what if I told you that the people you're losing to aren't actually better than you that the reason you're losing on court has more to do with the mistakes you're making now in this video you're going to learn what six of those critical mistakes are two from the Baseline area two from the midcourt area then two from near the kitchen line then I'm going to show you exactly how to fix them oh and stick around till the end because three of you are going to win a free one Monon membership to my online pickleball school
but to enter you're going to need the code word h inside the treasure box that comes later in the video now here's mistake number one serve and step in serve and step in this is a very common mistake that happens shoot at all levels and the reason you don't want to do this is because if you serve and step in and the return comes back deep I got to then backpedal and if I'm hitting balls on my back foot most likely I'm not going to be able to generate power and I'm also most likely going
to pop the ball up avoid this mistake by doing this serve and stay I want to serve stay now I'm going to get my weight forward and I'm going to move in and now we're playing a point out let's see how it ends it's coming body bag body bag now let's say you have a big serve one of those serves that when you serve it you step into the court naturally that was a great return by JT I don't think you're supposed to be able to catch it if that's your type of serve what you
might do instead is take a step back so when when your momentum takes you forward it just takes you to the Baseline here's the second mistake from the Baseline return and stay back meaning a player serves the ball and then the player Returns the ball but instead of coming up to the kitchen line which is what you should do they stay back at the Baseline and play the entire point from the Baseline I understand why some people do it because maybe you're afraid to get closer to the net and get into the action or you
just don't know the strategy yet well this is the time for you to learn the strategy the player that's returning wants to return turn and run up to the kitchen line so they can put themselves in the most optimal position for them to be successful on court so what happens when the returner also runs into the kitchen is they don't allow us such a big Target if they stay back I have all the space in the world to work with I can really hit the ball anywhere but the moment the returner returns and runs in
towards the kitchen line now my targets are closed down and not only that you might be wondering is this absolutely a good strategy to use well our friends at pickup Vision which is a company that has AI software that allows you to understand all the stats in pickleball it shows that the team that plays at the kitchen line more wins more points it's just data here's mistake number three and now we're talking about the midcourt Zone mistakes here it is you're moving too much in specifically we're talking about in two scenarios so often times when
I serve and the return comes back to me this person right here will just charge the kitchen line blindly right and all of a sudden if I miss ah right that person gets punished pun so whether you're hitting a drop or a drive right a drop is that that softer ball and the drive is the harder ball whichever one you're hitting the partner that you're playing with needs to evaluate if they should move forward or not if you just blindly run forward especially if you're playing with someone who isn't as consistent with their Strokes you're
going to have happen what just happened Zach's going to get punished and then he's going to turn to me and he's going to say something like dude hit a better shot and I'm going to say dude don't be an idiot and run up to the kitchen fine dude so what should you do instead from you're moving too much well you should evaluate before you move okay so we go here return comes to me Zach's going to evaluate right now we can move in yeah give me now one caveat for the advanced players watching this if
Zach knows that I'm a very consistent player and I make those shots eight out of 10 times then Zach can start to creep in a little bit more because when he Creeps in what happens is even a little more he starts to apply pressure PR so Zack move back when Zach's there there's less pressure on JT when this ball comes in okay when Zach moves closer there's more pressure but with that additional pressure actually comes increased risk for the quality of my shot so if my shot's good Zach's there right and he can apply pressure
if my shot's bad and he's there he becomes a Target right so there's a give and take to this my final thought on that one is the worse your partner is like if I'm not very good at that shot shot the less I would advise that your partner charges toward the kitchen line they should evaluate more and I actually have another video on the channel it's called third shot drop master class that goes into this specific thing in way more depth and we use this thing called the traffic light system you can go check out
that video link is in the description now here's the second part to you're moving too much think of these two words be still I want you to be still when you're hitting in the midcourt and I want you to be still when they're hitting in the midcourt now let's talk about us first here's what often happens often we hit a ball that's rather high and I would say high being like probably from around your your your chest area up to the head area if the ball's kind of high and we keep moving in right and
we don't actually stop the chances that we make that ball are very low so what we want to do when we know the ball is kind of high is communicate to ourselves and our partner watch it high or some other language some terminology that will give us a Quee to stop where we're at the ball's kind of high watch watch and then we move in so we're constantly evaluating should we move in based on the quality of our shot here's the second place you want to be still and they're connected it's when your opponent is
about to hit you want to be still right so we just said you don't want to run through the ball the question might come up well how do I know when I'm supposed to stop and be still right when they're about to make contact we want to be breaking down and even using a split step a split step is a motion where you go one two you get your base wider so you can move quicker left and right to prepare en counter the ball that they're giving you if you just do this one thing while
you're playing you will stop making so many errors here's mistake number four still talking about the midt you're not thinking about the kitchen the right way so let me just take us to the kitchen for a moment I know we're talking about the midcourt but when we first learned the game we're taught about the kitchen in one way oh you can't step into the kitchen unless you let the ball bounce then some people start to wonder am I ever allowed to step into the kitchen number one you are you can step into the kitchen you
can anticip at the ball going into the kitchen and then step in you can be in here all the time just so you know if that's if that's a point of confusion for you I just must be behind the kitchen if I'm going to take the ball out of the air this right here is illegal that's how we learn the game but then the problem becomes is our minds are focusing on our own kitchen and we often think of our own kitchen as an enemy we want to think about our opponent's kitchen especially when we're
in this Zone as our friend hey friend hey hey Kyle because when we're in this position if we try to attack them they have a positional advantage on the court so if I try to attack JT right now from this position right boom right he is just going to keep pushing me back and making life hard for me so when I'm in this position I want to make my opponent's kitchen my friend how do I do that I make it a Target because the beauty of the kitchen is I can hit the ball where they
can't reach it yeah perfect and so if they can't reach it that gives us time that's the main main word you must know it's time ball goes up that gives us time to come closer and when we're able to come closer then we can actually change from being on the defensive in our court position to being on the offensive you must make this your friend hey friend hey Kyle here's the fifth mistake and we're at the kitchen Zone it's not holding the line now many of you probably aren't going to play a ton of points
at first if you're at the 30 35 40 level at the kitchen line in fact we learned from pickle ball Vision that the average shots per rally is 6.2 across their data which essentially means if you're having a rally it's only 5.5 on average we're probably not actually getting up to the kitchen line right and so because of that we're probably making mistakes and we got to master the Baseline in the midcourt before we get up here but let's say you are at the kitchen line what's the most common mistake it's not holding the line
here's what I mean by that me and JT are dinking and every time a dink comes to me I back off the line cuz I'm afraid to take it out of the air I even call this kind of being like sporadic on the line I will not take a ball out of the air so I keep moving forward and I keep moving backwards and I'm number one I'm getting so many steps in shoot if I'm using a whoop it's going to tell me my strain is really high I'm not even sponsored by them yet so
instead of being sporadic at the line hold the line let's all four just hold the line as much as we can if you can take balls out of the air do it okay okay all D to start we're holding the line and when anybody gets their first attack go ahead and take it right so when you're holding the line you give yourself the opportunity to take a ball that's higher cuz if I let the ball bounce number one I give them more time to prepare if I take a ball out of the Air Boom I
take their time away one other teaching Point here if I let the ball bounce I end up hitting the ball from right here look how this is not very high if I take the ball from closer boom I'm taking the ball from a higher position which allows me to try to hit Tyler I told you earlier that we were going to give you a code word so three of you could win one free month at that pickleball school and here's what you got to do in the comments below you have to use the word School
SK l in a sentence of some sort be creative the most creative answer will be the answers that win three winners go to the comments below do that now do that now I didn't mean to be so bossy you can do it if you want okay please do it please do it okay here's mistake number six we're still at the kitchen line we're taking swings that are just too big and we have follow throughs that are just too big we get so excited when the ball gets hit to us that we want to take we
want to take these really big swings this game is so fast the ball coming from JT to me is coming in less than 510 of a second so because of that we don't have the time to take the big swings and not only that that JT is probably hitting his forehand around 40 to you know sometimes 90 mph and so if he's hitting the ball hard I'm going to have to have perfect timing right to hit that ball right that's actually and I'm not I'm kind of exaggerating but not really so instead of taking these
big swings that often go long or often go into the Nets right we see this all the time we get excited and we hit it get your paddle up in a ready position don't have it here cuz then you have to bring it up and get really boom tight boom tight boom tight what you got JT what you got and when you get tight and when you get compact you will be better so how about when we're in hands battles which happens a lot in pickle ball I said big swings before but how about if
you take really big follow-throughs if I take a big follow through I'm being I'm exaggerating right of course taking these big follow-throughs but this Ball's coming back to me in less than two t of a second so when I hit the ball I must expect it to come back boom and I have to stay tight boom boom boom boom boom boom all right because if I don't I'm going to miss and they're going to win wait I almost forgot there's actually four more mistakes you need to know about and trust me these are must knows
to get your game to another level the link for you to watch is about to pop up so click it to watch those four mistakes and as a final thing the last one about balance well it might just be the most important lesson you'll ever learn in pickle ball click the video now click the video click the video click the video see you on the video ha oh and subscribe to the channel cuz feel like I'm supposed to say that