Stop Being Used by Others

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How To Stop People From Using You - End the Disrespect In today's video we look at How to Stop Peop...
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do you feel that people don't respect you that you give more than you get and that you are taken advantage of that you are being used it's an Animal Planet out there if you aren't intentional you'll be chewed up by others and spit back out empty-handed and no one is going to look out for you so it's about time that you get some respect that you draw the line and no one gets to use you anymore we're going to go through the seven tips you need to follow starting now to get the respect you deserve
and make people that even think about using you regret it let's get it number one wield silence there are no words as powerful as well-placed silence in general we say too much we are too eager to fill the void with our words and we don't think enough of what we are going to say when someone asks you a question you get this impulse to spill out any information you have that's relevant this presents multiple problems one is that you run the risk of looking like a fumbling buffoon where your words just fall out of your
face without enough proper thought and consideration two is that you end up falling into the Trap of giving people what they want if someone asks you for something and you don't wield the side silence to think about the ask clearly then you default to just falling into their hands and being used for their benefit without any consideration of your time and value you need to embrace silence think of it like a part of the conversation like a weapon in your tool belt to convey control consideration and weight in what you say in general pause before
you respond to queries and questions Savor the silence as you think through what you absolutely must say to transfer the information you think is most important in that situation think very deliberately about what words you will use say it in your head then make edits as you see fit and always say less than necessary beautiful messages are more concise they are more filtered and selected and the more condensed messages have a larger impact on the receiver and are more heard it's a muscle that will need exercising but it's a beautiful habit that will automatically gain
you more respect and will make what you say more heard it's one of those ironies of life where the more silence you use and the less you say the more powerful your words become and the more people bend their ear when you speak and we share a lot of these ironic but powerful life hacks on this channel so like And subscribe to stay tuned we're committed to growth and feeling real good about life number two be mysterious if people can read you like an open book and can predict your moves you won't get the respect
you deserve you have to always keep them guessing be like water and assume formlessness be shapeless and maneuver through the Shadows to keep your plans and efforts concealed this is going further from the first tip you leverage silence and say as little as possible but also become a mystery to most and when you are no longer predictable and you're not easily understood people will respect you more they will not think so easily of you and will avoid approaching you with things that could waste your time the unpredictable are feared they are given time and value
they are respected when others don't have the full picture of you they fill the gaps with their own imagination from those gaps come stories and tales these are the things that help you become bigger than life and these word of mouths precede you and expand like wildfire these gaps serve you without you giving it any effort yourself carry this mystery with you as a veil as a sword as a shield it's a very powerful and versatile element to master a great quote that I love that embodies this point is let them think you can't afford
bread until they find out you own the bakery number three value conflict typically we run from conflict it's coded in us through nature and Society to avoid it at all costs when you see Society moving in One Direction you need to look carefully at the contrarian way and see if there's some Arbitrage here in this case there is some powerful unlock if we do it wisely to avoid conflict we often sacrifice our own value and objectives and we end up serving others needs just to avoid a moment of uncomfort we are so driven by short-term
value assessments and this drives a lot of poor Behavior our addiction to social media alcohol and drugs gambling and our avoidance of good things that require hard work and dedication all come from our short-term value thinking quick dopamine avoiding short-term pain we're slaves to this but we're smarter than this so when you interact with people you have to always think about what is right for you what makes sense for you then push back when the value exchange doesn't make sense being comfortable in those moments of conflict and seeing others in minor frustration provide you with
power and even though in that moment there may be some small conflict going forward you'll will be more respected for knowing your own value which brings us to our next Point number four know your value your time your energy your money do you truly understand your value you need to get intimately aware of what your value is if you don't study this and understand this deeply you're going to let the winds carry you wherever they want you will have no agency with where your left foot and right foot goes this is incredibly critical to understand
so don't take this lightly you must understand your value let's focus in on the value of your time to make a point how much more active years of your life do you have left well cut out the time that you're asleep which is 1/3 then cut out the time that you are eating using the restroom commuting working how much free time are you left with a deliv yes we don't have a lot of free time in our one life it's the truth and if you don't intimately know this scarcity then you end up wasting it
just think about the time you spend on social media aimlessly scrolling it will be a shocking wakeup call if you really think about it this will put things into perspective how valuable your free time is so think about this when you consider giving your time to others and the more intentional you are the more respected your time will be by others then do this exercise with the value of your energy and money as well because both of those things are finite and when you understand how finite those things are for you you come to similarly
shocking revelations and the more intentional you are with those others will respect those things of yours more it all starts with you respecting yourself then others follow knowing is the start of appreciating things so so study about your value and be enlightened to it number five understand respect most people misunderstand respect and where it comes from we think that pleasing others and making them happy Garners respect we think that being agreeable and saying yes to everything asked of US produces respect wrong wrong wrong it's the opposite people are inherently selfish and when they see there
are Pathways to get what they want with little friction they will continue to pursue those paths and take advantage where things get easy for them so respect comes from the word no it comes from drawing the lines very clearly and being very intentional with what you give respect needs to be understood correctly because if you don't study it and come to a deep awareness then you end up being Swept Away with some default assumptions that ironically get you the opposite of what you are looking for you get disrespect you get used you are seen as
easy and treated less than what you are worth what has led to you getting more or less respect from others share in the comments it'll be great for the community number six crush it sometimes it makes sense to say yes when you have thought through very carefully and have come to the conclusion that you should take on a certain request then you should say yes but when you do you need to be ready to absolutely crush it for anything that you have committed to you should be ready to do it with all of your heart
and always maintain a high quality of execution what you decide to spend your time and energy and money on is one thing that will get you more respect but the dedication you put into it the speed and efficiency that you complete it with and the quality of output that is produced by you will also impact the amount of respect that you receive and this is not always just saying yes to others requests this is also just you yourself deciding to do something and saying yes to yourself if you say yes to losing 20 lbs bad
weight then pour your heart and soul into this Pursuit if you say yes to building a product and selling it then don't give up see it through till the end and use your time and energy like a beast be very selective with what you take on but then you must absolutely crush it when you do take it on number seven teach to fish you may think that helping others is worthwhile and therefore you should be of service you should help them and therefore the spent time is worth it let's touch on an important point that
you should always consider before diving into this fallacy of service when you use your time energy and money to solve others problems sometimes you are stealing from them an opportunity of growth and True Value value to them they will come to you to get their problem solved because you may be really good at something or you just may seem available it may seem like an easy fix solving their problems is giving them fish the real value to them would be to force them to solve this problem on their own which would be them learning how
to fish and if they are not saved by you then they learn how to turn this problem into a known solution and they are no longer reliant on anyone else this applies to many different situations when you raise a child when you have a friend when you are caring for an elder solving all of their problems is not the best for them they need to develop their own skills and capabilities so they are more independent and they figure things out themselves and they face more opportunities to develop better habits so that they live more fulfilling
lives going forward by being very intentional with where you use your resources and by embracing faing silence conflict and saying no you end up getting more respect and also helping others it's a win-win if you do it right and if you'd like to get some additional tips on powerful daily habits check out this video here
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