two one wow what is the difference between people who have lived on The Struggle Bus their entire lives and people who seem like everything is effortless and easy financially one word one word and that word is offers because one of the things that I discovered recently Is wealth creation is actually offer creation and I want to share with you some Secrets today of offer Mastery wealth everything that you have in your life you have everything because you or somebody who was responsible for you either made an offer or accepted someone else's offer everything you're married
your spouse made you an offer or you made them an offer and they accepted your offer that's how you got married right um you have you have um a house because they offered the house on the market and then probably you offered them a counter offer and then they offered you a counter offer and then you offered them another counter offer then finally all came to agreement okay let's accept each other's offers and so if indeed everything that you have by the way good bad or otherwise generally speaking the a lot of the a lot
of the good things that we have in our lives we have because we created an offer that was acceptable to us we offered it we offered it to somebody they accepted our offer and our life is better often times the things that feel like they're missing in our lives are missing because we failed to make someone else an offer but somebody made us an offer for less than our desired standard and we accepted that offer anyway because something is better than nothing is that real Is that real talk and so we've got to do if
if I'm making accepting offers anyway doesn't it stand a reason to be more hyper intentional about the offers that I make and the offers that I take cuz some offers are good offers they just ain't me offers right they're good but they ain't good for me I um I have people who like invite me to do things I had I had a guy who called me on the phone said myON hey we'd like for you to come out and speak at this big conference in another another city across the um country and I'm like okay
they said what are your requirements and I told him my requirements my requirements are $250,000 $250,000 speak for an hour it's an offer I'm not holding the gun to their head I'm just saying that's my requirement you don't have to pay me the $250,000 but I don't have to come right right so it's $250,000 and you have to pay my private jet fee which was $ 11,000 an hour it's going to be 5 hours there 5 hours back so that be another 110 so $355,000 I'm there okay I don't think they're going to accept that
but I'll get back with you okay they didn't accept it guess what I'm so cool with that I don't want to fool with that they did they said no we ain't paying you $250,000 and $111,000 an hour to fly your jet we ain't doing that okay I'm GNA stay home and play with my grandbaby cuz that that's bet way better pay than $355,000 I'll just stay home cool right and so what you have to do though but here's the problem here's the problem you have somebody comes to you and asks you what your requirements are
and you don't have an answer you do not have a tangible measurable predetermined answer that's based on your standard and so what you do is you'll say oh just make me an offer because you're and here's why you say that because you desire to do the thing more than you desire to have a standard but if you have a standard by which you do a thing and you don't capitulate to go below that standard now you can live a life by Design instead of a Life by default isn't that better and so what I've got
to do is I've got to get to the place in my life where I'm willing to tell people what my standard is and be okay when they say no are you okay when they say no like learn to sell without compulsion your life will be so much more fun like what do I mean compulsion like when you're not trying to get somebody to buy just buy my thing no but if you knew what was good for you you'd buy my thing no they do know what's good for them that's why they said no they know
what's good for them they you what you're what you really mean is if they knew it was good for me they said yes but see see like get to the place in your life where the machine or an individual can't beat you to death with a carot and a stick I have a standard Art Williams I was in Alo Williams Art Williams started the company that became Primerica later was called Al Williams and one of the things you used to say that was so confusing to me when I was in my 20s it makes perfect
sense to me now he said life will give you what you'll fight for or life will give you what you accept right well which one is it is it going to give me what I fight for or what I accept yes life will give you what you'll fight for or life will give you what you accept and so you either you have a standard or you will operate based on somebody else's standard and so the question you have to ask yourself is what is my standard nobody can pick that for you I remember back when
I used to charge $5,000 an hour for coaching which was probably this was six years ago 5,000 an hour which that sounds like a lot right doesn't that sound like a I mean to some people sounds like a lot okay maybe some of you on YouTube that sounds like a lot I used to charge $5,000 an hour for coaching and I had a guy who's one of my coaching clients he bought one of my he bought one of my trainings he went through the training and it was a training on how to sell from stage
right so when you're doing a live event this is how you sell from stage he went and did a live event he did a million dollars in sales in a day he was like that was amazing we get on a zoom call he's like dude do you have any other like trainings on like do you have a training on how to tell stories like do you have one-on-one coaching you have one-on-one coaching how much is it 5,000 an hour he's like great I just paypaled $40,000 I want $8 hours and then I thought why did
I make my coaching Fe $5,000 an hour and he's a great guy I like I was glad to do the coaching because he paid me but I thought this price is too low I don't want to be anchored to somebody for eight hours for $40,000 and I know that sounds crazy that's not my point I know that sounds crazy y forget the number you have a number your number's different than mine but mine's different than yours everybody has a number right but to me before somebody bought eight hours at one chunk $5,000 an hour sounded
okay soon as somebody bought eight hours at one chunk I was done right literally when we got off that call I raised the price to 25,000 hour and I know that sounds crazy but guess what it is it's an offer it's not like your money or your life like your money or your life right it's an offer they can tell me yes or tell me no but tell me now I got to go and see you don't have an offer you don't you don't have a predetermined offer based on your standards for your desired outcomes
to produce the Life by Design instead of the Life by default and that's why your life isn't where you'd like it to be because you haven't figured out a path to get there that's paved with offers is what I'm saying making sense sir okay so fast forward I raised it to 225,000 an hour then I was selling $200,000 VIP days for um I'm selling $200,000 VIP days for well $200,000 like a VIP day you can want to spend $8 hour it's well 8 * 250 I mean 8 200,000 8 time 25,00 okay that that math
makes sense but then when I rais the price of my Vip Day to 350,000 I'm just I'm telling you how my brain like conceives of these offers I'm not I'm not I'm just helping you understand what's going on in Myron's mind Palace or mind playground whatever you want to call it right this is what's going on in here I'm I said okay so when I rais my price of the VIP day from 200,000 to 350,000 well 25,000 an hour doesn't make sense anymore right because now they're going to spend eight hours with me for for
a VIP day for $350,000 well what if they just want to buy one hour at a time now they could do it for 200,000 get 100 I'm not doing that so I raise the price to 440,000 hour I'm I'm I'm literally just telling you how I came up with this and why I did it right because it all of it has to make sense like when you put the calculator to it math is always going to math and we want the math to end up telling the truth we don't want the math end up telling
a lie right so I raised my hourly rate because I raised the price of my VIP day and it all had to match so I know what you're thinking but my 40,000 an hour times 8 hours that's only 32,000 I mean 320,000 it's not 350 but they also get interviewed on my on my YouTube channel right they also get to travel with me on private jets to fly and watch me do my thing and so there's there's some other perks it's called VIP day plus so they get some pluses right um and so my point
is like I have to have a an offer strategy for creating conveying and converting these offers I promise you if you have less money than you desire to have in your life right now it's because you've not yet create conceived created communicated and conveyed an offer that people are willing to say yes to and maybe the reason you haven't done that is because you don't know what an offer is and by the way when you first start making offers you're not going to be a master of making offers it's going to feel weird odd uncomfortable
you're going to feel out of sorts but the thing that will make you comfortable faster than anything else decide before you start making offers that you're going to make offers for the practice of making offers so you can get better at making making offers I'm not making offers hoping people say yes to them like just make the offer just for the practice I don't care if anybody says no I'm going to practice this 100 times and if nobody says yes I'm okay with that why do I say if you practice it 100 times and be
okay like make an offer like in fact if you write a book and you offer 10 people your book one of them will buy it if the book was written right for them and not because you wanted to tell your story that nobody want nobody cares about right so um but you when you write a book write a book that solves somebody else's problem and maybe it solves an entertainment problem and it's a novel maybe it solves an educational problem maybe it Sol and it's it's teaching them how to do something they didn't know how
to do maybe it's solving an Enterprise problem and it's fixing something in their business but when you write a book solve somebody else's problem make your everything that you create about somebody other than you because why because wealth is your ability to create value for someone other than yourself the wealth that you will receive in your life is going to be in direct proportion to your ability to create value for someone other than you people who make a lot of money they're not all virtuous people but they've all figured out a way to create something
that a big pool of people values are y'all tracking and so so let me give you the definition of an offer let's start there because when you master offers when you Pastor making offers conceiving them creating them communicating them and conveying them and converting offers when you master those steps you will it's going to be hard for you not to be rich you may not be Bill Gates rich but you gonna be so rich people in your family gonna be like how do you do that right so what is an offer an offer is the
opportunity it's the it's what what's that word I just used by the way what does the opportunity mean that means they get a choice right it's the opportunity you give a potential client to buy it's the opportunity you give a potential client to buy oh okay an offer the opportunity you give a potential client to buy or otherwise obtain because all offers aren't people people don't pay for all offers with money some people pay for offers with assets or money other people pay for offers offers with their attention right like people like people thank me
on YouTube all the time thank you for giving us this this Us for free I'm going to break some bad news to you it ain't free you are paying with your attention and while you're paying attention to me right now you ain't paying attention to nothing else and nobody else so you are paying and so it's the opportunity you give a potential client to buy or otherwise obtain the thing or the things that you've helped them realize they've desired all along at a price that you previously decided on and they've subsequently agreed to which they
now expect to use to make their experience of Life exponentially better now I know that's a big old word salad definition but all of those components are necessary the opportunity you give a potential client to buy or otherwise obtain the thing or the things you've helped them realize they've desired all along here's a critical component at a price that you previously decided on and they've subsequently agreed to which they now expect to use to make their experience of Life exponentially better that's an offer because it's only going to make their life a little better why
would they buy yours they go find somebody else who's going to make their life exponentially better and for those of you who didn't get that you can go back and watch the video later watch it seven times Okay cool so that's an offer when you get good at making offers by the way we have an internal resistance to making offers do you know why because we feel like when somebody says no to our offer we feel like they're rejecting us has nothing to do with you it ain't about you boo it ain't about you when
somebody says no to your offer they're just saying this offer is not for me at least not now and that's okay that's okay in fact it's better than okay like if you can convert if you like if you get if you have a funnel or a website and you get like a 100 people to come to that website and you got an offer that's $97 and two people buy it one person buys it baby celebrate all the way to the bank just send more people are y'all tracking so that's that's definition of an offer but
your offer Mastery is going to determine your wealth okay what's the definition for Mastery Mastery is the ability to execute effortlessly without the use of conscious resources I'm going to say it again Mastery is the ability to execute effortlessly without the use of conscious resources can I share something with y'all that's mindblowing to me even though I've been living it for quite some time okay first before I share that how many of y'all have on shoes with laces how many y'all tied your shoes this morning how many you tied them but you don't remember tying
them like I don't remember T I know I tied them because I'm looking down they tied I don't remember doing it you know why because I've mastered tying my shoes it doesn't require conscious resources I can tie my shoes unconsciously like I can be having a conversation with my wife and I can be looking in a different direction I tie my shoes and don't miss a what have I told you that you can get so good at making offers that it will eventually become as effortless as tying your shoes there are people in the world
who are as good at making offers as they are at tying their shoes and there's no angst in making offers for them I know cuz I is one of them MH I am not worried about whether or not people are going to say yes to my offer and I'm not not worried about it because I know who's going to say yes and who's going to say no I just know somebody going to say yes somebody GNA say no and it's going to be all right okay let before I even go any further let me give
you this I have this belief could be true maybe maybe true for me for sure maybe also for you here it is if it's for me no one can keep it from me if it's for me no one can keep it from me and if it's not for me nobody can get it to me and if they could I wouldn't want it anyway boy doesn't that remove a lot of pressure like I don't have to try to make anything happen anymore all I have to do is work on me getting better at the inputs because
I know the outputs will take care of themselves see here's what people have told you your whole life if it's not working try harder okay that sounds like really good advice except it's terrible what's not working isn't working so do more of that how many track that does that doesn't make any sense here's the scientific formula for transformation if you don't like the output change the input I'm telling you financially the ultimate input on the front end of your wealth journey is offers and if you're not making as much money as you'd like to make
it's because you're not making enough offers to enough people and if you are making offers and people like and nobody's saying yes because that's how I was when I first got started in sales like I made offer after offer after offer after offer after offer after offer after offer and I did that from October of 1985 to April of 1987 and everybody said no and guess what I could have concluded offers don't work but they don't work I tried them for a year and a half they don't work but they were working they just weren't
working for me yet they were working on me see work work as a two-sided coin they were working on me and turning me into the person for whom they could work and see you're a part of all of our struggles in life is we desire the outcomes of the of our endeavors before we deserve them real talk we have to go through the growth phases all of the growth phases to become the person who deserves to stay there when we get there that's what has to happen if you're going to stay there when you get
there so Mastery is the ability to execute effortlessly without the use of conscious resources there are four types of offers when you master them congratulations you have a very successful business you have to master lead generation offers you have to Master giving people the opportunity to give you their information because they want to consume more of your content you have to Master Core product offers like one of our core product offers is this book from the trash man to the Cashman we sell $8 to $12,000 of this every month now $8 to $12,000 believe it
or not yeah well 12,000 maybe not 8,000 but $12,000 a month is more than enough for me to pay for everything in my personal life and I've got two fairly expensive car payments and then the rest of my cars are paid for okay this book right here this book right here $30 to $70,000 a month it's a core product offer like these are core product offers Master lead generation offers Master Core product offers your first core product could be $20 your next one could be 200 your next one could be 2,000 those are all core
product offers right and either you don't have the offer or you've not sent enough traffic to the offer to figure out whether or not it converts or how many pieces how many how many people have to see it in order for that to convert you just haven't sent enough traffic once you have a conversion now you know what your numbers are so you have two things you can do send more traffic and improve conversions and then you have premium value offers you need to like really obsessed take take a couple of months if you need
need to and really obsess over a really big problem that somebody has who has really deep pockets and then just start making that offer to everybody in that category somebody's G to take it I look I'm I'm just telling you from my experience I have like I have a $27,000 coaching program that has almost 200 people in it I have a $55,000 coaching program that has over a hundred people in it I have a $350,000 a year all of these are per year I have a 350,000 no the 27,000 not per year the other ones
are per year I have a $350,000 per year coaching program that has 10 people in it I have a million doll a year coaching program that has three people in it why am I telling you that I'm telling you that if I can have those you can have a $5,000 offer you can have a $10,000 offer if you obsess over solving somebody else's problem I'm obsessed over solving these people's problems and now they pay me like and it you don't have to do it as a coach you can do it as a cook you can
do it as a carpenter you can do it as a plumber you can do it as an electrician you can do it as a mechanic just solve the problems that people have obsess over their problems not yours if you obsess over solving somebody else's problems they will pay you enough to solve yours that's real talk so fortunately for you I've created an event it is the last public facing event that I will ever do that I host I'm not doing it anymore you say myin why are you not doing anymore I don't like it I
don't like the minutia of it I'm just keeping it real I'm being very transparent I don't like all of the back and forth conversations with hotels and production companies and these people and those people and the ne I hate it it's not fun for me I like doing things that are fun for me I'm 62 I've helped a lot of people I've earned the right to do things that I like to do and so this is the last one it's next month I ain't doing it again I promise you I people say that's what you
say now no if I say it now you pretty much a do the bank I'm through now when I'm doing it I love it it's not the event itself I don't like I love the event I love the people it's all the minutia you got to all the minutia Hoops you got to jump through in order to do it I'm not doing it anymore okay so if you desire to attend that event hopefully I'll have an opportunity to meet you you're watching this on YouTube right now you want to learn more about making offers I'm
going to have some of my clients there who have taught to make offers and they're going to be teaching you about offers they've made I'm going to be teaching you about offers I've made I've invited two of my best F most favorite business authors to come and speak at that event Daniel Priestley who wrote oversubscribed which is one of the best business books on selling premium value offers or any offer for that matter but especially premium value offers ever like you want to develop the mindset that Daniel prestley has in his books so um Daniel's
gonna be speaking Dr Benjamin Hardy 10x is easier than 2x you know everybody loves to use the phrase 10x this 10x that 100x this 100x that but the reality is most people who talk about that stuff like people talk about the Kingdom Business blah blah blah and they're just using it as a catchphrase Dr Ben Hardy's 10x is easier than 2x is not a catchphrase he's literally breaking down the psychological and scientific formulas that make 10x results easier to produce than 2x results and he shows you step by step how to do it it's not
Theory right he's going to be speaking so offer Mastery Liv is going to change the game and you're going to learn how to M like you're going to get in the offer game and you're going to get on the road to offer Mastery it'll change your life for the rest of your life I'm looking forward to seeing you at offer Mastery live and if you don't learn how to make offers there learn how to make offers somewhere go somewhere like you went all the way through Elementary School they didn't teach you nothing about offers Junior
High no offers senior high no offers College Business Degree still didn't teach you about offers like what the world people will go to law school for 3 years to get a a like a law degree then they got to pass the ball are and all of that they learn about how to practice law they learn not one hour about how to make offers to get people to say yes to your Law Firm I don't it doesn't matter if you're in real estate if you're in insurance if you're a lawyer if you're a doctor if you're
an engineer if you're a plumber it doesn't matter what business you own if you own a business you owe it to yourself and everybody on your team who sells stuff which is everybody on your team whether you know it or not to be at offer Mastery l or at least somewhere it doesn't have to be offer Master live go somewhere else but learn how to make offers it'll change your life I'm done we'll see you on the next video [Applause]