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hackathons can effectively make learning relatable for your team by providing an interactive and engaging learning experience the process starts with a planning session where we identify a small to mediumsized business need for a prototype following a one-day training session we collaborate with your team in a two to three-day build session where everyone is actively involved and by the end of your hackathon your team has developed new skills and you will have a working prototype to show for it [Music] the pragmatic Works team is excited to introduce cert XP cert XP is not just a learning
platform it's a New Horizon in technical exam preparation experience learning like never before with elements of gameplay that makes studying not just effective but incredibly engaging with our preloaded Journeys you can easily navigate through the vast array of certification options and choose the ones that align with your career goals [Music] learn with the N our aut taking you from begin to no delay in our session we will cover triggers conditional logic looping actions approvals robotic process Automation and some administrative work I'll see you there in the house don't hesitate work withness will make you a
little power on make to to navigate from beginning to Pro let's collaborate oh yeah [Music] hey there everyone Welcome to our learn with the Nerds power automate beginner to Pro my name is Jonathan silven I'm here to help you take whatever skill set you have coming into working with power automate and leveling that up so that you can get a nice solid understanding on how to build and work with power automate for yourself really excited to get started here with all of you today what we're going to do is start off with a little bit
of background information some uh understanding of what is power automate what we're going to try to accomplish here today and then you'll find us just building a lot in the next 3 hours that we have together now before we actually get started from any of that this is live but at the same time we are recording so if you want to come back to us later on we will have the recording available to you so that you can come back and revisit fast forward pause rewind all that good stuff if you want to completely follow
along with everything that I'm doing here today speaking of some course files available for you to download so that if you do want to follow along you can go ahead and access those so that you can make sure you can doing you can be doing every single click along with me all right so keep that in mind that we are live so unfortunately I'm not going to be able to answer every question that comes into the chat here I'll do my very best to get as many as I can but you can always come on
back here and revisit any time you need so to start off a little bit of background information again my name is Jonathan Silva here at pragmatic works I'm on our Power Platform team which means that I focus on building and working and teaching around the Power Platform every day um and really focusing on that integration within the Power Platform what that means is I really like to teach about not just working with power automate or power apps or powerbi co-pilot studio power pages but also how they all work together as well and what I try
to do is utilize my own personal and professional background with that and that's I was a high school teacher for a decade so as a secondary school teacher here in the US I I taught courses on European history world history economics and I try to bring some of that experience here and delivering courses like this so what you'll find with my style is I really want to explain the foundation The Core Concepts the skills and then we'll sprinkle in all the extra knowledge on top of it and so hopefully you'll be able to have some
of that knowledge come with you as well as we go through our time here together what I next want to go through is our agenda so if we could take a look as I share my screen here our agenda for today um these are the different topics that we are going to be covering so we have our overview which we're going to start off with and that's kind of where we are right now and then we'll talk about power automate flow triggers the different types of triggers and the the ways that we can build out
flows with power automate we'll also talk about how to incorporate conditional logic work working with approval flows um and then adding in a little bit of some of our Advanced features like an HTML table inside of a flow and finally the last thing we'll do to together here today is do a little bit of the administrative work the organizational side of things so that you can make sure that whatever you're building with the Power Platform you are working with some best practices and setting yourself up and your team up for success in the future so
as we go through what we're going to focus on of course here today is power automate but it's also worth noting where power automate lives and kind of how it's used power automate is one of the five Standalone applications that's part of the Power Platform for Microsoft the Power Platform is this uh ecosystem if you will to help us as business users go ahead and accomplish whatever tasks we have with the data that we are working with and it provides us a single place to do all of that work so we have the collection of
powerbi power apps co-pilot studio power pages and of course power automate together so it makes whatever we're trying to do just a lot easier and I love this graphic that I put together because it shows that power automate is at the core of the Power Platform because we can connect into all these other services and help us automate specific processes that come with those other applications now for us here with power aomy we are going to focus on power automate in the cloud today that is us going to make. power autom mate.com and building out
flows that Connect into Data that have an open or a live API connection so we can use our connectors available through the Power Platform to pass data back and forth between power automate and all the other services we want to use the other version of power automate is power automate desktop that is a completely different service that we have on our machine we download this desktop application to our computer which allows to use some robotic process automation to help us accomplish tasks that work with browser uh navigation or browser recording or our desktop based applications
without those API connections if you want to learn more about that I did one of these events just about a year ago covering power automate desktop and you can go ahead and check that out and see some of the nice features that come with that now as we go through our content here today one of the things I want to point out right away is we actually have a one of these learn with the Nerds that we did about two years ago this event is meant to build off of that one and we are going
to have completely different use cases and we're going to see there's a completely different UI available with power automate in the cloud since then so we want to give you the most updated features available if you want to go ahead and build for yourself now specifically working with power automate in the cloud again we're talking about on our browser at the website make. powermate.com what we're going to do there is to use our own skill set to help us be more productive in what we want to do on a daily basis essentially power automate was
created to help us as individual individual business users to be more productive with our time so that we could automate any type of rule based task-based process so but you just don't have to spend the 5 10 15 minutes doing that task anymore maybe that task is looking at data and sending an email for certain things or updating data or you're doing some type of scheduling event or whatever you're looking at there power automate was created for us to go ahead and handle that so we can focus on business critical issues things that actually take
the human brain to analyze and to to put together to make our life that much easier so what we're going to try to do here today is to see some of the different ways that we can use power automate to help us be more productive now when we get to power automating the cloud this is going to be some of the navigation options that we have when we get there on the left hand side of our window you'll be able to see how we can access all of the flows that we create in the my
flows area we can create new flows using that plus create area there see some some of our flow templates that were already created for us to try to access and build off of and then go into some of the other action items available to get a little bit more advanced into deeper working with the technology so as we go through the build process here today together we're going to go ahead to a bunch of these different locations so that you have a little bit more experience and comfort working with power automate now starting off with
power automate when we go to to build a workflow in the cloud the first thing that we as designers of our automated workflow need to think about is how is the flow going to begin what is the triggering event or thing that occurs to start the process so when we work with power automating the cloud we always think about triggers that set the flow in motion and when you design that and choose the trigger that you want everything else will follow from there now for us as we work with triggers there are three different types
of triggers available in a cloud flow consequently we have three different types of cloud flows to go with them so the the three triggers that we have okay the first and most widely used the most popular of all of them is an automated Cloud flow with what we call an event trigger the event trigger means that something outside of power automate starts the process so it might be when I get a new email or when a new file is created in one drive when a new message comes in inside of teams with a specific tag
or something that happens for us outside of the power automate flow itself will then initiate the workflow process from there the next type of trigger we have is an instant Cloud flow with what we call a manual trigger what I like to think of is as a button trigger where you as the user physically choose by pushing a button to run the flow now one of the great things about this is that button can be in a lot of different locations it could be a button directly from power automates it could be a button inside
of power apps it could be on our phone with the power automate mobile app it could be something from teams or SharePoint when you select a specific chat or a record and then you can run the flow from there so essentially it's kind of like an allart you decide when the flow runs and then finally the third type of flow and Trigger that we have with power automating the cloud is a scheduled Cloud flow with a recurrence trigger that schedule is something that we set as a user we can determine if it's daily hourly weekly
every minute every few seconds every few days whatever we want for that specific schedule in fact we can even be specific to specific times of days and we can choose the time zone as well within that schedule so it really lets us go ahead and set up the flo to run as we want and when we want for whatever purpose we're looking at at that time so when we think about power automate once we determine how the flow Begins the next stage is what are the actions we want with it now for some of us
that can be pretty difficult to figure out especially if you've never used power automate before luckily with power automating the cloud we have flow templates available to help us learn I really like using templates as a learning tool so that if I'm working with something I just haven't done before or some type of task that I'm just not quite used to doing you can go navigate over to the template section within power automate to go ahead and see what is out there for me to kind of use that's something that's pre-built already ready to go
or do I want to see what someone else did take what they did edit it tweak it change it for my specific needs and then go ahead and save it for myself there are a lot of different templates available for us and we can search through our templates by the category by the the the actual task we want to see if there's something out there available for us to just try right away so you'll have that as a nice background and nice experience for you now when we work with our template you'll see they're all
pre-built but we also have another feature available to help us figure out what to do and that's using some of the new AI that comes with we all know about co-pilot all of that coming here with power automate in a feature called describe it to design it this feature provides us the ability to enter in a prompt just like you would do with your normal co-pilot and maybe chat GPT experience and in this prompt you just describe the process you want to automate the more descriptive you are the easier it's going to be to create
it for you and then once you go ahead and describe the process you'll see that power automate will automatically suggest a trigger and a series of actions for us steps if you will for us to go ahead and complete the flow from there all we need to do is review that edit them tweak them say nope I don't like this one give me another suggestion if we like what we see we can go ahead and establish connections there and then from the next point on we just edit run the flow we save it we let
it go and then we exactly get what we want or we can change it up if we need when we go ahead and use that and so what we're going to do here today is we are going to explore power automate templates and describe it to design it so that you have a nice Foundation of like how do I use this where can I get started then from there what you'll notice is when we build out our flow things come nice and simple from there so what we'll do after that is we'll build out some
custom flows as well when we work with power automate and our new designer it's going to look a little bit like this you'll notice that the flow trigger will always be at the top of the screen in our designer followed by the series of actions or steps that we add in there these actions are all going to be using our connectors within the Power Platform so that you can authenticate directly into those sources and then retrieve information from them or send information to them we have a lot of different actions to work with and for
us here today we're going to focus on are all of what we call the standard connectors with the Power Platform that means you will not need a premium license or elevated license or anything else outside of what you already have with Microsoft 365 to follow along with everything that I'll be doing with you here today so hopefully that means that everybody can follow along as much as you can once we go ahead and work with our actions we can add in other controls and other features inside of our flow like a loop for each or
apply to each Loop to iterate over a table or a list-like structure we can even add in conditional logic as well so what we're going to try to do is give each and every one of you a nice solid foundation into the design structure the ideas the logic of working with power automate and really focus on how to think about a designer what are the things I need to think about when I want to build out a flow and then from there build that out step by step because that is probably about 75% of the
the task or the skill that you have with any new technology is how do I know what to even think about or what am I trying to do from this step so that's GNA be a big Focus for us coming up here in just a little bit and then as we focus on conditional logic we'll take a look at this condition control is one of the most widely used actions for us to get right into it and really control what happens when we get data passed in our flow so we are going to use some
simple or complex logic inside of this control so that we can ensure that no matter what happens with the data that's being presented to us our flow can be dynamic we can evaluate something that's there based upon that evaluation in this condition go down One path or the other so that you're just setting up one flow in a lot of cases to accomplish many things for that specific scenario so you don't have to have multiple versions one thing can handle a lot of different techn different uh situations that you have so for us what we'll
do is work with all of that building into a big aha moment and that is going to be working with approvals so we'll have have some conditions we'll have some other work getting us into a power automate approval which is going to be such a great thing for us to work with and the reason why many of us come into power automate with our approval we can have an approval of a process of a document of an action whatever it is to be automated for us so that it just goes out we don't have to
design it every single time we let power automate do the work for us and then once we go ahead and have somebody interact with that approval we can check what they said accept reject yes no whatever it might be based upon that connection within our conditional logic we can go ahead Down The Next Step so we have a lot to cover here today which means in the cloud and then take a look at how we can build out our own flows so if you would like to follow along with me where we are going to
start off with is going into Power automate now you can get to power automate in the cloud a couple different ways the easiest way for you if you've never gone to power automate in the cloud before is just by doing just a Bing or a Google Search and searching for power automate and going to the site here and then you could choose sign in up here at the top so long as you have a work or school Microsoft account a Microsoft 365 account you're going to be all ready to go you can either go from
this site or if it's more convenient for you you can also use Microsoft 365 like you navigate to get Outlook or teams or one drive in the cloud if you go here you can then go down to your apps at Microsoft 365 and in your apps at Microsoft 365 if you just scroll down a little bit right in the productivity area you will be able to find power Auto it's right here you can go navigate directly to that and get to power automate so that's what I'm going to click on and that is exactly where
we're going to go to start off with now as we go to Power automate some of the things to to know about when we're building and working with Cloud flows is where are we saving them where do they go when I make something well when we build anything in the Power Platform power apps and power automate specifically what we have available to us are things called environments and environments is essentially a storage container it's a place to keep objects to store things flows apps Bots tables reports connections stuff for us here today we want to
make sure that we are in an environment that we can have access to and to store things in now all of us have a default environment at our company for us here at pragmatic Works we've renamed our default environment to personal productivity because it allows us to know that individual users we are going to use this specific environment to just help us do things to make our lives better essentially what personal productivity or your default environment is it's a nice shared storage container you go to you know you know everyone has storage containers we're down
here in Florida we got them all over over the place you go find one you open up the dra the door or open the door and there's stuff inside essentially that's what's here but it's a shared one for everybody in the organization so you can build in that if you have space and you have access or what I'm going to do is use my very own storage container my very own environment to help me build things here today so that is a developer environment that allows me to have access to dataverse this Azure SQL database
for the Power Platform to do a little bit more of our Advanced things and some of more of the premium features that we have with power automate you don't necessarily have to use your very own developer environment you can use your company default if you like for today because everything we are going to be building and working with here today is all going to come with what we call our standard connectors with just generally your office or Microsoft 365 license so I'm going to go into that storage facility that environment to go and build out
my workflows and then we're going to go ahead right in here now for me what I want to do is start off with here today taking a look at some templates after we look at templates we're just going to get building from that point on all right so to to do this if you go to the leand side in our navigation we're going to select templates all the way on the left there once you choose templates go ahead and click on it it's going to take you to this screen here so that you can see
all of the templates available from Power automate these templates are pre-built flows that have been uploaded and added by either the Microsoft Community by Microsoft itself or power automate so that you can go ahead and just try things out and start to use them one of the great things about templates is you could just come in here and explore and search you can filter down our template list by category at the top so you might say oh you know what I actually want something to work with VI I'll just click on Visio there are some
of the templates there or I want to see some remote work ones because maybe I work remotely and you know a lot of us are doing that now so you can see all the ones here if you go through our templates and just sort through here you can see them filtered down and you can also search if you're searching just keep note of it is going to be filtered by whatever selection you have so if I search right now it's going to search through the approval templates okay if I want to see everything I'll just
go over to the all section here and then you can just search for something that you want maybe I want to search for something that works with Microsoft teams or maybe powerbi or maybe something very specific you just do that here hit enter and there is your search now everything is going to be filtered down by Microsoft teams and one of the cool things about templates that we have is that you you can see exactly the data sources or the connectors being used for those templates with the little icon in this case the one I
have highlighted is using Microsoft forms planner and Microsoft teams those icons there let me know the connections I need in order to use this template flow others you could see they have different connectors available and what it also provides you is who created the template the type of flow the type of trigger is it automated is it instant is it scheduled and the number on the bottom left the or excuse me the bottom right that number is essentially how many downloads we have for that specific template how many times people have come in clicked on
it saved it and are using that template flow for themselves so you'll be able to take a look at some of the more popular ones just by the higher number you have so let's say in our case here that we want to um post the message in teams but I want to post the message in teams to give me just a notification that you know what I got a new email from somebody or from a specific user maybe I'm just not paying attention to my emails because I'm On A team's call or I'm doing something
else and I want a quick notification to that so I can come in here and maybe I'll say um send message in teams on new email and that might be too specific or it might be exactly what I want and you know what it actually looks like it's too specific so maybe I can just broaden my search if I just search for send message in teams you can see here just this is us working with templates you can broaden the searching category here and then we can find something that works exactly for us when we
you know get a new email or when something happens you could see send a teams message from from powerbi or do it from all these notify user in teams you have your other ones here to just help you do something specific to the scenario that you have so you can go ahead and select something and you can just choose one of these let's say I um let's see I'm gonna find one here I'm just going to choose a random one not actually going to use it but just see what one looks like here um maybe
I think I want to have let's do let me search for I send message in teams that's an okay one here and let's do this one if I just click on it I just picked one randomly I'm not going to actually use it just see it when you go to select a template okay this is the big part that I want to make sure you see is when you do it you will get a description of a template here okay what it's actually going to do and then beneath it it's going to tell you all
of the connections you need to make this is important because you'll see here if it's in Microsoft 365 service the connections should go right away your single sign on is enabled here so if you're choosing something that works with Microsoft 365 you'll you should see these green check marks right away if not if it requires you to sign into something else you will see a little green button here it says sign in then you need to authenticate into whatever that connector is whatever that service is for that purpose so keep that in mind when using
templates you will need to make sure you actually have access to whatever that that service is or that connector is before using that template all right so this is a great way of viewing flows and working with flows and just seeing what's built there however I think there's an even better new feature available to us that is going to be way easier to use for us especially moving forward because we're now in the co-pilot era we're in the chat GPT era and we can come in here and we can go up to to this home
or create era area to use our prompts in the middle of our screen here if you navigate to Home what you'll be able to see right here in this area in the middle is a place called describe it to design it you'll also notice it's it's a nice little option we have in the create area too and this is where you could just put in a prompt what do I want to accomplish and based upon the prompt that you add in here power automate using some co-pilot will try to design a flow for you which
is even better than a template because it's more specific to exactly what you type in so let's say for instance I have a Microsoft form and every time the form gets submitted by whatever user we have I want to send them a a followup a recap of what they submitted in the form essentially a receipt of their submission so maybe I want to send them some information if it's uh about a selection they make or a request they make or a schedule that they set up whatever it is I want to automatically give them a
receipt of that submission so they know exactly what they have for their own records we don't get that out of the box with Microsoft forms but Power automate can help us do that so I can quite simply type into here just describe what I want I can say um when a form is submitted send an email and be brought could be more specific you can even see here some suggested flow options here based on a form response and if conditions are met otherwise do something else be more specific be more broad whatever you choose just
go ahead and click generate because from here here what we can then see is our describe it to design it co-pilot help us create a flow to do exactly what we want to do now this is a cool feature here because you can come in and you can edit your prompt right here and just resend it if you need you can take a look at some of the suggestions here including the trigger and the actions that is suggesting for us and if you don't like it just slick select right there this isn't what I'm looking
for and then it might prompt you to try a different suggestion or try other things to help get your you know the exact response that you need but for me this actually looks pretty good when a new form response is submitted get the details I wonder why we need that P take a look and then send an email seems pretty simple and sounds pretty close to exactly what I want so if that is the case if that's exactly what I want I can come here and click click on next now just by selecting next it
doesn't create everything yet what it does is going to ensure that our connectors are established and this is a big piece just like we saw with our templates to make sure you have access to that data now for us here we're working with a form I actually have a form that I want to use if you would like to use the same form that I want to use what I've done in our course files is if you take a look I have a text file here a text document with a link inside of it okay
it's called learn with the Nerds power automate beginner to Pro Microsoft form template link meeting request okay it's a form that I'm going to use if you like to use the exact same one all you need to do is open up that text document okay and this link right here copy this into your browser so I'm going to copy it I'm going to add a new tab and I'll just simply paste it and go directly there and what it allows you to do is to duplicate the form that I created here if you want to
use the same one or you just use your own that's one of the great things about forms is it has a lot of purpose you can make everything you want to do pretty easy from there so if you want that I have my meeting request you can go ahead and point to it I already have it made so just by the way just click on duplicate and that'll be simple enough it'll give you a copy of it okay you know what I'll do the same thing I'll go ahead and duplicate it here and it'll create
one for me inside of Microsoft forms and you'll see that it's going to the same name everything just with the word copy in it right there and you can rename it for yourself if you like okay now the form is been added in it's now part of my forms in Microsoft forms really simple this is the form that I'm going to be using for us today okay I'm going to have users come fill this out it's about a meeting requ so if you want to meet with us here at pragmatic works to see what we
offer go ahead and fill out this form right that's kind of the goal here you can put your name your email address the details about the meeting and the topic or the technology that you want to cover then we also have here the preferred date if I want to see what this looks like if you've never worked with forums before I could just select preview right here and this is actually the form I can just hit start now and this is how I can go ahead and complete the form and I'm actually going to use
this so I'm going to get right to this page right here and pause for a second because now we can go back to Power automate and actually use this form in the flow that power AO automate is designing for us so that's where I'm going to go go over to my other browser tab back to Power automate and now I can select create flow because I know I have the data ready I know I have the form ready so let's let's get right into it so I'm going to click right there and now this is
what gets created from design it to describe it it's really great feature to just give us workflow steps actions triggers anything we need for this flow to be successful except for the exact connection to the data source we can connect into the API but we are actually choosing which form which email what's the subject what's the body we haven't done that yet right so that's what we're going to focus on here for us okay so if you see here in this design canvas that we have this little Studio we have this is called this is
the new designer here with power automate on the right hand side of our new designer you will notice co-pilot is generally available so that you can come here and you can ask it with your prompt just like you would have co-pilot if you have co-pilot for your company there or if you've ever worked with chat GPT the same type of prompt you put in here ask it to do something to help you accomplish something within the flow it will also give you all these different actions here and it'll help you kind of learn more about
the flow there now if you want to make any changes to this all you need to do is select the Box select the action or the trigger in the middle and on the left hand side of your window you'll get some details popping out like here with our trigger when a new response is submitted we need to choose which form we want to monitor for this new response so in this drop down here this is where we're going to go ahead and select our form okay I'm going to choose this one here my copy that
I have that's the one that's open here for the the one that we were're working with and I'm going to choose it from my list you'll see all of the forms that you've created are available here if you create the form after starting the flow you will need to refresh your browser otherwise it just might not show up that's something that I've noticed in myself here if like oh I didn't create the form yet but I know I want to use it you might need to refresh the browser because it just hasn't actually seen the
new form you've created okay so something to think about there I'll choose our meeting request copy that is the one I have here there's our title to acknowledge that right there's our meeting request and now I don't have this invalid parameters done anymore I can now see I'm connected to that email address that's where the form is stored under my account now that we have that done what we can do is just go here and edit the other things we have within our flow so I've selected my trigger now I'm going to click on my
first action get response details now this is something you AB absolutely need to have every single time you're working with Microsoft forms Microsoft forms and power automate there are only two different options for us when working with power automate one is the trigger when a new response is submitted and the other is a single action get the details they always go together always and forever you must have them in that sequence every single time you're working with a new form to work with your in power automate so you can get access the answers to the
questions from the form so now we'll go ahead in here point to the same form we did at the top and our trigger so there's our copy just in the dropdown nice and simple with our form ID and then what you'll see here is the response ID for me has already been filled in copilot is trying to help me go ahead and build out this flow as much as possible without all the very specific details so so anything that's a little bit more broad that knows that this is what needs to be generally put in
here co-pilot's going to do it for us and you can see here we have the response ID added in if I click in this area for response ID this green box that you see for me that was added in automatically this is something that was added called our Dynamic content Dynamic content what it does here with power automate is essentially takes any outputs generated by any action and allows us to use them in actions that follow so that outputs turn into inputs so that we can use the data over and over dynamically throughout the rest
of the flow not only can I use my Dynamic content in the next action but I can also use it in all other actions just about every other action throughout the flow process as well so that you can reuse data over and over re-evaluate data Access Data multiple times throughout the flow to truly make this work in the best case for you each time so in this case the dynamic content that's been added in is the output from when the response is submitted the ID of the form I can access Dynamic content to see all
of Whatever Gets generated all the outputs by clicking on the little lightning bolt right there that lightning bolt will let me know there is dynamic content available to add into this field add into this area so that I can just click on it and this little pop out will give me all of the outputs that I can add in in this case we only have the one that's pretty simple I like the Simplicity of that one so that makes it easy that use use with get response details well perfect that's exactly what we want so
we had that in automatically for us let's move on to the next one now what we could do is Click into our send an email step now this send an email step what this is going to do it's going to send an email from whichever account is logged in down here it's going to use your Office 365 Outlook connection just like You' have on your desktop app or in the cloud and send an email from you it's actually going to show up in your outbox too so you can go ahead and send an email personalized
from you as the creator of this flow and yes if you wanted to go ahead and send it on behalf of someone else or send as another person you can absolutely do that there's a little bit of administrative things that you need to go into to be able to do that but you can absolutely do that in fact Devon Knight has a video on exactly how to do that on our YouTube channel right now and check that out if you go to YouTube and you'll be able to see exactly how to send an email on
behalf of someone else or as another person so we could do that there and but that's how you can see who who it's coming from then in our email we have to choose who we're sending it to what the subject and what the body is of this email now I would like to send the email to whoever submitted the response so if I come in the two field and click right here I can either type it in and actually choose someone just put type in an email and hardcode it it always sends to this one
account or I can add in what we have as our Dynamic content so that when someone submits it we'll go grab their email address and dynamically send it to them each time I can do that by selecting inside of this field here and then choosing enter custom value once you select enter custom value our little lightning bolt will pop back up it's on the left hand side this time but there it is there's our lightning bolt I click on it here comes our Dynamic content once more we can use it just like before you see
all the fields now available and you could see anything you can pass in now from here we're now going to pass in data from the get response details because this is the only action from Microsoft forms that provides us the actual answers to the questions or some of the metadata that's that's captured from that specific form response in this case you could see here there's a question your email address that's what I asked here that's this question right here and the reason why I asked this question is because you know as well as I do
if you've ever worked with Microsoft forms there's a lot of times that we have our form submissions Anonymous which means we don't know their email we don't know who to send it to so if I ask the question whatever email address they put in there that's who I can send it to now technically if we don't have an anonymous we can collect their email that's what's right here their responders email but if they have some settings on their browser to hide all of the personal information maybe it's a companywide browser setting or that's a personal
browser setting to hide all their information or they're using Incognito or in private browsing mode this will show up null show up blank and it's just not using it's not going to work for us so I always ask like hey if you want an email what is your email address so I'm going to pass that in right here there's our Dynamic content all I have to do is click on it it's added in now and we're going to go ahead and complete the rest of this email step the same way so I can come in
here my subject what do I want to put my subject um thank you for your meeting request or something in here and if that's the subject I can go to the body and now address an email to the user I can say like hello space and what I can do is use the dynamic content treat it like text and just fill in my email and wherever I put this little green box in this case from forums for my Dynamic content whatever is the answer is it's just going to pass it right into that little spot
essentially you're kind of creating like a fill-in the blank area for your email template that you're creating and dynamically every time we get a new response it's just going to fill in that blank with whatever we point to so I can come in here hello lightning bolt for dynamic content your name so whatever their name is it's going to show up there comma go down the line just generate an email um here here are some details about your request nice and simple just go ahead and I can maybe I'll bullet point a list here so
that I can you know pass it in and you're just generating an email that's a cool thing about here with power automate as well as we have very similar email options like you were to do this directly from Outlook including this last one right here this is our code view option so this is where you can add in some HTML as necessary for your email so if you have an email template that you export as HTML coming from Outlook you could just copy and paste into here and then you can just use that email template
as well put in your Dynamic content inside of it and it works fantastic so that's another cool thing to be able to add in here if you already have that already created so let's see I'll just here us some details about your request I'll put the date colon I'm just going to add it in here a nice little list lightning bullet for dynamic content and I do have preferred date I'll go down a line I'll say uh let's say I think it's called topic okay and meeting topic and then I'll just do one more and
I'll do description I believe that's the other question we have there and I believe that'll be the details maybe I'll change it to details instead so I'll go ahead and quickly change it just like that and you're just creating an email it's just as simple just as easy there um and now I can say just as a kind of goodbye here uh we will uh get back to you as soon as we can so something right something to let the user know we've received it here's your what you what you chose as a receipt we'll
let you know here as soon as we can and if you have this done all you need to do is finally save it up in the top right corner you can select that save button once it is saved from this point we always want to test this flow before we let it go Fully live when we hit save it's live before we let it go and just let everyone else use it or just have it work for us we always want to test it ourselves just in case we need to make any changes any tweaks
any edits along the way so let's go ahead and save it then test it up here in the top right corner right between flow Checker and new designer so it needs to be saved first and then we will go ahead to The Next Step from there okay so let's go ahead there it is there's my save I get my nice little Banner available letting me know it's been saved I'm going to click on test once I click test I want to perform the starting action I'm going to test it manually that's me doing it right
perform the starting action right here and click on test at the bottom you're just going to select this here test at the bottom and now I should see this nice little loading spinner in the mid in the middle that means it's waiting for me to perform the action in this case to make the meeting request so I'll come in here go to my form now in my other browser Tab and answer the question and let's see what I get so I'll put my name here I'll just send it for myself it's going to come from
myself which is a little strange but that's okay I'll send it to myself here and I'll put details uh want to discuss a potential hackathon and boot camp okay and I want to do it on power automate so that's going to be our topic there's our details preferred date I want this to be done on Monday because I need it done soon that's probably too soon but I want to be done Monday let's go ahead and uh hit submit and now that I've submitted this it says my response is submitted if I go back to
Power automate see how fast that was power automate is automatically checking and waiting for that submission to occur my Microsoft 365 connectors mean it's already there with the single sign on I have check check check which means my email went out so if I go to check my inbox which I'll check right now I have this that was sent to me this is the email that I just received from myself right that's from Office 365 out look come from myself and that's what I've received now I can come in I can change the colors I
can make it bold I can underline I can do some information in the email itself but you can see here all of this is dynamic all of these fields are coming directly from the form including the email address directly from the form itself so now anytime someone submits it they're going to get an email back from me again as I mentioned you can go ahead and check out our YouTube channel Devin Knight has a great video how to send an email on behalf of someone else and you can go and add that there as well
some of the great features here with Office 365 Outlook now one thing I do want to look at is if you take a look at this right here my date one little formatting thing that kind of gets me a little bit here is the date format that's our year month day format that comes standard from forms pass through Power automate looking like that now that's that's fine right that's generally fine the way it is but if I chose say May 5th May 9th May 11th and it wasn't like past 12 if you're outside the US
or inside of the US thinking about our numbers of months that could potentially be a little confusing for some people so what I want to do is format the date a little bit differently change it up just a little so it makes it a little easier for our user to understand so let's take a look at some basic formatting options here with power automate now what we're going to do here is Select edit on the top right of our flow if you want to learn any information about the flow that run fail or anything you
can click in here by the way and you can see all of the Json data that's coming as our body and our outputs and our inputs for different things you can learn from here if you get the green check mark usually you're good to go that's when we're we're having some error there a lot of time we want to explore there but if I click on edit in the top right what I can do is go back to my email and what I want to focus on in my email steps so I'm going to click
here I want to focus on this date Dynamic content what I want to do is format the date now some of you may have some powerbi experience some of you may have some power apps experience or maybe some just some Excel experience and if you have that type of experience you've probably worked with some basic date formatting options before power automate uses similar syntax with the date format all we need to know is which expression which formula do we need to use in order to go ahead and add in our syntax so what we can
do here is what I want to do is actually remove the date field because we're going to add it back in once it's formatted so it's remove it format it put it back in so I'm going to click on Little X right here put my cursor wherever I want my date to go and instead of selecting the lightning bolt that I have what I want to do is choose beneath it the FX okay that is going to be our expression language here with power automate okay so if I click on this this is going to
bring up my Expression Builder the expression language here is power automate is called workflow definition language that is not quite the same as other Technologies with Microsoft it's similar but not really the same so it will take you as a new user just a little bit of learning and exploring and finding YouTube videos and other things online to figure out what exactly you need for this one if I want to format a date I'm just going to type in the word format and oh look at that the first thing that pops up is format date
time I get a description of that format date time right here if I click on the little carrot here on the side of the Chev on the right arrow returns a string and date format perfect so I'm going to click on that now what I need to make sure I also do is put in an opening parentheses once I add the opening parentheses I do get a little bit of the description here of like how exactly I'm supposed to format things and helps you along the way of like what you need put in next inside
of my parentheses I'm just going to click away click back in here as the the cursor is blinking inside of the parentheses I'm now choosing what am I going to format I don't want to hard code anything I want to use Dynamic content to format I want to format that date so I'm going to click here on Dynamic content and I can just choose the field I want to format and it should be at the top there prefer date so I'm going to click on that when I select it it should go wherever my cursor
is blinking up here is exactly where this is going to go right there and that is the actual field and the question how it's stored with Microsoft forms that's the question the unique value for the question that we have for that date that works up to a point what we next need to do and this is where again learning a little bit will be helpful watch these videos I have a video on exactly how to do this on YouTube by the way right all you need to do next is put in a comma and this
is where you can put in your format this is where you can pass in do you want it month day Year Day month year do you want abbreviation full word how many digits this is where you make that decision so long as when you work here with power automate and a string a text anything's formatted like a text or a string you need to put in a single quote First an apostrophe first add that in that's going to allow you to capture that string value that text value and use that within this Dynamic content that
you're formatting so now that I put that in there I can put my format maybe I want to do day hyphen month three letter abbreviated month hyphen year lowercase D is day capital m is month lowercase m is minutes capital M is month and a y is for year I could put a hyphen I could put a forward slash I could put a space I can put a comma whatever I put inside that's what's going to show up in my formatting option and now I can just be done from here this is going to use
our local settings our local um environmental settings here so I'm in the United States it's going to return it in English if I want to change this to French if I want to change this to Portuguese if I want to change this to Spanish I can then just put an optional parameter afterwards and put in which country do I want to format that as which language do I want to put that in so if I want to do Portuguese right I can do pt I want to do Spanish e s French frr right and continue
that and choose that language there after that final come but don't worry about that you're probably not going to use that too much so you could just take what we have here there's our format I can add that in now I've formatted the date I've already set that up to look a little bit different and I can save my flow once more so now what we can do is test it again and match up what we did the first time compared to the second time and logic would tell you okay I hit test and send
in a new form request so select test and I can choose the manual option again but what I have now is another choice that we didn't have before this right here was grayed out earlier where it says automatically what we can do is here with power automate click on that and then say I want to use my recently used trigger that worked or failed however long ago so that we can pass in tests multiple times without redoing the initial trigger each time this is going to save you a lot of time when testing and configuring
and making sure things are edited properly this is going to save you a lot of time because you don't have have to redo the form or add a new record or delete a record again or modify another record you just keep passing it what was already used so I'm just going to say automatically with a recently used trigger the one that worked eight minutes ago and then select test and it's just going to resend that form submission once more it's going to get the details again and send me a new email it should look exactly
the same except that date field so this is the original that I had and the new one looks like this now looks like it did not accept my formatting that is definitely not what I asked it didn't accept my formatting sometimes this happens of course it's going to happen live with us here on YouTube uh sometimes this happens with the with our designer so I'm just going to take a quick look about at this and I'm going to edit this once more let's see if it actually did my format correctly I want see it actually
didn't save my formatting super weird uh all that the m and all that didn't come through so I'm going to do it one more time and let's see and it's again it's sometimes with our new designer here this does happen let me go and update that let me make sure it's saved there I'm going to save it again and I'll try it for the third time that I had a feeling I saw it like that's not quite what we want so let's try one more save there test there let's make sure it does update that
I'll do another automatic one I can use either one if I want okay I'll use the first one again here and let's try one more let's see what this new email looks like and there we go much better this is exactly what I want to see that is my new format of date I have a twod digigit day hyphen threel abbreviated value of our month may just happen to have three letters so there you go if I did four M's cap M full word for the month and then four digigit year so making sure that
it's there done again as you notice mine came back a little weird it gave me like that date time format with all the timing there that just meant something in my expression wasn't working well I went back and I checked it didn't actually carry the formatting for me so just go do it again save it and there we are you can see that it does capture my format for my date my two different is there makes things a little bit easier to read that's one of the great things here about power automine that once you
start to get into it you can use some of your own knowledge base and background to make things easier from there that's our first one to work with pretty cool feature there to play around with here every time a new submission comes in we now have this done so what I next want to do let's try something else that was on a form submission using describer to design it to get us that pre built flow with all this this features what I want to do next is make my own fully customize my very own workflow
here with power automate so to do that I'm going to set some things up first and then we'll go ahead and build this out so what I want to do is in the top left corner of my flow I can click on this blue back arrow okay right here now by the way right next to it before I click on that right there if I ever wanted to rename this flow this is where I can do it I could just simply click edit type in the new name save it and I could rename the flow
from directly in there if I want I can also do the same thing when I click on this blue back arrow not in the browser but on the actual power automate window I can click here and in my details if I choose edit I can rename it from here as well this is the flowr Run detail page that just gives me information about the flow connections the the name the owner how many runs have I had in the last 28 days did they pass did they fail all that good stuff and a bunch of things
up here for me to work with it's a really nice feature to have if you ever want to just review some of the the kind of the flow runs in the past and make sure everything's still working for the future but what I'll do here is we'll kind we'll come back to this screen for our next one is let's go over to the the create area Okay select create in our navigation when we select create create this is where we can choose the type of flow that we want to design the cloud flows are the
first three ones that we are talking about here today we just did an automated Cloud flow when a new Forum response comes in that's what we had created we can choose the others from here as well if we want to for our custom ones we can use describe it to design it right here as well same thing we just did we just click on this to get to the same spot if we want to build a desktop flow we could do it all from here as well and we can also work with some process mining
process advisor flows here as well to take a different look at you know some ideas on what things are we doing now that we could potentially create a flow for in the future what I want to do is create a new custom workflow and the custom workflow that I would love to have is let's say that for our Organization for our team that we have we use sh SharePoint lists to help us collect data instead of having a an Excel file or a CSV file or something else in one driver SharePoint Library we're using lists
to help us organize some of our data if I have a list and I use it as maybe a device request maybe if I need a new laptop or new monitor or a keyboard or a mouse or a webcam or a microphone I want to request that so the organization helps me get a new one maybe because mine broke or something we can use a SharePoint list to help us manage those requests so let's set up a list to do exactly that so that we can go ahead and use power automate so that every time
a new request comes in we can go send that automatically to a manager to a supervisor to somebody letting them know a new request that's come in and then maybe even start on some approvals maybe even start on some extra things inside of that so that we can see if this whole process can be automated from start to finish when a new request begins so to start us with that topic let's go ahead and create our SharePoint list as our data source before we start building on the workflow so what I want to do is
I'm going to use my app launcher in the top left corner I can go back to Microsoft 365 to get to SharePoint online or the app launcher here in the top left corner will allow me to go into SharePoint you may not see all of the apps that I have here because I use these quite often if you don't see them here again go to Microsoft 365 and open up SharePoint so I'm going to use SharePoint right here now for those of you that haven't worked with SharePoint and I'll go to one of my sites
here just go use a site here for those of you that haven't ever worked with SharePoint before it's a great place to store things to store objects to store files but it also provides us to a way to use Microsoft list so we can have our very own list here to store data as well and it's a nice way to access that data all part of Microsoft 365 which we can do right away with power aomy so now that I have a SharePoint site and I've designed this site for different classes I teach and have
a bunch of things hidden and all that good stuff what I'm going to do is come here and select new because I would like to create a new list for for us to collect these requests on I'm going to select list right here from our home screen I'll choose list and for this list I can create a blank list I can create a template or use one of these here but I've actually gone in and done this ahead of time for everyone so if you want to use the same one I'm doing you can come
in here and in our course files I have a device request CSV file created for us so that we can import the pre-created list so if you want to follow along with me in the course files and the materials there you can go to that device request CSV file and we can use that right here so we're going to choose from CSV I chose to export a list with schema so all the columns and data types will come with it to make this as easy as possible for us so I'm going to select from CSV
right here and then I'll just go ahead and upload a file if it's already here in one drive or SharePoint I can choose from one of these but I'm just going to choose upload a file from that folder there and here it is my CSV file that I'm pointing to and I'm going to choose open okay this is all in our course materials and now here are the columns the data types of the columns are above them our title column which is our primary column there it is description is a single line of text requester
column is a people picker column here for us to go select somebody to or this is where they they put their own names if they want to make a request we have request date date and time we have a priority column which is a choice field we have estimated cost a number colum we have a Boolean column a yes no or true false column for approved and we also have in some comments here to store for if it's approved or rejected what the person said all I'm going to do is Select next I'll use this
name here or I can call it something else if I'd like and then hit create and it should create the list for me so that I can go ahead to use this as my data source and it should do the same thing for you this is our list all the columns are there for us and it's really easy to share data back and forth okay so this is a really great way of being able to have that so you can pass it one from one the other all right now what we can do here is
start to add in fields it looks looks like it added an extra column in here for me this looks like to be my um title column I'll just skip this when I do this I'll go hide field zero I don't believe I'm going to be using that one all right so I think everything should be good from there all right so now I'll use this list and the goal is our objective is when a new request is added to this list let's start off by first thing send an email receipt to the requestor first step
second step if the request uh requested item is expensive we'll have to determine what that is then get manager approval okay so we have to figure out how to do that then finally if the manager approves update the list to show the approval to show the status or whatever we have okay the or the approval okay so that's going to be our goal here for this specific scenario so that every time it happens we just we're just going all right so that's going to be the big idea so we can go to pack the power
automate create our very own custom flow to do this now when I'm designing a custom flow here are the things I think about what's my end goal what's the end Target always kind of go backwards design what is the last thing I need okay I just said here if approved update the list so I need to be able to update a record I need to be able to approve a request I need to figure out how to determine if it was approved or not like yes or no if it was approved do this if not
do that then how do I start it I'm kind of going backwards here how do I get to the ability to do all that well when a new request is added this here will determine the type of flow the trigger type if it's when a new request is added to the list that means it's outside of power automate which means it should automatically occur so if I go to Power automate now and see in this create field and see the types of flow which type of flow in the cloud should I have I want it
to automatically occur automated Cloud flow that's the way I want you to think about how to start your flow process if it's when I tell it to run or when I push a button instantly on these days at this time schedule that's always the big start starting point and then build out the rest in there so let's go ahead and create an automated Cloud flow I'm going to call this uh new device request to email or uh new device request I'll just do that maybe with approval as well I'll add that little piece in there
because so I know exactly what I'm doing in here and then I now need to choose the trigger choose what connector do I need to use to monitor when this new request comes in we've already used when a new response is submitted if you just go down one when an item is created right there that's going to be the one we want because in SharePoint if I go against to my SharePoint list it says add new item new item is created kind of goes hand in hand so that's perfect so we'll say yes when a
new item is created that's going to be my trigger hit create and now what we can do is go ahead set up our connections and create the flow from here so let's go ahead and set up our first step of this flow when the items created get our email going then start to evaluate some things so click in the middle when an item is created this is where we can go in and say okay where is it created like which site which list are we going to monitor so I can go back here to SharePoint
and check this is my teaching site so I can see that my URL as well right here that's the name of my site so that'll help me okay so I'm going to come here site address I have my site there which list if I have 40 I'll steal list the 40 here I should only have the one I think available so that's for me perfect that's the one I want and now when it it's created on this site on this list that's what we're monitoring here we can go to the next step so now what
we can do is I'm going hit this plus sign right here to go ahead and start to add our next step our next action in the process click here add an action and all we're going to do is take the same type of logical flow logical sequence that we saw in our describer to design it and move it here luckily with SharePoint we don't have to have an intermediate step to like get the details of the item we could just go straight from here so what we can do is we start off with maybe sending
an email we can go in and say send an email and just search for it in our actions or we can choose by the connector itself if I get rid of this choose from here just scroll down and choose one of these you will see there is this mail connector right here this is going to come from Power automate power apps that's literally what the email will say the the sender is from however it is not going to be available to anyone that has a new tenant so it is is disabled for some of the
new tenants out there um if you've just created this tenant so that's why we're going to use Office 365 outlook here for today all right so keep that in mind as we're doing this so I'm going to go ahead and go send and email now when we work with emails you can see there's our mail one once more I can even do this from Gmail if I want keep in mind the connector the service you're doing this for off Office 365 Outlook that means our Microsoft 365 account if we come down here there's Gmail outlook.com
that's your Hotmail account your Gmail your Windows Live your other accounts that you have here keep in mind which connector you're using because you'll have to log into that connector in order for this to happen Okay so let's come in here and I'm going to choose send an email V2 this is the updated edition of the send an email action so before we had the original send an email now we're going to use the newest version version two of this so it's just updates all that with all the new features so we can select that
send an email V2 and now what I want to do is I'm going to send an email to whoever made the request the requester because I would want to give them just a little bit of info and then we'll go ahead and set up all the next steps so I'm going to come in here to enter custom value again if I don't enter custom value have to type it in manually I don't want that enter custom value there's our lightning bolt again and now we've done this already so we can go a little bit quicker
I'm going to select the lightning bolt and now I can say who am I going to send it to which SharePoint specifically with SharePoint this requester column this is a people column or person column okay which means a person column is looking up to the users Office 365 users for the people inside of the tenants it's going to grab information about that user whoever you put in there so it's going to get their name the display name it's going to get their email address it's going to get their job title going to get other pieces
of information that you can use here inside of power automate for us we're just simply going to use the requestor email in this case just like that that's the requestor then subject uh maybe it'll put details about your device request and then I can add in the body and I'm just not going to form my email too specific here I'll just put in some details I'll put in device and then just do some bulleted here just kind of like we did with our last one to go a little bit quicker through this of course you'd
make your email much nicer all right so I'll do device it should be title that's how it's stored in SharePoint so I'm going to use title for the device in this case because I know my list and you'll know yours obviously as you do this on your own customized um I'll do let's see I'll go back to SharePoint and see what else we have description we have date priority let's do that we'll do I'll put a description Okay add in some Dynamic content here there's description uh maybe I'll use oh I'll use priority and I'll
use my Dynamic content for that now I don't see the priority here to get to all the other fields I'll have to click right here see more notice there's 46 which means that SharePoint gives us not just the custom ones that we designed but all the other ones that are automatically created as well that have here with our our metadata when you'll see here there is our priority value any choice column will always have value the actual numerical value that the choice display label is is being used the value that helps it index and all
that good stuff underneath that's what we're always going to choose here for priority and then finally I'll put in one last one estimated cost and one last one here estimated cost I'll put that in here I can hit C more or I can actually just search since I know the name of the column the word cost and there it is so there we go estimated cost now I can save this and let's test it on our first level always test level by level make sure things are working great for yourself test this first level then
we'll add in our next stage for approvals and all that good stuff so I'm going to come in here test and we're going to do a manual test so we'll go ahead and do this again same thing like we did before test in the upper right hand corner you have to save it first otherwise this won't appear for you test manual test I'm going to click test here here all I need to do now is go ahead CU it's spinning waiting I'm going to add an item so I'm going to make a new request I'll
add an item I will call this um new title is uh large monitor description um mine uh is super old I don't know something right I'll put myself in here as the requester and I'll just put my email in here and it should load in looking around and it's going a little bit slow but if you put in your name or your email it should automatically appear uh let's see if I just do this I'll put in my there it goes took a little bit there there's my name it's going to take my email my
photo all that good stuff there I can put in my date what is the request date and that's today priority I'm going to say this is is it critical I need a new monitor probably not I'll make it medium estimated cost I won't pick a huge one or a super fancy so I'll call it 1225 right I'll make a I look we can go find something and then these here I would normally hide this in SharePoint for my users or not allow them to see this in the form but right now we'll just let it
go we we'll just say just don't touch that until later and then I hit save for this new form request here that I have for my device and go back to Power automate I've made my request it should be monitoring that list on that site waiting for their request to come in once they gets it then it's going to go ahead and send me an email now when we get to this next stage and I can I'm taking a look at some of our um the questions here coming in and Devon Knights doing a great
job monitoring the chat for us here and on our team at pragmatic Works um when we get to the approval section what we're going to do is we're going to try to dynamically find who my manager is to go ahead and send them an email send them a message to have the approval Go Auto from there okay so I want to have it dynamically reach out to that user with approvals we can have it go to one person we can have it go to a bunch of people we can have it where we can have
multi-staged approvals it just depends on how you want to create your flow and how you want to design it but all of these things are capabilities that we have here with power automat so it looks like my connection to share points going a little bit slow right now but let's see I know I have it done I was monitoring the right there always happens while I look away right you walk away it's already done call up it and like oh we fixed my problem without me doing anything of course it happens that way item is
created send an email I should have an email in my inbox right now and here it is this is the email I've received again from myself here again we can change how that works there is my email there's my device description priority and cost so we have all that sent to us automatically when we the new device request comes in what we can do next is go in and maybe we want to format not just a date but a number maybe we want to then evaluate okay is this expensive what is the expensive limit for
us if it's greater than this number that we pass in go ahead and start an approval so let's do one thing here and then I think it's a good point for us here we're about an hour and a half into our session take a nice little quick little break and then come back and put in our approval and we'll be all set from there so let's do one last thing here and that's to format this number I want it to have my currency symbol I'm in the US I want the US dollar if I'm in
uh in Britain I want the pound sterling symbol if I'm in Europe I want the Euro if I'm outside where the Yen the W whatever I want I want to add that in there we can go ahead and do that here for us so to add that in here with power automate edit just like we did our format hour date I go in to my email and go back to my cost and remove it first remember we have to remove it then add it back in if I remove it click on my FX again just
like we did with the date I can click on FX and say I want to format the number last time was date now I can do number like on format number open parentheses which number do I want to format well let's go get it it's from SharePoint we know which one it is I can click on Dynamic content and choose which one I want to format I don't see it here I can search for it or click see more searching is usually pretty fast I know it's the cost one so I'm going to format the
cost like right here it's called Field Five it's only called Field Five because I did that export a CSV and we imported again as a CSV that's why it's that way I'm G to export that I'm going to then say okay what format do I want comma and I can put in if I want to put in single quotes and tell manually type in the format of the value if I put in single quotes and then our pound sign or hashtag that can carry my my place value and I could do something like this so
if it's a number there I can format it and maybe I want to do three of them and I can put a comma one two three that will then have my number with a common in it but then I need to put in the symbol and now I'm essentially hardcoding it with that symbol every time I want it to find out where I am and use my company location settings instead so instead of using all that that allows us to essentially hardcode this is the format I want to look like this every time what we
can do is instead of that there's a bit of a trick there all you have to do is put on Capital C for currency Capital C is currency then how many decimal places do you want I want two decimal places and all I have to do is that Capital C currency two decimal places it's going to use my current location settings figure out I'm in the United States I'm going to use the US dollar sign if I want to use a different currency comma I can go and choose a local maybe I want to put
the pound sterling gb- GB and I can force it to go to a different location grab their currency signal and pass it in here if I need now I'm not going to because I'm here in the US but that is an option for me if I was in anywhere that's using the Euro any country in the Euro Zone that uses Euro would be able to pass it in go ahead and use all of your different currency symbols from there now all I have to do is add this I'm going to make sure it actually kept
it the form metting went away uh see that's why I made that mistake before for some reason it didn't show it I'm going to do it once more C2 I'm going to hit update I'm a highlight if I just hover my mouse over here it should see I'm just waiting for it to say that C2 at the end you won't make that mistake twice on one of these Live Events uh there it is C2 if I now save it I can test it one more time and let's see what that new formatted number looks like
just like we did our formatting of our date so I'll click on test and I'm going to do an automatic one just like we did before at the form why not just pass in the same number we had for the same value and same request we had in our list here same idea test automatically so I don't have to redo and add it again and over and over and over send the one I've already done test it here it should go pretty fast because it's going to store all that kind of metadata for us to
go really quick and here is my email again it went fast there is my email that I had now with our formatting done as a currency with two decimal places every single time if there is no number in the decimal place it would be z0 if there is a value it's going to make sure we have two decimal places so that's our initial setup here for our flow what we're going to do is take a 10-minute break we're going to have our timer up for everybody when we come back in our 10 minutes what we'll
do is we'll go ahead and add in our process to figure out do we need to have this approved or not and if we do how do we work with it and if it's approved let's go fix everything and then we'll be good to go from there stay tuned here we'll be back here in 10 minutes enjoy a little quick break and I'll see you in just a little bit hey Marshall if you want to add that for us that'd be awesome for e e e e e e e e e e e e e
e e e e all right Jonathan can you hear me it was just director's voice nobody else should be hearing all right I'm going to flip back to you and and go oh hold on hey there everyone welcome on back from that nice little break we've had uh before we continue real quick what I wanted to do is talk with you a little bit about some extra things that you might want to take advantage of here while you are watching here and you have the opportunity to go ahead and get a little bit more information
from us here at pragmatic Works what you can see on screen here is I have our home site here our web page opened up and if you want to learn more about what we here at pragmatic Works does for you um you can go ahead and take a look here pragmatic works.com and here at pragmatic works.com if you want to take a look at some of our training opportunities just come over here and navigate to training you'll be able to see some of the private training options that we have here which includes our OnDemand learning
so I'll start here OnDemand learning is one of the things that we're super proud of this is where we have our own platform of recorded courses for you to take so you can go ahead and navigate over there take some of our free courses as well as our paid courses if you want to subscribe there so that you can go ahead and level up your skills with power automate and a lot of other things so let me take you into what that looks like here if I just start learning you could take a look at
what our OnDemand learning platform looks like we do have a free community plan for you to give you a little bit of like a sneak peek access into what we offer as well as getting a lot of our free options including this recorded course as well this live session and all of our YouTube Live Events will show up here on our platform so that you can go ahead and um revisit and pause and fast forward as many times as you want for all of these courses that we do on YouTube as well now you can
go ahead and get your free account hit start learning and then I'm going to show you what our homepage looks like here at our OnDemand platform so let's get it to come up here and we can see all of our courses for the courses themselves you can filter by category here if you come over to our categories you could take a look at our learn with the nerds or anything under free for life is going to be exactly what it sounds free for life no strings attached you can have free access for as long as
you need to come and View and take and fast forward and Rewind all of our courses including our inaday courses that we deliver for Microsoft so you'll see Matt and myself you can come down and scroll down we have men well and Mitchell and Brian and all of our trainers here when we do a live event that's free we post it here for you to come and take a look at there's Devon right there and Austin and you can take a look at all of our events that we've done in the past that we also
have of course on YouTube as well so for this this is a great way for you to learn about these course about the um topics we have and use our courses if you want to go a little bit deeper than what we have for our freefor life what we also have here are our courses laid out by topic like our power automate courses here for these courses you can see we have advanced we have problem uh we have some solutions here of working with the Power Platform our introduction class I have some RPA courses as
well here for you to take to learn more about power automate and if you look at our beginner and advanced course here I'm actually in the process right now after I finish here today to go ahead and I'm I'm almost done redoing all of these courses so you can see all the new modern designer that Microsoft has enabled in the last 8 to 12 months so I'm having that all done there and we should expect an update of all these courses out probably within the next month or so so you'll see all the new features
and I've gone in and changed some things around to make it really really helpful for you as a user to get into the the introduction the beginner level and advanced level options with power automate so I want to be able to make sure that you all have access access to that afterwards if you want to be able to learn more about power automate in fact I believe we should be opening up our courses to you all of our power automate courses are going to be open for everyone for free for this weekend as well so
you can go ahead and take a look at our all of our power automate courses if you want for free until the end of the weekend so take a look at that there there is a QR code on screen that you can go use to go and just use your phone to sign up for a free account from there now not only do we have some recorded courses on that platform but we also have one of our proudest newest features here at pragmatic Works called CT XP so I want to show you what that looks
like here and then I'll talk about some of the other things that we have as options if you take a look at our on demand platform in the top left corner I select the three lines there expand our little navigation I'll go to CT XP it's still in beta right now but you see CT XP and this is something that's going to be really really helpful for you if you are interested in taking any type of certification exam especially those from Microsoft if you've ever taken them before you know how stressful they can be and
you know Microsoft gives us some good documentation some practice questions but they're kind of limited what we've designed here for you at C XP is your destination to have your prep for those exams you can scroll down and see the different exams that we have available and we're expanding this every single week as we add more to it so that you can come in take one of these continue on a path or start a path to prepare for that exam so you have here you can kind of see all of our exams that we have
if I want to choose our Power Platform fundamentals the pl 900 exam I can come in here click continue as I've worked my levels here select one of these and I can have questions and if I come here answer a question let's say I just I'm GNA just choose a random one probably wrong here I'm going to choose one select one it's wrong what we also have is what we call our quick coach it's either Brian myself or others here at pragmatic Works explaining to you why the answer is correct or why it's incorrect we
want to really help you learn and understand rather than just simply cram and you know memorize answers the whole purpose here for us here pragmatic works is to help you truly grow so that you understand the information so that you can grow off of that in the future again these exams are just here to prove that you really know what you're talking about so cxp for us is our way to help you prove your knowledge so we have all these questions here that you can play out loud and we have all this available for you
so that you have the ability to truly practice with all this to get ready for that exam take a look at that at your convenience on our platform to go ahead and learn more about C XP and all the great stuff that comes with it if you get a subscription to our OnDemand learning platform okay so you can see here our subscription is just $39 a month go ahead and sign up there again as mentioned all of our courses are going to be free through the weekend you can go ahead and take those uh those
power automate courses and really see like what is there is it worth my time and I bet you it is because they are great and of course we have a lot of us here at pragmatic works as former Educators we really want want to make this the easiest way for you to learn as possible now those are the things that we have here from uh just our CER XP and our on demand classes what I also want to show you are some of the other things that we also offer like if you wanted some more
specific training for you and your team what we have are some virtual mentoring which is our way of working one onone with you essentially like a tutoring session so that you can get that customized help for you and your specific problem at your convenience you get to book with us on our calendar so that you can get somebody an expert help you solve your problems to go ahead and move on to the next from there booking at 30 minutes up to two hours at a time so that you can learn more and be able to
grow and do things for yourself and again we're guiding you we're not giving you the answers and get just handing it to you we're showing you how you could do it for yourself so the next time you can do it and again the whole purpose of is growth so that's some of our some other things there with virtual mentoring we also do hackathons which essentially an 8 a eight hour single day event of us working with you on your data your team your data your use case we help you solve that big problem or create
from there that's our hackathons there so you can come here to training and see all of our training options that we have here to work with on top of our public options like our boot camps so we do our boot camps both private and public vers virtually or on site like we can come to you and do a boot camp and I've done a couple of those and I will be going out pretty soon for a couple more to help you do more and you can see some of our upcoming boot camps here we have
an Excel boot camp next week with uh Allison we have our advanced powerbi boot camp coming up next week with Greg you can see we have a fabric boot camp coming up next week as well with Manuel we have a lot here for you so that you can learn more and grow I just finished our power automate boot camp yes well another one coming up soon we of course have power apps as well you can take a look at all the other boot camps there that we can offer and these are our public offerings so
you could just sign up on your own or anybody on your team sign up together and you can come take that with us but as I mentioned we can do that privately for you too just you and your team if you want so we have a lot of options for you however you need just come on to us so we can kind of work with you and help you go ahead and get what youd like from there now finally the last thing I want to show you is something we call our season learning pass this
is the best bang for your buck that you can have if you come to us and you were like you know what I want to take three four boot camps I want virtual mentoring I want to have those online classes I want everything but that seems pretty expensive what we've done is have our nice little bundle here for you so that you get access to all of that in one package so that you can go ahead and have unlimited boot camps for a full year you have your three hour of your virtual mentoring part of
this package you get access to all of our courses andert XP plus you get your very own special team Channel you get your learning advisor as well so that you have everything that we have to offer here from pragmatic works if you want more information on that go ahead and reach out to myself or anyone here at pragmatic works or take a look at some of the info we have in the the description here for our course and you can get a lot of info from there so we can help you grow and level up
your skills for you and your team in the future hopefully we can see you there in the future so now that we have taken a look at that and all the extras you can have with us let's go back into power automates and let's take a look at our workflow so I'm going to go ahead and navigate there now I haven't mentioned our YouTube channel yet I promise I'm going to talk to you about that you're going to see this on YouTube so you know a little bit our Channel our YouTube channel has a lot
on there I'll talk about that a little bit later so I'm going to go back here to power automate and this is the workflow that we've been talking about what we've done up to this point for this workflow is when an item's created send an email up next what we want to do is set up of the ability to say okay if it's expensive if the device that we're asking for is expensive start and approval so what we need to do here is as I click edit on the our workflow what we need to do
is add in a way to check if something occurs or not if a value is greater than something else that if if you think about within any type of basic logic is a conditional statement if this then that else added in so if we click on the little plus icon down here and add an action what I want to do is add in an if statement a conditional statement so all I need to do is type the word in condition and we have a control here with power automate called the condition control which is the
easiest way to use if this then else logic without adding in an expression without using Code because it just builds it as an action instead it uses it as a step instead so it's just nice and simple to go ahead and work with so now what we can do is we can come into our condition and we can evaluate something we can click on this choose a value area and we can add in our Dynamic content there's our lightning bolt again to go ahead and evaluate our cost so I'm going to click on that and
I'll just search for cost once more and I'll put in our cost now we don't need to format this because we're just looking at a number in this case we're not worried about the currency anything on top of it we just want the the actual number so I'm going to put in our estimated cost and now in the middle we have our evaluator okay is equal to contains does not contain again this is should be relative to the data type that you're working with we have a number so contains is not going to be really
be a thing for us but what we want to look at is maybe is greater than is greater than or equal to you choose whichever works for you so maybe I'll say is greater than and then I'll choose a number whatever number you determine to be expensive for your team or yourself that's what we're going to put in here maybe I'll put in $200 that's our limit anything under that we're good or maybe $100 whatever it is you could put in your limit there if it's greater than that we need approval if not just go
for it so now what we can do is come in here and say all right if this condition is true if it's true that our cost is greater than 200 that's this right here we add our steps this is if true the condition is true if it's not greater than 200 we go down the false branch and the part about a condition is it will only go down one side or the other that's it true or false so it's really nice and simple to get get that logic to evaluate and now we're controlling the path
of the flow that's why they're called controls we get to control what happens next so I can come in here and say if it's true that our our device request is expensive what should I do if it's false what should I do let's talk about the true if it's true that it's expensive click on the plus sign and add an action and what we can do is we can go ahead and start an approval process there are a couple different options with approvals there is the power automate approvals connector right here which will go ahead
and send out create this approval that's sent out via email it's sent into teams it's sent so you can do it on your phone in power automate app you can you can kind of respond in a lot of places but it's really meant for internal approvals what if I had a request that came from an external Source maybe it's coming from a form the form is the request and I do it that way not always the best way for it so what we can do is especially if you're working with external users I do a
lot of we here at pragmatic works we use we do a lot of work with K12 school systems and universities and government agencies around the US and Canada and if you're working with external users that's probably not the way to go so the popular one that we see a lot of people wanting to use is I just want to use an email and I want to send it on behalf of somebody or a shared account so there is an action with Office 365 Outlook under send email there is an option if I just come in
here and just do send email we've already done send an email V2 right beneath it though there's an option called send email with options this one allows us to have an email just like we sent earlier like up here coming from us which we can change of course but there are buttons inside of it and we can say what the buttons say we can have a description we can curate what's inside of this email and it gets sent out to whatever email address we put in here it's it's a great solution especially when trying to
do an approval with an external user so it gives you options internal external you're just giving out an email and most of us let's be honest most people emails are first goto teams might be second right so this is a great way of just going straight to the source so now I can come in here and I can specify who I'm sending the email to well I can type in in this case if I want I'm gonna put in Devin Knight because he's here helping me out today I'm gonna have him as my approver I
can just hardcode that in if it's going to that person every time that is is the approver in this case okay if I wanted to get the manager now we're talking about internal if this is only internal and I wanted to get the direct supervisor the direct manager of who's making the request technically I can get that dynamically if I add an action before this before my send email options up here there is a step if I come here and add an action ahead of it because I want to be able to use it down
here here right there is a step from Office 365 user connection quite simply called get manager and it is great for internal purposes you can dynamically get the manager of the user all you need simply called get manager all you need is the users user principal name their email address so if I come in here and I click right there for user principal name I can then select the dynamic content or a little lightning bolt and all if I pass in the requester's email it's going to go in this is only for internal again right
because they have to be part of the tenants it's going to go find that person look them up in the Azure active directory in the Entre ID and find their direct supervisor so long as that's it's been set up if it's been set up it's going to dynamically capture their supervisor their manager and and do it for us so now request our email and look here that's all I did is put it their email that's all we're putting in here the email address of the person you want the manager for send email with options technically
what I could do is I could send this to multiple people if I wanted to and I'm not going to I'm not just going to show you here I could send this out but to hit my lightning bolt and go and find under get manager get their birthday their City their company name if I clict C more I can get their mail their email address and send it to them here again this is only for internal users and it's only if the like company tree of the hierarchy has been set up ahead of time if
that's not been set up this is not going to work it's going to fail you're not going to like it okay so you need to have some of these things set up ahead of time and this works fantastic okay no I'm not going to do that because I know my manager is doing an event right now so not that's not going to work quite well so we'll just go ahead and send it to Devon Devon's here helping out today in the chat okay so send email options I'm G to send it to Devon then okay
I can then set up my email right here I can say the importance I can choose to hide email HTML messages I can change these fields here these boxes by choosing the dropdown and if I don't want all of these I can clear all and then I can show all to get everything or clear all and I can choose the drop down and choose you know only ones I care about like the header text the selection text the body the subject the user options these other ones these kind of more like the metadata feel and
all that good stuff I could just do this instead so if these are the ones I want click away and they show up right here so you can just choose what you want to edit or not that's what these parameters are now in the header text for my email body so this is the so when the email comes out it has a kind of a couple boxes and the the body is like the message this is like describing the body um I could say please see details below selection text I'm going to choose this is
essentially the header of the buttons um make a selection now the body of the email okay and again you don't have to put header text or selection text you leave it blank if you'd like you could put that here if you need body of the email um let's say please review the details I'm just going to put it nice and quick the details and make a selection to approve or not and then I'll go down align again just the body of an email like nice and simple and I'll put some basic information information essentially I
want to put what's in here right I want to put all this detail which means technically I can probably come in here and contrl C copy contrl V paste I just went to my other email said well it's the same stuff I'm sending to the approval that I sent to the requestor copy and paste it just highlight it all contrl C go where you want to take it and then you can go ahead and paste it in and there it is okay so now I have that information done that's pretty convenient can copy paste whenever
you can I mean why why not right why wouldn't you do that so now there's our body our subject uh there is a new device request waiting your approval okay now the big part about this the last piece here the user options this is where we need to choose the buttons what actually is on the button yes no approve reject sure or not this time right you decide what you want in there this is just a comma separated list here so I can say uh approve comma base reject those are going to be the two
options I'm giving the approver I could say anything I want here really this is just going to show up in two buttons I could put three buttons I put four now if I put three or four it's going to be a little bit different evaluation but technically I can do that if I needed to and so now with my email with options I next need to evaluate what if they say approve what if they say reject so out loud as I'm thinking about this if they say approve if they click on approve do this if
they click on reject do that again an if is a logical condition condition after every approval I need a new condition so that's something to keep in mind every single approval has to have a condition with it add an action after every single approval whatever it looks like emailed options post the choice of options as a flow bot to a user in teams or the approvals connector all meet a condition so we're going to put in another condition after our approval goes out this is going to evaluate which button did they choose did they click
on the button says approve did they click on the button that says reject now as we do this before I even make that decision what you'll notice is on mine I'm just going to pull my flow down a little bit here to see it is for my condition it says condition one and condition that's because you can't have the same name for two steps so as a best practice here with power aomy it's also really helpful in fact we want to rename steps wherever we need so like this condition I can go in here in
the title of the action here instead of condition one I can say check manager selection and whatever I write here shows up at the name of the condition I can come up here to this condition always leave the initial name in there and just add to it this one is check if over 200 right $200 I can do that now I know if it's over $200 true do all these really good for organization now also you're helping your future self when you come back to look at this and read about it and help someone on
your team you know exactly what's Happening Here Without guessing you just see oh that's what that is doing that's what that is doing really nice and simple one of the the nice and easy piece of just looking at the flow there okay so now we have our second condition back into here I go back into this condition I'm selecting right here just clicking on the name making life really easy there okay we'll then come in here and choose a value okay what we're going to do is we're simply going to come in here and say
in our Dynamic contents the selected option okay the selected option the selected option is equal to approve this is an equals operator which means this word has to match exactly this word here I like to keep it in the affirmative so I'm going to use approve casing matters spelling matters so make sure whatever word you put in your email with options you're choosing the exact same word here Capital lowercase spelling whatever it is must be exact right because we're saying is equal to if it's equal to approve what should I do well let's go here
and finally and our true we're getting all the way down here when this has been approved we're going to add an action and we are going to go back to SharePoint over here on our SharePoint list and we have approved we're going to set this to yes set this to true if we have ments we could put them there so we want to go to our flow and in our if true step here we can go in and we can say update well we did create item so this means that we're going to an update
the item still going back to SharePoint so we can go here SharePoint update item this is where we could finally setting that last F last Fields here with our uh options here so we site address all this is going to match all the way up here we're going to use the same site the same list and then we're going to take the ID that was generated for this item created and we're going to put it into our update step as well so in our update item we'll go to our site which is my teaching site
we're going to go to our list the one I only want to have here and the ID again the ID the unique identifier of the item so I need to go to when the item was created and pass in the unique identifier the ID for when the item was created so I know which record to go update otherwise it's just going to mismatch and look around and guess and it's not g to be useful so the ID is there now what do we want to update look it already already guessing and it already guessing approved
we're saying yes manager selection is true the approved so we're going to change that to yes other parameters in here if you have approval comments I'm just selecting the drop down here and adding comments what we could do is if we have any Dynamic comments coming from our approval we could put them in here so if there were comments if we had it coming in maybe I'll search for I don't think the email doesn't let you do it with comments but if you're using the approval one you can there's other ones that you can have
and pass in here you can put in comments or you can hardcode a comment and say approved by and then you could put in who the approver was dynamically okay and you could say you can put it in here so you can put that data in here so you can add it and I'll say approved by Devon okay and I can put in today's dates and I can put it on information add that in here as well so as long as you have the data passed in dynamically you can pass it out dynamically the approvals
connector that is all the internal ones gives you comments gives you responses gives you a lot of stuff but it also takes up some space it creates four data verse tables to store all this information you get more but there's more that comes with it so this one's a really lightweight really simple one to use now logically speaking if we go through this whole process items created we let the user know that that we have this is your receipt okay the conditional check we get manager send out the approval if it's been approved update the
item we should probably let the user know it's been updated right we should probably let them know hey um it's been approved by this person on this day that's what we would do next right and the false we would let them know hey it's not been approved because of this reason we could do the same essentially we're taking our send an email and we're sending them out a bunch of ways if our check is not true which means we it is not over 200 what could we do here well we might just come in here
and update the item to automatically approve it now you could add in all these steps manually as we've done click this button add an action all that good stuff but one of the things we do get here with power automate especially this new edition is if you rightclick on an action you can copy it so what I always like to do excuse me is finish out one side and if I have to reuse actions kind of the same thing but just kind of over there copy it right click to copy it contrl C does it
as well then I can go all the way up here to this first if false if it's not over 200 and I can click here and paste it and there it is update item now it's going to give me the same answers the same thing that I have down there I can just tweak it if I need I can change it make little edits so instead of approved by Devin on this copy I can say automatically approved for that right since under 200 something like that I can come in here and say update item instead
of copy rename it automatic approved approval so you now have the ability just copy paste copy paste this was not a thing with our old designer with power automate not an option now it's a a great option for us so now we have our automatic updates we for our records we can come in here and do the same copy for send an email copy action I can come in here and I can say um I could paste in either one of these it's been approved by this person and when maybe I'll just do one here
because it's the same one just a little bit different body here add it add oh not add an action I wanted to paste that one paste an action there we go send an email copy instead of saying details about your request your request was rejected this is who rejected it this is why you could put that in there it was rejected okay and I could say uh your request oh goodness for a I'll put this dynamically for this case just to make it add in here but we could always we don't necessarily need it for
right this moment for that was rejected and just put obviously the email we'd put a little bit more details in this in real life right so we can just add that in there to round that our flow again I'd probably put one here too as well let the user know it was approved expect it by this day or all that good stuff be in contact with this person to make the order you could always add that in another follow-up email of course right but our workflow generally speaking at this point is done we could add
in more we can add in this and that but let's go ahead and do a save and test on this to see exactly how it works so what I'm going to do is I could test it automatically it'll end up being false because I think I had 125 was my request number so that would be the automatic approval but I want to add a new one a new manual one because I actually want to see what this send email with options looks like so I'm going to come here and do test manual test and we'll
hit test right here now for this one I'm just going to go to SharePoint and I'll do add new item I'll do a new one here um new computer okay description I want a fast one I'll put myself in here there we go request date I'll come in here and put in today again priority I'll make it critical cost I'll put it that's a probably G be a decent one there uh save and let's see the workflow run and now remember it's expensive so I'm gonna get an email first saying hey we received your request
right then Devin who hopefully is by his email address now Devon's gonna go ahead and respond to that yes or no because I put that email in for him he's going to respond to that yes or no so we can see which approval yes or no comes in from that and by the way for SharePoint if it was rejected we could probably go to SharePoint and say no and this is the reason why and all that good stuff update item too we haven't add that in there but think about all of the different possibilities as
things occur um I do know that it's going to go a little slow last time I went a little slow so I'm hopefully getting that to pop in here and let's see if this can come in let's see I'm just waiting for that initial one to to kick off last time it took a little bit for us and then we are good come on just waiting on our email of course it's going to probably take me to click away let's see click away there we go I'm going to click back into it and hopefully it
started from that point maybe that is maybe that's the trick I just need to not look at it right uh there we go there's our conditional check I got my first email okay here this is the email that I got okay there's my priority all that good stuff and let's take a look and see what happens next I'm gonna scroll oh already happened it looks like Devin went in and if I refresh my screen here for SharePoint Devon went in and there is our approval there's our little check mark I put in approved by Devin
and and you can tell because the flow finished there it is Devon selected approve and we're able to see that email with the buttons in it and the email with options it looks cool it's got just got a little window buttons underneath there's actually two sets of buttons it's the same ones you select one you choose the other and it works great and if you take a look here that get manager it should say Matt let's see I passed in my ID who's my manager it should say Matt Peterson let me scroll down look there
it is Matt Peterson there's the display name of the manager email address I could put that in there given name perfect that would be able to dynamically send it if I pass that email in instead send it to Matt instead of Devon and we can have that now you could do this with multiple people you can send it to an Outlook group if you're using the approvals connector you can send it to 15 and say the first one to respond or wait for all responses you have a lot of options with approvals just depending on
which one you choose okay so this is the email one is universally used because you can send to external users so of course we want to make sure uh we could showcase that one so you could see a lot of different options for that all right so there we have it that's that now the final thing I want to do in our last 10 minutes or so that we have together is we now have these approve these requests let's say I have 20 of them let's say I have 30 of them whatever it might be
what I want to do is to be able to to look at these requests and maybe once a week get an email or a message to me with a list of all of them so that I can see all of the requests that have been approved all right I need to go make these orders or the ones that haven't been approved or I could just see everything every request that's been out there not filtered down I want to be able to get that all in a single email now what happens with power automate is if
we have multiple records on a table it's going to do multiple emails because it creates something called a for each Loop so let me show you this real quick this last piece here I'm going to go back out to my previous page and I'm going to create one more flow now this one's going to work pretty quickly here because we're just GNA see the data get stuff done if I create a flow okay and by the way thank you Devin Devon forwarded the email perfect thank you there there is the that's what it looks like
took a nice picture for it that was the email forwarded that's what it looks like for the send email with options thank you Dev okay if I come in here I want to create one more flow this is a scheduled Cloud flow I want to send email with all requests and I want to send it during the week I'll start it tomorrow at 10: a. and I want to choose it to be every Monday morning so I'm going to choose repeat every one week on Mondays and from here what I can do is I can
create a flow that runs at the schedule I I designed here's our scheduled workflow create a flow at this schedule there's my recurrence there's my schedule to go get all of the requests if I want to put a filter I could put a filter if not get all the requests and send me an email with a list of them in the body of the email now what I can do here is add an action and to get all of the requests these are all individual items what I need to do in power automate is quite
simply get all of the items all of them get items everything on the list so I can click here and if I get the items all of the rows on the table I can point to my site address my list name again I'm using the same ones that we've been working with here if I want to filter this down to only the approved or only the ones in the future I can do that with an O data filter query okay right now I'm just going to take a look at all of them get all of
them if I come in here and let's say I want to send an email to Devin or to Matt my manager and set it up for them so they could see all the upcoming requests if I just go in and send email and I I come in send an email and I can choose the person if I just put in the body let's say I want to send an email in here and I want to include the title of the request Watch What Happens I just click the word title automatically we get a for each
Loop for each item for each request send an email I have 600 I'm getting 600 emails sent out one for each row definitely don't want that that's just that's too much I want them all in one so what I need to do is I'll delete this for each for a second is I want to create a way to get all of them in one email just one by creating something called an HTML table that can be passed in HTML in our email so if I search for HTML I could do table it's a data operation
called literally create HTML table where we can pass in multiple rows on a data source inside of an email so create HTML table from our list of items so I'm going to use my Dynamic content and pull it from our list of items that's all I have here see perfect list of items that's the all of them then I can customize this by coming here and choosing our columns and by doing this I can customize the columns right here and say uh title and then put in the title I'm creating the table I'm choosing which
columns to show up in a nice little table so I'll put in title I'll put in um description add it here I'm just going to make this nice and quick for us so I'm just recreating a table I'll put in our requester put in the requester here and I'll put requester name I could put more if I wanted just by adding more in here and now what I can do is send the whole table in an email even better this table that comes in it quite simply looks very plain it just has title it'll say
description it'll say requester and then underneath it'll just say all the words here like this whatever it is and it just listed row by row row by row it looks fine but it's kind of hard to read sometimes because there's no columns there's no borders there's no background there's just text what we can do is we can actually customize this by using CSS cascading style sheet to customize our table design so what I've given you here in our course files is a a basic styling sheet for an HTML table and you can come in here
and this is what it looks like you can come in here copy this contrl C and then paste it into another data operation called a compose which just takes inputs and creates outputs it's just you'll look at you'll see it's like almost like a text box essentially and if I put it into something called a compose what we can do is compose our table I like to think of it that way by just passing in our styling and you'll see here it's using some hex colors you have some border background colors the width maybe I
make this 100% of the window rather than 75% you can change the alignments you can change all these things that are all fully customizable with a cascading style sheet and from here all I need to do is at the end of my style put in my table to put in my table we take the dynamic content from our HTML table down here at the bottom and put in the output just like that and I can put in the output of this style this table I like the thing I always say it to myself that way
style the table and now if I send an email watch what we get I'll just go and send an email and you can have a fully customized table designed for you I'll send it to myself here enter that as custom value I'll say take a look at this table and then all I need to do is put in the outputs of the compost so we're putting this into this this into this just one at a time in this case Dynamic content the output of the compose here watch this this is the table I could put
text in here and images and just like a regular email this is just another piece of dynamic content if I save and test this look at this amazing table and that be fully customized I put in some of our pragmatic works is colors in here okay get items we could do some filtering here that's what it says I have a YouTube video on how to use that filter so check that out all I do is a test here watch what we get with just very quickly adding in some basic styling that you can customize take
that styling for yourself put in your company colors put in your own font your own design in there take have some fun with it and watch what it does it's going to go through here and there it goes send me an email and look at this table I now have in my email it's responsive to the window size because I said go full 100% And I have a table that I can embed in an email with my own custom header colors font color colors font family style border color background color WID color size or withd
size all that stuff you can design in an email so that every Monday every Wednesday you can send out reminders these are the upcoming events these are the outstanding requests these are the things we need to accomplish this week or this is what we accomplished last week by filtering this down you can add in little filters to only choose certain rows or take everything and you now have this automatic process happening for you each and every week this I can tell you right now as a former teacher this is something that I wish I had
the ability to do we used to take it from our Gradebook and try to send mass emails this that I would love to see this these are all this the average grades for the last exam or you can automatically just forward this or send this to administrator send this to to people for a presentation these are the topics these are this is the timing here's information about it boom here's our recap what ever you need and I can send it to one person to a group of people to many people whatever I need set it
up on a schedule and boom it's there for us so you can have this done and store this in an HTML page it's an HTML table so you can use anywhere HTML is accepted you can use this you can even convert this to a PDF if you need down the road all here is power automating so as we've gone through our time together here today hope hopefully we've given you a nice rounded experience into working with power automate in the cloud so that you can see there's a lot of different use cases a lot of
different scenarios that we can build with so that you can set up a way really make yourself and your team productive do what you're already doing now you're probably doing all this on your own but set it up so power automate can handle the heavy lifting for you you can focus on everything else around you so you can be more productive that way and come to us here at pragmatic work so we can help you level up your own skills so that you can do all this for yourself come take a boot camp take our
courses take a check uh at our online stuff and our virtual mentoring so you can practice for yourself and see everything else in the future there so I want to thank each and every one of you very very much for joining me here today with our learn with the Nerds please don't be a stranger come contact us send us email let us know here in the chat if you have any questions we'll do our very best to follow up we will have a followup coming up next week some Q&A here for you as well so
that we can help you just get a greater understanding of everything here with power aomy thank you so much everyone see you next time hey Jonathan one second hey hey uh hey we want to give away a free license to our on man learning so uh there we go appreciate everyone joining us today and let me uh let me go in here what happens is uh you get rewarded based on your your activity in the chat so the more you chat the more activity the more interest you have so let's throw this uh QR code
or not the QR code the the raffle up on the screen and see who is going to win an on demand learning it's a 12 month subscription $495 value and uh I'm gonna go and throw it up on the screen let's see who wins and Sean Ash congratulations congratulations SE so Sean send an email to marketing at pragmatic works.com uh go ahead and uh send us a screenshot of your YouTube channel just so we can verify uh we may have more than one Sean Ash so uh let's go ahead and verify that but the one
other thing Jonathan is I want to remind people that next month is our special Intergalactic learn with the Nerds day uh this is a huge event that we do here at pragmatic Works once a year and with this we have a full day of content so we'll have eight sessions throughout the day I think we have hotwing challenge we have a women in technology session uh we're going to have uh Devon doing some co-pilot and powerbi uh plus we're going to talk a lot more about our CT XP I think you have a session too
where you're going to review some of the Power Platform certification exam stuff so you don't want to miss that uh that's next month on June 20th you can use that QR code to register now and uh and make sure that uh you're signed up but it's going to be a great time full day and usually uh with the intergalactic Lear with the Nerds day this month we're giving free access to all the power automate material for the for the weekend with interg electric Lear the Nerds day we list everything all the the restrictions off of
our on demand learning platform and give you 24 hours of free access to everything so you don't want to miss that so with that um we're going to close out with our Intergalactic learn with Nur Day promo and uh see you all again soon so everyone uh look forward to seeing you at the next Al of the Nerds take care everyone [Music] knowled interwining into learning leave your worries behind CL through Where Stars into light day well with the next day it's time to shine from to Jupiter box INF come join the N let explore
this galaxy [Music] stationing through the sky into gtic with the nerd day come on in right P textbooks open up your mind falling through the cosmos it's so one of the kind oning knowledge inter inter and learning leave your worri behind cos Clos
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