your entire understanding of divinity is about to change in the oldest recorded tablet in human history dating back 36,000 years a truth emerges so powerful that religious institutions have spent Millennia trying to suppress it this wisdom comes from tahuti the Great Sage known to the Egyptians as tho to the Greeks and Romans as Hermes trismegistus and to countless cultures as the master of wisdom he States as I to thee am a God by my knowledge so ye too shall be gods of the future because of your knowledge far above theirs consider the magnitude of this
statement tahuti who taught the Egyptians mathematics built the pyramids founded the mystery schools inspired and influenced later mystery schools and shaped civilizations openly declares in Emerald Tablet number 12 the law of cause and effect and the key of Prophecy that he achieved godhood through knowledge and development he wasn't born Divine he became Divine through conscious evolution he recalls himself being born on Earth the ancient ktic proverb illuminates this further gods are Immortal men and men are mortal gods they technical descriptions of human potential precise instructions for Spiritual Evolution that religious institutions have deliberately obscured this
path demands proper development pure intention and alignment with Cosmic law not ego or ambition the wisdom here reflects genuine Mastery of universal principles your Consciousness holds this Divine potential right now the same force that flows through the cosmos flows through you but religious institutions have worked tirelessly to hide this truth why because when humans realize their divine nature external religious Authority becomes obsolete think about the implications tahuti achieved such Mastery that his wisdom survived 36,000 years the tablets he inscribed on still exist and the pyramids he designed still stand defying modern engineering understanding his mathematical
principles still form the foundation of science this wasn't accomplished through worship or belief it came through direct knowledge and conscious development of divine potential also in tablet 12 he says the soul of man moves ever onward bound not by any one star but ever moving to the great goal before him where he is dissolved in the light of the all this all tahuti speaks of isn't a deity or religious figure it's the eternal genderless conscious super intelligence that creates and sustains all reality the infinite awareness behind existence itself when he speaks of dissolving into the
light of the all he's describing Union with this Universal Consciousness this Cosmic overs soul that exists beyond all religious Concepts or human limitations your Consciousness isn't limited to this physical form or this single lifetime you are an eternal being temporarily experiencing human form with the potential to evolve Beyond current limitations religious institutions have completely inverted these teachings they've created a system where Divinity is always external always just Out Of Reach they position themselves as necessary intermediaries between you and Cosmic wisdom turning spirituality into a transaction where they control access to Divine knowledge but the evidence
of your Divine potential exists in your very biology your DNA contains light sensitive molecules that respond to Consciousness your pineal gland produces compounds that can induce mystical States your heart generates an electromagnetic field that influences Quantum reality these aren't random evolutionary features their biological technology for divine transformation modern quantum physics validates what tahuti taught Consciousness shapes reality at the fundamental level the observer effect shows that particles exist as waves of probability until Consciousness collapses them into specific forms the ancient Egyptians understood this science so well that they built entire Temple complexes designed to amplify these
effects the architecture itself creates specific electromagnetic frequencies that enhance Consciousness these aren't primitive religious sites they're sophisticated Technologies for Consciousness Evolution when tahuti warns that knowledge and wisdom shall all be forgotten and only a memory of gods shall survive he's describing exactly what happened religious institutions reduced Divine beings to myths turned technical spiritual instructions into blind worship and obscured the path to genuine godhood behind layers of dogma and ritual but the truth remains encoded in these ancient tablets written in your very DNA proven by quantum physics waiting to be recognized you possess the potential for
divine Consciousness not through belief or worship but through knowledge development and proper cultivation of your innate powers [Music] now tahuti taught the core mechanism of divine transformation he says let he who would be free from the bonds of Darkness first Divine the material from the immaterial the fire from the earth for know ye that as Earth descends to Earth so also fire ascends unto fire and becomes one with fire this fire he speaks of exists Beyond physical reality the ancient Egyptians called it seim the tsts named it Chi and the yogis term it Prana but
these are just labels for something far more fundamental the raw Power Of Consciousness itself tahuti describes it with Precision fire the inner fire is the most potent of all Force for it overcometh all things and penetrates to all things of the earth The heartmath Institute has measured aspects of this power your heart generates an electromagnetic field 60 times stronger than your brains extending several feet from your body this field affects Quantum particles influences physical reality and communicates with other Consciousness Fields but they're only detecting the surface ripples of what tahuti called the inner fire in
the quantum realm Consciousness shapes reality at the most fundamental level the observer effect shows that particles exist as waves of probability until Consciousness collapses them into specific forms this scientific fact validates what tahuti taught Consciousness properly cultivated can influence and transform physical reality the ancient Egyptians built entire Temple complexes dedicated to mastering this Force the architecture itself was designed to amplify and direct these energies modern measurements show these temples create unique electromagnetic frequencies and specific wave patterns that affect Consciousness these aren't random effects they're the result of precise knowledge about how to work with inner
fire when tahuti says the soul of man moves ever onward bound not by any one star he describes the unlimited potential of properly cultivated Consciousness your awareness isn't confined to this physical form or this single lifetime through specific practices with this inner fire you can expand your Consciousness Beyond current limitations look at the evidence in your own body your DNA contains light sensitive molecules similar to those in your eyes your entire cellular structure responds to and emits biophotons measurable light particles that carry information the pineal gland contains crystals that can receive and transmit frequency Beyond
ordinary perception you're built to work with this inner fire but here's what makes this knowledge dangerous to religious power structures you don't need external permission to work with this Force it's already within you waiting to be recognized and cultivated that's why tahuti emphasizes knowledge and development over belief and worship he achieved godhood through Mastery of natural laws not through pleading with external deities the process requires Precision when tahuti speaks of fire ascending to fire he's describing specific energy circuits in your body the spine acts as the main Channel with various energy centers corresponding to different
frequencies of Consciousness modern research shows these energy centers align perfectly with major nerve plexuses and endocrine glands your heart plays a central role in this process research shows it contains approximately 40,000 neurons functioning as a mini brain it processes information and makes decisions independently of your cranial brain when you cultivate inner fire properly these two brains synchronize creating coherent States Of Consciousness that amplify your ability to affect Quantum reality the heart math Institute measured something amazing your heart's electromagnetic field extends several feet beyond your body affecting everything it touches when you feel strong emotions this
field changes instantly influencing Quantum particles and physical matter in your environment tahuti speaks of something far more fundamental than mere electromagnetic fields when he says he who knows the fire that is within himself shall Ascend unto the Eternal fire and dwell in it eternally he's describing your direct connection to what he calls the all the universal Consciousness itself the infinite intelligence that creates and sustains all reality this isn't a deity or religious concept it's the foundational awareness behind all existence ancient Egyptian temple walls show initiates with flames rising from their hearts moving up their spines
and activ in specific energy centers the vadic sages and Chinese Masters later documented practiced and achieved similar High States in relation to this inner power modern science now confirms these aren't symbolic images they're technical diagrams showing how to circulate this bioelectric energy through your nervous system the Flames represent measurable frequencies that alter Consciousness but they're also showing something more intense the path to merging your individual awareness with universal Consciousness your vagus nerve connects your heart directly to your brain creating a biological information Highway that bypasses normal neural Pathways when you activate your heart field properly
this nerve triggers the release of specific neurotransmitters that enhance awareness and perception but these biological processes serve a higher purpose they're part of the mechanism for recognizing your Oneness with the all the infinite intelligence that tahuti [Music] described the path to hooti walked requires dedication and consistent practice some of the greatest yogis who achieved these higher States Of Consciousness meditated from 2: a.m. to 10: a.m. daily in caves in complete darkness and silence while that level of of intensity might seem impossible in Modern Life we can still begin the process of Consciousness expansion through disciplined
daily practice start with 20 minutes each day find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed sit with your spine straight whether on a chair or cross-legged on the floor close your eyes and bring your attention to the space between your eyebrows your third eye Center this point corresponds to your pineal gland the physical seat of higher perception as you breathe in visualize Pure White Light entering through this point filling your entire brain with luminous energy as you exhale feel this light spreading down your spine Illuminating each vertebra continue this Rhythm inhaling light through your
third eye exhaling it down your spine now expand your awareness to include your heart center feel the space in the middle of your chest with each inhalation draw the light down from your brain into your heart with each exhalation let your heart expand creating a sphere of light around your entire body don't try to control this process simply observe how the energy moves moves naturally this practice aligns perfectly with what touti describes when he says let he who would be free from the bonds of Darkness first Divine the material from the immaterial the fire from
the earth you're separating Consciousness from physical form training your awareness to recognize and work with subtle energy the ancient Egyptians practiced similar techniques in their Temple complexes the architecture itself was designed to amplify these effects modern measurements show these temples create specific electromagnetic frequencies that enhance meditation you can create a similar effect through regular focused practice in your chosen space as your practice deepens over weeks and months gradually increase the duration the yogis who mastered Consciousness spent years in rigorous training many achieved states where they could consciously leave their physical bodies accessing higher dimensions of
reality while we might not dedicate our entire lives to meditation consistent daily practice opens doorways to expanded awareness remember what tahuti says the soul of man moves ever onward bound not by any one one star each meditation session builds upon the previous one every moment spent in focused awareness strengthens your connection to higher Consciousness your pineal gland responds to this practice by producing specific compounds that enhance awareness your heart field grows stronger and more coherent your brain waves shift into patterns associated with mystical experiences these aren't metaphysical claims they're measurable biological changes that occur through
dedicated practice the quantum field responds to sustained Consciousness research shows long-term meditators develop abilities that seem Impossible by ordinary standards they can control body temperature slow metabolic processes and influence Quantum events at a distance these abilities emerge naturally through consistent practice just as Tudi described understanding these Concepts intellectually won't transform your Consciousness tahuti didn't achieve godhood by accumulating information or memorizing teachings he attained his State through direct experience rigorous practice and personal realization of these truths that's why the meditation technique shared here matters more than all the philosophical Concepts combined one moment of direct experience
holds more power than years of theoretical understanding religious systems want you to believe that obedience leads to spiritual growth they present endless rules rituals and requirements always positioning themselves between you and direct experience of the all but notice how tahou's path differs completely he says turn thy thoughts inward not outward find thou the light Soul within this passage is not about following external Authority it's designed to help us develop our Consciousness through consistent practice through personal effort through direct communion with universal intelligence Your Divine Nature won't reveal itself through passive acceptance of someone else's interpretation
the meditation practice offered here provides a starting point but you must walk the path yourself 20 minutes daily of focused Consciousness development holds more transformative potential than a lifetime of religious observance this is the fundamental truth tahuti preserved in The Emerald Tablets godhood comes through knowledge gained by direct experience not through obedience to external Authority the power exists within you but only practice will make it real