How to write 7-figure video sales letters

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Ravi Abuvala
🚨 DM Me "VSL" On Instagram For Our $25M Video Sales Letter Template:
Video Transcript:
I've created over 2,000 video sales letters across 48 different Industries and today I'm going to show you our exact video sales letter formula that has generated us over $25 million in sales and if you stay until the end I'm going to show you how you can download our video sales letter template so that you can create your own video sales letter using this formula in a matter of minutes so this is our video sales letter formula and each one of these boxes represents a different element you need to create a multi-million doll video sales letter
so I'm actually going to reveal each one of these boxes explain to you why you need it and then show you specific examples to go along with it that way by the end of this you'll see an entire video sales letter that we're going to create in this video together now before I reveal the first box let me address the elephant in the room do you even need a video sales letter in the first place the short answer is absolutely unequivocally yes there are so many studies that show that the majority of buyers make make
their buying decision long before they book the sales call or walk into your store in today's highly competitive information abundant Marketplace your prospects don't want to have to get on a sales call in order to learn more about your offer actually quite frankly if you're forcing them to get on a sales call they're just not going to get on the sales call they're going to go to your competitors who are offering more information before they're asking them to book and that's because prospects want to get to know you before they're even even going to make
a decision whether they want to work with you or not so if you're trying to compress an entire sales process into 160 minute call it's likely the reason why you're having low showup rates low close rates Low Cash collected etc etc now compare that to the person that gives the prospects all the information that they need and even persuades them why they're the solution to the problems that person's always going to have more bookings higher show up rates higher close rates and higher cash CL Ed and the most efficient way to educate and inform and
persuade your prospects is going to be through a video sales letter so let's walk through what you need to do to create your own the first thing you need is you need to create some pain in your video sales letter now the reason why we do this first and the reason why we do this at all is for a few different reasons the first is going to be you need to have a gap in order to see change if there's no Gap in the prospect's mind then they're not going to pull out their credit card
and pay you any money so if they think that everything's just okay or the Pain's not that great then there's no reason for them to book a call there's no reason to pay you thousands of dollars to get the solution and if they don't even know that there's a problem in the first place well then you definitely don't want to speak to those people because once again there's not enough gap between where they are and where they want to be the other reason why we like to start with pain as the first element of a
video sales letter is because it helps identify the right people so for example the one that I'm going going to give here is going to be for like a fitness offer so as you can see this example in the top box here I say embarrassed to see yourself naked question mark so I might start a video sales letterer with that very bold statement I'm going to say hey are you embarrassed to see yourself naked what does that do well first of all it's going to create a gap and it's going to attract the people that
are embarrassed to see themselves naked and nobody wants to be embarrassed to see themselves naked and so by automatically saying that in the very beginning I'm creating this Gap from like okay they do want to see themselves uh naked but they're embarrassed to do so right now that's that cap the second thing I'm doing is I am identifying the right people so by saying embarrass to see yourself naked anybody who is not embarrassed to see themselves naked are immediately going to drop off this video sales letter and that's why a lot of people when they're
looking at video sales letters they always look at kind of the retention curve which is how long somebody watches the video sales letter like almost like a YouTube video and they think oh if I have this big drop off in the very beginning that's a bad thing I don't want a big drop off where I actually argue that you do want a big drop off because as I've talked about in a few of my other videos where I go through video sales letter funnels and different funnels you can create to scale your offer um the
percentage of the market that is actually your ideal Avatar is always going to be a small percent of a small percent so when youever you're running Big Marketing campaigns whether through organic content or through paid ads you're trying to get this huge audience to this one page and then you're only trying to extract out the small 1% to 3% of people that are your ideal customers and if you do do this earlier on in the process like in the first 3 seconds of the video sales letter then you won't have to deal with it later
on in the process like having unqualified people that don't have any pain show up on your sales calls and waste everybody's time okay so that's why we always start with the pain in the problem and I'm going to give you a fun little stat here one of our offers that we have in the very beginning of the video sales letter I switched the pain point from uh you know are you struggling to get leads to are you struggling with Rising ad costs and when I switch that almost overnight T we went from getting people who
were making 0 to $5,000 a month to people that were making $30 to $50,000 a month why because people that are struggling with Rising ad costs are typically spending money on ads and if they're spending money on ads they're typically making enough money to invest into ads in the first place and so just by saying those few words in the very beginning are you struggling with Rising ad costs I am identifying people that already have maybe a business that's a little bit further along than those who just want more leads which could literally be anybody
even beginners so the first one that first element of every single really great video sales letter is the pain now you can list out multiple pain points so I could say are you embarrassed to see yourself naked tired of being alone wishing that you could blah blah blah so these are all different uh pain elements that I'm kind of jabbing into and uh the third and and final reason why we like to start with pain is because of something called the levels of awareness now I have a different video where I go deeper on the
levels of awareness but essentially there's every Marketplace has different levels of awareness and one of the highest levels that you can have is a pain level they're pain aware so let's say right here uh there's unaware and then there's pain right here okay so the reason why this we have this first is because we don't want to say right off the bat hey do you want to lose weight or hey do you want to work out six days a week because then we're only going to getting people that are further down the funnel but what
we really want to do is we want to try to capture people at at higher point in the funnel and then bring them down the funnel through the rest of the video sales letter so instead of starting the very beginning saying this is what I'm going to do to get you clients or starting the video by saying you're going to have to work out six times a week or here's the special diet that you need I can start with a much larger pain point that a larger group of people are going to have which is
that you're embarrassed to see yourself naked the next element of a great video sales layer is going to be your transformation or your claim now I have a lot of different add additional trainings that go into Transformations and claims but this is your one sentence statement that lets somebody know exactly what you do the reason why we put this uh earlier on inside the video sales letter is because once again going to this retention curve even the best written video sales letters in the world will still have a pretty big drop off within the first
15 to 25 seconds and so I want to be able to tell that person if I'm spending a lot of time energy and effort getting them to my video sales letter I want to be able to tell that person exactly what I can do in just a few seconds that way in case they bounce off if they uh don't click and book a call to speak with with me etc etc they at least know how I could help them in the future and I also always call this the corner store test and what I mean
by that is you want to be able to make a statement that if you walk to your local Corner Store wherever you are in the world and you were buying something and they said oh hey what's your name oh my name's rvy oh nice to meet you rvy what do you do you could tell the person that worked at the corner store I do this right so in this example here I help people lose 40 lb in the next 12 weeks guaranteed if I said that very simple everybody would understand it okay I went uh
today I was looking at a client's transformational statement uh and they had said something way too complex it was like I help aspiring Baseball Professionals increase their structure so that they can get into a professional School something along those lines it was way too wordy and what does increase your structure mean the corner store test would not be passed if you said something like that so you want to keep it incredibly simple this is also I sometimes call this the sauna test only because in Miami I go to sonas all the time and everyone's always
I'm talking to people and they're always like oh what do you do and for me I say I build custom endend Marketing Systems for other companies or I help company scale right things like that that way if you say it to them and they're the ideal person they might say oh tell me more but if you say oh what do you do and then you just go blah blah blah blah blah blah blah you're just r on and on you've lost the person the first seven seconds so we really want a strong transformation statement and
a claim now there is another thing I want to talk about when it comes to transformation statements and claims and that is that in today's Marketplace you need to make bold claims now you don't want to lie absolutely never ever lie but if you're struggling to convert prospects if you're getting a lot of attention but you're not turning them into qualified book calls and sales it might be because you're not making a strong enough claim so this one here says I can help you lose 40 lb the next 12 weeks guaranteed if I said I
can help you lose 2 lbs the next 12 weeks guaranteed I'm probably not going to get a lot of takers on it right and I'm just showing you an extreme of what that could look like now I'm going to help you lose 40 pounds next 12 weeks that might be kind of extreme and this is just an example here but if I could back that up that my average client was seeing that then that would be a really good transformational statement okay so we want to make these statements very very bold and if you're saying
rvy I can't make that statement it's I can't make a strong enough a statement well then stop what you're doing stop focusing so much on marketing go back to your products and work on it until you can make a bold statement I'll give you an example inside of our business uh right now recently the last 60 days we trained change our transformation statement to saying we will build you a custom totally done for you end to-end Marketing System in the next 7 days so before we used to build custom end to- end done for you
Marketing Systems everybody else does the same thing everyone's copying us so then I took it a step further and I said in the next 7 days because if you go back to Alex rosi's $100 million offers one of the things that you can always do is shorten the time frame and the sacrifice the person has to make if they work with you so most people they get their campaigns up and launched within 30 45 60 days if they even get them up and launch it all but our clients and that's what we cover in our
video sales letter we actually get everything up and running within 7 days that is what our average client sees their campaign launch that means some a little bit more some a little bit less but the average person is within 7 days so I had to work relentlessly with our client success team in order to be able to make that claim so it took us about 60 days of adjusting our client success process and proving that it works before I went and I changed it inside the video sales letter because you know you don't want to
be lying to people but I challenge you that if you're saying I can't make that strong of a statement go back and work on your product until you can make that statement so at this point we've said are you embarrassed to see yourself naked my name is RVA and I can help you lose 40 lbs in the next 12 weeks guaranteed so that took about six or seven seconds and even if this person doesn't take a next step with us even if they never book a call throughout the rest of the time in this video
salesletter page here at least they know who I am and they stayed a little bit longer because I said are you embarrassing yourself naked so I know my ideal Prospect so later on when they see a retargeting ad when they're out at dinner and somebody says Hey do you hear about that rugby Wala guy whatever else is happening they now know who I help people that are embarrassed to see themselves naked and what I do I can help them lose 40 lbs in 12 weeks guaranteed now a quick thing on a risk reversal I'm going
to talk about this a little bit later in the video sales letter but I said guaranteed here there's a bunch of pros and cons to adding guarantees it's another example of making a stronger Bolder claim is by giving a guarantee there's multiple different versions of guarantees you can do we'll keep on working with you guarantee a money back guarantee or you could even do a money back guarantee and I'll write you a check on top of it for 2 three4 $5,000 now you should do the math because a lot of people may be surprised to
know that when they start throwing in guarantees all willy-nilly what happens is that they do definitely get more sales but then they're getting sales from people who are very risk averse and then they want to start using their guarantees and what they might figure out is even though they're making more sales they end up making the same amount of money that they were previously because of all the refunds guarantees and charge backs that they're dealing with and the truth is if you do the rest of these video sales letter steps correctly you don't need to
have a guarantee a guarantee is like the cheapest way to get more attention eyeballs and calls in your funnel and if you don't have to have it then I don't recommend doing it and you'll actually see in our video sales letter are we don't offer money back guarantees and that's for a bunch of different reasons I can talk about in a different video but you can make the decision whether it's worth it or not and you can see here in ours that we don't have it but in this example I do have it all right
so let's keep it going here so so far we say are you embarrassed to see yourself naked I can help you lose 40 lbs the next 12 weeks guaranteed now we go into who this is for so this is the point where we have said are you embarrass to see yourself naked I can help you lose 40 lbs next 12 weeks guaranteed so we've captured their attention we've told them what we do and now we're going to go a little bit deeper into who this is for the reason why we don't start with who this
is for is because we haven't jabed any paino we have haven't created that Gap that I talked about earlier from where they are to where they want to be so if I start the video sales that and I say if you are a coach consultant agency owner or if I say something like if you are out of shape if you are a man in your 20s like okay what what if you you've lost somebody already so you almost need to like jab a knife into them obviously metaphorically speaking I'm not asking you to murder anybody
but jab a knife into them to get them hooked that's why it's called a hook by saying are you embarrassed to yourself overweight oh damn I am embarrassed see myself over way well I can guarantee you that we're going to lose you 40 next 12 weeks oh wow that's interesting and so now if we had to kind of draw a funnel right here by saying are you embarrassed to see yourself overweight we have like captured let's say this is everybody that reached the traffic page and we first got there but then we said are you
embarrassed to see yourself overweight well now we have it down to these people here and so then we want to do another who this is for kind of call out here to get a little bit more specific so I might say something like look if you are at least 50 lbs overweight if you're tired of not finding a partner and if you need to see a change today then pay close attention so I'm kind of narrowing down this audience all within the first let's say 15 to 30 seconds in my video sales letter here so
that I can make sure when I get to the offer when I'm when I when people are booking calls when they're showing up the calls we're doing the most qualified people possible we're speaking with the most qualified people possible and most people when I talk about adding in these like qualifiers and I talk about the pain in the problem and who this is for most people say oh no let me just get on the call with as many people as possible and then I'll disqualify them that way the issue with that is that you're going
to end up with trying to scale the most unscalable part of this entire funnel which is your sales team so or you so if you have to get on sales calls in order to close people into your offer which is who we help then what happens is you're getting on let's say you book 10 sales calls in a day you might have seven of them unqualified and all those people show up so then you're closing one out of 10 people but in reality only three out of 10 are qualified to begin with and so you're
extending out your sales cycle you're taking way more calls than you need to and then when you hire a sales team sure you might be filling out a sales teams calendar but they're very unmotivated because all these people don't have pain they don't have urgency there's no Gap they're not qualified etc etc so it's way easier to make these qualifications earlier on in this sales process and earlier on in the video sales that so we can make sure that sure we're going to have a little bit less of a throughput than if we got all
of these people to go through but if these people have urgency if they have a huge pain point if they have a huge desire they want to make a change well then we're going to have way higher show up rates way more qualified people on calls way higher close rates etc etc so that's why after I say are you embarrassed to see yourself naked my name is Roa and I can help you lose 40 lbs the next 12 weeks guaranteed now pay attention very closely if you're at least 50 lbs overweight if you're tired of
not finding your significant other and being lonely and you need to see a change today so once again we're going narrower narrower error so I'm saying who is this for okay next step inside the video salesletter formula is going to be social proof and credibility now why are we going to social proof and credibility this early on and some people might say why are we doing it this late because a lot of people say first thing I can do this thing and guarantee social proof social proof social proof the thing here is that you want
to follow almost like an organic almost like you're telling a story so if I was to come out here and tell a story to you and I was saying yeah you know in the last 12 weeks I've lost 40 lbs right I wouldn't first come out and say look at this photo of me with my shirt off I would say you want to hear something insane in the last 12 weeks I've lost 40 lbs here's that photo of me uh with my shirt off you see how much more organic and natural that is and the
reason why we put social proofing credibility after we make our transformation claim is because what goes through your mind as soon as I say I can help you lose 40 PBS the next 12 weeks guaranteed first thing that goes in your mind is BS baloney it's a fugazi it's a F gazi this is not true your BS meter's going off the chart everybody comments scam scam scam whenever they see something online so immediately they're thinking that this person's not telling the truth right when I say we can build you a totally custom done for you
end to end Marketing System in your business the next seven days you're saying yeah whatever yeah right you're just like everybody else making these big bold promises online but then you show the social proof and credibility and this can be in a variety of different ways so the way that we extract this from our clients we break this down into something like accolades so I'll say accolades we'll say social proof and we'll say associations and we'll say public relations which is PR okay so this is what how you can use social groups so almost anybody
has at least one of these things it'd be really great if you have all of them so accolades would be something like you know I am a doctor I am a I don't know board certified nutritionist I am a blah blah blah insert this school thing that I went here the certification that I got here social proof is obviously going to be you or your client results so in this example here I say I've helped people like Bob who's lost 60 lb in 8 weeks I've helped Sarah who's lost 30 lbs in 2 weeks I've
helped James who've lost 90 lbs in 18 weeks whatever else it is I'm showing people just like them seeing the results that they want to see backing up that transformation statement that I made earlier and remember you can use your own social proof as part of this so you can say I've done this as well a lot of people watching this might not have hundreds or thousands of clients like we do but you have at least you and that's at least one person that you can get to then get another person to then get that
person's successes out of that social proof and over and over and over again for us if you go to scaling with wins you'll see over 1100 100 published social proofs like literally screenshots of our client seeing wins published on our website so you want to slowly accumulate that over time that way every time you're writing a video sales letter you can just kind of extract from this and put it inside of your uh social proof credibility section the next is going to be associations now associations is really helpful because there's something called The Law
of Association right or I think it's Association bias or something like that but the idea behind it is that if I see you next to somebody that I respect then I somewhat respect you you because if I respect that person and they're spending time with you then you must be a respectable person if I had Mother Teresa right next to me and I was talking to Mother Teresa I actually don't know if mother terresa is alive or dead but if I had mother I think she's dead but if I had Mother Teresa right next to
me or the dolly Lama you might think oh wow this person must be a gentle giving kind person because those are all the things you associate with Mother Teresa or doy Lama if you go to my sales Pages or my video sales letter I talk about how I've worked with or I'm friends with or uh you know I've been around some of the biggest names in our industry people that run hundred million plus companies and they've asked me for my advice so just by the Association if you don't know who I am well you know
that person and that person and that person if they're all hanging out with this guy then he must be a great guy it's the same way when you're hanging out in a a group of friends and you meet somebody else and your friend introduces you to that friend and all of a sudden you click right away it's because yeah you probably trust that person because they're alike and you're like your friend and etc etc so those are what associations are and then there's public relations so these would be like I've been on Fox news I've
been on entrepreneur I'm on for 30 under 30 I've been on this podcast this podcast now obviously the more relevant to who this is for this person that they would understand the better off it's going to be so let's say for example I'm doing this Fitness weight loss offer and I say that I have a clickfunnels two comma Club award or I've been on the the the go high level stage or something like that those people aren't really going to know those references right so you really want to make sure that whatever social proof or
associations or PR or accolades you're doing it's relevant to who you're trying to do this for I know that sounds obvious but you'd be surprised at you know the things that people throw out there because they think that oh this person's going to find this impressive when they really don't uh there is also like material social proof and credibility you know and this is what I call hard Flex versus soft Flex hard flex soflex and this is because technically speaking that law of associations can also be a part of material stuff right so for example
right now I have a decent watch on my wrist the cardier Santos and so I would consider this a soft Flex I mean I didn't really think of this when I put this on but at the same time it's like okay I'm talking about this you see this I don't know if you can see these other watches back here so I have tens of thousands dollars worth of watches behind me so you might not be a watch person but you probably value money and so you see that I might have money and so that's an
association right now A Hard Flex would be if I was like yo check out this video right that's that's called a hard Flex because I'm just like don't no one likes a hard Flex don't be that person don't do a hard but you can do soft flexes right this is my office in my house this is a decent sized office this is a nice background here this is a nice microphone all things I've invested in that must mean I must be a professional person I take this stuff seriously I'm not in my basement these are
all associations so I won't spend any more time on the social proofing credibility but this is a section for you to brag about yourself a little bit and you can do it both verbally and you can do it non-verbally using visual cues like I talked about the background the mic this whatever else it is right people are people are soaking it all in at the exact same time so let's go through our video Sal so far are you embarrassed to see yourself naked well my name is rby wall and I'm going to show you how
I can help you lose 40 lbs the next 12 weeks guaranteed now this is only for somebody who's over 50 lbs overweight uh if they're tired of if this person is tired of not finding their partner or being lonely and if they literally need to see a change tomorrow or they don't think they can do it anymore and I know what you're thinking right off the bat there's no way Revy can do this how can he make these bull claims well you might not know but my best friend is Dr Oz and also I'm friends
with Andrew huberman and I've worked with over three 350 men just like you who are overweights and I've helped them lose over 40 lbs in 12 weeks like Bob and James and blah blah blah blah I've also been featured on some of the largest stages in our industry like in stage here in stage here in stage here and I'm frequently uh asked for advice by some of the biggest influencers in our industry this person here this person here this person here so once again at this point we've probably spent legitimately 2 minutes and they already
know we've already identified and only spoken to our ideal person we've called them out literally by all their pain points we've created a gap they know exactly what we do and they're starting to believe us more because we're throwing social proofing credibility it's actually not even the worst thing in the world this person went down and booked a call to speak with us right now or if they bounced because they already have a lot of information about you and even if this person hopped on the sales call they're already going to be in a more
likely to be in a buying position than if they literally just saw an ad clicked on it and booked a call immediately okay so let's keep on moving and grooving here next step are going to be the mechanisms now this SE section is going to be a little bit more in depth okay but that's because this is the meat of the video sales Center so like I talked about previously if this section here is 3 minutes long your uh mechanism section and the section that comes next this could be 10 minutes long right and this
is all relative you could have this up to 60 minutes if you wanted to if you ask me a great video sales letter is going to be somewhere between 8 minutes and 20 minutes otherwise it's really difficult to hold somebody's attention so mechanisms now what is a mechanism a mechanism is essentially how you're going to help deliver the transformation or claim that you talked about earlier now this is important because it's almost part of this social proof and credibility and the person that's watching this video is still trying to write you off they're still trying
to say yes that person's a scam I don't believe that person yes there's no way this is true but you've kept them long enough because you've backed it up to the point that it's social proof and credibility so let's go back and let's think of the human psychology if I'm telling a story and I'm saying like hey I can help you lose um you know 12 uh 40b the next 12 weeks here's all the people that I've done it for already what's the thing that's going on your mind immediately he's probably going to say diet
he's probably going to say I need a workout 6 days a week he's probably going to say that I need to give up all my fun and friends and all this other stuff right so they're automatically okay yeah this is possible but he's doing these things over here and I've tried that before and it doesn't work right and that's why you want to introduce your mechanisms but more specifically you want to introduce what is known as unique mechanisms now I don't have time to go through like this is a whole video in and of itself
what unique mechanisms are and this is something I spent a lot lot of time with my clients trying to create it but a unique mechanism is something that's different than the rest of the marketplace and the main thing about unique mechanisms is you want it scientific sounding so scientific and the second is you want it non- googleable okay if that's a word googleable so these two things are important because if it's scientific and I'm not saying something like uh and the way you're going to lose these pounds is going to be through like R's crazy
10-step amazing uh ultra slim diet that's not very that doesn't really sound like oh it's okay this person is just making this stuff up versus if I use words like let's go through some words that P90X right the low ticket funnel a lead magnet like these aren't these These are words that people use to sell things right go next time you're buying a package or buying something from Amazon and look at the description I was ordering a a battery for my car yesterday and when I was on this Amazon thing it said like and with
our intelligence something technology you'll be able to the battery will shut off as soon as it reaches 100% so it doesn't overy the battery right so I'm pretty positive that every single battery charger for cars do that but because they have this like intelligent let's call it intelligent charging technology they made it seem way cooler than the other battery that says yeah our battery just shuts off when it's charged this one's like with our proprietary intelligent shut off technology uh were able to prevent your battery from frying right so I nily bought that one now
obviously I'm a marketer so I kind of read through it but the idea being that they put more time energy and effort into it and they made it sound way cooler oh another great example is muscle confusion that's another good one muscle confusion so it's like you know that's that's how we grow so with with P90X we follow our proprietary muscle confusion system that prevents your muscles from ever having any idea what they're doing so these are all things that I'm using to sell my mechanism in a way that they've never done before you've never
gained muscle before because you've never confused your muscles you've always I don't know made them understood easily and so through ouru you're going to be able to confuse your muscles and that way it's going to grow because a confused muscle grows right because of these scientific reasons here so the first thing is that it scientific so it needs to be something that sounds like it would be in a Harvard Business review article and the other thing it needs to be non-liable now the reason why I say non googleable is because the problem with what I
see in a lot of people's video sales is they say yeah we're going to put you on a keto diet in this example or we're going to put you we're going to run DM ads for you we're going to do this thing here the problem with that is that if they think that they can do it without you then they're not going to go through watch the rest of the video and book a call to speak with you so they need to really believe and heart of hearts that you are the only solution to their
problems now this is getting a little bit Advanced so this is this video is going to be for all range of spectrums of people so like if you can't think of a unique mechanism or you don't feel like like you can create one whatever else it is just create a mechanism it doesn't have to follow this framework here uh because you can still make sales right but just know that if somebody was seen as the only person that could solve that specific problem then obviously that person would never have any issues with leads calls or
sales they would have an unlimited amount the only reason why anybody's not making more money than they should assuming that the market is aware of the problem in the first place is because of competition that's why Peter teal says competition is for losers so instead of trying to create a product or service that doesn't have any competition which is very difficult to do you essentially can make it look like it doesn't have any competition you can Market it like it doesn't have any competition and if you say I write cold emails I'll show you how
to do a keto diet people are going to say I've tried that before Oh I can just Google this and do it on my own so these are all element that you can create really good video sales that is things that's like oh wow I've never heard that before it sounds really legitimate and and there's nobody else in the market that can do this I tried to Google it on my own I couldn't figure it out so that's what a unique mechanism is and I put here the secret lies in my eat what you want
diet now in all honesty I don't think that's the most scientific name that I would go through but if you try to Google eat what you want diet I it probably wouldn't come up I would try to work on something a little bit stronger than that but in full transparency every mechanism that I've created unique mechanism has taken me two to three weeks of like testing testing iterations using AI trying to figure out what makes the most sense so I didn't create it for this example video here but another example for one of our offers
is the self-sustaining funnel that's one that I created from scratch the self sustaining funnel doesn't even mean anything it's a vazi it's a vazi but it sounds legit it's like a low ticket funnel a lead magnet funnel self- sustaining funnel right so it's intriguing it sounds scientific you can't Google it and so I kind of own that name so that's an example of one in our offer and you can figure out one for your offer so in this point here you're going to say the secret lies in our eat what you want diets that really
has three very important steps and then at this point you're going to go through the different mechanisms of what the steps are now the very important part of a video sales or you've probably heard this before you're always explaining the what not the how okay so you're always explaining the what not the how or first thing you need to do is always have your muscles in a confusion State okay I'm not going to tell them how to have it in a confusion state I'm going to say that you need to have it in a confusion
State because if if you don't there's no way that you'll build muscles and for step two I actually just chaty BT this to get a few ideas from you step two is you need to follow the MTA protocol the MTA protocol is the metabolic thermogenesis activation protocol and this system activates your body's natural thermogenesis process which increases your core body temperature and metabolic rate it also helps to burn fat effectively by converting stored fat into energy while preserving lean muscle mass and then finally we want to do our leptin reset pathway now the letin reset
pathway is a scientifically backed approach to reset your body's hunger and SE hormone reducing cravings and making it easier to adhere to calorie goals while preventing metabolic slowdowns often caused by conventional dieting boom those those are awesome that I just pulled from chat GPT so by labeling that in there I guarantee you nobody's watching this has ever heard of the metabolic thermog Genesis activation protocol and the leptin recet pathway and you're probably considering some of you guys might even be pretty Fitness some of you might be in the fitness industry and those are pretty unique
things that I could put inside of here and all of this would be baked inside the old the larger unique mechanism which would be whatever this name is here I just called it the secret to eating what you want diet but obviously like we talked about you can make it a little bit stronger now obviously the main thing about this is don't lie um but you want to make things interesting if I said okay so the secret lies in the walk it off diet so all you need to do is eat what you want and
walk 10,000 steps every day and you can be in shape which ironically is kind of the case to be honest with you but if I said that in the video salesletter why are they going to book a call I'm not showing my solution is the only solution it doesn't look unique it doesn't look like they need my help okay they're just going to go walk immediately right so that's why if you think that this is bad and it's against my just then don't watch this video okay if you want to know how do you take
a total stranger and in the shortest time frame possible convince them to buy your stuff then you have to take them through these steps here that convinces them that you're you creating a market of one CU you're the only person that's talking about this a protocol and the lepin reset pathway okay and so every single step there you want them to be like oh yes that say okay yeah that makes sense because right now I'm hungry all the time and that's because my leptins are going crazy and so instead I need to focus on this
letin reset pathway that makes sense and also the problem right now is that I feel like my core body temperature is not high enough and so if if I can follow this metabolic thermogenesis activation protocol then just with this simple system I can use my body's natural system to increase my body's core temperature and that way I can burn calories even when I'm sleeping right so you want want them to be like oh yeah okay that makes sense that yes okay that makes sense but of course if they tried to go do all this on
their own they wouldn't be able to it would be too confusing to do it and that's where the unique mechanisms lie so this is going to be your 10-minute section of kind of showing what each uh each step is and remember we're talking about the what not the how so I'm not going to say the metabolic thermogenesis activation protocol is this thing this thing this thing this thing you do this this this first second third because once again they're not going to need to go uh after you and and go to work with you you
want to just say it is the metabolic thermogenesis activation protocol they're learning something new right then and there okay now the next step after we say each one of those mechanism steps is we want to add social proof and credibility okay so just like we added social proof and credibility here when we made this transformation claim and statement we're doing it here after we're saying the mechanism because soon as we say the mechanism they're going to say what BS balone fugazi fasi this isn't true this guy's full of it and so we want to back
it up so social proof and credibility let's say we're going through this this leptin reset pathway Okay so let's say I'll I'll call the Le R LP okay and step two is we need to follow the LEP and reset pathway left and reset pathway is a scientifically backed approach to reset your body's hunger and S hormones reducing cravings and making it easier to adhere to calorie goals while preventing metabolic slowdowns often caused by conventional dieting and if you don't believe me this is Bob here and Bob literally couldn't stop eating every single day he would
wake up he'd eat he'd go uh to work he'd eat he'd snack underneath the desk right I'm kind of identifying who this is for and digging deeper in the Pain by saying the same things that those people are experiencing but within just 7 Days of following the left and reset pathway Bob hasn't had one snack or fallen off his diet one time okay and then you could also say something like another example of social proen credibility remember is associations so I could also say something like and if you still don't believe me did you know
that the LEP and reset pathway according to the Harvard Business Review is the number one thing to blah blah blah blah right so just adding every single step of the way I'm backing it up with social prooving credibility so essentially every single step here it's like building a skyscrape or baking a c cake or whatever you else want to say I'm saying I can do this huge claim here I can help you lose uh 40b in 12 weeks social proof and credibility okay I've got their buying and I you can do it using this unique
mechanism only I can do Step One is do this here's the buyin okay they're with me step two is do this here's a social credibility okay they're with me and I'm just going step by step by step I'm building this thing one at a time a lot of people when they write video sales letters or they're trying to write Market copy they're just like this is their this is their strategy they just draw it all over oh yeah whatever here let's do here let's do this let's do this you a really great copywriting it's systematic
it follows a system to get someone's Buy in throughout the entire process so the social proven credibility for each mechanism needs to be there to get them to watch the next mechanism as soon as you talk about one thing and you don't back it up with social proven credibility they're off they're hopping they don't believe you etc etc let's keep it going here so now we're going to talk about options so what are options well let's show you where we're at at this point so are you embarrassed to see yourself naked what if I told
you that I could help help you lose 40 lbs in the next 12 weeks guaranteed now stick with me here if you're over 50 lbs overweights uh if you're tired of being alone and going home every single day without a significant other and if you have to see change today now you might be wondering who is this guy and why should I believe in the first place well my name is rvy Bala I am the world's foremost nutrition and fitness experts I myself used to be about 450 lbs until I followed exactly what I talked
about in this video and now I'm 220 pounds with less than 10% body fat and more important than that I still get to eat what I want and live a regular day-to-day lifestyle some of the biggest names in our Industries like Dr Oz Oprah Winfrey and Andrew huan look to me for advice and I've worked with over 683 people just like you who found themselves overweight frustrated and tired of trying different fads and diets into healthy fit and living a lifestyle that they could only previously dream of now the secret and what I did and
what those 683 people did lies into what I like to call the eat what you want diet which is broken into three incredibly simple steps the first one is called the metabolic thermogenesis activation protocol and this system activates your body's natural thermogenesis process which increases your core body temperature and metabolic rate it helps to burn fat efficiently by converting stored fat into energy while preserving lean muscle mass and this is exactly what took me from 450 lbs to less than 220 lbs using my body's own systems without having to resort to steroids without having to
Resort to fat or crash diets and while still living the life that I want that's also what Jame used over here in order to increase his metabolic thermogenesis activation rate and believe it or not this is exactly what Susan talks about in her brand new book how to beat your belly something like that okay now step two is going to be the leptin reset pathway the letin reset pathway is a scientifically backed approach to reset your body's hunger and hormones reducing cravings and making it easier to adhere to calorie goals while preventing metabolic slowdowns often
caused by conventional dieting here's a fun fact did you know in the past four years I haven't had a snack I haven't needed to because once I follow the left and reset pathway I no longer have cravings or urges I could go to a ice cream shop with my girlfriend and friends and they can pig out and I have absolutely no desire to eat that food that keeps me on track within my macros and eating healthy and I used to do all these crazy things like I would close my eyes I would have to force
myself to not look at the menu or the dessert menu but now the thought doesn't even cross my mind and the same thing with insert person name over here who said that last week he was able to go to Disneyland with his kids and they ordered 10,000 calories worth of desserts and cakes and treats and he sat back watching them with a smile on his face knowing that they were happy and that he was going to stay within shape right and the third one is this blah blah blah now at this point here you you
must be thinking okay I get it in order to get lose 50 uh lose 40 lbs the next 12 weeks I need to do these three things here well let's talk about what your options are going to be moving forward you could do and then this is where you go into what their options are now the the mistake most people make when they're at this point in the video sales letter is they say okay now work with us to get this but the problem with that is that's not how human psychology works that's not how
marketing works that's not how copyrighting works you don't ever assume that the person's only option is to work with you even if it is because you created the mechanisms that they needed right but you always need to tell them because what are they always thinking they could not do it they could work with somebody else uh or they could work with you those are almost always the three options okay not do it work with somebody else or work with you so you want to address it you always want to enter the conversations in the prospect's
mind so you want to say something like okay so you could do a few things here uh you could not do anything but if you've made it this far then you and I both know that not doing anything is not only going to keep you where you are right now but it could potentially lead to you dying an early age or something like that so I'm kind of digging the pain point and it's like if you've watched this video up to this point you know it's possible you all this stuff makes sense to you so
why would you not do anything how much is that going to cost you you know how much is going to cost you to not be able to play with your kids in the future to not be around when your daughter gets married blah blah blah paino paino so I'm kind of hitting into the option number one not do anything option number two you could work with somebody else the problem is is that nobody and I mean nobody you can look up online has the combination of uh expertise and uh social proof that I have and
this specific eat what you want diet in order to get these kinds of results and so if you want somewhere else they'd probably not only throw you on the same stuff you've already been doing previously but they're probably going to charge you an arm and a leg probably 105 $220,000 and I'm not even going to charge you a fraction of that and your third and final option is going to be to work with me where I can help you lose over 40b in 12 weeks guaranteed okay so now I've addressed those thoughts that are going
on in their head let's move on to the next step here which is going to be the value stack okay so at this point I know this is repetitive but I'm trying to really narrow this in I've identified the pain in the problem I've called out what I'm going to do for them I say who this is for again I add this proving credibility to back up that transformation statement I go through why this is different and why this is unique and why I'm the only person they can work with in the mechanisms and I
back up each of those with the social proof and then at this point we're transitioning into the pitch I guess I can draw this right here right and I can say pitch okay so this is when I'm actually starting to go into I'm about to make them an offer and so now I say okay at this point you have a few different options you can do this by yourself here are the problems of that you can work with somebody else um here's the problems with that's going to cost you so much or you can work
with me now let me tell you everything you get when you work with me and this comes into what's known as value stacking now it's funny when I talk about value stacking with other people a lot of times they get like icked out by it they get gross they feel like they're slimy they're marketing they're a salesperson but once again you have to enter the conversation your prospect find so if I were to tell you you know hey work with me and it's going to cost you $110,000 and I'll do these things for you one
of the first things you think about other than all these other things that we've covered over here is going to be what's known as comparables right you're going to think okay well $110,000 I could give rby $10,000 or I could go give it to the S&P 500 I could give it to this person over here I could hire someone an upw worker Fiverr I could do this right you're comparing what that $110,000 you what else you could do with that and what the return on investment would be right you do it in every single day
life that's why in real estate if you're an agent or you ever bought or sold a home they always deal with what's known as comparables because if people just threw out any price that they wanted to then it would obviously be a pretty difficult real estate market but instead they say hey you're trying to buy this three-bedroom four Bath House well here are six other three-bedroom four bath house that have almost all the exact same features as it here are the price points here so you know that this one should be somewhat around that price
point okay so that's how people think they make comparisons between prices between two different things when you're making an offer to them they're making that comparison of their mind but you don't want to let them make the comparison of their mind you don't want them to think that they know what you're going to offer them in the mechanisms you don't want them to think that oh I'll just go do this on my own you want to address all of this stuff before they even think about it so you're going to give them the value stack
and you're going to say and this is everything that you get if you work with me first of all we're going to pack you're going to we're going pick out your all your meals and your custom meals so we can make sure that you stay in that metabolic thermogenesis activation protocol so I'm going to custom build your meals from day one if you were to go out and have a nutritionist do this for you they'd probably charge you $2,000 the second thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create a custom workout plan that
allows you to make sure your muscles are stay in muscle confusion if you played a personal trainer to do this they'd probably pay you $500 to $1,000 and they don't understand muscle confusion like I understand muscle confusion the third thing we're going to do is I'm going to give you daily accountability so I'm going to be inside slack Channel with you I'm going to in your text messages with you I'm going to be calling you every single day and I'm going to be there if you want to grab that snack on the way home if
you feel like cheating if you feel like resting I'm going to be giving you check-ins I'm going to be checking out your form I'm going to be making sure everything works for you if you had an impersonal personal trainer doing this for you with the amount of touch points I'm going to do it probably cost you $900 in addition to that I'm going to show you our lein reset oops our letin reset pathway system uh and I'm going to show you the two supplements that you need to take nothing else and you'll never have to
feel a craving again if you went to a doctor to try to figure this out it'll probably take you four or five visits and cost you close to $3,000 so boom boom value stack value stack $1,000 $3,000 $2,000 uh now a good thing to note is that I'm not making up these numbers you do want to make comparable numbers so if I say you're going to go to a personal trainer they're going to charge you $60,000 for this it's obviously going to be BS so the reason why people feel icky when it comes to the
value sack is cuz they're just making stuff up they're making it a lie and so because it's a lie it doesn't make sense but if you make it real then it's that's how human psychology works and so do some research call some people see how much it would cost in order to get it done a fun fact is I've done this multiple times but at one of our in-person events I did over $1.3 million in under 60 minutes and I spent I think 25 minutes of the 60 minutes just on the value stack cuz I
was showing them everything that was included by me doing this for them and uh and the price of what they would do it on there and it ended up being close to $800,000 and every single thing thing was legit it was this is how much it would be if they get it on their own and I said you can get it today for just $50,000 payment plan $40,000 pay in full okay so that's the value sack boom boom boom boom and let's go to the next stage here and this is going to be the risk
reversal so this is where you're going to say you're going to get all this stuff here and if you don't lose 40 not only am I going to give you all of your money back but I'm also going to write you a check for $11,000 for wasting your time that's that third version of risk reversal we talked about earlier where you're not working with them longer you're not just giving their money back you're literally giving them their money back and writing a check for wasting their time so that's a huge risk reversal that you can
add inside of here so let's go back through our sales letter formula so far are you embarrassed to see yourself naked well I can help you lose 40 lbs the next 12 weeks guaranteed and if you're keep on watching this video if you're at least 50 lbs overweight if you're tired of uh not finding the right partner and you need to see a change immediately now you're wonder probably wondering who is this guy and why should I listen to him well my name is RO Vala and I've done these things here now the secret in
losing this weight uh and what you've seen with these 683 people lies in these unique mechanisms here number one number two number three social proof social proof social proof now you're probably thinking what are my options could I just go out and do this by myself well you can't for this reason here well maybe I'll just go work with somebody else well you can't for this reason here so if you want to do this you need to work with me and let me tell you what it's like to work with me value stack here at
the very end of blowing them away with all the value you have and you say and on top of all that not only do you get all this but if we don't lose you 440 in 12 weeks I'm going to give you all your money back plus I'm going to write you a check for $1,000 RIS reversal at this point it's a total no-brainer and we go into the bonuses oh my God this guy's got bonuses yes you got bonuses because you they're already hooked they're already Yes they want to do this they want to
do this and so you're just you're just feeding them you're tossing them more they're just salivating at the mouth right now oh my God more I can't believe this this is too good to be true right and so you're giving them more on top of what they already thought that they wanted of course the bonuses need to be things that they actually want but this is how you turn it to where people get on the call and they're like yes I want it immediately same thing with the millions of or $1.3 million I made in
60 minutes that's also from uh I value stacked a crazy amount of bonuses inside of it and you're value stacking it as well so you're saying hey uh and if you say y today if you're one of the first 10 people to take me up on this offer not only you get all this stuff I talked about in the value sack not only do you get the money back guarantee but I'm also going to give you three dating my three dating tricks to getting you back in the game because the truth is you've been so
long out of the game because you've been so out of shape that the game has changed you no longer walk up and meet somebody to the bar actually today you're considered a creep if you were to talk to PL the bar but I'm going to show you the three dating tricks the actually only two words that you need to say online and I'm going to show you how to optimize your dating profile to get your ideal significant other right and that's and if you want you try to buy into some kind of dating or coaching
program or a pickup thing that's probably going to be additional th000 in addition to that I'm also going to do blah blah blah blah blah blah so just boom boom boom it's like oh my God this person this is the solution to all my problems they have everything I need and they thought of every single problem that I'm probably going to come up with another example a great one I just thought of would be some kind of tailoring service as another bonus right so okay so great you you're you were tired of seeing yourself naked
you were tired of being lonely we lost you all this way but the problem is you don't have one piece of clothing that fits you anymore well uh if you're going to go get out there and get back in the dating game you can't be looking like a scrub so I'm actually going to show you my 12 course Series where I'm with one of the number one tailor in the world and we're going to show you exactly how to dress to impress and I'm going to show you how you can get an entire capsule wardrobe
everything you need 7 days a week for over 30 different outfits for less than $2,000 right if you went out and you try to hire this personal trainer or personal tailor on your own they probably charge you $1,500 an hour for their time you're going to get this all included when you say yes today to the to the eat what you want diets okay so boom these bonuses are related to the to the mechanisms and the main offer that I'm offering them in the first place and then we value stack one more time okay so
so not so if you say yes today not only do you get the custom meal plan pick out not only do you get our muscle confusion Theory thing not only do you get daily accountability not only do you get the letin pathway accountability not only do you get our uh three tricks for getting back in the dating game not only do you get the what did I just say that the Custom Tailor not only do you get whatever else you want to add but you get it all for 100% money back guarantee and if you
don't see the results I'd write you a check for $1,500 right so that's that's the big that's the finale that's when everybody stands up they Applause you bow you feel great about yourself because you're just there's no way they could say no at this point so your value stacking one more time and then finally ladies and gentlemen you hit them with the call to action right you hit them with the the now you hit them with the take the next step to speak with me and the truth is that at this point and I'm going
to go through this full vssl for you one more time uh not only uh at this point they have essentially bought into the entire offer they if they got on a call with you in the next 10 minutes they would be selling themselves on why they need to buy your stuff okay that's where really where want your people to get on if you get on and somebody says uh let's say you get on a sales call with somebody and they say yeah who are you and what do you do get off that call send them
the video sales Center because that's all covered in that and it's all covered way better than if you try to cover it on a sales call okay because this has the graphics this has the illustrations especially if you're not taking the sales call right so that's why you always want some kind of qualification process to make sure this person has that pain urgency and it understands what your offer is about in the first place so the final step is the price and call to and this is where I I say price and call to action
because you know if you're watching this video and you're trying to create a video sales letter for a product that's less than $22,000 you could go straight to the price right here because at this point if you did this full value stack you could say this is all worth $224,000 um and I'm not even going to charge you $112,000 if you say yes today I'm not going to charge you $6,000 if you say yes today I'm not even going to charge you $3,000 if you say yes today and believe it or not I'm not even
going to charge you $1,500 to say yes today you can get everything that I talked about about today for one low payment of $99.97 right that's pretty hard to beat if you make it now the thing is that that's only if it's less than $2,000 if it's greater than $2,000 then you're almost always going to need some kind of sales call because that's a decent amount of money for someone to to part with and as good as your video sales that is they probably have more questions more like offer implication questions meaning how does this
specifically apply to me because I have kids I'm lactose intolerant I'm in XYZ reason here and so that's when you would make instead of dropping the price a button to buy you would drop the call to action to hey go down below book a call to speak myself and one of my team members and that way you can get them on the call and they've consumed all this stuff here and you better believe that if they've watched this full video sales letter that they're going to be buying and a great test when you get on
a call with somebody the the great test of whether they watched the video sales it or not is you say so what brought you on this call they're going to say word for word your unique mechanism or they're the the pain point that you said in the very beginning if they don't say that it means they haven't watched the video sales but if they come on and they say yeah when you talked about the lepin reset pathway it clicked in my mind I knew immediately this is the reason why I haven't been losing the weight
that I need to and you're just going to be smiling you're going to be grinning you're going to be you're going to be thanking rala because this person's coming in and they you know they've watched the full video sales there and it's going to be a slam dunk close okay if they come in and they go yeah I think like I want to lose weight well you could probe a little bit deeper and see like if they've actually watched the video or not but most of the time they have it and so you really want
to guide them back to the video and uh another quick word on this as well is what a lot of people will do is they will try to break up the video sales letter into multiple different areas and have them watch like let's say they book a call they send them 40 video testimonials and case studies after they book the call and that's because they didn't do it before they booked the call and so you want to if you can condense this all down into one video and let's say it's 8 to 12 minutes long
then you don't need to send them 50 videos they can just watch one video now let me finish this by going through the full formula and I'm going to give you one additional little hack that can literally probably double your conversion rate for the video sales letter and then I'm going to show you how to get our video sales that are script okay so I'm going to walk through this full thing with you so please be patient with me so are you embarrassed to see yourself naked look my name is RVA and I can help
you lose 40 lbs the next 12 weeks guaranteed now keep on watching this video if you're at least 50 lbs overweights if you're tired of not finding your significant other and if you need to see a change today now you're probably wondering who is this guy and why should I list him in the first place well my name is Robby Wala and I'm the leads the world's leading most expert in Fitness and Nutrition some of the biggest influencers around come to me for advice when they're trying to get in shape people like whoever that actor
is from Thor and Oprah Winfrey and Dr Oz and blah blah blah here I've also work with over 683 uh men over the age of 30 that are over 50 lbs helping them getting less than 200 lb with less than 10% body fat living the life of their dreams the thing that I've done that's helped this 683 people well it lies in what I call the eat what you want diet which is really composed of three certain things the first is going to be the metabolic thermogenesis activation protocol this system activates your body's natural thermogenic
process was increases your qued body temperature and metabolic rate it helps to turn B it helps to burn fat efficiently by converting stored fat and energy while preserving lean muscle mass here's the example of the person here that has done that exact same thing the second thing is going to be the leptin reset pathway now the leptin reset pathway is a scientifically backed approach to reset your body's hunger and S hormones reducing cravings and making it easier to adhere to calorie goals while preventing metabolic slowdowns often caused by conventional dieting here's this person over here
who went to Disney World with her kids he had a huge smile on his phase cuz he had no desire to enter into any of that Shenanigans and he could stay on his diet and then third mechanism here fourth mechanism here blah blah blah so now you know that the eat what you want diet is the reason why you are embarrassing to yourself naked while you're overweight why all the other stuff doesn't work let's talk about what your options are moving forward well one you could do nothing well you and I both know that if
you made it this far's video you're not going to do nothing because much more of this doing nothing is probably going to lead you to an early grave and I'm sorry if that scares you but you need someone to tell you that because did you know that the obesity rate in you the uh more people die from heart attacks United States than anything else in the world which is caused by obesity blah blah blah now the Second Step you can do is you go out and you could try to do this all else on your
own but the problem is nobody has this all together in one program like I do you'd have to go consult a doctor find a doctor make sure they understood this protocol that's probably going to cost you a few thousand dollars and at least a dozen hours of your time you have to find a a personal trainer to get your muscle confusion down you need to go pay them probably uh you know $1,000 blah blah blah uh and so it's all going to end up costing you $155,000 and dozens of hours of your time or you
could just work with me where I'm going to be able to do all of this for you now let me walk you through exactly what you would get if you to work with me and follow this eat what you want diet value stack thing here value stack thing here we'll pick your meals up we'll create the custom meal plan we'll give you daily accountability we'll create the left-end pathway for you boom boom boom boom value value value value it's worth this it's worth this it's worth this all of this together is worth $244,000 but that's
not all if you follow all these steps and you don't lose at least 40 lb in 12 weeks well not only not going to give you all of your money back but I'm going to write you a check out of my own pocket for $1,500 for wasting your time now that's how much I believe in the eat what you want diets and I know right now you're probably ready to go and pull the trigger but if you know me you'll know that I'm a man of overd delivering so if you say yes today I'm also
going to give you number one my three dating trips for getting back on the saddle now you and I both know you've been out of the game for a while and that's not your fault you just haven't felt confident enough to go out there but the dating landscape has changed even the last year I mean heck it changes every single month so I'm going to give you an up-to-date system to keeping you the hottest looking person around getting you a calendar packed full of dates with women that you only previously dreamed of the other issue
you're going to find is that your clothes aren't going to fit you anymore and trust me you don't want to go down to your local Gap because there's no way you're going to go out dating if you're buying at Gap but you also don't want to go to a Custom Tailor and have spend with them $110,000 to get a few clothes that you probably might outgrow in a little bit anyway so what we're going to do for you is we're going to create a capsule wardrobe for less than $2,000 with one of the number one
tailor in the world so just to recap if you were to work with me and say yes today you're going to get the meal plans you're going to get the custom accountability the daily the custom meal or I'm sorry the workout plans these two bonuses here and if we do all this stuff together which is worth $26,000 and you don't see results we'll give you all your money back and we'll write you a check for uh $155,000 and all you need to do right now is go below and book a call to sequ with myself
one of my team members we will walk you through the rest of the process give you a custom plan and talk about what the next steps could be right boom bada bing bada boom that's your video sales letter formula so ladies and gentlemen if you want the template of this where it's broken down way more into step by step so you can just kind of almost Mad Libs it and change out my words to make your words just go to my Instagram Ry Bala and DM me the word vsl video sales letter uh and I
will personally reach back out and I will send you the template that you need plus I'll also send you this graphic so you can have both of those and create your next video sales that are in a matter of minute so go to my Instagram and message me vsl and I'll send you it immediately
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