WHEN YOU FEEL WEAK - Motivational Video

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Ben Lionel Scott 2
WEHN YOU FEEL WEAK - Motivational Speech #motivationalspeech #motivation #motivational #motivationa...
Video Transcript:
what can you do Les when you have been telling yourself you can reach your goal and you've been affirming I am abundant I am rich oh I I feel better than good and better than most I'm blessed and highly favored I can make it I'm a winner and you losing Every Day Life whipping your butt every day what do you do when you've lost your spirit you've lost your job you lost everything life been devastating what if you give it everything you have and you come up short what if you get weak along the way
and you're throwing a towel on yourself you surrender to your emotions what then a lot of people become discouraged they become frustrated and they say oh what the heck and they go back to doing what they were doing before saying it doesn't work come on be real man you come on get a life you can't do that you can't come back from that life is like a grindstone it can polish you or it can pulverize you depending on how you position yourself the victim looks at failure and gets knocked down the leader looks at failure
and asks themselves what's the opportunity here it's the only way to learn Michael Jordan he took 946 game-winning shots he has only made 146 at those you know what they write about when you make it they write about when you make it matter of fact when you fail be glad about it every time you fail you one step closer most people stop short up their dreams and park and get off the highway of life because of the rejections of life you will always be rejected I need you to evaluate yourself and ask yourself the question
how are you wired when you have a trial or a tribulation how are you wired when you hear the word no does it break you I'm wired differently I get excited oh no I love no no Eric you can't do it you're a high school dropout I'll be back I'll be back I'll be stronger when I come back every know you get don't shun the no every no you take the no and you recycle it you hold on to it you Embrace every no and you let each no make you callous to no you get
so strong that when you hear no it turns you on make no your vitamin get excited about the no why because every time someone says no that brings you another step to a yes you're getting closer trust me you will win if you don't quit people say e it seems like you're stronger now you're more committed now it seems like your drive is higher now your passion is higher now what happened ET cuz every time they close the door I just get excited why cuz I am not a no I'm one yes away you can't
keep telling me no forever you can't keep denying me forever this type of energy this type of passion you can't stop it you can contain it for a while but you cannot stop it and you can't defeat me life is a fight for territory tet and once you stop fighting for what you want what you don't want will automatically take over it's a fight for integrity it's a fight for character it's a fight for a good reputation your goals your dreams your Ambitions because they don't give you those things when you're born so every morning
I've got to wake up and I got to fight I got to fight for my dreams I got to fight for character I got to fight for integrity I have to exercise every day I have to drop out of my bed and do 100 push-ups every day I have to discipline my eating I have to turn off the news I can't watch the news I'm fighting for my help you've got to continue to work on yourself personally you've got to decide to be relentless you've got to decide never to give up you've got to find
some reasons within yourself that will give you the stamina when life catches you on The Blind Side to get back up again to keep on calling and coming back again and again and again there's somebody else in you back there and as you work toward becoming that person who you are right now Must Die daily you got to kill that person off you got to be willing to give up who you've been for who you can become if you don't learn how to flourish Under Fire you won't flourish at all in fact many times the
greater the opposition the closer you're getting to your goal dreams are fertilized not in the nice convenient places not when everything's going well it's in the Dark Places it's in the rough places that dream are fertilized so if you avoid the dark and rough places you're avoiding the very fertilization of the next move in your life it may take a long time but if you just keep doing right if you just stand your ground and be dedicated if you keep pushing forward you can lose weight you can get in shape you can go back to
college you can overcome anything and you got to declare to yourself whatever it takes I'm going to pay the price I'm going to do it when things go right I'm going to do it when things go wrong I'm going to do this I'm going to be consistent I'm going to show up every day I'm going to make a little dent in it every day I'm going to hit it every day I'm going to swing every day you can count on me to take action you going to quit or you going to make it to your
go you going to quit or you going to make it to yourself you going to quit or you going to stand there and do what you got to do to make your dreams become a reality life will hit you with all sorts of hell it will bring you to your knees you will fail you will likely fail often it will be painful it will be discouraging it will wear you down break your spirit force you to quit at times it will test you to your very [Music] core the storms will come there are times when
the nights will be long and dark and you will be alone we're in a place that that it feels like nobody else is in this place I'm here all alone and I did not see it going like this there will be times when the darkness seems to consume everything but don't let it consume you you must be your very best in the darkest moments you need to be calm you must be composed your physical power and your inner strength must be brought to bear right now you're being tried you're being forg you're being tested by
fire and by pain that's the test don't fail the test don't give in don't quit don't ever quit the deep is not for a Devastation it's for Preparation the darkest and deepest places of my life have prepared me for the greatest victories of my life when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow it is literally at the darkest moment when it Dawns you don't really even get to the next level to your darkest moments no matter what you ever been to you had to go through it to get right here so
that's why I'm saying stop tripping when it get dark and you running you running from your success and I'm telling you when you come up against that thing you got to I'll do that thing and you can't do it when you get there you got to already make up your mind before you get to cancer you got to already make up your mind before you get to that exam and pass that exam you got to make up in your mind when you talking to your husband when you talking to your wife when you talking to
that sign you got to look at it before you even get to it speak to your soul say don't give up speak to your mind say don't give up and I don't know who you are and what's been pressing you but I'm begging you don't give up don't give up because it's hard don't give up because you can't see the future don't give up because it hurts don't give up no matter how bad it is don't give up in that place no matter how bad it hurts don't give up even if others gave up there's
something on the other side of this for you come on you need to remember this is not your first rodeo Cowboy this is not the first time you CED this is not the first time you were short of breath this is not the first time you didn't see a way clear this is not the first time you were hurt this is not the first time your heart was broken this is not the first time you didn't have enough money this is not the first diagnoses that came up from behind and we will get through this
we will get through this I don't care how hard I don't care how difficult I want you to practice never give up and never give in why because some skill not going to get you through certain things but phenomenal will will allow you to get through everything Buster Doug has got past my T said why ah mental toughness Muhammad Ali got past George for in his old age mental toughness so don't you ever give up as long as you got breath in your nostril don't you ever give up don't you ever give in because I
never told you it would be easy but with mental toughness you can get it done it's a portion of heart a portion of Will and an unyielding dedication to see that through I can tell you how it's hard to get off the couch and take that one step towards greatness I can tell you how hard that is I can also tell you how hard it is 10 times harder looking back on your life as time expires KN you could have been great I can tell you how the worst failure in life isn't the person that
fell down it's a person that never got out the try there's a million examples of how failure is made success is written every single day planning it out having everything in line to ensure success thinking before acting it's always the last inch that matters the most both of them are just as diable as this one but our will is shutting down our desire is shutting down failure setting in the Pain's increasing right now it's hurting do we go on or not do we welcome it or do we run from it every storm has an expiration
dat no matter what storm you're in right now that at some point the winds the waves and the rain have to subside no matter what is happening no matter how hard the fight is as long as you keep fighting you win only surrender is defeat only quitting is the end because the darkness only wins if you let it do not let the darkness win fight fight through the storm fight through the pain you can get out of the storm and you will get out of the storm and when you get out you're going to see
the sun again it will not be easy know that life is not fair and that you will fail often but if you take some risks step up when the times are the toughest face down the bullies lift up the downtrodden and never ever give up you will succeed what do you do when it seems like suffering won't stop what do you do when it feels like your weaknesses continue to worsen maybe you've taken a knockdown concerning your finances lately you're laying on the mat gasping and you don't know what you're going to do maybe it's
with your kids maybe with your marriage maybe with your health maybe some other Arena of life you didn't see it coming and you feel like you've been knocked down but we're not destroyed the last chapter of your story has not been written yet the fact that you're here today is a testament to the fact that whatever you're up against hasn't been able to destroy you don't give in don't be like everybody else don't give up Don't Settle because things are hard not will it be turbulent yes will it be easy no will I make a
lot of mistakes yes will I get hurt yes pain is everywhere most people spend their life not wanting to deal with the pain of rejection the pain of defeat the pain of losing the pain of failure the pain the pain the pain that's called life life is full of pain but there is no gain without pain we are been pressed from every Side by troubles but we're not crushed we're not boxed in we're not left without a way out we are not cornered so the problems are coming in from every angle but there is always
a way of Escape you want me to tell you to give up huh you want me to tell you to quit it's all right to give up it's all right to surrender that's what you want me to say I can't tell you that but what I can tell you is this that I did it and I got here from my mind and I envision I saw myself when I was still homeless when I was still a high school dropout when I was sleeping in the abanded building I saw myself one day being where I am
right now I don't care where you are use what you got to get what you want use your mind use your vision use your dream I dream my way out the hood I dream my way out and then I saw it and I would get up every day and I would cry hard you got to have a why you got to have a reason for why you do what you do if you you don't know what your why is and your why isn't strong you going to get knocked out every single day but when you
know what your why is you can make it you've got to activate the Thinker in you don't allow your emotions to control you we are emotional but you want to begin to discipline your emotion if you don't discipline and contain your emotions they will use you what if you lose what if you fail what if things don't work out so so what it's not about the goals that you reach it's about what you become in the process that's what it's about 50% of winning is showing up for the fight the fight is half over when
you show up you will never win a fight you don't show up for I'm showing up for the fight here I am ready for Duty I'm going to face this head on and let the chips fall where they may everyone of my successes is stacked on top of failures the Jo Joy is not in the success the joy is in trying the joy is in the process that I'm going to keep working I'm going to keep going at it see failure is forming my future failure is just another peg in the ladder for me to
go higher it's been rough it's been hard but I've made up in my mind that I will get a reward for the pain that I go through you will not stop me it's hard I know it's hard but do it hard the greatest test is in transition if you are being tested you are in transition and you got to get get it in your brain that where you are right now is not the in it's just a transition stop letting stuff derail you stop getting stuck every time life don't go your way stop quitting stop
giving up keep fighting in the midst of the struggle keep fighting keep think it positive you only lose when you quit you got to put up the dupes baby and you got to be willing to fight that thing up if you would be willing to fight your way through this battle fight your way through cancer fight fight your way through that academic struggle fight your way through divorce fight your way through that singing career fight your way through boxing fight your way through football I'm telling you at the end of the fight is going to
come Victory recycle your pain you can decide the shape the form you can decide the product that comes from your pain and maybe you've been knocked down in your life and it seems like hey the fight is over it is not over if you've been knocked down it's only over if you quit we may be knocked down but we're never knocked out we get up again and we keep going if you make the decision to get up one more time I'm telling you you will win the fight the problems of failure of problems of discouragement
of hopelessness of hunger things go [Music] wrong there will come a time where you would hit a certain piece of adversity you would hit a certain piece of opposition and your strength alone won't do it you have to pull from another place you would have to have a why because you will hit this piece of adversity in Sun it will crush you it will make you quit it will make you give up it will make you not want to get up in the morning if you don't have another source to pull from and so you
have to train yourself mentally you have to train yourself physically so you can be strong in every aspect of your life because the thing about life somebody is dependent on all of us to keep going when everybody is against you or don't believe in you no more and let me tell you something that's a lonely feeling oh it it hurts very badly I know what that's like have people that you love close to you that look at you with that look and say why don't you try something else why don't you give up when you
face the world and all of your negative toxic family members and friends will knock the win out of you when you break down and you're going to break down when you go back to the fiery furnaces of this world when you find yourself getting weak and losing control what is it that can keep you on the straight and arrow what are the reasons write down five compelling reasons of why you're going to keep your commitment to change your life keep your commitment never to go back to the life that you once lived keep your commitment
to creating wealth for yourself to taking care of your children to be more responsible keep your commitment to live a life of contribution to keep your commitment to be a conqueror and to act like it and to have authority and dominion over everything in your life what are those reasons if life knocked you down try and land on your back because if you can look up you can get up your reasons will help you to get back up again there'll be your rod and staff to comfort you if you ready to quit you ready to
give up you ready to give in you ready to tell me what's not working who doing this what's wrong if you're not ready to get up every day and start all over again like nothing happened yesterday if you soft you want to get out now I'm human just like everybody else but let me tell you why I won't fall I will not give up 20 years a grind I will not put all this in for 20 years and give it up overnight I work too hard you thought for one minute that you broke me you
got me Twisted I am not phenomenally SK but phenomenally will I will not give up I will not surrender I will not quit and your problem is you give it up too easy some of you can quit cuz you ain't paid for nothing I dare you to take a little pain you ain't going to die at the end of pain is Success you're not going to die because you feeling a little pain it's going to be a fight at some point you got to go take the life out of it go get it don't run
for it no more go get it you going in there and go get that grade you go in there and get that information so you can pass that class you got to go get it I don't need you thinking about it no more you're doing too much thinking you analyzing too much you talking yourself out of it I just need you to keep moving I need you to make up in your mind that the only way you can lose is if you quit I just need you to keep going E I had a meltdown in
class you might have a couple more before success it's a part of the game you can't be successful without some melt outs struggle for another year and a half and be free for the rest of your life or you can say I'm tired of struggling and stop struggle and struggle for the next 20 30 years press past it come on stop whining and clining and give it up press past it it's going to hurt yes ask any mother that's had a child his probably feel like they going to die but guess what they get through
it and on the other side when that child comes out they forget all about the pain your dream count on you push anybody about give you no cookies and ice cream push it's alive it's inside how do you know you feel it you dream about it you eat and sleeping every day when people talk to you tell them this what I'm going to do some push just push past the B push don't quit don't get push and you push your way to success you push yourself to the next level work while you wait you don't
know how long it's going to take but if you stop now if you quit now the one thing I can tell you is for certain it's never going to happen delay don't mean deny delay just mean you going to have to wait a minute when the unsuccessful are in delay they get nervous they get worried they give up they quit they stop they surrender cuz they don't see what they think they should see but when the successful are in delay we work while we wait we grind in between time we don't give up we don't
surrender we don't quit we see differently our perspective is different and because our perspective is different our outcomes are different our rewards are different there's times where you're going to have to do it alone there's not going to going to be any team support there's not going to be any family support there's not going to be any friends support there's going to be times where you got to go and do it yourself and you got to do it alone and those are the times that make a difference those are the times that count those are
the times where you have to dig deep yourself to get the job done and if you can make that happen you will win there is no testimony without a trial it is supposed to be hard that rough process is necessary it's what makes you who you are you've got to be flexible you've got to be versatile and you've got to be adaptable you've got to deal with circumstances such as you find them why because a lot of stuff is going to be thrown at you many times you're not going to have time to prepare sometimes
people come out of nowhere with stuff and you've got to stand up inside of yourself and and handle it you got to trust that you're going to be all right you have no evidence to support it it doesn't make sense you can't Point anything to say well this is why there's no logic in it there's no way in which you can logically and practically and realistically support it and prove it that's why you got to have faith and you got to have trust somehow some way you've got to have that that you're going to come
through what is it that will make it worth it for you to face the rejections when you want to give up and things are working against you what is it that will make it worth it for you the brainstorm and not be intimidated and say I can do this what is it that will make it worth it for you to raise the bar on yourself and say I got some more stuff in me what is it and will help you get back up again you better go inside you still looking outside for the stuff that's
already inside you still looking for someone to save you when you already your superhero you looking for some information from somebody when you already got what you need in your head it's just time for you to get up and be the best version of you when you get your butt knocked out the only way you can get back up is from the inside out I got what it take I got average skill but I got phenomenal wealth I can't I have the ability to do it I will I have the willpower to make it happen
I must somebody counting on me arise get your butt up you don't belong at the bottom and it's time for you to get your butt from down there it's time for you to stop being comfortable at the B get your butt up and get you where you supposed to be this ain't time to be whining this ain't time to be crying this is time to get focused once you start questioning yourself you already lost once you start questioning yourself once you start going into a state of depression and you start being by yourself and you
start thinking and wondering once you start wondering you already love even if you don't believe believe you have to believe in yourself you have to believe in your product you have to believe in your service and you have to sell you every day the biggest sale that I make every day that Les Brown you can do this I can beat this if other people can do it then it's possible that I can do it you're going to break records you're going to do some things when you challenge yourself when you work on yourself because you
don't get in what you want you get in life what you are if you want to improve your income you want to improve your circumstances you want to improve your life you got to First improve yourself spend more time on yourself than what you've been spending working on yourself talking to yourself overcoming the negative conversation that Ino dialogue that's going on all the time all the time it's very important you owe that to yourself and so learning how to empower yourself you've got to learn to make a conscious deliberate determined effort to stand up inside
yourself working on yourself watching that inner dialogue that will determine the quality of your life because you are creating your own production you are the star of your show you are the director you're writing the script and you will determine whether your life is a smash office hit or Flo you begin to realize that your dream and your gifts have so much meaning and so much value for you till your hunger for them will begin to push you past the fear your h longer to have them will give you a special drive you want to
become a risk taker you want to raise the bar on yourself most people want do that most people are going to think you're weird they're going to think you're crazy people are going to think you're crazy get away from people in your life that's hating get away from your family members that ain't never open to business get away from your family members that ain't ever follow their dream get away from them don't expect people to understand you don't expect it to make sense to anybody why you've got to do this there are some people that
won't like you who do you think you are you're arrogant what do you think you can do you think you get away with that I'm fighting with folks who not even fight but they got something to say about how we fight you're not even fighting you ain't doing nothing and for those of us who get up and go out you got something to say about how we do what we do it stop talking to us who perform it stop critiquing us stop telling us what to do or how to do it build the kind of
life that says I told you so without having to say aing word everying negative comment should trigger you into productive action every time somebody says something to you you should go do whatever it is that is going to make them have to eat their words right then right now I've had my haters I've had people who've come against me who try to sabotage me I'm like the lion I'm not the gazelle I don't need something external to motivate me I find something within it that's what Lions do lions don't cry lions don't give up Lions
don't quit Lions hunt that's what we do for a living I must be the greatest not because I'm cocky but I got to tell myself I'm the best if I'm going to be the best I got to believe in me before anybody else believe in me download this video and audio by becoming a member at Ben Lionel scott.com plus get early access to all new content and hundreds of exclusive videos
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