there's only one you on this Earth there's never been another you and there will never be another you that's your superpower right so stop trying to fit in when you were specifically designed and made and created to stand out guys when you reach age 40 you're officially about to enter the second half of your life you're grown right so on this video I want to give you nine life goals that you need to stop chasing once you reach age 40 and Beyond and look some of these nine things are things that I had to get
over over myself so a lot of this is about things that I had to conquer and leave behind and stop chasing after I reached age 40 now the first life goal that you got to stop chasing after reaching age 40 is seeking this validation from everybody around you look that's going to drain your energy you don't have to get everybody's approval for what you do or what you don't do by the time you're age 40 guys you're better off and it's way more healthier for you to be focusing on and accepting and loving Who You
Are are and surrounding yourself with people who genuinely support you which can be difficult to do because a lot of times when you get age 40 and you're going in One Direction you got friends that you didn't had for years and years who's going in a different direction or who are staying right where they've been for the last 20 or 30 years when you're trying to elevate one of the best things you can do when you reach age 40 is to trim down your good friend's list the people who you hang around and be around
and talk to on a regular basis and while you're trimming that up make sure you keep the people around you in your circle who you don't need to get validation from now guys the second life goal you got to stop chasing after reaching age 40 is one I struggle with personally and it's Perfection whether in your career whether in your relationships whether with your personal finances look it's okay to have some flaws everybody has flaws Perfection is an illusion nobody's perfect now don't go using nobody's perfect to do dumb stuff I'm just saying in life
you don't have to be perfect Embrace growth and authenticity and genuiness and every single day you don't have to try to be perfect just compete with the person you were yesterday and if you don't quite get there and outdo that person you were yesterday don't trip don't beat yourself up you make a mistake okay dust yourself off learn from the mistake and keep going there's no need to be out here overcompensating for mistakes that you made 5 10 15 20 years ago or the fact that you weren't perfect last week now you want to overcompensate
listen chill no midlife crisis you don't need it you don't have to be perfect now the third life goal to stop chasing after age 40 is the Joneses trying to keep up with the Joneses look the comparison life is over it's dead by the time you get to 40 and Beyond Let It Go avoid the temptation of living life according to social media and yes people over age 40 all the time get caught up in social media just like a 15-year-old look how many of us know somebody over 40 that does way too much on
social media raise your hand matter of fact drop a comment if you know somebody like that they're over 40 but they're acting like they're under 20 the Joneses are all over social media and those Joneses can be sort of toxic when you're trying to keep up with them and you're over 40 and over 50 years old look focus on your journey your life and not other people's ESPN highlights on social media those Jon let them go half of the Joneses are messed up anyway for real now the fourth life goal that you got to stop
chasing after reaching age 40 is holding on to this Youth too long youth is good right but also you need to embrace your age trying to stay perpetually young for the rest of your life through you know superficial stuff and Trends and you know the trends that the young people do can lead really to an empty life sort of in my opinion sort of a sad life right when I see somebody that's 40 Who's acting and looking and talking and dressing like they're 20 it's sort of sad right you're 40 you don't have to act
young you don't have to dress young you don't have to talk young right there's nothing wrong with embracing being 40 prioritize your health take good care of your health but also prioritize wisdom cuz you're 40 you've seen some things and have confidence in your age age is a virtue getting older is fun if you embrace it it certainly beats the alternative right the alternative to getting older is not being here so embrace the fact that you're 40 years old you're 45 years old right and use it to your advantage instead of trying to reach back
to when you was 17 and 18 and 21 years old I hate to tell you but those days are over now the fifth life goal you got to stop chasing after age 40 is overworking yourself for status you know it's cool to try to climb that corporate ladder but at some point you don't want to be sacrificing your family sacrificing relationships or sacrificing your health all in the name of trying to kind this corporate ladder to move up the ladder and move up in status by all means if you want to climb that corporate ladder
go for it I'm not mad at you just be careful that you're not sacrificing some of these more important things nothing wrong with being a manager supervisor right wherever you're at or whatever you're doing there's nothing wrong with being a leader in those spaces but just understand that often times those things can lead to burnout have some balance in your life after age 40 and intentionally do work that really serves or has a purpose in the lives of other people and seek all the Fulfillment that you want from those career Ambitions but just be careful
that you don't break your back or break your neck or stress yourself out to the point where you're sacrificing your mental Health just for some status or title now the sixth life goal that you need to stop chasing after age 40 is the perfect body now look I'm not saying you don't want to be healthy health is very very important and fitness right those things matter a lot I want you to be in the greatest health of your life after age 40 but you should stop trying to chase this perfection in your body obsessing over
the Aesthetics of your looks because when you do that guys you you sort of missed the point of life it's okay to prioritize being strong and having strength and lifting weights and Longevity and feeling good and eating right all those things are wonderful keep doing it but chasing that unrealistic physical Perfection is not necessary now come close to the camera let me explain what I mean you are who you are love yourself your physical aesthetic self that you see in the mirror love that person stop chasing physical perfection improve yourself but realize who you are
and love who that person is and of course as always like I said take good care of your physical health what you eat exercise lifting weights whatever you do take good care of your body but understand you don't have to have a perfect body right you take care of your physical body for the sake of being in good health not for the sake of trying to be that perfect IG model that's 22 years old that you saw don't beat yourself up because your butt's too small or your arms are too small or your hairline is
not where you think your hairline should be look at me guys I'm bald I don't care I'm over 40 and I love it physically you are who you are love that person now number seven is this after age 40 stop trying to fit in the desire to fit in really sort of Fades as you start to understand the importance of standing out look when you get age 40 your idiosyncrasies your uniqueness and your own little quirks and perspectives and thoughts all those little unique things about you those are some of your biggest and most valuable
strengths there's only one U on this Earth there's never been another you and there will never be another you you are unique start using that uniqueness to your advantage that's your superpower right so stop trying to fit in when you were specifically designed and made and created to stand out now the eighth life goal that you got to stop chasing after reaching age 40 is is stuff right the need for material excess the need for more stuff accumulating more and more stuff usually leads to an empty feeling and it doesn't make you any happier cuz
you got more stuff around you I've been to so many estate sales guys you know estate sales when a person or or couple they pass away and they're selling all of their stuff and it's being auctioned off or sold off and it has price tags all over it their stuff that they held near and dear to their heart they loved that trophy they loved that pot or that pan or that silverware or whatever all this stuff is laying around that these people really really loved all their life and it's sitting over there on the table
for a dollar for 50 for $2 and when I see that guys I'm saying to myself wow look at the real meaning of stuff material things if the people who left these things at this estate sale could really see how little regard everybody else has for the stuff that they held near and dear to their heart they would probably go crazy so I'm saying look go for experiences go for relationships go for personal growth those really are the things that are going to bring more fulfillment to your life not so much the material stuff so
as you get over 40 untie yourself or untether yourself from material things now the ninth life goal that you need to stop chasing after age 40 is people pleasing in other words sacrificing your own needs to keep other people happy right all that's going to do is create burnout in your life I'm saying help people help as many people as you can give to people as much as possible but you got to have healthy boundaries no more people pleasing when you get to age 40 and up stop it create those boundaries so you can create
more stronger and more genuine connections with people and hey look stop trying to be everything to everyone help who you can and pray for people that you can't help but stop seeking this Universal approval from everybody you cannot ever please everyone people will not like you people will hate on you for no reason and you have to settle that in your mind and move on so hey those are the nine life goals that you should stop chasing after age 40 if you got value from this video do me a favor and share the video with
somebody you know who's in their 20s their 30s or their 40s and smash that like button for me below and don't forget to drop me a comment as well hey the best person who's going to take care of that old you is the young you until the next video peace