it's nearly here this is your last chance to prepare what's coming will spare no one for centuries Humanity has feared the dark misunderstood it as something to run from but this time the darkness isn't an enemy it's a gift a divine intervention designed to awaken us to cleanse the old so we can step into something new this is no coincidence no random occurrence the universe and the Spiritual Beings guiding us like the pleadians have orchestrated this moment for a reason these final days of 2024 are not just about closing a year they're about closing a
chapter in the story of humanity this is not a drill this is the Final Phase a time to face the unknown to let go of what no longer serves and to prepare for the light that follows the question is are you ready the first wave has already passed from December 17th to 19th the first 3 days of darkness began to stir something deep within us a calling to wake up to pay attention but that was only the beginning now we Face the culmination the second and final wave the upcoming days December 29th 30th and 31st
they hold an energy unlike anything we've experienced before these aren't just the last days of the year they're the last chance to shed the weight of old energies and step into a new era of Consciousness why these dates the universe has aligned perfectly the new moon on December 30th mirrors the energy of the one that opened this month on December 1st creating a powerful portal for transformation this is a cosmic Symphony playing out in Perfect Harmony to guide us through this profound shift the pleadians have returned to remind us this is not about fear it's
about trust the darkness isn't here to consume it's here to prepare us for the light that's waiting just on the other side 3 Days of Darkness the phrase itself carries weight doesn't it but let's go deeper what does it actually mean this isn't about the absence of sunlight or the literal dark it's about introspection a cosmic pause that silences the noise of the outside world so we can truly hear ourselves think about it every great transformation begins in the dark seeds germinate deep beneath the soil stars shine their brightest only in the black expanse of
of night even our own moments of growth and Clarity often emerge after our Darkest Hours these three days represent just that a universal pause an opportunity to reset it's a Sacred Space where old energies are purged wounds are healed and we prepare to embrace something greater the darkness is not here to trap you it's here to free you this is a gift from the universe and in invitation to step out of the chaos and into Stillness in this Stillness Clarity can bloom transformation can take root you're not just surviving these days you're being reborn through
them why now why these specific three days December 29th 30th and 31st the answers are written in the cosmos the timing is no accident the new moon on December 30th is a key player here it's not just any lunar event it mirrors the new moon that began this month on December 1st creating a Celestial book end this alignment marks a bridge a passageway between the old and the new between what we've been and what we are becoming this final New Moon of 2024 invites release it's a call to let go of karmic baggage outdated patterns
and anything that weighs down your spirit and as we step into the last days of the year the universe is asking us to leave behind what no longer serves us so we can cross the threshold into 2025 renewed The Cosmos doesn't make mistakes this is divine timing a perfect orchestration to guide Humanity toward higher Consciousness the pleadians those spiritual guides who've walked this journey with us have hinted that this period was chosen long ago they describe it as a time of karmic clearing a final cleansing to prepare us for what lies ahead think of it
like the tide pulling back only to Surge forward these three days are the pullback a Stillness before the wave of Awakening crashes in the real danger during these three days isn't the darkness itself it's what the darkness reveals as the external World falls quiet the things you've buried the doubts the fears the unresolved pain will rise to the surface this isn't a punishment it's a confrontation with yourself but here's the Trap if you give into fear or try to escape these emotions you'll only deepen their grip on you fear isn't in the darkness fear is
in the resistance to facing it overthinking is another spiritual Pitfall your mind might race grasping for explanations or clinging to false Comforts but this is a time to release control not tighten your grip these three days aren't about figuring everything out they're about letting everything go you may find yourself tempted to numb out to avoid this inner work but the more you resist the louder the unresolved will scream what you've been avoiding in the light will find you in the dark and that's the point this isn't a test of survival it's an invitation to transform
your Shadow isn't your enemy it's your guide let it show you the path to your own [Music] light in the Stillness of these three days many of you will feel a profound loneliness you'll feel disconnected cut off from the noise and the Comforts of daily life but what if I told you that's exactly what's supposed to happen this Solitude isn't a punishment it's a gift it's in these moments of isolation that you'll finally hear your own voice not the voice of the world not the voice of others expectations but your Soul's truth it's in the
silence of being alone that you'll hear what your soul has been trying to say all along think of this loneliness as a cleansing fire burning away attachments and dependencies you're being stripped of everything external so you can finally see what's within this is not the time to seek validation or comfort from others it's the time to face your inner self your fears your desires your truth with courage and honesty and yes it's uncomfortable but from that discomfort comes Clarity from that Clarity comes transformation you're not truly alone in this process the universe is there holding
you in its quiet Embrace waiting for you to ReDiscover your own light in every great shift there are those who stand quietly at the center of the storm holding the balance while everything else falls apart in this moment of profound transformation some Among Us have been unknowingly prepared to serve as Guardians during the three days of darkness they are not the loudest voices in the room they're not those who claim to have all the answers instead they're the ones who feel an unshakable pull towards Stillness and strength they are the ones who carry a sense
of responsibility acquire quiet knowing that they were made for times like these these individuals have been shaped by their own struggles their past pains and challenges have forged resilience Clarity and compassion perhaps you felt it too that feeling of being tested by life of being pushed to your limits not realizing that all along you were being prepared for this very moment Guardians are not here to fix others or save them from their inner work their role is more subtle but just as powerful they hold space they radiate calm when the world is in chaos they
anchor The energy needed to stabilize the collective Consciousness becoming a lighthouse for those who are lost the light you carry is not just for you it's a beacon that others will find when their own path grows down dark but being a guardian isn't easy it's not about being perfect or Fearless it's about feeling the weight of the world but choosing to stand tall anyway it's about trusting that even when you feel alone the universe is working through you and here's the truth some of you watching this right now may be one of these Guardians have
you felt a quiet call an urge to stay grounded While others seem to lose their way have you noticed that even when you feel overwhelmed people seem drawn to your presence for reassurance these are the signs guardianship isn't a title it's a purpose it's not about being chosen by others but recognizing that you've already been chosen by the universe in the coming days this role will be more important than ever the darkness will test not just individuals but the collective energy of humanity Guardians are here to help maintain balance to remind us that even in
the void the light is not lost could you be one of them if this resonates with you if something stirs deep within you as you hear these words trust that it's not a coincidence the universe doesn't make mistakes the pleadians those spiritual guides who have been wh sping to humanity Through the Ages have returned with one final message for this transformative year and make no mistake this message is not one of fear it is one of profound hope they urge us to see these three days not as a punishment not as something to be dreaded
but as a Divine offering it is an invitation to step into the unknown to embrace the void as a Sacred Space for healing and rebirth the darkness is not your enemy it is your teacher your cocoon your mirror think about this when the caterpillar enters the Cocoon it doesn't know what's coming next it only knows that the process is necessary the pleadians remind us that we are in that same cocoon now this darkness is here to help us shed old layers outdated beliefs and the fear-based pattern that have held us back for far too long
they speak of Cycles Cosmic cycles that align perfectly with this moment the new moon on December 30th isn't just a random Celestial event it is part of a greater design that began with the new moon on December 1st a bookend to a month of massive energetic shifts this is the culmination the crescendo of everything we've been working toward the universe has orchestrated this moment with Precision you are exactly where you are meant to be the pleadians want us to trust this timing to trust the process they understand the fear that may arise in the darkness
the questions the doubts the uncertainty but they urge us to let go of the need for control to surrender to the flow of the universe as these three days of darkness conclude the world will not return to what it was this is more than a simple end to the calendar year it's the closing of an ancient cycle a profound chapter in the evolution of humanity for Millennia Humanity has been bound by patterns of fear Division and limitation but now those chains are breaking this is the dawn of a new era not just for Humanity but
for the Earth itself the energy you carry the intentions you set during these days will Ripple outward into the coming age this is your chance to decide what you want to create not just for yourself but for the collective future of our planet the darkness doesn't erase the past it redefines it the question is what story will you write from here this isn't merely about survival or enduring the darkness it's about actively participating in the birth of something greater you've been given a blank slate a cosmic opportunity to leave behind what no longer serves you
and step into the highest version of yourself reflect deeply what have you been holding on to that you know needs to be released old grudges self-doubt a fear of the unknown the darkness invites you to let it all go transformation Demands a choice to cling to what was or to embrace what could be if you're still watching I'd like to thank you for your attention if you enjoyed the content and want to see more please consider clicking the Subscribe button your support is very appreciated feel free to share your experiences or thoughts in the comments
below until next time take care and subscribe for more insightful content