DO IT ALONE - Motivational Speech

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DO IT ALONE - Motivational Speech - Listen to this motivational speech and understand how to get bac...
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[Music] I need you to confront you I need you to confront you because you the one holding you up I need you to confront you I need you to look in the mirror and tell you you are not going to do me like this no more you're not going to keep procrastinating you're not going to keep thinking like that I need you you're not you're not going to continue to sabotage me you're not I get frustrated with humans when somebody's late and they upset I get frustrated with humans when somebody borrows money for you and
you don't pay it back and you upset I get upset with humans when you go out to eat they don't bring your food out the way you want your food out and you are so upset and you let them have it but then you disappoint you when you don't let you have it you give you a pass you give you a pass you're not where you supposed to be financially and you can gave yourself a pass you know you better than that you know you should be further in life but you keep letting you slide
it's time you punish you you need to tell you no more TV no more snacks no more desserts no more no we working out now no more alcohol not right now no I can't handle it right now you need to tell you that you owe you something hold you accountable and don't let you off the hook I want you to challenge you this year to do something you've never done before to have something you've never had before any goal that you want to achieve that's worthwhile in your life require all in effort every moment every
minute every hour every day every week every month every fuing year for as long as it fuing takes for you to get where you're going you should be consumed with that path what you do at night matters what you do in the morning matters what you do when your friends are out drinking matters what you do on Saturday matters what you do on Sunday matters the success clock doesn't give a what day it is it's going to run no matter what and you guys pretend like you can work 7 8 10 hours a day and
then spend the rest of your time can off and you think you're going to be somewhere and you're not you have to dedicate everying breath everying ounce of energy and every thought and effort that you possibly have in your heart to becoming what it is you want to be want to introduce yall to this very simple concept it's a very simple concept if you want it you got to go get it it's time to stay focused it's time to decide clubs partying trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop
calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when ain't nobody else out there because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubing like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it the more weird you are is a reflection of how committed you are to focusing on your sh
molding and shaping and developing your ideas and your craft so that when it's time for you to make your rounds you going to fly you still got work to do stay on that basketball court stay on that football field all the homies texting and calling and trying to make you feel bad about being so focused it's grind season homie it's not about today it's about the future you do the work now and all of the [ __ ] that you could ever want to do for your family your kids your loved ones it's all going
to be on a whole another Stratosphere this suffering this sacrifice you're making is an indicator of progress it's an indicator of obsession it's an indication of progress towards our dreams dreams require sacrifices they're not entitled to your dream you have to bleed for youring dream the price you will pay for not making your dream come true is far greater than the one that you will pay to make it come true if you can't stick to something for fiveing days you deserve to have a sh L you deserve to get your ass kicked you deserve to
be miserable we're talking about five days we're not talking about 50 years we're not talking about the 5 years it probably takes to build something worthwhile we're not talking about the 5 months it could take for you to lose 100 lb we're talking about five fing days and you can't even stick to it for that so what the do you think you deserve you deserve exactly what you do and that's the truth that's the things your friends won't tell you when you're cheating and moaning about how your life sucks on Friday night drinking aing bruski
with your boyss that's the your mom won't tell you when you're sitting in your mom's basement playing fing video games when you should be reading or improving or working out or doing something it doesn't matter how you feel it doesn't matter how frustrated angry or depressed or upset you are all that matters is that you do what needs to be done on a daily basis over and over and over again and if you do that sh and it gets done it's irrelevant how you feel and I can tell you this if you do that for
long enough you're going to feel a lot fing better about your life than you do right now how many more nights of sleep you going to lose running around complaining about your life stop being a lazy bum ass person that's full of excuses sitting around on the pity potty coming up with every excuse in the world as to why you ain't winning you are the reason you're not winning you are the reason you look way you look you are the reason you're unemployed you are the reason why your surroundings is so dysfunctional and negative it's
a choice you have thought your way into a depression you have thought your way into negativity and misery it's all in the mind change your mind and it will change your life it's time you get off the pity potty stop complaining about being out of shape when you never go to the gym stop looking at your stomach when you get out of the shower and your body and complaining about the way you look when you're eating everything in sight and never going to the gym you just have to wake up you just have to break
that negative Spirit you have to break through all of that [ __ ] that you're carrying and everybody wants to be better everyone talks about becoming better but I'll tell you right now it doesn't just happen you want to improve you want to get on a workout program or a clean diet or start a new business you want to write a book or make a movie or build a house or a computer or an app where do you start you start right here when do you start you start right now you initiate action you go
that idea isn't going to execute itself that book isn't going to write itself those weights out in the gym they aren't going to move themselves you have to do it and you have to do it now so stop thinking about it stop dreaming about it stop researching every aspect of it and debating the pros and cons of it start doing it take that first step and make it happen here and now it takes courage it takes commitment it takes discipline these are all things that you need to have cuz let me tell you this when
you do magic is going to start to happen baby you'll start to move forward and Achieve that thing you'll start respecting yourself more you'll start carrying yourself differently and think that you can take on theing world I actually appreciate my haters my haters keep me grinding I tell them all the time if you want want to pay attention to success watch me a lion never negotiates with an hyena he ain't waking up in the morning and saying I'm going to go hang out with some hyenas he ain't going to the same clubs where he know
the hyenas don't like him anyway cuz he don't concern himself with the conversations of hyenas her eagle flies of a certain altitude and the only other bird flies at that altitude is another Eagle so if he find himself flocking with pigeons he may be flying too low see sometimes we asking why my friends treating me like this you hanging out with pigeons why they talking about me like this man you hanging out with pigeons Eagles ain't got time to gossip Kings don't gossip fools party Kings celebrate you got to come out your comfort zone because
your comfort zone is the deadliest place you will ever be you should never feel comfortable you should be happy and dissatisfied your ability to go all in and when I say all in I mean all the in every moment every minute every every hour every day every week every month everying year for as long as it fing takes for you to get where you're going you should be consumed with that path if you want to show me when to win that bat pack your calendar you pack your calendar that's how you show the world that
you want to win because everything is based off of activity so very hard when you go up against somebody that shows up every flipping day where you sit there and say take a damn week off go on vacation why don't you slow down for a day or a month or 2 months or 3 months please let me catch up because hungry people they're just more urgent than everybody else if I need to learn a skill set today I'm going to go by the course today I'm going to get better at it today not tomorrow not
this afternoon not later on tonight today what you do at night matters what you do in the morning matters what you do when your friends are out drinking matters what you do on Saturday matters what you do on Sunday matters the success clock doesn't give a what day it is it's going to run no matter what and you guys pretend like you can work 7 8 10 hours a day and then spend the rest of your time off and you think you're going to be somewhere and you're not and you're surrounded by people who enable
this thought process you're good friends your family people who have accepted mediocrity as a life oh you don't need to work on weekends why do you work so hard at night why do you get up so early and do that why do you train so hard why are you reading all these books when we're out drinking beer when you're obsessed they're like wa can't be so crazy why can't you be satisfied why do you always got to get things so perfect why do you spend so much time yet when you're obsessed people think you're nuts
anybody ever tell you hey look just be satisfied with what you got no don't believe them get them away from you should never be satisfied with what you got you should double your business triple it because the attempt to get more makes you into something better Easy never pays well so if you're thinking that it's just going to be a walk in the park you're deading wrong you have to give it every fing bit of effort and energy you have to pull it off you have a choice to either give up or keep going give
up or get up you have to save your own life nobody's going to be able to save it for you so we have to do what we have to do no matter what it is you going to have to be your own hero so you can stop waiting for it you can stop wishing for it and you can get on with the rest of your life I love myself enough not to be trapped in the same dog on spot for the rest of my life I'm not stupid I see what's going on but I don't
want to focus on that because if put my energy into something negative automatically my body's going to respond and I'm going start doing negative stuff that's the way the body is designed you talk negative and your body does negative you talk negative you get diseases you talk negative mentally certain things happen I'm not stupid I know how to talk negative but I've come to realize that when you think optimistically and you speak positively you can speak those things which are not as though they were you can say certain things out your mouth and make it
happen you want affirmation look yourself in the mirror and say I think I can I think I can I know I can do whatever it takes you your biggest driver you see the fight's not over if you've been knocked down it's only over if you quit all I'm saying is don't quit I didn't say don't rest I didn't say don't recover I said don't quit mentally you ain't got to take off mentally you can stay connected and some of you are not successful because every single time you run up against a trial every time you
run up against a tribulation you stop and you get Give It Up to easy I need effort from you I need you to match whatever effort the enemy is putting up match the dog on effort at the end of p is your Millions at the end of p is your reward at the end of p is your productivity at the end of p is your promise so stop crying about it and use your energy to get through it you got to look at life when life knocks you down and say is this all you got
is this it I was born in the dark shaped in the dark molded by the dark I will break you you recycle your pain you use your pain pain is temporary pain is your friend pain is going to take you to the next level no pain no gain but I want you to feel that pain going through your body and as pain leads your body that's what's going to take his place success recycle your pain you can decide the shape the form you can decide the product that comes from your pain I cannot stop what
happens to me I can dictate how I respond but if you weak you will be broke and I'm not here because I'm the best I'm here because they tried to break me and they could I invested too much to quit I made too many sacrifices to give up so when life happens I don't just sit there and cry I Buck back I Buck back average people live off talents phenomenal people live off efforts life going to whip your butt life is going to bully you stop whining stop crying nobody cares let it hit you but
don't let it pump you and I'm telling you right now don't give up I'm telling you right now don't give in get through it I don't care if you sick I don't care what you're going through if you not dead he ain't through with you yet as long as you waking up you still in the game as long as you alive you can still make it happen as long as that breath in your nostrils you still in the game you still can win now get your butt up and you will promise me that from this
day forward you will not be defeated what happens when you're gazelle and you're not being pushed you're not being prodded you're not given a reward nobody's encouraging you what happens when you're a gazelle and the Lion's not chasing you anymore you stop running what happens when you're a lion when you are a lion it does not make a difference you realize that if your family is going to eat that if that pack of lions is to survive then you got to go hunt if the lion is the king of the jungle how can he the
king of the jungle if he's not the biggest the elephant is probably one of the biggest he can't be the fastest cuz that's a cheater he can't be the smartest so he's not the biggest the fastest or the smartest so how does a lion become the king of the jungle his mentality a part of being a beast just ain't eating a gazelle a part of being a beast is the hunt it's the hunt that they're excited about they like to see the gazel run then boom they take off cuz real lions like to hunt they
love the process just as much as they love the prize and some of y'all just want to score you don't like the process you're not in love with the process a true Hunter's goal is not the prize a true Hunter's goal is to hunt that's what they live for they live to hunt they don't just live to catch it it's the whole process when you are a true Hunter you don't go by time you go by the gazelle when you are a true Hunter you hunt until you get a gazelle and you don't stop until
you get one and then you get another and then you get another and you get another if you going to do what you say you going to do be what you say you going to be you going to have to line me out you a gazelle you going to come up short you a gazelle you going to have an average experience you a student I need you in Lion mode you an entrepreneur I need you in Lion mode you trying to lose weight lion mode you can't do nothing significant in gazelle mode nothing nothing impressive
happen in gazelle mode nothing happened in run mode give up mode quit mode scared mode fearful mode nothing happened everything happened in line mode like I'm coming to get you most of y'all are going to do aing thing and you're going to be mad at me cuz I said it when in reality you should be mad at yourself because two years ago you said sh last year you said sh this year you're saying sh and next year you're going to be saying the same [ __ ] how about this for 2021 we look at ourselves
in the mirror and we tell ourselves the truth we look at our lives and we tell ourselves the truth truth is this it's very simple you're either doing it or you're not doing it youve either been executing or you haven't been executing you either are truly ready to make aing change or you're not it doesn't matter how many videos you watch it doesn't matter how many courses you buy it doesn't fing matter what matters is is what you're going to do you got to make a decision that you are not going to be like everybody
else you are not going to live how they live you are not going to eat how they you're not going to drink how they drink you're not going to do the kind of work they can do and then you got to go do that and you got to do it one day at a time wi today then you wake up tomorrow and you do the same thing then you wake up on Wednesday and you do the same thing then you wake up on Thursday and you do the same thing and when you get to the
point where you're winning every day and it's automatic guess what happens winning becomes not something that you aspire to do winning becomes who the [ __ ] you are I am not phenomenally skilled but I'm phenomenally will my IQ may never change but my will changes every year I get stronger and stronger and more more determined why cuz it's in my DNA I want to be successful I want to execute I want to make all my dreams become a reality I want to do everything I said I'm going to do so my appetite increases it
gets stronger every year I want more every year I want to do more every year I want to help more every year I want to be bolder I want to be better I want to be stronger every single year every single year your appetite should go up you should never get settled you you should never get settled you should never get content every single year the waiting and the thinking and the planning the stuff doesn't get you anywhere it doesn't move you forward in fact you're going backwards you're going backwards cuz the world is moving
forward so if you're standing still you're actually going backwards so don't sit around and think about it anymore take action I don't care how small it is I don't care how minuscule the movement is but make movement move forward and do that every single day no matter what be what it is you claim to be about be what it is you truly want to be if you truly want to be successful if you truly want to change your life if you truly want to lose 50 100 200 500 fing pounds be about it today this
is not a year that you going to be doing a lot of dophins this is the year for grinding this is not the year of dreaming we not dreaming no more we not wishing no more we not watching other people ride the ride no more we're not watching people cash checks no more we not doing that no more this is our [Music] year you know what's so funny we want people to make guarantees to us but we're not willing to make guarantees to ourselves somebody gave you a guarantee 30-day guarantee in 30 days if you
don't make what they told you was going to make you got to attitude you want your money back but you've never demanded your money back from yourselves you've never looked at yourself in the spirit said you let you down you keep saying you ain't on the next level because the economy you keep saying you ain't the next level because it ain't the season you keep saying you ain't on the next level because the opportunity Ain there the truth of the matter is that you ain't there because you ain't there have you ever looked at yourself
in the mirror and said I'm not getting up on time I'm not going to work on time I'm not putting in 120% when I'm at work I let me down and there are some of you you know what you want but you are not personally willing to do the work it takes to get it what you're trying to do is do what you've done on this level and get the next level you like I'm getting up every day I'm putting in 2 and 1/2 I'm putting in three and I'm not getting opportunity the opportunity might
require getting up and working out three and a half it might require you saying no to your friends it might require you changing your diet it might require you moving to another city whatever it takes you got to be willing to do it and you keep saying you're not there because of something else because it's easier to blame somebody else that's the problem with some of you you always want to hold other people to the fight but you're not holding yourself to the fire you owe you an explanation you owe you an explanation you need
to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50% what's wrong with you you need to put yourself on punishments you need to tell you no more TV no more snacks no more dessert no more alcohol no more no we working out now you need to tell you that you owe you something we tired is 60% you we tired of this crying you this complaining you we tired of this friendship greatness is in you you are here you here leave your goo Mark you here do something so whatever you got
to do you do it and there those of you who were this close but you compromise you let your feelings get the best of you it's time for you to cut average it's time for you to cut good so you can finally get to Great there are no excuses you cannot cheat success you got to work for it you got to breathe it you got to sleep it you got to eat it you got to put forth 120% I didn't get here making excuses and I stopped being a victim I sto saying I've got to
wait for good things to happen to me and I said I'm going grind I'm going to fight I'm going to work I'm going to learn I'm going to do everything in my power every single day I'm going to do everything in my power to become a Victor and not a victim it only take one extra pushup it only take one extra mile it only take one extra raade it only takes one extra it only takes one extra something to get you to where you trying to get you and the goal is you got to go
a little further than the man who's trying to get what you trying to get and can't nobody stop me but me you got to get this beast mode you got to invite Beast mod everything about you has to say I ain't playing if it's a h I'm going to get it and I ain't leaving none of it behind it's mine I'm coming to get it I'm coming to get it I'm coming to get [Music] it I'm going to try to be the best that I can be the strongest the fastest the smartest human being that
I can become better than I was yesterday Better Than People thought I could be better than I thought I could be well you cut this off I want you to go look yourself in the mirror and I want you to vow no more excuses like from this day forward I'm not going to be getting pumped up I'm not going to be fired up I'm about to start applying because listen to me very closely the difference between people who talk about it and people who do it it's one simple word application they hear it and they
don't just hear it they digest it and when they digest it boom they do something with it I don't need you to learn a lot of stuff this year I don't need you to learn 40 things this year if you can learn one thing I'm talking about learn it I'm talking about put it deep within now you hear it not you read it not you see it if you can give me one principle of MTH that you own that becomes a part of who you are that changes how you think that changes how you behave
if you could become a executor if you can execute you can do the unthinkable you can make all your Milestones become a reality if it stop being a hobby you doing it when you feel like it you doing it when you get time you doing it on your lunch break you not serious you're not eating it you're not eating it you're not dreaming it it's not Harding your dreams at night I'm I'm telling you right now that those of you you are going to view the unthinkable if you can shut it down you got to
shut the TV down you got to shut certain people down you are minimizing right now and you need to optimize this is going to be a full commitment to creating the kind of person that can make the right decision even when it's the last thing they want to do when they're tired when they're sore when they're hungry when they're stressed when they're frustrated when they're angry when the world is crashing down on their shoulders will still make the right decision your only solution is to become that kind of a person start today and in 365
days you will look back and you will say that was the day that was the day that everything changed that was the day that my life changed that was the day that my family changed that was the day my community changed my state changed and my country changed because I changed there is a difference between passion and Obsession when you're passionate everybody Che you on they're stoked free oh you found your passion awesome Follow Your Passion live with passion be passionate Chase your passions everything like passion passion passion passion passion is good like the world
going be like Yay passion when you're obsessed they're like why you going to be so crazy why can't you be satisfied why do you always got to get things so perfect why you spend so much time here when you're obsessed people think you're nuts so it's different if no one thinks you're crazy you're not yet operating to the outer limits of your potition you're not there yet because somebody in your life should say man you really care about this in like a crazy way it's time to stay focused it's time to decide clubs party and
trying to fit in and socialize rub elbows with everybody so people can stop calling you weird why are you so antisocial because I'm trying to get it why are you staying on the basketball court so much because I'm trying to get it why are you not clubbing like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool you always studying because I'm trying to get it the more weird you are is a reflection of how committed you are to focusing on your molding and shaping and developing your ideas and your
craft so that when it's time for you to make your rounds you going to fly you still got work to do stay on that basketball court stay on that football field all the homies texting and calling and trying to make you feel bad about being so focused it's grind season homie I'm UPS that's what Improvement every day I'm getting better there are those of you with phones and every new phone that comes out you get it every upgrade you get it every piece of software you get it you are upgrading your technology and you've not
upgraded yourself so listen to me there are those of you saying I want to be a millionaire I want to be the best at this company right but your value system says you believe in sleep more than you believe in grinding your value system says you are a consumer and not a producer if you're going to go to the next level your values are going to have to change things we do not Retreat we do not give up we do not surrender and the reason why most of you are not successful is because every single
time stuff not going your way you give up you quit you let go and people feel weakness they feel it you can feel when somebody's not committed when they not all in when they not dedicated and there's another level you get to when you go all in you have to eat the dream life is going to give everybody a bad head no one's going to leave here without being tried in life adversity make the strong stronger or the weak weaker but how do you keep going why do you keep going what is it that will
make it worth it for you when you want to give up and things are working against you to face the rejections what makes you get up when you fall down what makes your mentality change if there's a great situation or there's a bad situation how do you dictate that based off the level of pain cuz I think that's what we're getting in trouble at that's why many are called the few are chosen cuz everybody won't get the beat down everybody's not willing to face rejection everybody won't take the controversy everybody won't take the heat everybody
won't hold themselves to a higher standard because see pain is tricky because if you don't control pain it'll control you until you learn how to figure it out until you learn how to tap it on the back and say I know you there but I'm built to deal with you make a a declaration to yourself declare all out war that you're going to get out of this run I'm bigger than this I got me here I can get me out of this and I'm getting out I'm not going to be a volunteer victim I'm not
going to let this get me down I'm not going to let this destroy me I'm coming back we must find a way to push through pain because there's something greater on the other side of it life going to whip your butt life is going to bully you stop whining stop crying nobody cares be demanding let it hit you but don't let it punk you all I'm saying is don't quit I didn't say don't rest I didn't say don't recover I said don't quit mentally you ain't got to take off mentally you can stay connected no
matter how bad it is or how bad it gets I'm going to make it I can I can I will I must be demanded you must have patience and engage in consistent action even if no one else believes that you can do it even if the Arts are stacked against you even if your chances of survival are slim to none say to yourself no matter how bad it is or how bad it gets I'm going to make it go get your dog old stuff and don't let nobody tell you no you go get your stuff
and you go get all your stuff because God gave you that stuff and they don't have a right to take it from you in spite of what's going on right now in spite of the hardships that we've experienced it's worth my going at it with everything in me it's worth giving it every fiber of my being to bring it into reality to express who I am I got to sing the song I'm supposed to sing I got to do the work I'm supposed to do it's possible you can have it it's F where you are
right now that's not important and it's necessary that you go additive everything in you you don't don't take it lightly you go at it and you take responsibility for making it happen and you own up to the fact it's going to be hard so what I'll do it hard sometimes you might be defeated but to you it's worth it can you survive the temporary on the other side of temporary pain you get introduced to your other self and that other self produces that other life when challenges and issues come back to back to back and
it seems like something is after me something is attacking my journey you're thinking about quitting you're thinking about giving up you are caving in don't give up stay in it stay focused maybe you need to rename your storm yeah it sucks yeah it's hard but somehow healing is coming out of this it's easy to have faith and feel good when you're feeling good and you have no pain and your bills are paid it's easy to be motivated then but when that's not the situation it's hard but it's worth fighting it's worth mustering yourself up standing
up inside yourself it's worth being Up Tempo it's worth fighting relentlessly never giving up there's going to be things that go on that are out of your control the worst thing you can do is let something that's out of your control control you get control of yourself get control of your emotions don't get angry don't get frustrated instead stay calm and figure out how to move forward you know what I ask myself when going through pain what if I can do it what if I can defy all the odds what if I can prove everyone
wrong what if I can pull off a [ __ ] miracle what if I can become someone that no one thinks I can be and just the thought of that can give you the strength to pull yourself out of the gutter and back in the fight one more time you got to go all the in when there's a will there's a way and there's always a way when you're committed you don't care about the facts you don't care about the odds you don't care about the opinions of others the only thing you care about is
making it through to the other fing side no matter what it takes you just got to keep searching keep fighting keep hammering keep failing keep trying keep getting back up again and stop at nothing to reach it I will never quit because if you quit you're done I will never quit I will persevere and I will thrive on adversity my team expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than our opponents I will be physically harder and mentally stronger than anything that comes against me my family my business my brothers my sisters my team
I will be the one that is physically harder and mentally stronger and I will work to maintain that position you won't beat me you have got to make a decision in your life you have got to make a decision about your Fitness you have got to make decisions about your business you have got to make decisions about your marriage you have got to make decisions about your kids because you know what your only other option is to crouch and stagnant fear like a coward and potentially die and potentially put the lives of every one who
depends on you in Jeopardy and the reason that Chad Wright is sitting here right now talking to you is because Chad Wright mustered whatever strength that he had left to claw his way back onto his freaking feet and pony up that no matter how many times I was knocked down that I would muster enough strength to get back on my feet and get in the fight we have two voices in our mind there that one voice that we love to hear it's that soft [ __ ] that says sleep the fu in it's okay well
there's another [ __ ] voice that wakes you up in the middle of the night it's that demon voice that Whispers in youring ear that says Get Up motherucker You're not good enough you got to work harder you haven't cleed enough time in it's that voice you want to run away from it's that voice you don't want to hear but guess what it's that voice you need to listen to at some point in your life give every single thing you got a true dog mentality it's not enough you made to the NFL be theing MVP
it's not enough you r a 5k we a 10K it's not enough you became a doctor be a better doctor it's not enough you lost 50 lb go out there and do something with it never do the bare minimum be different try to be 10% better than you were last week so if you're running 30 m a week run 33 if you're swimming 500 M swim 550 you ain't the only one doing what you doing and there's some kill and right now he trying to take your spot so just when you felt like you did
that last rep and your muscles are saying I can't do no more reps you saying yeah you got to do one more cuz right now while you quitting he might be doing five more while you quitting and giving up while you saying all right I did enough it's time to rest he might just be getting his all there's always someone out there working harder than you I'm haunted by that motherucker KN that that someone out there is willing to forgo personal desires and Comforts forgo sleep for go whatever it takes to be better to be
the best a lot of us have that person out there it may not be a name or face to him but he exists you make sure in life when they think about that person you make sure they put a name in the face to it you make sure the name of the face is yours you do the haunty get in somebody's head oh space if you're not willing to do it every single day you're not going to beat the man that's doing it every single day I'm not the best but they have not outworked me
I'm not the best I'm a beast and often times when you're going up against other beasts sometimes they just wanted more than you wanted they're not more talented than you they just know what they out there for you got to find something within and not that's got to push you and that's got to drive you and when you find your why you find a way to make it happen and all times when you want to quit you make sure you remember all the times hours and days you sacrifice to be the best people have this
reoccurring nightmare that there's some thing some Force that's got a hold of them and it's holding them down and they can't break free no matter what they do they can't break free from that Force well I'm here to tell you that that thing in your nightmare that thing that's holding you back that thing that's dragging you down that thing is you there are two fundamental attitudes toward life and its Sorrows those with the first attitude blame the world those with the second ask what they could do differently it's much easier and much more gratifying to
your basis desires to blame someone else for your misery you know what's so funny we want people to make guarantees to us but we're not willing to make guarantees to ourselves that's the problem with some of you you you always want to blame other people you owe you an explanation you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50% what's wrong with you you need to put yourself on punish you need to tell you no more TV no more snacks no more desserts no we working out now you
need to tell you that you owe you some every day I demand more for myself than anybody else could humanly expect I'm not competing with somebody else I'm competing with what I'm capable of my number one competition is me it's always you versus is you you got to be the one to get up every morning be disciplined put in the consistent daily hard work because that gains success no coach no trainer no Mentor no boss can do it you versus you I value myself enough to give 120% but don't do it there is no excuse
for not living up to the fullest poten no excuse you walk out of this room you owe yourself I didn't get here making excuses what changed I change and I stop being a victim I stop saying I've got to wait for good things to happen to me and I said I'm a ride I'm going to fight you're going to make a lot of mistakes you're going to have a lot of failures you're going to have a lot of struggles you're going to feel dumb and ask questions and don't know what to do or where to
go you got to know why you're out here because you're going to get your butt kick when the storms of life come and they're going to come when life pounce on you and that's going to happen when it catches you on The Blind Side and drop you to your knees and that's going to happen when your plans don't work out and that's going to happen when you start running out of money and that's going to happen when you want to give up and that's going to happen your reasons will be your rod and staff to
comfort you your reasons will be your Bridge Over Troubled Waters but you got to know why you're there because your reasons when life drops you to your knees your reasons will help you get back up when I times I want to give up why are you here Les because I want to make Mama proud of me why you here Les I promise my kids I'm going to do for them I'm going to give them a better life I want to leave him a legacy I'm not going to give up go back go back fool go
back no no I refuse use to give up on my dream and I'm not going to let anything stop me sometimes you have to back up and go within and pray and meditate and recharge your batteries go away clear your head and then come back and look at it from a different Vantage Point don't operate while you are under the spell or the effect of what's going on see we can't control the thoughts that come in our minds but we can control the thoughts that we dwell on so your thoughts have magnetism and the most
challenging thing is to discipline your thinking but hold the vision of what it is that you want don't allow your emotions to control you we are emotional but you want to begin to discipline your emotion if you don't discipline and contain your emotions they will use you this is a test this is the day I'm going to find out if my goals really are my goal I'm talking about looking yourself in the mirror looking yourself in the eye and saying I'm going to fing dominate today better than any other day you going to get up
you going to get dressed you going to get out and you going to do what you've been called to you going to be what you call me and you going to prove that everybody that Tred to break you everybody try to stop you everybody that tried to kill your dream you going to prove all of them wrong I'm going to show them all they're wrong because I'm the Champion I'm going to prove I'm the greatest I'm going prove to you I'm the greatest I'm prove to the world I'm the greatest there'll never be one like
me our character is defined by the choices we make on a moment to moment basis it all adds up to the win you might not win it today but your efforts done today even a failure felt today are all measures that create the moment later and if you got knocked down fin cour to get back up try that same Endeavor then you find yourself victorious in that endeavor that's the sweetest victory of all that feels a confidence it's unbreakable and you've come too far to only come this far so you fight if you have to
you crawl if you have to you scrap if you have to you do whatever it takes because on the other side of that pain is your promise so you get through your get through so you can get your reward no one's coming to save you no one's coming to save you the only person that's going to make a drastic change in your life is you you have to do it for you you have to force yourself anything that's a break from your routine is going to require force and the only way you'll get it is
by forcing yourself to be uncomfortable get out of your head get out of your feelings your feelings are are screwing you I don't care how you feel I care about what you want and if you listen to how you feel when it comes to what you want you will not get it because you will never feel like it discipline is the path to Freedom discipline is the driver of daily execution discipline defeats the infinite excuses that hold you back make discipline part of your daily life and your daily life will get better you need to
be the master of your emotions not let them affect you discipline is something you dictate motivation won't make you exercise every day discipline will motivation won't stay up late and finish a project for you discipline will motivation isn't going to get you out of bed in the morning discipline will I see people writing on my page oh I listen to your videos and I get hyped that's great but what do you do after the 5 minutes is over what do you do when you wake up the next day what do you do when somebody's not
there watching you what do you do when you have to either do what it is you know supposed to do without somebody there to supervise you or you get to take the play off cuz no one's going to know the difference and that's discipline to do the [ __ ] that you don't want to do because you know it needs to be fing done don't run from the difficult classes take them little pressure little progress stop taking shortcuts stop taking the easy way go to the heat because the sooner you go to the heat the
soon as it's rain you got to get a little bit more intense about your life you got to stop being so casual there decisions we make to chase that best version of us every second every day because every day Alters the direction of the course of Our Lives take ownership don't make excuses don't blame any other person or any other thing get control of your ego take ownership of everything in your world the good and the bad take ownership of your mistakes take ownership of your shortfalls take ownership of your problems and then take ownership
of the solutions that will get those problems solved take owners ship of your job of your future and take ownership of your life people have this reoccurring nightmare that there's some thing some Force that's got a hold of them and it's holding them down and they can't break free no matter what they do they can't break free from that Force well I'm here to tell you that that thing in your nightmare that thing that's holding you back that thing that's dragging you down that thing is you you know who's going to bail you out you
know who's going to come and rescue you you know who's going to come and save the day no one you have no backup you have no reinforcements no one's going to come and do it for you you're going to have to do it all yourself
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