Start Your SMMA With $0

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Iman Gadzhi
How to start an SMMA (Social Media Marketing Agency) with $0 by Iman Gadzhi ❓What Is SMMA? https://...
Video Transcript:
so ladies and gentlemen welcome to this YouTube video my name is Emma and gadji I actually run an advertising agency called IG media we've worked with some very cool clients such as a very iconic motive a design or a ring and list goes on and on in fact if you were in an e-commerce business or an info prog business link down below scheduling a 15 minute demo call with us and we'd love to help you out but anyways enough for the sales pitch I also run a company called green sitcom which is the largest education company on earth for agency owners we help agency owners making literally 100k a month and we also help people probably such as yourself if you clicked on this video who have no experience have no money and want to start an online business and there's no better business out there that you can start then SM MA now SMA basically just means social media marketing agency now I've had my agency for almost four years at this point and the reason that I got into SMA was because it was a business so that I was able to start with zero startup capital and no prior experience and I want to get more nitty gritty I want to get more tangible here and literally show you what I would do if I had literally zero or if I just had ten dollars that I could spare so let's go ahead and get straight into it how to start estimate what zero dollars so in today's teaching the self-limiting beliefs every beginner has how to start on a shoestring budget what to do if you literally have zero dollars to spend how you can use ten dollars to go a long way and how to start regardless of your experience level so self-limiting beliefs and how to overcome them now one thing I need you to understand is that perfection is paralysis there's no perfect way to start an agency I know so many agency owners and I put that in quotation marks who spend months putting together perfect websites Instagram Facebook pages and you know even copywriting these incredible case studies but never actually reach out to clients that's why I like I say agency owners but really big quotation marks there because there's a difference between there's a big difference between having an agency and being an actual agency owner so as I said you might be going look I don't know where to start have to perfectly depict this this is Steve Jobs in front of his garage and this on the right hand side well that is the Apple headquarters so I think that should really prove the point that you can make something big you can make something huge off of very small starts so just look at my agency I've been able to get my agency two six-figure month's profit that means a hundred K profit in a single month for my agency now currently as it stands that's not consistent every single month but we're in that territory now even to this day I still have 85 to 90 percent margins with my agency it's just me one full-time employee and one I guess you could say he's still full-time but a part time for the agency specifically so it's basically me and one and a third team member and and very minimal software cost there's not too many software's that you need when you have an agency owner so even today it's still a very lean and efficient business model but back in the day I had no money to start I was in your exact position so very small beginnings can lead to very prosperous future so let's get back into training next thing you might be saying as well I have no money we'll come on to this in a second but there's an image I want to share with you first this is me when I was first starting my agency and what this is is a place called Brixton book mongers in London now Brixton book mongers is definitely my favorite bookstore in London because I have so many memories there because I literally spent every single Sunday there and the main reason is because at Brixton book mongers you could get books at waterstones that you could get it for 15 pounds you could get Brixton book mongrels for two pound fifty or one pound or 50 pence and the reason I say that is because I couldn't afford books when I started my agency I could not afford to pay for books instead what I had to do was I had to travel 45 minutes on the bus and I would go on the bus because you know at that age in the UK at least you get a free bus transport so I do to change overs and I would go on the bus every single Sunday without fail to Brixton book mongers and sometimes I would sit down and I've been there for three hours and I basically read a book and to end or at least for the most part skim read it and you know every two weeks or so I might reward myself with you know two or three books totaling never more than ten pounds so the thing that I'm trying to get across here is I started this thing from zero and every decision I made in my life based on a budget so I understand where you might be coming from now once again you might be saying I have no experience well this is 16 year old me and I can I can tell you I had no experience when I started my agency either now you might be saying I can't get clients in my country none of my current clients are based in the UK okay you need to reach out via DMV email and speak via zoom guys be country agnostic and user calm use stripe to get paid and you really can't sign clients from anywhere in the world in fact even when I've had clients in the UK before I still refuse to meet them in person because if you know anything about me the way that I run my agency and the way that the thousands of my students run their agency is we have a boutique and very niche agency I have I offer one service and I offer it to only one well technically two kinds of clients but they kind of fall under the same umbrella my team is remote and I run a very streamlined operation so I have what I like to call a boutique agency in my experience you know some of my students that are making in 10,000 a month which I noticed some you guys may seem like such a ridiculous amount of money but at least in the gray agency community that's pretty standard to be honest so even someone doing only 10,000 a month they're making more than most agency owners out there doing 50 60 thousand a month because they're doing 10,000 a month profit so remember it doesn't matter where you are in the world you can sign clients and should be signing clients all across the globe just as long as they speak your language that's what I do and that's what thousands of my students do as well so getting started with literally zero dollars this is exactly what I do if I had to start with zero dollars okay all you do is you create a gmail email okay so as an example black lab media at gmail. com and you create an Instagram black lab media and then you create a dog wix. com website so black lab media doc wix.
com then to communicate I would use zoom zoom has I think unlimited if you're talking one-on-one with a client unlimited runtimes you can you can talk for as long as you want if there's more than two people on the call then it only runs for 45 minutes then you have to have paid zoom but realistically you're gonna be talking with a client one-on-one anyways you stripe to get paid and cost zero and you can also send your invoices directly from stripe stripe only takes a percentage of your payments so for example I think domestically it's only 1. 4 percent they take I think international is a two point nine percent but my point is look if you're getting paid if you're signing your first client for $1,000 or $1,500 or $2,000 or hell $5,000 do you really care that you're giving up 1. 5 to 3 percent no not really then use a facebook business manager to actually advertise and deliver the results for clients if you have a Facebook advertising agency when I first started my agency I actually was creating content for clients and then distributing on their social platforms if you guys want to learn more about how to run ads step-by-step for facebook I'm gonna go ahead and leave a link in the description to my step by step Facebook Ads training that's here on YouTube you don't need to opt-in or anything like that and yeah you just create a very simple Instagram just a very simple Facebook profile and guys this isn't gonna help you sign clients having a good Instagram or a good Facebook what this will do is just really you're just covering bases and making sure you look professional you can see black lab media we help pet supply companies get customers through social media ladies and gentlemen that's literally how you start with zero you use the tools that you have out there that costs no money look is it ideal that you have a dolt wix.
com website no but when I first started I had zero website in fact I didn't even have an agency name I got to ten thousand dollars a month with no website no agency name I was just selling myself as like a service provider without even a name no limited company or LLC whatever you depending on where you are in the world I was just a sole trader I was just self-employed I can speak from experience because I started with a shoestring budget I started with nothing what I recommend it look if that's what you have to do then do it but if you even have just $10 a month you can spend that goes so far so look don't spend that money on Chipotle spend that $10 wisely so you can make an extra ten fifteen twenty five fifty help just even an extra fifteen hundred dollars a month you know let's not even talk about the ten fifteen twenty thousand mark that as I said it's very common in the great urgency community like like just an extra $1,500 a month that does so much for people so mess that $10 a month of running cost in something that will actually bring you a return so I know this video says how to start with zero I've shown you how to start with you now I'm just gonna show you very quickly what I would do if you even just have $10 a month to spend I would upgrade to AG suite okay you can use a GoDaddy or I prefer Google domain just cuz it's easier than to set up with your G suite I think a domain on GoDaddy is a $1. 00 in your first year on G suite it's $12 in your first year so look you're spending like a dollar a month on your domain right that's one dollar and once you have your domain like let's say for example let's say you have a black lab mediacom then your GE would say your name like let's say your name is Sophia Sophia ad black lab Mediacom it comes across so so much more professional and I strongly do recommend it and with G suite now you've got your email obviously you have the entire suite of tools you've got your Google sheets you are your Google slides you've got basically everything you could ever need another tool that I want to add in here is loom LOM I've been using loom for probably two and a half years now I've probably sent them 10,000 plus customers they have a paid version which is $10 a month which you don't need loom pro you you don't need it I didn't even know that they had a pro version for a long time for literally the first 18 months I was just using their free version would loom the awesome thing you can do it's a Chrome extension you literally just hit loom record and you can record your screen and that way you can send out audits and you can send out proposals and video audits and video messages to prospective clients where you can share your screen show them what you do differently show them their current advertising efforts how you could build on it or maybe there's social media how you could build on it show them some of their competitors etc etc so that's just another honorary mention I want to add there the next thing is clickfunnels I mean clickfunnels really like I run half of my agency on that thing I use clickfunnels to build out all of my funnels my onboarding funnel in fact I've even had my website on click funnels before now once again because you bought a GoDaddy domain or a G suite domain you can hook that up to your click funnels so although you use the drag and drop click funnels builder you know what to build a website and build your own board and photo stuff again it can still have your professional agency name on there now I've gone ahead and provided you guys with a link it's great in seecombe slash click fonts free trial the link is in the description with that link specifically you guys actually get a 14-day free trial so once again I strongly strongly strongly recommend that tool check it out for 14 days and hey within the next two weeks if you watch this training and you watch other videos my YouTube channel you very well could have a clan by that time so the next thing I want to talk about is getting started with no experience guys I want you to meet Jake no Jake studies at University he doesn't have time to find clients and Jake is great at Facebook advertising he just Jake doesn't really like selling clients or finding clients or just you know being a business like he doesn't want to be a business owner he'd rather be like a freelancer or a contractor and there's so many people like that now I want you to meet your client custom caller comm custom caller comm pays you $2,000 a month and then you pay Jake $500 a month as a contractor ladies and gentlemen this is where I want to talk about the Expedia business model just something I've been talking about for years and years and years I need you to understand that Expedia or booking.
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