but people are desperate to take me down by any means necessary I mean this dead domain video could be the spiciest that people have seen in a long time most people are not autistic enough to go through my live streams to find out that I'm actually like an edge Lord alt-right type of person please Dad domain take the stage the last thing I want to do is waste my time watching your content you can waste dozens of your hours making a giant hip I stand behind everything I've ever said I stand behind everything I've ever
said Spyro Funko Pop right I have a few amiibos too it's like whatever synthetic man's a soy boy my mom just got here so I might see if dinner is an option or if I'll have to make my own tendies want me to do like a there's not nearly as many of black male white female as you would think by the way the two cam propaganda some of these hled subhumans need to stop watching their gay porn I I'll drink a little bit more I think that's what you guys want to see it weirdly also
combines with my strange fascination with Eugenics because the idea of Fooda is some kind of like alternative Uber MCH it's a butt plug for new Abby to shove her Giant Food a [ __ ] in my ass you have to do things worse than Hitler to fix what's happening right now considerably worse than Hitler an affirmative action H blah blah blah blah you know you kill kill time to Make It Stop nobody says bigotry except subhumans liter people who should be executed every single one of them without exception they they need to face the wall
the penm will swing back when Larry think is decapitated on live television birth control with your hormones and it's made women attracted to twinks maybe this next hit piece will be the one that finally gets YouTube to do something about me [Music] the internet can be a pretty negative place which might seem like an understatement the internet is a place where people are frequently targeted for harassment death threats doxing swatting and more simply for existing in the darkest corners of the internet on places like forchan kiwi farms and other places with lacks content moderation communities
have developed dedicated to misery of all kinds hang around the internet long enough and you'll hear words like incel and blackpill and even Doomer thrown around all various ways to describe people who seem to wallow in various states of misanthropy there are entire communities built around people who just spend their entire lives being mad at other people using slurs with Reckless abandoned in their little safe spaces now it shouldn't be too surprising that these websites are replete with racism conspiracy theory violent rhetoric and various bigotries to apertif the slurs and if you're a slightly more
well-adjusted person you might ask how does someone become like this how does someone choose to spend their limited time on Earth not chasing a creative Pursuit finding love investing themselves in a professional field or any other of the Myriad things you could do how does someone become so miserable that their only recourse is to try and spread that misery to others and form communities around wallowing self-pity and hating out groups that brings me to the YouTuber synthetic man while he's only been active for a few years synthetic man has managed to amass a fairly sizable
audience of over 120,000 subscribers through a combination of videos and regular streams where he mostly just goes on unhinged rants about wokeness and why he doesn't like things he gets a spotlight every so often when he makes a video relevant to a popular property yet infuses his ranting with open racism sexism or homophobia that makes him an easy target for reaction content from other creators either that or it's some kind of multiv Vault experiment as they fail to adequately explain in the show Vault 31 32 and 33 are all directly connected to each other what
do you mean failed to adequately explain dumbass you watched only one episode dumbass perhaps maybe watched the whole first season where they do actually explain in detail it's just called a slow reveal dumbass bro just watched one episode and started chirping at the first sight of a black person how are these people real I feel like this is I feel like this is just like a meme personified you know what I mean this is a meme about like the genuine racist neck beard he's had public spats with other anti-woke content creators and even considers himself
too extreme to collaborate with people like mer the quartering nerd rodic and others but he didn't start off that way synthetic man as he is on YouTube today is basically an outright Nazi Insel and I'm not just the kind of left cuck soy boy who just calls everybody a Nazi no I'm I'm going to back up pretty much everything I say and believe me when I say synthetic and at least from what he says fully has Nazi beliefs basically everything after World War II you could say World War II and its consequences were a disaster
for the human [Music] race I can't remember which general it was that basically said we defeated The Wrong Enemy I think of one Austrian who tried to save the world and all of history uh never mind anyway the YouTube terms of service violations he Stacks up in an average stream are plentiful and constant he laughs at explicit four chanier Nazi memes his viewers will send in his chat he pushes conspiracies about global Jewish cabals controlling the world he gets mad at any woman or person of color expressing competence or intelligence and will spin that into
subliminal messaging these aren't just me speculating by the way as I will back up everything I'm saying in his own words and these are just the tip of the iceberg now over the last 3 months I have watched more than 200 hours of synthetic man's content and you might think that would leave me bitter and angry towards this person who often talks in thinly veiled slurs and goes on tyraids about wokeness and sjws and black rock ruing everything white people hold dear but instead I actually feel genuinely bad for synthetic man because as I'll show
while he is a miserable person a genuinely miserable person he is the one responsible for his misery what started for synthetic man as a desire to have a gaming channel has been become a cesspool of openly violent conspiracy racism and general misanthropy because of how synthetic man chased an audience that encouraged his worse tendencies in turn leaving him burnt out passionless and more bitter and angry than ever before so up front I want to preface this by saying this isn't a takeown of synthetic man this is a cautionary tale now if you're a fan of
synthetic man or even just the rightwing gamergate crowd or even just hate Lefty sjw snowflakes like me you're probably thinking this is a hit ke but I promise you it won't be I will simply be examining the things syn has said in his own words using his positions and statements to show how much of a miserable self-loathing hypocrite he actually is see if it were a hit piece I'd be calling him names without backing it up making assertions without any evidence or insulting him for his habits or appearances but I have plenty of evidence to
justify anything I will call him and frankly I don't need to make synth look bad he does that all on his own just fine willingly and constantly and I would encourage anyone who subscribed to him or considers yourself a fan of his content to watch this entire video and really actually consider the things I say and if you still support him at the end you have my sympathy too and you can call me a f and we'll go our separate internet ways I'm also not too worried about synth himself responding while he talks a big
game about masculinity and the eroding standards of being a man in society he's not really the confrontational type like most internet tough guys I'm willing to bet he just doesn't have that dog in him to actually handle criticism head on and develop a cogent response I'd love to be proven wrong but if he does respond I doubt it will consist of anything more intelligent than Elementary School insults and some ad homonym and straw man attacks and for new viewers to the channel I hear you ask why why Jordan would you subject yourself to this slow
talking incel stereotype for over 200 hours and it's not just because my kind of Channel and brand has become all about doing things nobody else will really take the time or effort to do it's because synth and how he's become more radical and hateful are representative of a growing amount of predominantly young men in online spaces like synthetic man here is more of an experimental subject like my deep dive into mat Walsh I needed a subject that had broad application in the sense that in synthetic Man story you can see a lot of commonalities with
other more regular people as I'll show since story has a lot in common with other young disillusioned primarily white men and those commonalities are important to understanding how to try and help people going down a similar path to prevent them from becoming as cynical and hateful as him altogether also like Matt Walsh I needed a subject who had large swads of content where he spoke off the cuff giving an uninhibited look into his actual thought processes as with any good observational study I needed a large data set to work on and synthetic man's variety of
late night drunken streams where he's goated into racist unhinged and occasionally violent rant from his audience made for a perfect data set synthetic man very rarely has a filter and that makes him at the very least a degree more honest about his racism sexism and various bigotries than some of his contemporaries there are plenty of other rambly ranty anti-woke dweebs in this pop culture and video game Focus side of YouTube but dorks like the quartering are too invested in their grifts to really be honest they're focused on building a platform expanding into a business a
podcast selling shitty coffee and mugs to the point that they basically only have the grift to hang on to they pump out dozens of videos weekly to get the maximum amount of views on hot button issues with next to no effort put into any of their content and then there are the wannabes following the formulas of the quartering merer nerdrotic heel versus Baby Face Melanie Mac and dozens of others posting ranting outrage bait that occasionally gets them noticed but mostly falls into the background these sea listers like rev as Desu or emion or fanga aren't
not able because like the upper tier of grifters they kind of just follow the line they want to get those sponsorships they want that paper so they will be anti-woke but won't say anything too terribly upsetting which brings me back to the reason for picking synthetic man specifically he doesn't have that same filter while he'll still Shi for useless products for sponsorships at least while Company still wanted to work with him before he became too toxic of a name he long ago stop trying to censor his views for reasons we will see soon where some
channels might just dance around blaming juice for society's issues synth will just go on unhinged High raids about it Devonte thanks to five bucks will the rainbow representation ever go away or die down is it possible to go back to the 2000's level of games um you'd have to fire every leftist working for the game industry right now and of course somehow uh we have to beat the um influence of a certain two cans from space we have to somehow they have to pull out their funding and you fire every leftist that's just not going
to happen both those things are not happening Omega Supreme wgs like America is the center of the world and we're against our will cuz I don't think any Americans actually want this but our government is imposing themselves on the globe right and it's not again it's not even our government it's the people puppeteering our government who are not Americans I mean they are Maybe be born here but you get the point Israel Israel is doing it it's not America's fault directly so Israel puppeteering America is enforcing American culture on the globe and in case you
ever thought he was subtle here's the thumbnail he made for his now delisted Last of Us 2 video that you can only find on Rumble where some channels might debate the merits of black or strong female characters and hint at ideas adjacent to White replacement or social engineer hearing synthetic man will concoct elaborate narratives around these conspiracies creating a slave race that will never stand up to their masters that's why the Golem if you've ever heard the Golem like analog allegory whatever you want to call it again you got to be careful about my words
here but they want to create a Golem Race essentially a slave race of people who will make Society function and it's a sustainable population low IQ right um and uh they just you know you I don't know what they figured is a good number let's just say for the sake of argument like three billion people if they reduce the global population to three billion dumb people who will just you know and it's not just about [ __ ] Equity okay let's say hypothetically you were trying to create a race of Mongrel Slave people with double
digigit IQs while you you believe you're the best ever you're God's chosen people right you need to encourage the creation of the mongrel slave race so what do you do okay well one you show as many interracial couples as possible in media every single commercial every single TV show that's one thing another thing these people who you know for whatever reason are considered at least on average to be the most attractive people while they also coincidentally are too intelligent and too um they have too much Ingenuity creativity all of those things that could be a
threat to you well if we simply stop giving them jobs they can't feed themselves they're poor women unless they're extremely high above average in terms of looks women are not going to dat the poor white guy over the diversity higher dude who's making more money right unless he's hideously ugly the point is to bring things to a balance it's false it never happened it's a fake it's Fiction it's an urban legend that never happened combined with the channel well over 100,000 subscribers that has some videos reaching well past half a million and this makes synthetic
and ideal channel to deconstruct because when you actually look at his uncensored opinion he basically has been allowed to spread 4chan style hate unchecked on YouTube's platform the reason I've picked him isn't because I dislike him in particular over other people it's because he's uniquely masked off in ways very few of his particular niche of content creators are that's not to say I think every anti-woke channel is harboring genuine Nazi beliefs synthetic certainly is as I have shown and will continue to prove but for their part I think people like the quartering are your standard
mainstream conservatives probably possibly alt-right ding-dongs they know to tow the line to maximize ad Revenue yet still draw a political audience they also still play a role in the ecosystem for people like synthetic man helping to radicalize impressionable and occasionally emotionally detached young men a story we've heard time and time again for example if you aren't super well versed in the internet but you're thinking hey I've heard of forchan and kiwi Farms before it's probably because both have been linked to multiple mass shootings where the shooters were Avid posters and browsers on the boards needless
to say they aren't healthy or mentally stimulating places to spend your time and they truly only Foster hate and negativity now with the rise of the new half-ass gamergate 2 movement we've seen a new Legion of people willing to harass and send death threats over very important issues like how big a video game characters tits are and with the growing footholds of movements like gers in the alt-right on places like Twitter gaming has once again become an unsuspected ideological Battleground where every day teens and young adults are being inundated with hateful ideology like the literal
literal Nazi talking points synthetic man all but encourages from his audience if you think I'm joking by the way uh Nazi jokes and explicit anti-Semitism and hate speech are regular occurrences in his super chats people pay to have him read them out like a super chat advocating shooting all black people Jews and gay people exemplified by emojis to which synth simply laughs it's a random name thanks five b you should enjoy your content by giving platforms to meanies where I draw the line also so squirt probably shoot shoot all I don't even know if I
want to read what those emojis or whatever it's a monkey emoji a gay flag emoji and then radioactive and then Star of David from orbit chud face there you go okay followed on the same stream by the way by a Super Chat that donates 1488 while blaming Jews for all their ills oh thanks to the 14 Canadian 88 cents every time I read that I have to say it slowly I starting to notice that the juice is behind all of the world's problems I don't know what you're talking about oh and do super chats also
make violent threats towards other content creators like this recent one of moist critical AKA penguin zero that's random name thanks to Canadian moist should be graped to a to death by a fat nword okay almost every video I will show is still up on YouTube at time of writing with many featuring dozens of blatant violations of YouTube terms of service I will be linking a document below divided into categories with links to each video and rough timestamps for where violent racist conspiracist and misogynistic rhetoric can be heard one major reason synthetic man likely still has
a Channel at all is because nobody but his most Ardent 4chan fans are willing to watch so much of his content just to report him if anyone should choose to notify YouTube of his multiple infractions shown throughout the video that would have nothing to do with me now for those still thinking this will be a hit piece I'll even bump up the difficulty to Hard Mode I won't attack him over personal issues in his past I won't attack him over his appearance or perceived physical faults I won't attack him over things like his family or
his parents I won't counter the police iCal arguments I show that I obviously disagree with I won't even argue about differences in opinions over video games that one you have no idea how hard that one is for me now I will be thoroughly debunking some of the various conspiracies he shares and helping to educate on the issues that he clearly knows nothing about but aside from that this really can't be considered a hitpiece because it's not going to so much be about synthetic man as it is looking at people like him and how people become
radicalized and miserable on the internet despite what people like him might think he is not a unique individual he's not a noticer there's one concrete assured thing I can tell you from watching over 200 hours of his content that synth and his fans are not hard to understand he is a deeply depressed self-loathing simple person who lashes out at anything that doesn't fit his incredibly narrow view of acceptability and that goes for everything ranging from relationships he doesn't think are okay to other people's opinions on video games he disagrees with and almost all of that
has to do with his hypocrisy you see for almost every point he makes he himself will say something that either disproves it or shows that he takes part in something he condemns others for for example he loves to crying degeneracy and openly insulting trans people and anyone who's not a straight white man really yet he sure does seem to engage in degeneracy of his own BR I don't even know it definitely is some kind of weird psychological damage because it's like it weirdly also combines with my strange fascination with Eugenics because the idea of Fooda
is some kind of like alternative Uber mench being also like sort of TI into the fetish cuz typically how food are depicted is some kind of like Superior mix of the Sexes the best traits of women while also having like a a penis and usually also a vagina I don't know man it's it doesn't have to make sense cuz it's not real it's a but God damn it uh yeah whatever it's a but plug for new Abby to shove her Giant Food a [ __ ] in my ass there you go I said it you
guys got to stop jerking off the porn I'm a living example my head only is filled with disgusting [ __ ] now that's just a little taste of what's to come so stick around because those are fairly low ranking on the list of the dumbest [ __ ] he said [Music] I will get to his background and how he became more radicalized in a bit but first I want to tackle how synthetic man is a hypocrite because I think showing the examples of his thinking and how he goes out of the way to avoid accountability
is foundational to understanding how someone becomes like him it's a combination of a deep lack of curiosity and a lack of taking any accountability for one's action and when I say hypocrisy I want to immediately say I don't mean the things he's gotten mad at others for criticizing him for like uh constantly blaming casual gamers yet getting called out that he just buys casual type games to play on stream because that criticism is petty and beneath me now I'd much rather show how synthetic man despite quite literally claiming gaming is a hobby calls himself a
hardcore gamer and getting mad at anyone who doesn't match his arbitrary definitions is actually not that well versed in the games he plays he is a Casual Gamer now most of synthetic man's content revolves around video games and he seems to see himself as an authority on the subject based solely on how often he unilaterally declares people who don't agree with him to be wrong or more commonly subhuman [ __ ] journalists [ __ ] Discord subhumans and people are like why do you have a Discord no I don't have a Discord you might think
to yourself surely with a channel dedicated to video games synth has some real expertise in gaming surely he's played hundreds of games well no see the thing about synthetic man is he feels qualified to speak on things he really knows not that much about for example here are just a few of the iconic classic games he's never played I feel like almost every stream I get asked like have I played X game like a million times there are a lot of games that I haven't played that I probably should have you played American McGee Alice
before no I I would like to play more of them since I only finished 10 I I haven't played the devil make cries either shond I played Tac 1's re-release on Steam for a while I kind of got bored I might just skip the two have you played any of the shantee games no Traer but I never played Jet Set Radio play Need for Speed Most W 2005 no I don't really play those games but like RTS games I don't play those but I could tried I didn't play Hitman 2 or three of the new
ones and I never played the original superar RPG so yeah I I kind of want to play Zeno saga games even if they end up not being that good that that'd be okay I never played a control I know some people recommended it to me admittedly I still haven't played marwin to this day marvid friend thanks to the 5y- uh why'd you stop at the 2B playthrough in you're Tom another third playthrough which is completely different amplifies the game exponentially yeah well I would have to play through a second shitty play through yeah I know
bully I know people tell me to play bully all the time I will before GTA 6 comes out that's true I'll also play GTA 4 granted some of those examples might not be on par with Mario 64 or Halo but for someone who has invested so much time and energy and depicting himself as some kind of authority on games you think he'd at least try more of these things a growing point of recent frustration in his community is that he really just plays the same kind of games over and over those being open world slop
that he never stops complaining about games from his childhood that he never stops sucking off and the woke slop that he forces himself to trudge through so he can prostrate it before his audience does he actually go out of his way to play any games other than the AAA releases he's always bitching about yet always seems to buy a play or his Nostalgia fix and random regurgitated open world slop he seemingly loathes yet can't get enough of now already you can see some of the hypocrisy here and how synthetic man is quite literally just making
his own problems to complain about them on the syth dedicated kiwi Farm's praise thread uh people are mad at him for not playing more diverse games though they also note that is probably because they don't think he's skilled enough to play games like ninja giden and Devil May Cry 3 this is interesting because he did get bizarrely touchy over criticism of his video on Doom maternal where he complained it was too complicated because you wasted you know hundreds of hours or whatever getting good at a game again does not make your opinion any more valid
than mine I still beat the same thing you beat that I'm talking about and I didn't like certain things and learning stupid mechanics that I think are exploits like hot swapping all these different guns and different cool down timers and throwing in frag grenades ice grenades blah blah blah blah which I do that stuff I just don't do it well enough because my reflexes just aren't fast enough I'm not good at like quick reacting to a situation as much as some of these people cu the game's just too fast the game's too [ __ ]
fast for me that's if you wanted to boil down a lot of my complaints to Doom maternal I literally just think it's too fast despite making his channel to ex sensibly cast light on classic games he's kind of just bad at game criticism in general not just taking criticism synthetic man has never been able to just say hey this game isn't for me or more tellingly is never able to break down why gameplay systems interact with each other how encounter uh environment or gameplay design contributes to his criticisms instead he usually just handwaves away everything
even when it Reveals His Own ineptitude with the gameplay in the process revealing even further ineptitude with criticism and then being able to take criticism having fun I would just call it addiction because if you've ever watched any speedrun your life and I'm not even going to count gdq cuz all of them are degenerates but if you just count normal speedr Runners look at their face while they're playing the game do they look like they're having fun no no no of course they're not because they've played the game like a thousand times they know exactly
what's going to happen they've done the same thing over and over again just to beat it slightly faster because their dopamine receptors are fried and so are yours whether you admit it or not even his fans have noticed that he's just not very good at playing games they even make fun of him with the inside joke of a DSP moment when he [ __ ] up on stream a reference to the infamous internet lcow Dark Side Phil for his part synth seemed to be in on the joke until recently where I think he just got
so mad at people calling him DSP and Son of DSP that he just banned it from the chat again not great with criticism now these might seem like a bunch of py points but I promise they are going somewhere I bring up gaming first because that is what synth constantly claims his channel is about that he just wants to play games he doesn't want political arguments but I I don't even have a [ __ ] political opinion I just care about video games games that's it caring about video games is being rightwing in current year
because like [ __ ] you how dare you not accept all these you know [ __ ] that I don't even have to say cuz you know saying it is offensive but no I've really gotten that mad over things that most normal people would find pretty trivial but that's because I love video games unlike people who claim they love video games by jerking off whatever the most popular game is released at the time I've been playing games since I was five years old I played probably well over a thousand at this point to save my
own skin honestly just because I don't care about politics that much see he thinks it's the hypocritical left that's always injecting their politics into everything which apparently he must be a secret leftist because he cannot go a [ __ ] stream without making some pretty explicit political points blatant white humiliation ritual I think I've seen in any media where it's literally just like you know what you think I'm a diversity higher you you know I had to be checked four times more than everyone else for this job do you think uh we we are not
qualified for this you know things like that and she's like no I do you know I mean she said like some corporate speak [ __ ] and I'm just literally like every time the [ __ ] says something I'm like yes yes you are diversity higher you're not qualified for this um you know like it basically just rattle off everything you had lower college scores than everyone else you're [ __ ] an affirmative action higher blah blah blah blah you know [ __ ] you kill kill I'm losing it the low birth rates in the
west are completely artificial based on what the elites have imposed on us like you know birth control and microplastics and high fructose corn syrup etc etc etc whereas in Japan it's you know it's a result of the lifestyle but the lifestyle is certainly nothing admirable no comment I love how even the [ __ ] aliens love love human women this is you know what this is an allegory for for race mix see this is why I started with gaming because everything about his channel and all of his hypocrisy just stems from there the very first
thing he sells himself as a gamer who doesn't want politics in his games is basically an outright lie he loves to call out other people who don't play games loves to call journalists and casuals that people who are ruining the game industry see that's the difference between me and most of you who watch the original video that you'll never understand I actually care about gaming I actually care about this industry for you it's just a casual hobby If Video Games disappeared from the earth tomorrow you would move on with your life and it would be
like nothing changed because that's always what you [ __ ] normies do every goddamn time doesn't matter what the hobby is you invade it and you ruin it because you feel excluded or the rules are too hard or it's too hard to get into so people change things to make it more accessible and then you move in and then you change everything and you make it go to [ __ ] and it's the same exact thing with the [ __ ] feminists leftists sjws cucks beta males whatever you want to call them it doesn't matter
what buzzword the group of people people who are perpetually offended and ruin things with their politics they everchanging politics everchanging rules constantly more [ __ ] rules but look at what he plays he's the Casual player he constantly lashes out at commies and the left for making things about politics but from his jokes to the chat he encourages to the bizarre conspiracies and pretty blatant calls for violence often inspired by something as simple as seeing a black woman in a video games bailing s how are you disappointed by the Elder ring DLC where you expect
them to tone down the difficulty to cater to it okay you [ __ ] ret you know that's a good thing I'm sorry this this pride month um you have dog [ __ ] taste absolutely an embarrassment are you kidding me if the only thing you like about souls is the difficulty you're not a fan of souls you're not though that is not the reason why the souls games are good never were never ne still is not if the only thing you like about the games is that they're hard you're subhuman period like what makes
someone a subhuman for using Discord or liking Souls games for their difficulty it's so weird I don't want to get too off track here but it is bizarre how limited his lexicon of insults is for someone who spends so much time on forchan like he should have an Arcane Tome full of racial slurs nobody's heard since the Ottoman Empire and the best he can do is just to call someone by the social media they use second best is usually call them a sub human or a degenerate like most things he does it's just so Toothless
and lame the same goes for words like leftist liberal and communist which by the way he uses all three interchangeably probably because he doesn't know the difference but also because he has to immediately label any dissenting opinion based on politics for him it's practically reflexive like flinching most of the time he has to make up political alignments and conspiracies to inject into his rants like there can be no political statements made whatsoever just a woman or person of color and this will be how he reacts dude how do these keep getting made Black Rock This
Is How We I'm never mind I'm not going to Fed post I'm not going to Fed post but if you just look at history I'll put it this way if you look at human history when one man decides enough is enough and does something thing okay it would have happened by now we are all domesticated soy Boys in comparison to the gigachad of the past uncle Ted was right godamn we need the new uncle Ted come on there got to be Black Rock needs to go down like no one's buying this there's only so many
times they can get woke and go broke before people realize hm this money's coming from somewhere and they seem to have unlimited money it's almost like voting with your wallet isn't enough okay he just sees a woman or a person of color in his chat brings up a political point and he goes off with very little self-restraint he cannot help himself but to bring up politics constantly and for a portion of his fan base that's why they watch him for his base takes and you can go to his kiwi Farm's thread to see them say
his his chat often goats him into these political tangents and seemingly pushes for more violent and unhinged rhetoric especially during his drunken streams but I'll get to that in a moment first we got to keep hearing about how synthetic man is everything he claims to hate and be against let's get back to his opinions on the leftist commies ruining games who want to push their political ideologies on everyone this [ __ ] okay this is what happens when you live in a far-left echo chamber and have four years everything you see is propaganda but they're
essentially just people who [ __ ] and complain about anything that isn't left is propaganda all day and that's their entire life they don't consume product because they're all [ __ ] broke they live with their parents they're unemployed and they all they do is surround themselves with people who think exactly like them all day that's all they do now you might be asking why does this make him a hypocrite he's just making fun of losers who still live with their parents and have no experience in the real world because like everything else I've listed
so far the things he's getting mad at just describe him no I just don't have nearly the bills most people do because I'm one of those people who uh lives with their parents well I live with my mother not my dad but you know job yes fulltime definitely not in the sense that I mean it's full-time in the sense it's my only uh form of income you know kind of I don't know I mean it is I'd say it is we'll just say for the sake of argument it is um but uh I don't work
full-time by any stretch no I I a lazy [ __ ] I I do you know what it takes exact the amount of effort it takes he's never really lived anywhere but home he's 29 or 30 hasn't had a real job in years by his own attesting by the way this is not me speculating he basically spent his entire life just playing and caring only about video games you should have a full-time job and this should be your hobby that's just not going to happen because uh first of all I'm way too lazy to do
a real job second of all uh most people who have real job if they make quality content can't make the video like look at how many ER released this year and you wonder I mean part everyone wants to be a Perpetual child I've been doomed to this existence by bad parenting partially but also a lot of bad choices I made like everything with synthetic man he has a double standard here practically the only consistent thing about him is his hypocrisy while he fully admits that he's too lazy to have a real job he doesn't take
any of that responsibility on himself instead blaming his parents for what he calls learned helplessness this is a misappropriated Psychiatry term that he basically uses to justify his inaptitude we will talk more about this plenty later but for now it's worth pondering that when this laziness is brought up to him his defense is that nobody knows what he's been through unless they've lived his life when are you going to accept your parents for trash and teach yourself what you need to know you you can't do that that's cope I I would love for you to
show me an example of someone with uh uh basically learned helplessness teaching them all the skills cuz every time I've heard something to that they exaggerated their parents' issues because that just doesn't happen at a certain point it's just not going to [ __ ] happen therapy isn't for men because men want Solutions not validations women want validations yeah well I'll be honest with you I wanted validation for a long time but not from therapy from my parents I never did get that eventually learn to give up on those things and some of you might
already be getting ahead of me and wondering does he reserve that same sentiment for the experiences of other people does he require that empathy and understanding for others lived experiences and emotions before allowing them to be valid say for example when it comes to women trans people or people of color uh [ __ ] now some anti-zionist that making me Pro palestin sure it's not like I don't even care about the Middle East that's the truth I I wish nobody cared and I wish they got no forign a or any of that [ __ ]
I wish you know uh everyone had to fend for themselves and so for those of you who are needs obviously depressed don't know the purpose in life probably not going to get a girlfriend etc etc etc you have to realize that if you can somehow manage to work up the motivation to do something literally anything some creative Pursuit that's why you see all these these who are making video games cuz they're the needs dude I'd say probably the most of them are not working a real job they're probably living off of disability maybe they're working
part time or something the type of people who have the time to work five years on a game uh they're the people who don't like actually work hard throughout history women have been attracted to men older than them which is a conflict because women over 30 you know roasties uh are extremely jealous of young women they take it out on men by saying men are pedophiles for dating a woman younger than them when the younger women are seeking out older men so this is why this is why like he's [ __ ] anyway never mind
we're going to get into severe incel talk in a second but the point is these empty egg cartons are are an extreme issue with online discourse they need to be banned they need to be like banned in Mass cuz their opinions are corrupting future Generations CU they have nothing better to do they have a lot of them have successful careers you know a lot of these women probably make more money than I do almost certainly already you can see how synth is deeply insecure lashing out at so many things often with tired insults but for
everything he bases his channel on personality on he is undermined by himself he's the one who can't go to a game without injecting politic itics even when there are none he is the Casual who doesn't play a wide variety of games he's the person who has issues with difficulty and I know in the extremely unlikely circumstance he's made it this far into the video like come on I've seen how he freaks out at being forced to watch a two-minute cut scene but if he's still watching he'll likely be saying something to the effect of uh
but leftists say all art is political which is a true statement but not in the way he thinks where he believes leftists need all art push a political agenda Ubisoft claims their games are not political which obviously is false their games are political I don't want to get into an argument of everything is political because that's something that commies say for good reason you know if you understand anything about communism or socialism and if you want to get into like [ __ ] boy semantics which is something I like to do a lot yeah everything
is political technically but that's not what people mean they just don't have the words to describe what they mean and as Society has made the slow March into making literally everything political with many people simply telling you that everything is political yet out of the other side of their mouth also telling me that I'm making things political when everything's political so figure that one out if they didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all right but obviously The Last of Us Part Two is probably the most infamous example of being unable to escape
propaganda in modern games despite the fact the apocalypse took place in 2013 which is a few years before the trans movement even started one of the major characters in the game L is trans when people say all art is political they mean that art is political because artists are influenced by the culture around them which includes the political strife and developments of the time or how those political developments have affected them quick tangent but one of the best examples I can think of to illustrate this is Francisco Goya Francisco Goya was a court painter for
royalty in the 1700s who made amazing photorealistic portraiture then after witnessing some awful [ __ ] during the Spanish war for independence his entire artistic style changed he made a series of drawings depicting the horrors of war in Stark brutal reality later when an illness relapsed and he almost died he made arguably his most famous works called the black paintings when you compare and contrast his early work with his later work there is a Stark difference to the Twisted hellish style in the black paintings while the art itself is depicting death sadness Madness and whatever
else Goyo was going through the art itself is undeniably influenced through the lens of its creator by the political state of the time this is what people mean when they say art is political it's not that the art is taking a political stance or pushing an agenda it's saying that you can't properly discuss these works of art and their themes without acknowledging the political upheaval in Spain at the end of the Napoleonic era and how it directly and deeply affected Goya no art class or history teacher would bring up goya's black pantings without talking about
how they were affected by politics and when you consider his proximity to politics witnessing of war and strife and falling from Royal favor it makes sense that the art he's creating reflects a more pessimistic and MOB worldview was this an elaborate tangent just to show people some of my favorite paintings but also the next time somebody scoffs at all art being political you can immediately tell how much they actually know about art and its themes and how art is directly affected by the time and political climate it's made in there are plenty of Trends in
films that reflect this by the way economic anxieties represented by the slew of haunted house horror movies after the mid 200000 hous collapse or the glut of slasher movies depicting teens engaging in ruinous sex and drugs as killer fodder during the height of the AIDS epidemic and the crack crisis in America so in syn goes on a rant about Jews or black people or women and says leftists can't say anything because they say everything is political that's not how that argument works all art is influenced by politics but that doesn't mean all art is trying
to push a specific agenda a mistake that he makes constantly In fairness since chat brings things up almost as much as he does though particularly when it comes to things they can make fun of him for one of these things is an in joke in his community about Fuda now I don't I don't want to go in like do a whole tangent on food andari because you see synthetic man is wildly transphobic basically doesn't believe there's any such thing as a passing transwoman that it's gay to like trans women that they're physically repulsive so he
hates women with penises you'd think unless it's an anime my experience was seeing uh women's cruelty what made me food a pil can it be bro I don't even know it definitely is some kind of weird psychological damage because it's like it weirdly also combines with my strange fascination with Eugenics again like food is something that really only works in in anime there's many fetishes that only work in anime that's why like autist SS whatever always say 2D is better than 3D there a lot of ideas like fboys are another one where it's like if
you see like real feminine men trying to be Fanboys it's repulsive to any straight person no matter how feminine they try to appear to be the best they can accomplish is with filters on photos but whenever you see video It's never enough there's going to be a primal part of your brain that still knows it's a man you know what I mean well with anime you can make anything look like anything husky I said this earlier the stream some fetes are meant for only fiction okay I'm sure in real like I don't know anime I've
said a million times anime can make almost anything appealing that's the problem with anime anime is unintentionally helping the globalist agenda by being an art style that can manipulate the minds of the at least slightly autistic you know which I may be that's that's what I'll say on this matter because of what he cites to be a an addiction synth apparently does find trans people attractive just when they're anime girls with big [ __ ] like whatever floats your boat dude as long as it's not Lolly [ __ ] and nobody's getting hurt knock yourself
out I don't give a [ __ ] but if you're going to say that food nari isn't trans you're definitely wrong trans is anything outside of cisgender the Fooda stuff is a point his chat is constantly making fun of him for and like everything he says is kind of just cope that he got drunk once and admitting to liking Fooda muscle momies I mean yeah I'm a cumer but like I I don't even [ __ ] really have a wfu he'll definitely Grill me on the Fooda question well that could be entertaining I don't really
care like what do you expect me to say just like I'm I'm a cummer what do you want from me openly have wfu you're a Zoomer bud I was just joking I don't have a waifu and also plenty of Millennials have wuss you [ __ ] what whatever the the opposite of an Internet person is I don't know a third world [ __ ] skin I'm kidding people are really get to think I'm racist if I keep going there fast Myster thanks 20 pesos Griffin thinks poison is a Fooda you like I think Technically she's
a sheale so that would make her a man uh with you know extensive surgery like a Brazilian drune basically I I don't think there's very few can iCal food is in fiction real quick one other point it should not surprise you by now that syth is like crazy racist despite the fact that he did this very scientific poll to prove specifically to me like by name that his chat couldn't be racist because they aren't all white and I wanted to say I would shoot myself before I save a crime all right see this is what
I'm saying like in game sense it's Indian so this is not like some white guy being like again for the lurking leftist this is an Indian saying this okay so if you're thinking like oh only white people are racist or whatever no I have a very diverse chat in fact if there's any lurking lefties in here let's do a pull right here are you hold on it's been a while since I've done a racial poll are you white there you go so here you go so all lurk LEF is watch as my audience is more
diverse than any bread tuber get get shocked of be be about to be blown away at your own re because I know you're lurking especially a certain trun who's making a hit piece on me make sure to get this for the video this is so good this is so good you want to you want to see how he constantly contradicts himself buckle up you might think that's not how polls work you're going to give an audience an end goal you want them to meet and then they meet it shockingly enough well not only is there
basically no way to do an accurate pull like this in this setting but people who aren't white can be racist too as evidenced by something that happened in another stream where a Mexican fan of his started posting anti-semitic memes in the chat so he even has fans in other countries and acknowledges that they're also racist just some guy in chat who who's just about JQ [ __ ] out of nowhere how many people in this chat just come here to to [ __ ] get on the Soap Box we know class mystery class mystery I
should figure out how much a Mexican peso is worth and uh it it it's like 20 pesos to a dollar and as for being not racist uh synth did this poll to show he's not racist on the exact same stream he said this [ __ ] the whole point of the race [ __ ] is for the the divide the Divide of the white man I don't think they really needed the help though I don't think the white man has ever stood with each other we would also have to count the light Hispanics we're counting
Italians due to Spain no Hispanics are mixed with Native South Americans though or I guess Mexico is technically North America that that is a completely different ethnicity some of the dark Italians I'm sure are mixed with North African but that's not the entire race Hispanics are an entire race of muts quite literally an entire race of muts now that's not where this little polling Saga ends because in another stream when his chat was pestering him about being Ary and Chads or whatever the [ __ ] he talks about if he did a poll half of
them would lie Aran is not a meme AR is not a me you [ __ ] aren't even blond hair blue-eyed anyway if I did a poll he you would [ __ ] lie and a as a bunch of people have already told you I know the real arens weren't even German so not only does he acknowledge that his chat lies during polls but also that non-white people can be racist so good job I guess at proving nothing but your own inaptitude in this case make sure to get this for the video like the dude
can't not contradict himself from just that little interaction you might get the idea that synth isn't very smart I'm not saying that I'm not going to say that somebody else might say it I'm not going to remember I'm not actually asserting anything here just someone out there might but to that point I'd recommend looking at this part where he has his friend on the stream and brings up a thought experiment see the next part has it all him not being good at games him being wildly racist and him contradicting himself well how would you feel
if you hadn't eaten breakfast last morning I never eat breakfast right but how would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast or how would you feel if you had since you don't eat breakfast Kobe what are you trying get out right now just [ __ ] spit it out oh my God this is I I'm dping this so hard but it's partially because you're distracting me with look at my Drive jacket feel I genuin don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about how would I feel if I ate breakfast okay the whole point
is it's based on a psychological experiment uh who was it in chat I was talking about it last time was it bisy I don't know he was describing it it's based on a psychological experiment where basically can't conceptualize making a run well they can't conceptualize multiple things they can't really imagine an alternate past or fut or imagine the future and they also don't have sympathy or empathy and it's basically just an analysis of of criminals unsurprisingly this little thought experiment originated on a 4chan thread this is nothing but black people stupid memes which is how
it spread online and probably how Sy knows about it it's also I cannot stress this enough not how IQ works it won't surprise you know this origin on forchan as a racist way to say black prisoners basically don't have object permanence there's literally no proof this experiment ever happened outside of this one for champ post so at most it should be taken as probably fake however the synthetic man thinks it's Surefire proof of how to tell who's smart and who's not to ask them a hypothetical question if they're unable to grasp that hypothetical they're an
idiot and then his friend says this like basically dumb people can't conceptualize hypotheticals like that that's I just gave the I just gave the example of you never uh con conceiving the idea of mine and deon's hypotheticals no I I understand the hypotheticals and I do play along you you [ __ ] and moan all the time what are you talking about name an example I the first thing that popped in my head I don't know why but when we were moving [ __ ] to uh when you when you still lived at your old
house we were moving [ __ ] to your uh storage locker and uh Deon and I asked you hyp like de what would you or Kobe what would you do if right now a plane crashed like right beside you and you're like I don't know I just just it would crash I guess like I can't stand your lies I can't stand them your lies you lie like you breathe now this could be a friend just making up a story but I kind of doubt it the specifics are too off the cuff plus synth has attested
many times to having memory problems at any rate I believe the friend story way more than a just random 4chan post but the point here is that synth is ready to believe the 4ch post was an entirely real thing a real way to determine people as being mentally inferior literally Eugenics and then it applies to him too now again this could well be a fake story from his friend but judging by synth's reaction his insecurity which we already know about and the way he kind of just quickly dropped the subject and move the [ __
] on I kind of doubt it's fake you'll notice plenty more little hypocritical points for synthetic man throughout but I want to start here to really hopefully give you a sense of who he is now we will go more into the depth of his radicalization in his beliefs including the provably false places he gets his evidence for his beliefs from later and as I'll show these aspects of synthetic man more than any opinions on gaming and wokeness are what seem to draw his most fervent fans the ones that identify with his life the way he
chooses to live and who he chooses to blame for all the problems in the world this reflexive reactionary streak of lashing out at the slightest perceived infractions of wokeness existent or not is why people congregate in places like kiwi farms and forchan and on synthetic man's Channel but since Channel wasn't always such an open sess pit where his Chatters felt confident making Illusions to moist critical being sexually assaulted by Nords synthetic himself may have had some questionable and borderline extremist beliefs but the work he was doing started very differently in fact when he started his
channel 3 or 4 years ago he seemed like an entirely different person and a much happier one too in 2020 synthetic man set about creating a YouTube channel that in his words was mostly meant to review current games in Shina Spotlight on games he enjoyed and wanted to show to more people this is evidenced by the first few videos remaining on the channel a video of the Resident Evil 3 remake and a video talking about 10 games he wished were more acknowledged on this site made a top 10 list there would be countless games worth
your time left unmentioned really 10 doesn't even do a list like this justice so don't think of this as the definitive 10 games that you refuse to play these are just the 10 best games I've played that didn't get the praise attention or copies sold that they deserve going back to these videos there is a stark difference in his style presentation and attitude while there are minor hints toward some transgress attitudes like complaining about Jill being too much of a girl boss they are mostly run-ofthe-mill YouTube videos and also videos that for a new YouTube
channel only did okay in terms of views then he did a few unscripted videos rancing about The Last of Us Pokemon and a video titled gaming is dying you are killing It featuring the faces of other YouTube critics like Stephanie Sterling and these are where his modern Persona originates synthetic man has spoken many times about how he doesn't script his videos he talks off the cuff and as a result records what he calls rants about certain topics what started his content likely meant to Pat his output until he could put together more thoughtful videos he
enjoyed and started the channel for such as a retrospective series these intensely negative rants quickly became his most popular content just compare the views between retrospectives and rants released around the same times like the demon soul and Spyro retrospectives not cracking 20,000 views while the gaming is dying rant is over 400,000 after 4 years this would become a trend to the point that it's been over a year since his last video that was in review on a recent game commentary on an industry event or just ranting about something dying and he's always talking on stream
about eventually getting to various ideas for videos that just never materialize if you go back to the beginning and watch his videos you also see how frustrating this experience was for him well you guys asked for it you want another rant an I'll give you another [ __ ] rant you gamers are addicts and you would buy the [ __ ] anyway because you can't be [ __ ] bothered to go play some old games like that's all it is at the end of the day that's why I started this channel was I just wanted
to talk about old games that I thought people should play right that was it that's literally why my old video titles are why you should play you know even if nobody clicks on that and nobody cares because people don't want to hear game suggestions right the the gaming audience is pretty much just divided into two categories people who want to hear somebody complain which I guess is what I'm doing right now and then people just want to hear um you know someone jerking off and like getting hyped about whatever the new big thing is I
just in my spiral video which you guys didn't [ __ ] watch some of you you know my I know some of you watched it those of you who commented you know love you guys but everyone else you didn't didn't [ __ ] care because as as I've said before you don't want to hear game recommendations you just want to hear someone [ __ ] on something or somebody hype something up coming out new synthetic man began his channel to make gaming videos and seemed genuinely interested in playing and talking about the games he loved
from his childhood not from a point of view of elitism or decrying wokeness just because he genuinely loved games despite his lack of overall knowledge about games I do genuinely believe that he at least loves games or at least his nostalgic memories of the ones he loves I believe he has an abiding appreciation for games from his childhood like crash Spyro Darksiders and others yet he also quickly realized it wasn't enough to stand out in a crowded content landscape or at least that his audience reacted more positively to content where he was complaining or getting
angry this is not a Persona I'm putting on this is legitimately what I think unlike channels like Angry Joe I have never had to fake anger for a video I actually used to review some older games I'd never played before at people's requests or on patreon honestly I just couldn't stand to do that anymore after a certain point my passion for YouTube has dwindled despite my increasing success so now I pretty much only make videos I want to make for one reason or another but that said there certainly is a lot of credence to this
criticism there's certainly been many times that I've wanted to talk about a game but I feel like I couldn't because I know nobody would watch it now you might believe otherwise but I have the numbers to back it up it is certainly much less successful than my lazier videos like these TV show reviews I've been doing this year which kind of brings me to another side point I don't really consider this is a criticism this is just a suggestion but a lot of you seem to want me to cover any pop culture especially really shitty
woke TV shows or movies and I understand why I clearly have a anti-sjw audience whatever you want to call that right I'm not surprised by it all obviously in my first dozen videos on my channel I made those two Last of Us two [ __ ] posts and here's a point that I absolutely understand synth and what he's been through I started my channel around the same time with a similar goal occasional video essays and explorations of Forgotten games I didn't do retrospective so much as in-depth documentaries where I interviewed game developers with interesting stories
to and Polished video essays dissecting the themes of games but like syn I didn't get much traction because it is a very crowded space I wasn't able to make this a full-time job until I started making political content and intensely research deep Dives and on the now rare occasion I might make a gaming video The Views are absolutely poultry compared to even the stream highlight videos I throw out to pad views in between bigger projects like the views I get for one of my shooter ranking videos where I play through Xbox 360 are Shooters and
rank them all are literally not even worth the effort I put into them but I love doing them so I kind of just suck it up and put them out for the people who do want to watch those I understand the grind and I understand how demoralizing it can be to be excited for a video to put a lot of time effort and passion into it and then have it fail but on YouTube you don't always get to pick your audience so much as your audience finds you and you have to choose to follow them
or not which brings me to the syn cells the joking name his fans go by his fans come in a few flavors with some being casual gamergate types or 2030 somethings looking for a place to say slurs they could say in middle school and reminisce about a time when Edge Kino 360 games were all the rage I'm willing to bet a sizable portion of his base are people like this or even fans of adjacent channels like nerdrotic or the quartering a lot of people just seem to yearn for a less woke time perpetually stuck in
a high schooler state of mind and looking for a place where they can tell edgy jokes without worrying about offending the leftist woke tards or whatever these people tend to identify with synth on some level or at least agree with his more milk toast takes on things like the gaming industry but what about his more hardcore fans synth himself has admitted to browsing forchan threads and kiwi Farms boards before so it shouldn't surprise you that some of his fan base congregate in similar areas what's interesting here is that they gather out of a genuine fandom
it seems and synthetic man has made no attempts to make a fan Discord or website of his own despite plenty of people asking in the comments he has professed to be incredibly lazy a point we will talk about more but that leads to this odd balance where he has a loyal audience but doesn't want to do anything to maintain them in fact he kind of seems to hate them actually begrudgingly accepting their super chats out of obligation at this point instead the fans have created their own private discords both of which I managed to get
into and have additional Gatherings and places like kiwi Farms a site well known for Gathering private information to lead harassment and doxing campaigns the Discord is filled with with the same kind of detached cynicism and I'm too cool to care about anything open racism and bigotry you will see anywhere on 4chan hardly a conversation that goes by that doesn't throw in a random slur but it's a kind of hollow hate that just doesn't feel genuine their heart isn't in it his Discord might talk about Uncle T and Uncle a barely coded names for Adolf Hitler
and Ted kazinski but this is just another empty corner of the internet for seething sad teenagers in college dropouts to come together and vent their frustrations to blame anyone but themselves for their problems in life the Kiwi Farms thread however is particularly interesting because it gives a look into just how close synthetic is to the mentality of his fan base see they don't see synthetic man as some kind of ideological leader they see him as a loser just like them they don't regard him with much respect and many people barely seem to even like him
they simply follow and goat him because they find his meltdowns and conspiracy rants entertaining some might identify and like him a bit more than that but from what I saw it seems like his fan base doesn't find his personality entertaining so much as the meltdowns they can push him into I read over 100 pages of the Kiwi Farms thread and all I really found was that synthetic man's most passionate fans think he's an autistic loser who's bad at video games they make fun of him for the Fooda and Lolly stuff they speculate he takes part
in they openly say he's bad at any games that aren't for kids and that despite having a gaming channel he doesn't seem to actually have played many games I'm sure it's all meant to be in good fun in their Twisted way but they also note that he can't take jokes is prone to melting down and other flaws they poke at alongside calling him a Zoomer despite his open hatred of Zoomers for whatever arbitrary reason and they also constantly insult his gaming abilities and choices in games yet many stick around because they themselves appreciate how Doomer
and blackpilled he is they appreciate how real he is for calling out Jewish people and calling out wokeness and not being another shill in the game industry but way back when he was first getting started his Bas takes and veiled conspiracies and slightly edgy jokes were what got their attention to begin with they encouraged him in a very real way they made synthetic man the channel he would become they drove him through ever mouning stages of constant cynicism and negativity drawing his conspiracist and bigoted impulses out into the public for their own edification maybe not
his entire audience but to these folks synth is a lull account they don't care about his mental health they don't care about whatever problems he has dude I could I could I mean I probably made more money this than ever any other stream by far I could drink a little bit more but not much CU I'm already like [ __ ] blasted you know I'm sure there's other synonyms for drinking but I'm not into the culture so whatever [ __ ] okay I I am going to pee I I'll drink a little bit more just
because uh I think that's what you guys want to see at this point but I'll be back I do need to pee again he has been pushed into being more radical by the worst parts of his audience which in turn spreads unfounded conspiracies to members of his audience that might just be following or watching because they enjoy a sense of edgy humor so when there's a black person or woman on screen and synth freaks out it's never just him alone but his chat and viewers typing in thinly veiled calls for violence oh my god when
I think of World of Warcraft that's I think oh nothing nothing out of the ordinary here this is normal just keep seeing it over and over again it's normal I mean it it's clear that's what works on normies this should just start showing media of mutilating like maybe I should be careful about how I say this but I really do mean it if they start showing TV shows of like encouraging we'll just say medical procedures on children like pretty much anytime they type in t something D this dog whistle began in Neo-Nazi circles as tnd
D the N standing for a racial slur and no points for guessing which one making up the phrase total blank death as a Now memeified call to kill everyone as part of that group but you can basically swap out that slur for any others so you get TTD for Trans people TKD for Jewish people and more just as a quick explainer of what you're seeing now and so synth is encouraged by these ravenous [ __ ] in his chat who constantly try to push him to acknowledge events he doesn't want to or engage in rants
that he has to censor himself on you should talk about women of your past I I'm not talking about women talking about women is is a dangerous game that's that's a that's a dangerous game cuz I I've made comments I haven't said horrible things but I I've said some things I've revealed my power level a couple times uh that being said there are some based women it's pretty rare it's pretty [ __ ] rare but there are some and they very openly want him to continue being more radical and even violent with his content based
on what they say in the Kiwi Farm's threat in turn I imagine synth has played a part in taking some of those casual fans and exposing them to his wildly stupid conspiracies further spreading often outright Nazi talking points and often explicit calls for violence in the synthetic regime everyone would have mandatory test injections and uh well it would have a bunch of other things I'm not allowed to say but that'd be step one well that's not step one step one is exterminate all the people destroying Society but I can't say who those people are but
you know this a lot of people need to not exist anymore it's time to make it stop nobody says bigotry except subhumans liter people who should be executed every single one of them without exception they they need to face the wall it's time firing squad time now no you know what I'm going to do what all the claims about World War II this what I'm saying like people they keep saying the pendulum will swing back it's like the pendulum will swing back when Larry thinkink is decapitated on live television people in his comments and chat
will parrot the conspiracy spreads about the Jews and black rock I've done an entire video about anti-semitic conspiracy theories that has more research than synthetic man or any of his loyal adherents have ever done in their Liv so check that out and you'll be able to recognize why their conspiracies are [ __ ] right on their faces and don't worry we will talk about and debunk the scary conspiracy around Black Rock a little later because it's just so [ __ ] stupid synth is well aware of how much of a cynical Doomer he is he
practically wears it as a badge of honor he distinguishes himself according to himself as different from other anti-woke creators because he isn't a shill he'll always tell the truth also the dude has no self-esteem like whatsoever which is part of why I think he's gathered this group of misanthropes like flies on [ __ ] because you have all these incredibly vitriolic hateful people mad at the world and that nobody agrees with them or understands them and he probably felt like he found his group it just happens to be a group that he hates and that
also seems to hate him so four years after starting a channel failing with his initial premise and then chasing an audience that is really only repa him with endless criticism insults and prodding how has this already incredibly insecure lonely man ended it up I mean I don't want to put words in his mouth even as a 27y old man my mother still treats me like a child and then wonders why I'm a Manchild it's kind of it's kind of just uh it's obviously the alcohol is making me say on stream but I have been thinking
about this too much lately just because I'm 28 years old things aren't getting any better tell us about a day in the life of you a day in the life of me is not not exciting it's not exciting it's not that far off from being a neat it's not that complicated I haven't had a a real job in quite a while listen some things I'm not saying to follow my life advice at all I'm really not because I'm sort of blackpilled on certain things and the black pill is not a good way to approach life
it usually just leads to bad things because you need to have some kind of optimism to to achieve anything in your life for me I just feel like in normal circumstances I I would probably be married by now but unfortunately you know my life path just didn't happen that way now I'm thoroughly [ __ ] in the head so you know it doesn't help that the relationships between men and women are so thoroughly just tattered frayed you know it's in a really bad State because of online dating I don't want to talk about it that's
not even the type of thing this video is about right now but let's just to say I'm not nihilistic cuzz life does have purpose but I can't get that purpose which is why I'm sad There You Go by now I hope I'm giving a pretty comprehensive idea for the kind of cage synthetic man and people like him formed for themselves lashing out at everything over perceived slights until the only thing remaining are other hateful and lonely people like them spending their limited time on Earth tormenting and mocking each other with these toothless slurs and pointless
mind games for since content aspirations it also probably explains why he's stagnated so much he's latched onto this that found him and they got him to perform like a trained monkey using his skills in editing and video production to dance on command and now he has no recourse but to keep dancing because they are the only audience who will watch despite claiming he's been blacklisted the odds are that his channel growth is stagnated because he has gained a reputation for being overwhelmingly toxic racist and misogynistic like when these guys are calling you out that's not
good for business bad about reing enemies oh why is that a problem I don't know dude about you just stop sharing your shitty opinion there's an idea there is an idea consider your opinion rebutted thoroughly I like where this idea is going stop sharing your shitty opinion yeah the other half of that stagnation probably has something to do with the fact that his channel has very little Variety in either the games he streams or what he makes videos on as I mentioned he's basically given up any kind of retrospective videos or positive conversations of any
kind most of his modern game reviews are overwhelmingly negative and the rest of his content is just rancing or reactions to wokeness and game industry media events or random games he can double up on content by taking his streams and editing them into videos content that even his loyal audience is finding tiresome and phoned in and hey I don't begrudge anybody using their own content or reusing it as I've mentioned I've done the same thing with my audience to give them something to watch and help with views between bigger or scheduled projects but your output
can't only be that and you still expect to grow however I'd caution you to hesitate with sympathizing too much with synthetic while he certainly made his own miserable bed and has no choice now but to lie in it he has made the worst of his situation by using his platform to spread outright lies about Jewish people black people Co election fraud conspiracies about Elites controlling Society violent rhetoric and threats and plenty more so now that we know how synthetic man thinks and how we kind of got that way let's get into what he actually shares
about his beliefs [Music] I'm going to start off by addressing the big bad Black Rock conspiracy that he loves to share syn usually just makes assertions about Black Rock funding games specifically to a variety of ends all driven by according to him Elites trying to control Society this is just random [ __ ] ethnicities all together like [ __ ] the globalism is too godamn R the house right thanks to Bucks Alex Jones was right about the globals absolutely it depends on on how the homosexual romance is handled if it is like a major part
of the main story like mandatory cutscene yeah I mean I would say it almost certainly was made for propaganda purposes when you know the Black Rock exists and you know their credit their social credit score ESG exists and they fund companies that put woke [ __ ] in then obviously it's all going to seem unnatural they gave into the corporate funding and now the game's going to bomb I don't want to get too edgy in this video at the risk of getting banned but at what point do we as a collective have to realize that
voting with our wallet is not enough because these investment firms effectively have unlimited money especially if they're getting that money from Microsoft and yes Microsoft is one of the biggest contributors to Black Rock or if they're getting that money directly from the government which the Canadian government has funded many woke games at this point the Black Rock Elite stuff kind of blurs together with the anti-Semitism stuff which I will get to in a minute but his whole thought process is very obviously driven by either Alex Jones or people close to Jones like Paul Joseph Watson
both of whom syn has admitted to agreeing with and getting information from this is the most obvious [ __ ] like fed setup to kill Trump that you know that we've seen it's supp because we live in the age of the Internet it's so easy to find all the little details you know the Paul Joseph Watson videos cover a lot of them just so we understand what just happened I paid $17.76 for a 40 minute game that was only 40 minutes it's basically you're just donating The Alex Jones probably because uh you know if you
kept up with uh the Sandy Hook situation you'll know he needs the money cuz the the feds finally said no the he spoke too much truth so um synthetic man is constantly pushing the idea that there's a shadowy New World Order cabal putting chemicals in our foods to make us feminite and saying that if we weren't so cucked by GMOs and processed foods people would rise up and kill them that's what he's implying here and I don't know like a lot of us have been poisoned by chemicals quite literally for our entire lives and that
is irreparably damaged us and there still seems to be no end in sight to it because everything is about making things cheaper and cheaper and cheaper so we have seed oils and everything we cook things in plastic so we're consuming microplastics which have xenoestrogens in them well long story short because of birth this could sound like a [ __ ] conspiracy theory I don't feel like bringing [ __ ] up birth control [ __ ] with your hormones and it's made women attracted to twinks there you go there's my there's my conspiracy theory for you
that is not a conspiracy the elites know that you think they don't know this [ __ ] they know they can't afford to starve people because something then might actually happen that's the only way I honestly I'm I have become so blackpilled to the point where I think if guns were taken away it still wouldn't be enough of a push back like they honestly I might be wrong because they obviously haven't pushed heavy enough they're just the ATF is just their tool to slowly wear away gun rights over time but well the easiest way to
get rid of soy would be to stop consuming vegetable oil the problem is vegetable oil is in everything because vegetable oil is soybean oil which literally changes your brain chemistry like the point is she's going to choose whatever is the most attractive to her out of the 1,000 people that is all it is and so what ends up happening is that a small percentage of the population is having more sex than ever and then a significant amount are having none at all basically and what happens when that happens well historically there's been revolutions there's been
Wars cuz generally men are supposed to you know breed they're supposed to get with a woman and have children that's the whole point of continuing life on this planet uh and that's uh starting to not happen with a sign ific percentage of the population which is why there's so many uh so many people who are saying two more weeks style [ __ ] the only difference between now and all those other times in history is that there's so many chemicals flowing in our body that are lowering our testosterone and Society is so complicated and there's
so many different es there's escapism there's so much escapism that's the only reason something hasn't happened yet because there's a million copes and we're not half the men that our grandparents or great grandparents were quick note this isn't how it works while the chemical fillers used in processed foods are not good for you uh they're yet another byproduct of the ever churning machine of capital influenced government or lack of government oversight of commercial products maximum output for companies with minimal safety or care that's kind of capitalism's whole thing however the idea that people are being
poisoned to be less combative or whatever is ridiculous I recommend watching H bomber guys video on Paul Joseph Watson and the soy conspiracy for a full breakdown but there are levels to the stupidity of this conspiracy and the gist of it is that soybeans contain chemical compounds called phytoestrogens which dumbasses like synth believe are the same as estrogen but they aren't they just have a similar chemical makeup similarities in molecular compositions happen all the time for things with drastically different chobs and effects for example you couldn't switch CO2 and oxygen molecules and expect them to
do the same thing just because CO2 is primarily made of oxygen similarly phytoestrogens are different than than actual estrogen produced by the human body the exact same feminizing chemicals according to people like synth are found entirely naturally in fruits like berries apples and pomegranates veggies like celery potatoes and garlic and tons of other plants the prefix phyto literally refers to plants phytoestrogens can work in conjunction with estrogen and are able to bind to the estrogen receptors in the body but they do not have the same effects in fact they come in a variety of chemical
compounds of their own some of which help estrogen's effects others negate them but regardless there's no evidence that they cause harmful effects and after this conspiracy spread several years ago there was extensive research done completely disproving the idea that so had literally any feminizing facts the fact that synth simply regurgitates these old tired talking points shows he never actually does any Research into the conspiracies he spreads because if he did he wouldn't be able to spread them he just parrots what he hears from reactionary grifters like Alex Jones Paul J Watson and whoever he goes
and meets with on four champ boards which brings me to Black Rock like most conspiracies when actually do like just a hint of research it's actually super super boring if you're in the games industry you have probably heard Black Rock in conjunction with sweet baby Inc so let's talk about that for those not in the know sweet baby Inc is a marketing and consultation firm that consults primarily on diversity and representation in video games earlier this year a bunch of people on the internet latched on to Sweet Baby Inc as the Surefire reason for wokeness
being forced into their games wokeness here meaning like a person of color like that's it well Gamers reacted very normally and began a hate campaign they called gamergate 2 a few months back while it's mostly fizzled to nothing as ring leaders like Mark grum's Kern have had to jump from one controversy to another in a desperate attempt to stay relevant essentially merging with the already existing anti-woke nerd space consisting of channels like the quartering this is just the same grift with a few new losers synth definitely buys into a couple of these narratives mostly when
it comes to the go woke go broke mentality where people look at games that didn't sell well and lay the performance on the fact that they have like women or something the Hollywood elites with three parentheses just they're they're pissing on you cuz like yeah gaming is nothing to us [ __ ] you know you're [ __ ] worthless everything you like sucks really pushing the ugly black woman Pro tags on us so aggressively maybe they want black women to be eventually preferred uh by us but it's having the opposite effect there's just certain things
in this world that are not going to work out well and having black female protagonists in video games is one of those where it's like listen nobody cares if you have a character creator and you can make any race gender whatever though actually obviously people do care if you have like pronouns or can make some weird like Abomination thing that's unintentional you know some people do care about that but but having this is just a recipe for disaster and it puts a massive [ __ ] hole in all of the com communist Le is retardation
where they're trying to say this wokeness is about the money but it's bombed a million times like there's already been so many you know go woke go broke games at this point that they're just they're it's an NPC response there's a mountain of evidence to say this isn't about the money it's about the message right the reality here of course is that despite often blaming game journalists for the industry's Wes those game journalists didn't even like the games they got teered reviews from critics and fans which is a contributing factor of why they failed there's
also plenty of incredibly diverse games that have sold well and continue to sell well look at the diversity of games like Mortal Kombat fortnite valerant OverWatch league and plenty more it's not a surprise that more developers are following suit and putting more diverse characters in their games because there's so many games that prove you can go woke without going broke you just have to actually make a game that people want to play which games like flint lock and conquered didn't like G I wonder why another middling Indie Souls like didn't sell well couldn't have been
a crowded Market must be the wokeness and probably most importantly for game companies as businesses there is a [ __ ] ton of market research that supports the idea that going woke broadly is profitable or at the very least is something that most of the biggest and most profitable gaming franchises have in common but alongside sweet baby black rock kept getting brought up as one of these companies fueling wokeness being forced in everything people on the internet endlessly repeat the claim that sweet baby Inc is in fact entirely funded by black rock or Dei initiatives
there's literally no evidence I could find of this I'd love to be proven wrong but as far as I can tell sweet baby Inc isn't even a publicly traded company so there's not even stocks for the investment firm to actually invest in so for the last few years black frock has been in conspiracy crosshairs of conservatives like Matt Walsh and others for pushing Dei or diversity equity and inclusion measures and also ESG which is the scary sounding environment social and governance policies while this of course conjures to mind evil Puppet Masters controlling the environment and
Society in government it's in reality just a blanket term to describe Broadways companies can try to polish their image to keep making money when it comes to why conservatives might hate ESG and Dei it's because a lot of it involves these companies appearing to support Progressive causes and capitalism uh or kind of rainbow capitalism if you will see they don't like that queer people and people of color are broadly appealing in the marketplace of ideas so when companies try to capitalize on that they say it's woke brainwashing I've discussed it before but while Matt Walsh
and his Oak want to make it seem like these efforts are going to mean companies like Airlines will hire black women who have no qualifications over qualified white men the reality is that these measures are meant to help increase awareness of jobs and opportunities and communities that have historically been marginalized usually so that companies can use that Workforce to keep making money so in an example let's look at this video from Channel fave Matt Walsh simply allowing markets to work without crude demographic manipulation the bid administration's allies and state and local governments are doubling down
they've decided that they know exactly what the demographic makeup of each industry should be and it just so happens that white men aren't wanted in any industry so I'll start with Maine where this week Democrats have determined that the field of construction where blacks and Hispanics make up nearly 40% of the workforce simply isn't diverse enough somehow specifically the governor Janet Mills has determined that more women need to be construction workers and therefore Mills has signed an executive order that among other things will use state and federal funding to prioritize construction projects that involve women
Governor Mills signing an executive order at Maine de in Augusta alongside female leaders in Maine's construction industry the executive order will Kickstart data collection in collaboration with Partners in the construction industry and Implement Grant programs to incentivize the hiring of women while providing Supportive Services that recruit and retain women in the construction industry we need construction workers especially women now why why especially women and this is odd coming from Janet Mills who spent her college Years traveling through Europe and learning French before going into law school and spending the rest of her life in government
what do Janet Mills know about construction exactly how is she qualified to say anything about what the construction industry needs or who's most qualified to fill those needs now as always this Dei initiative is a solution in search of a problem there is absolutely no reason to believe and not a single shred of evidence to suggest that the construction industry was in any way suffering due to a lack of female representation put aside for a moment that Matt also doesn't know anything about those things what he purposefully fails to bring up is that the executive
order wasn't signed to push out white men it was signed because of a historic shortage in Main's construction Workforce combined with the fact that they just got a bunch of federal renewal funds for infrastructure M needs workers so they're attempting to tap into a largely acknowledged potential Workforce of course facts don't get in these folks way so Dei and ESG has become the narrative the the boogeyman to blame for why everything is woke now it's not because companies are looking to diversify their Workforce or diversify the markets that they're selling their products in no it's
a globalist plot to demoralize white men or something which brings me to Black Rock the largest investment management firm on the planet I want to be clear when I say black rock is a terrifyingly evil company and along with its entwinement to the big investment firms Vanguard and State Street forms an undeniably terrible precedent for our economy between these three trillions of dollars is handled daily but what do they actually do and why do so many people on the internet think they control the world well so black rocket is an investment firm which means rich
people pay them to make rich people more money on the stock market they use a series of algorithms to detect market trends and buy stocks on behalf of investors in turn making Black Rock a shareholder of massive companies they invest in but these instest Ms make up a large amount of these Mega Corps and between Black Rock Vanguard and State Street these three control over 20% of the stock market again this is a problem with a monopolized market where control of massive sections of companies and money are just basically overseen by companies and money because
Black Rock invests on behalf of its investors it has a lot of shares in companies like apple Nvidia Microsoft and Amazon but not because as a lot of Dum Dums online like to depict they own these companies they own stocks in the companies and they technically don't even own them they hold them for investors portfolios that's why they're called Holdings now because Black Rock does have such large interests in these companies they are occasionally able to sway a publicly traded company towards diversity interests Dei ESG through things like shareholder voting which is a common occurrence
for publicly traded operations if you own a ton of a company you get to help vote on the direction it gets taken to which I hear some of you saying aha so you admit they're masterful manipulators trying to engineer social change through funding Dei to to ruin video games no first off conspiracies about Black Rock owning everything are easily disproven because as a publicly traded company all of black Rock's assets are by legal requirement available to see by its stockholders and the public you can just look them up right now they publish regular reports on
them too as for ESG this comes back to the idea of corporate wokeness which I've talked about in this essay corporations don't have feelings or opinions they have shareholders and if shareholders and public opinion are moving towards something something like climate action or social change like plenty of companies noted following black lives matter for example then corporations will act like they give a [ __ ] to keep making more money this is what black rock is doing they aren't driving this social change they are following it Black Rock began offering investments in DG around 2017
and 18 after bringing on a sustainable investing supervisor who worked in the Obama Administration the operating thought here was that they might be able to entice more or new investors by sugar coating investment to appear to be doing social good kind of like when you buy a soda that says less sugar and part of you goes that means it's better for me when actually you know that's just [ __ ] you want the soda they just convinced you to buy it without feeling quite as bad it's the same reason why black rock started doing ESG
at the time less than 10% of investment funds offered ESG options so essentially they were helping their investors diversify their portfolios by simply diversifying their offerings a very standard investment practice now I want to be as clear as I can when I say black rock is a vile evil company but not because it's run by master manipulators or Jewish people but because it's the manifestation of everything wrong with capitalism it shouldn't surprise you that as a massive firm Black Rock State Street and others have access to huge oil stocks for example they also have a
[ __ ] ton of shares in weapons Manufacturing in a pretty direct way they are profiting off the genocide of gazin by Israel right now but Larry Fink isn't rubbing his hands together mischievously as he thinks about all the games with black women protagonists who will be making white men in their 30s mad he's Counting stacks of fat cash and telling his investors how awesome they are and how Black Rock isn't actually an evil company black rock is a case of the wealthy and Elite continuing to make boatloads of cash which has always been the
case with Wall Street as much as conspiracists wanted to pick them as behind fiser or the covid vaccine or saying they made money on lockdowns because they own a company that makes Paper masks or something yeah sure that [ __ ] is probably evil for massive companies to make money on if there's something people need but I guarantee at some level they also made money on bumper stickers protesting the vaccine and sure and cardboard signs antivaxers packed to marches because they own a little bit of everything it's their job to own a little bit of
everything on behalf of their shareholders and because they make so many people money the government is kind of just fine with it does that mean it's right no should a company this big be broken up for the good of the economy probably but none of that means black rock is a conniving front for a satanic cabal and I guarantee they have very little interest in ESG or Dei outside of seeing potential profit in trying to appeal to New Markets or investors something that as more conservatives continue to get mad at Dei and wokeness black rock
appears to be backing down from because again companies don't have values they have shareholders they're going to follow their noes to wherever the money is leading so remember when I said all of this was super boring I've spoken about the habit of conspiracy to take things that are complicated and simplify them and make them more exciting at the same time because the banality of our corporate overlords and how evil they are feels dissonant to most people here's a [ __ ] company called Black Rock that makes trillions of dollars that capitalizes on environmental destruction and
War while also putting up a face as a progressive organization that's some diabolical [ __ ] right in our American conspiracy Laden pop culture poisoned brains we might just instinctively feel that there needs to be a more exciting story we need a satanic cabal that's the only way this makes sense how else could we let a company do so much evil and profit while so many people are suffering it's why conspiracies are so tempting because they spice up the otherwise unremarkable the truth is that this is unfettered capitalism working as intended every politician who's talked
about the free market of trade and defended billionaires help this happen and they continue to help it happen and probably because either they or the lobbyists who support them and pay them had a little skin in the game where actually looking into the facts of Black Rock who they are and what they do results in boring ass graphs and investment jargon a conspiracy about Black Rock being a front for Jewish control of video games and Society is more exciting because it comes with lore lore that synth loves to share on stream so let's try to
concoct a a cohesive vision of his worldview where Jews control the [Music] world now according to synthetic man Jews control all the markets and Hollywood and basically the world so all of their efforts in both Dei and food processing are to basically enslave people to exert control over an unsuspecting populace Dei in particular he believes is a way to create a mongr slave Race by race mixing I I'll just let him rant here for a second there many layers as to why this is happening and it's not just about [ __ ] Equity okay let's
say hypothetically you were trying to create a race of Mongrel Slave people with double digit IQs while you you believe you're the best ever you're God's chosen people right you need to encourage the creation of the mongel slave race so what do you do okay well one you show as many interracial couples as possible in media every single commercial every single TV show that's one thing another thing these people who you know for whatever reason are considered at least on average to be the most attractive people while they also coincidentally are too intelligent and too
um they have too much Ingenuity creativity all those things that could be a threat to you well if we simply stop giving them jobs they can't feed themselves they're poor women unless they're extremely high above average in terms of looks women are not going to date the poor white guy over the diversity higher dude who's making more money right unless he's hideously ugly the point is to bring things to a balance because obviously the 10 out of 10 Chad who's broke will sleep on the bitch's couch and he'll never have to get a job but
that's an exception that's one in a thousand right they need to bring the white people down and bring the other people up of course also women are being brought up in society in general so they'll expect more and so women the white women will breed less because they're expectations for men are so high that white men can't possibly meet them and despite what all of the two Camp propaganda would have you believe most people date within their race the vast majority okay and so if if white people never breed because the women's standards are impossibly
high and the men can't get a job and they can't do any of these things is any wonder how we're getting replaced you know in fact it seems the only reason he thinks Americans haven't risen up to kill their Jewish oppressors is because as I mentioned he thinks we've been so cucked by processed foods soy and high fructose corn syrup otherwise yeah totally dude that's the normal thing to think however this is also ironic once again because synth just regularly eats like garbage like of his own volition aha but it's not just that Jews control
food according to him but that they also specifically want to take video games away from the white man apparently yes the the evil overlords who are manipulating multicontinuum at 30 this is just one way they demoralize and humiliate his way to describe anything he seems to think is woke so for example a muscular or even competent woman having agency in a piece of media is meant to be demoralizing to men according to him which like if that's your reaction that's kind of on you like it's not someone else's fault if you have such a weak
sense of self and who you are that seeing someone else's competency is a demoralizing conspiracy he loves to parot his forchan fascist talking points about Dei and wokeness is trying to ER the standards of beauty and make ugly art and he can't really seem to decide if that's the fault of creators who are ugly and need to insert themselves or the global Elite overlords he thinks control everything I guess it's probably more of a middle management job somewhere in between there like this is disgusting this disgusts me I think good game design will be a
lost craft after the death or the retreat of the golden generation uh this could easily turn around I if if ES G disappeared and um all the evil [ __ ] working who are behind all the [ __ ] going on you know fired all of the political idealogue developers and then hired talented creative people again we could turn this industry around in like probably 3 to four years I mean that's never going to happen but I mean it it's absolutely possible I don't think it's a lost art everything that's happening is intentional he also
doesn't seem to get what subliminal messaging is because everything he thinks is subliminal not only isn't but if it represented what he thought which it doesn't it would be explicit messaging which is how he can recognize it let me give you an example where he goes on a tangent in a video about link being made gay in breath of the wild is borderline satanic imagery I have no idea if this is intentional or not but Japan used to be Infamous for putting weird Christian symbolism in anime and occasionally video games so this could be an
extension of that or again if you want to take the skitso angle this is a result of a certain cult organization full of quote unquote Elites that are suddenly inserting their propaganda into video games not to mention the quote unquote subtle homosexual imagery from breath of the wild has been expanded even further in this one and I already know people are going to say I'm reading into it and no kids going to see this [ __ ] but that's exactly how you sensitize people and how you groom them right you expose them to things The
Vow that each of the new sages takes to link looks like they're proposing to him and sidon the giant shark guy people already made a bunch of gay lwd images between him and Link when breath of the wild came out well now him quite literally putting a ring on his finger and man they just their relationship is too [ __ ] weird dude alternately this take about red in Elden ring so some of you might remember Mika AKA melania's brother the Fanboy who everyone loves for being the only good child in America's Family well of
course this being a from software game he's actually evil what is a problem is that he's not just a fanboy he wants to have gay incestuous sex with his older brother Ron and because you killed him in the main game and you also killed Moog he uses moog's body and infuses it with Ron's soul and now they're gay lovers for eternity now if you're thinking wow he sure seems to think about Fanboys and gay stuff a lot you notice that too huh for example this thumbnail featuring a fanboy porn cut out of a character which
he would only get by having gone to a porn website to look up porn of this character as I mentioned a while back he has suffered from what he called pornography Addiction in the past something he largely blames through his lack of interest in women so yeah I haven't taken him since near the start of my channel I think so I guess three years yeah almost three years I honestly I I I was fine on them actually I think they were they were perfect for me it's just the the like I said the erectile dysfunction
is horrible granted you know being a porn addict will do that to you anyway but it was worse on uh on the drugs I'll tell you that and the thing is being an incel is obviously like the worst thing you can be in society which is a very smart scop because it means they can never organize Zoomers are depressed primarily because of how they grow up on the internet if it wasn't for pronography their generation wouldn't have been so hypergamous Ergo miserable yeah I mean porn is definitely a huge part of current issues I have
to wonder if if I hadn't gone so deep into that rabbit hole when I was a teenager if I would have like nutted up and asked more girls out granted you know when I did ask the girl out who I thought was interested in me she rejected me and I think it's cuz she thought I was Autistic or some [ __ ] and that's why she was being friendly with me so uh that was brutal but as we've seen he is consistently still porn branded one of the clearest examples is in a Crash Bandicoot 4
review where he talks about rule 34 art of this children's cartoon game character saving the character design his words not mine uh something again he'd literally only know and think about if he had gone to the porn spite specifically to look for said art rule 34 has salvaged her design a bit though kids avert your eyes I don't know what this is but it's kind of hot and wouldn't you know it all these choices he makes he also blames on porn who he blames the massive World owning cabal for do you think the small heads
are the reason for what you are now uh indirectly I mean they cause most of the current issues in society you know I don't have to point it out to you guys how much more popular certain genres of porn got you know a handful of years ago now some of that was absolutely pushed by their algorithms you know like BBC [ __ ] any of the interracial [ __ ] was obviously uh you know push forward propaganda but anyway much like the way he interchangeably uses Kami leftist and liberal his conspiracies about black rock or
Jewish control are interchangeable he probably can't tell many specifics of what he believes because he doesn't actually look into specifics he doesn't do research and in general just doesn't seem to be a real seeker of knowledge just as an aside I think this clip is a great example where chat asks him if he reads just in general just reads books and this is his response do you read not really I'll be honest no I have a very low attention span I've thought about I've thought about it I've thought about it I've thought about reading I
thought about reading like it's rock climbing or visiting the Eiffel Tower and not something you can just do for free we have literal places where people can go and read for free they're called libraries they're called libraries yet it's such a wonderful summation of the brain of people like synth completely incurious and as a result he kind of just swallows whatever garbage he consumes to vaguely regurgitate later so many of his views can be traced back to the incredibly stupid and wrong idea that black rock or Jews are manipulating everything he thinks that because he's
never even done a hint of research before making him incredibly gullible yet confident in repeating his half-remembered conspiracy theories but he didn't come up with them oh no no let's talk about who did you might not be surprised to know where he continually gets ideas like this not just the covid vaccine conspiracies but election conspiracies ideas about Jewish control evil cabals the world economic Forum Black Rock and more well it's partly just left over bio from forchan and other sources synthetic fan is a fan of channels and sources like Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones
in fact he gets news from them and bases his opinions on them now for those who don't know Paul Joseph Watson has a long history of being a total [ __ ] grifter Watson also has a famously anti-semitic streak where he went on a tiate about killing Jews so he and synth have that in common he was a longtime collaborator for infow Wars under Alex Jones more on him in a minute but also had a bad habit of immediately hearing a story that suited his needs and Reporting it as a verified fact only for it
to be later revealed that the story was a hoax or inaccurate for example the time where he believed a satirical article about Common Core teaching sixth graders to use strap on dildos and reported it as a fact or like when he said depression isn't a real medical condition he also claimed an entire host of mass shootings were false flag government operations or staged falling directly in line with Alex Jones and his infoboard job at the time there was never anything to actually confirm his suspicions Paul Joseph Watson was just saying [ __ ] to generate
controversy and try to be the first on a conspiracy train so essentially synthetic man is repeating the opinions of someone without without checking if they're real when the person he's taking from has a history of doing the exact same thing I guess they have more in common than just anti-Semitism Watson was also a big purveyor of the soy feminizing conspiracy so take from that what you will this is how conspiracy spreads through dumb asses looking for anything to confirm their preconceived biases who will become just an infection Vector for their own lazy stupidity I don't
know how often synth follows Infowars or watches their content but from what he said he was exposed to it from a young age through his dad and what can I say about Alex Jones that hasn't already been said the Texas tomato himself Jones is constantly bloviating about a new world order and for over 30 years has consistently lied about almost everything he said I've said it before but the podcast knowledge fight does a phenomenal job of charting Alex's lies and they are far too numerous to count like seriously go listen to like two episodes of
knowledge fight and they have to spend hours breaking down why he's lying and how he's lying so suffice to say Alex Jones is not a trustworthy source for any news but he's one that synth apparently thinks is right about at least a couple things you can judge simply by the fact that Alex rarely gives any sources for his ludicrous claims and when pressed on his sources he simply either Gish gallops by overwhelming the conversation with a series of random tangents or turns to insults in the spirit of a proper debate and you've had a lot
to say so far on the show a lot of it aimed at me which is fine but I want you to try and answer the question it's a proper debate okay I'm not trying to trip you up no it's not a debate you're running the show you bring in your victims up front look you got your little note cards I just gave you FBI statistics that violent crime and gun crime is down over 20% let me just ask you and you want to go to little fact toys no they're not little anybody can pull those
up listen do you know what do you have a bodyguard why do you have bodyguards I don't have a bodyguard yeah I've seen you on the news with them don't you want to protect your wife from hoodlums or you want to call the police let me ask you this question why does Dian Feinstein till 60 minutes said the whole thing is a giant hoax how do you deal with a total hoax it took me about a year with Sandy Hook to come to grips with the fact that the whole thing was fake at at that
point and I do think there's some cover and some manipulation that is pretty much what I believe but then I was also going in Devil's Advocate but then we know there's mass shootings and these things happen so again well you're trying to have it always right no I'm not if you wrongly went out there and said it was a hoax that's wrong but what I already answered your question was listeners and and other people are covering this I didn't create that story but Alex the parents one after the other devastated the dead bodies that the
coroner autopsy and they blocked all that they won't release any of it when you say parents faked their children's death people get very angry yeah well let's oh I know but they don't get angry about the half million dead Iraqis from the sanctions or they don't get angry about no no it's not a Dodge the media never covers all the evil Wars It's promoted all the that doesn't excuse what you did and said about New Town you know I here here's the difference here's the difference I looked at all the angles of new town and
I made my statements long before the media even picked up on it in our interview we asked Jones numerous times what he now believes and he never completely disavowed his previous statements now like I said I can't say how often or if at all since still watch is Alex Jones but knowing that synth still goes to Paul Joseph Watson and has been exposed to Jones's content since childhood does give a pretty good idea of why he thinks the way he does you can see shades of both of their argumentative Styles in his rants but mostly
the conspiratorial content with no research no proof no substance but maximum confirmation bias see synth will just say something as evidence for a claim he will make and then he just uses what he's saying as confirmation it's true it's so self-evident just look at the thing I'm saying is self evident but if you were to look into any of these things even just a little bit you'll find it's just [ __ ] he's throwing at a wall attempting to form some semblance of a cohesive worldview from his ignorance again there's never been any evidence that
sweet baby Inc was funded in any way by Black Rock they aren't even publicly traded and don't need Investments to make money they work on a project by project basis so next time someone tells you about sweet baby ESG whatever you'll know they probably have a hard time drinking a glass of water without drowning like by now I've explained soy BL Black Rock Sweet Baby Paul Joseph Watson and plenty more so you get the idea that despite syn apparently believing these conspiracies he didn't actually do any of the research even when he tells other people
to go do their own research chalk one more up for hypocrisy on his part but more importantly it's another example of how synthetic man lashes out at everything he can with anything he can which is a perfect time to talk about the other beliefs synth has the ones that were influenced by real life experiences according to him like most racist and conspiracy theorist he doesn't have many actual beliefs he bases a lot of his current beliefs on things he experienced in high school for example he loves to site how he went to a predominantly black
school so had an inside look into the black people of America do you guys remember me telling you that I went to a majority black middle school cuz I did say that I I I'm not sure if you guys are meming or if you remember that or not cuz I did I did it's it's very true um it's not as bad as you would think because oh uh there's almost no way to say this really but the the classes were you know I was in an academically gifted class so it was essentially it's like almost
segregation in a sense there were some there were definitely there was some black guys who were in black kids in uh in the classes but more interestingly is since opinions on women synth actually hates women like he is a deeply misogynistic creature and from what I can tell a lot of that resentment began in high school high school relationships didn't go like that whole situation didn't go well you know I dated a plag chick in high school I told you guys this in junior year didn't go well uh I was ashamed of myself partially cuz
she wasn't very attractive and I don't know she was kind of weird she'd also dated like multiple other guys who she still talked to and honestly her shorter fatter friend was nicer I don't know I probably should have dated her but anyway but to Circle back around the point is I want to date someone who wouldn't have these vast precon isn't constantly comparing me to other people basically and also at the same time is not like just dating me for the status thing you know it's like but to be fair at the same time that
would have always been a factor like a woman's not going to be like unless you're Chad which I will never be Chad this is delusional unless genetically I'm Chad she's not going to be like oh this homeless guy I'm going to date this homeless guy cuz I really like his personality it's just we've many of us including myself were brainwashed by like children's cartoons and things to see women is something that they're not obviously the problem is is like all my experiences contradict that but brainwashing is so [ __ ] strong that it's created like
kind of like this mishmash of the two concepts together where on the one hand I've SE the horrors over and over again on the other hand there's you hold out this hope for this thing that doesn't even exist so synth got rejected in high school One Time by his by his accounting and as a 30-year-old man still thinks it's a good justification for hating on all women and dating it won't surprise you to know he doesn't have any experience with modern dating but still parrots manosphere misogynistic [ __ ] about women on the apps how
much has changed in just 10 years because they have equal rights to us so if the government says okay trans women are women you know women are oppressed and are just as good as men despite all the biological differences that would make them you know weaker etc etc you can name all the things blah blah blah you know name others racism is bad in fact you know certain people who are statistically commit most of the crimes no they actually didn't do any of those crimes cops are bastards uh you know in fact and it this
never I'm about to go down super deep Rabbit Hole here but the point is white women specifically have [ __ ] [ __ ] up everything because they are the high the highest status by birth because they're the most desired women because at least on average white women typically are the most attractive ones now of course if you take a bunch of drugs and you sleep with 100 men by the time you're 25 yeah you're going to look like 40 years old you're going to hit the wall at at [ __ ] mock speed but
uh you know for them at least as a general rule they tend to be the more attractive ones so that's all I'm saying I just feel like I've been too colored you know like we're all susceptible to propaganda let's be real and I've just maybe the most effective propaganda on my mind has been showing degenerate white Fe male Behavior I'll say that that has unfortunately been the most effective propaganda yeah truly it's a it's a mystery why no woman would want to date you when you refer to them as empty egg cartons it's it's definitely
the media's fault not you for giving up on relationships in high school nobody should be surprised by this point to hear him repeating others talking points about something he has literally no experience in or hearing him so confidently make assertions based on anecdotal or even non-existent evidence as an example of [ __ ] where he's just repeating what he's heard with no evidence uh this point he makes about how why would anybody go and approach a woman in public when there have been tons of cases of men just getting arrested for just approaching women which
no there hasn't been what the [ __ ] are you talking about yeah well this is the most obvious one ever because we've been [ __ ] conditioned that is that is tanto out to being a creep approaching a woman like cold approaching doesn't [ __ ] exist anymore why online dating duh a woman can [ __ ] filter through any man at a fingertip why would she want to be approached by randos she can access literally anybody this is [ __ ] logic straight up like just common sense how is this even confusing to
people cuz it's confusing because they have to deny the truth the obvious truth in front of their [ __ ] eyes that's how you are a bugman you're a bugman when you ignore reality okay no [ __ ] you know a man could [ __ ] get arrested for approaching a woman and then re we say doesn't happen and you can produce like 10 [ __ ] I know there's artists who have saved every [ __ ] example there's always somebody who's like what about this one what about this one what about this one it's
never enough for these deluded idiots see since opinions and beliefs are largely just whatever he's picked up from other people he doesn't have many of his own outside of the few experiences he hangs on to to Define himself which he uses for justification now one thing I do genuinely believe about synthetic man is that he desires violence towards women when I say he hates women I don't just mean that he wants to subjugate them or have sex with them I believe he truly hates and loads women it's probably why even after being easily goated into
long-winded rants about Jewish cabals and societal control cribed right from Infowars he is much more bullish about talking about women in any way on his streams despite his audience trying to get him to do it again I think you guys this is something I've thought about before off the streams and I forget to say it I feel like too many of you are either attached to living vicariously through me or just because you have a parasocial relationship with me you want to see me Happy Well it's not going to happen okay it's just not going
to happen it's it's not going to happen I am way too jaded beyond belief with certain things in this world there's a reason why I don't talk about women on these streams cuz that's one of the things that could legitimately get me banned if I ever went full force he also has a habit of making jokes about how he'd like to sexually assault them I wanted to turn invisible so bad when I I was a kid still do sometimes to be honest you can get away with anything if you're invisible and no one can stop
you is that a rape joke if you like why is that the first thing I think of well he said get away with anything right which is not the first time he's laughed about the idea of rape or even wanted it in a video game I'm definitely sick the the seriousness cuz like at the end of the day it's seriousness with no bite to it that's why I find it funny that uh game reviewers think this shit's like super mature and serious when it doesn't even show like I know I'm going to come across like
an edge Lord but you saw the [ __ ] thumbnail but there's not even like real rape in these games I mean they have like implied rape but if you want to go all the way that's where I would go if I wanted to make could purposely edgs but more telling is this moment from a late drunk stream where he seems to imply that he wouldn't want to go on a date even if a woman agreed to it because I will let this one speak for itself and dating is online dating is not the solution
that there's a part of me that I'm almost afraid of myself what would happen depending on the type of woman I would meet and I'm not going to explain that because that's a trap definitely but I feel like I'd be more likely to meet the type of woman I despise on through online dating that's for sure so there are only two explanations here right that he doesn't want to go on a date because he thinks he will either physically assault a woman or sexually assault her or both that's that's what he's admitting to here and
I choose to end our summary of synth with this because it is deeply unflattering for whatever sympathy or small amount of Goodwill he might Garner with sad stories about high school rejection these clips show that it's not other people's fault he can't and shouldn't date it's his own which forms one final Trend not just for synthetic man but for plenty of his fans people who base their world viws entirely on hate choose to because they want to blame others for their own faults nobody forced synthetic man to believe or say any of the hateful things
he does he simply attached to them because he doesn't want to take any personal responsibility for example it's not his fault for hating women if he can regurgitate some Andrew tape [ __ ] and blame a high school Crush look at how bad women are today why would you hate me for hating women it's not his fault for not getting a job when the Jews control everything and put soy in the food to emasculate him it's not his fault he's bad at video games when they're being made for Zoomers by sjws so now we get
to the real heart of the issue not the how he thinks or what he believes because honestly they don't matter his entire online personal it is a spiteful amalgamation of his influences and he has continued to lose himself in this content pit as his audience draws him progressively deeper into it so then let's get to the why why does synthetic man Hate Everything I don't want to get too psychoanalytical with why he is the way he is but thankfully because of several late night drunken streams I don't have to speculate synthetic man basically lays out
for the world to see why he is a hateful self-loathing mess who spends his life playing dancing monkey to a horde of Internet Nazis it's because he's a deeply deeply insecure person and almost every talking point against women people of color the Jews Communists or whoever else he goes on tangents about he all says because he needs someone else to blame for the problems that he is responsible for in his life case in point how he sees his parents as responsible for his own Failure to Launch yeah well I'll be honest with you I wanted
validation for a long time time but not from therapy from my parents I never did get that eventually learn to give up on those things think that the elite social planning enabled the conditions for your family to end up the way it did possibly it's hard to know I don't know what my parents saw when they were young that they didn't understand that you need to teach kids stuff the funny thing is my parents have always acknowledged that me and my brother were smart but simultaneously they never taught us anything useful I I guess they
just assumed that um that school would do it but at the same time I think there were times where at least my Dad tried to teach me some [ __ ] but because of like video game addiction or whatever I just didn't want to listen and he just gave up after a certain point but uh I feel like there was better ways you you're not supposed to give up on trying to teach your kid practical things synth has repeatedly admitted to be too lazy to get a job we've talked about it but at almost 30
he still lives with his mom now I have nothing against people who had to move back in with their parents I've been fortunate enough to have decent rent and worked hard not to but the economy is rough and rent keeps going up while wages have stagnated for years and years it's almost like a running theme in our society is how concentrated capitalism is ruining everything ah but saying that to people like synthetic man makes you a a crazy commi wild just unrealistic person no to them it's more reasonable to make up elaborate conspiracies to justify
why their lives are that way instead of examining the machine chewing them up because usually that examination might also require some introspection about the role they play in the world and how the effort they put in can reflect their material outcomes which believe me synth does not want to to I said I don't have a problem with people living with their parents and I don't but when someone who has never had a real job wants to tell others how to live their lives that is funny to me here is a grown man who admits to
caring about almost nothing but video games who isn't particularly good or well versed in them and who spends his whole life now being angry at the world passing him by and every step of the way he blames others for the things that make him angry and then he also has the tarity to say to his audience that if you've never accomplished anything in life you don't get to make declarative statements okay then where do you get off dude uh another little case in point he's a legal adult making a livable wage from YouTube for at
least 2 years by all accounts he should at least feel successful enough to pursue something he's passionate about even just a video series or a project to move out to try and treat YouTube like a proper job like looking at his numbers and especially the Super Chat donations he gets I don't know why he would ever [ __ ] about eating junk food when he can afford good organic food he just chooses not to my mom just got here so I might see if Dan is an option or if I'll have to make my own
tendies I ate a [ __ ] ton I can't really eat anything like tendies though cuz yesterday I ate two popey's chicken sandwiches and I that's why I didn't sleep actually I forgot to talk about that part so not only did I have to get up at 9:00 a.m. which I know I just truly truly my life is paying 9:00 a.m. crazy but also uh the popey's chicken kept me awake instead he would rather mope and and mold and blame his parents who are still bringing him his chicken tendies for messing him up he talks
about how his dad wasn't around much and his mom's problems and how he was basically raised by the internet you've got a whole generation of young men who were raised by single moms taught by women rejected by girls their age basically every woman they've known has treated them like [ __ ] their entire lives so their ultimate fantasy is to find a woman who nurtures and loves them unconditionally there you go I just I wanted to share sh that with you something I was thinking about so anyway uh so that was just a response to
the comment about the young girls having daddy issues it's like yeah everyone's a shitty parent now so everyone's [ __ ] up it's like maybe you shouldn't let the internet raise your kids just a crazy thought as someone who has let as someone whose mind has been [ __ ] possibly without possible uh without any hope of uh being normal uh maybe you should you know talk to your kids about healthy sexuality and tell them the dangers of pornography or something you know just a thought because my dad slept during the day so you know
my dad wasn't around that much because of that super chats yeah hold on well my mom basically waited to date and actually we might have been or I might have been 18 when she dated the first dude uh at least the first dude I met cuz I think she dated dudes she never brought home and no none of them were good they were all [ __ ] the one that us was with the longest was this Rich [ __ ] with a massive ego who abandoned his kids and I shouldn't be sharing that with you
guys but uh let me just say he was a [ __ ] [ __ ] but my mom was absolutely smitten with him because my mom uh loves the idea being rich more than almost anything if anything through my mother I've learned that women shouldn't have access to these high-profile jobs and all this money and [ __ ] but then he will go on to talk about how they also recognized and encouraged how smart he was and encouraged reading and how when he was depressed as a team they tried to get him therapy and they
tried to get him to do other things than play video games and tried to get him involved in extracurricular activities and he just didn't want to like I've already told you guys this this is I mean unless you're new to the streams or just aren't usually around here for the late night Parts I literally started therapy when I was 14 years old against my will I mean I didn't do voluntarily but the point is from 14 to 24 I was in and out of therapy I saw probably eight or nine different therapists you know if
I wasn't so like stubborn see the problem is is like basically After High School since I refused to go to college it became a mixture of spite anxiety and depression I'd say were the reason why I became a neat because my parents really really [ __ ] tried to get me to get a job like they threatened to kick me out like [ __ ] ton of times and basically I would just say what they already knew which is just like you know I couldn't [ __ ] survive on the streets I mean you certainly
didn't raise me to survive on the streets you know and I think they knew they knew I was right they couldn't admit it I've accomplished this YouTube channel I have 100,000 Subs it's not going to fix any of those other issues what will is exactly what I was told in therapy and it's not what I'm willing to do I'm not willing to expose myself to increasingly more social situations he just refused stubbornly at every step which he blames them for now I'm not saying I know everything because yeah I don't know what went on in
s's life but how are you going to try and depict your family as basically being abusive to you and neglectful when you still have to admit that they tried to get you help when every time you talk about your childhood you still admit that they Tred to help you all throughout now he justifies his laziness by citing the term learned helplessness something he picked up during therapy he basically uses it to say that because his parents didn't ever challenge him he doesn't ever want to do anything and because he thinks nothing is ever going to
change or be good he isn't going to ever try it anything but this isn't learned helplessness because he's cognizant of it I don't know I was too hard on myself when I was younger that's really what it at the end of the day it's CU it really not nearly as much of it was my fault look up learned helplessness Darren James there's a few good things I learned from my time in therapy a few good things learned helplessness that was a good term I learned that describes my entire existence uh do I want friends not
as much as I used to there's a reason why I stopped talking to the friends I had cuz at a certain point I realized that I'm not really getting anything out of it anymore you know like I I basically had to ask myself a hard question where it's like do I really want to tolerate these guys not taking anything I say seriously and unfortunately I'm a victim of the the demoralization as we talked about so I thinking I was thinking way too much about political things that my friends didn't agree with so I basically just
ask myself like is it worth really talking to these guys you know continuing this fr friendship if we're not going to talk about anything that I want to talk about really but this isn't learned helplessness because he's cognizant of it he's using it as an excuse to not even try to work so it's not learned helplessness it's weaponized laziness at the beginning of this video I mentioned how my past and synthetic mans overlapped a little more than I expected when I started this project like syth I was also a gifted kid loner type throughout High
School I didn't have many people I'd call close friends and I struggled a lot with body image and depression I didn't do many extracurriculars I didn't go out and party I didn't date a lot even further back from high school we grew up in a similar time and had similar interests I led the PS2 era of platform As I Grew Up playing Ratchet and Clank in Sonic I finally remember the Xbox 360 era of edgy Shooters hell I have a whole playlist dedicated to ranking Xbox 360 games on my channel and also like synth I
struggle with motivation depression and especially Failure to Launch after High School I've struggled with ADHD and attentiveness my entire life getting motivation to work on things has been incredibly hard it's been something I've worked on hard because it has caused so many problems in my life so when you combine all these things I spent the first four years after high school in a depressive Haze where I felt aimless like nothing I did mattered and I took refuge in video games to the point where my mom was threatening to kick me out of the house because
she thought I was just going to waste my life on the couch the reality was I was in a deep depression worsened by turning to terrible eating habits that made me gain weight and only made the depression worse so when synthetic man talks about his history and the things he blames for his problems a lot of them I can relate to and speaking personally they were not easy to get over and when you sit and compare what people like synth and I have been through from economic struggles to mental health we had it pretty [
__ ] easy compared to some other people I know syth knew his parents had a family who put food on the table cared for him enough to try and get him [ __ ] therapy and when he became a burnout they still provided for him but here's the thing that really actually pisses me off is that after synth spends so much time whining about how he doesn't even want to try and nothing matters and everything is hopeless he is still a goddamn hypocrite because he is living proof that he's wrong synthetic man got a rare
chance that so few people get especially hobbyist gaming channels through actually applying himself just a little bit he managed to make a successful if edgy and transgressive YouTube channel some people spend a decade making in-depth content and don't reach 100,000 Subs Against All Odds whether it was through blind luck of the algorithm or people sharing his content or a mixture of both he managed to actually launch a successful YouTube career he won the [ __ ] Lottery while so many other content creators are starving trying to even get 50k Subs but whether through sheer ignorance
or just his internet poison cynicism he doesn't care he has been so broken by the places he turns to for Community where the only thing they share is misery and hate he is bought so wholeheartedly into the idea that there's no good in the world and one when a good thing happens to him he just shrugs and continues his pity party see synthetic man's mistake isn't being racist or violent towards women or not doing any research for the things he talks about those are all byproducts of the one mistake he makes every day his mistake
is in thinking his struggles are unique to him and letting those struggles Define every aspect of his life do you think you're the only one with executive dysfunction do you think you're the only one who had a shitty up do you think you're the only person who grew up watching edgy [ __ ] on the internet and feeling isolated or rejected as a teenager you're not the only one you're just one of the people who let those experiences Define you there are an unspeakable number of people who have been through similar circumstances to yours and
worse and they chose not to become [ __ ] over it it's a Taylor's oldest time with racist and misogynist one guy gets fired and the company hires an immigrant he becomes a racist because don't bother looking at the company that might mean examining the structures of capital or mgtow movements you hear common stories of men hating women after being cheated on or divorced it's unsurprising that synth would end up in similar places because like all these Dum Dums one bad thing happened maybe once and suddenly that becomes their entire life and they go online
and they find other people who are likewise obsessed with defining themselves by others they congregate in places like forchan and kiwi farms and on synthetic man's Channel where they can reminisce about their edgy high school years and call people slurs like they used to in Call of Duty lobbies before all the left libtards took everything over and they can commiserate about how those woke Lefty commi snowflakes are actually all funded by Black Rock who are actually Jews and that's why there are black people in video games and chemicals and food that make you docile and
they say these things as they sit and grind out another battle pass in a life service game with a diverse cast stuffing their face with chicken nuggets filled with preservatives as their parents tell them to get a job and every now and then they'll jack off ashamedly to an anime woman with a dick before posting about truns and how they think any woman with a [ __ ] is a freak of nature who's destroying the fabric of society this is not the way people are intended to live I don't necessarily believe in higher governance or
that you were put here for a purpose but I do believe that you can live with purpose a purpose Beyond waiting to die and dragging as many people through the mud on your way down as you can just look at where it is landed synthetic man someone who started with the honest even admirable intention of making a channel to talk about games he loved who managed to actually get a following with numbers most you YouTubers in their first few years would only dream of and where is he now wallowing in an endless puddle of cynicism
and hate making no effort to preserve his own mental or physical health instead following an audience that doesn't even seem to like him outside of the Twisted entertainment value they find in his ranting he does nothing but blame other people for the fact that he is miserable instead of looking in the mirror and realizing that he is the one who chooses to be miserable like this now I don't believe that synthetic or people like him are irredeemable or Beyond helping because every day they wake up and make a choice to be hateful and one day
they could simply choose not to one day they could choose to not go on for chant and instead read a book instead of just thinking about reading they could choose to not call someone they don't know or understand a slur and justify their bigotry by citing some other [ __ ] who could never cite a sources they could choose to realize they have been given struggles like everybody else and that through these struggles they might have more in common with trans person a black person or a Jewish person then they realized and they could choose
to see that they have also been given opportunities and use those opportunities to live happier more fulfilling lives I'm not saying every single one of these people should renounce their bigoted ways and tomorrow they'll be a happy sjw snowflake like me believe whatever you want that's your right as an American but I also know it's not healthy to live constantly online and certainly not constantly online in places that speak almost entirely in slurs and holoc cost references now with as deeply self-loathing insecure and reactionary as synthetic man is I don't think he will make that
choice odds are he and the people who were fans of his tuned out of this video a long time ago but on the off chance you watch this whole thing and you still hate me for being a stupid or you still think synth is a base chud I'd encourage you to take a day or two away and really just think about what I've said because there are always going to be more people like syth people who have a passion or a talent but no aim or goal to pursue people people who have been through tough
times and don't want to keep going people who feel alone and instead of reaching out or examining themselves would rather push everyone away and blame others for their failings some of these things you choose others you don't but if you're a fan of synth you can choose not to be like him I hope you choose to be better than he is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]