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Journey To God
Have you ever received a warning from God? Are you even aware that God sends warnings to guide you f...
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[Music] have you ever received a warning from God are you even aware that God sends warnings to guide you from strain do you know that ignoring God's warnings can be dangerous as God's children he sends us warnings through various means even when he does many people do not recognize them in this video I will share seven signs that God is warning you you must be conscious of these signs because they affect every aspect of your life before we begin consider subscribing to this channel if you haven't already like and click the notification button to receive
more inspiring videos as a father God desires to see you excel in what you do and that you are guided in life he seeks to help you have the best and warns you before you make mistakes you can make your own decisions but God will always send his warnings ahead God doesn't force you into obeying him but you must understand that the warnings of God are for your good God knows all things while you are limited in knowledge he understands the end of any event before it begins and it's to your advantage that you have
such embodiment of knowledge as your father so what signs indicate that God is warning you number one intense lack of peace if you are saved the spirit of God dwells in you and bears witness in your heart when you are in the center of God's will or are about to make a terrible mistake the spirit of God in you is the first and primary way God directs and guides you that is why you must learn to pay attention to him if you remain a spiritual babe and refuse to grow spiritually you may be unable to
pick the nudging of the spirit you have the Holy Spirit in you and he was sent to guide you through all truth the Bible says John 1613 but when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth he will not speak on his own he will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come you are misguided when you refuse to pay attention to him God sends him as a guide and light to brighten your path he is the voice that tells you this is the
way walk in it this is why God commands you to be filled with the spirit so you can easily pick his directions when you are about to do a particular thing and lose your peace and inner calmness God is warning you of the decision you are about to make it may seem harmless to you and make it look like the most NE necessary thing for you but you must understand that peace is a gift only given when you are in God's perfect will if you deviate from God's perfect will you will lose his peace and
until you return to his will you won't find peace people have lost peace in making certain decisions yet they refuse to heed the call God is sending them refusing to yield to the loss of Peace can be dangerous you can make a great mistake by neglecting your loss of peace peace and save yourself by heeding the loss of Peace this can happen in any area of your life you may want to make a financial decision or invest in a certain business and you sense a loss of Peace just at the onset of the business God
expects you to pick that sign and act on it you may need to pray to understand why you have lost your peace instead of neglecting your feelings and acting like everything is fine pay attention pray and be patient anything that takes your peace as a child of God should be carefully looked into even storms are not meant to take the peace you have in Christ you can have joy amid chaos because you are in Christ but if you realize that you lack peace when you think of something you want to do or an action you
want to take review it and pray about it you may think of proposing to a lady but you lose your peace or you want to consider a man's marriage proposal and lose your peace you may want to respond in a certain way to your neighbor about what he did and while you are still rehearsing it you lose your peace God is warning you that your decision will cost you take heed this sign will help you avoid mistakes if you learn to pay attention to your inward witness you will know when you are about to go
wrong it is either you lack peace or are restless and Disturbed one of God's primary ways of warning you is to cause a stir in your spirit where your heart is unsettled you are not to act at such a time until the water is clear in the book of Acts Paul wanted to go to a particular area to preach but he noticed he lost his peace he was feeling unsettled he felt God didn't want him to go there although his action was good but there was danger ahead he desired to preach the gospel but had
to follow God's lead later in a dream he saw a man in another country calling him to come and help them and he went there and preached the gospel you must be sensitive to your spirit even while doing good things with the right intentions if you lose your peace pay attention do not just explain it away pay attention to it and pray be patient before you act think clearly observe the situation you might save yourself from making a costly mistake one of the primary ways God gives you warning is by taking your peace from you
this is to inform you that you are about to do something wrong the spirit of God in you was given for this purpose he is not only there to stay in your heart he is there to guide you and to minimize your mistakes allow him to lead you and heed God's warnings in the end you will be happy you did another example in the Bible is king pharaoh who had a dream and was disturbed about it he knew something was wrong with the dream and sought the wise men to help him interpret it what if
he ignored the unsettling feeling he felt the land of Egypt would have been like every other country and would also experience the drought and famine that plagued other lands but because he listened they had enough to eat and even sell to other nations when famine struck this teaches you that paying attention to what takes your peace means saving the future your future matters to you more than the present and you must be Keen to make decisions that positively secure your future number two inconsistency with God's word God's word is the final Arbiter of every True
Believer any plan thought or idea that goes against the written word of God should not only raise your brows but signal a warning sign to you God's word has been tried and tested it has been God's measure through the centuries and never changes if you are deciding against what the word of God says you should be careful the Bible says in Psalms 126 and the words of the Lord are flawless like silver refined in a furnace of clay purified seven times Heaven and Earth will pass away but no part of God's word will be unfulfilled
God's word is divine fully capturing God's will God warns you through his word you must learn to heed God's word and back off when the word corrects you if you remain adamant after seeing that your ways are wrong through the lens of the scriptures you have chosen to disobey God God is his word he exalts his word above his name if he has commanded a thing in his word he has set his standard already God has given us his word to guide us and show us a plethora of people who made decisions and their results
biblical examples are given for our learning so we can have a better experience you should learn from them rather than Desiring to make similar mistakes God cannot go against his word one way to test if you are in God's will or being manipulated is to examine if the idea aligns with the principles of God's word if it violates the word of God it is not God's will be quick to stop anything that God's word disapproves of his word is the standard that warns us when we go astray ask yourself what does the Bible say about
this action is my action in alignment with God's word for instance if you want to respond to someone rudely remember the word of God says your speech must be filled with words of Grace God is already warning you and showing you how to act in such a situation remember the choice is yours but you are responsible for the consequences of each action you take in the Book of Romans the Bible already explains the result of those who did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a debased mind to do
those things which were unlawful anyone who chooses that path will have the same result because God never changes he Remains the Same you get inspiration from the word odd you also get instructions and directions you get warnings and advice heed God's instruction from his word to avoid repeating mistakes as you read the pages of the scripture look for things to avoid and lessons to learn it's not always easy to adhere to warnings but yield to them for your safety and the future do not allow your ego to lead you however you need to study the
word to know what God says take time out daily to study and meditate on the scriptures make it a part of your spiritual daily routine you can't know what God is saying if you are ignorant of what is written so make a schedule from now find time spend time with the word and be exposed to God's warnings that will save your soul from destruction number three concerns from spiritual filled people around you there are numerous benefits of having spiritually sensitive people around you one of them is the blessing of avoiding the wrong decision the Bible
says in the multitude of spiritual counsel there is safety you may not like keeping friends because you don't want to get hurt or you just like keeping to yourself that's okay but you need a spiritual company to help you know if you are on track spiritual friends always prevent you from making mistakes God can use use them to warn you before you make mistakes if the spiritual people around raise concerns about your lifestyle or a decision you want to make you must be careful before making them you must seek their counsel and not just see
them as enemies your pastor family members and close friends have your best interest at heart you may not understand why they say some things but you should pay attention to then it matters that you intentionally surround yourself with people who love God and can hear from him if you do not have such friends it may be hard sometimes recognizing God's warnings you cannot rely on your spiritual sensitivity alone in this wicked world you must be humble enough to ask mentors friends leaders and family be open to correction and warnings from them the Bible says in
Proverbs 11 14 for lack of guidance a nation Falls but many advisers make Victory sure you need many advisors to ensure Victory there is always safety in the multitude of council when King reob bam was to be the king of Israel they asked what his plans were for the nation they pleaded with him to reduce the burden but he rejected the advice of his elders and chose to listen to his unwise mates he said his wrist was tighter than his father's waist and eventually he lost a large portion of the nation you have to be
careful of the people you choose as friends your friends may not always be right but most of the time they are Peter at one time said something wrong due to his love for Jesus although he knew that Jesus came to die he didn't want him to die that's what friends will always do Peter was only protecting his friend but Jesus rebuked him because he was not thinking about God and his agenda but his desires yes Peter's heart was pure he had a genuine love for Jesus genuine friends may not always be right but they have
your best interest at heart so always weigh their opinion with God's word through Jonathan's help David could Escape King Saul's plot to kill him when the spiritual people around you are concerned and worried pause and pay attention hear what they have to say before making a decision this is one of the ways God warns you number four unexpected obstacles or challenges challenges or trials are another way God warns and protects you from error God does not only warn you of bad things he warns you of seemingly good things that are harmful to you which you
can't see some good things are not good for you if you are about to move in a direction God has been trying to warn you of and you haven't been listening he will bring unexpected obstacles to either slow you down or completely change your mind everything may have looked fine and right until suddenly a problem arises from nowhere you may have sealed the deal and completed every procedure only to start experiencing unnecessary obstacles that worry you when everything that looks green suddenly turns red you should take time to seek God's face you may think the
devil is standing in your way whereas God is only trying to bring you back the devil initiates every bad thing but not every bad thing is from the devil a bad occurrence or delay may be from God but initiated by the devil it takes discernment and patience to be able to differentiate the devil initiated job's Calamity not God God allowed everything job went through for a purpose when everything begins to turn in an opposite direction to what you have planned God is pointing you to pay attention God is telling you to focus more on him
God is giving you a warning sign decisions are very important in your life and you you must be careful when making them understand that decisions determine destiny and if you make the wrong decision it will impact your destiny this is why God uses this method to call you back to order trying again when God warns you about pursuing a particular thing is a wrong response there are things to persist in and others you must let go it may be a noble cause but if the situation wors you must reconsider and pray thoroughly remember that every
time the Lord warns you from doing something it is for your good you may not understand but you should follow his lead you can choose your path but you will be wise enough to follow his lead this is what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 1:25 for the foolishness of God is wiser than man's Wisdom and the weakness of of God is stronger than man's strength God's foolishness is wiser than man's Wisdom so don't pose to know simply follow his leading number five unsettling dreams and Visions one of the mediums God uses to communicate with
his children is through dreams and Visions these are graphic mediums for communicating with humans God uses these mediums to catch your attention and to prioritize the message in your heart when you see something in a dream it comes with more emphasis than what you just felt in your heart the graphic illustration while you are asleep and the emphasis of the message often bring burden attention and urgency if you keep having troubling dreams about something God is telling you to pay attention to that area many people say God does not speak to them but he speaks
in different ways you need to understand and how God speaks and you will be able to know when he is passing a message to you God used a dream to convince Joseph to Mary Mary even after discovering she was carrying a child by the Holy Spirit he also warned them to depart from the city and run to Egypt Joseph did not know why God wanted them to travel but he chose to obey if Joseph had not left at that period Herod would have killed the baby God even sent an angel to the wise men telling
them not to return to Herod but to go through another route back home this was God's way of warning his people when you have dreams or visions you are not expected to downplay them or see them as irrelevant rather you should embrace them pray about them discover their meaning and act fast choosing to neglect the dreams God gives you can be to your peril I suggest writing your dreams down and searching for for interpretation if you do not have the gift of interpreting dreams find someone who has some people can interpret spiritual dreams meet your
pastor talk to someone about the dream don't neglect it dreams are either subjective or objective the elements people and places may be used as symbols and could also carry a literal meaning not only were dreams used in old times but God still uses dreams to communicate to his children today when you find a dream that speaks on a recurring topic God wants you to focus on it God still sends warnings and directions through dreams and visions and you should pay attention to them to remain safe God sends you warnings to keep you safe and from
error and mistake pay attention to them and you will avoid unnecessary mistakes number six uncertainty uncertainty is a sign that God is warning you leaving you unsure about what to do or where to go is a sign that God is warning you about something he needs you to pay attention to God leaves you in a fog so you can come to him for direction unfortunately many people act despite the fog as a father God has learned to deal with his children in any way possible to drive the point home you do not have to be
so stubborn to the instruction of God when you notice uncertainty God expects you to ask questions and slow down you may have gone ahead of him in Zeal passion or fear but once you notice things are becoming unclear you should stop and listen to him the scripture says in Psalms 461 be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the Nations I will be exalted in the Earth being still means waiting for him to speak before moving being still means waiting for him to direct you before you take action one of
the ways God warns you is by making things unclear to you when you do not know what to do next you could take it as a sign you may begin to launch yourself in your wisdom making decisions by impulses instead of being led by the spirit God will sometimes cause you to be in a fog so that you can trust him with all your heart and lean not to your understanding he will direct your path and make your way straight when things are uncertain please do not ignore them God is warning you number seven repetition
the Bible says in Psalms 62 11 that God has spoken once but I have heard it twice when God repeatedly talks about a a particular thing or brings up several scenarios that point to the same subject he is particular about it and warns you of it God repeats instructions and warnings he has given you when you neglect God's repetitive message you ignore the sign he is giving you it may not be only God talking to you and repeating the message he may use someone close to you to say the same thing he said earlier he
may lead you to listen to uh sermon with the same message especially when you are bent on doing something he keeps warning you not to go on that path and expects you to yield beloved you must understand that the Lord's warning is for your good the earlier you understand how he speaks to you and what he means to say the better your experience here on Earth the Bible says in Jeremiah 2911 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you
hope and a future God is Not seeking your harm he is seeking your good you may not understand what he is doing or why he is making certain demands but you can rest assured that he has your interest at heart he is not trying to limit or frustrate you he is trying to guide you on the right path God is light and there is no no darkness in him God is love and there is no form of hatred in him when you understand the nature and character of God you will also understand he only does
what is good Jesus said no one is good except the father he is the definition of good and while your wisdom may not comprehend everything he does you must have faith in him your faith in God must be stronger than everything you face God's warnings are out of his love love and mercy God's warnings are out of a heart willing to direct his child you will be humble enough to accept his leading when you see it this way it may be hard to accept the chastening of God it may be tough to accept his rebuke
or correction but you must remember that it is Whom The Father loves chastises when the father loves you he will warn correct and guide you he will put his eyes on you to ensure you get the best he has for you do not think it's a bad thing it is the best that can happen to you do not ignore the warnings of God rather be patient pay attention to them and take action where it is needed if you do this you will minimize your mistakes and have a smooth life let's pray Lord Jesus thank you
for your word and Revelation today I thank you for how well you think of me and the plans you have for me I am grateful for your mercies and your constant fatherly love thank you Lord for being closer to me than I can ever ask thank you for your selflessness thank you for your unending sacrifice I am grateful unto you Lord I Thank you for where I am today because it is by your mercy that I am not consumed the devil would have overcome me if you had not been on my side but because of
you I live I can face the challenges of tomorrow because you are with me thank you Lord Jesus I thank you because I now know that your warnings are out of love not out of hate I Now understand that your warnings are out of Mercy not out of judgment than you for your desire for me to succeed thank you for your desire for me to be established and fruitful thank you for watching out for me and warning me before I make mistakes thank you for not leaving me to my foolishness I admit that you are
wiser than I am and I am grateful for your initiative in guiding me Lord I ask that in any way I have ignored your warnings you have mercy on me in any way I have counted your warnings as irrelevant please have mercy on me I Now understand and I repent for such action I know there are times I have made my own decision even after your warnings please forgive me and let your grace and mercy speak for me Lord please help me to be sensitive to your warnings open my spiritual ears and eyes to see
the signals and to hear your voice help me not to be dull of hearing I understand you are my father and you always want to guide your child please help me to hear you whenever you guide me if I am still moving when you want me to pause please draw me by any means and let me know you are speaking to me I do not want to make errors that I can avoid I don't want to make mistakes that I can prevent by just listening l in to you I don't want to take actions that
will cost me dearly please help me Lord I am now conversant with the mediums you use and will pay attention to them I will pay attention to the times when I lose my peace I will pay attention to your words I will listen to what the people you have planted around me have to say I will also take note of unexpected obstacles I will pay more attention to my dreams I will look out for uncertainty and repetition in my daily life please guide me and do not leave me to myself because the race is not
to the Swift nor the battle to the strong but of the Lord who shows Mercy thank you for your constant guidance and warnings I appreciate them Lord and I plead with you please do not let them stop thank you Lord because I know you have heard and you will do all I ask in Jesus's name amen thank you for watching this video if you are yet to like And subscribe please do so also share this video with your friends and be a blessing to them God bless you amen
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