Esse é o RIVAL de GTA 6 ou é mais um GOLPE?

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[Music] for G foret games technolog Ultra games Limited okay [Music] what he stop now no some real for fore fored this email I'm Robert from the ultra Games Team our company is developing a game called Paradise which aims to rival GTA 6 you can check out a sneak peek here everything about this game looks so good that it's too good to be true that's exactly the point this game is without a doubt the day before a massive scam myself and other users of the paradise scam Discord have broken this video up into three parts going
the trailers the website and the company Ultra games and we will prove to you that this game is after nothing more than your money and personal information if you're watching this video I would assume that you are at least familiar with the trailer but if not here is some simple context just over a month ago this this trailer dropped for a new game called Paradise being developed by Ultra games limited which promises to be a direct rival to GTA 6 this is a tall feat for any company but especially for one that doesn't exist but
I'm getting ahead of myself a little because first we need to cover what all the hype has been about the trailer that now has over 350,000 views and Rising so strap in and let's take a look at some of these major red flags before we even start the trailer you can go down to the description which reads it is a game that combines elements G first of all everyone should know that it is highly illegal to use another game to promote your own and this is done intentionally by Paradise to get the attention of all
G then when starting the trailer you can see an epic games logo cyber boy my friend and fellow GTA YouTuber has reached out to epic games and they have confirmed that they have no idea what Paradise is certainly are not partnered with them in any way evidence that they're lying about being partnered with epic if you take a look at the Paradise trailer on the the epic games store they removed the epic games logo mean know they would away with this if they wanted their game listed and remember this because it is something that paradise
brings up more than once we aren't even 1 second into the trailer yet and things are not looking good for Paradise already now it's time to skim through this trailer quickly to show you everything that raises concern in this shot you can see a realworld Lamborghini Avent is a 100% illegal as I can guarantee you that they do not have the right to this vehicle now look at this image closely every single shop has been copy and pasted three times this next part is by far the most damning piece is supposedly working with some of
the biggest creators in the world with huge names like llan pokman loser fruit Alia and many more after skimming through the Twitter and YouTubes of these creators none of them have ever mentioned with this game even once not a tweet not a community post not a video nothing in fact our Discord members confronted Paradise about whether they were actually partnered with these creators and they refuse to answer which is not a good look I also personally reached out to these creators to tell them they are featured in this trailer because I wouldn't be surprised if
even they are not aware their names are being scam but as expected most of them are too big to even get in contact with which is deliberately done by Paradise moving on this features a section of their website that you can find and talk to a supposed pay attention to how this website looks you can go to their website right now and you'll find that none of what is listed in this top bar is still there and we will dive into this a little more in a little bit and of course the Smoking Gun of
this entire trailer crypto earn crypto to build your Empire always got to crypto man this game promises you can make money with crypto through their in-game purchases with the par token and if that isn't enough to sell you on this being a scam well we are just getting started Paradise Island in this screenshot uses the same text that GTA 5 uses for all it Road names and a lot of these buildings have been copy and pasted like 35 times in speaking of GTA 5 this mini map looks eerily familiar after searching around for a while
I was able to find the exact location SE of the mini map from and you can see on a side by sign that they are exactly the same once again real world cars that they don't have licensing to to and to end it off the end of the trailer says play now which is very weird because if you go to their store it's simply says coming soon and wait the trailer on their store also says coming soon now too they've also released three more trailers that are alleged to be gameplay teasers it's very convenient that
for two of these trailers they chose the exact same spot to record both of these trailers the major red flag that almost every everyone noticed immediately are these umbrellas do these umbrellas look familiar to you well they should because they are ripped 6 trailers beach in one toone match they stole to once again entice the GTA Community this third trailer which was uploaded this week is supposedly an AI NPC overview but there are massive red flags with this too first of all the AI voices are all ripped including this guy voice sounds probably very familiar
if you've ever used Tik Tok heyo you tripping man this ain't the place to be talking about no guns you better chill with that not only that but after searching for quite l literally 5 minutes I was able to find the exact grocery store pack they used to create this convenience store this toil paps these magazines all of which these so-called developers quickly bought for just 25 bucks this without a doubt proves that this game is just an asset flip to make it look like a high-end game without having to put any work into actually
making their own game with their own asset very bad look for a company advertising themselves as a GTA 6 rival with everything I've said so far this should already be enough to convince most of you that this is a scam but for those fence this is now my perfect opportunity to transition over to their website and things get very interesting if you click on the link and go to their website you may notice it looks a lot different from when we saw it in the trailer where is the play now button and the influencers and
the marketplace it's almost like they've been taking stuff down after my fellow detectives have started calling them out luckily for us however we can see everything they may be hiding from us by taking a look you can see that the website used to look much different than it is now instead of the play game button they used to have a link to Paradise tap a website they were using to promote and sell their par soal ingame currency that they were advertising in their trailer Paradise has been doing their best to get rid of any instance
of crypto from their website because they are trying to get the game listed on Steam and steam does not allow any crypto integration into any game Mark and as I'm editing this video on November 6th it seems my theory was correct as Paradise has somehow managed to get the game listed on Steam they used to have a section dedicated once again to the massive creators collabing with Ninja just a MX and what I assume are some Hong Kong creators as by the way that is supposedly where Ultra games is based once again ninja and just
a MX have never mentioned anything about this game even once and they probably never will every company has something called a white paper which is basically just an overview of their company game and their overall plans on how to achieve their goals so let's take a look introducing Paradise the first AAA game thinka game could least spell the word game right but I digress easy mistake I guess a unique aspect of our platform is the integration of AI based influencers allowing players to interact with virtual representations of their favorite celebrities within the game and the
social platform we have contracts with leading figures in game streaming blogging and are continually seeking new collaborative opportunities that's funny because they seem to have taken this off of their website if they have contracts with them you would think they'd want to use that as much as possible I think you guys are getting the point that everything that Ultra games has shown and said is complete and is backed by absolutely nothing the least we can do is see who is working on this game then if we on Meet the team here we can find the
four masterminds behind paradise and their AI models I guess want to show their face on this project but hey there's Robert Lee the one who allegedly sent me the original email Robert Lee is actually the only person to have actually shown their face during a video introduction to Paradise however even with this I'm inclined to believe that the name Robert Lee is most likely just an alien but as you can probably guess these videos have also been deleted from the paradise website if you Tred to Google Robert Lee Paradise games there used to be a
site dedicated to him and his contributions but now all it brings up is a 404 Arrow page there has been so much deleted from this website it would take me a year to go through absolutely everything so before we move on let's quickly recap we have four trailers from Paradise that have more red flags than I can personally count and the paradise website that has constantly been hiding information from the public for the last month or so which then leaves us with the big final question who the hell isra games limited well here's the thing
Ultra games limited the alleged developers of this game don't even exist at all let me expl when you try Googling Paradise Ultra games there used to be a page dedicated to telling you all about this company which has also been completely wiped from the paradise website there is no official website for Ultra games anywhere on the internet and if you don't believe me I challenge you to check for yourself and prove me wrong as of making this video If you Google Ultra games only three websites related to this company will pop up but only one
has any relevant information regarding Ultra games on this site they State Ultra games limited has played a significant role in developing iconic projects like the King of Fighters World Justice online contribution to the industry for those who aren't aware honor of Kings is literally the fourth highest earning game in existence a total revenue of over 12.5 billion which means if Ultra games played a hand in this game it would actually be massive for the game's reputation but as most of you can probably guess however nowhere on the legal notice of Honor for Kings is ultra
games even listed One Singular time and can't be found anywhere on the honor of King site also on this page we found an address to the ultra game studio and a website for them as well the website however is completely blank and when you try to visit the address it simply brings you to a massive skyscraper in Hong Kong with no indication of which company it is owned by and certainly doesn't look like a game company to me this company has never made a single game before in their lifetime and it's far more likely that
the company doesn't even legally exist at all and this actually makes more sense than you once again cyber boy had realized that the emails we received from Ultra games all have Russian text encoded in the email this coincides with the fact that after digging into the Twitter account of a team member that used to be present on the paradise website you can find a very cryptic Russian video promoting an nft project planet Earth we are not a holiday to all the main RAC you want the final nail in the coffin for this company allegedly not
existing right now you can go to the paradise epic gam Store look at the private policy and it comes up with a solid nothing so now that I have given you almost every red flag related to the trailers the website and the company for Paradise games you might be asking yourself how this game is allegedly a scam well they may have already gotten a significant amount of people to buy into their crypto coin as that's what investors to do they were pushing their super hard through their trailer and their website but now they have seemingly
tried to delete every instance of it from anywhere on their sites my best theory is that this was going to be a pump and dump scam their goal was most likely to get everyone hyped with their insane trailer promised that they can make real money using their crypto coin and then never follow through on any of their Promises by some miracle if this game does actually release I urge everyone to stay away from the crypto side quickly thank Floy Ty C Sanchez foree for foree [Music]
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