now this is a fun one and it's super fast we're gonna use a python hacking tool to find social media accounts and i'll show you in five minutes here we go now disclaimer don't do this to anyone with ill intent this is a legit hacking tool part of the hacking process called osens where we gather information about our hacking targets now what we're doing is not technically illegal we're just gathering publicly available information on the internet but the lines can blur based on your intentions so just be careful use this as a learning tool but
beyond that man let's start hacking and speaking of hacking let's make sure we hack that youtube algorithm today smash that like button if you do like the video of course subscribe notification bell comment all that stuff let's hack youtube ethically of course anyways here we go now the best part about this is that you don't need anything to do it all you need is a web browser in fact if you're watching this video you can do it from your phone it's really cool now this tool you can install on cali like you can it's a
tool called sherlock and all you need is python 3 installed on a linux distribution can be cali can be parrot can be ubuntu whatever or it can be nothing and i'll show you how to do that right now step one let's go to github i've got that link in the description let's go to the sherlock tool now if i scroll down to about here and zoom in a bit on a linux machine you'll just run these commands and you're solid or or this is amazing just click on open in google cloud shell it's free just
click on it right now log into your google account you'll need that who doesn't have one of those seriously click agree and start your cloud shell now this is actually launching in google's cloud platform now don't worry you're not paying anything for this it's free it's just it's a cool thing they do you're getting a free linux machine to play around with right now and look at it there it goes there it is now for step two we're going to install the requirements now it's just one command no big deal no worries in fact you
can go back here and copy the command it's just right here python 3-m pip install r requirements.txt copy that i'll hit ctrl v to paste and boom it's in there i'm going to hit enter and it's installing my requirements right now it's going and that's it the tool is ready we are ready in google cloud completely free isn't that amazing it is thank you okay here we go let's start using sherlock to find social media accounts now we'll only need one thing a username someone we want to find i've got a few people in mind
now first let me show you how to get some help so we'll enter python3 sherlock dash dash help and it tells you how to use it all that good stuff and now i'll show you how to use it right now we'll again type in python three sherlock and then simply we'll put the username of the person we're trying to find in there the first one i want to do is na hamsek he's a well-known hacker he's been on the channel if you don't follow him go follow him in fact naham khan i think is all
you say is coming up pretty soon anyways all in good fun that's all i do i'm going to hit enter and watch the magic happen it's going to go through all the well-known social media websites and see if not actually has an account on these places on these account places sites sites i can't talk today now notice it's going kind of slow it kind of stopped at chess i don't have time for that someone hit control c to interrupt that business i'm going to speed things up a bit so just after sherlock i'm gonna add
the command dash dash timeout and add in a one so it's only going to spend one second per website anyways here we go go much faster much better and it's done i can now see all the social media websites that naham sec might have an account on now again this information is public but if you are hacking someone or a company legally with permission of course that's the only way you can do it that's the only way you're allowed to do it but in the case that you're doing that gathering information like this could lead
to possible vulnerabilities possible footholds let's do someone else now if i type in ls in this directory i can see that it also produced a file for me where to go there it is nahomsec.txt if i look at that file save my results and i can see all his sites apparently he plays chess we can use that against him let's try someone else python3 sherlock dash dash timeout one and we'll do um let's do the cyber mentor another awesome well-known hacker let's try it now bam we got all his info let's try someone else let's
try john hammond another amazing hacker and go now i'm saying they all have chess accounts i doubt they actually do let me go see yeah that's that's bogus so it's not perfect and that was sherlock an amazing python hacking tool we can use to find social media accounts information on our hacking targets now again don't use this with ill intent use it to learn have a bit of fun with it but if you're seriously trying to hack someone or a company make sure you have explicit permission i'm talking like they hired you there's a contract
the whole nine yards otherwise you could get into trouble anyways that's all i got i'll catch you guys later [Music] you