how I actually stopped procrastinating around 2 years ago when I was still in school I wanted to have the chance to fulfill my dream of succeeding as an entrepreneur the problem was that I was just constantly procrastinating as part of my everyday life I was supposed to study or to work but I always procrastinated I always distracted myself with doing something that felt more fun I tried to learn all the procrastination hacks that I saw the two-minute rule the 123 rule everything but none of them worked and I started to think that maybe that's just
who I am then I got into self-development and I started learning more about building productive habits and mental health I remember reading The Compound Effect and after I took action on what I learned in that book that's when everything changed I finally figured out how I could actually St procrastinating I was finally able to work consistently every day and this didn't only help me with studying but it also help me with fulfilling my desire to have the chance to work as an entrepreneur now if I didn't learn this you wouldn't see this video because I
would still be distracting myself on Netflix or social media the thing that changed everything for me was routine we can try 100 different tricks to stop procrastinating some might work for a few times but the only way we can consistently study or work is if we make it into a routine this is the secret if we want to start doing anything consistently work studying work out read meditate the only sure way to consistently do these things is if we have a routine on when and how to do them actionable steps create your own routine I
know most people watching this won't do this but if you do this might be exactly the same type of Turning Point I experienced when I first created my routine take a pen and a paper and we'll create the routine together so first what activities is it that you want to St procrastinating on is it studying working out reading working meditate just think about your answers for now second what's the most important activity out of those ones so just think about your answer don't write anything out yet the key is to do the most important tasks
in the morning so let's say that your most important task is work or studying from now on you will do that for 30 minutes in the morning if you don't have the time to do this before school or work then make the time wake up 30 minutes earlier than you usually do the reason this is so important is because in the mornings when we wake up our brain is as fresh as possible we haven't checked our phone we haven't seen the news nothing has influenced us yet so we will be at our Peak capacity now
right on the left side of the paper the time you wake up and this includes the 30 minutes earlier if that's what you need to do then you can give yourself between 10 to 20 minutes of time to make yourself comfortable before your 30-minute work session this means going to the toilet brewing your morning coffee doing your morning meditation or filling up a water bottle whatever you need to do except checking your phone don't do that so right now you should have a schedule that looks something like this if you don't then take some time
to write out the schedule now after we're done with our morning work session we give ourselves some type of reward for completing the work then we can treat oursel through looking at our phone or eating a nice breakfast your schedule should look something like this now now you're most likely done with your schedule and you've already done something most people struggle with the most and that is take action on advice so give yourself a tap on a shoulder good job what I did is that I put this schedule on my wall so I was constantly
reminded of it I started with exactly the same schedule you have in front of you right now then as I started getting consistent I added more habits into my schedule after a few weeks I had built a schedule for my whole week I'll try to bring up some picture this is something that you can do as a step two after you've followed this for a while but for now step number one is getting the morning routine right so for now try out this morning routine for the next 2 weeks look at it as an experiment
it's pretty exciting to see how much you can change in just two weeks through doing this I remember the biggest thing that changed for me when I first started with it schedule was how I viewed myself we will improve our self-image and we will start viewing ourselves in a more positive way because we will have clear evidence for ourselves that we can work and we will be so proud of the progress that we're currently making share your results in the comments after you've done this I want to read your story that's all I to say
in this video I'm out