Minister Louis Farrakhan - The Hidden Truths (2001) | Audio Version

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This extended lecture by the Hon. Rev. Louis Farrakhan was recorded a few months before September 11...
Video Transcript:
it's hot in his mind for us as God revived him and breathed new life into him [Applause] in the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful we give Him praise and thanks for his coming and for his raising up in our midst one to lead teach and guide us to the straight path of God the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad I greet all of you my dear brothers and sisters with the greeting words of peace salaam alaikum I'm always thankful to Allah every time he blesses me to be able to come before you to share with
you some of that which the Honorable Elijah Muhammad shared with us of the wisdom of Allah for the last few weeks we have been dealing with the coming of the Madi the Messiah and the presence of Allah God in the world all of the religious bodies that spring from the revealed word of Allah the Torah the gospel and the Quran Muslims Christians and Jews are all expecting the coming of God at the end of the time of the rule of the enemy of God and the enemy of humanity the devil or Satan this language of
the coming of God is strange for Muslims because Muslims believe that Allah is always present but in truth the Holy Quran teaches us that Allah would give Satan a season to rule and to deceive as many as he would and God would not interfere until the end of the season given to Satan that season or time we are taught and the scholars of religion bear witness was to be 6,000 years we have arrived to the end of that time so we should be scanning the horizon for the coming of this mighty one who would come
and make manifest this satanic being and destroy his works in order to understand such a marvelous event the coming of God we have to consult the Scriptures of both Bible and Quran to see what these great books have to say about this mighty event the Quran as we said last week refers to the days of Allah and we know that this is not speaking of a 24-hour period but it is a time when his presence would produce clashing between truth and falsehood and between the forces of good and the forces of evil on the earth
it is called in the Quran and in the Bible the day of judgment what do you mean Dave in Eastern religions they don't have any such thing as the preaching of an end of the world none of the East Far Eastern religions they don't talk like that but when you get the Judaism Christianity and Islam you read of the end of a world and it would be by fire is that right now since it's not talking about the East now Allah says in the Quran he sent prophets to every nation every nation he says has
received its warner yet the people of the East who have received guidance and warning from Allah never talked about the end of the world but when you come to the West and the light of the prophets that started in the east and in Westwood you get this talk the end of the world well whose world is gonna end it's the Western world it's the world of the white man it is the power of the white people that they have exercised over the human family that power is to be broken and their world is to be
destroyed by the coming the presence and the power of God so the prophets set up a huge problem that would prove the presence of God since the devil's job is to deceive the people with regards to the reality of God then God has to create a condition that would allow the people to know his presence well how would he do this what would he do he would create an enemy that nobody could destroy but himself and that enemy would create a condition in his people that nobody could solve but himself so here you have in
the Western world or the white world the Caucasian people coming out of Europe a little over four hundred years ago and having the freedom to go to every part of the earth and everywhere they win they found original inhabitants there and they went in among the original inhabitants and slaughtered them and established among them a religion that they call Christianity you didn't know anything about Christianity it was a religion that had it started more in Europe although there were Christians in Africa they were Jews in Africa but it was a different kind of was a
different kind of religion among the Semitic people or the Asiatic people but when Europe got a hold to it as the Europeans corrupted us they corrupted the word of Almighty God I'm gonna go in weeks to come and shall I into the origin of these religions so that you will not feel bad when we say to you Jesus didn't know anything about what you call Christianity now this may come as a shock to you and I hope I'm not hurting your feelings in any way because I have love for you and respect for you but
the greatest respect I have is for the truth and I know it is only the truth that will set you free nowhere in the Gospels where they have the words of Jesus do you find the name Christian it's not him nowhere in the writings or the sayings of Jesus does he say to the people I am a Christian he never said no such thing well what is this that has been given to us and to the peoples of the world in his name the Bible tells us that the followers of Jesus at Antioch were called
Christians and the name stuck some of you may be a little angry with me for what I said last week concerning the cross please you need to become a student now of what you have believed and never challenged you need to become a student you have never questioned the white man on what he gave you as a religion it's time that you question him it's easy to question Elijah Muhammad or question me but I'm not the the person that gave you the religion I'm not your slave master why didn't you ask your slave master who
punished you for being black what kind of religion is this mr. slave master that you are offering me you never asked him no question like that he just made you into what he wanted you to be if your slave master was a Protestant okay then you were Protestant but you couldn't worship with him your church was in the field somewhere and he is the one that made you a preacher and you had to preach what pleased him that's pretty rough stuff no wonder you still in bad shape because if you really knew Jesus just the
true knowledge of Jesus would free you and start you on the road to that which Jesus became you have the right name alright enough and you have fallen in love with the man based on the beauty of the man that you read in the scriptures but the enemy took the name and man and painted him white and gave him to you and everywhere that he gave you his image the darker people that believe are suffering and are absolutely under the tutelage and mastery of the European white man you can't deny that and right now as
a Christian you are not equal to your European white Christian brother in fact right now you are trying to get your rights from your so-called white Christian brother how could he be your brother and deny you what God intends for every human being which is freedom justice and equality [Applause] so the coming of God the coming of the math D the coming of the Messiah whom Allah would make a messenger to the children of Israel that's a great event and whether you want to believe it or not this Bible from one cover to the other
is all talking about you and when you understand that you are the major people of the book when you read about Israel going into bondage who you think that is everywhere you read of a slave and a slave master in the past you're reading a prophetic picture of yourself and your relationship to the government of America and the white people of the world now some would like to call this hate teaching we don't have any time for that but if the truth makes you hate somebody then your hatred is justified in that truth now don't
tell me it's wrong to hate hate destroys the hater as much as the hated that's more deceit God hates the wicked his hatred of the wicked don't destroy God so the coming of God is to a specific people to accomplish a specific purpose respite me till the day when they are raised you have been taught all your life that in the Day of Judgment a trumpet would be blown and the dead would rise from their grave what kind of trumpet could be blown to wake up the people that are in the cemetery today brother I
want you to use your common natural sense [Applause] there was some troops on a troop ship and they went out to sea and a submarine blasted the ship with the troops on it and the troops fell in the sea and died along came some small fish that began feeding on the troops that were on the ship they got blasted by the submarine then some big fish came along and eat the small fish that ate the troops that was on the troop ship that got blasted by the submarine and the deep-sea fishermen went out in the
ocean and caught him some of those big fish that eat the little fish that ate the troops that was on the Sun and on the ship that got blasted by the submarine and then you came along and bought a pound or two of the big fish that ate the little fish that ate the troops that was on the ship that got blasted by the submarine now look man tell me where them troops coming from on the Resurrection Day they're coming out of you they're coming out of the fish they're coming out of the water tell
no your body came from the earth and it's only a matter of time before you return to the earth the resurrection of the dead is not talking about people in physical cemeteries get that out of your head nobody that ever died have ever come back and told you how sweet it was on the other side [Applause] and if it really was that sweet why are you crying so much mama gone to a better place let me hurry up and go there - uh-uh you're gonna try to stay here as long as you can because it
was a long time before you got here and when you go here be a hell of a long time and will never never see you again unless you can leave something behind you well wait a minute [ __ ] on the whole if one talks about the Hereafter yes it does shall we be raised again to life when we have become bones or looking once a yes question you gotta ask is what does it mean you say it means exactly what it says proven you can't prove it I can prove that those that died don't
come back you prove that they do that's your belief you don't have any knowledge of it here the enemy has deceived you made you put your hope in a heaven in the sky while he worked you to death building a heaven for himself on the earth no brother if you don't get your heaven right here now you can forget it somewhere else the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us reality the thoughts and ideas of people live long after they're gone the works of people live there good works long after they are gone those that built the
pyramids they're gone the pyramids remain for us to study and grow from the wisdom of those that once were but no longer our life is a continuum so the coming of Allah God may be Messiah the presence of God in the world is to produce what is called the resurrection of the Dead okay what do you mean resurrection of the Dead the holy quran says they have eyes but they can't see they have ears but they can't hear they have a tongue but they can't speak blind deaf and dumb the Bible says the same thing
when you got eyes but you can't see when you got ears but you can't hear when you have a tongue but you can't speak you are considered mentally spiritually there in need of resurrection resurrection mean to rise up again something that was up is now down and must be raised up again your people were once masters of the earth if you study any African history you know that when the Caucasian was walking around in the hills and cave sides of Europe on his all fours Africans had built civilization civilization did not begin in Europe in
Greece or in Rome it began in Africa and it was Africans that brought wisdom to Greece check it out but look at you now you are the children of the builders of the pyramids what have you built lately you are the children of the great master builders architects of the universe oh come on how could Allah make man vice jaren we stand in the place of Allah if you are able to stand in the place of God then you must be able to master the laws that govern what Allah created otherwise you are unfit to
stand in his place the man that I loved made in the Quran called Adam he asked the angels to bow down to Adam some of the scholars say the Angels mean the forces of nature well alright then we'll take your scholarship if angels here meaning the forces of nature and if they were made to bow down and become subservient to the man that God made that means that that man that God made had power to control those forces you once had knowledge like that you don't have that knowledge today why because you are dead a
dead man does not have what he had when he was alive don't go to any dead man I don't care how great he was I used to love Billy Eckstine Sarah Vaughan we old-timers and some of you rappers you love to pot you love biggie well now you go to the grave see if Biggie and Tupac can write any a rap for you best thing you can do is study their rap and rap on to your incomes but no dead man can do what he once did when he was alive you are not able to
do what you did when you were a living people because the enemy's world and the enemy's trick knology has put the black man so fast asleep till he's looked upon by the prophets as being a dead human being dead mentally dead morally dead spiritually and God said he would raise one from the dead and send that one to raise the others from the dead you that are Masons enshrined us you already understand that Hiram was a master architect but he got hit in the head you are a master builder but you got hit in the
head by some ruffians and they took you on a westerly course and buried you in the north country in a shallow grave that's masonry all Masonic secrets are built on you and what happened to you that's why you've integrated everything else except the white sadness and the white Masons you know stay segregated because the secret of it all is you and once you wake up to who you are who they are who God is what time it is then they can never rule you again so the coming of God according to the Bible is out
of the east to the west and the coming of God is in the person of a human that is anointed with the power of God to exercise that power by the permission of Allah it has to be a human to deliver you as it was a human that enslaved now when I mentioned last week Habakkuk says God came from teman and the Holy One from mount Paran and his glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of his praise and it says he stood he he he not it he stood and he measured the
earth his brightness was as the light or the Sun horns were coming out of his hand but there was the hiding of his power now I want us Muslims Christians Jews you don't know master fahrrad Muhammad you think we don't in era for believing in him as Madi okay then what I want you to do is give him a chance to tell you through Elijah Muhammad what he revealed then you go study if he lied then we can cast them aside but if he can get truth you don't have to reason with this thing it
says he stood and he measured the earth he is a man that came among us and he taught us actual facts [Applause] every week I'm coming with more books but now that which is actual is existing in fact or real existing now present current effect is that which actually exists is reality it's true why did he give us actual facts because you can't build any building until you know the actual facts the problem with us is we've been believing what others tell us building a world on what they tell us but the actual facts we
may not be acquainted with how could the enemy rule us if we had the same knowledge that he has regardless to your degrees he has never shared with you what he has acknowledged that's why when you come out of college you go to him and look for a job because you are not prepared to make a job for yourself [Applause] [Music] now he stood and he measured the earth okay he said the total area this is a 1930 71 years ago I want you to go back in time with me to what America looked like
71 years ago and look at the phenomenal progress that America has made in 70 years and it ain't because America is so smart it is because the presence of somebody came to America that you refused to honor respect for coming to save you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now to make this subject even more potent fahrrad Mohammed was only among us three years and four or five months that's all he said he came to us from the holy city of Mecca I don't know nothing about method never knew nothing about Mecca till I heard he
lied to Mohammed tell me about it now to make this even more convincing fraud Mohammed comes to Detroit in a place called Black Bottom where you live in the deep ghetto and fahrrad Mohammed starts teaching going door to door like a say ordinary salesman this is what is meant in the scripture when it says he made himself of no reputation and became obedient even unto death what does that mean he is a man you don't know nothing about that man if it were not for Elijah Muhammad we wouldn't know nothin about fahrrad Muhammad now who
is this Elijah I'm gonna talk like this until I get you to study what farad Muhammad Revere to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad then you go take it to your scholars and see if they can defeat what he revealed to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad he stood and he measured the earth 71 years ago when he came he taught us that the total area of the land and water of the planet Earth is a hundred ninety six million nine hundred forty thousand square miles he said the circumference of the planet earth is twenty-four thousand eight hundred ninety-six
miles and all of us had to memorize this the diameter of the earth is seven thousand nine hundred twenty six months the area of land is 57 million two hundred fifty-five thousand square miles and the area of water is a hundred sick I'm sorry 139 million six on 85 thousand square miles he said the Pacific Ocean cover 68 million six hundred and thirty-four thousand square miles and the Atlantic ocean covers forty-one million three hundred twenty-one thousand square miles the Indian ocean covers twenty-nine million four hundred and thirty thousand square miles and the lakes and rivers
cover 1 million square miles and the hills and the mountains cover fourteen million square miles in the islands are 1 million 910 thousand square miles and the deserts are four million eight under sixty one thousand square miles and milk Elvis is twenty nine thousand one hundred forty-one feet high and the producing land is twenty nine million square miles and the earth weighs six six billion tons a six followed by 2100 is 93 million miles from the Sun and the earth travels at the rate of 1037 and 1/3 miles per hour and light travels at the
rate of 186,000 miles per hour and sound travels at the rate of 1,000 120 feet per second in the diameter of the Sun is 850 3,000 miles the diameter now we're just students now under a mr. teacher and he asked us to study then he began to tell us about the distances of the planets in the life that is on the planets fahrrad muhammad talking say I never met him he taught Elijah from the cotton fields of Georgia who only went to the fourth grade of school now you tell me what kind of teacher is
it now I want you to listen damn it you do too much nee-san but I want you to hear today [Applause] you argue too damn much over what you have no knowledge of at all it's time for you to sit down shut up and listen to what God has revealed [Applause] [Music] if you check what masterful rod Mohamed said 71 years ago and the dimensions that the scholars give there's different from fahrrad Mohammed but every year they have gotten closer and closer and closer and now their computation is similar to that of fahrrad Mohammed masterful
rod Mohammed the man who taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and came to raise us up from a dead level and make us rulers over those who once ruled us not by guns and sticks but by giving us a superior knowledge look at this he says mas the inhabited planet now you didn't hear me I'm gonna say it again see he said this 71 years ago before you knew anything about mas he called Mars an inhabited planet 141 million five hundred thousand miles from the Sun and she travels 1037 and 1/3 miles per hour and hear
her diameters 4,200 miles listen he said mercury is also an inhabited planet and it's 36 million miles from the Sun for diameters three thousand miles and she travels at the same rate of speed 1037 and third miles per hour he said Venus is six to seven million two hundred thousand miles from the Sun and she makes one complete circle around the Sun in 225 days which is considered I think it's really 225 years which is considered the Venusian common year all the planets travel at the same rate of speed and you think about that no
matter how close they are to the Sun or how far they are from the Sun all of them travel at the same rate of speed and I checked this he said Jupiter is 483 million miles from the Sun she takes 11 years in nine months to make one complete circle around the Sun and her diameter is eighty eight thousand seven hundred miles here the diameter is seven thousand nine hundred and 26 miles here's Jupiter in a house Saturn 886 million miles from the Sun Uranus 1 billion 782 million miles from the Sun Neptune 2 billion
seven hundred ninety three million miles from the Sun and the far planet platoon or Pluto four billion six hundred million miles from the Sun let me get to the border [Applause] the planet the planet Pluto was first seen what year Pluto was first discovered in the year 1930 the same year that master fahrrad Mohammed found you and me how far is Pluto from the Sun four billion six hundred million miles you've got the four and you got the six Malachi meaning my messenger the last book of your Bible telling you who you should be looking
for behold I send my messenger from before my face behold before the great and a dreadful day of the Lord judgment I will send you who Elijah what chapter does his name appear in the fourth chapter from the fourth to the sixth verse now here's the meaning the first for four thousand years from Moses when Moses because both Bible and holy quran teach you that the man that God would send in the last days would be a man like unto Moses how could you have a man like Moses unless you have a people like the
children of Israel and a wicked ruler like Pharaoh and a bunch of crazy magicians [Applause] excuse me Jana I can't help myself I'm fired up [Applause] so the first fall represents four thousand years from Moses the second fall represents after 400 years of bondage in the six represents at the end of the six thousand year rule of the white man the fire planet platoon Pluto full billion six hundred million miles away yet as far away as she is the light of the Sun reaches her and got her spinning at the same speed of all the
other planets one thousand thirty seven and a third miles per hour what does it mean that when the light of God touches you you will stop turning and you'll be going at the same speed of all the people of wisdom on the planet as long as you stay in the light acknowledge the light submit to the life by down to the light and the God who raised you and brought you the life [Applause] [Music] now okay all right mr. farad Mohammed Cain they arrested him in Detroit for teaching us the knowledge of ourselves he submitted
they took him to jail he didn't have to go to jail that's why Habakkuk said he had horns coming out of his hand but there was the hiding of his power he became obedient even unto death death mean the white man he represents death and we live in the very shadow of death under the white man's roof [Applause] I never met mr. farrar my honey I don't have to meet it if I never see it it's alright with me because he made a man a [Applause] so called unlearned man and he put himself in that
man and then went away so when admit that me I moved it to Jesus is real and the messenger said listen listen listen the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said when they tricked our fathers out of Africa the first slaves came to America on a ship named Jesus and our fathers when they got here would wander down to the shore looking for that ship and they would say you can have all this world just give me Jesus that ship that would return me to my native land and people that's where our spirituals were born swing low Sweet
Chariot coming to carry me home America ain't your home this is a strange land we live in among a strange people whose ways are alien to God in the profits of God so the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said little did our fathers know that it would be 400 years before the real ship Jesus came to get us and the real ship Jesus is God in person the man did come in to raise a messiah no the Messiah did not live 2,000 years ago Jesus of two thousand years ago was a prophet the Messiah is more than
a prophet he's a man in who is the indwelling spirit wisdom knowledge power of God himself therefore he opens the eyes of who the blind he makes the death here he makes the dumb speech he cleanses the leper and he raises the dead to life by Allah's permission he teaches them what foods to eat and no prophet taught you what foods to eat that's why you look like you look but every one of us that follow would illegible a mess a masterful Rod Muhammad taught us how to eat our faces shine you see the [Applause]
he takes an ugly so konley grow and makes us into a beautiful people yes I'm a beautiful man not because of the face because what's on the inside is radiated through my eyes through my skin the Spirit of God is on me and I'm anointed by God to preach go ahead tidings to the meat this is one when you look at me you can't tell my age when I'm in the spirit my age turns back I soon would be 70 years old haha yeah but my god aside in you he taught me what foods to
eat foods to store [Applause] when he went to prison or jail he sent for Elijah when he sent for Elijah when he lied you saw him behind bars he looked at Elijah and said this is the price you will have to pay for the redemption of the people he was so righteous and holy a man yet he would come in suffer to make a demonstration for his servant Elijah they hide in who I am could submit myself to this that ain't even worth it to sit with the dogs of the flock and this is the
price you don't have to pay if you want to free your people the price is jail the price is persecution the price is being evil spoken of and sometime the price is death itself but unless you willing to pay the price don't accept the assignment and then he said to Elijah if you don't accept the assignment somebody else will so why don't you go on and get the big name and just like the book says he said here am I send me I didn't know master fahrrad mohammed i only saw his picture but i listened
to elijah muhammad teach me something about god the original man and how the holy quran and bible are actually made that's what i want to talk to you about today I want you to think either this is revelation or some made-up madness but you tell me how made-up madness could raise a man from the dead you tell me how made-up madness could take a fool like me and make me honoured and respected all over the world tell me how made madness make Malcolm X record made-up madness make Muhammad Ali less reason let's reason together I
take my Quran with me and I'll go back down erase the board brother please start again I'm so happy that I lost spare my life [Applause] [Music] in this book rhyme y'all alright [Applause] Allah introduces himself to us in this book he's introducing himself to his servant Muhammad this is a book offered by God is God talking to his servant Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he says Allah am the best north of all the people that have knowledge no one's knowledge can compare with his knowledge for he is the best nowhere I'm gonna put
that on the board best no one let's look at that Allah is a noun a proper noun it's the true name of the one true God I want to hear you say I love [Applause] now listen if you want some results I want you to try saying this name at all wait a minute now they're Christians listen dear Christians we we're not gonna fall out now cuz I love you and and I'm not trying to hurt nobody's feeling I just want to get the truth over to you Jesus no told the people to worship Him
he never told the people to pray to him he said whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give it to you you can say father but all of us and his father so most of us in your father and somebody say father you say yeah but Jesus knew who the father was Allah is this is a verb that represents a state of being the best Noah Noah ripp means one who possesses hope I spelled that right knowledge I'm gonna put the accent on one you can't be a nowhere and not be in
existence the fact that he is he exists best north this is a predicate adjective describing Allah he's the best no this is an adverb that modifies the adjective this is the superlative degree a bad word some people have knowledge that's good some people have knowledge that's better but I wanna fix you didn't just say Allah he said that makes it even deeper is a personal pronoun [Applause] then he says he's telling you who he is who the is the best no so I got a change this is because he wasn't the Negro's that is the
best [Applause] okay now when he taught Elijah and I keep wanting to refer all Muslims to the third surah it's wonderful I mean it's really just marvelous I just want to see I don't mind repeating something because repetition drives the point home look he says he's talking to Mary and he says you know you're gonna have a baby and Mary's little taken aback but she says how can I have a son and man has not yet touched me well that's an intelligent question for any woman to ask if angel come to visit you and tell
you I bring you good news yeah what's the news that I hit the lottery Oh sir well better than the lottery your room is gonna carry a son and he describes the son he said his name is must fire he's telling you his title what work he's gonna do not that his name is Messiah but name actually means function [Music] he's the Messiah Jesus your son married worthy of regard in this world and worthy of regard in the hereafter and he is of those who are drawn nigh to Allah Jesus wonderful human being Mary's excited
she's gonna had his kind of child then he tells Mary what the child is gonna do and in coming weeks I'm gonna give you the history of Jesus as taught to us by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from master fahrrad Muhammad much of it is in metaphor but we're gonna go in and break the metaphor down because the history of Jesus once you know that you free once you know Jesus you on your way nobody will ever take you down again if you really know him because it isn't Jesus that will give you victory over Satan
now let's go back and find then say you speak to the people when in the cradle and when of old age now I don't think the prophet who was here 2000 ever reached old age he died almost murdered some say 33 but master fahrrad Muhammad said he was 36 years of age and he was killed on the streets of Jerusalem but we'll get into that in future Tauheed I [Music] know she's excited when the angel is talking to her so she says how can I have a son and a man has not yet touched me
he said even so Allah creates what he pleases when he decrees a matter he only says to it be and it is now this does not mean that Jesus is created any differently than you otherwise it couldn't be an example for us Allah says in the Quran I created you in the womb he wasn't just talking to Muhammad through the Prophet he was talking to all of us all of us the creation of God in the womb so was Jesus he said and some of you are believers and some of you are disbelievers is that
right now then he tells her the angel says Allah God will teach him him Jesus the Messiah and the wisdom the Torah in the gospel we'll wait a minute Jesus brought the gospel Moses brought the Torah Mohammed brought the book Quran but the Messiah the book is already gonna be here the tour is gonna be here the Gospels gonna be here the Quran is gonna be here Satan gonna be here I'm gonna teach this Jesus that's the Quran that means that he's going to explain to this man the utmost meaning of the book that's the
only way you can destroy Satan there Muslims this book is the power to in Satan's world why has not it ended Satan's world because you have not had the deepest understanding of this word so you could challenge Satan's world effectively and this is why the Prophet Muhammad said that the Sun would rise from where [Applause] then the Prophet said to the Arabs some of whom were racist the Prophet is trying to clear them up some of their their sick thinking I'm talking about white Arabs who mocked Bilal a black man but the Prophet said to
his followers I want you to be able to accept leadership even if it comes from someone whose hair is like dried raisins and his skin color like soot he was telling the Arabs and in the last days just as Bilal and Africa was used to call you to the faith after you had deviated from the faith God is going to use an African people that are in the West and when he raises them up they will be able to say not like the ribbon [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can shout it out in four directions but
I can say it better than any more thing I don't have to chant it in my presence be witness there lies the greatest tennis foul [Applause] they will see God is degrees alright now this is tied us up in this Quran it tells us that God is one Moses said the same thing the Lord your God is one Trinity wait no come on that's reason you got your Bible go get it go home study jesus never taught you God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost and all three are equal that did not
come from Jesus can you prove it five I'm sure you can prove it yourself [Applause] jesus said he was sent and make him a messenger send him well how could one who is sent be greater than his sender [Applause] Jesus never talked like that when they called him good good Massey said why call it down me good none good but the father and when he was on the cross listen to his words Ailee Ailee lama sabachthani my god he went talking to himself my god he asks why have you forsaken me so he knew he
wasn't the power the power was in the hand he's a servant of God [Applause] so when you do that when you pray to Jesus and not to the one who sit him you short-circuit the power of your prayer because you're being disobedient to Jesus in doing that you say oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus well Jesus helped me yeah okay what Jesus in a certain time couldn't help himself he needed help from the father so now brothers sisters if you really want to gain the power of your religion pray to the Father in his name
and whatever you ask it will be granted to you now you got it right you got it right no Moses thank God is one you say God it's three [Applause] now if you divide one into three you don't have one anymore you have a fraction so one part is 33 and 1/3 and the second part is 33 and 1/3 and the third part is 33 and 1/3 and you gotta add all of these up to get this it's against the law of mathematics to divide three into one and get one is natural okay huh oh
well I I didn't thank you now look at what he said in this book Quran it also talks about a lot but then it says instead of I it says we know we have one God but the book that gives us the best clearest knowledge of God starts using pronouns that suggest more than one and we raise mountains it should have said in hiring I said and we did this no next one then we and we adorn the lower heaven with stars we did this then it says and we gave to man his cues and
his colors in the next few weeks I'm going to talk about where color began since you like to call yourself the colored people I can't wait till next week I'm so excited brothers sisters I don't intend to go nowhere you know I made visit Africa once this year but I'm not going no place I'm on stay right here with you and inside the nation we donation and [Applause] okay well they say it's four o'clock III probably no no no no see I don't want to wear you all out I really want you to come back
and I mean I really feel I really feel and I think a lot you know no I want you to look at this now the Bible if Holy Koran says we but it says Allah is one okay then the Bible in the Book of Revelations talks about 24 elders and these elders are sitting around a throne and a twenty-fifth person is sitting on the throne and he got a book in his hand and none of the 24 is worthy to come and get the ball [Applause] and he loved and they were weeping and they were
wailing cuz nobody could take the ball so a limb that look like it was slain from the foundation of the world what to the one on the throne didn't ask for the book [Applause] in the coming weeks we talk about and the seven seals and when you know I never been to no theology school I don't have any theology degree but I met a man named Jesus and he opened up my eyes yes the student is so bad what you think about the teacher i'ma say it again because I want you to hear what I'm
about to say I said the studio isn't worthy to unlace the shoes of his teacher and if I saw my teacher today if he didn't stop me I would be bowing at his feet I want you to think about this every stupid bow to his master you can't get in the dojo and start your work except you pay respect to the master and by the book says every knee will bow every tongue will confess now 24 elders as their call with let me go to message to the black man if you don't have this book
in your library you better go get it [Applause] he says the Holy Quran in the bible is made according to the circumference of our planet a year for every mile the circumference of our earth is twenty-four thousand eight hundred and ninety six miles approximately 25,000 we don't write history after it's done the original man writes history then walks into it that's a big difference brother all you historians you wait for the event then you write what happens and you are called a historian but what would you call somebody who could listen to you think and
multiply your thinking by the actions that come from your thinking and then cast that mathematical knowledge down on the wheel of time for twenty five thousand years and write what will be done for twenty five thousand years in advance of it happening now look when you read the Bible you're reading something that was written or revealed about something that would happen long before it did happen you can't say that Muhammad peace be upon him is a prophet and he precise nothing this book Quran is full of prophecies of things that will happen many of them
are already happening so this book Quran this book Bible is a scripture [Music] of things that were to happen now he says he says there are 24 of our scientists these are black men the holy quran calls them the exalted assembly that the devil was trying to steal a hearing on and he found nothing waiting for him but a flame this is a universal snoop of the white man he trying to listen in on an exalted assembly but they shut him out look at this now one of these scientists acts as a judge or God
for the others and 23 actually do the work of getting up or writing the future of the nation and all is put into one book it's called the mother of books al-quran the Bible it's a history written in advance to last for 25,000 years and whenever there's a portion of it that is to be fulfilled one of the 12 major scientists reveals that portion to one from among the people and that person is called a prophet or a messenger they don't see the scientist they hear the voice Oh God in the ears speaking of language
spirits don't speak language the language is the vibration of the vocal cords with air passing through them in the lips the teeth the tongue the hard palate these are the instruments that make sound so if they heard the voice of God they didn't hear spirit but God can actually speak to you and you can hear him in your ear nobody hears him but you people say you're crazy well I see a lot of people say but God spoke to me I gotta watch them careful you know I know God can speak to you so I
gotta watch you to see what he said you may be a nut trying to get somebody to follow you into foolishness and look at this whenever that part of the great book is to be fulfilled one from among the 12 will reveal that scripture to one from among the people so what you have in the Bible and Quran is scripture scripture means a part of the writing it's a script of writing from something original or from the great book what you got is a piece of it and I'm going into that piece in the next
coming weeks you don't have the whole 25,000 years you just got a part from the Year 9002 the 15,000 years of our calendar history you only have 6,000 in these books and both of these books Bible and Quran tell you that there's another thing coming [Applause] the Bible only takes you up to the time when the lamb and the righteous are on a distant Shore singing a new song you don't tell you what the song was and it does not admit you into the hereafter this book stops at the destruction of the power of this
world the Holy Quran does the same the Holy Quran does not admit you into the air the Holy Quran and the Bible says eye has not seen ear has not heard nor has it entered the heart of man to conceive or perceive what lies beyond this world so another book has to come that makes the next 10,000 years of history in this twenty five thousand year cycle I'll get into that in future weeks by the help of Allah unless let's look at this this this Bible and Quran he said the number twenty four scientists is
in accord with the hours of our day and the measurement of the circumference of our planet around the equator and in the region of our poles Arctic and an Arctic Ocean our planet is not exactly twenty five thousand miles in circumference it is twenty four thousand eight hundred and ninety six months our day is not twenty four hours it's 23 hours 56 minutes and 46 seconds the change made in our planets rotation at the poles is about 1 minute a year and it takes 25,000 years to bring about a complete change in the region of
the poles these poles actually incline 23 and a half degrees to the plane of its orbit so the original black nation used 23 scientists to write the future of the nation for the next 25 thousand years and the 24th is the judge or the one God Allah he said Allah taught me that once upon a time we made history to last for thirty-five thousand years when the Earth and the moon were one planet [Applause] but one of our scientists wanted the people to speak one language and became disappointed that he couldn't get them to speak
the same dialect or the same language so he decided to destroy dirt and those of us who lived on it the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Allah taught him that they drilled a hole into the venn called moon and filmed it with the type of explosives dynamite far greater than the dynamite use in this world it's the same kind of dynamite he said that he used to bring up mountains and we'll get into that in the future and he blasted it all thinking he gonna kill everybody and a part of it but blasted off 36,000
miles and the part that we are on fell 12,000 miles into the pocket that it now occupies and the water that was on that path fell to this part so let's call moon has no water and the earth is now three-quarters water and the moon constantly trying to get back the water that it lost is a sign of equality because the moon equalizes the waters of the earth keeping the water from drowning out civilization now you may say oh come on Farah Han you're making this stuff up it's a hell of a made-up story than
it but now look wait a minute I'm not gonna let you get away with that this [ __ ] making this stuff up we'd have to be pretty smart to fix up something like this look at this look at this see when master fahrrad came 71 years ago you don't have the knowledge of how to prove him right or wrong none of us we are to believe or disbelieve [Applause] but the Holy Quran says of Allah in Surat al-fatiha his Malachy young me Dean he's the master of the Day of Judgment requital he's the master
of the law of Ripon in Seoul so if God is present that never works for him because he's the master of the day now how is the devil working for God let me show seenow you-you say Elijah Muhammad you're a liar you never met with no God and you ain't no messenger and we're not gonna pay you any attention you have to believe in Islam the way the Holy Prophet brought it 1400 years ago otherwise we'll charge you with shirk or not being a true Muslim we'll accept that but we will prove in the long
run that what Elijah Muhammad is teaching it's absolutely correct now let me show you let me show you see the white man is like this he already know God is a man and you know it too because that's who you worship [Applause] you can talk all that all our business until Bush calls and whole Muslim world scared to death of the power of the government of the United States of America he's frightened scared of the white man so because we're afraid of him he ruled you by your fear it's not his color it's not him
it's your fear of him that causes you to submit to him so the one thing that God has to do is take fear out of you in order to make a man out of us again listen the white man is a scientist and I noticed the progress that he made since 1930 that's what I want to get you to see in ninth I was born in 33 and I remember when I look out the window I would see them cranking up the cars now some of you in the old like me you remember those days
that was a long time ago there was no telephone they had just started learning something about flying look at this we had a Model T Ford we're just coming out of the cowboy in India nearly in the late 18th century the beginning or 19th century in the beginning of the 20th century all this progress was not here in the lessons that master / rod Muhammad gave Elijah Muhammad it talks about the cracking of atoms now I read it 40 some years ago when I became a Muslim follow of Elijah Muhammad I read all these things
that he said now I don't know how to refute it but I believed in him so when he told me this splitting of the moon took place 66 trillion years ago I can't even imagine them kind of figures I said well okay I don't know how to prove that then he said to us I want you to eat once a day and he told us why and then he told us to fast three days out of her a month don't need no food he said food keeps you here food takes you away he said some
of our old scientists left 400 500 600 700 800 900 years and you open your Bible and it tells you so and so begat so and so begat so and so begat someone so and so and so lived 500 years so-and-so lived 600 years my foods will live 969 years and you can't make a hundred it ain't something wrong with the scripture something wrong with us California redwood trees huh huh how long they live some of them live a thousand years you got Turtles that live three and four hundred years and you are the best
of God's creation and can hardly make it to 60 or 70 without getting senile losing your teeth your hair and everything it's because you are under the shadow of death and you don't know how to live how to really live I'm finished the Honorable Elijah Muhammad now told us these things and not a white man gets busy he locked up the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and took all of the literature that masterful rod Muhammad gave him took it to Washington and studied it and copied it and later brought it back to Elijah Muhammad now and then
they say go and teach your people he said but if you had come 20 years earlier you would have been shot outright but he came on time [Applause] he said trying to get your people into Islam is like putting pants on the elephant and Elijah Muhammad told him I got one family going already privileged to the conversations between Elijah Muhammad and the government of the United States when they arrested him they didn't arrest Elijah Muhammad because he had was a draft dodger they didn't want him out here teaching you who you were so that you
would stay out of the army and wouldn't go fight your brother the Japanese so you went over there to fight and the Japanese would capture you and tell you shame shame shame shame shame shame he trying to wake you up with your dumbs up what the hell are you doing over here fighting us you should be turning them guns on that tracker from Alabama Mississippi there's pinging you [Applause] but by the time you've got to Korea and Vietnam even in Korea they would let you go I've heard these stories I don't really know the true
but some of the brothers that came back they said yeah man it kind of did kill the whites but they would let us go and tell us you think you're trying to have sex with you just telling you we're the same by the time you've got the Vietnam they say hair they should have known something by now kill them all and if you go now you will not come back and those of you that come back you'll be in such bad shape you wish they had killed you over there there's no future for you in
the Armed Forces of the United States of America I'm saying it you can tell the white man that I said it I don't give a damn there is no future for you in the Armed Forces of white America he's going down and he's going down in war and he needs your dumb sorry black self to fight for him now you just get your behind out of his army and let's come on into the army of God and let's make a life for ourselves eub call you tell him I woke up I was sleep I would
sleep I woke up I can't go with you but I've sent you greetings and I send you back your greetings I ain't going nowhere I said when Nick are you going to jail I've been in jail on my life in frightening Mirra jail if you don't stand up you let fear get you you've gone the Holy Quran let me read it to you let me see what it says here it's time to go now [Applause] look here surah Ibrahim and the devil will say when the matter is decided surely Allah promised you a promise of
truth and I promised you then failed you and I had no authority over you except that I called you and you obeyed me so blame me not blame yourselves I cannot come to your help no can you come to my help and I deny your associating me with Allah surely for the unjust is a painful chastisement now I'm telling you brother the white man don't have no authority over you now accept what you give him because you just scared if he called you to go into service and you tell him I'm not coming he gonna
start looking at rude books how am I gonna deal with this [ __ ] hey team answering he called me during the Korean War he called me not me I ain't going nowhere I went there with a friend of mine he said you're going Jean I said not me I said Hugo not me when I told him my religion is this enough I can't fight for no infidel talk like that man see what happened but I mean don't talk like that and be like this [Applause] summon up some strength even if your donkey talked with
a man's voice I ain't going no play here you mean you ain't going you're an American citizen either who made me that according to what I understand I can't be a citizen let me get out the dictionary and show you what it says about what an American is an American brother is somebody from Europe not one of the members of the Aboriginal people of the earth that was the original definition of what an American is not it make you that now you was a second-class citizen before that you was a slave now you think you
really are citizen you can vote now yes sure you can vote when you get tired and you take away your vote take away the man that you voted for you voted for gone engine [Applause] the Supreme Court said earlier argument didn't a brother and so my brothers and my sisters in conclusion I thank Allah for the mind that he put in white people I know he's wicked but he's also the greatest proof of the reality of God there is no effect without a cause and if the effect is real the cause is also real though
maybe unseen your understand when it started raining and thundering lightning in the Old South huh get into how God talking to his children you scared of lightning scared of this get of it the white man is different he's stunning so what produces them during the Vietnam War he learned how to seed the clouds and make rain right the Bible tells you about a beast that was so powerful he brought down fire from heaven it is the white man Hiroshima Nagasaki now neutron bombs kill everything believed property because the property is more valuable did you but
they find a way to kill human beings and save buildings so the white man now went up and he brought down some fire learning how to split the atom and harness the energy of the atom learnin have to split the hydrogen atom look at him now brother now he developed some contraption put it out there in space going around the earth like a satellite right and we looked at him and said boy look at that white man he's a scientist so we sing it by the light of the silvery moon the white man said I'm
going there you sing about it I'm going in there so he uses his mathematical skill and he puts a dude on the moon didn't he hey prancing around on the moon the messenger said he could never take that suit off you gotta stay in that soup because the first thing that would happen is your eyes would pop out because it draws water so you keep you keep your hood on your I mean keep your suit on but you up on the moon so why you up on the moon you people around people around say listen
let's get some rocks and take some stuff back so they brought the rocks back and they said these rocks resemble the rocks of the earth and they looked at the great valleys and they said it must have had water on here at one time they brought the rocks back and they smell gunpowder on the rocks didn't go up there little Elijah told us what was up there that he learned from masterful rod Muhammad not a white man went up there and came back and bear witness that the moon and there was one planet at one
time our lessons teach us [Applause] that the so called Native Americans were from Asia came across the Bering Straits when you could walk from Asia right into North America through the Bering Strait and they came down the western side of America and in some of them went up in toward Canada and came across America then went down into Central America and South America when did this happen in our lessons 16,000 years ago not a white man found some artifacts out there on the west coast he said man almost the same time the native people came
we was already here brother we traveled this whole planet and picked the best part for ourselves we went over here but we settled on the nile delta rich area all in what you call the holy land or the middle east the people that are over there now they not the original inhabitants of that place the original inhabitants of that which is called a holy land are black people brother the original arabs are black the original jews are black the original chinese and japanese are black will tell you how to brown man got here honey yellow
man got here had a white man guy then you come back a few weeks from now and then when we finished with you then you go and check it out Elijah Muhammad told us eat one meal a day doctors say eat three meals a day Elijah Muhammad said whenever the scientists want to end their life they start eating three meals a day the doctors are telling you eat three meals a day so look at you look at your stomach look at your skin look at you you really look like hell because you living in hell
and you have mastered the ways of hell you drink you smoke sometimes hardly in your teens you puffing on cigarettes and the white man love it when you like this I didn't know you're killing yourself that means you don't have to kill you you just that dumb you kill yourself now he brings some guns in your neighborhood and make some crack cocaine fight you you're happy now right making a little money selling your people drugs right killing each other over drug territory right nobody wearing the wrong color giving the wrong gang sign kill him huh
because you don't know your brother you don't know that you're killing yourself your own brother so the white man don't even have to do it no more he got you doing his dirty work for him but I Got News for you [Applause] I'm gonna show you just how easy it isn't with the help of a line and next coming weeks for a lot to destroy America in 12 hours by the clock he can wipe this thing out in less than 12 hours now I send you to the library and I'll show you I bring you
books on the weapon that he will use this man is through you God has come after you black man and he wants you to get out of the white man's name don't you what around here no more calling yourself mr. Johnson mr. green mr. Bush mr. Roundtree mr. white mr. Williams that's not your name that's the name of your former slave masters and you go down with him if you gonna hang on to his name that's a tie that he has on you give it up take one of the names of your own people and
the names of God since you a direct descendant of God so now the white man send a contraption to Mars and I'll be like Mohammed said that if they don't want to be seen they hide himself from so he's saying his real contraption up and tried to get a signal back signal cut off man he sent another one up it moves about on the landing everything guess what now they say they have tunnels up under the ground and they believe that there's life on Mars but according to our lessons which we had 71 years ago
it said Mars the inhabited planet so who is this Farrar my honey [Applause] Elijah Muhammad said he spoke sixteen languages and he wrote ten one brother said I know some people who speak twenty four thirty languages yeah but messenger also said he pictured and extracted the language of the people on Mars can your man do that [Applause] say he spoke the language of eggs and knew the language of the birds so he could actually die nature to attack you that's why the white man can come up with the birds the movie for the boy it's
not acting like an army that's God's army brother he turned bro it's loose on your raggedy behind what you gonna do about that [Applause] [Music] snow wind ring they said the other day hail fell and it was the size of bricks big bricks falling out the sky who said that Elijah Muhammad said that day was tough the white man had three rats he fed one of them one meal a day fed another one three meals a day and another one eat any time he want to eat this is experiment with rats the one that ate
any time he wanted to eat it all day long died first the one that ate three meals a day died second and the one that ate one meal a day not only outlived him but he had a youthful appearance see the white man is proving that I like a what else you doing my folks Elijah Muhammad said we went into the laboratory into the life germ of the original main and we saw in the life germ another human being now the white man is cloning he didn't just stop there the knowledge of all of this
masterful rod Muhammad brought it and gave it to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad now you can laugh you can make mockery you can say we are not true Muslims whatever you want but when I get finished with America when our Allah get finished raised in this black manner the whole world will know fairy is no god but Allah who came in the present of mass of the rod Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad he is the Messiah the messenger to the children of Israel and I thank you for listening assalamu alaikum [Applause] Allah Allah Akbar Allah
Akbar Allah Akbar [Applause] brothers and sisters you take your seat for just a minute I want to ask you a question don't leave just yet brothers and sisters I know what kept you long how many of you are here today for your first time that's in your hands [Applause] those of you here for your first time how many of you believe that what you heard taught today and it is the truth and it's good for us as a people may I see your hands now those of you who are here for your first second or
third time I want to know if you would be willing to unite on the side of this truth and let's go after our people and make a great people out of our people how many of you would like to unite with us on the side of this cook thank you then I want the ushers in the house I want to have the privilege of seeing a few words to you I want all the brothers come right down front here all the sisters you come right on down front and stand right here come on brothers come
on sisters don't be bashful I don't want them in our life break them all down come right on down Fred come right on no line no line just come right on down come right on down brothers come on down sisters open this I don't wanna money come on down sisters and if you're downstairs and the little auditorium come on up if you're over in the gymnasium come on over now brothers and sisters come come on let's come out on up close don't you're on to be basketball well now those of you listen carefully the step
that you have made just now is a big step tomorrow night to the men I'm gonna be at the men's class and I want to show you that you in this step have United with your people over billion two hundred million of your people in Africa in the Middle East in Asia in the islands of the Pacific you have brothers and sisters all over the world all I'm asking of you that morning unite on the side of this truth I would love to shake your hands and welcome you to the Nation of Islam but I'm
a little exhausted now and to shake everybody's hand would just it's a pleasure but I'm gonna ask Minister Ishmael he's a young man if he would in my stead shake your hands give me that pledge accomplices and all I'm gonna ask you to do is fill this out and here's all it says I would you say your name what is your name say hamdulillah don't say your last name cuz that's not your name let's say your first name what is your thank you if it's Linda its Brenda if it's John whatever it is say I
repeat this after me I pledge to strive to love my brothers and sisters as I love myself from this day forward now I don't want you to say that but I'm saying this to you from this day forward every black man or woman that you see in any part of the earth that is your family and you must begin to see every black person as your brother and your sister and treat them like okay second I see your name flinch to strive to study to improve myself spiritually mentally morally physically and economically for the benefit
of myself my family and my people the most important thing after God is your family so even if you have brothers and sisters that you have a problem with go home and make peace inside you're in the end you were always fine your family will be there for you all you have to do is go to a funeral parlor and see who comes out when the data barrier is the family that grieves so whatever you learn you share it all right third I see you named pledge to strive to build schools hospitals thousand businesses to
buy farmland and enter into international trade and commerce for the good of myself my family and my people all your brothers and sisters in Africa that are coming up now they want to do business with the black people of America so the faster we can rise into knowledge and clean ourselves up your brothers and sisters over there are waiting for you either to go there and live share your knowledge with them and then with us so from across the Atlantic we see a hand going the hand and hold the hand of the black brother in
America - the black brother in Africa and all your black brothers and sisters in the Caribbean that your family you have 80 million black people in Brazil that's your family - all of them came from Africa and were deposited in the Caribbean in Central America in South America last I say your name pledge to strive to give up myself my time my energy my talent and whatever I can spare of my finance to accomplish the above sale this is a pledge and in a pledge brothers and sisters always saying is we're gonna try our best
to live up to our word because without a word you have nothing but if I give you my word you expect me to live up to my word and that's what produces trust Brotherhood and love among us so when you leave here today I want you to really feel that you've come to a place where we earnestly love you I mean I mean real love that kind of love that I and we are willing to give our lives for you it's easy to die for what you love and when you start loving yourself as a
black person and knowing that your color is not a badge of shame next week when you come I'm gonna teach you the origin of blackness where did it come from why are you black are you black because God cursed you or are you black because you are the original people of the earth now we will get into it seeing the more you know yourself the more you fall in love with yourself then every time you see your brother you see in another part of yourself so when I look at you I'm looking at me and
because I've learned to love me I already love you sisters your children I feel like they are our children so I am your brother you are my sister so your children I'm their uncle so if you don't have a husband at home all these brothers is the uncle of your sons and the uncle of your daughters you bring your young men here and we'll try to make them into men that you will be proud of so brothers and sisters you take these cards and do you have a place where they can fill these out you
gonna take them to the yes yes they will I can see but to take Shahada is not a hypocritical thing when you say in your Muslim and I want to show you first why you are really Muslims nobody made you that but God you were born that but I want to show you that so that when you take what is called the Shahada where you bear witness that there is but one God and His name is Allah and you bare witness that Muhammad is His Messenger that's what brings you into the fold of Islam but
I think you should say that when you have more and more knowledge of it so that you won't say from your lips what is not in your heart if you will accept our assistant minister one of the sons of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to shake your head and then we go downstairs into the masala the prayer room where we will sign these to meet me here seven thirty mins class okay yes but here's our brother from Nigeria he's just passing by but he came to visit us today [Applause] [Music] that's true it's true it's true
is true they they changed this the name of the street in Nigeria in Lagos where the American Embassy is to Lewis Farrakhan Street so that anytime somebody sends a letter to the American Embassy they gotta write American Embassy all of you that are here if you will bear patiently we're gonna have for coming and allowing us to share what we've learned from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad with you and it's so much more so be sure you wanna be here next Sunday same time same station thank you thank you is our brother from Ghana and our
brother from Nigeria [Applause] yes thank you sister for bringing your brother may Allah bless you all may I please be excused minister will a [Applause] wonderful day has been today as we come and once again the gates open and when the gates swing open I'll walk in we want you to remember
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