What will be the best carbohydrate source for a weight loss diet? We will get there but first let's go through four more because this is the top 5 of carbohydrates for weight loss diets Weight. We know that when we lose body fat we have to create a caloric deficit, right?
And deficit automatically requires a decreased calorie intake, therefore a food intake, and that can generate what? Hunger. We know that the individual who is with overweight he needs to improve his insulin sensitivity very probably and that carbs of low glycemic index are more efficient.
If not for everything we need also food is nutritious, because it's not just calorie, it's not just Sugar level. We need food that provide micronutrients interesting to supply precisely this lack of caloric deficit. Then the our fifth place is apple and pear.
Why? Because it's a fruit . .
. Leandro, but fruit not rich in fructose? No no and no.
Fruit is not rich fructose, and she has a good supply of micronutrients right? It has pectin too which is excellent for our health, and for a breakfast she can be very well coming as some people have difficulty eat some more grotesque things in Breakfast - chicken potato then you can start eating, for example, an apple or a pear. Also very good for a snack in the middle of the morning, a very practical thing.
Leandro must every meal have protein? Not, not necessarily as long as your diet hit macros until the end of the day. So you can fit an apple, a pear that has a low glycemic index - to be more punctual than 38, right?
Low index glycemic, nutritious, energy density low, that is, to consume the same calorie for example rice I will have to eat a lot more apple, and for eating more it gives me more satiety. So I eliminated all negative factors of diet hypocaloric. Number four: and let's go lower the glycemic index more society, and now we will put a wonderful fibrous food with the complex carbohydrate - starch, and that is little used, people don't use much in diet, and look, here in Brazil there's a great price, it's a great carbohydrate gives giant satiety but It is very good for cutting, which is lentil.
So this index legume glycemic of 38, similar to the apple, although be the same as the apple she gives more to satiety because she has more fibers than than the apple. You can use it in your cutting. She is excellent, easy to do, sort of, 20 minutes 30 minutes over high heat she already fully edible Pleasantly speaking.
It will generate a good anxiety that provides carbs gradually and is also rich and micronutrients. So number 4 lentils and use in your cutting do the test sensational. Number 3: Let's download more Sugar level.
We're at number 30 already. To give you an idea sugar is 100% Sugar level we have a food that is three times less than sugar in response glycemic, and you see, is black beans. Leandro, but the brown beans .
. . not beans brown it has a higher glycemic index.
The black bean he has much lower Sugar level. So a food typically brazilian. So if you is Brazilian, subscribe to the channel, but if is from portugal also that has a lot people from Portugal, you can sign up.
If you are somewhere else in the world and want to subscribe can try, I don't know if it's going get. Click on write yourself, and then put in the comments to see if it gave right. The black beans stay the same lentil principle, so .
. . But the his glycemic index is lower, and he It is also rich in protein.
So it is an excellent carbohydrate. THE only thing that complicates a little bit is make him, who has to cook, takes longer, but the suggestion is which one? Make a big amount separate into sachets or pots, freeze - no problem, and you will thawing one a day You can do it for a week, for two weeks for the entire month.
Bean lasts quite frozen. Number 2: Index glycemic from 16. We left the bean 30 which is already super low, and we enter 16.
This food will give you Many satiety, is rich in fiber. If the low glycemic index were not all the its energy density is even lower. Because we know that 100 grams of beans will have a good calorie intake, but a good calorie, a calorie that goes give me satiety.
So, beauty. Now this one besides him your index low glycemic, it has a value low energy, that is, a density also low glycemic low glycemic. That is the carrot.
So the carrot that we use even in everyday life like a spice, sometimes in rice, some something like that - we can consume it alone, with a glycemic index of 16 that will generate an incredible degree of satiety. And we can eat a lot carrot because we had to eat 100 grams of rice, we can eat 200 grams of carrot which has the glycemic index down there and in higher amount to give the same value energetic. So try using carrot on your cutting, and then you me result account.
This carrot tip I always give to my students and they love . . .
Leandro, what do you mean, student Do you have any advisory services . . .
sports online. Yes I have. Just access leandrotwin.
com. br I mount your workouts, make a suggestion of your macros and shoot all your doubts. And let's go to number 1 from a carbohydrate to a cutting.
The only addendum that I have to put here is that no it's such a cheap food but it's sensational. His glycemic index climbed a little. But Leandro, because that went up so you put him first.
The index His glycemic is 20, super low. Remember that beans are one of the lowest, and we are at 30. Now we went down to 20, so extremely low.
Density also low, that is, he has almost no Calories So you can eat a lot giant of them, no problem. And if that wasn't all, it has endol-3- carbinol. This substance, it reduces of course of course your estradiol which is the your female hormone, and that's a hormone that favors the big fat, and also lowers testosterone - remembering that zeroing estradiol is terrible, we don't want zero estradiol.
Now reducing it is always Welcome. In a natural way, I use some carbohydrate in the diet so I put him. You already know what am i talking about?
From endol-3-carbinol If you know what this food is write here in the comments before i speak. I'll wait 1, 2, 3 . .
. Let's see if you got it right. Our number 1 is broccoli.
So the only thing is he's a little bit more expensive but it's a low carb glycemic index, he has fibers, he has a low energy density, a low glycemic load, and he has the endol-3-carbinol, among others sensational micronutrients as well. So he was listed as top 1 of a carbohydrate for cutting. You can eat a lot of it, very healthy, helps in gut, sensational, wonderful.
The only thing is that the price is a little bit more high, but it's an excellent carbohydrate. Did you like this video? If so .
. . Leandro, and that source of carbohydrate?
Write here in the comments - what is your source of favorite carbohydrate for a cutting, beauty? Subscribe to the channel and get the next video. Let's talk about burning localized fat.
Is it possible or it's not possible? It is possible, but there are costs to health because it's not 100% natural, though, what are we going to talk about here Video is Yohimbine. She is a drug alpha-receptor antagonist alkaloid 2-adrenergic .
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