within the meta or Facebook Universe the next thing we are going to do here is create our very first ad I'm not going to walk through the exact ad creative process but more the structure of what to do once you've created ads I typically recommend you have somewhere around six total ads once you have created your ad set and campaign you have a broad pack one with six ads each of these ads could be a variety of images videos even catalog
if you want to mix it in there take what you have available anywhere from 6 to8 ads launch it into pack number one so we have our primary prospecting campaign and we have a broad pack one so we have one adet running to the entire United States across six to eight creatives step three is where you introduce new creatives so when you get a new round of creatives let's say you had a photo shoot and you got 10 new creatives that you want to test out on Facebook ads in this setup we are going to
use the existing campaign we are going to duplicate our broad pack one and create broad pack 2 broad pack 2 is going to be your setup and the only difference here is that you are going to be launching your second round of creative as new ads in a new ad set so you're never launching new ads in an existing ad set so if I have a bunch of new creatives here if I were to plug these in to Broad pack one I would be crushing my performance because then what I would do is I would
take this broad pack one and I completely reset all of the learnings it's important that each of these are completely separate always the next question is what happens when I have multiple rounds of creative what happens if I get new creative every 2 or 3 weeks no problem every every single time you have new creative you launch another pack so now why is this actually better than running kind of a traditional setup where in that traditional setup you're forcing budget to a specific adset or a specific audience or a specific creative this is better because
a Facebook's only going to spend your money where it's most likely to make money back so it's aiming for the highest volume now every time you launch new creative in one by one by one instead of that creative really being just able to run freely with this big budget and hopefully it works really well well you're now making any new creative climb this ladder and compete against broad Pack 2 broad Pack 1 broad Pack 3 broad Pack 55 I don't care because every new creative has to now fight for that ad span that is completely
different normal normal normal setup what nine out of 10 advertisers are doing right now are they have here's a 100 bucks and here's your new creative and it's going to go spend all in full and once it spends all in full your toast it's gone you completely burn through your $100 budget or ,000 or whatever you're spending on new creative if you instead set things up in a CBO environment only the new creatives are going to spend if they are better than the existing creatives it might instead of taking 3 to 5 days to get
this new creative to work it might take somewhere like 7 to 14 days and if it takes 7 to 14 days for new creative to launch isn't that much better if you're not wasting cash on all those hundreds of variations that you were going to create anyway that we going to completely burn through your budget what do we do to scale this Advantage Plus campaign is our graduation campaign are all of the creatives that are working the best from this prospecting CBO campaign over time get graduated into this ASC campaign one by one by one
we see the ASC campaign gets more creatives and more creatives and more creatives what we like to do is apply the 10% rule that means that the top 10% of the ads from the prospecting CBO campaign get pushed into the ASC campaign so here's how this looks in actual practice we go into our prospecting CBO campaign we would select all of our broad ad sets we would then select all of the ads that are available I would then sort this by amount spent and then I would only take the ads that are both spending the
most and driving the highest return on ad spend you do not cherry pick ads that have really high row as but are hardly spending so if we have $80 in spend $20 in spend $8 in spend we don't take the row as of those and think oh it's a 14 row as that's going to work no spend is performance in Facebook let's just say these four ads were the top of our top 10 to 20% of ads we would then take these we would duplicate these into an existing campaign we would change this to our
NC campaign there is no adet but there's one adset here and we would click duplicate these would duplicate with the existing engagement that they've already farmed in this new ASC campaign this ASC campaign is full with the best creative only this ASC campaign cannot fail because you have proven creative that has worked time and time again that you have spent thousands of your precious dollars on and it's going to work because it's in a scale environment around winners only take the highest spending highest returning put it into the scale campaign let everything else continue to
function in the prospecting CBO campaign there's one more step that's kind of a secret step we're not just graduating into the ASC campaign furthermore we are graduating these into interest groups that live within our existing prospecting campaign this prospecting campaign is driving volume for us the reason we want it all to happen in one campaign is Facebook's going to decide where to spend the cash most effectively better than you can and better than I can we need to set this up in a way that the algorithm is literally fed it is so full it knows
how to spend your money way better than you can so we're going to give it the right opportunity to so once you've launched a few broad packs at the same time that you're launching Your Advantage Plus campaign you're going to create a new single interest adset within your prospecting CBO campaign so we're going to just name this _ Nike in this case we are going to scroll all the way down we're going to keep all the settings exactly the same and we're just going to scroll down to the audience Advantage Plus section instead of just
using the audience suggestions which will completely make this entire strategy worthless you need to switch to original audience options and click use original audience when you get here skip the custom audiences section and go down to Advantage detailed targeting and then in this case we're just going to type in Nike CU that's the example we're going to use and we're going to skip employers skip school skip job titles and go down to interests we're going to select one single interest and the reason we don't stack interest is because we actually want to know what works
and we don't just want to take a guess we don't want overly broad audiences we want to actually know that Nike definitively works for us because then we can scale it what we're putting into this Nike campaign are strictly the best creative from all our broad packs so we are launching new creatives has new adsets in this prospecting campaign and roughly every 14 days we are going into this campaign and we're graduating the best into Nike over time what you're going to want to do only as you start to spend more is add new interests
to this prospecting CBO campaign do it slowly every month every two months even don't worry about having too many interests this is just to test if the interest can work better and if they do they're going to get more spend without you having to do anything by now you could probably see the value of the structure and I'm just going to show you how this is going to function in a calculator because there's no doubt that this will work better for you right now first off highlighting here the normal testing Campaign which is most common
I would imagine N9 out of 10 people watching this video have a campaign set up like this you have an testing campaign that you're forcing budget to new creatives so you get new creatives you put them in this campaign and 20% of your budget roughly is being allocated to this campaign so if you're spending a daily budget of $1,000 per day that means that $200 of those dollars are going to your testing campaign and $800 of those dollars are going to all your other campaigns in your account generally speaking the testing campaign is going to
return at a lower row house than all your other campaigns so we're seeing the testing campaign return at a roughly 1.5 return on ad spend and the rest of your account is returning at a two what this means is that your Revenue driven from the $200 on testing is going to turn to$ 300 driving you $9,000 per month if we apply the same formula to all your other campaigns and just straight line it down here all your other campaigns are going to drive you $48,000 per month giving you a grand total of $57,000 per month
in the new way I'm going to use the exact same percentages in terms of row as for what's working the worst what's working the best and then the ASC scale campaign except we just have a different distributional budget that's going to significantly reduce your costs because we have prospecting CBO functioning in two different ways for us because it's functioning for both top and testing we now have a smaller percentage of bottom creatives getting spent because we're not forcing anything and all those new creatives literally need to climb the ladder for days to figure out if
they're going to work and the ones that work are going to be hits so your bottom creators are usually going to represent somewhere between 2 and 5% of your total ad spend in your account I put 5% which I think is a worst case scenario that means you're going to spend 50 bucks a day if you're spending $1,000 total budget on your bottom creatives and those will drive a 1.5 return on ad spend so we match the testing that we're previously doing that means you're only going to drive 75 bucks in revenue from the bottom
creatives per day instead of a 1.5 if we set our bottom creatives literally drove zero return on ad spend meaning you wasted a total 5% of your budget zero Revenue back you're prospecting CBO top creative so the other half of this campaign are driving a 2X return on ad spend because that's equivalent to all your other campaigns in the normal account meaning that drove $115,000 in Revenue but where the beauty comes in is that our scaling campaigns are only exposed to top creatives only what this means is that the scale campaign is spending 70% of
our budget spending $700 per day driving $1,750 in Revenue per day for 52,500 total combined we have 67,000 $500 that we're driving from this setup versus your current setup which is driving you $57,000 per month so we can continue to invest this $10,500 that we now called found money which is literally just the difference between 57,000 and 67,000 and we could reinvest this into ads the next month we will find ourselves if we have the exact same calculations no change nothing has improved in your entire account we could drive $91,200 and 50 $7,000 in monthly
Revenue we are no longer talking about few extra thousand we are talking about profit margins like you potentially never had it's so important to understand that these algorithms are really really smart we can't just force our way to hope that a creative that we have a good hunch about is going to completely transform our business ultimately you need systems and structure to organize your business to scale steadily over time if you want a certified expert to manage your ads if you want someone who's going to implement this exact system for you regardless of how much
you're spending go to the moonlighters decom to apply to see if you qualify to work with us and last thing if you got value out of this video shoot it a like comment I've tried to reply to every single comment that we get and I hope everyone did truly get a ton of value out of this video because honestly it's one of the most important videos I've made in this entire year