this video doesn't have any tags and it barely has a description so if it's showing up on your feed I don't believe that's a coincidence I want to encourage you today by sharing something that I've learned what I've realized is there's nothing to do so just be we tend to have these achievements and these goals and these things that are going to bring happiness but if you've achieved enough of them you realize that they're fleeting it doesn't last and it doesn't actually bring you what what you thought it would and then you just move on
to the next one and that's not going to work either so there comes a point where you either have a midlife crisis and still that doesn't work because you decide to buy a speedboat or something another thing that you think is going to bring joy and doesn't or you well none of it works so this is sort of the conclusion I've come to that I'm trying to share with you the way I realized this was I've recognized enough of these throughout my life when I was about my brother got his first summer job and he
saved up saved up the first thing he bought was an iPhone and at that time I had a Sony Ericson slide phone not a flip phone it like slid in the middle quite cool but I'd never had a touchscreen phone before and because he went first and got the iPhone I really wanted the iPhone so I had to wait about a year worked saved up bought an iPhone so for a year I had a a slight sense of dissatisfaction in anticipation for getting the iPhone and then when I got the iPhone it brought a sense
of fulfillment for about a day I used it constantly you know you run the battery down when you first get an iPhone you run the battery down in about 12 hours cuz you're just testing out all the features but by then my brother had upgraded and bought the next iPhone and then I thought oh well that would be cool cuz mine's like 2 years out of date so so then you might say oh well that's superficial of course an iPhone is not going to bring happiness but throughout life you tend to jump across these things
that are going to that are going to work and they become more and more or less and less superficial over time so the next one was he was doing his motorcycle test and I was not able because I was younger and I thought oh when I can get my motorbike that'll allow me freedom and I can explore the island that I live on and you know meet new people so that's less superficial it's not an iPhone it's Freedom that I'm I'm waiting for then you get it and of course it brings some level of Joy
but then you're on to the next thing well maybe it's a relationship I want then you get the relationship and you think well that's nice but it still hasn't scratched the itch and then you say oh well it's it might be spiritual or it could be before spiritual it's usually status I need to make a name for myself I need to get rich or famous or just have a good career so I'm the doctor guy or whatever it is then you go after status and you realize nobody cares they're all focused on their own status
anyway and then you come to spirituality and you say well okay I've tried all these other things the worldly things so it's spiritual but you still might miss the point with that as well and I'm on the journey to becoming baptized and um in Easter so all going well I'll get baptized in a couple of months but I've even not pegged any fulfillment on this either there's quite an interesting Alan Watts video and he's kind of joking but one of the quotes is a lot of people got baptized but it doesn't always stick and I
anticipate this happening with me it's not like I'm going to get baptized I mean certain things happen you know it removes original sin so that's going to happen out of my control but it's not like I'm just instantly going to be in Bliss because it's a mind thing you have to understand this before any religion before any fulfillment is going to work so the solution to this is realizing that it's all in the present moment if you've had enough of these things like I have I got the iPhone it satisfies for about 2 days I
got the motorbike it satisfied me for about 3 months I've found religion and it comforts you but if you don't have the correct mindset in place none of it's going to work so if you think about the word enthusiasm the word enthusiasm comes from the Greek Enos which means in God or inspired by God so if you're enthusiastic it means you're rejoicing in what God has given you so are you enthusiastic about every moment about life or are you enthusiastic about an iPhone cuz the problem with that is the new iPhone isn't released until September
but God is here now your next relationship if you're enthusiastic about that you might not meet that person for year but God in the form of Nature and just reality and just the present moment is here now so that's the difference don't just exist you know if you just exist now you're enthusiastic you're in theios which means inspired by God whereas if you're doing you're saying if I do this if I get that then I can be happy then I can be enthusiastic so I'm going to contradict myself a little bit as soon as you
start doing this then you can start doing things again so if you just exist and you go I need to be inspired by God without the iPhone without the relationship without whatever it happens to be then you can start doing and then you do it with enthusiasm so I've seen a a trend on on Tik Tok and it's quite a good gauge of like Society the caption is what it looks like when you lose your spark and it's normally two pictures or two video clips the first clip is the person doing something they love and
you can just tell you can see in pictures like in their eyes that they have joy then you swipe to the next one and it's like a depressing picture and I think a lot of people can relate to this that's why it's a trend there's a lot of these floating about and I could relate to it there's been times where I've been in Flow State I've been very joyful and times where I felt like I've lost my spark and if you think what that means to lose your spark it means to lose enthusiasm which means
and FiOS to lose the inspiration of God and a lot of people in our society at the moment like God and I think that might be the reason why you lose your spark so if you want to get your spark back you need to deepen your connection with God and it's not like for me I'm not baptized yet oh so what I don't get Grace I don't get um joy and fulfillment until two months time when I'm baptized no God is here now God is ever present and you have to become enthusiastic then the baptism
actually means something if I just get baptized but keep my old mindset it was completely pointless so this brings to mind Psalm 118 ver 24 this is the day the Lord has made rejoice and be glad in it so that's not rejoice once you get the new iPhone Rejoice once you become a doctor or get a relationship or become baptized you rejoice now this is the day so this there's nothing to do there's nothing to do nothing to achieve only be so the Buddha said this in a different way all suffering is because of Desire
so my encouragement is there's nothing to do so get good at being before you start doing and the other problem with desire is I've realized you can never answer the question of what do I desire because when you get it it seems to be fleeting so the iPhone I really thought that was going to bring joy when I got it I'm on to the next thing so is it that next thing and then when I get the next thing it's something else so you can never answer the question and the reason and get enough of
these things do it go out and buy a speedboat if that's what you think you need and then ask yourself how long to dissatisfy me for surely that's life completed if it's a speed boat you need you've achieved everything you know because you only think about one at a time if you could lay them all out it would just look silly well it's a speedboat a you know all of these things and none of them work so get enough of them and realize that it's not going to going to bring joy and if you can't
answer the question what do I desire then that's pointing to the answer which is there's nothing to get you already have it it's life itself just live just be alive get enthusiasm about that then you can start doing things but you don't even need to do them I could sit in this forest for 6 months and just listen to the birds and walk my dog I mean you might say that's doing something I could not even do that do you know what I mean but once you've achieved that and it comes and goes it's not
like I don't have desires I still have goals and I'm working towards them but then you have enthusiasm again that's getting your spark back the beautiful thing about being a human is we have imagination and we can project things forward into the future and sort of anticipate how they're going to go so I would say whatever it is at the moment the thing you think that if you achieve it or obtain it it's going to bring fulfillment just visualize that you already had it and if you had that thing say it's money say you just
gained a load of money would that be the end of desire you know or are you going to spend that money on something you know cuz that's your next desire and then when you run out of money do you desire the money back again so you can buy the thing again you see how this is a vicious cycle so if that's not the case if nothing works then there has to be some form of enjoyment and it's the present moment it's the fact that that you're alive that's enough you don't need to add anything else
to it you need to meet your needs so as long as you're not hungry and cold you know Meeting those needs is fairly basic nowadays you don't even need money for that you know you could live in a monastery and you won't be hungry won't be tired won't be cold so it's just being it's being alive there's nothing to get hope that helps speak to you soon