INSANE Demonized Caller Gets MUZZLED On Trinity & Bible [Debate] | Sam Shamoun

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yeah I'm not a trinitarian I do believe that Jesus is a manifestation of God In the Flesh I just I do not affirm the belief that the holy spirit is a separate person outside it and the reason for that is because if you ex a Jeep properly it doesn't quite match up go to the objection of why the spirit is not I got you so I got you I'm getting to it so you get you get the bet the r in a sheet or in a towel right it's the bet is a tent the r
is a man and the t is is a cross that Seals Everything therefore there's if you believe that he's the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the meaning he is the beginning that's why Genesis doesn't say at the beginning it says in the beginning God created my my my my my first question will be to you is if you believe that Jesus is the word of God where was Jesus before God spoke Jesus is the one who spoke creation into being can't can I get there you can laugh I don't know why you laugh
at scripture that shows me demonization I'm not laughing I'm laughing at your interpretation to your answer first of all let me correct you on your mistaken notion of the Holy Spirit John 161 12-13 can I answer you step by step you really want me to answer you then be patient John 161 12-13 and then I'm going to on Genesis 1 because you butchered it trying to go into geometria as if you know geometria but that's okay John 161 12-13 I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now when the
spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority whatever he hears he will speak so who is he hearing from who is is who is Jesus hearing from right here well the spirit of truth that in John 14:26 is set to be the Holy Spirit who does the Holy Spirit hear from he hears from it's like that's the thing I can't answer that question the way you want me to because I'm not saying that the holy spirit is separate from God hears from the
father I didn't ask that question I'm asking you basic it says he hears from someone I understand he hears from the Father the father is the one that sent his spirit so who's he hearing from the Father the one who sent his so the spirit hears from the father yes so that means the father speaks to the spirit he can if he wants to commute with his own Spirit definitely so and then the spirit speaks on whose behalf on the father it's the same person it's the same being oh wait so let's go with the
same person so the father same being same being same being we gonna go everything same person and same being same person and same being it's not let's go with the same person talking over me you know that means you're scared if the father sends him in a different mode and then speaks to himself and hears from himself and then communicates what he said to himself in a different mode is that okay I got you when he was speaking to the person who he heard from was the Holy Spirit a person sitting next to Jesus talking
to him in his ear what are you talking about exactly when you're saying that the Holy Spirit heard from the father who sent him right and he communicated with Jesus in this particular P talking to in this particular passage okay is hearing and another person is hearing from someone else and communicating some else so is that person that's hearing and communicating is he in another body sitting directly next to someing in his ear because that's what trinitarians believe is a body who says he needs a body to hear stop butchering the text because you need
ears to hear why does he need to have a body to hear he needs ears to hear in eard drums in airm 949 says you're lying because God hears and doesn't have ears Psalm 94:9 he has a body and he has ears you're quoting that out of context is out of context you want to bet what kind of body does God have he has a spiritual body prove it Sean's been proving it to you all got buried Made In His Image we're Made In His Image oh my goodness dude Made In His Image I just
proved it to you goofy okay but the woman is in God's image the woman is not in God's image IM I let you let me get it let me get it Dyan let me get it let him work man let him cook man uh Sam I disagree with that 100% the woman is not made in God's image the woman is made in man's image as Paul says okay first of all before you run to Genesis 2 which will be your burial just be patient there when it says man the word Adam who is that Adam
that he made is no it's the word is is not there see that shows you you don't know Hebrew that's in Genesis 2 here it's Adam who the Adam that he made the man Adam Adam finish it male and female that's why in Genesis 52 it says he named them both Adam okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on no because there's twoes Sam no they weren't there's two Clauses here you open upis look at me look at me look at me Sam I'm not I'm not yo chill relax you're
you're too loud right now 5 stop talk over all the time down dude you're the only one who's talking over somebody right now relax Genesis 52 and the King James to school this guy that they're both called Adam Genesis 52 okay tell me what the god named them male and female what was their name on the day were created verse two read it for me I'm sorry what happened repeat the question Genesis 5 verse2 on the day he created male female what did what was their name what was their name give it to me read
it it's right there aham read it dude can't you read the English I can but what you're asking me isn't read I'll read it male is it said right here in your scripture male and Fe male and female created him keep talking over the word of God and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created so was the female called Adam I'm sorry what are you talking about male and female created he them yes and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day I didn't say that Adam
I didn't say that I didn't say what you said did he call the female Adam I didn't say that no dude Sam it's only because they were one flush no no no no no no no I got you I got you I got you I got you he called no I'm sorry I'm sorry I misspoke yes he called he called the male and female Adam yes oh and this is now reverting back to Genesis one so let's go back to my point let's go when he created male and female both of them were created in
His image no verse one wait wait don't go anywhere it's right there in verse one wait no this is the book this is the book of the generations of Adam and the day that God created man the word is Adam and the thought made he him male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created yes the female with the male is in the image of God was called fale was built later did the female come out of man yes but not at the same
time man well on did she have the same yes flesh the same name same nature yes wait so even if we go with your perverted logic if the man the male by the way women this tells you their view of women stay away from these guys the male is created the image of God but the female comes out of him hold on if she's flesh of his flesh bone of his bones and she's one flesh with him that means if he's the image of God and she came out of the image of God that means
she's the image of God me IM made in the image of man may I respond now may I respond on let's scroll down can you read three to show that if you come out of Adam then you're in the image of Adam therefore the image of God so if you come out of Adam you are in the image of Adam and therefore the image of God here you go and Adam lived 130 years and begot a son in his own likeness after his image and he called his name Seth now refute this we go back
to Genesis 1 right it says he created men man mankind the species a new species right created man Adam aam then he said male and female he separated them by not then he's saying what he did because if you go and you read the other creation books like Enoch like jubilees you understand that woman we go we go man then he said he made them is and is that's it's not their it's not their names it's man Genesis 2 that's not what I quote I quoted Genesis what was their name you started in Genesis 1
my guy you stting in Genesis 126 reiterate Genesis one that both called Adam yes or no they're called mankind yes I said that okay so then get to the points if they're both called Adam then the Adam that was in Genesis one that wasn't their name so wait in New Testament when the male is said to be Adam when it says Adam sin that's not his name that's his species mankind his name talking about the male in Romans 5 1221 so is that male called Adam is that his name what male open up Romans 512
for this thank you where as by one man sin entered the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sined For unto law the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law for nonetheless death reigned from Adam to Moses so is Moses a name is Moses a name yes that's Moses's name Adam to Moses who's that Adam Adam is the first man ish so what is his name his name is Ish he's male Adam this is the first it says
is there Genesis four vers one and two Eve is their name right yes okay what is his name Adam I said that so you now agree Adam is his name I said that because he was yes I did yes I did no you didn't yes I did you're not listening your entire argument this entire time is that Adam's name is not Adam it's ish Adam refers to his nature as mankind he's man that's what you were saying so now you're admitting that his name is Adam
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