Night Prayer Before Sleep | Fall Asleep Blessed With This Powerful Prayer of Peace & Protection

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
[Music] the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and
Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4: 3-4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by by every word of God in verses 5-7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8
here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke chap 4: 10-1 saying for it is written he shall
give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was
content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God
because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word
rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that your word in 1 Corinthians 10: 13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in you that I find
satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah [Music] 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you
for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the
stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according
to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen father your word in Psalm 18: 1-6 says I love you Lord my strength the Lord is my rock my Fortress and my deliverer my God Is My Rock in whom I take refuge my shield and the Horn of my salvation my stronghold I called to the Lord who is worthy of praise and I have been saved from my enemies the cords of death
and Tang angled me the torments of Destruction overwhelmed me the cords of the Grave coiled around me the snares of death confronted me in my distress I called to the Lord I cried to my God for help from his Temple he heard my voice My Cry came before him into his ears emotions are and can be very power powerful I've seen people so happy that their faces were covered in tears tears of joy I've seen people so distraught and filled with sorrow that they couldn't string together two words I've seen others be so inspired and
motivated that they could work day and night tirelessly to accomplish something or to achieve something I read a powerful quote on something Billy Graham said many years ago he said that 75% of patients in hospitals would be made whole if they would only forgive think about that some people hold on to certain emotions certain negative emotions for so long and eventually those emotions manifest themselves in sickness Proverbs 14:30 says a heart at peace gives life to the body but Envy rots the bones Envy is a feeling of jealousy it's resentment and the Bible tells us
that envy and internal emotion rots the bones meaning it has a physical external result Hebrews 12:4 to 15 says pursue peace with all people and holiness without which no one will see the Lord looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled notice that this verse doesn't even warn us to be cautious of bitterness itself it warns us to be cautious of the root the root of bitterness now the root of a plant is not visible to the naked
eye we may only be aware that a seed was planted when we see the fruit so when the Bible says see to it that no root of bitterness Springs up it's because this emotion of bitterness is so destructive that it needs to be uprooted as soon as the seed germinated the Bible is telling us not to even wait until you see the fruit of bitterness cut it off and at the root and so dear listener I'm aware that in this life all of us will experience unpleasant emotions at one point or another we will experience
the pain of portrayal we'll experience heartache and loss we might even suffer maltreatment and Injustice but my message to you is that you should learn to forgive learn to Let Go Don't hold on to everything negative pray for the Lord to heal your wounds pray for the Lord to mend your broken heart pray that you would be someone who doesn't repay evil with evil but instead have the love of Christ and repay evil with good I encourage you to pray for God to give you the capacity to be able to forgive and move on don't
live a life where you're imprisoned by toxic emotions no Jesus Christ offers you peace Joy Victory despite what people do to you in Jesus you can have freedom you can have life and have it more abundantly now let us pray dear Lord I pray that your grace would be over us someone listening has been betrayed and I pray that you would heal them Lord and let them know that you will never abandon them you will never turn your back on them someone listening has been the recipient of hurtful words someone has had evil words spoken
against them spoken about them and Lord I ask that your healing hand would mend every heart and every ear that has been on the receiving end of hurtful or cruel words help us to forgive let there be no bitterness in our hearts Let There Be No Malice in our hearts let there be no jealousy or hate in our hearts instead Lord Jesus heal our wounds heal every wound inflicted by our enemies every wound inflicted by our friends or even loved ones make us whole and fill our hearts with love teach us to love help us
to live by Your Word which tells us to love our neighbors give us the grace Lord Jesus to live and to love according to First Corinthians 13: 4-8 which says love suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself is not puffed up does not behave rudely does not seek its own is not provoked thinks no evil does does not rejoice in inequity but rejoices in the truth Bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things Love Never Fails but whether there are prophecies they will fail whether
there are tongues they will cease whether there is knowledge it will vanish away give us this type of love in our hearts Jesus so that when others do evil to us we can respond and repay them with love when others speak negatively about us and to us give us great grace so that we may be able to love them regardless of what they say against us I pray for everyone listening Lord Jesus would you please heal every wound of portrayal for the person who feels re rejected and unwanted I pray that you would heal every
wound inflicted by the actions of others heal every ear that has heard cruel words spoken against them to those who feel low Lord Jesus I pray that you would lift up their Spirit to those who are sad and have a heavy heart remove their burdens Lord Jesus father uproot every root of bitterness and resentment in our hearts uproot every memory linked to negative and toxic emotions in our hearts help us to let go give us the strength to practice forgiveness give us the grace to practice real love in our lives your word in Romans 12:
9-12 says love must be sincere hate what is evil cling to what is good be devoted to one another in love honor one another above yourselves never be lacking in Zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord be joyful in Hope patient in Affliction faithful in prayer help us to do this Lord help us to love sincerely help us to cling to what is good and to hate what is evil help us to be devoted to each other in love I thank you for listening to this prayer may the blood of Jesus Christ cover
us amen you and I are called to trust God now my own perspective on trusting the Lord is that I don't need to have all the answers because I know the one who knows all the answers I don't need to know what the plan is because I know the planner I don't need to know the why if I know the one I don't need to know the how because I trust him the Bible says in Psalm 37: 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good then you will live safely in the land and prosper take
Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the Lord trust trust him and he will help you he will make your innocence radiate like the Dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun I believe that God is pleased when we trust him to such an extent that we can say whatever awaits me in the future I'm facing it with Jesus whatever comes against me I'll be protected by Jesus and here's the thing about faith and trust in the Lord a lot of
times you'll have to walk with god without knowing in fact faith can be summed up in the following way Faith is doing your part which is trusting God to do his part your part is to believe that's all you need to do and then you leave God to do his part your part is to stand on God's word his word says that nothing is impossible with God let me ask you are you doing your part are you believing and standing on God's word faith is not necessarily something tangible it's not something you can put your
hands on and control faith is the substance of Hope and the evidence of the Unseen this means to me that if you can see it it isn't faith if you can explain it or control it it isn't Faith many of us try to orchestrate and control everything in our lives until one day we're faced with things that are outside of our control and the truth is the most important things in life are out of our control you can exercise and diet all you want but disease can still come knocking on your door we can build
mag magnificent buildings and structures but we must still bow to the power of a tornado a hurricane or an earthquake these things remind us that we are not in control but I want you to understand that it's during Times Like These when we feel out of control that we are reminded of the purpose of faith faith enables us to be comfortably out of control even though we cannot control things like disease nature or death we have faith that God has a plan and that God will have the last word and so as we approach the
throne of grace let us ask God to help us to move into a space where we are comfortable without knowing ask him to move us to a place where we can be comfortable not because we have all the answers but because we know who our answer is his name is Jesus my heavenly father we trust in you we trust in you Lord Jesus to sustain and provide for us we trust in you to preserve and protect us to defend us and to Shield us from all evil I I pray Lord that in those moments when
we are weak strengthen our faith help us holy spirit so that we should not Harden our hearts but help us to believe help us to believe fully and without reservation and all the promises of God father help me to fearlessly believe in Exodus 14:14 it says the Lord will fight for you and you you shall hold your peace God help us to boldly embrace your word help us to embrace it boldly with no doubt help us to declare and hold on to Isaiah 40: 29-31 he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of
the weak even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint I pray for strong faith God I pray that I may stand up for Jesus Christ and testify of how he turned my mourning into dancing give me strong faith Lord so that I may stand on your word in a world that is lost in a world that aims to discourage and drain
hope as your children we pray for the faith that will enable us to live in The Authority that we have been given in Luke 10: 19 behold I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you give us the Faith Lord Jesus to walk in this Authority as ambassadors of the most high Lord I Thank You for Your unending love you King Jesus are the Wellspring of our hope so even if life disappoints and Friends turn their backs on
us God we're grateful that we can always count on you to be our Rock and our refuge John 7:38 says he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water father May the rivers of living water flow from every part of our Lives May your living water flow over our hearts and souls and fill us with Faith Lord I look forward to a future with you I embrace a future that is in your hands one that's filled with love filled with Mercy and with goodness as
I reach out in prayer and in faith I place my hopes my dreams and plans all in your hands so as long as you are for me Lord Jesus nothing can stand against me I will continue to place my faith in you because you are a God who has held me up every time I didn't have the strength to stand on my own father I thank you for being so faithful and I bless your holy name it's in the mighty and matchless name of King Jesus our lord that we pray this prayer but he said
to me my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power May rest on me that is why for Christ's sake I Delight in weakness in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties for when I am weak then I am strong there are times when God will allow certain things to happen in our lives because in his love he wants us to seek him he wants us to call on him Psalm 50:1 15 says and call on
me in the day of trouble I will deliver you and you will honor me now if there never was a day of trouble what would make you call on God how else would you see the mighty hand of God deliver you unless there was a day of trouble and so I'm talking to you the person who's saying I've been facing so many battles the person who's saying I've been facing Real Warfare in my mind in my family or with my health if you found yourself to be under attack in multiple areas dear child of God
I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in psalm 55:22 as it says cast your care cares on the Lord and He will sustain you he will never let the righteous be shaken I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in Psalm 32:7 as it says you are my Hiding Place you Lord protect me from trouble you surround me with songs and shouts of Deliverance hear me when I say this it's only when you're in trouble when you have a need it's only when you're at the end
of yourself that you'll meet God's goodness it's only when you find yourself in trouble only then will you meet the loving hand of God that will make a way where there seems to be no way it's only when you're in trouble only then will you encounter The God Who told Moses I am am who I am when Moses asked God who should I say has sent me God replied and said thus you shall say to the children of Israel I am has sent me to you now what did God mean when he said I am
well it is my belief that God said I am who I am because he is an all encompassing God he could have just said I am the god who delivers but that limits him he he doesn't just deliver he also leads he also protects he also makes a way where there seems to be no way God could have told Moses to tell the children of Israel that The God Who heals has sent me but once again that would limit Our God because he doesn't just heal he can make you whole again he can resurrect and
give life he is a God who can restore so I believe that God said I am who I am because whatever we need him to be he is that if we need him to be a father he is a father to the fatherless if we need him to move a mountain all of nature will bow down to his voice and so people of God let us be a people who reverence the Lord for his power and Majesty even when we're going through difficulties now let us pray Lord Jesus we bless your Holy Name the name
above every other name now Psalm 139 verse 23- 24 search me oh God and know my heart try me and know my anxieties and see if there is any wicked way in me and Lead Me in the way Everlasting Lord search me search my motives my mind search my being know my heart remove all of the impurities the unforgiveness the hurt Holy Spirit I pray that you would bir in me an appetite for the word of God an appetite for the word of God in my life birth a hunger in me which will draw me
closer to him Lord we place you at the center of our hearts May the name of Jesus Christ be etched on the throne of our minds we come to you Lord Jesus because for those who hunger you are the bread of life for those who thirst you are the Fountain of Living Water we thirst for your presence Lord Jesus the Bible says in Psalm 42: 1-2 As the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God when can I go and meet
with God lord Jesus you are our Victory you are the Cornerstone of Our Lives you are the Bridge Over Troubled Waters for us God your word says let everything that has breath praise the Lord Psalm 28: 5-8 says because they do not regard The Works of the Lord nor the operation of his hand he shall destroy them and not build them up blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices
and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the savior Refuge of his anointed We Praise You Lord Jesus because you are the light of my salvation my great Banner of hope my physician and my healer the great high priest the Holy One the lion of the tribe of Judah you are the alpha and the Omega you are the author and the finisher you are the almighty the Everlasting father you are the god of I am because if we need Redemption you are a redeemer if we need Deliverance
you are a deliverer if we need protection Lord Jesus you are the lion of the tribe of Judah thank you for your sacrifice King Jesus thank you for dying on a cross for me I did nothing to deserve that kind of love I did nothing to earn that kind of love but you still gave yourself for me and all I can do is thank you and open my heart to you so that you can use me in your kingdom Holy Spirit help me to be consistent help me to be consistent with my prayer help me
to be consistent with my reading of your word Holy Spirit help me to set set my eyes always before the Lord so that if all is well with me my eyes remain on Jesus Christ and if I'm struggling and can't seem to find a way out of the mess that I'm in then my eyes are still on Jesus Lord I praise you because you are a savior to those who need to be saved you are a shelter to those who need Refuge a protector to those who need safety I thank you for hearing this prayer
Lord in Jesus name I pray Amen in psalm 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail now as we get ready to go before the Throne of God take a moment and put that thing that you're going through put it beside our almighty God do you see that the thing that feels like it's going to consume you there's no way that it can consume God and you are in God so whatever it is and
I'm not belittling your pain I'm not belittling your situation but is there anything too hard for God is there anything he cannot do the Temptation we all face when we're in a challenging place is that we want to know how we got here we want to know why God let this happen and we most certainly want to know when God Will Make A Way out of it all we often want to rationalize everything and we want to understand it all but the truth we need to come to accept is that God does not have to
explain himself God's ways are higher than ours his thoughts they are higher than our thoughts you see God does not have to reduce himself to do things in a manner that we can understand we're talking about a God here who the Bible describes like this in 1 Corinthians 1 verses 27 and 28 instead God chose the thing the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise and he chose things that are power less to shame those who are powerful God chose things despised by the world things counted as nothing at
all and use them to bring to nothing what the world considers important when we're facing the Troubles of life we need to know that the Lord has a completely different vantage point from all of us God sees everything we don't God knows everything and we on the other hand we only know a fraction the Lord sees the past he sees the present and he sees the future he sees the enemy's attacks he sees our weaknesses and our flaws he sees our hearts my brother my sister God sees so much more than we will ever see
so we can't expect to understand the ways of an allseeing God we can't expect to understand the ways of an all- knowing god we simply have to trust that God is faithful he's always working things for our good you see God is good and he's good all the time he's good in what you consider good times he's good in what you consider bad bad times God is loving and he's in control he doesn't change his love based on our goodness he doesn't change his plan based on our faithfulness God is loving and he's in control
we have to remember that his love towards us never changes he's consistent in all his ways now I want to encourage you today and I want to tell you that whatever your problem problem is whatever your problem might look like do not spend your energy looking for answers instead of looking for answers do what the Bible says do in Philippians 4 veres 6-7 it says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus just listen to what the Bible says it tells us that in every situation every situation pray about it offer up Thanksgiving to the Lord and here's the key part present your requests to God in a simplified manner we're being told to tell God about our problems tell God about what you're going through he's there he wants to listen he wants you to cast your burdens on him so let your creator know let him know where you are let him know what you're feeling what you're thinking and then
the the Bible doesn't say that there will be a sudden Miracle the Bible doesn't say that everything will turn around in an instant no but it does tell us that the peace of God will come that means you don't have to stand there scratching your head asking Lord why when will you rescue me God no instead you will have the peace of God you will have the assurance that our loving God is still in control your heart won't be troubled and let me tell you something it's a great blessing to have the peace of God
in the midst of chaos Lord Jesus we bless your Holy Name we adore your holy name and we honor you master god right now we come and we stand on your word in psong 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail God we release our burdens to you and we release our troubles to you Lord right now we're trading our sorrows for the peace that you offer on our own Lord we will follow on
our own we know that we will fail there's no way that we can handle all that this life presents us on our own so we willingly admit we willingly acknowledge that we need you King Jesus we need your grace we need you to step in master we need your mercy we need your strength and your favor your word in Psalm 40 veres 1 through 3 it says I waited patiently for the Lord he turned to me and heard My Cry he Lifted Me Out of the slimy pit out of the mud and me he set
my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand he put a new song in my mouth a hym of praise to our God many will see and fear the lord and put their trust in him indeed we will wait patiently for you Lord you alone can place our feet on steady ground you alone can establish our way so father that's why we acknowledge you in all our ways because your word says you will direct our paths and so we praise you we cast our burdens on you because we know that in
this life there is no Victory without you stand with us Master Lord Jesus we look to you we look to you to help us to overcome adversity we know that the strength for us to conquer anything it's drawn from you King Jesus we will stand on your word forever father we pray that our lives would never be ruled by fear God we desire to live a life of faith we want to live a life that's led by the Holy Spirit Lord we accept that we cannot see the future in its entirety you're the one who
sees all you're the one who knows all and we can take Assurance in knowing that our future is secured in you I don't have to know everything when I know the one who knows it all you are our security Lord and we know and trust that you're always always working behind the scenes you're working so that all things would work together for our good and so father we pray that you would help us so that we won't be consumed by thoughts of fear anxiety or worry instead God help us to set our minds on things
above on Heavenly things and not on things on this Earth father we thank you for listening to our prayer may you get all the glory and all the honor out of our lives lives as we patiently wait on what you have in store for us God we praise you for your goodness be blessed and be glorified in Jesus name amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against
the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4:3 to4 the Bible
says and the devil said to him if you are the son of of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5 to7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now
the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse n he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10-1 saying for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus
three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how
will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I
pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in my My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that
your word in First Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 says no temptation has overtaken you EX accept such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living
Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah [Music] 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against
me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I
am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen
father your word in Psalm 18 verse 1-6 says I love you Lord my strength the Lord is my rock my Fortress and my deliverer my God Is My Rock in whom I take refuge my shield and the Horn of my salvation my stronghold I called to the Lord who is worthy of praise and I have been saved from my enemies the cords of death entangled me the torments of Destruction overwhelmed me the cords of the Grave coiled around me the snares of death confronted me in my distress I called to the Lord I cried to
my God for help for from his Temple he heard my voice My Cry came before him into his ears emotions are and can be very powerful I've seen people so happy that their faces were covered in tears tears of joy I've seen people so distraught and filled with sorrow that they couldn't string together two words I've seen others be so inspired and motivated that they could work day and night tirelessly to accomplish something or to achieve something I read a powerful quote on something Billy Graham said many years ago he said that 75% of patients
in hospitals would be made whole if they would only forgive think about that some people hold on to certain emotions certain negative emotions for so long long and eventually those emotions manifest themselves in sickness Proverbs 14 verse 30 says a heart at peace gives life to the body but Envy rots the bones Envy is a feeling of jealousy it's resentment and the Bible tells us that Envy an internal emotion rots the bones meaning it has a physical external result Hebrews 12: 14- 15 says pursue peace with all people and Holiness without which no one will
see the Lord looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled notice that this verse doesn't even warn us to be cautious of bitterness itself it warns us to be cautious of the root the root of bitterness now the root of a plant is not visible to the naked eye we may only be aware that a seed was planted when we see the fruit so when the Bible says see to it that no root of bitterness Springs up it's
because this emotion of bitterness is so destructive that it needs to be uprooted as soon as the seed germinated the Bible is telling us not to even wait until you see the fruit of bitterness cut it off at the root and so dear listener I am aware that in this life all of us will experience unpleasant emotions at one point or another we will experience the pain of portrayal we'll experience heartache and loss we might even suffer maltreatment and Injustice but my message to you is that you should learn to forgive learn to Let Go
Don't hold on to everything negative pray for the Lord to heal your wounds pray for the Lord to mend your broken heart pray that you would be someone who doesn't repay evil with evil but instead have the love of Christ and repay evil with good I encourage you to pray for God to give you the capacity to be able to forgive and move on don't live a life where you're imprisoned by toxic emotions no Jesus Christ offers you peace Joy Victory despite what people do to you in Jesus you can have freedom you can have
life and have it more abundantly now let us pray dear Lord I pray that your grace would be over us someone listening has been betrayed and I pray that you would heal them Lord and let them know that you will never abandon them you will never turn your back on them someone listening has been the recipient of hurtful words someone has had evil words spoken against them spoken about them and Lord I ask that your healing hand would mend every heart and every ear that has been on the receiving end of hurtful or cruel words
help us to forgive let there be no bitterness in our hearts Let There Be No Malice in our hearts let there be no jealousy or hate in our hearts instead Lord Jesus heal our wounds heal every wound inflicted by our enemies every wound inflicted by our friends or even loved ones make us whole and fill our hearts with love teach us to love help us to live by Your Word which tells us to love our neighbors give us the grace Lord Jesus to live and to love according to 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 which says love
suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself is not puffed up does not behave rudely does not seek its own is not provoked thinks no evil does not rejoice in inequity but rejoices in the truth Bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things Love Never Fails but whether there are prophecies they will fail whether there are tongues they will cease whether there is knowledge it will vanish away give us this type of love in our hearts Jesus so that when others do evil to us we
can respond and repay them with love when others speak negatively about us and to us give us great grace so that we may be able to love them regardless of what they say say against us I pray for everyone listening Lord Jesus would you please heal every wound of portrayal for the person who feels rejected and unwanted I pray that you would heal every wound inflicted by the actions of others heal every ear that has heard cruel words spoken against them to those who feel low Lord Jesus I pray that you would lift up their
spirit to those who are sad and have a heavy heart remove their burdens Lord Jesus father uproot every root of bitterness and resentment in our hearts uproot every memory linked to negative and toxic emotions in our hearts help us to let go give us the strength to practice forgiveness give us the grace to practice real love in our lives your your word in Romans 12: 9-12 says love must be sincere hate what is evil cling to what is good be devoted to one another in love honor one another above yourselves never be lacking in Zeal
but keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord be joyful in Hope patient in Affliction faithful in prayer help us to do this Lord help us to love sincerely help us to cling to what is good and to hate what is evil help us to be devoted to each other in love I thank you for listening to this prayer may the blood of Jesus Christ cover us amen you and I are called to trust God [Music] now my own perspective on trusting the Lord is that I don't need to have all the answers because I know
the one who knows all the answers I don't need to know what the plan is because I know the planner I don't need to know the why if I know the one I don't need to know the how because I trust him the Bible says in Psalm 37: 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good good then you will live safely in the land and prosper take Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the Lord trust him and he will help you he will make your
innocence radiate like the Dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun I believe that God is pleased when we trust him to such an extent that we can say whatever awaits me in the future I'm facing it with Jesus whatever comes against me I'll be protected by Jesus and here's the thing about faith and trust in the Lord a lot of times you'll have to walk with god without knowing in fact faith can be summed up in the following way Faith is doing your part which is trusting God to do
his part your part is to believe that's all you need to do and then you leave God to do his part your part is to stand on God's word his word says that nothing is impossible with God let me ask you are you doing your part are you believing and standing on God's word faith is not necessarily something tangible it's not something you can put your hands on and control faith is the substance of Hope and the evidence of the Unseen this means to me that if you can see it it isn't faith if you
can explain it or control it it isn't Faith many of us try to orchestrate and control everything in our lives until one day we're faced with things that are outside of our control and the truth is the most important things in life are out of our control you can exercise and diet all you want but disease can still come knocking on your door we can build magnificent buildings and structures but we must still bow to the power of a tornado a hurricane or an earthquake these things remind us that we are not in control but
I want you to understand that it's during Times Like These when we we feel out of control that we are reminded of the purpose of faith faith enables us to be comfortably out of control even though we cannot control things like disease nature or death we have faith that God has a plan and that God will have the last word and so as we approach the throne of grace let us ask God to help us to move into a space where we are comfortable without knowing ask him to move us to a place where we
can be comfortable not because we have all the answers but because we know who our answer is his name is Jesus my heavenly father we trust in you we trust in you Lord Jesus to sustain and provide for us we trust in you to preserve and protect us to defend us and to Shield us from all evil I pray Lord that in those moments when we are weak strengthen our faith help us holy spirit so that we should not Harden our hearts but help us to believe help us to believe fully and without reservation in
all the promise Promises of God father help me to fearlessly believe in Exodus 14:14 it says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace God help us to boldly embrace your word help us to embrace it boldly with no doubt help us to declare and hold on to Isaiah 40: 29-31 he gives strength to to the weary and increases the power of the weak even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like
eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint I pray for strong faith God I pray that I may stand up for Jesus Christ and testify of how he turned my mourning into dancing give me strong faith Lord so that I may stand on your word in a world that is lost in a world that aims to discourage and drain hope as your children we pray for the faith that will enable us to live in The Authority that we have been given in Luke 10: 19 behold I give you
the authority it to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you give us the Faith Lord Jesus to Walk In This Authority as ambassadors of the most high Lord I Thank You for Your unending love you King Jesus are the Wellspring of our hope so even if life disappoints and Friends turn their backs on us God we're grateful that we can always count on you to be our Rock and our refuge John 7:38 says he who believes in me as the scripture has
said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water father May the rivers of living water flow from every part of our Lives May your living water flow over our hearts and souls and fill us with faith Lord I look forward to a future with you I embrace a future that is in your hands one that's filled with love filled with mercy and with goodness as I reach out in prayer and in faith I place my hopes my dreams and plans all in your hands so as long as you are for me Lord Jesus
nothing can stand against me I will continue to place my faith in you because you are a God who has held me up every time I didn't have the strength to stand on my own father I thank you for being so faithful and I bless your holy name it's in the mighty and matchless name of King Jesus our lord that we pray this prayer but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that
Christ's power May rest on me that is why for Christ's sake I Delight in weakness in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties for when I am weak then I am strong there are times when God will allow certain things to happen in our lives because in his love he wants us to seek him he wants us to call on him Psalm 50:1 15 says and call on me in the day of trouble I will deliver you and you will honor me now if there never was a day of trouble what would make you call
on God how else would you see the mighty hand of God deliver you unless there was a day of trouble and so I'm talking to you the person who's saying I've been facing so many battles the person who's saying I've been facing Real Warfare in my mind in my family or with my health if you found yourself to be under attack in multiple areas dear child of God I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in Psalm chapter 55 verse 22 as it says cast your cares on the Lord and He
will sustain you he will never let the righteous be shaken I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in Psalm 32:7 as it says you are my Hiding Place you Lord protect me from trouble you surround me with songs and shouts of Deliverance hear me when I say this it's only when you're in trouble when you have a need it's only when you're at the end of yourself that you'll meet God's goodness it's only when you find yourself in trouble only then will you meet the loving hand of God that will
make a way where there seems to be no way it's only when you're in trouble only then will you encounter The God Who told Moses I am who I am when Moses asked God who should I say has sent me God replied and said thus you shall say to the children of Israel I am has sent me to you now what did God mean when he said I am well it is my belief that God said I am who I am because he is an all encompassing God he could have just said I am the
god who delivers but that limits him he he doesn't just deliver he also leads he also protects he also makes a way where there seems to be no way God could have told Moses to tell the children of Israel that The God Who heals has sent me but once again that would limit Our God because he doesn't just heal he can make you whole again he can resurrect and give life he is a God who can restore so I believe that God said I am who I am because whatever we need him to be he
is that if we need him to be be a father he is a father to the fatherless if we need him to move a mountain all of nature will bow down to his voice and so people of God let us be a people who reverence the Lord for his power and Majesty even when we're going through difficulties now let us pray Lord Jesus we bless your Holy Name the name above every other name now Psalm 139 verse 23- 24 search me oh God and know my heart try me and know my anxieties and see if
there is any wicked way in me and Lead Me in the way Everlasting Lord Lord search me search my motives my mind search my being know my heart remove all of the impurities the unforgiveness the hurt Holy Spirit I pray that you would birth in me an appetite for the word of God an appetite for the word of God in my life birth a hunger in me which will draw me closer to him Lord we place you at the center of our hearts Hearts May the name of Jesus Christ be etched on the throne of
our minds we come to you Lord Jesus because for those who hunger you are the bread of life for those who thirst you are the Fountain of Living Water we thirst for your presence Lord Jesus the Bible says in Psalm 42: 1-2 As the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God when can I go and meet with God lord Jesus you are our Victory you are the Cornerstone of Our Lives you are the Bridge Over Troubled Waters for us God
your word says let everything that has breath praise the Lord Psalm 28: 5-8 says because they do not regard The Works of the Lord nor the operation of his hands he shall destroy them and not build them up blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the saving Refuge of his anointed We Praise
You Lord Jesus because you are the light of my salvation my great Banner of hope my physici and my healer the great high priest the Holy One the L of the tribe of Judah you are the alpha and the Omega you are the author and the finisher you are the almighty the Everlasting father you are the god of I am because if we need Redemption you are a redeemer if we need Deliverance you are a deliverer if we need protection Lord Jesus you are the lion of the tribe of Judah thank you for your sacrifice
King Jesus thank you for dying on a cross for me I did nothing to deserve that kind of love I did nothing to earn that kind of love but you still gave yourself for me and all I can do is thank you and open my heart to you so that you can use me in your kingdom holy Spirit help me to be consistent help me to be consistent with my prayer help me to be consistent with my reading of your word Holy Spirit help me to set my eyes always before the Lord so that if
all is well with me my eyes remain on Jesus Christ and if I'm struggling and can't seem to find a way out of the mess that I'm in then my eyes are still on Jesus [Music] Lord I praise you because you are a savior to those who need to be saved you are a shelter to those who need Refuge a protector to those who need safety I thank you for hearing this prayer Lord in Jesus name I pray Amen in psalm 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain
and uphold you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail now as we get ready to go before the Throne of God take a moment and put that thing that you're going through put it beside our almighty God do you see that the thing that feels like it's going to consume you there's no way that it can consume God and you are in God so whatever it is and I'm not belittling your pain I'm not belittling your situation but is there anything too hard for God is there anything he cannot do
the Temptation we all face when we're in a challenging place is that we want to know how we got here we want to know why God let this happen and we most certainly want to know when God Will Make A Way out of it all we often want to rationalize everything and we want to understand it all but the truth we need to come to accept is that God does not have to explain himself God's ways are higher than ours his thoughts they are higher than our thoughts you see God does not have to reduce
himself to do things in a manner that we can understand we're talking about a God here who the Bible describes like this in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 and 28 instead God chose the things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise and he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful God chose things despised by the world things counted as nothing at all and use them to bring to nothing what the world considers important when we're facing the Troubles of life we need to know that the
Lord has a completely different vantage point from all of us God sees everything we don't God knows everything and we on the other hand we only know a fraction the Lord sees the past he sees the present and he sees the future he sees the enemy attacks he sees our weaknesses and our flaws he sees our hearts my brother my sister God sees so much more than we will ever see so we can't expect to understand the ways of an allseeing God we can't expect to understand the ways of an all- knowing god we simply
have to trust that God is faithful he's always working things for our good you see God is good and he's good all the time he's good in what you consider good times he's good in what you consider bad times God is loving and he's in control he doesn't change his love based on our goodness he doesn't change his plan based on our faithfulness God is loving and he's in control we have have to remember that his love towards us never changes he's consistent in all his ways now I want to encourage you today and I
want to tell you that whatever your problem is whatever your problem might look like do not spend your energy looking for answers instead of looking for answers do what the Bible says do in Philippians 4: 6- seven it says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus just listen to what the Bible says it tells us that in every situation every situation pray about it
offer up Thanksgiving to the Lord and here's the key part present your requests to God in a simplified manner we're being told to tell God about our problems tell God about what you're going through he's there he wants to listen he wants wants you to cast your burdens on him so let your creator know let him know where you are let him know what you're feeling what you're thinking and then the Bible doesn't say that there will be a sudden Miracle the Bible doesn't say that everything will turn around in an instant no but it
does tell us that the peace of God will come that means you don't have to stand there scratching your head asking Lord why when will you rescue me God no instead you will have the peace of God you will have the assurance that our loving God is still in control your heart won't be troubled and let me tell you something it's a great blessing to have the peace of God in the midst of chaos Lord Jesus we bless bless your Holy Name we adore your holy name and we honor you master god right now we
come and we stand on your word in psalm 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail God we release our burdens to you and we release our troubles to you Lord right now we're trading our sorrows for the peace that you offer on our own Lord we will fall on our own we know that we will fail there's no way that we can handle all that this life presents us on our own so we
willingly admit we willingly acknowledge that we need you King Jesus we need your Grace we need you to step in master we need your mercy we need your strength and your favor your word in Psalm 40 veres 1-3 it says I waited patiently for the Lord he turned to me and heard My Cry he Lifted Me Out of the slimy pit out of the mud and M he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand he put a new song in my mouth a hym of praise to our God
many will see and fear the lord and put their trust in him indeed we will wait patiently for you Lord you alone can place our feet on steady ground you alone can establish our way so father that's why we acknowledge you in all our ways because your word says you will direct our paths and so we praise you we cast our burdens on you because we know that in this life there is no Victory without you stand with us Master Lord Jesus we look to you we look to you to help us to overcome adversity
we know that the strength for us to conquer anything it's drawn from you King Jesus we will stand on your word forever father we pray that our lives would never be ruled by fear God we desire to live a life of faith we want to live a life that's led by the Holy Spirit Lord we accept that we cannot see the future in its entirety you're the one who sees all you're the one who knows all and we can take Assurance in knowing that our future is secured in you I don't have to know everything
when I know the one who knows it all you are our security Lord and we know and trust that you're always always working behind the scenes you're working so that all things will work together for our good and so father we pray that you would help us so that we won't be consumed by thoughts of fear anxiety or worry instead God help us to set our minds on things above on Heavenly things and not on things on this Earth father we thank you for listening to our prayer may you get all the glory and all
the honor out of our Lives as we patiently wait on what you have in store for us God we praise you for your goodness be blessed and be glorified in Jesus name amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our
our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke 4: 3-4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written
man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5-7 the devil continued his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point
of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10 to1 saying for it is written he he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the
devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you
respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray
that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to to your word help me to remember that your word in 1 Corinthians 10:13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to
be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in
Isaiah 41: 13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have
Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I
know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen father your word in Psalm 18 verse 1-6 says I love you Lord my strength the Lord is my rock my Fortress and my deliverer my God Is My Rock in whom I
take refuge my shield and the Horn of my salvation my stronghold I called to the Lord who is worthy of praise and I have been saved from my enemies the cords of death entangled me the torments of Destruction overwhelmed me the cords of the grave coiled around me the snares of death confronted me in my distress I called to the Lord I cried to my God for help from his Temple he heard my voice My Cry came before him into his ears emotions are and can be very powerful I've seen people so happy that their
faces were covered in tears tears of Joy I've seen people so distraught and filled with sorrow that they couldn't string together two words I've seen others be so inspired and motivated that they could work day and night tirelessly to accomplish something or to achieve something I read a powerful quote on something Billy Graham said many years ago he said that 75% of patients in hospital hospitals would be made whole if they would only forgive think about that some people hold on to certain emotions certain negative emotions for so long and eventually those emotions manifest themselves
in sickness Proverbs 14:30 says a heart at peace gives life to the body but Envy rots the bones Envy is a feeling of jealousy it's resentment and the Bible tells us that Envy an internal emotion rots the bones meaning it has a physical external result Hebrews chap 12: 14- 15 says pursue peace with all people and Holiness without which no one will see the Lord looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled notice that this verse doesn't even
warn us to be cautious of bitterness itself it warns us to be cautious of the root the root of bitterness now the root of a plant is not visible to the naked eye we may only be aware that a seed was planted when we see the fruit so when the Bible says see to it that no root of bitterness Springs up it's because this emotion of bitterness is so destructive that it needs to be uprooted as soon as the seed germinated the Bible is telling us not to even wait until you see the fruit of
bitterness cut it off at the root and so dear listener I am aware that in this life all of us us will experience unpleasant emotions at one point or another we will experience the pain of petral we'll experience heartache and loss we might even suffer maltreatment and Injustice but my message to you is that you should learn to forgive learn to Let Go Don't hold on to everything negative pray for the Lord to heal your wounds pray for the Lord to mend your brok broken heart pray that you would be someone who doesn't repay evil
with evil but instead have the love of Christ and repay evil with good I encourage you to pray for God to give you the capacity to be able to forgive and move on don't live a life where you're imprisoned by toxic emotions no Jesus Christ offers you peace Joy victory despite what people do to you in Jesus you can have freedom you can have life and have it more abundantly now let us pray dear Lord I pray that your grace would be over us someone listening has been betrayed and I pray that you would heal
them Lord and let them know that you will never abandon them you will never turn your back on them someone listening has been the recipient of hurtful words someone has had evil words spoken against them spoken about them and Lord I ask that your healing hand would mend every heart and every ear that has been on the receiving end of hurtful or cruel words help us to forgive let there be no bitterness in our hearts Let There Be No Malice in our hearts let there be no jealousy or hate in our hearts instead Lord Jesus
heal our wounds heal every wound inflicted by our enemies every wound inflicted by our friends or even loved ones make us whole and fill our hearts with love teach us to love help us to live by Your Word which tells us to love our neighbors give us the grace Lord Jesus to live and to love according to 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 which says love suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself is not puffed up does not behave rudely does not seek its own is not provoked thinks no evil
does not rejoice in inequity but rejoices in the truth Bears all all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things Love Never Fails but whether there are prophecies they will fail whether there are tongues they will cease whether there is knowledge it will vanish away give us this type of love in our hearts Jesus so that when others do evil to us we can respond and repay them with love when others speak negatively about us and to us give us great grace so that we may be able to love them regardless of what
they say against us I pray for everyone listening Lord Jesus would you please heal every wound of portrayal for the person who feels rejected and unwanted I pray that you would heal every wound inflicted by the actions of others heal every ear that has heard cruel words spoken against them to those who feel low Lord Jesus I pray that you would lift up their Spirit to those who are sad and have a heavy heart remove their burdens Lord Jesus father uproot every root of bitterness and resentment in our hearts uproot every memory linked to negative
and toxic emotions in our Hearts help us to let go give us the strength to practice forgiveness give us the grace to practice real love in our lives your word in Romans 12: 9-12 says love must be sincere hate what is evil cling to what is good be devoted to one another in love honor one another above yourselves never never be lacking in Zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord be joyful in Hope patient in Affliction faithful in prayer help us to do this Lord help us to love sincerely help us to cling
to what is good and to hate what is evil help us to be devoted to each other in love I thank you for listening to this prayer may the blood of Jesus Christ cover us amen you and I are called to trust God now my own perspective on trusting the Lord is that I don't need to have all the answers because I know the one who knows all the answers I don't need to know what the plan is because I know the planner I don't need to know the why if I know the one I
don't need to know the how because I trust him the Bible says in Psalm 37 verses 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good then you will live safely in the land and prosper take Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the Lord trust him and he will help you he will make your innocence radiate like the dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun I believe that God is pleased when we trust him to such an extent that we can
say whatever awaits me in the future I'm facing it with Jesus whatever comes against me I'll be protected by Jesus and here's the thing about faith and trust in the Lord a lot of times you'll have to walk with god without without knowing in fact faith can be summed up in the following way Faith is doing your part which is trusting God to do his part your part is to believe that's all you need to do and then you leave God to do his part your part is to stand on God's word his word says
that nothing is impossible with God let me ask you are you doing your part are you believing and standing on God's word faith is not necessarily something tangible it's not something you can put your hands on and control faith is the substance of Hope and the evidence of the Unseen this means to me that if you can see it it isn't faith if you can explain it or control it it isn't Faith many of us try to or orchestrate and control everything in our lives until one day we're faced with things that are outside of
our control and the truth is the most important things in life are out of our control you can exercise and diet all you want but disease can still come knocking on your door we can build magnificent buildings and structures but we must still bow to the power of a tornado or a hurricane or an earthquake these things remind us that we are not in control but I want you to understand that it's during Times Like These when we feel out of control that we are reminded of the purpose of faith faith enables us to be
comfortably out of control even though we cannot control things like disease nature or death we have faith that God has a plan and that God will have the last word and so as we approach the throne of grace let us ask God to help us to move into a space where we are comfortable without knowing ask him to move us to a place where we can be comfortable not because we have all the answers but because we know who our answer is his name is Jesus my heavenly father we trust in you we trust in
you Lord Jesus to sustain and provide for us we trust in you to preserve and protect us to defend us and to Shield us from all evil I pray Lord that in those moments when we are weak strengthen our faith help us holy SP spirit so that we should not Harden our hearts but help us to believe help us to believe fully and without reservation in all the promises of God father help me to fearlessly believe in Exodus 14:14 it says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace God help us
to boldly embrace your word help us to embrace it boldly with no doubt help us to declare and hold on to Isaiah 40 veres 29-31 he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint I pray for strong faith God I pray that I may stand up for Jesus Christ and
testify of how he turned my mourning into dancing give me strong faith Lord so that I may stand on your word in a world that is lost in a world that aims to discourage and drain hope as as your children we pray for the faith that will enable us to live in The Authority that we have been given in Luke 10 verse 19 behold I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you give us the Faith Lord Jesus
to Walk In This Authority as ambassadors of the most high Lord I Thank you for your unending love you King Jesus are the Wellspring of our hope so even if life disappoints and Friends turn their backs on us God we're grateful that we can always count on you to be our Rock and our refuge John 7:38 says he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water father May the rivers of living water flow from every part of our Lives May your living water flow over
our hearts and souls and fill us with Faith Lord I look forward to a future with you I embrace a future that is in your hands one that's filled with love filled with mercy and with goodness as I reach out in prayer and in faith I place my hopes my dreams and plans all in your hands so as long as you are for me Lord Jesus nothing can stand against me I will continue to place my faith in you because you are a God who has held me up every time I didn't have the strength
to stand on my own father I thank you for being so faithful and I bless your holy name it's in the mighty and matchless name of King Jesus our lord that we pray this prayer but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power May rest on me that is why for Christ's sake I Delight in weakness in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties for when I am weak then I am
strong there are times when God will allow certain things to happen in our lives because in his love he wants us to seek him he wants us to call on him Psalm 50:1 15 says and call on me in the day of trouble I will deliver you and you will honor me now if there never was a day of trouble what would make you call on God how else would you see the mighty hand of God deliver you unless there was a day of trouble and so I'm talking to you the person who's saying I've
been facing so many battles the person who's saying I've been facing a Warfare in my mind in my family or with my health if you found yourself to be under attack in multiple areas dear child of God I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in Psalm CH 55:22 as it says cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you he will never let the right be shaken I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in Psalm 32 verse 7 as it says you are my
Hiding Place you Lord protect me from trouble you surround me with songs and shouts of Deliverance hear me when I say this it's only when you're in trouble when you have a need it's only when you're at the end of yourself that you'll meet God's goodness it's only when you find yourself in trouble only then will you meet the loving hand of God that will make a way where there seems to be no way it's only when you're in trouble only then will you encounter The God Who told Moses I am who I am when
Moses asked God who should I say has sent me God replied and said thus you shall say to the children of Israel I am has sent me to you now what did God mean when he said I am well it is my belief that God said I am who I am because he is an all encompassing God he could have just said I am the god who delivers but that limits him he he doesn't just deliver he also leads he also protects he also makes a way where there seems to be no way God could
have told Moses to tell the children of Israel that The God Who heals has sent me but once again that would limit Our God because he doesn't just heal he can make you whole again he can resurrect and give life he is a God who can restore so I believe that God said I am who I am because whatever we need him to be he is that if we need him to be a father he is a father to the fatherless if we need him to move a mountain all of nature will bow down to
his voice and so people of God let us be a people who reverence the Lord for his power and Majesty even when we're going through difficulties now let us pray Lord Jesus we bless your Holy Name the name above every other name now Psalm 139 verse 23- 24 search me oh God and know my heart try me and know my anxieties and see if there is any wicked way in me and Lead Me in the way Everlasting Lord search me search my motives my mind search my being know my harm remove all of the impurities
the unforgiveness the hurt Holy Spirit I pray that you would birn me an appetite for the word of God God an appetite for the word of God in my life birth a hunger in me which will draw me closer to him Lord we place you at the center of our hearts May the name of Jesus Christ be etched on the throne of our minds we come to you Lord Jesus because for those who hunger you are the bread of life for those who thirst you are the Fountain of Living Water we thirst for your presence
Lord Jesus the Bible says in Psalm 42:1 to two As the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God when can I go and meet with God lord Jesus you are our Victory you you are the Cornerstone of Our Lives you are the Bridge Over Troubled Waters for us God your word says let everything that has breath praise the Lord Psalm 28:5 to8 says because they do not regard The Works of the Lord nor the operation of his hands he shall
destroy them and not build them up bless be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the saving Refuge of his anointed We Praise You Lord Jesus because you are the light of my salvation my great Banner of hope my physician and my healer the great high priest the Holy One the lion of the tribe of
Judah you are the alpha and the Omega you are the author and the finisher you are the almighty the Everlasting father you are the god of I am because if we need Redemption you are a redeemer if we need Deliverance you are a deliverer if we need protection Lord Jesus you are the lion of the tribe of Judah thank you for your sacrifice King Jesus thank you for dying on a cross for me I did nothing to deserve that kind of love I did nothing to earn that kind of love but you still gave yourself
for me and all I can do is thank you and open my heart to you so that you can use me in your kingdom Holy Spirit help me to be consistent help me to be consistent with my prayer help me to be consistent with my reading of your word Holy Spirit help me to set my eyes always before the Lord so that if all is well with me my eyes eyes remain on Jesus Christ and if I'm struggling and can't seem to find a way out of the mess that I'm in then my eyes are
still on Jesus Lord I praise you because you are a savior to those who need to be saved you are a shelter to those who need Refuge a protector to those who need safety I thank you for hearing this prayer Lord in Jesus name I pray Amen in psalm 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail now as we get ready to go before the Throne of God take a moment and and put that
thing that you're going through put it beside our almighty God do you see that the thing that feels like it's going to consume you there's no way that it can consume God and you are in God so whatever it is and I'm not belittling your pain I'm not belittling your situation but is there anything too hard for God is there anything he cannot do the Temptation we all face when we're in a challenging place is that we want to know how we got here we want to know why God let this happen and we most
certainly want to know when God Will Make A Way out of it all we often want to rationalize everything and we want to understand it all but the truth we need to come to accept is that God does not have to explain himself God's ways are higher than ours his thoughts they are higher than our thoughts you see God does not have to reduce himself to do things in a manner that we can understand we're talking about a God here who the Bible describes like this in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 and 28 instead God chose
the things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise and he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful God chose things despised by the world things counted as nothing at all and use them to bring to nothing what the world considers important when we're facing the Troubles of life we need to know that the Lord has a completely different vantage point from all of us God sees everything we don't God knows everything and we on the other hand we only know a fraction the Lord sees
the past he sees the present and he sees the future he sees the enemy's attacks he sees our weaknesses and our flaws he sees our hearts my brother my sister God sees so much more than we will ever see so we can't expect to understand the ways of an allseeing God we can't expect to understand the ways of an all- knowing god we simply have to trust that God is faithful he's always working things for our good you see God is good and he's good all the time he's good in what you consider good times
he's good in what you consider bad times God is loving and he's in control he doesn't change his love based on our goodness he doesn't change his plan based on our faithfulness God is loving and he's in control we have to remember that his love towards us never changes he's consistent in all his ways now I want to encourage you today and I want to tell you that whatever your problem is whatever your problem might look like do not spend your energy looking for answers instead of looking for answers do what the Bible says do
in Philippians 4: 6-7 it says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God which transend sends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus just listen to what the Bible says it tells us that in every situation every situation pray about it offer up Thanksgiving to the Lord and here's the key part present your requests to God in a simplified manner we're being told to tell God about our problems tell God about what you're
going through he's there he wants to listen he wants you to cast your burdens on him so let your creator know let him know where you are let him know what you're feeling what you're thinking and then the Bible doesn't say that there will be a sudden Miracle the Bible doesn't say that everything will turn around in an instant no but it does tell us that the peace of God will come that means you don't have to stand there scratching your head asking Lord why when will you rescue me God no instead you will have
the peace of God you will have the assurance that our loving God is still in control your heart won't be troubled and let me tell you something it's a great blessing to have the peace of God in the midst of chaos Lord Jesus we bless your Holy Name we adore your holy name and we honor you master god right now we come and we stand on your word in psalm 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken
slip fall fail God we release our burdens to you and we release our troubles to you Lord right now we're trading our sorrows for the peace that you offer on our own Lord we will fall on our own we know that we will fail there's no way that we can handle all all that this life presents us on our own so we willingly admit we willingly acknowledge that we need you King Jesus we need your grace we need you to step in master we need your mercy we need your strength and your favor your word
in Psalm 40 veres 1-3 it says I waited patiently for the Lord he turned to me and heard My Cry he Lifted Me Out of the slimy pit out of the mud and M he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand he put a new song in my mouth a hym of praise to our God many will see and fear the lord and put their trust in him indeed we will wait patiently for you Lord you alone can place our feet on steady ground you alone can EST establish
our way so father that's why we acknowledge you in all our ways because your word says you will direct our paths and so we praise you we cast our burdens on you because we know that in this life there is no Victory without you stand with us Master Lord Jesus we look to you we look to you to help us to overcome adversity we know that the strength for us to conquer any anything it's drawn from you King Jesus we will stand on your word forever father we pray that our lives would never be ruled
by fear God we desire to live a life of faith we want to live a life that's led by the Holy Spirit Lord we accept that we cannot see the future in its entirety you're the one who sees all you're the one who knows all and we can take Assurance in knowing that our future is secured in you I don't have to know everything when I know the one who knows it all you are our security Lord and we know and trust that you're always always working behind the scenes you're working so that all things
will work together for our good and so father we pray that you would help us so that we won't be consumed by thoughts of fear anxiety or worry instead God help us to set our minds on things above on Heavenly things and not on things on this Earth father we thank you for listening to our prayer may you get all the glory and all the honor out of our Lives as we patiently wait on what you have in store for us God we pray you for your goodness be blessed and be glorified in Jesus name
amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and
heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil in Luke chap 4: 3- 4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5 to7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but
in Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10-1 saying for it is
written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone now I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan
but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the
word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against the devil lord Jesus you are are Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me
let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold on to your word help me to remember that your word in 1 Corinthians 10: 13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in
you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah [Music] 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not not I am the one who helps
you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear
the Lord is the strong hold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and Almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am
more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray pray amen father your word in Psalm 18 verse 1 to6 says I love you Lord my strength the Lord is my rock my Fortress and my deliverer my God Is My Rock in whom I take refuge my shield and the Horn of my salvation my stronghold I called to the Lord who is worthy of praise and I have been
saved from my enemies the cords of death entangled me the torments of Destruction overwhelmed me the cords of the Grave coiled around me the snares of death confronted me in my distress I called to the Lord I cried to my God for help from his Temple he heard my voice My Cry came before him into his ear years emotions are and can be very powerful I've seen people so happy that their faces were covered in tears tears of joy I've seen people so distraught and filled with sorrow that they couldn't string together two words I've
seen others be so inspired and motivated that they could work day and night tirelessly to accomplish something or to achieve something I read a powerful quote on something Billy Graham said many years ago he said that 75% of patients in hospitals would be made whole if they would only forgive think about that some people hold on to certain emotions certain negative emotions for so long and eventually those emotions manifest themselves in sickness Proverbs 14:30 says a heart at peace gives life to the body but Envy rots the bones Envy is a feeling of jealousy it's
resentment and the Bible tells us that Envy an internal emotion rots the bones meaning it has a physical external result Hebrews 12:14 to 15 says pursue peace with all people and Holiness without which no one will see the Lord looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled notice that this verse doesn't even warn us to be cautious of bitterness itself it warns us to be cauti cous of the root the root of bitterness now the root of a
plant is not visible to the naked eye we may only be aware that a seed was planted when we see the fruit so when the Bible says see to it that no root of bitterness Springs up it's because this emotion of bitterness is so destructive that it needs to be uprooted as soon as the seed germinated the Bible is telling us not to even wait until you see the fruit of bitterness cut it off at the root and so dear listener I'm aware that in this life all of us will experience unpleasant emotions at one
point or another we will experience the pain of portrayal we'll experience heartache and loss we might even suffer maltreatment and Injustice but my message to you is that you should learn to forgive learn to Let Go Don't hold on to everything negative pray for the Lord to heal your wounds pray for the Lord to mend your broken heart pray that you would be someone who doesn't repay evil with evil but instead have the love of Christ and repay evil with good I encourage you to pray for God to give you the capacity to be able
to forgive and move on don't live a life where you're imprisoned by toxic emotions no Jesus Christ offers you peace Joy Victory despite what people do to you in Jesus you can have freedom you can have life and have it more abundantly now let us pray dear Lord I pray that your grace would be over us someone listening has been portrayed and I pray that you would heal them Lord and let them know that you will never abandon them you will never turn your back on them someone listening has been the recipient of hurtful words
someone has had evil words spoken against them spoken about them and Lord I ask that your healing hand would mend every heart and every ear that has been on the receiving end of hurtful or cruel words help us to forgive let there be no bitterness in our hearts Let There Be No Malice in our hearts let there be no jealousy or hate in our hearts instead Lord Jesus heal our wounds heal every wound inflicted by our enemies every wound inflicted by our friends or even loved ones make us whole and fill our our hearts with
love teach us to love help us to live by Your Word which tells us to love our neighbors give us the grace Lord Jesus to live and to love according to First Corinthians 13 ver 4 to8 which says love suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself is not puffed up does not behave rudely does not seek its own is not provoked thinks no evil does not rejoice in inequity but rejoices in the truth Bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things Love Never Fails but
whether there are prophecies they will fail whether there are tongues they will cease whether there is knowledge it will vanish away give us this type of love in our hearts Jesus so that when others do evil to us we can respond and repay them with love when others speak negatively about us and to us give us great grace so that we may be able to love them regardless of what they say against us I pray for everyone listening Lord Jesus would would you please heal every wound of portrayal for the person who feels rejected and
unwanted I pray that you would heal every wound inflicted by the actions of others heal every ear that has heard cruel words spoken against them to those who feel low Lord Jesus I pray that you would lift up their Spirit to those who are sad and have a heavy heart remove their burdens Lord Jesus father uproot every root of bitterness and resentment in our hearts uproot every memory linked to negative and toxic emotions in our hearts help us to let go give us the strength to practice forgiveness give us the grace to practice real love
in our lives your word in Romans 12: 9-12 says love must be s sincere hate what is evil cling to what is good be devoted to one another in love honor one another above yourselves never be lacking in Zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord be joyful in Hope patient in Affliction faithful in prayer help us to do this Lord help us to love sincerely help us to cling to what is good and to hate what is evil help us to be devoted to each other in love I thank you for listening to
this prayer may the blood of Jesus Christ cover us amen you and I are called to trust God now my own perspective on trusting the Lord is that I don't need to have all the answers because I know the one who knows all the answers I don't need to know what the plan is because I know the planner I don't need to know the why if I know the one I don't need to know the how because I trust him the Bible says in Psalm 37 veres 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good then
you will live safely in the land and prosper take Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the Lord trust him and he will help you he will make your innocence radiate like the Dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun I believe that God is pleased when we trust him to such an extent that we can say whatever awaits me in the future I'm facing it with Jesus whatever comes against me I'll be protected by Jesus and here's the thing about
faith and trust in the Lord a lot of times you'll have to walk with god without knowing in fact faith can be summed up in the following way Faith is doing your part which is trusting God to do his part your part is to believe that's all you need to do and then you leave God to do his part your part is to stand on God's word his word says that nothing is impossible with God let me ask you are you doing your part are you believing and standing on God's word faith is not necessarily
something tangible it's not something you can put your hands on and control faith is the substance of Hope and the evidence of the unseen this means to me that if you can see it it isn't faith if you can explain it or control it it isn't Faith many of us try to orchestrate and control everything in our lives until one day we're faced with things that are outside of our control and the truth is the most important things in life are out of our control you can exercise and diet all you want but disease can
still come knocking on your door we can build magnificent buildings and structures but we must still bow to the power of a tornado a hurricane or an earthquake these things remind us that we are not in control but I want you to understand that it's during Times Like These when we feel out of control that we are reminded of the purpose of faith Faith enables us to be comfortably out of control even though we cannot control things like disease nature or death we have faith that God has a plan and that God will have the
last word and so as we approach the throne of grace let us ask God to help us to move into a space where we are comfortable without knowing ask him to move us to a place where we can be comfortable not because we have all the answers but because we know who our answer is his name is Jesus my heavenly father we trust in you we trust in you Lord Jesus to sustain and provide for us we trust in you to preserve and protect us to defend us and to Shield us from all evil I
pray Lord that in those moments when we are weak strengthen our faith help us holy spirit so that we should not Harden our hearts but help us to believe help us to believe fully and without reservation in all the promises of God father help me to fearlessly believe in Exodus 14:14 it says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace God help us to boldly embrace your word help us to embrace it boldly with no doubt help us to declare and hold on to Isaiah 40: 29-31 he gives strength to the
weary and increases the power of the weak even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint I pray for strong faith God I pray that I may stand up for Jesus Christ and testify of how he turned my mourning into dancing give give me strong faith Lord so that I may stand on your word in a world that is lost in a
world that aims to discourage and drain hope as your children we pray for the faith that will enable us to live in The Authority that we have been given in Luke 10: 19 behold I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you give us the Faith Lord Jesus to Walk In This Authority as ambassadors of the most high Lord I Thank You for Your unending love you King Jesus are the Wellspring of our hope so even if life
disappoints and Friends turn their backs on us God we're grateful that we can always count on you to be our Rock and our refuge John 7:38 says he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water father May the rivers of living water flow from every part of our Lives May your living water flow over our hearts and souls and fill us with Faith Lord I look forward to a future with you I embrace a future that is in your hands one that's filled with love
filled with mercy and with goodness as I reach out in prayer and in faith I place my hopes my dreams and plans all in your hands so as long as you are for me Lord Jesus nothing can stand against me I will continue to place my faith in you because you are a God who has held me up every time I didn't have the strength to stand on my own father I thank you for being so faithful and I bless your holy name it's in the mighty and matchless name of King Jesus our lord that
we pray this prayer but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ's power May rest on me that is why for Christ's sake I Delight in weakness in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties for when I am weak then I am strong there are times when God will allow certain things to happen in our lives because in his love love he wants us to seek him he wants us to call on
him Psalm 50 verse 15 says and call on me in the day of trouble I will deliver you and you will honor me now if there never was a day of trouble what would make you call on God how else would you see the mighty hand of God deliver you unless there was a day of trouble and so I'm talking to you the person who's saying I've been facing so many battles the person who's saying I've been facing Real Warfare in my mind in my family or with my health if you found yourself to be
under attack in multiple areas dear child of God I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in psalm 55:22 as it says cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you he will never let the righteous be shaken I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in Psalm 32:7 as it says you are my Hiding Place you Lord protect me from trouble you surround me with songs and shouts of Deliverance hear me when I say this it's only when you're in trouble when you have a
need it's only when you're at the end of yourself that you'll meet God's goodness it's only when you find yourself in trouble only then will you meet the loving hand of God that will make a way where there seems to be no way it's only when you're in trouble only then will you encounter The God Who told Moses I am who I am when Moses asked God who should I say has sent me God replied and said thus you shall say to the children of Israel I am has sent me to you now what did
God mean when he said I am well it is my belief that God said I am who I am because he is an all encompassing God he could have just said I am the god who delivers but that limits him he he doesn't just deliver he also leads he also protects he also makes a way where there seems to be no way God could have told Moses to tell the children of Israel that The God Who heals has sent me but once again that would limit Our God because he doesn't just heal he can make
you whole again he can resurrect and give life he is a God who can restore so I believe that God said I am who I am because whatever we need him to be he is that if we need him to be a father he is a father to the fatherless if we need him to move a mountain all of nature will bow down to his voice and so people of God let us be a people who reverence the Lord for his power and Majesty even when we're going through difficulties now let us pray Lord Jesus
we bless your Holy Name the name above every other name now Psalm 139 verse 23- 24 search me oh God and know my heart try me and know my anxieties and see if there is any wicked way in me and Lead Me in the way Everlasting Lord search me search my motives my mind search my being know my heart remove all of the impurities the unforgiveness the hurt Holy Spirit I pray that you would birth in me an appetite for the word of God an appetite for the word of God in my life birth a
hunger in me which will draw me closer to him Lord we place you at the center of our hearts May the name of Jesus Christ be etched on the throne of our minds we come to you Lord Jesus because for those who hunger you are the bread of life for those who thirst you are the Fountain of Living Water we thirst for your presence Lord Jesus the Bible says in Psalm 42: 1-2 As the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living
God when can I go and meet with God lord Jesus you are our Victory you are the Cornerstone of Our Lives you are the Bridge Over Troubled Waters for us God your word says let everything that has breath praise the Lord Psalm 28: 5-8 says Be because they do not regard The Works of the Lord nor the operation of his hands he shall destroy them and not build them up blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and
I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the saving Refuge of his anointed We Praise You Lord Jesus because you are the light of my salvation my great Banner of hope my physician and my healer the great high priest the Holy One the lion of the tribe of Judah you are the alpha and the Omega you you are the author and the finisher you are the almighty the Everlasting father you are the god of I am because if we need
Redemption you are a redeemer if we need Deliverance you are a deliverer if we need protection Lord Jesus you are the lion of the tribe of Judah thank you for your sacrifice King Jesus thank you for dying on a cross for me I did nothing to deserve that kind of love I did nothing to earn that kind of love but you still gave yourself for me and all I can do is thank you and open my heart to you so that you can use me in your kingdom Holy Spirit help me to be consistent help
me to be consistent with my prayer help me me to be consistent with my reading of your word Holy Spirit help me to set my eyes always before the Lord so that if all is well with me my eyes remain on Jesus Christ and if I'm struggling and can't seem to find a way out of the mess that I'm in then my eyes are still on [Music] Jesus Lord I praise you because you are a savior to those who need to be saved you are a shelter to those who need Refuge a protector to those
who need safety I thank you for hearing this prayer Lord in Jesus name I pray Amen in psalm 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold you you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail now as we get ready to go before the Throne of God take a moment and put that thing that you're going through put it beside our almighty God do you see that the thing that feels like it's going to consume you there's no way that it can consume
God and you are in God so whatever it is and I'm not belittling your pain I'm not belittling your situation but is there anything too hard for God is there anything he cannot do the Temptation we all face when we're in a challenging place is that we want to know how we got here we want to know why God let this happen and we most certainly want to know when God Will Make A Way out of it all we often want to R ize everything and we want to understand it all but the truth we
need to come to accept is that God does not have to explain himself God's ways are higher than ours his thoughts they are higher than our thoughts you see God does not have to reduce himself to do things in a manner that we can understand we're talking about a God here who the Bible describes like this in 1 Corinthians 1 verses 27 and 28 instead God chose the things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise and he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful God
chose things despised by the world things counted as nothing at all and use them to bring to nothing what the world considers important what when we're facing the Troubles of life we need to know that the Lord has a completely different vantage point from all of us God sees everything we don't God knows everything and we on the other hand we only know a fraction the Lord sees the past he sees the present and he sees the future he sees the enemy's attacks he sees our weaknesses and our flaws he sees our hearts my brother
my sister God sees so much more than we will ever see so we can't expect to understand the ways of an allseeing God we can't expect to understand the ways of an all- knowing god we simply have to trust that God is faithful he's always working things for our good you see God is good and he's good good all the time he's good in what you consider good times he's good in what you consider bad times God is loving and he's in control he doesn't change his love based on our goodness he doesn't change his
plan based on our faithfulness God is loving and he's in control we have to remember that his love towards us never changes he's consistent in all his ways now I want to encourage you today and I want to tell you that whatever your problem is whatever your problem might look like do not spend your energy looking for answers instead of looking for answers do what the Bible says do in Philippians 4: 6-7 it says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your request to God and
the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus just listen to what the Bible says it tells us that in every situation every situation pray about it offer up Thanksgiving to the Lord and here's the key part present your request to God in a simplified manner we're being told to tell God about our problems tell God about what you're going through he's there he wants to listen he wants you to cast your burdens on him so let your creator know let him know where you are let
him know what you're feeling what you're thinking and then the Bible doesn't say that there will be a sudden Miracle the Bible doesn't say that everything will turn around in an instant no but it does tell us that the peace of God will come that means you don't have to stand there scratching your head asking Lord why when will you rescue me God no instead you will have have the peace of God you will have the assurance that our loving God is still in control your heart won't be troubled and let me tell you something
it's a great blessing to have the peace of God in the midst of chaos Lord Jesus we bless your Holy Name we adore your holy name and we honor you master [Music] God right now we come and we stand on your word in psalm 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail God we release our burdens to you and we release our troubles to you Lord right now we're trading our sorrow for the peace
that you offer on our own Lord we will fall on our own we know that we will fail there's no way that we can handle all that this life presents us on our own so we willingly admit we willingly acknowledge that we need you King Jesus we need your grace we need you to step in master we need your mercy we need your strength strength and your favor your word in Psalm 40 veres 1-3 it says I waited patiently for the Lord he turned to me and heard My Cry he Lifted Me Out of the
slimy pit out of the mud and Meer he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand he put a new song in my mouth a hym of praise to our God many will see and fear the lord and put their their trust in him indeed we will wait patiently for you Lord you alone can place our feet on steady ground you alone can establish our way so father that's why we acknowledge you in all our ways because your word says you will direct our paths and so we praise you
we cast our burdens on you because we know that in this life there is no victory without you stand with us Master Lord Jesus we look to you we look to you to help us to overcome adversity we know that the strength for us to conquer anything it's drawn from you King Jesus we will stand on your word forever father we pray that our lives would never be ruled by fear God we desire to live a life of faith we want to live a life that's led by by the Holy Spirit Lord we accept that
we cannot see the future in its entirety you're the one who sees all you're the one who knows all and we can take Assurance in knowing that our future is secured in you I don't have to know everything when I know the one who knows it all you are our security Lord and we know and trust that you're always always working behind the scenes you're working so that all things will work together for our good and so father we pray that you would help us so that we won't be consumed by thoughts of fear anxiety
or worry instead God help us to set our minds on things above on Heavenly things and not on things on this Earth father we thank you for listening to our prayer may you get all the glory and all the honor out of our Lives as we patiently wait on what you have in store for us God we praise you for your goodness be blessed and be glorified in Jesus name amen the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid
when problems arise and we find that our backs are against the wall the word of God has to be a source of encouragement to us the word of God has to be that which ignites the fire in our faith it reinvigorates Our Hope and belief so that regardless of what you're facing despite the size of the enemy despite whatever is taking place in our lives we have a Divine and Heavenly insurance policy which is the word of God now I urge you to look at Luke 4 very closely Jesus was in the wilderness and he
was tempted by the devil in Luke 4: 3:4 the Bible says and the devil said to him if you are the Son of God command this Stone to become bread but Jesus answered him saying it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God in verses 5 to7 the devil continues his advances and offers Jesus the kingdoms of this world but in Luke Luke 4:8 here's how Jesus responds the Bible reads and Jesus answered and said to him get behind me Satan for it is written you shall Worship the
Lord your God and him Only You Shall Serve now the devil was audacious and he thought to try and tempt Jesus a third time in verse 9 he takes Jesus to Jerusalem and has him stand at the highest point of the temple saying if you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here but once again Jesus responds in Luke 4: 10-1 saying for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone now
I want you to understand that the devil tempted Jesus three times and each time Jesus referred to the word of God the devil knocked three times and each time he was answered with the word of God the devil offered riches he said if it's money that you want worship me if it's power that you want worship me Jesus was offered the kingdoms of This World by Satan but Jesus was content he was full of God's word three times Jesus responded by saying it is written and then proceeded to refer to the word of God now
let me ask you when the devil tempts you how will you respond what will you say when the devil knocks on the door of your house and tries to convince you to let him in how will you respond do you have enough of God's word in you to resist do you have enough of God's word in you to fight we need to dwell and meditate on the word of God because it tells us all that we need to know about how to resist the devil how to defeat the Devil and how to be protected against
the devil lord Jesus you are Great and Mighty I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live a life according to the principles and commands that are in your word I pray that the holy spirit will bring the word of God to Life For Me may your word be ingrained in My Heart Lord should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up within me and strengthen me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or with anything in this world help me to hold
on to your word help me to remember that your word in First Corinthians chapter 2 10: 13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the Temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to Bear it lord it's in you that I find satisfaction if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my
heart will overflow with rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I am confronted by evil I stand on your word that says in Isaiah [Music] 41:13 for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you I thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from the Lord although the devil may work against me I trust you to help
me although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand but it shall not come near me because I have Jesus Christ as my refuge Lord I stand on your word that says in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear the Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid although the struggles of life may come in all shapes and sizes you my Lord are a
stronghold in the day of trouble I am secured by your promises you are a God who has never lost a battle a God who has never been defeated nor can ever be defeated so whatever comes against me I know that I have a strong and almighty God fighting for me father I pray and declare that I have Victory in Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror according to God's word I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ Christ be praised Master be glorified I thank you for hearing my prayer in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray amen father your word in Psalm 18 ver 1-6 says I love you Lord my strength the Lord is my rock my Fortress and my deliverer my God Is My Rock in whom I take refuge my shield and the Horn of my salvation my stronghold I called to the Lord who is worthy of praise and I have been saved from my enemies the cords of death entangled me the torments of Destruction overwhelmed me the cords of the Grave coiled around me the snares of death confronted me in my distress
I called to the Lord I cried to my God for help from his Temple he heard my voice My Cry came before him into his ears emotions are and can be very powerful I've seen people so happy that their faces were covered in tears tears of joy I've seen people so distraught and filled with sorrow that that they couldn't string together two words I've seen others be so inspired and motivated that they could work day and night tirelessly to accomplish something or to achieve something I read a powerful quote on something Billy Graham said many
years ago he said that 75% of patients in hospitals would be made whole if they would only forgive think about that some people hold on to certain emotions certain negative emotions for so long and eventually those emotions manifest themselves in sickness Proverbs 14:30 says a heart at peace gives life to the body but Envy rots the bones Envy is a feeling of jealousy it's resentment and the Bible tells us that Envy an internal emotion rots the bones meaning it has a physical external result Hebrews 12: 14- 15 says pursue peace with all people and Holiness
without which no one will see the Lord looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled notice that this verse doesn't even warn us to be cautious of bitterness itself it warns us to be cautious of the root the root of bitterness now the root of a plant is not visible to the naked eye we may only be aware that a seed was planted when we see the fruit so when the Bible says see to it that no root
of bitterness Springs up it's because this emotion of bitterness is so destructive that it needs to be uprooted as soon as the seed germinated the Bible is telling us not to even wait until you see the fruit of bitterness cut it off at the root and so dear listener I aware that in this life all of us will experience unpleasant emotions at one point or another we will experience the pain of portrayal we'll experience heartache and loss we might even suffer maltreatment and Injustice but my message to you is that you should learn to forgive
learn to Let Go Don't hold on to everything negative pray for the Lord to heal your wounds pray for the Lord to mend your broken heart pray that you would be someone who doesn't repay evil with evil but instead have the love of Christ and repay evil with good I encourage you to pray for God to give you the capacity to be able to forgive and move on don't live a life where you're imprisoned by toxic emotions no Jesus Christ offers you peace Joy Victory despite what people do to you in Jesus you can have
freedom you can have life and have it more abundantly now let us pray dear Lord I pray that your grace would be over us someone listening has been betrayed and I pray that you would heal them Lord and let them know that you will never abandon them you will never turn your back on them someone listening has been the recipient of hurtful words someone has had evil words spoken spoken against them spoken about them and Lord I ask that your healing hand would mend every heart and every ear that has been on the receiving end
of hurtful or cruel words help us to forgive let there be no bitterness in our hearts Let There Be No Malice in our hearts let there be no jealousy or hate in our hearts instead Lord Jesus heal our our wounds heal every wound inflicted by our enemies every wound inflicted by our friends or even loved ones make us whole and fill our hearts with love teach us to love help us to live by Your Word which tells us to love our neighbors give us the grace Lord Jesus to live and to love according to 1
Corinthians 13: 4-8 which says is love suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself is not puffed up does not behave rudely does not seek its own is not provoked thinks no evil does not rejoice in inequity but rejoices in the truth Bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things Love Never Fails but whether there are prophecies they will fail whether there are tongues they will cease whether there is knowledge it will vanish away give us this type of love in our hearts Jesus so that
when others do evil to us we can respond and repay them with love when others speak negatively about us and to us give us great grace so that we may be able to love them regardless of what they say against us I pray for everyone listening Lord Jesus would you please heal every wound of portrayal for the person who feels rejected and unwanted I pray that you would heal every wound inflicted by the actions of others heal every ear that has heard cruel words spoken against them to those who feel low Lord Jesus I pray
that you would lift up their Spirit to those who are sad and have a heavy heart remove their burdens Lord Jesus father uproot every root of bitterness and resentment in our hearts uproot every memory linked to negative and toxic emotions in our hearts help us to let go give us the strength to practice forgiveness give us the grace to practice real love in our lives your word in Romans 12 verse 9-2 says love must be sincere hate what is evil cling to what is good be devoted to one another in love honor one another above
yourselves never be lacking in Zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord be joyful in Hope patient in Affliction faithful in prayer help us to do this Lord help us to love sincerely help us to cling to what is good and to hate what is evil help us to be devoted to each other in love I thank you for listening to this prayer may the blood of Jesus Christ cover us amen you and I are called to trust God now my own perspective on trusting the Lord is that I don't need to have all
the answers because I know the one who knows all the ansers I don't need to know what the plan is because I know the planner I don't need to know the why if I know the one I don't need to know the how because I trust him the Bible says in Psalm 37: 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good then you will live safely in the land and prosper take Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the Lord trust him and he will help you
he will make your innocence radiate like the Dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun I believe that God is pleased when we trust him to such an extent that we can say whatever awaits me in the future I'm facing it with Jesus whatever comes against me I'll be protected by Jesus and here's the thing about faith and trust in the Lord a lot of times you'll have to walk with god without knowing in fact faith can be summed up in the following way faith is doing your part which is
trusting God to do his part your part is to believe that's all you need to do and then you leave God to do his part your part is to stand on God's word his word says that nothing is impossible with God let me ask you are you doing your part are you believing and standing on God's word faith is not necessarily something tangible it's not something you can put your hands on and control faith is the substance of Hope and the evidence of the Unseen this means to me that if you can see it it
isn't faith if you can explain it or control it it isn't Faith many of us try to orchestrate and control everything in our lives until one day we're faced with things that are outside side of our control and the truth is the most important things in life are out of our control you can exercise and diet all you want but disease can still come knocking on your door we can build magnificent buildings and structures but we must still bow to the power of a tornado or hurricane or an earthquake these things remind us that we
are not in control but I want you to understand that it's during Times Like These when we feel out of control that we are reminded of the purpose of faith faith enables us to be comfortably out of control even though we cannot control things like disease nature or death we have faith that God has a plan and that God will have the last word and so as we approach the throne of grace let us ask God to help us to move into a space where we are comfortable without knowing ask him to move us to
a place where we can be comfortable not because we have all the answers but because we know who our answer is his name is Jesus my heaven Heavenly Father we trust in you we trust in you Lord Jesus to sustain and provide for us we trust in you to preserve and protect us to defend us and to Shield us from all evil I pray Lord that in those moments when we are weak strengthen our faith help us holy spirit so that we should not Harden our hearts but help us to believe help us to believe
fully and without reservation in all the promises of God father help me to fearlessly believe in Exodus 14:14 it says the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace God help us to boldly embrace your word help us to embrace it boldly with no doubt help us to declare and hold on to Isaiah 40: 29-31 he gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength they will soar
on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint I pray for for strong faith God I pray that I may stand up for Jesus Christ and testify of how he turned my mour into dancing give me strong faith Lord so that I may stand on your word in a world that is lost in a world that aims to discourage and drain hope as your children we pray for the faith that will enable us to live in The Authority that we have been given in Luke 10: 19
behold I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you give us the Faith Lord Jesus to Walk In This Authority as ambassadors of the most high Lord I Thank You for Your unending love you King Jesus are the Wellspring of Our Hope so even if life disappoints and Friends turn their backs on us God we're grateful that we can always count on you to be our Rock and our refuge John 7:38 says he who believes in me as
the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water father May the rivers of living water flow from every part of our Lives May your living water flow over our hearts and souls and fill us with Faith Lord I look forward to a future with you I embrace a future that is in your hands one that's filled with love filled with mercy and with goodness as I reach out in prayer and in faith I place my hopes my dreams and plans all in your hands so as long as you are for
me Lord Jesus nothing can stand against me I will continue to place my faith in you because you are a God who has held me up every time I didn't have the strength to stand on my own father I thank you for being so faithful and I bless your holy name it's in the mighty and matchless name of King Jesus our lord that we pray this prayer but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses
so that Christ's power May rest on me that is why for Christ's sake I Delight in weakness in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties for when I am weak then I am strong there are times when God will allow certain things to happen in our lives because in his love he wants us to seek him he wants us to call on him Psalm 50:1 15 says and call on me in the day of trouble I will deliver you and you will honor me now if there never was a day of trouble what would make
you call on God how else would you see the mighty hand of God deliver you unless there was a day of trouble and so I'm talking to you the person who's saying I've been facing so many battles the person who's saying I've been facing Real Warfare in my mind in my family or with my health if you f found yourself to be under attack in multiple areas dear child of God I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in psalm 55:22 as it says cast your cares on the Lord and He
will sustain you he will never let the righteous be shaken I want you to know that the word of God encourages you in Psalm 32:7 as it says you are my Hiding Place you Lord protect me from trouble you surround me with songs and shouts of Deliverance hear me when I say this it's only when you're in trouble when you have a need it's only when you're at the end of yourself that you'll meet God's goodness it's only when you find yourself in trouble only then will you meet the loving hand of God that will
make a way where there seems to be no way it's only when you're in trouble only then will you encounter The God Who told Moses I am who I am when Moses asked God who should I say has sent me God replied and said thus you shall say to the children of Israel I I am has sent me to you now what did God mean when he said I am well it is my belief that God said I am who I am because he is an all encompassing God he could have just said I am
the god who delivers but that limits him he he doesn't just deliver he also leads he also protects he also makes a way where there seems to be no way God could have told Moses to tell the children of Israel that The God Who heals has sent me but once again that would limit Our God because he doesn't just heal he can make you whole again he can resurrect and give life he is a God who can restore so I believe that God said I am who I am because what ever we need him to
be he is that if we need him to be a father he is a father to the fatherless if we need him to move a mountain all of nature will bow down to his voice and so people of God let us be a people who reverence the Lord for his power and Majesty even when we're going through difficulty now let us pray Lord Jesus we bless your Holy Name the name above every other name now Psalm 139 verse 23 to 24 search me oh God and know my heart try me and know my anxieties and
see if there is any wicked way in me and Lead Me in the way Everlasting Lord search me search my motives my mind search my being know my heart remove all of the impurities the unforgiveness the hurt Holy Spirit I pray that you would birn me an appetite for the word of God an appetite for the word of God in my life birth a hunger in me which will Draw Me Closer to him Lord we place you at the center of our hearts May the name of Jesus Christ be etched on the throne of our
minds we come to you Lord Jesus because for those who hunger you are the bread of life for those who thirst you are the Fountain of Living Water we thirst for your presence Lord Jesus the Bible says in Psalm 42:1 to2 As the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God when can I go and meet with God lord Jesus you are our Victory you are the Cornerstone of Our Lives you are the Bridge Over Troubled Waters for us God your
word says let everything that has breath praise the Lord Psalm 28: 5-8 says because they do not regard The Works of the Lord nor the operation of his hands he shall destroy them and not build them up blessed be the Lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will praise him the Lord is their strength and he is the saving Refuge of his anointed We Praise You Lord
Jesus because you are the light of my salvation my great Banner of hope my physician and my healer the great high priest the Holy One the lion of the tribe of Judah you are the alpha and the Omega you are the author and the finisher you are the almighty the Everlasting father you are the god of I am because if we need Redemption you are a redeemer if we need Deliverance you are a deliverer if we need protection Lord Jesus you are the lion of the tribe of Judah thank you for your sacrifice King Jesus
thank you for dying on a cross for me I did nothing to deserve that kind of love I did nothing to earn that kind of love but you still gave yourself for me and all I can do is thank you and Open My Heart to you so that you can use me in your kingdom Holy Spirit help me to be consistent help me to be consistent with my prayer help me to be consistent with my reading of your word Holy Spirit help me to set my eyes always before the Lord so that if all is
well with me my eyes remain on Jesus Christ and if I'm struggling and can't seem to find a way out of the mess that I'm in then my eyes are still on [Music] Jesus Lord I praise you because you are a savior to those who need to be saved you are a shelter to those who need Refuge a protector to those who need safety I thank you for hearing this prayer Lord in jesus' name I pray Amen in psalm 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold
you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail now as we get ready to go before the Throne of God take a moment and put that thing that you're going through put it beside our almighty God do you see that the thing that feels like it's going to consume you there's no way that it can consume God and you are in God so whatever it is and I'm not belittling your pain I'm not belittling your situation but is there anything too hard for God is there anything he cannot do the Temptation
we all face when we're in a challenging place is that we want to know how we got here we want to know why God let this happen and we most certainly want to know when God Will Make A Way out of it all we often want to rationalize everything and we want to understand it all but the truth we need to come to accept is that God does not have to explain himself God's ways are higher than ours his thoughts they are higher than our thoughts you see God does not have to reduce himself to
do things in a manner that we can understand we're talking about a God here who the Bible describes like this in 1 Corinthians 1: 27 and 28 instead God chose the things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise and he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful God chose things despised by the world things counted as nothing at all and use them to bring to nothing what the world considers important when we're facing the Troubles of life we need to know that the Lord has
a completely different vantage point from all of us God sees everything we don't God knows everything and we on the other hand we only know a fraction the Lord sees the past he sees the present and he sees the future he sees the enemy's attacks he sees our weaknesses and our flaws he sees our hearts my brother my sister God sees so much more than we will ever see so we can't expect to understand the ways of an allseeing God we can't expect to understand the ways of an all- knowing god we simply have to
trust that God is faithful he's always working things for our good you see God is good and he's good all the time he's good in what you consider good times he's good in what you consider bad times God is loving and he's in control he doesn't change his love based on our goodness he doesn't change his plan based on our faithfulness God is loving and he's in control we have to remember that his love towards us never changes he's consistent in all his ways now I want to encourage you today and I want to tell
you that whatever your problem is whatever your problem might look like do not spend your energy looking for answers instead of looking for answers do what the Bible says do in Philippians 4: 6-7 it says do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your request to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in in Christ Jesus just listen to what the Bible says it tells us that in every situation every situation pray about it offer up Thanksgiving
to the Lord and here's the key part present your requests to God in a simplified manner we're being told to tell God about our problems tell God about what you you're going through he's there he wants to listen he wants you to cast your burdens on him so let your creator know let him know where you are let him know what you're feeling what you're thinking and then the Bible doesn't say that there will be a sudden Miracle the Bible doesn't say that everything will turn around in an instant no but it does tell us
that the peace of God will come that means you don't have to stand there scratching your head asking Lord why when will you rescue me God no instead you will have the peace of God you will have the assurance that our loving God is still in control your heart won't be troubled and let me tell you something it's a great blessing to have the peace of God in the midst of chaos Lord Jesus we bless your Holy Name we adore your holy name and we honor you master god right now we come and we stand
on your word in psalm 55:22 it says cast your burden on the Lord release it and he will sustain and uphold you he will never allow the righteous to be shaken slip fall fail God we release our burdens to you and we release our troubles to you Lord right now we're trading our sorrows for the peace that you offer on our own Lord we will fall on our own we know that we will fail there's no way that we can handle all that this life presents us on our own so we willingly admit we willingly
acknowledge that we need you King Jesus we need your grace we need you to step in master we need your mercy we need your strength and your favor your word in Psalm 40 veres 1-3 it says I waited patiently for the Lord he turned to me and heard My Cry he Lifted Me Out of the slimy pit out of the mud and M he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand he put a new song in my mouth a hym of praise to our God many will see and
fear the lord and put their trust in him indeed we will wait patiently for you Lord you alone can place our feet on steady ground you alone can establish our way so father that's why we acknowledge you in all our ways because your word says you will direct our paths and so we praise you we cast our burdens on you because we know that in this life there is no Victory without you stand with us Master Lord Jesus we look to you we look to you to help us to overcome adversity we know that the
strength for us to conquer anything it's drawn from you King Jesus we will stand on your word forever father we pray that our lives would never be ruled by fear God we desire to live a life of faith we want to live a life that's led by the Holy Spirit Lord we accept that we cannot see the future in its entirety you're the one who sees all you're the one who knows all and we can take Assurance in knowing that our future is secured in you I don't have to know everything when I know the
one who knows it all you are our security Lord and we know and trust that you're always always working behind the scenes you're working so that all things will work together for our good and so father we pray that you would help us so that we won't be consumed by thoughts of fear anxiety or worry instead God help us to set our minds on things above on Heavenly things and not on things on this Earth father we thank you for listening to our prayer may you get all the glory and all the honor out of
our Lives as we patiently wait on what you have in store for us God we praise you for your goodness be blessed and be glorified in Jesus Jesus name amen [Music]
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