On my birthday, my son said, Take your luggage and get out. I laughed and showed him a screenshot..

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Revenge Online
In today's video, witness an unforgettable birthday surprise that takes a dramatic turn. On her 61st...
Video Transcript:
get out of my house you crazy woman Scott's words keep echoing in my head as I sit on the curb tears streaming down my face I can still feel the sting of his hands shoving me to the floor and the coldness in his eyes as he threw me out like garbage this is how my 61st birthday has turned out my own son treating me like I'm nothing it's like I haven't spent my entire life loving him raising him and sacrificing for him now because of that awful wife of his he can't even stand the sight
of me ratchel even her name makes my blood boil from the moment Scott brought her home I knew she was trouble the way she looked at me like I was just an obstacle in her path the way she whispered in Scott's ear turning him against Me little by little I warned him not to marry her begged him to see through her manipulations but he was blinded by Lust by the idea that she loved him unconditionally ha the only thing that woman loves is herself and now because of her I've lost everything my son my grandchildren
the family I've dedicated my life to I've been cast aside like yesterday's trash as I sit there wallowing in my misery a car pulls up beside me the window rolls down revealing the concerned face of my best friend Sabrina damn what happened what are you doing out here she asks her voice full of worry I can barely choke out the words Scott he kicked me out said I was crazy and that it was his house now sabr's eyes widen in shock then narrow in Anger he did what on your birthday oh honey get in the
car you're coming home with me I climb into the passenger seat my body numb as Sabrina drives she keeps glancing over at me her brow furrowed this is unacceptable IA Scott can't treat you like this something has to be done I shake my head sadly what can I do Sabrina he's a grown man he's made his choice Sabrina purses her lips a determined look in her eye maybe so but that doesn't mean he gets to get away with it you're his mother for God's sake it's time Scott and that awful wife of his learned there
are consequences for their actions I turned to her confused what are you saying saying a slow smile spreads across sabr's face I'm saying my dear that it's time for a little revenge and I know just the person to help us get it as we speed into the night I feel a flicker of something I haven't felt in a long time hope hope that maybe just maybe I can make Scott and Rachel pay for the pain they've caused that maybe Karma will finally catch up to them the day started off well enough it was my birthday
and despite everything that had happened with Scott I was determined to make the most of it I spent the morning tidying up the house putting up a few decorations and preparing a special dinner I even bought a cake from the bakery down the street the one Scott always loved as a kid around noon I called Scott my heart fluttering with a mix of Hope and worry to my surprise he actually answered hey mom what's up his tone was neutral guarded I took a deep breath well I was wondering if you ratchel and the kids would
like to come over for dinner tonight it's my birthday and I thought it would be nice to spend some time together as a family there was a long pause I could hear muffled voices in the background like he was discussing it with someone finally he spoke yeah okay we could do that what time relief washed over me how about 5:00 p.m. I'm making your favorite lasagna sure see you then he hung up before I could say anything else the rest of the day passed in a blur of preparation and Anticipation by the time 5:00 p.m.
rolled around everything was perfect the lasagna was bubbling in the oven the table was set and the cake was proudly displayed on the counter right on time the doorbell rang I practically ran to answer it a huge smile on my face but the moment I opened the door my heart sank Scott stood there a scowl etched on his face beside him was Rachel her lips curled into a sneer the kids were nowhere to be seen where are the children I asked trying to keep my voice steady Rachel let out a harsh laugh we decided it
was best they didn't come wouldn't want them exposed to any more of your toxic influence I felt like i' been slapped toxic influence what are you talking about she stepped forward jabbing a finger at me don't play dumb Julia we all know what a terrible mother you were the way you turned Scott against his own father the constant guilt tripping and manipulation it's no wonder he wants nothing to do with you tears stung my eyes I looked to Scott silently pleading for him to defend me but he just stood there arms crossed saying nothing that's
not true I managed to choke out I've always loved and supported Scott I would never do anything to hurt him Rachel's eyes flashed with anger drop the Martyr act you're nothing but a selfish vindictive woman who can't accept that Scott has moved on with his life that he chose me over you something inside me snapped before I knew it I lunged forward ready to slap that smug look off her face but Scott stepped between us grabbing my wrist in a pain painful grip don't you dare touch my wife he growled you're pathetic you know that
coming up with this whole birthday trade trying to worm your way back in well it's not going to work we're done with you with that he shoved me backward sending me stumbling I caught myself on the door frame tears now flowing freely down my cheeks Scott please I whispered I'm your mother but he just shook his head his eyes cold not anymore come on Rachel letun go I watched helplessly as they turned and walked away slamming the door behind them the sound echoed through the empty house a brutal finality to it there I stood alone
on my birthday my heart shattered into a million pieces I don't know how long I stood there Frozen in the aftermath of Scott and Rachel's cruelty minutes hours it all blurred together the pain in my chest was unlike anything I'd ever felt before a deep aching void that threatened to swallow me whole eventually I managed to close the door my hand shaking I stumbled to the couch collapsing onto the cushions as sobs racked my body how could he do this to me my own son treating me like I was nothing I hadn't spent my entire
life loving and caring for him the sound of my phone ringing jolted me out of my despair I glanced at the screen and saw Sabrina's name for a moment I considered ignoring it not wanting to burden her with my problems but the thought of facing this alone was too much to bear I answered my voice thick with tears hello Julia what's wrong did something happen with Scott the concern in her voice was my undoing I broke down the whole story spilling out between gasps and sobs Sabrina listened patiently offering words of comfort and support that's
it she said firmly when I finished this has gone too far Julia Scott and retel can't keep treating you like this it's time for them to face some consequences I sniffled wiping my eyes what do you mean I mean it's time for a little payback they think they can just walk all over you but they've got another thing coming you're a strong woman Julia it's time to start acting like it her words ignited a spark within me a flicker of anger amidst the pain she was right I couldn't just sit here and wallow I needed
to do something to Take Back Control okay I said my voice steadier now what did you have in mind I could practically hear Sabrina's grin through the phone meet me at the diner in an hour I've got someone I want you to meet trust me he's going to be a big help an hour later I was sitting across from Sabrina in a booth at the local Diner she had a mischievous glint in her eye as she sipped her coffee so who is this mystery person I asked curiosity getting the better of me as if on
Q the Bell above the door jingled Saina waved at someone behind me there he is now I turned my eyes widening as a tall broad-shouldered man approached our table he had a rugged look about him like someone who had seen his fair share of trouble Julia meet my brother James Sabrina said gesturing for him to sit James nodded at me his gaze assessing Sabrina filled me in on your situation I'm sorry to hear about what your son and his wife did that's rough I Shrugged trying to appear nonchalant even as the pain Twisted in my
gut it is what it is but sauna seems to think you can help he leaned forward his elbows on the table I can in my line of work I've learned that everyone has Secrets skeletons in their closet and from what sabrinus told me I'm betting your daughter-in-law has more than a few A tingle of anticipation ran down my spine what are you saying James smiled slow and dangerous I'm saying let me dig into Rachel's past if there's dirt to be found I'll find it and once we have that information well let's just say Karma has
a way of coming back around I sat back my mind spinning with possibilities could this really work could I finally make Scott and Rachel pay for what they had done looking into James's confident eyes I made my decision I'm in letun do this he nodded satisfied excellent give me a week I'll be in touch as he stood to leave I felt A Renewed sense of purpose and determination they thought they could break me but they were wrong it was time for Revenge the week crawled by each day feeling like an eternity I tried to keep
myself busy throwing myself into cleaning the house running errands anything to distract from the constant churn of my thoughts one would James find would it be enough to bring Scott and regel to their knees Sabrina checked in on me daily offering words of encouragement and support she was the only thing keeping me sane the only person who truly understood the depth of my pain and anger finally on the seventh day my phone rang it was James Julia it's me I've got something can you meet me at my office in an hour my heart leaped into
my throat of course I'll be there I arrived at James's office with 10 minutes to spare my nerves jingling Sabrina was already there pacing the small waiting area she gave me a tight hug when I entered are you ready for this she asked searching my face I nodded stealing myself as ready as I'll ever be James emerged from his office with a grim expression on his face come on in ladies we settled into the chairs opposite his desk the air thick with tension James opened a manala folder spreading out a series of documents and photographs
so I did some digging into Rachel's background he began again tapping the papers and let me tell you this woman is no saint he slid a document towards me first off she has a criminal record embezzlement from her previous job she managed to avoid jail time but it wasn't pretty I stared at the paper a mug shot of Rachel staring back at me she looked younger but those cold eyes were unmistakable but that's not all James continued his voice grave I also found out that she's a person of interest in the death of her ex-boyfriend
Sabrina gasped and I felt like I'd been punched in the gut what do you mean I managed to ask my voice shaking James handed me a newspaper clipping 3 years ago her ex was found dead under mysterious circumstances the police suspected Foul Play but could never prove anything Rachel was the last person to see him alive I schemed the arttic IAL my eyes catching on phrases like suspicious death and ongoing investigation my mind reeled trying to reconcile this information with the woman my son had married so what does this mean Sabrina asked voicing the question
I couldn't James leaned back in his chair steepling his fingers it means we have leverage it means that if this information were to come to light Rachel's life as she knows it would be over her reputation her marriage everything a flicker of Hope ignited in my chest so what do we do now a slow smile spread across James's face now we use it we let ratchel know that we have this information and if she doesn't want it to go public she needs to convince Scott to make things right with you Sabrina nodded her eyes gleaming
and if she refuses James Shrugged then we go to the police we let them reopen the investigation into her ex's death one way or another Rachel will face the consequences of her actions I sat there stunned trying to process it all could it really be this simple could I really make Rachel pay for what she' done for turning Scott against me looking at the determination on Sabrina and James's faces I felt a surge of strength they believed in me believed that I deserve justice and for the first time since that awful birthday I believed it
too letun do it I said my voice steady letun make them pay James grinned a predatory gleam in his eye excellent give me a day to put everything in motion by this time tomorrow Rachel won't know what hit her as we left the office Sabrina squeezed my hand you're doing the right thing Julia don't ever doubt that I squeezed back feeling a sense of purpose and righteous anger they had picked the wrong woman to mess with it was time for Rachel to learn that lesson the hard way true to his word James called me the
next day it's done he said a note of satisfaction in his voice I sent all the information to ratchel along with a little message letting her know that if she doesn't want it to go public she needs to convince Scott to make amends with you I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness do you think it will work only one way to find out James replied but trust me with the dirt we have on her she'd be crazy not to comply I hung up my mind racing would ratel really cave would she really Force Scott
to apologize and make things right a part of me dared to Hope even as another part whispered that it was too good to be true hours passed with no word I paced my living room jumping at every sound convinced it was the doorbell or the phone phone but as evening fell there was still nothing just as I was about to give up and go to bed there was a pounding at the door my heart in my throat i' opened it to find Scott standing there his face full of anger what the hell did you do
he snarled pushing past me into the house I stumbled back caught off guard what are you talking about he turned on me his eyes blazing don't play dumb Rachel told told me everything about the private investigator about you digging up her past what you thought you could blackmail her into making me forgive you I stood my ground lifting my chin I didn't blackmail anyone I simply let her know that her actions have consequences that she can't just destroy my life and get away with it Scott let out a harsh laugh destroy your life are you
serious you're the one who's trying to destroy our marriage our family first with your constant guilt tripping and manipulation and now this anger surged through me hot and bright I'm not the one who turned you against me Scott that was all ratchel she's poisoned You Can't You See That She's a criminal a liar maybe even a murderer for a moment Scott looked stunned then his face hardened you're unbelievable you really think I'm going to believe your crazy accusations over my own wife the mother of my children they're not accusations they're facts James found proof I
don't care what your little detective friend found Scott roared Rachel is my wife and I trust her I love her and nothing you say or do is going to change that tears stung my eyes blurring my vision so that's it then you're choosing her over me your own Mother Scott's jaw clenched you made that choice for me the moment you decided to pull this stunt I'm done with you Mom done with your lies your schemes all of it he turned to leave and panic seized me I couldn't lose him not like this Scott please I
called out but he was already gone slamming the door behind him the finality shook me to my core I sank to the floor sobs tearing from my throat it wasn't supposed to happen this way the truth was supposed to set me free to bring Scott back to me instead it had only driven him further away through my tears I heard my phone ringing it was James I answered my voice thick and shaky Julia what happened did it work a bitter laugh escaped me no it didn't work Scott he's gone he chose Rachel there was a
pause then James spoke his tone determined then we move on to plan B we go to the police get them to reopen the investigation into Rachel's ex's death I shook my head even though he couldn't see me what's the point it won't change anything Scott made his choice this isn't about Scott anymore James said firmly this is about Justice about making sure ratchel pays for what she's done one way or another I closed my eyes exhaustion and grief washing over me could I do it could I really destroy my son's wife the mother of my
grandchildren but then I remembered the look in Scott's eyes the venev in his voice the way ratchel had smirked so smug and self-satisfied they had brought this on themselves and now they would face the consequences okay I whispered a new resolve hardening in my chest let's do it let's make her pay the next few days were a blur of activity James and I gathered all the evidence he had collected organizing it into a neat package to present to the police sabrino was a constant presence offering support and encouragement when my resolve wavered finally the day
arrived we walked into the police station heads held high ready to blow the lid off Rachel's sorted past the detective listened intently as we laid out our case his brow furrowing as he examined the documents and photographs when we finished he sat back a grim expression on his face this this is serious stuff he said tapping the file if what you're saying is true we have grounds to reopen the investigation into Miss Michael's ex-boyfriend's death I felt a surge of vindication it is true every word of it I affirmed the detective nodded all right then
leave this with me I'll get the ball rolling we left the station a sense of anticipation thrumming through me it was really happening Rachel was finally going to face the music 5 days later I received a call from James turn on the news he said a note of Triumph in his voice I did as he said my heart pounding as the Anchor's face filled the screen breaking news she announced her expression serious Local woman Rachel Michael has been arrested in connection with a previously unsolved death of her ex-boyfriend Andrew huberman new evidence has come to
light prompting police to reopen the investigation I watched transfixed as they showed footage of Rachel being led out of her and Scott's house in handcuffs her face a mix of shock and anchor Scott followed behind looking stunned and lost a fierce satisfaction burned in my chest she was finally getting what she deserved but my joy was shortlived the news report went on to describe how Scott had to use their savings to post Rachel's bail and hire a lawyer it was a financial blow one that would undoubtedly strain their marriage I should have felt guilty knowing
that I had played a part in their hardship but all I could think was that it served them right they had brought this on themselves with their cruelty and deceit over the next few weeks I watched from afar as the drama unfolded Rachel's arrest made headlines and the court of public opinion was merciless speculation ran rampant about her involvement in her ex's death and what other secrets she might be hiding Scott put on a brave face standing by his wife in public but I could see the toll it was taking he looked Haggard worn down
by the constant scrutiny and Whispers a part of me yearned to reach out to offer comfort and support but I hardened my heart reminding myself of the way he had cast me aside The Vicious words he had hurled at me he had made his bed and now he would lie in it one afternoon as I was returning from the grocery store I spotted a familiar figure on my doorstep it was Scott his shoulders slumped his eyes red rimmed for a moment I considered ignoring him pretending I wasn't home but curiosity got the better of me
what do you want I asked coldly as I approached my arms Laden with bags Scott looked up his expression a mix of exhaustion and desper Iration Mom I need your help I raised an eyebrow oh now you need my help what happened to being done with me and my schemes he flinched as if I'd struck him I know I know I said some awful things but this this is bigger than that Rachel's in real trouble mom the evidence against her it's bad a flicker of ones passed through me what are you saying Scott's voice broke
I'm saying I don't know what to do the lawyer fees are bankrupting us and if ratel goes to prison I can't raise the kids on my own I need you mom please I stared at him Torn Between the urge to comfort him and the desire to lash out he looked so broken so defeated but then I remembered the pain he had caused the way he had abandoned me I straightened my spine my voice cold you should have thought of that before you turned your back on me I'm sorry SC but you're on your own with
that I brushed past him ignoring his pleas and apologies he had made his choice and now he would live with the consequences a few days after Scott's desperate visit I received an unexpected call it was Rachel's mother her voice tight with barely contained anger Julia I know we've had our differences but I need to ask a favor she said the words seeming to pain her I felt a flicker of surprise what kind of favor it's the kids with everything going on with Rachel's case Scott's struggling to keep up he needs a break I was hoping
you could take the children for the weekend I hesitated torn on one hand the thought of spending time with my grandchildren filled me with longing it had been so long since I'd seen them but on the other the idea of helping Scott and Rachel after everything they had done to me was hard to accept please Julia Rachel's mother pressed sensing my reluctance I know you love those kids they need some stability right now and Lord knows they won't get it from Scott or Rachel I sighed my resolve crumbling she was right whatever issues I had
with their parents my grandchildren were innocent they deserved better than to be caught in the middle of this mess all right I agreed I'll take them for the weekend but I'm doing this for them not for Scott or of course thank you Julia I'll let Scott know to drop them off Friday evening true to her word Scott arrived on my doorstep that Friday with the kids in to he looked even worse than the last time I'd seen him his face gaunt and shadowed mom he greeted me his voice hoarse thank you for doing this I
really appreciate it I nodded stiffly my attention on the children they looked up at me their eyes wide and uncertain Grandma my granddaughter cried breaking into a smile she rushed forward wrapping her little arms around my waist I hugged her back blinking back sudden tears hello sweetheart I've missed you my grandson was more reserved hovering by Scott's side I knelt down opening my arms come here buddy it's okay slowly he stepped into My Embrace his small body trembling my heart ached for him for both of them Scott cleared his throat I'll pick them up Sunday
evening if anything comes up just give me a call I straightened meeting his gaze cooly we'll be fine enjoy your weekend with a final nod he left leaving me alone with the kids I took a deep breath forcing a smile who wants pizza for dinner the weekend passed in a blur of laughter games and stories for a little while I was able to forget the drama and heartache lost in the simple joy of being with my grandchildren but all too soon it was over Scott arrived to collect the kids his expression guarded as they gathered
their things Grandma can we come stay with you again soon we had so much fun my granddaughter tugged on my hand I smiled smoothing her hair of course honey anytime you want Scott's jaw tightened we should get going Sega goodbye kids they humped me tightly their little faces sad I watched as they climbed into Scott's car my heart heavy as he prepared to leave Scott paused turning back to me listen mom about what they said I don't want you getting any ideas this was a onetime thing I bristled anger sparking excuse me you think I'm
trying to turn them against you wouldn't be the first time he muttered I saw red how dare you I have done nothing but love and support those children which is more than I can say for you and retel you're so wrapped up in your own drama you can't even see how much they're hurting Scott's face flushed you have no idea what we're going through no idea the stress the pressure and whose fault is that I cut him off you chose this Scott you chose Rachel and all the chaos that comes with her don't you dare
put that on me he stared at me his eyes hard this isn't over Mom I won't let you poison my kids against me the way you did with dad with that he got in the car and drove away leaving me shaking with rage and hurt I stood there watching until the car disappeared from view a cold determination settling over me if Scott wanted to play hard ball then so be it I was done playing nice it was time to end this once and for all the the day of Rachel's trial arrived cold and gray I
dressed with care choosing a somber black suit that radiated quiet Authority Sabrina picked me up her face set with grim determination are you ready for this she asked as we drove to the courthouse I nodded my jaw tight I've been ready for a long time we met James on the steps his expression serious I've got a surprise for you he said leading us inside I track down Andrew huberman's family they're here to testify I felt a surge of gratitude and Vindication with their testimony Rachel's fate would be sealed the courtroom was packed the air thick
with tension I took my seat behind the prosecutor's table my heart pounding as Rachel was led in her wrists and ankles Shackled she looked pale and drawn but her eyes still glittered with malice when they met mine Scott sat stiffly beside her his face a mask of conflicting emotions I looked away focusing on the judge as he called the court to order the trial was grueling and emotional the prosecutor laid out the evidence against ratchel in Danning detail painting a picture of a cruel calculating woman who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted
but it was the testimony of Andrew huberman's family that truly sealed her fate his mother a frail silver-haired woman spoke of her son's kind heart his bright future cut short his sister wept as she recounted Rachel's controlling abusive behavior and how she had isolated Andrew from his loved ones through it all Rachel sat stone-faced her eyes cold and empty Scott grew more and more agitated his knee bouncing his hands clenched into fists finally it was time for the verdict the jury filed back in their FA is somber the foreman stood clearing his throat in the
matter of the State versus Rachel Michael on the charge of Murder in the First Degree we find the defendant guilty the courtroom erupted in gasps and murmurs Rachel's face drained of color her mouth falling open Scott leaped to his feet his chair clattering to the floor no he shouted his voice raw with anguish no this is wrong she's innocent the judge baned his gavl calling for order Mr Michael control yourself or I will have you removed from this courtroom Scott subsided collapsing back into his seat his head in his hands Rachel turned to him her
expression desperate Scott do something you can't let them do this to me but Scott wouldn't look at her his shoulder shaking with silent sobs the bayith stepped forward preparing to lead ratchel away I watched with a strange mix of emotions swirling Within Me Triumph yes but also a hollow sort of sadness it had come to this my own son broken and humiliated his love life in ruins as Rachel was escorted out she turned back her eyes locking with mine in that moment I saw the depth of her hatred the Venom in her soul this isn't
over she hissed her voice low and deadly I'll make you pay for this I swear it I met her gaze steadily unflinching you've already paid ratchel you made your choices and now you'll face the consequences goodbye with that I turned and walked out my head held high it was over Justice had been served but even as relief washed over me I couldn't shake the lingering unease Scott's anguished face haunted me had I gone too far had my quest for vengeance blinded me to the collateral damage I shook my head pushing the doubts aside no Scott
had made his bed and now he would lie in it he had chosen Rachel and turned his back on me now he would have to live with the Fallout I stepped out into the cold gr day drawing my coat tighter around me it was time to move on to build a new life for myself a life without Scott without Rachel's toxic influence a life of my own making
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