oh you didn't know about the Bahamas trip my sister Sarah's voice dripped with fake concern through the phone I thought Mom told you we're all going next month Mom Dad me and Brian someone needs to watch their pets while we're gone though mom said she'd ask you I stood in my kitchen gripping my coffee mug so hard I thought it might break my name is Mitchell and at 27 I just discovered my entire family had planned a tropical vacation without bothering to include me what made it worse was hearing about it accidentally during what was
supposed to be a casual call with my sister about our mom's upcoming birthday no Sarah mom hasn't mentioned anything about the Bahamas I replied trying to keep my voice steady or about petsitting well you know how she is Sarah laughed she probably forgot but you're not busy anyway right you can watch Rocky and Max for the week mom was counting on you since you're the only one not going the only one not going because they hadn't invited me I thought about all the family dinners where they must have discussed this trip carefully avoiding the topic
when I was around the whispered conversations that stopped when I entered the room suddenly made sense the way my mom had been asking casual questions about my work schedule even my dad's recent interest in whether I was seeing anyone probably hoping I'd have weekend plans that wouldn't interfere with their pet sitting needs later that evening my Mom finally called honey I've been meaning to talk to you we need a favor let me guess you need me to watch the dogs while you're all in the Bahamas the bitterness in my voice was impossible to hide oh
Sarah told you yes it would be such a help you know Rocky gets anxious at the kennel and Max needs his medication twice daily will only be gone 8 days I listened as my mom rambled about flight times and Resort details never once acknowledging that they had excluded me from the family vacation not even a token wish you could come or maybe next time she went on about the special food Rocky needed and Max's strict medication schedule as if these details would somehow make up for the fact that they'd planned an entire family vacation without
me so you'll do it she asked brightly your father already told the kennel we wouldn't need them and Sarah's so excited she found this perfect little resort with amazing snorkeling you know how she loves the water of course he had my family had always operated this way making decisions that affected me without bothering to consult me first to them I was reliable Lisa the responsible one who never made waves never said no never ruined their plans with her own inconvenient needs or desires I'll think of about it I said quietly already opening my laptop to
a travel website the pattern had started years ago when Sarah was accepted to NYU my parents threw a huge party custom banners catered food all their friends invited to celebrate their youngest daughter's achievement when I got into Boston University a year earlier with a full academic scholarship no less they simply nodded and said that's nice dear my acceptance letter stayed on the fridge for exactly 2 days before being replaced by Sarah's summer dance recital schedule my sister had always been the family star she was the fun one the pretty one the one who could do
no wrong even when she dropped out of NYU after 2 years to find herself in Europe my parents supported her Adventure sending her monthly allowances for what they called her self-discovery journey meanwhile I worked three jobs through college gradu uated sumacum LA and built a successful career in marketing all of which earned me the dubious privilege of being the family's reliable backup plan that evening after my mom's call I found myself scrolling through travel websites a particular destination caught my eye Santorini a small Greek island I dreamed of visiting since my college photography class the
dates perfectly overlapped with my family's Bahamas trip and amazingly there was a seat sail happening my cursor hovered over the book Now button as my phone buzzed with texts from Sarah mom said you're being weird about watching the dogs come on Lisa don't be difficult it's not like you have vacation days saved up anyway plus what would you even do with time off you never go anywhere fun I actually had 3 weeks of vacation saved up my family just assumed I never took time off because I had nowhere exciting to go they'd forgotten about the
travel blog had been running for 2 years the one that had slowly gained a decent following another thing they dismissed as Lisa's little hobby just like they dismissed my Photography in college and my writing in high school my dad called Next princess your mother's upset you know how rocky gets at the kennel he barely ate last time did it ever occur to any of you to invite me on the trip I finally asked the silence on the other end was telling well he stumbled Sarah mentioned you probably couldn't get time off work and you know
how your mother likes to plan these things plus Brian already put down the deposit for their room right I said flatly just like she planned my college graduation party oh wait she didn't because Sarah's semester abroad came up Suddenly and everyone had to fly to Paris instead that's not fair Lisa your sister needed family support during her journey of self Discovery I looked at my computer screen at the picture of the beautiful Greek island waiting for me something shifted inside me years of being the reliable one the responsible one the one they could always count
on to sacrifice her own plans for theirs it all crystallized into a moment of perfect clarity I'll let you know about the dogs tomorrow I said then hung up and clicked book now on my flight to Greece the next morning my phone was flooded with messages my mom had sent six texts varying from guilt trips to outright demands Sarah had left three voicemails each more condescending than the last even my dad who usually stayed out of family drama had emailed me a lengthy explanation of why I was being unreasonable I waited until our weekly family
dinner to break the news as usual they were all gathered at my parents house discussing their upcoming Bahamas trip across my mom's Liz Ana I've made alternate arrangements for those dates I said during a pause in their conversation you'll need to find someone else to watch Rocky and Max my mom's Fork clattered against her plate what do you mean alternate Arrangements what could be more important than helping your family my trip to Greece I took a sip of water watching their faces shift from confusion to disbelief grease Sarah laughed you're not going to grease I
pulled up my confirmed itinerary on my phone and placed it on the table actually I am 8 Days on santarini starting the same day you leave for the Bahamas but you can't my mom sputtered what about the dogs the kennel is fully booked that sounds like poor planning on your part I was surprised by how steady my voice remained maybe Sarah's boyfriend Brian could watch them since he's apparently family enough to go to the Bahamas that's different Sarah protested Brian's my partner besides he's allergic to dogs how convenient I stood up Gathering my things I'm
sure you'll figure something out you always do when it's important to you Lisa sit down my dad ordered you're being childish this isn't like you that's the problem isn't it you all decided who I was supposed to be reliable Lisa Dependable Lisa always available Lisa did it ever occur to any of you that I might want to be included in family vacations that I might have my own plans my own life the silence around the table was deafening my mom looked on the verge of tears while Sarah sat with her mouth hanging open my dad
just stared at his plate refusing to meet my eyes I have to go I said heading for the door I need to shop for swimsuits Santorini has some amazing beaches The Fallout was exactly what what I expected my mom launched a fullscale guilt campaign enlisting every relative who would listen Aunt Carol called to tell me how selfish I was being my cousin Rachel sent long texts about family loyalty even my grandmother weighed in though she mostly seemed confused about why I couldn't watch the puppies from Greece Sarah's approach was more direct she showed up at
my apartment unannounced you're only doing this to spite us she said barging in without waiting for an invitation this isn't like you Lisa you've always been the responsible one the responsible one I repeated you mean the convenient one the one who's supposed to drop everything when the rest of you need something that's not fair we appreciate everything you do really when was the last time any of you showed that appreciation when was the last time you included me in family plans instead of just expecting me to fill in the gaps Sarah flopped onto my couch
her perfect blonde hair falling exactly right even in her frustration we didn't think you'd want to come to the Bahamas you're always so busy with work did you ask me did anyone bother to ask if I might want to join my family on vacation well no but but nothing you all made assumptions about my life my time my priorities and you know what you got so comfortable taking me for granted that you didn't even try to hide your Bahama's plans That's how little you you thought of me Sarah's face flushed mom and dad are really
upset they might have to cancel their trip if they can't find someone to watch the dogs that sounds like a them problem I replied using one of Sarah's favorite phrases back at her when did you get so cold I'm not cold I'm just done being the family doormat I showed her my travel blog on my phone see this I have followers who actually care about my interests I have a life outside of being your backup plan Sarah scrolled through my blog her expression shifting from dismissal to surprise these photos are really good when did you
get into photography 3 years ago not that anyone noticed the next family dinner was tense my mom had spread all the pet supplies across the dining room table like a guilt exhibition Rocky's special food Max's medication schedule their favorite toys she kept shooting me pointed looks as she explained how complicated their care routine was the medication has to be given exactly 12 hours apart she emphasized waving Max's pill bottle and Rocky needs his special blanket at bedtime or he gets anxious the kennel just won't understand these things I'm sure they will I replied serving myself
more potatoes that's literally their job my dad cleared his throat princess we could pay you to watch them make it worth your your while my grease tickets were $3,000 dad non-refundable Sarah who'd been unusually quiet since her visit to my apartment suddenly spoke up I looked at Lisa's travel blog last week did you guys know she has over 20,000 followers my mom barely glanced up from her organization of pet supplies that's nice dear now about the dogs no Mom I'm serious look at these photos she took in Montreal last last year Sarah pulled up my
blog on her phone she's actually really good at this for the first time that evening my mom actually looked at me not through me not around me but at me you went to Montreal I've been to lots of places I take short trips whenever I can I write about them photograph them people follow my recommendations about hotels and restaurants my dad peered at Sarah's phone these are professional quality pictures Lisa why didn't you tell us about this I did three thanksgivings ago you all changed the subject to Sarah's new yoga certification the silence that followed
was Heavy with realization my mom sat down heavily still clutching Rocky's favorite tennis ball we haven't been very good at listening to you have we no I said simply you haven't but that doesn't change the fact that we need someone to to watch the dogs she added quickly and just like that the moment was gone I stood up I'm going to grease mom with or without your blessing maybe it's time you all learned what it feels like to have your plans disrupted as my departure date approached my family cycled through all five stages of grief
my mom moved from denial to anger calling me ungrateful my Dad tried bargaining offering to pay for a different grease trip when it's more convenient Sarah oscillated between depression you're ruining everything and acceptance maybe we should have invited you two days before my flight my mom made one final attempt she showed up at my apartment with photo albums pictures of me watching Sarah's dog when she was in Europe taking care of our childhood pets being the responsible one you've always been so good with animals she said flipping through the pages remember how you nursed Sarah's
hamster back to health in high school I remember I also remember missing my friend's sweet 16 party to do it while Sarah was at the beach with her friends that's different you didn't mind back then no Mom I did mind I just wasn't allowed to say so she closed the album with a snap well I hope you're happy we had to cancel our trip the kennel is full and no one else can take the dogs for that long I didn't respond immediately just pulled out my laptop and turned it to face her on the screen
was a message from my building's pet friendly neighbor Mrs Chen confirming she'd watch Rocky and Max for a fee I found you a solution I said Mrs Chen is retired loves dogs and lives two floors down she's happy to do it for what you would have paid the kennel my mom stared at the screen but but why didn't you tell us sooner because for once I wanted you all to feel what it's like not to have me as your backup plan to understand what it feels like when someone disrupts your carefully made plans without considering
your feelings that's that's rather Petty don't you think no Mom that's rather human and maybe next time you're planning a family vacation you'll remember this feeling and think to include your other daughter the morning of my flight I woke up to a series of notifications my mom had tagged me in a social media post something she'd never done before it was a picture from my travel blog one I'd taken in Montreal with a lengthy caption about how proud she was of her talented daughter and how she couldn't wait to see the beautiful photos from Greece
Sarah texted immediately mom's trying to save face with her country club friends she's telling everyone she helped plan your grease trip I wasn't surprised image had always been everything to my mom she'd probably realized that having a daughter with a successful travel blog was something she could brag about at her tennis club but her attempt at public support didn't erase years of dismissal my dad dropped by before I left for the airport awkwardly holding a new camera lens your sister showed me your blog he said holding out the lens I noticed you mentioned wanting this
one for low light shots I thought maybe you could use it in Grease the lens was exactly the one I'd been saving up for Part of Me wanted to refuse it to show them I didn't need their belated support but I saw something in my dad's eyes I'd never seen before genuine interest in my passion thanks Dad I said accepting the gift want to see some of the shots I plan to get with it he sat with me for an hour actually listening as I explained about composition and lighting he even pulled up my blog
on his phone and followed it right there in front of me you know he said as he was leaving I canceled my share of the Bahamas trip told your mother and sister to go without me dad you didn't have to yes I did someone needs to watch the dogs properly and Mrs Chen might need backup he paused at the door plus I want to see these grease photos as you post them maybe you could teach me how to comment on a Blog that afternoon as I boarded my flight to Greece my my phone buzzed with
messages Sarah had sent a surprisingly sincere have a great trip sis your pictures better be amazing my mom had texted instructions for accessing their home security cameras so I could check on the dogs missing the point entirely but at least she'd stopped guilt tripping me but it was my dad's message that brought tears to my eyes just posted my first blog comment hope I did it right make sure to take care of yourself in Greece not just your camera love Dad I settled into my seat thinking about how sometimes it takes a dramatic gesture to
shake people out of their established patterns my family had spent years casting me in the role of reliable background character in their story maybe now they'd finally seen me step into the spotlight of my own narrative Santorini was everything i' dreamed of and more each morning I woke up to spectacular sunrises over the blue doed churches spending my days photographing winding cobblestone streets and pristine beaches my blog followers loved the daily updates but what surprised me most were the comments from my family my dad commented on every single post his typing improving from beautiful sunset
honey to actual thoughtful observations about lighting and composition Sarah shared my posts on her own social media tagging me with messages like look what my amazing sister is doing a complete turnaround from her usual competitiveness my mom however took a different approach she called daily with updates about the dogs as if trying to remind me of what I'd Left Behind Rocky misses you she'd say or Max won't eat unless your father hand feeds him when those guilt trips didn't work she switched tactics calling to critique my photos don't you think you're posting too many sunset
pictures and that restaurant review seemed a bit harsh you don't want to hurt anyone's business one evening sitting at a Cliffside Cafe I got an unexpected call from Mrs Chen your mother has been here six times today she said sounding amused she brings coffee and asks endless questions about my petsitting experience I think she's having trouble letting go of control I'm so sorry I started but Mrs Chen laughed don't be I told her that after 40 Years of teaching High School two dogs are no trouble she didn't like that much that same night my dad
sent me a private message your mother booked herself into a hotel for the remainder of their Bahamas trip says she can't enjoy herself knowing strangers are watching her dogs Sarah's pretty upset about it I felt a momentary Pang of guilt but then remembered all the times my plans my needs my desires had been dismissed for the sake of family Harmony my mom's choice to ruin her own vacation wasn't my responsibility instead of cutting my trip short or apologizing I posted more photos I wrote about solo female travel about breaking free from family expectations about finding
your own path the response was overwhelming hundreds of comments from people sharing similar stories thanking me for inspiring them to stand up for themselves my blog following doubled then tripled a travel magazine reached out about featuring my grease photos Sarah called to tell me that her yoga students were all following my journey asking when I'd come teach a photography workshop at her Studio you know what's funny she said I always thought I was The Brave One going to Europe to find myself but you're the one who really did it you found yourself right under our
noses and we were too busy with our own drama to notice on my last night in Greece I sat on my hotel balcony uploading photos when my mom sent a surprising message it was a picture of my old bedroom now her home office filled with framed prints of my travel photography I had your best shots professionally framed she wrote thought they deserved better than my social media reposts below that was a longer message I've been doing a lot of thinking while you've been gone your dad pointed out something I didn't want to hear that we'
taken you for granted for so long we forgot you had dreams of your own I'm not very good at apologies but I'm trying to do better at showing you I care Mrs Chen sent me daily dog photo each one showing Rocky and Max being perfectly fine without my mom's hovering the last one showed my dad teaching her how to use my blog both of them smiling at the camera while the dogs lounged contentedly nearby Sarah's final vacation photos from the Bahamas looked different from her usual carefully staged shots trying to see things through your photographer's
eyes she captioned them not as good as yours but I'm learning to look deeper something had shifted during those 8 days my family was far from perfect my mom still sent daily texts about the dogs my dad still struggled with technology and Sarah still had moments of competitive jealousy but they were trying sometimes that's all you can ask for not a complete transformation but a willingness to see you in a new light 6 months after my Greek Adventure my family gathered for Thanksgiving the dining room walls now featured a mix of my travel photographs alongside
our traditional family portraits my mom had turned my blog's logo into place cards for the table a small gesture that spoke volumes we've got an announcement my mom said during dinner we're planning another family vacation I braced myself for more exclusion but Sarah jumped in and before you say anything we want you to help plan it your blog followers loved your grease content so much we thought maybe you could work your magic on our next family trip my Dad pulled out a folder I've been researching photography tours in Italy thought maybe you could teach us
a thing or two about taking better pictures than just selfies and dog photos plus my mom added trying to sound casual Mrs Chen already agreed to watch Rocky and Max I asked her months ago just to be sure I looked around the table at my family really looked at them my mom still controlling but trying to channel it differently my dad discovering a new connection with me through photography Sarah finally seeing me as a person rather than competition Italy sounds perfect I said pulling out my phone to show them some initial ideas but this time
I'm handling the itinerary wouldn't have it any other way my dad smiled after all you're the expert now