The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong || MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO

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Mind Motivation Coaching
The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong || MOTIVATIONAL Video Speakers: Robert Herjavec Denzel Wash...
Video Transcript:
[Music] you will fail at some point in your life accept it you will lose you will embarrass yourself you will suck at something there's no doubt about it hey I'm telling embrace it because it's inevitable direction determines destination destination is not determined by hope it's not deterred by wish destination is determined by direction you know every time you lose at something you're one step closer to winning the next time the difference between successful people are not successful people are people give up people wake up every morning have doubt they have fear they lose in a
Ferrari race or they're losing a race and then they just give up but the the hardest thing in life to learn is to lose winning is easy you win you're happy you get a high five your friends are happy it's your ability to take a loss get up the next day dust yourself off and keep going I have lost that everything you can imagine seriously we have have been beat up and put down and everything that can go wrong has gone wrong for me but I I just kept going but here's the thing I didn't
quit I didn't fall back I suggest to you that if you are facing a challenge don't stop stay busy work your plan continue to do those things that you know that work for you after you have evaluated yourself in the situation continue to move stay busy stay busy stay busy I prayed I prayed and I pray but I continued to fail and fail and fail but it didn't matter because you know what there's an old saying you hang around the barbershop long enough sooner or later you're gonna get a haircut so you will catch a
break and I did catch a break if you constantly remind yourself after every defeat after every setback every time you get knocked down I've got a saying if life knocks you down try to land on your back because if you can look up you can get up see a lot of people because of failure they stop they stop believing let me share something with you you will fail your way to success yes the United 10 millionaires have been financially bankrupt you will fail your way to success it doesn't matter how many times you fail it
doesn't matter how many times people tell you that you can't do it it doesn't matter if you don't have a dime in the bank you will fail your way to success you cannot change destination / you cannot change destination overnight which means you can't arrive at a five years from now place tomorrow but here's what you can change today and overnight you can change direction one of the biggest challenges for people's everybody wants a better quality of life everybody wants life to be greater but almost all of us get stuck at times where something stops
us something prevents us from doing something that we really are capable of doing whether it's turning around our body or shifting a relationship or turning around our finances or just maybe just being happy and fulfilled at a different level we get stuck with a belief of how we're not supposed to be what we're not supposed to do what people won't accept what we're not capable of or maybe we get stuck in an emotional pattern just being pissed off or frustrated or worried or sad or overwhelmed sometimes we get stuck you know not so much in
anything but some just some habits of doing things a certain way and what a breakthrough simply is is that moment in time where there's an opening and the opening can come from a conversation that can come from meeting somebody that inspires you it can come from an insight they can come from watching a movie and being moved emotionally just that right moment it usually comes because something kind of clicked inside of us something snapped us and made us look at life through a different filter in a different way and you know it's a real breakthrough
because you take that little insight that little distinction that little moment or maybe that little or big emotion inside of you that says no more I'm gonna change this and suddenly you do something to make your life better you break out of the impossibility of life has to be this way or life is controlling me and you start to take back control of your life you start to make the shift that creates the quality of life that you really deserve everybody experiences extreme stress at some point in their life I don't care who we are
something happens outside our control and it hits our life and it knocks us on our tail it might be a health stress it could be something with your family it could be economic career it could be something emotional that happens biochemical there's so many things it could be an environmental situation that nothing to do with you every one of us in our lifetime are experiencing extreme stress and these days because of the economy and the way we've respond to it the majority of people are spirits in some form of extreme stress at least according to
pulse stress doesn't come from the facts stress comes from the meaning that we give the facts yes those things have happened but the real question is if we fight what's happened we got a problem aside what are we gonna do with what's happened in our life how are we gonna take this how are we gonna mold is how we're gonna turn our life around because when you come up with a new meaning get a new life so what are we gonna do in this session well in this session we're gonna take a look at something
from a different perspective we're gonna ask you this question what is the single force that controls the quality of your life if there was one gift our Creator has given us or the universe whatever you believe what is it what is the one power that you have right now in this moment that can change everything you haven't I haven't we all have it if this one singular individual power that can change anything in our life regardless of what's happened to us and I know you know the answer the answer is the power of choice the
one thing we have in this world is we can't control the events but we can choose what to focus on we can choose what things mean and we can choose what to do those three choices those three decisions really control our life it's not so much the conditions of our life that control our destiny as much as the decisions of our life try for a second to think about something think about your life and just think about are there a few decisions if I were to ask you two decisions you've made in life you know
that if you would have made a different decision you would add a totally different life but you won't be able to do it when you're telling yourself the sky is falling and it's over see it worse than it is you'll just give up he won't do it if you don't tell yourself the truth is you know what this system isn't working I gotta do something I gotta change my finances I gotta change my job I got a recheck if you don't tell yourself the truth and deal with the truth the real truth nothing's gonna happen
when you fight life and go I should be a singer or not a mom and you got five kids you got a problem you fight life and say you know the economy should be different you're gonna be stressed deal with what is with out exaggeration with total honesty deal with the cards coming up with a vision finding a self a role model that shows your strategy work your tail off give give give keep changing your approach and you can get where you want to go make sense whatever you have produced it came out of you
as a result of the kind of person that you had become as a result of your choices as a result of your consciousness now you have to ask yourself are you satisfied with what you have produced is this what you want would you like for things to be better than this do you believe that you deserve better than this are you content this is it you don't have to do everything anything else but you are ready to resign yourself in like I said well I'm happy I'm not starving like the people in Calcutta are you
allowing yourself to get off the hook like that or do you believe somewhere in the back of your mind or in your heart but there's some other great work for you to do there's something else that life has for you and that's why you're here how do we handle this fear factor how do we increase our self-esteem you have to begin to fortify yourself how do we do that I believe that you have to begin to consciously monitor your inner conversation and start talking to yourself start building yourself up sometimes the only good things you
will hear about you are the things that you say to you so I'm saying learn to be your own booster start building yourself up start encouraging yourself start saying I can do this I can make this happen it's a natural inclination for us to put ourselves down see we are born negative I think in a negative consciousness because we live in a negative world so I'm saying that we have to work through the challenges of life and learning how to begin to work to quantify all cells begin to guard your mind against negative programming like
turn off the television so you've got to guard the kinds of things that you put in your mind see if you don't program your mind your mind will be programmed because human beings are goal-oriented that's why we die of broken hearts early that's why we're running through life too early grave most of us go through life running scared so we created this in our minds false evidence appearing real we made it real in our minds there's nothing to fear but fear itself that's the destructive monster so turn off things that can contribute to your fear
turn a deaf ear to people that all they can do is talk about how negative things are because they have bought into the consciousness of the world listen to things that can empower you that can enable you to create a new reality for yourself in a new life for yourself what idea are you sitting on right your ideas down and then once you get that idea take the lead see a lot of people get the ideas and just walk around with them take the lead see it's out of the universe if you don't take the
plunge I guarantee you somebody else will take the plunge go into action and ladies and gentlemen you will be surprised how things will come together you'll be surprised now you're going to have some difficult challenges I can tell you that now be aware of that things are not going to work out exactly right for time they will sometimes and that's when life is just playing the game with you but ladies and gentlemen go into action with your dream and don't avoid where the fights are get in the midst of the fight and get some hickeys
on your head get knocked down so you can learn how to fight so you can hold your position see most people don't get out in the arena of life because they don't want to fight most people don't get out there because they don't want to get knocked down they don't want to be dropped to their knees but see you're going to be dropped whether you are on the field or whether not just sitting on the sidelines you're going to be dropped so at least get dropped with something don't get knocked down while you're sitting down
see that's not most people of spectators in life you don't want to be a spectator you want to get out in the field where the action is and you will be amazed after the struggle there will be a calm period and things will begin to click for you come out here with what you got you don't have enough money don't worry about it you've got the dream you got the idea you don't have enough resources don't worry you need some help don't worry about it you get out here in the arena someone will look at
you and become inspired and say hey can I help you but if you sitting up on the bleachers nobody's gonna ask you anything [Music] [Music] you [Music]
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