VOCÊ TEM CORAGEM DE PENSAR DIFERENTE? Lúcia Helena Galvão da Nova Acrópole

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Curso de filosofia PRESENCIAL: https://acropole.org.br/lp/curso-de-filosofia/?utm_source=youtube&utm...
Video Transcript:
Do you have the courage to think differently? I could even take the different and say, do you have the courage to think? Or are you being thought? Once you think, is it authentic? Because it's not about being different. If everyone is right, I am the same. Now, if everyone is wrong, of course I will think differently. There is sometimes such a great need, such a great need for acceptance, that if the crowd is going to the abyss, I will go with them, because I don't want to save myself alone. So we have this tendency to
find it comfortable to think with the crowd. Which doesn't work that way. Because you give up your identity, you give up telling the world who you are. That is, it erases your possibility of writing your story. Through thought, as Plato said, everything is born in the plane of ideas, then it comes here. Everything is born first in thought, then in our concrete life. Is it possible for us to do something without thinking about it? We know not. Everything is born in the plane of thought. So in the plane of thought is the basis of what
we will live today, what we will live tomorrow. So it is very important that we know a little of it. We live in an era where thought is very collective. We don't really know what it is to build our own thoughts. So I think it's a good reflection, very valid, for us to get out of here reflecting on it. What is thinking? Where does this word come from and what does it mean? Thinking means organizing thought according to two notions, organizing ideas. According to two notions, a formal notion and a notion of content. Do you
remember that kid's toy that has a lot of little letters inside a box? And that the child starts to get the little letters forming words? We usually give it to the child when she's starting to learn to alphabetize, right? So that she can form the little words. And that's more or less it. You have a lot of symbols in your head. What are the words? What are the letters? And these letters you will combine them according to a formal pattern, which is the Portuguese language in our case. That is, the form is the form of
the Portuguese language. And the content, do we organize it as a function of what? Of course, there must be a reference too. Don't think that this is not necessary. Our thinking is organized as a function of a reference. If we don't think and don't choose, the reference is external. It's what's in fashion, it's what everyone thinks. When we choose, this reference becomes internal. In general, what we recommend, it has always been recommended, that thinking is organized as a function of universal ideas, of universal values, such as justice, fraternity, kindness, love, etc. All human values. It
is according to them that we should organize our thinking. So everything that favors these values, I have words of approval. Everything that rejects these values, I have words of disapproval. This would be the axis according to which we should organize our thinking. See, we only have two options. Either organize the thinking according to these human values, or organize according to animal values. Now, between us, animal values, which are simply survival and procreation, did it need such a rekindled linguistic pattern? All animals saw themselves making noises, growls. The sabiá are all out there singing, calling females
at that time. In other words, animals saw themselves to be able to perform instincts, making noises, emitting sounds, doing I don't know what. It doesn't need such a rekindled pattern as a language, articulation of letters to form words, to form periods. It doesn't need all that. Just by surviving and procreating, any noise would solve it. Of course, the Portuguese language, human languages in general, human language, is rekindled because it was born to express rekindled things. That is, to talk about justice, for example, you can't talk about a gruel, nor with a straw, to talk about
love either. Then I need an articulated language. So this language, it articulates, it rekindles itself, as a function of the richness of human subjects, of what the human being has to express. If it were merely instinctive, noises were good. More than enough. Animals served this very well. So, form, Portuguese language. Content, universal values. Human values, which are valid today, were valid for two thousand years, will be valid in thousands of years. Justice, fraternity, kindness, love and other similar ones. All of these things that characterize us as human beings. This is how we organize our thinking.
Then we can say, this is a human being thinking. Organizes according to a linguistic pattern, the content, according to values. So this is the first element for us to know. How is it, or how should it be? If I don't do that, the pattern according to which I organize, as I said, is a collective pattern. It's what everyone is thinking. It's what's in fashion. Then I don't think, I echo. This is not thought itself, this is echo. I'm echoing what, at a certain moment, is a mental pattern. I'm just reproducing. It's curious to think, to
enter into a requinte of what the operation of thought is. You will see how few times we actually do this complete operation. How many times do we just copy what we receive as information, by day out. How little do we elaborate the thought, since the birth of the idea. The reflection on the original idea. Consequences, conclusions that we ourselves take. And then an application of it to life. The whole process is yours. This is very rare. Stop to think. Of these thoughts that are in our mind at this moment. How many since the original idea
was mine? How many did I build through a reflection process? Very few. So our mental capacity, our ability to think correctly, is greatly damaged. From the moment we do not know how to work with thought. Since the moment it is born from an idea. And it is unfolding through reflection. We will talk a little more about it soon. So continuing. Thoughts are motivated by internal or external impulses. So I see a person who is here filming this lecture. I see and from that I can reflect. But I can also not see anyone. Imagine a scene
like this. It is an internal impulse. I imagined that someone is filming. And on top of that I can also reflect. That is, our reflections, which is the operation of the process of thinking. Rational operation, properly said. It can come from external or internal facts. From the moment we take these impulses. Internal or external. And start to reflect. We started to exercise the thought. Well, such a person is doing such a thing. Why will it be? What is she looking for with this? Where does she want to get with this? Where is she going? Does
she know where she is going? What is her intention to act this way? Do you realize how much interesting things there is around us? That we could ask ourselves and reflect on it? One thing I find funny. Today, when I came here, I thought about it. The number of people who pass by you flying. Have you ever stopped to think? Are they really in a hurry? Is something very serious happening in their house? I remember that once I was walking with my daughter. At the time she was 9 to 10 years old. She said, mom,
they should put the phone in the window. For us to call and ask if it was time. Because it must be very serious. It must be something from another world. You don't ask yourself about it. What is happening to this person? So much hurry to get where? Why? Why do people somehow satisfy some instinct? And is running faster than the others? Is it simply to be bigger than the other because it is faster? Is it your moment of fame? What do people look for when they do this? They run a risk, put others at risk.
And according to what gain? What is the gain that comes from this? This is a philosophical posture. Why are things as they are? We start the reflection. That from this reflection, we create our own ideas. I believe it is because people, all of them, have the need to stand out at some point. To draw attention. To be the best. Because they are tired of mediocrity. To be in the middle of the crowd doing the same things. And not being recognized. So somehow people are trying to be recognized in the strangest ways possible. Have you ever
looked at a person when you were overtaking her in traffic with your car? When you look like this, sometimes she is looking at you as if you were doing something very serious. Offending her for overtaking her. As if you said she was behind. She is inferior to you. Then she puts her foot in the accelerator and passes you. Because this is a mess she can't take home. Why do people need this? Why do you always have to show others that they are better? From that, you could have a nice reflection. And understand what is happening
to the human being. Or at least develop a hypothesis of yours. What is happening there? Are people feeling very mediocre? And are they needing to stand out in something? Why do they feel like that? All the things around us. Small operations of nature. The change of cycles. The coming spring. Everything around us. Gives good reflections. When we start to reflect and extract from external and internal facts. Own ideas. You are really thinking. Just there. And these own ideas are not an absolute truth. But the best you have managed to understand so far. But they are
yours. And this is already a tremendous value. I extracted from my observation of reality. A conclusion is mine. In other words. I operationalized my thinking. Without handling it. Extract some conclusion from things. This is a process that we should practice more and more. Instead of absorbing ready ideas. When you go sometimes. I don't know if this has happened to you. At a certain moment we look at an idea in our head and say. Why do I believe in this? Then you start thinking about it. You see that it has no foundation. And you've been there
for months. For years believing in something like this. It did not submit a little bit of logic. It did not submit any question. That is, it did not put that idea against the wall. To see if it had any foundation. And sometimes if we fool around. We keep believing in things like this. For years. For life. I never questioned myself. Why believe in something like this. But I believe because everyone believed. So. There is a passage. Who here has already watched the Kaibalion lecture? Just so I have a notion. It's a lot of people. So
you know what I'm talking about. There is a passage in the Kaibalion. Which is a book that talks about the Egyptian principles. That explain life. One of the principles. It is the seventh. It is the principle of gender. This principle of gender. It has a sub-principle. Which is the mental gender. Which has everything to do with us. Talk a little about it here. Because it fits like a glove at this moment. In this work. It says the following. That our mind. Like everything in the world. It has two genders. Within any human being. Man or
woman. Our mind has two genders. The feminine. And the male. What is the male? It is that idea. That is placed within our mind. That first impulse. That first idea. And then comes the feminine mind. As if it were a uterus. Takes this idea. And goes developing. Go feeding and developing. Until at a certain moment. This idea becomes a fact. And comes to the world. And generates an action of yours. That is, this masculine and feminine mind. It is very interesting. Including the author of Caibalion. He usually says that. This is like a coconut egg.
Do you know this bird? Coconut is a very little animal. Little stick face. He just goes to the nest. Of the other birds. And puts the eggs out. And puts his egg. And the bird stays there. Shocking the egg. The coconut is a big bird. Sometimes it is a little bird. Shocking that egg that is no longer of size. And a huge bird is born. But he thinks. It's my son. I was the one who shocked. Isn't that so? This phenomenon of the mental gender. It is similar to that. I get to her and say.
Look, I believe that she doesn't like you. I don't know. It was an impression that gave me. It may be that I am wrong. And let's go. She doesn't see me anymore. I'm going to Japan. But I threw an idea in her head. Then she starts to germinate this idea. And today she passed by me. And didn't greet me. And today it seems that she avoided looking at me. And today she did such a thing. She is developing. Giving body to this idea. Soon this will generate a fact. She will break with her. But she
doesn't realize. She will think that this is her idea. She doesn't remember. That who blew. Who put the seed. Who sowed this idea. It was me. And as we develop the idea. We think this is my son. And it is not. How much. How many times does this happen? How many times? More than we imagine. When you walk down the street. In an outdoor. When you turn on a radio. A TV. When you are on the computer. All the time ideas are being thrown. Some of them without us noticing. We absorb. And start to develop.
A whole set of arguments around that. And do not realize that they are not our ideas. This is a very used manipulation process. That is. We only develop the feminine mind. The masculine. Someone threw the seed in our mind. A thought entirely ours. It is that the idea that sowed is yours. And the development is also yours. So we could stop and ask. How did this idea start? Who put this in my head? Sometimes you locate the moment. When someone threw the seed. Such a thing. You realize. It wasn't me. So it's a very common
manipulation process. When we are receiving seeds. And we are all the time. Wrong ideas. Collective tendencies. Manipulations so that you buy things. So that you believe in candidates. So that you do certain things. Have certain habits of life. All the time. And you often have no idea. That they are not your ideas. If I ask you what you think of life. I do not exclude that. If I ask you what you think of life. Maybe. Between ten ideas that you fail. Seven have been inoculated by someone. And they are not yours. It's amazing. But it's
like that. If we stop to look with honesty. In our mental plan. Let's see. How few ideas are entirely mine. Both the male mind. As well as the female. And this is an element that we have to observe. So that we can start. To really think. Entirely from ourselves. Learn to exercise. The art of thinking. And be the owners of our ideas. Because this is fundamental. Even if they are wrong. Even if we need to be perfected. But I created this idea. Now I'm going to walk with it. I'm going to make it mature. But
I was the one who extracted it from my life experience. This is fundamental. Continuing. The external impulses. We see that things are. Or the version that interests us. This is something else. I hope you are very aware of this. But this is a tendency of thought. That exists in our historical moment. But it has existed for a long time. Immanuel Kant spoke about it. And today it is in fashion to talk about it again. What is this idea? That the world does not exist as such. The world is a creation of the human mind. Have
you ever heard of that? It would be a projection of the human mind. So it's like we were. All of us with virtual glasses. Imagining things. And the world around us does not exist. There is only a group of human beings with virtual glasses. Many people believe in this. Immanuel Kant was the launcher of this idea. Then we will have some other philosophers who developed this. And today there are many people defending this idea. Between us. I think it's quite pretentious on the part of the human being. He imagines that if he did not exist,
things would not exist. That it is his mind that builds things. We have to realize that before the first hominid was born. That is, the first human being. That is, the first human being. That is, the first human being. That is, the first human being. That is, the first hominid. That is, our first ancestor. The universe was already there. And existed. Without the existence of a single human being. Do you really think that if the human species ceased to exist, the planets, the suns, the galaxies, would they cease to exist? Do they exist as a
function of our mind? This is at least quite presumptuous. I believe that things exist in themselves. I believe that things exist in themselves. Regardless of human opinion. But why do we often have these ideas that the universe does not exist, that the truth does not exist, that it is a mental creation of ours? Because the way we look at things, we do not see things in themselves. We see what we are interested in. We see what we are interested in. We see what we are interested in. Pay attention to this. It is that song by
Caetano Veloso. Narciso thinks ugly what is not a mirror. Do you remember? I fragment reality around me and only see an angle of reality. That which can serve my interests. So if a person passes through me, in general, in society, this person has no material wealth, has no fame, has no physical beauty, has no physical beauty, she does not meet my interests, I do not even see her. That is, it is as if she were invisible. There is a case that was once spread on the internet, then I went after it and realized that it
was true. And then I went to a university in one of the states of the south, I do not remember now, he took a sabbatical license, that is, he moved away from the university and got a job in the urban cleaning system of his city to work as a servant inside the campus where he taught. In the exercise he did. He cut his hair, put on a uniform, and went to work there. For some time, I do not know exactly how long, but in my experience he said that no one recognized me. Do you know
why no one recognized me? No one looks at the servant. What is the interest that a servant can offer you? What does he have to offer you? Nothing! So he is invisible. No one looked at my face. Servant is like a door, a wall. No one looks at the person's face. Because it does not matter at all, there is no interest that you can take from it. So it becomes invisible. The name of the text is public invisibility. He came to this conclusion. It is very interesting. We really fragment reality. And see only what interests
us. There is a phrase by a Russian writer, Leon Tolstoy, who says, There are those who pass through a forest and only see firewood. Imagine you, from the entire universe of life that exists in a forest, what can meet my needs? I have a barn at home, I need firewood, so I look at the forest and only see firewood. The life there, the whole ecosystem, I do not care. Why will this serve me? I do not see anything that does not meet my personal interests. So we fragment reality. It is as if we looked at
things as a very low-power lantern. That is the lantern of our interests. That only illuminates what people have, that can serve us for something. The rest we do not see. Plato in his myth of the cave, I will not go into much detail about it, but in the myth of the cave, he says that the only thing that can serve us is to see the things that we see. It is the same thing in the cave. When people leave the prison of that cave the cave where they live based on illusions, they see the things
illuminated for the idea of ​​good. That is, instead of illuminating things with the lantern, you illuminate with the sunlight which is equivalent to the idea of ​​good. Then you see things in full. Do you know what it is to look at things illuminated for the idea of ​​good? It is you looking at someone and thinking, what can I do for this person, for this object, for this animal, that can benefit him, take him in the direction of his good, without wanting anything from me. This is illuminating things by the idea of ​​good. How can I
interfere in a way to bring this being closer to your good, without wanting anything from me, without any personal interest. When I look at it that way, I see what things are. Imagine that you want to open up to a friend, you are in any anguish and need to vent. Are you going to vent with a person who can manipulate what you are going to say? No! You will vent with a person who only wants your good. Don't you think nature doesn't know that? Do you think she's stupid? She knows that! And she will not
open up to someone who wants to manipulate her. She will only open up to the one who only wants her good. And then she opens up. And she shows her heart. And this man who has this disinterested look at things, he begins to see the essence of things. Do you understand? Do you understand that? We will only start to see what things are, when we can hold our personal interests, our desires, and look at things imagining their right to be here. Them for themselves, and not because I want to take something from them, not because
I meet some of my needs. Look at things without any interest. Without a desire. Without wanting to take advantage of them at all. If we can zero this, which is what a philosopher from the last century called Sri Ram, he said that this is the pure vision, it is purity. Looking at things with zero desire. Looking and wanting to see the good of them. Then you see things, and you will be surprised. Because those people you always passed by, you will see that they are completely different from what you imagined. You will see that they
are something else. Animals will start to see the world in a much richer way. Because we are not looking only for that slice, illuminated by my lantern of my interest. We are looking at the fullness of beings. Why? Because he doesn't want to use them, he doesn't want to manipulate them. And only then do we get out of our bubble of illusions. And start to see things. Can you imagine that you can live for years next to a person, and never see her completely? Never. You will never be able to see that person in full.
See her as she is. Her dreams. Where she would like to go. What are her true needs. Without any interest in it. Without any gain with it. For her. Only then we would see things around us. Zero desire. Zero personal interests. Then a pure thought begins. If you did that and were able to see things, you would see the truth of things. There is a truth of the universe. That would still exist even if we did not exist. If you were in middle age doing research of public opinion, medieval ibope, you would ask people what
is the shape of the earth. What do you think they would answer? Flat. Flat. And at the end, an open-mouthed dragon waiting for the incalculable. Right? That's what they thought. Do you think the earth has stopped being a geoid because of that? The earth is there for what men think and stop thinking. It has a truth. It is what it is. What we can achieve is to see or not this truth. But it has a truth. The importance of seeing the truth of things. To love the truth. To want to achieve it. When someone says,
I love the truth. This is a huge virtue. Because he wants to see things in itself. Without the veil of his instincts. Without the veil of his interests and desires. Today it is common for people to love the truth? At the beginning of the conversation, people do not even believe that there is truth. If you say that to people, they will say, each one has his truth. How so? Each one who thinks about the earth in a way, the earth changes shape? How is that? There is no truth in itself. Each one has his. How
so? It's curious, because if you convince this person that there is a truth, even so, he will not want to know. He will prefer his version. Or not. It's like this. Imagine the following situation. You lost a wallet here at school. Then you were there at the reception, doing your registration. Then you think you lost it there at the reception. You will look for it. But I saw you walking around this room. I come to look here. And I find your wallet. And I give it back to you. You will be happy because you recovered
the wallet. Or will you be angry with me because I contradicted your opinion that was at the reception? It's ridiculous, right? The wallet has a very great value for me. I prefer to find the wallet than my opinion to be true. That's because it's a wallet. And we are very materialistic. Because if it were a concept about life, even if you realized that yours is wrong, you would rather not find the truth about life, than recognize that her concept is better than yours. Why? Because you are not as interested in the concepts about life as
you are in a wallet. So you'd rather not find anything, but defend your opinion. Because you will not let it seem that she knows more than you. Interested in the truth above all. Believing that she exists, that she has a value. Curious, wanting to discover that things are in themselves. And not seen by my filter of my interest. Loving things as they are in themselves. That's what a philosopher thought. The one who lets his thought flow, seeks the truth, wants to delve into the heart of all things. Stop to think what we really know. Okay,
none of us is a wise man, doesn't know everything, or very far from it. But we should know something. What do we really know? What or who? Not even ourselves. Not even ourselves. So this alienation of truth, makes us not have a complete thought. At a certain moment, emotions say, stop with this and prove that I'm right. Then you distort the whole reasoning. Do a mathematical operation, that in the end, I'm right and the other is wrong. So you start distorting all the equations. The mental flow goes all crooked. Because you already entrust the end
of the process. Prove that I'm right. Turn around. Ah, but that's not true. I don't care, I'm not even going to the truth. As long as I win, okay. My version is much higher than any truth that exists. Realize that it is difficult to think in these terms. A complete, honest, clean mental operation, that brings you closer to the truth of things, cannot be manipulated in this way. This is one more thing that prevents us from thinking correctly. Continuing. Even if there is an internal vision, is it that defines our thinking? Let's imagine the following.
I observe all the people I've known throughout my life. I take a look, more or less, in perspective, all the people I've known throughout my life. And I come to the following conclusion. Of the people I met, I can say that about 95% or more, were good people. They weren't wonderful, perfect people. But people who were there with their family, wanting the good of their family, not wanting to harm anyone. They didn't want to be very altruistic, but they were good people. Less than 5% were people who were really criminal, marginal, heavy things. Most of
the people I met, were good people throughout my life. Then you take today's newspaper, you take the internet, you take all the communication vehicles, and what are they going to tell you? That humanity is a failed project. Isn't that right? That humanity has no way, no solution. This is in the media for everything. For every corner. For every corner. You take a newspaper, they will show you and tell you that humanity has no way out. Humanity is a project that didn't work. I've seen exactly this phrase in the newspaper. Humanity is a failed project. Then
you have an opinion. They are saying that 100% of humanity is useless. But my observation of my life, says that 95% of people are useful. And then what do I choose? I choose what the media is saying that they should know more than me. Isn't that right? My idea, elaborated on top of my life experience, is worthless. Because I can't be more right than the newspaper. The people who make the newspaper know things. So I abandon my vision of things. Guided by my reflection. When it is contrary to collective thinking. When it is contrary to
fashion thinking. That is, even if I think, even if I elaborate my thinking, I don't have the courage to support it, against wind and tide. Stop to think, people. I am able to bet all my little figures, which are good little figures, let's say, that you at some point looked at some fact in society and said, this person is not crazy, no, this makes no sense. What a weird thing. But it's okay. You started to take that into consideration, like everyone else, got used to hearing that, and left it there. But it never happened, when
you saw a news, saw someone saying that someone was doing something, some event. This business is kind of crazy, isn't it? What a thing, but without fit, but then they get used to hearing it and leave it there. Has this ever happened to you? Sometimes the logic, our common sense says, this business has no foot or head. But then you see everyone talking so naturally, that you leave it there. This is the first impression. It is a very valid first impression. It is usually supported in a common sense, in a reflection of one's own. Very
valid. And you leave it there, because everyone is saying the opposite. Or is it not like that? It is like that. These days I was there. Last year I had the opportunity to travel and go to India, I spent some time there. And you should know, today India is the most populous country in the world. It surpassed China. 1.4 billion people. 1.4 billion human beings. And an extreme poverty situation. Extreme misery. Then suddenly I get the newspaper, India is with a project, took a spaceship to the dark side of the moon. Look at people, India
has money for that? This business is not without fit, is it? The state in which their population lives, they are building a spaceship, a very strange business. You have that first impact that your common sense says, this business is not right. But soon you forget how cool, they went to the other side of the moon, how cool, and go away. How many times, how many times, we abandon our common sense? Because what everyone is saying, what the press is saying, what the media is consecrating, has a greater value than our life experience. And this is
amazing, that we have so much lack, so much lack of self-confidence, so much lack of self-affirmation. We are not able to say what no one wants to hear. We are not able to say a voice opposite to what the crowd says. Everyone is saying A, I won't say B. I'll say A too. Much easier, much more comfortable. Imagine me rising in the middle of this crowd and saying, humanity has a way, yes, most are good people. I won't. Everyone will throw stones at me. Let me think like everyone else, it's better this way. How many
times do we do this? That is, when we think, we boycott our own thinking process, because we don't believe in ourselves. We think we don't have the ability to impose our opinion on others, as if others knew a lot. In fact, the collective, if we do a research, people, throughout history, what the masses were thinking, in general, was not right. In the Middle Ages, in several historical moments, you will see what was in fashion to think. You will see that it was not the truth. A man arrived there, a Galilean, Galilean of life, and alone
said that none of that was that way. The mass was thinking in a totally wrong way. Is it different today? Are collective opinions very reliable for the first time in history? Is it not worth trusting yourself more? Look, I think it's worth it. It is worth taking into account when your common sense plays a campaign and says this business is bad. Trust this. Take this seriously. This means that you are thinking, you have your own ideas. Don't boycott this process. This is fundamental, this is what builds us as individuals. This is our well-directed thinking process.
Thinking for yourself requires courage. And this is the process that I am telling you about. Many times it's fear. I'll think for myself, I'll be different from everyone else. People will reject me, will criticize me. Look, if everyone started to follow his example and think for themselves, soon people would have to accept that each human being has an opinion, each human being has a vision according to his experience, and would stop wanting to impose collective opinions. Marcus Aurelius, who was a great man, who was a great philosopher, a stoic emperor, he said the following, each
human being who dies, impoverishes me, because it means an unparalleled and unrepeatable universe, with which I stopped making contact. Imagine each one of you in an unrepeatable universe, each one thinking for himself, having ideas, imagine how wonderful humanity would be with so many people thinking. We opened our hands to this and put a citizen there, having ideas and everyone copying. That is, instead of having thinking beings, we have beings who clone thoughts on the mental plane. They have no own ideas. The wealth that is 7 billion human beings, almost 8 billion, thinking all of them,
having ideas, it would be wonderful, probably would have solved most of humanity's problems. But no, we continue putting one to think and the rest to copy. Someone will have to have the courage to start thinking. And sustain that, it is a right that we all have. Even if you will not exhibit your thinking in the newspaper, but for your conscience you have to sustain it. Continuing. Circular thinking. It is also something that we have to start understanding, how is the mental mechanism, the mechanism of our thoughts. Sometimes our emotions, many times, our emotions, they extinguish
our thoughts with a tremendous weight. When you are hurt with someone, when you are angry, when you feel offended or when you are in love, the thought is circular. It stays all day with that same idea spinning around you. And if you feed it, it can stay for a long time. This can become pathological, it can become an obsession, an obsessive thought. And it's amazing, people, how it tires us, because this is extremely tiring. One day with circular thinking, you will see that it tires more than one day doing a heavy job. Because it exalts
our mental energy. We have to know how to break the cycle of circular thinking. We have to know how to dominate our thinking at some level. And then comes the proposal that I brought to you. We may have lived the time of history where we are most dispersed. Do you have doubts? Do you have doubts about that? There are so many things that draw our attention, and we do not know how to choose, and we do not know how to focus on one thing at a time. We are everywhere and we are nowhere. If I
ask you to think only about this object for 30 seconds, no other thought, only about this object, you will see what I'm talking about. You will understand what I'm talking about. It's a little twirl, a little twirl of ideas in our head, a whirlwind. And we do not hold that, we do not stay without anything, we do not deepen anything. We live in a very dispersed time, and with very little concentration capacity. This is a serious element that makes us not deepen anything. This lack of control, we are not able to generate inner silence that
allows us to deepen into nothing. Do you think that someone who did something expressive in the history of humanity, was with a scattered mind, rolling and a thousand things, Leonardo da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa and thinking about the death of Bezerra, would it be the Mona Lisa that he would do? It would be a mediocre work, that's what he would do. Mozart composing his songs and thinking about a thousand things at the same time. Would he have done the work he did? No, it would be mediocre. Can you imagine someone doing something of quality,
when you do not concentrate on what you are doing, and you are thinking about a thousand things at the same time? Someone doing something of quality, in these conditions? You will have mediocrity, superficiality. The mind is like light, you concentrate this light in a degree, you will have like a laser beam, which is able to penetrate things, reveal the mystery of things. Anyone who has done something with a quality worthy of a grade in history, was a person who knew how to concentrate. He had a minimum capacity to dominate his thinking. If you go to
see methods of Eastern meditation, all of them say the same thing. Capacity to control your thoughts, is the starting point, so that you can have some deep reflection process. So that you can know a little about your mechanisms of imagination, intuition, inspiration. These things come when you produce a certain mental silence. Because otherwise you do not perceive anything. Creative men, imaginative men, intuitive men, have some mental control. Because otherwise they can not. Even if some idea comes, he does not perceive. That's why today it is so rare for a person to have imagination above average.
It is so rare that he is inspired to create things above average. He can not concentrate his mind on anything. Have you ever noticed something interesting? When we are doing something more or less repetitive, and is paying attention to that. My case is washing dishes. Washing dishes is wonderful for me. Because when you concentrate on the dishes, you take a little of the circular thoughts, you are focused on the dishes. And you keep doing that simple job. Soon there will be a verse of poetry, soon there will be a wonderful idea in a lecture to
do. I almost have to wash the dishes with a little block on the side. Because it seems that that mechanical activity, I concentrated there, gave a quiet in the thought. And then when it calms down in the thought, these drops of superior things begin to fall. A little inspiration, a little imagination. These things start to speak and I hear. Because I have a thought there more or less focused on one thing. Sometimes driving, it never happened to you? Driving is a brilliant idea. If you don't stop and write down, you lose. A lot in these
repetitive acts, wonderful ideas arise that we have to know how to enjoy. Because it's a moment where we are more or less controlling the mind. She's doing one thing. And then she's doing another thing. Repeated, rhythmic. At this time it's very good to see inspiration. To see intuition. Because it's like your intuition is up there saying, boy, make some silence for you to listen to me for a minute. Then you go and sweep the house. Great, now he's just thinking about the broom. Let him go there. It's like that. It's curious. For those who exercise
some art, know how it is. These wonderful ideas come at that time. For someone who does some work that requires imagination, that's it. These are the moments that imagination takes advantage of to appear in your life. Because our mental lack of control is very great. So, do concentration exercises. Try to have greater control of your thoughts. There is an exercise that we use a lot here at school, which is called Trataki. Trataki is a little ball in the center of a circumference. The idea is that you look at this little ball, blow this little ball.
Even if it is for seconds. So concentrated that the circumference disappears. You don't see it. Then you say, I'm not going to walk with a piece of paper, with a ball, with a point in the middle, all day long. This is ridiculous. You don't have to do that. You're sitting, I don't know, in the doctor's office, waiting to be attended. A little dot on the wall. It works. Do an exercise to concentrate in such a way that you just see that point. For seconds. You are doing a exercise of mental musculature. To control your thinking.
When you go to concentrate to do a reading, you will see the result of exercises like this. We have to increasingly seek to conquer a degree of concentration. Fight this dispersion that is a collective evil. And that takes away from us the ability to think deeper. We are all boycotted. Have you ever been to the UNB library? I think that's very funny. Because they put some boxes, at least in my time it was like this, it must still be there, some boxes for students. Stay inside that wooden box studying. It's not for anywhere. Then what
does the citizen do? Write a lot of things in the box. Then the next one arrives there and instead of studying, he reads those things. How amazing! There is always an exit for you to scatter. There is always. So a practice of greater concentration. Extremely necessary for you to deepen your thoughts. Deepen this art of thinking for yourself. Continuing. Disconnect emotions and thoughts. This is very important. Thought is cold. It has the ability to articulate arguments and discover at a certain moment what is right, what is good, what is right to do. But if you
contaminate the thought with emotions, you will not think what is good, what is fair, what is right. You will think what pleases me. For example, parents with children. When the child makes a mischief, you know that you can not punish if you are irritated. You will be unfair. That's it, you have to let your head cool down for you to think what is best for the child, to educate her. And go there and do what is good for the child. If we let our thoughts be contaminated, contaminated by emotions, they break the logic of our
thinking. Emotions distort things. By passion, by anger, they distort our ability to think correctly. You must have heard about a great philosopher of the past, who was Plato. Perhaps one of the most important in the history of humanity. He was a great thinker. Once he said that a child in Plato's house would have done something very wrong. We do not know what it was. He would have betrayed him. He was a person who lived in his house for many years. A person he trusted. And this person would have betrayed him in some way. Then Plato
leaves his house, goes to his school, to the academy, takes his ex-husband and says, go there and judge this person for me. Because in this emotional condition that I am, I do not judge anyone. See that even Plato had his moments. Of emotional uncontrol. But his posture is very beautiful. In this emotional condition, I do not judge anyone. Because I'm offended, you're unfair. Go there, you who have a cold head, and judge in a way that you are fair to him. That gave him the best. What suits him, what corresponds to him. Do you understand?
So be very careful, because one of the elements that distort our ability to think, is to mix emotion with thought. Thought, you have to be with a cold head. Emotions are used later to drive your action. But when it comes to deciding, when it comes to reflecting, you have to be with a cold and disassociated mind of emotions. Otherwise you will not reflect correctly. Learning from the other's thinking is not cloning it. I check the foundations and submit my values. I recreate. So I told you, because everyone thinks the same, it can't be like that.
You will say, so it's wrong to learn from the other's thinking? No, it's not wrong. We learn from the thoughts of many people. Great sages of the past, people we consider, people we live with. We can learn from people's thoughts. But you take her thought, submit it to your values. Imagine how it works. You recreate this thought. Because you submitted it to a logic, to a set of values that are yours. Reflected on how it works in practice, and saw what works. Now it's mine. I recreated this thought. I didn't copy the package. I didn't
take the software and put it to run the same. No. I took this idea and submitted it to my values and my worldview. I came to the conclusion that it was very fundamental. Great thinkers of the past, like Plato himself, none of them liked disciples, students who copied them. They liked students who understood them. Who were able to take these ideas, bring them to their world, submit them to their exam, to their reflection. And reach conclusions from that. Own conclusions. Why do we do a philosophy course, bring you here, instead of sending you to read
Plato at your house? Exactly because everyone who studies Plato, has the ability to recreate this in your life. And we add things that you won't have at home. And we add things that you won't have at home. Understand? This is the teacher. Why would you go to school? You would stay at home and read the book. But the teacher recreates within him, from his worldview, from his values, he recreates this history. He adds the ability he had to understand this, so that you can understand it better. If he doesn't do this, he won't exist as
a teacher. If the teacher doesn't recreate the teaching in his life, he will cease to exist as a professional. Because then, artificial intelligence, the Google of life, at some point will replace it. What artificial intelligence will never do is live the teachings. A teacher does this. But if he doesn't do it, it will be replaced. So the other's thinking is recreated, it is not copied. You can and should learn from everyone, but this thought is recreated. It is subject to your reflection. It is not copied, ready and put to run. Be careful with a lot
of things. Be careful with a lot of things. Think the same. Probably a lot of people thinking the same, what do you think is happening? Probably one is thinking, the rest is copying. No doubt. If everyone was thinking, you would have a set of very large opinions. Brazil, 200 million people, 100 million thinking the way X, 100 million thinking the way Y, there are many people thinking in one way. There are many people. There is no chance of anyone thinking the same way. It is very high. Imagine all of you thinking. And changing these ideas.
How much would we grow? Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. I tell you what I'm thinking, you tell me what you're thinking, we extract common points and create a synthesis. That learns with my thinking, with your thinking, and it is greater. Added something more. We are growing like this. If we are permeable and we do not find ourselves owners of the truth, every time you meet someone who thinks differently, you get enriched and so do you. Because I will learn from the other's point of view, he will learn from mine. And we will leave with a synthesis that
is greater than what we thought before. It is wider, it is higher. But we got that because? Because everyone was thinking for himself. If everyone was cloning the other's thinking, there would be nothing to change. Nothing to learn from the other. So be careful with many thinking the same. Very likely, there is no one thinking there. Reflect, submit to principles and build a thought. Is that absolutely right? I did everything you taught, Lucy. I took a fact that I observed in my life, I reflected on it, I came to the conclusion that so far, in
this moment of my life, I think that such a thing is right. It's the best I've ever seen. But is that absolute truth? No! We are in a world where there are no absolutes. It's the world of relatives. This is the best I've ever thought. But if tomorrow someone brings me a new element, tomorrow I will be taking into account this new element. I'm not frozen. I'm just consistent with the best I've synthesized so far. But I'm not the owner of any truth. Realize that those who have, those who do not have the habit of
thinking, those who have inertia, do not like to think, are lazy to think, usually feel safe on top of ready ideas, dogmas, rigid ideas. And feel safe because there is a truth there. Usually, who thinks feels safe exactly because he knows that he is under construction. That if something new arises, it will grow. And another new thing will arise, it will grow. The safety of a philosopher, for example, is to know that he is under construction. That he is not the owner of anything. And that he will be flowing along with life. Learn to feel
safe like this. What do I have? The best I've ever had. Is it the absolute truth? Of course not! This is not a world of absolutes. One of the worst things, Plato talked about it, the worst thing for those who want to learn, is to think they already know. They will not learn anything else. The biggest obstacle to learning is to think they already know. Do not see anything else. Do not absorb anything else. The spirit of the learner. We all must have this. Constant learning spirit. Knowing that we have something. It's not much, but
it's what we have. We have our worldview, which is the best we've achieved so far. We are not empty. But we are always wanting to learn a little more. This is fundamental. Imagine a society like everyone else. With the spirit of a learner. And when they find something different, they are able to integrate it. Learn with it. What would humanity be like? The worst enemy of learning is to think that you already know. As I told you. Stiff thinking can turn into fanaticism and prejudice. That is, this is the truth. I have the truth. It's
complicated, my dear. If you think you have the truth, or the other is with you, or is against you. And necessarily you will have prejudice against the other. That is, when you enrich the thought, you will start to have prejudice and prejudice. That is fanaticism. That is simply the freezing of the thought operation. I don't think anything anymore. I already found the final point of my life. It is very sad to say that you have already found the final point of your life. What are you going to do with the rest of your life? My
dear, if you are not looking for wisdom anymore, no truth, what are you going to do with the rest of your life? Be very careful with rigid thoughts, with dogmatisms. They will generate prejudice. They will generate exclusion from the other. They will generate a process where we do not learn from anyone. We are all frozen. I put the example of a boxer. You realize that when the boxer hits the other, the first thing he does is to enrich the legs. He enriches the legs and he makes a move. Is that so? We enrich our thinking,
it is ready to attack the other who thinks differently. That's it. He enriched my bases. This is true. It becomes highly aggressive. Soon he is attacking someone who thinks differently. And he feels the owner of all the reasons of the world. How many times does this happen? Differences of all kinds. Discrimination of all kinds. What is it if not a bunch of owners of the truth? Have you ever seen a bullfight? The two bulls hitting each other on the forehead until the two fell dead. This is a fight of owners of the truth. There is
no kind of learning from one to the other. There is no possibility of growth. Owners of the truth are generally very aggressive people. Exclude everyone around you. As I told you, dialectics is composed of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. I found a person who thinks differently. How fun! Now I'm going to start learning. I offer you what I have. Let me see what you have. Let me put myself in your place. Try to understand the world from the point of view you see. You are seeing from an angle I've never seen. So you will give me
a new vision. I will learn something from you. And you can learn from me too, if you are willing to learn. That is, today I left bigger than I entered. Because I met someone who thought differently. Look how beautiful! Today I grew up because I met someone who thought differently. These are people who are really thinking. They are exercising the art of thinking. And really looking for the truth. These true bulls that exist scattered around the universe. I'm behind them. I really want to expand my thinking. All rigid thinking is a cage through which intelligence
and common sense cannot pass. Stiff thinking holds you. And you can no longer let your thinking flow. Greed to think is like the greed to live. So these are some final observations that I would like to make for you. And ask you to think about what was said. Capacity to look inside your mind to see what ideas are really yours. Capacity to trust your life experience, your own reflections. Train a little concentration so you can have a certain control of thought. Believe in yourself even if the whole world says otherwise. When this is well founded,
when you reflected on it. Use this wonderful ability. The wonderful ability of the human being that is thinking. Knowing how to exercise thought means. I learned to live. I started to conquer my individuality. My unique and unrepeatable place in the world. Each of us has a message to give to the world. Something that if I don't say, no one will say for me. When you learn to think, you conquer your place in the world. Give your contribution that no one can give but you. Discover this mystery that brought us to the world. What message did
we come here to give? Each one has to find this sacred word, this mystery that we came to communicate to the world. And don't forget to subscribe to the channel. It is very important for us that you subscribe. Click here on like so that this knowledge reaches more and more people. Who wants to learn more with us, I recommend you to sign up for our streaming platform. It is also in the video description here. There we talk about much more things. There are several books to read too. And our streaming platform was created to help
you enjoy our social and cultural projects. New Acropolis has some social projects in Brasilia and Belém. Currently, the fixed projects. We attend more than 400 children in social vulnerability. With lessons about virtues, ballet classes, orchestra, various things. And this streaming platform was created precisely to accustom our social and cultural projects. Who wants to know more, just click on the link here. And of course, if you like our content, look for Nova Acrópole da Sociedade. This is what we show here on YouTube. It is just a little bit of everything we do in school. There are
more than 100 schools in Brazil alone. There are more than 400 schools in the world. Today we are in practically all the capitals. There is only Maceió and Rio Branco, unfortunately. But we work a lot to get one day in these cities too. In several cities in the interior there is. In all schools there is the philosophy course. Just look there. If you don't have an open class now, enter the waiting list. When you have a class, the staff will contact you.
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