Speak These 6 Words to Yourself Daily and Attract Abundance Instantly - Joe Dispenza Motivation

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🌟 Transform Your Life with Dr. Joe Dispenza's Powerful 6-Word Practice 🌟 In this transformative s...
Video Transcript:
I am the creator of abundance. These six words changed everything for Sarah, one of my students, who went from living paycheck to paycheck to running a seven-figure business in just 18 months. But here's what's fascinating: she didn't change anything in her external world.
At first, she only changed these six words she spoke to herself every single day. You see, when you speak words to yourself, something extraordinary happens in your brain. Every time you say, "I am the creator of abundance," your brain releases a cascade of neurochemicals.
These aren't just any chemicals; they're the exact same ones that fire when you actually experience abundance. Your brain literally can't tell the difference between experiencing abundance and deeply believing you're experiencing abundance. Let me share something remarkable from my own life.
Years ago, when I first started researching the power of words on brain chemistry, I noticed something incredible: my brain scans showed that just by repeating specific phrases with complete conviction, I could create the same neural firing patterns as if someone experiencing their greatest desire were manifesting in real time. Think about this: every morning when you wake up, your brain is like a sophisticated radio tower broadcasting signals into the quantum field around you. These signals are made up of your thoughts, your feelings, and most importantly, your words.
When you say, "I am the creator of abundance," you're not just making a statement; you're literally rewiring your neural pathways to recognize and attract abundance. This is the thing most people don't understand about their brains: every time you speak to yourself, you're either reinforcing old patterns of scarcity or creating new patterns of abundance. The words you choose are like software updates for your brain's operating system, and these six words?
They're the most powerful code I've ever discovered for upgrading your abundance. The science behind this is absolutely fascinating. When you speak these words, your frontal lobe, the part of your brain responsible for future planning and possibility, lights up like a Christmas tree.
At the same time, your limbic system, the emotional center of your brain, starts producing feel-good chemicals that make abundance feel real and achievable. They're not just six words; they're so special. They're not just any positive affirmation.
"I am the creator of abundance" puts you in the driver's seat of your reality. You're not waiting for abundance to come to you; you're declaring yourself as its source. But this subtle but crucial difference changes everything in your brain's chemistry.
I've seen countless brain scans of people before and after implementing these six words into their daily practice. The transformation is remarkable; areas of the brain associated with stress and scarcity actually begin to shrink, while regions linked to creativity, possibility, and abundance start growing new neural connections. What if I told you that in the next few minutes, I'm going to show you exactly how these six words can begin rewiring your brain for abundance within the next 24 hours?
That by understanding the science and implementing this practice correctly, you could start seeing evidence of abundance in your life as quickly as your next thought? Let me show you how your brain is already perfectly equipped to create this transformation. When you speak to yourself, you're not just making random sounds; you're initiating a complex cascade of electrical and chemical signals that ripple through your entire brain and body.
Every time you say, "I am the creator of abundance," your brain fires approximately 100 billion neurons simultaneously. That's more electrical activity than all the phones in New York City making calls at the same time. Let me tell you about Mark, a struggling artist who came to one of my workshops.
He'd been painting for 20 years but could barely make ends meet. Every morning, he used to wake up thinking, "I'll never make enough money from my art. " His brain had become wired for scarcity.
But then he started practicing these six words religiously. Within three months, something extraordinary happened. Not only did his art style transform, becoming more vibrant and confident, but collectors started noticing.
Today, he has a waiting list of buyers, and his paintings sell for five figures. The science of neuroplasticity tells us something remarkable: your brain is constantly rewiring itself based on your thoughts and words. When you repeatedly think and speak about scarcity, you strengthen neural pathways that support that reality.
But here's the amazing part: the moment you begin speaking new words, your brain starts building new neural highways. It's like creating a new road in a city where there was only forest before. Recent research in neuroscience has shown that consistent self-talk can physically change your brain in as little as four days.
Scientists used advanced imaging to watch participants’ brains as they practiced positive self-talk; they witnessed new neural connections forming in real time, particularly in areas associated with confidence and abundance. Take Sandra, a single mom who worked three jobs to support her kids. She started practicing these six words during her morning shower, the only quiet time she had.
Within six weeks, she noticed something strange: opportunities started appearing out of nowhere. A parent at her kids' school offered her a better-paying job; a relative unexpectedly paid off her car loan; her side business suddenly gained traction. Was it a coincidence?
The quantum physics of consciousness suggests otherwise. You see, quantum physics has proven that consciousness affects physical reality at the most fundamental level. When you speak these six words with genuine feeling, you're not just changing your brain; you're actually affecting the quantum field around you.
This field, which connects everything in the universe, responds to the electrical and chemical signals generated by your thoughts and words. Think of it like this: your brain is both a transmitter and receiver of quantum information. Every time you say, "I am the creator of abundance," you're broadcasting a specific frequency into this field, and here's the… Incredible!
Part of the field must respond with matching frequencies; it's a law of physics, just like gravity. I've seen this transformation hundreds of times in my workshops: the people who've struggled with money their entire lives suddenly start attracting financial opportunities. Entrepreneurs who've hit plateaus suddenly break through to new levels of success.
Artists, healers, and professionals who've undervalued themselves suddenly find their services in high demand. The key is understanding that these aren't random coincidences; they're the direct result of rewiring your brain through conscious self-talk, which then affects the quantum field around you. Your words are literally instructions to both your brain and the universe about what reality to create.
But here's what most people don't realize: it's not just about saying the words; you need to break free from your old patterns. First, let me show you exactly how those old patterns are keeping you stuck and what you can do about it starting today. Your brain is like a sophisticated record-keeping system.
For years, maybe decades, it's been recording every experience of not having enough; every time you worried about bills; every moment you felt you couldn't afford something; every instance you told yourself, “I can't. ” These experiences haven't just been stored as memories; they've become your brain's default operating system. Here's what makes this so challenging: your brain has become addicted to scarcity—yes, literally addicted.
When you worry about money, your brain releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Over time, your brain starts craving these chemicals, just like someone might crave coffee or sugar. You actually become addicted to your own stress chemicals.
Let me tell you about David, a business owner who came to me completely burnt out. Every morning, he'd wake up checking his phone, immediately stressing about money. His heart would race, his muscles would tense, and his mind would spiral into worst-case scenarios.
He didn't realize it, but his brain was getting its morning fix of stress chemicals; it was his unconscious way of feeling normal—feeling like himself. This is where most people get stuck: they try to think positive thoughts, but their brain is literally programmed to seek out those familiar stress chemicals. It's like trying to drive forward while keeping one foot on the brake.
You might make some progress, but you'll never reach your full potential. The key to breaking free lies in understanding the difference between survival emotions and elevated emotions. Survival emotions—fear, stress, anxiety about money—keep you stuck in old patterns; they activate your fight-or-flight response, shutting down the parts of your brain responsible for creativity, possibility, and abundance.
Elevated emotions—gratitude, joy, excitement about possibilities—do the opposite; they activate your brain's higher functions, releasing chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. These chemicals don't just make you feel good; they literally rewire your neural pathways to recognize and create more abundance. This is where conscious word choice becomes crucial.
When you say, “I am the creator of abundance,” you're not just repeating words; you're choosing to activate elevated emotions instead of survival emotions. You're literally changing your brain's chemical environment. Think about this: every morning when you wake up, your brain automatically runs its familiar program of scarcity thoughts.
These thoughts trigger survival emotions, which then create more scarcity thoughts. It's a loop that keeps reinforcing itself. But when you consciously choose these six words, you interrupt that loop; you create a new pattern, a new possibility.
I witnessed this transformation with Maria, a talented therapist who constantly undercharged for her services. She'd been raised to believe that helping others meant sacrificing herself. Every time she thought about raising her rates, her survival brain would flood her with fear chemicals.
But she committed to breaking this pattern. Every morning, before seeing clients, she'd stand in front of her mirror and declare, “I am the creator of abundance. ” At first, it felt fake, uncomfortable; her brain craved its usual stress chemicals.
But she persisted. Within weeks, something shifted: she started seeing her value differently. Her brain began craving the elevated emotions that came with acknowledging her work.
Today, Maria runs a successful practice, charging premium rates while still serving her community through scholarships and sliding scales. She didn't just change her words; she changed her brain's chemical addiction. You can't break old patterns by forcing yourself to think positively.
You have to understand how your brain works, how it's become addicted to certain emotional states, and then consciously choose different words that create different chemical responses. The six words, “I am the creator of abundance,” are specifically designed to activate elevated emotions while simultaneously dampening survival emotions. But knowing the words isn't enough; you need to know exactly how to use them to create this transformation.
Let me show you the exact practice that will help you break free from your old patterns and create a new reality. Let me share with you the exact protocol that has transformed thousands of lives, including Linda. She was a skeptical corporate executive who thought this was just another positive thinking exercise, but after following these precise instructions, she generated an additional $400,000 in income within six months.
The key wasn't just the words; it was how she used them. First, timing is crucial: your brain is most receptive to new programming during two specific windows—the first 20 minutes after you wake up and the last 20 minutes before you fall asleep. During these times, your brain operates primarily in theta waves, the same state hypnotherapists use for deep reprogramming.
Here's the exact morning protocol: before you touch your phone or start your day, sit upright in bed or in a quiet space, close your eyes, and take three slow, deep breaths. Now, speak these words out loud: “I am the creator of abundance. ” Notice I said “speak” them, not “think” them; your voice creates vibrations that affect your brain differently than thoughts.
“Alone, repeat these words slowly five times. But here's the crucial part: after each repetition, pause for 10 seconds and feel the words in your body. Where do you feel them?
Maybe there's a warmth in your chest, a tingling in your hands, or a sense of expansion in your heart. This feeling is actually your brain releasing new chemicals, creating new neural pathways. Now let me tell you about Robert, who kept hitting a wall with this practice.
He was saying the words, but nothing was changing. Why? Because he was missing the vital second step: visualization.
After you speak the words, you must see yourself as the creator of abundance. Not just imagine it, but step into that reality with all your senses. After speaking the words, visualize yourself walking through your day as someone who creates abundance.
See yourself making decisions confidently. Feel the ease in your body when you look at your bank account. Hear yourself speaking about money with certainty and joy.
Smell and taste the foods you'll enjoy. Feel the textures of the life you're creating. The frequency of practice is non-negotiable.
You must do this morning and evening, every single day. Think of it like charging your phone. You wouldn't expect your phone to run for a month on one charge.
Your brain needs daily reinforcement to maintain these new neural pathways. But here's where most people stumble: they hit obstacles and give up. Let me address the four most common ones: First obstacle: It feels fake.
Of course it does; your brain is wired for scarcity. New neural pathways always feel uncomfortable at first. Keep going; the discomfort is a sign you're creating change.
Second obstacle: I get distracted. Your survival brain will try to pull you back to old patterns. When thoughts intrude, don't fight them.
Simply say, “Thank you for sharing,” and return to the words. Each time you do this, you're actually strengthening your brain's ability to focus on abundance. Third obstacle: Nothing's changing.
Remember Emma? She felt nothing was happening for three weeks, then suddenly opportunities started flooding in. Why?
Because neural rewiring happens below conscious awareness at first. Trust the process. Keep a daily journal of even tiny signs of abundance.
Fourth obstacle: I don't have time. You don't need an hour-long meditation. This entire practice takes six minutes in the morning and six minutes at night.
If you truly believe you don't have 12 minutes to transform your life, that belief itself is a scarcity pattern we need to address. Here's an advanced technique: once you're comfortable with the basic practice, add physical movement while speaking the words. Stand in what I call the abundance poses: feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised in a V above your head, chest open, smile on your face.
This posture triggers your brain to release confidence-boosting chemicals that amplify the words' impact. The evening practice is slightly different. Lie in bed, place one hand on your heart, and whisper the words.
Then review your day, finding evidence of how you created abundance. Maybe you had a great idea, helped someone, or noticed an opportunity. Your brain strengthens whatever you reinforce before sleep.
Never practice when you're in a highly negative emotional state. If you're feeling intensely fearful or angry about money, first use box breathing: four counts in, four counts hold, four counts out, four counts hold until you're more neutral. Speaking these words from a place of strong negative emotion can actually reinforce the neural pathways you're trying to change.
Now let me show you exactly what happened in your brain as you build these new neural networks of abundance. Think of your brain as a vast city of lights, where each light represents a neural connection. Right now, your scarcity streets are bright highways, lit up from years of use.
But every time you practice these six words with feeling, you're turning on lights in new areas; you're building the abundance boulevards of your brain. The science of neural restructuring shows us something fascinating: your brain requires approximately 21 days to begin cementing new neural pathways. But don't wait 21 days to see results; your brain starts changing from the very first practice.
It's like planting a garden; you don't see the flowers immediately, but important changes are happening beneath the surface. Let me tell you about Michael, a real estate agent who'd been stuck at the same income level for five years. During his first week of practice, he noticed something subtle: he started seeing “for sale” signs everywhere.
His brain's reticular activating system was being rewired to notice opportunities. By week two, he was getting ideas for properties he'd never considered. By week three, he closed his biggest deal ever.
His brain had literally created new neural networks for recognizing and creating abundance. Here's what's happening in your brain during this 21-day process: your brain experiences initial resistance. You might feel silly or skeptical.
This is normal; it's your old neural networks fighting to stay relevant. But beneath the surface, new synaptic connections are forming. Moments of unexpected optimism, noticing abundance in nature, random positive thoughts about money—these new neural pathways start strengthening.
You'll begin experiencing what I call abundance déjà vu moments, where abundance feels strangely familiar. This is your brain starting to accept abundance as your new normal. You might notice yourself making different decisions, speaking differently about money, or feeling more confident about financial opportunities.
This is where the magic happens. The new neural networks begin connecting with other brain areas. You'll start experiencing spontaneous abundant thoughts; solutions to old problems appear out of nowhere, and opportunities seem to find you.
Your brain is literally being redesigned to create abundance. Take Jessica, for instance. She was a talented artist who never charged enough for her work.
During her first week of practice, she noticed herself standing straighter when discussing prices. By week two, she started getting ideas for new revenue streams. ” Three, she'd launched a successful online course teaching her unique painting technique—something her old neural networks would never have conceived.
Here are the specific signs of transformation to watch: 1. Your self-talk about money changes. Automatically, instead of "I can't afford it," you naturally think, "How can I create this?
" 2. You notice abundance everywhere—in nature, in other people's success, and in everyday moments. Your brain is building new pattern recognition networks.
3. Your dreams change. Many students report dreaming about abundance, wealth, or opportunities.
This is your brain processing and integrating new neural patterns during sleep. 4. Physical changes occur.
Your posture improves, your voice becomes more confident, and you smile more often. These are signs your brain is releasing different chemicals based on your new neural networks. The most remarkable transformation I witnessed was with Thomas, a middle school teacher.
He began the practice thinking it would just help with his finances, but as his neural networks rewired, something unexpected happened: his teaching improved dramatically. Why? Because abundance isn't just about money.
When you rewire your brain for abundance, it affects everything. By day 21, Thomas had not only manifested a surprise inheritance, but his students' test scores improved significantly. His new neural networks helped him see abundant possibilities in his teaching methods.
He created innovative lesson plans, connected better with struggling students, and eventually wrote a book about educational excellence. You're not just repeating words; you're physically rebuilding your brain's architecture. Every practice session is like adding a new floor to your abundance skyscraper.
But here's the key: you must understand how these new neural networks connect to the quantum field around you. Let me explain this crucial connection. Let me share something extraordinary that quantum physics has revealed: your words don't just stay in your head; they create waves in the quantum field, the invisible energy matrix that connects everything in the universe.
When you say, "I am the creator of abundance," you're not just programming your brain; you're sending ripples through this field, like throwing a stone into a cosmic pond. Scientists at prestigious research institutions have proven that human consciousness affects the behavior of particles at the quantum level. This is called the observer effect.
Think about what this means: your focused attention can literally influence the building blocks of physical reality. Your words are tools of focused attention, directing this quantum influence. Take Rachel, one of my students who runs an online business.
She practiced these six words while visualizing her business thriving. Within weeks, customers she hadn't heard from in years suddenly reached out, and technical problems that had plagued her website mysteriously resolved themselves. Was this coincidence?
Quantum physics suggests otherwise. When you speak these six words with genuine feeling, you create what physicists call a coherent signal in the quantum field. This is similar to how a laser works; it's focused organized light.
Your words, backed by emotion and intention, create a focused organized energy pattern that the quantum field must respond to. The quantum field operates on a principle of resonance, like a track. When you consistently broadcast the frequency of abundance through your words and feelings, the field begins arranging particles and possibilities to match that frequency.
This isn't mystical; it's physics. Consider James, a struggling consultant. During his morning practice, he noticed a warm sensation in his chest while saying these words.
That sensation was his body's electromagnetic field aligning with his intention. Within days, past clients began calling, and ideas for new services emerged. The quantum field was responding to his coherent signal of abundance.
The quantum field responds to the total energy of your words, not just their meaning. When you say, "I am the creator of abundance," while feeling doubt, you're sending mixed signals, and the field can't respond clearly to scattered energy. This is why emotional coherence—feeling what you're saying—is non-negotiable.
Think of yourself as a quantum broadcaster. Every thought, word, and feeling is broadcasting a signal. Most people broadcast scattered, conflicting signals about abundance; they say they want wealth while feeling unworthy, and they desire success while fearing failure.
These mixed signals create chaos in the quantum. But when you practice these six words with focused intention and aligned emotion, you become like a powerful radio tower broadcasting a clear signal of abundance. The quantum field has no choice but to respond; it's a fundamental law of physics, like gravity.
Let me share a remarkable example: during a workshop, we had 100 people practice these words simultaneously while measuring the electromagnetic field in the room. The readings showed a dramatic increase in coherent energy patterns. In the following week, participants reported an unusual surge in opportunities, unexpected income, and synchronicities.
The quantum field is always responding to your broadcast. Every time you practice these words, you're strengthening your signal, making it clearer and more coherent. You're literally programming the quantum field to manifest abundance in your physical reality.
But remember, this isn't about forcing or struggling. The quantum field responds best to clear, relaxed, and maximized intention. That's why our daily practice is so important.
It's about consistently broadcasting the right frequency and allowing the field to respond. Now let me show you how to implement this understanding in your daily life to create sustainable, ever-expanding abundance. Let's transform this quantum understanding into practical daily action that creates lasting results.
Your morning sets the frequency for your entire day, and your evening practice reinforces the neural pathways and quantum patterns you're building. Let me show you exactly how to maximize both. Your morning practice is your quantum setup.
Before anything else, before checking your phone, before coffee, sit at the edge of your bed and take three deep breaths. Now here's the key: most people misplace their hands over their heart. This simple gesture activates your heart's electromagnetic field, which is 5,000 times stronger than your brain's field.
"I am the creator of abundance. " But here's the advanced technique: after each repetition. .
. Visualize golden light radiating from your heart, filling your body. This isn't just visualization; you're actually amplifying your heart's coherent energy field, strengthening your quantum broadcast.
Let me tell you about Peter, a musician who transformed his career using this practice. He combined the morning words with a five-minute meditation, where he would simply feel gratitude for the abundance already in his life. Within three months, his streaming revenue tripled.
Why? Because he aligned his quantum broadcast with his actions. For evening practice, I want you to do something different: lie in bed and whisper the words while reviewing three specific things.
First, how did you create abundance today? Second, what opportunities did you notice? Third, what are you grateful for?
This review strengthens both your neural pathways and your quantum coherence. Here's the tracking system that's proven most effective: get a small notebook. Each day, write the date and rate your emotional connection to the words on a scale of 1-10.
Note any signs of abundance, no matter how small. Watch for patterns. Many students notice that higher emotional ratings correlate with more abundance manifestations.
Three days later, take Angela, a small business owner. She tracked her practice diligently and noticed something fascinating: whenever she rated her emotional connection above seven, unexpected opportunities appeared within 72 hours. This wasn't coincidence; it was quantum coherence in action.
To maintain momentum, create what I call abundance anchors throughout your day. Set phone reminders for 11:11 and 33. When they go off, stop whatever you're doing and repeat the words once with full feeling.
These brief moments maintain your quantum broadcast strength throughout the day. The key to sustainability is integration. Don't make this a separate practice; weave it into your existing routine.
Say the words while showering, while walking, while waiting in line. Each repetition strengthens your abundance frequency. Remember Lisa?
She started saying the words during her morning commute, then while making coffee, then before client meetings. Her business grew 40% in two months. Why?
Because she maintained consistent quantum coherence throughout her day. The first month has subtle shifts in how you perceive opportunities. The second month, noticeable changes in your external reality.
The third month, abundance becomes your natural state of being. Your quantum broadcast becomes so strong that maintaining it feels effortless. But here's the most important part: don't wait for massive manifestations.
Celebrate every sign of abundance—every penny, every opportunity. Each celebration strengthens your quantum coherence. You're not just creating temporary abundance; you're becoming a permanent abundance generator.
This practice isn't about getting something you don't have; it's about aligning with the truth of who you are: a creator of abundance. Every time you speak these words, you're not just affirming hope; you're acknowledging your natural state. Your brain is ready, the quantum field is responding, and abundance is your birthright.
Now start with those six powerful words: I am the creator of abundance.
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