In a world divided by fear and ignorance. Charles Xavier - a man with a vision, dares to unite those who are different. A team of extraordinary individuals, gifted yet cursed.
Angel - a winged aerial ace. Jean Gray - powerful telepathic force. Cyclops - focused optic blast.
Among them, Wolverine - a loner with a pass, shrouded in mystery and rage. Rogue - a lost soul with power to absorb life force. Colossus - gentle giant with invulnerable skin.
Iceman - cold ice manipulator. Beast - brilliant agile scientist. Storm - a gorgeous weather controlling goddess.
Gambit - explosive kinetic energy gambler, and Havoc - an energy blasting rebel. But the darkness rises with a formidable foe, led by Magneto - a powerful mutant, who believes in mutant superiority. Like Mystique - shape-shifting spy master of disguise.
or Nightcrawler with his ability to teleport, or the unstoppable Juggernaut and fiery Pyro. When brother turns against brother, only the strongest will prevail. Two sides - one battle.
The fate of the world hanging in the balance. Prepare for a new dawn. The X-Men are here.
We didn't start this war, but we'll damn sure finish it. X-Men - coming soon to theaters near you.