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The term 'good Samaritan' is often used to describe someone who helps others, but few actually know ...
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hello Bible story lovers welcome back to the Bible stories Channel today we dive into an intriguing theme that Echoes through the pages of the Bible Samaritans why were they so hated this is a fascinating and meaningful chapter that reveals the complexities of relationships between people at that time before we begin this journey of Discovery if you are not yet subscribed to the channel click the Subscribe button and activate the notification Bell to don't miss any of the exclusive content we've prepared for you now let's unravel the Mysteries behind the hatred of the Samaritans have you
ever heard of the Samaritans this people was considered one of the greatest Abominations by the Jews and was often avoided even by foreigners but what is the origin of this hatred what made the Samaritans so despised by Society at the time is what you will discover in in today's video hello welcome to the Curious Bible channel before watching subscribe to the channel and activate the Bell to receive the next content firsthand and without further Ado let's get to the video the term Good Samaritan is often used to describe someone who helps others but few actually
know who the Samaritans were in the Bible the Samaritans were a group of people who lived in the region of Israel after the Syrian Conquest they survived until the time of Jesus and still exist in limited numbers today the Bible tells several stories about the Samaritans and hatred between Jews and Samaritans is a recurring issue in the gospels to understand the origin of the Samaritans it is necessary to go back to the days of the Kings of Israel after King Solomon ruled the Israelites his son rehoboam took Reckless actions in the 10th Century which led
to corruption and sin in both kingdoms despite the warnings of the Prophet sent by God as a result God announced that they would be conquered by other peoples the northern kingdom was worse than the southern Kingdom with a line of wicked rulers in 722 BC the Northern Kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians and many Israelites were taken to Syria as captives but some remained in the land and married foreigners these half-jewish half gentile people became known as Samaritans in 586 BC the southern Kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonian Empire when the walls of
Jerusalem were breached the temple was destroyed and the city walls torn down the first biblical records of the Samaritans are found in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah which date back to the 5ifth century BC when the Persian Empire replaced Babylon as a power Regional Nehemiah a Jew obtained permission from the Persian king to rebuild Jerusalem but the local Samaritans objected and created problems for Nehemiah and his work team Nehemiah made one at 14 this conflict was the beginning of a long period of enmity between the Jews and the Samaritans in ancient times samariah was
the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel after the fall of Israel the region of Samaria was located in the center of what used to be the northern kingdom during jesus' time Samaria was between Galilee to the north and Judea to the South currently the region of Samaria is located in the north of the West Bank where a few hundred Samaritans still live and follow their faith based on the pentat and mount gim why were the Samaritans so hated in jesus' time the Samaritans were widely dis despised by the Jews due to a number of
factors first they were considered a mixture of spiritually corrupt Israelites and Pagan foreigners who had created a religion that the Jews considered heresy the Samaritans had their own Center of worship on Mount gism and their own unique version of the five books written by the pentat while rejecting the writings of the prophets and Jewish Traditions furthermore the Samaritans considered themselves the true descendants of of Israel and preservers of the True Religion while they considered the Jerusalem Temple and the levitical priesthood to be illegitimate when the Jews returned to rebuild Jerusalem the Samaritans opposed the rebuilding
efforts which led to further hostility as the two sects were established in the land in opposition to each other to the Jews a Samaritan was more despised than a gentile as the Samaritans were seen as half breed s who contaminated the True Religion these historical theological differences created a deep and Lasting division between Jews and Samaritans in jesus' time who was the Good Samaritan Jesus often taught more spiritually through Parables or stories one of his most famous Parables is that of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10:25 to 37 an expert in the law stood
up to test Jesus and asked what he must do to inherit eternal life when Jesus turned the question back to him he had to say that the law stated that a person should love God and love his neighbor as himself an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus and asked what he must do to inherit eternal life when Jesus turned the question back to him he had to say that the law stated that a person should love God and love his neighbor as himself however the confused expert wanted to justify ify himself and
asked who is my neighbor Luke 10:29 to this Jesus responded with a parable in response Jesus said A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers they stripped him naked beat him and went away leaving him half dead it happened that a priest was going down the same road and when he saw the Man passed by on the other side in the same way a Levi when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side but a Samaritan as he was traveling came to where
the man was and when he saw him he had pity on him he went to he bandaged his wounds pouring oil and wine then he put the man on his own donkey took him to an inn and took care of him the next day he took out two daari and gave them to the inkeeper saying take care of him and when I return I will reimburse you for any extra expenses you may incur Luke 10335 the Good Samaritan then was not a real person he was a symbol a religious man wanted to limit who his
neighbor was and thus justify himself instead Jesus changed the question he used the backdrop of the Jews hatred of the Samaritans to show that everyone was their neighbor even those considered enemies Jesus asked which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of Thieves the LW expert replied he who had mercy on him Jesus said to him go and do the same Jesus and the Samaritan woman on one of his journeys Jesus passed through Samaria and stopped near a well to rest a Samaritan woman came to
get water and Jesus asked her to give him some water the woman was surprised as Jews and Samaritans did not interact but Jesus offered her living water that would quench her spiritual thirst during the conversation Jesus talked about her personal life and how she had had several husbands the woman was impressed by jesus' wisdom and asked what the correct form of worship was whether it was for the Jews or the Samaritans Jesus responded that the important thing was to worship God in spirit and in truth the woman then realized that Jesus was a prophet and
mentioned that she expected the coming of the Messiah Jesus told her that he was the Messiah this led many Samaritans to believe in him the conversation with the Samaritan woman showed that Jesus came to usher in a new era in which the correct form of worship would no longer be limited to a specific location or tradition but rather a personal relationship with God in spirit and in truth Jesus had many interactions with the Samaritans because he showed care for everyone especially the poor and marginalized even though the world rejected them Jesus accepted them and did
not care about the opinion of the religious leaders he taught that the gospel is for everyone not just the righteous but also Sinners who need to repent the story of the Samaritans is difficult as they were oppressed and hated by the Jews due to the their mixed idolatrous religion however the gospel brought hope to Samaria and Believers spread the message throughout the world after the death resurrection and Ascension of Jesus when Philip preached in Samaria many were healed and the city was filled with joy the story of Samaria reminds us that no matter who we
are or where we come from we can find good news through Jesus Christ did you enjoy learning more about the Samaritans comment below and don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel and so we conclude another fascinating Journey Through the stories of the Bible unraveling the Enigma of the Samaritans and why they were so hated I hope you enjoyed this exploration and found valuable insights if you enjoyed the video and want to continue receiving engaging content like this don't forget to like share with your friends and family and and of course subscribe to the
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