Ex Wife Asked For An Open Marriage It Backfired

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True Story Epic
Today's story is from a subscriber here on the channel. She details how she regrets asking husband f...
Video Transcript:
stupid is as stupid does I'm an example of play stupid games and win stupid prizes true story epic I am here to share my story I asked my husband for an open marriage he accepted the open marriage but eventually replaced me with another woman our neighbor she's younger and very successful I believe in my heart that he may have been cheating on me with her before I presented this but I can't prove it I'm 47 years old and my now ex-husband is 53 he's always been an athlete and played American football overseas after college he's
the local high school coach here at Dundee high he was the wide receiver coach for years before becoming head coach and has won two state championships so far my husband had always been attentive to me I never needed for anything our daughter had always been well taken care of even though I work the money he earns from his business is more than enough for us our daughter is driving in college and my husband pays the tuition our sex life has always been amazing he stays in the gym 6 days a week and eats very healthy
my ex-husband is very strict on when he eats and how he eats I had it down to a science for him you all are probably listening thinking to yourselves well why ruin your marriage if he's so great well I started to get attention from other men after dropping my weight I felt young again and I felt beautiful my husband helped me lose 70 lbs he was tough on me but I did it I will admit here on the true story Channel I've cheated on my husband before years ago after our daughter was born I gained
weight after the pregnancy and I felt horrible I'd accused my husband of cheating because I couldn't believe such a hot guy would want me I lost the weight then and I cheated on my ex-husband with my trainer at the time I did get pregnant but I terminated the pregnancy I am 100% sure that our daughter is my husband's there's no possible way that she isn't his daughter I never slept with anyone else at the time but my husband my husband has never yelled at me or hurt me in any way I've seen how he snatched
up football players he's even fought a parent during practice my husband is tough but with me and our daughter he protects us and treats us with gentle care I don't think any of his players have seen the side my daughter and I see when he leaves the house he's a completely different man so this perfect man I definitely cheated on him before and I had the nerve to ask him for an open marriage so for those who would like to know why a spouse would ask for an open marriage I can give you one reason
insecurity at least that was my reason I felt insecure about my weight but when I lost it I loved that other men desired me I figured it was sooner or later that I'd fall victim to this American diet and gain wait again then sure enough my husband would leave me especially since our daughter is gone I felt I needed to take advantage of this opportunity because once I'm fat again no one will want me but I didn't want to sneak around so I asked my husband for an open marriage over dinner I sat at the
table with my husband by the way we sat at the dinner table every evening even when our daughter left for school in the middle of talking I stopped my husband and told him there was something I needed to tell him something that had been weighing on me he told me sure tell me anything you know that's okay I was really afraid this was the first time I was terribly afraid of my husband I didn't know how he'd react but I knew I wasn't going to sneak around and cheat on him and I felt this was
the best option so I asked him well honey we've been married for a long time and I love you and I know you love me I see you look at some girls when we go grocery shopping younger women in their yoga pants my husband laughed and said no way I don't look at other women I'd never disrespect you like that ever honey I don't check out other women have you seen me do that I told him yes a number of times and it's okay you can tell tell me the truth I saw it my husband
did admit it he said okay yes I see other people but I don't desire them I wouldn't trade you for anyone I love you you gave me my daughter I love the life we live I'm okay honey he got up out of his seat and walked over and kissed me and he apologized and said it will never happen again I then told him that it's okay if you look in fact it's okay if you indulge he almost choked on his asparagus I laughed but my husband wasn't laughing and he looked at me and he got
his words out finally saying indulging but I don't want to do any indulging with anybody else but you what are you talking about I told him how I wanted him to experience other women and I think it'll help if we opened up our marriage my husband busted out into laughter saying are you kidding me but is this a prank we're not opening up our marriage why would do that so you want me to open up the marriage just on my side and I sleep with a ton of other women why do you want to put
yourself through that heck put me through it I'm okay I promise you I said well it's just not for you it's for me too I'm interested in meeting new people as well my husband got extremely quiet he says excuse me you want to sleep with other men what did I ever do to you am I doing something right tell me what's wrong what did I do wrong I tried to assure my husband that I never felt dissatisfied in this relationship not one time ever he couldn't wrap his head around why I wanted to be with
other men so I told him I said other guys are hitting on me and I feel attractive and beautiful I don't know how long I'm going to keep this weight off of me you know I've struggled with this my entire life my husband said so you feel like you've missed out on a lot huh and I told him sort of my husband sat back down and said so what are the rules for this we just sleep with other people what about STDs and things like that did you consider that stuff I told him I did
consider that stuff and I think we're both smart enough to know that we should use protection the rules I was thinking we don't bring anyone home in our home and we're not sleeping with co-workers I told him about dating apps that I found out about hinge Tinder and things like that we can jump on let people know what our relationship status is and move from there we meet people that are just like us he asked me if I've ever been on those sites before behind his back and I assured him I haven't I handed over
my phone told him he can go through my laptop I've never ever been on those types of sites surprisingly enough my ex-husband he didn't get angry I was afraid he'd get upset at the end of a dinner he told me okay if that's what you want we will do it but you know I value monogamy so this is different to me I'm willing to try it though I was ecstatic I immediately started a dating app created my profile and I told people that I was in an open marriage now what I didn't tell my husband
was that there was someone else at my job that really really had the hots for me he told me straight up and he knew I was married he met my husband several times before he'd compliment me so much on my weight loss and tell me how beautiful I was told me if I wasn't married he'd have his way with me at work you know how often I fantasize about him I just wanted him to take advantage of me at work sneak off to a certain area and he just does it to me even though I
started the dating app I started to flirt more with the guy at work eventually he got the hint and he invited me over to his place wasn't quite what I wanted like in my fantasy but that worked and at lunchtime we'd go to his place we hooked up often this time I was smart enough to use protection I didn't want any pregnancy scares by the way I don't want to hear anyone in the comments saying I'm too old to have a child no I'm not you can still have a child at my age look it
up it happens to millions of women all the time any kind of sex or intimacy died down between my husband and I he really didn't kiss me like he used to I'd have to go in for the kiss to get a kiss before he was more aggressive and he'd pull me towards him give me a big kiss and sometimes he'd end up in the bathroom or in the bedroom anywhere in the house he was always an animal it scared me because I know he has a high laido so if he's not getting it from me
he has to be getting it from someone else the whole thought of my husband with someone else began to really bother me I realized how I really didn't want to open my marriage for him I just wanted it for myself I continued to sleep with a coworker and I met two other guys from the dating apps and I slept with them as well when my daughter would come home we didn't let her in on anything we didn't tell her that we were in an open marriage we pretended like things were fine but I can see
my husband he just wasn't the same he wasn't that happy months go by and I started to realize my husband is happy and doesn't seem as down anymore I never in one million years suspected that he would deal with our neighbor she lives two houses down from us by herself she doesn't have children she's never been married she was a lawyer between the ages of 26 to 34 she ended up leaving law to become a high school teacher she teaches English literature at the high school she's very successful she owns a restaurant here in town
she left law because she said it didn't serve her anymore she put her money into a restaurant with another person and they're very popular and do very well the co-owner of the restaurant was on Shark Tank as is successful as well but she's also a school teacher and she loves doing it she's always wanted to be a school teacher I believe once she told us that her parents pushed her to become a lawyer because school teachers don't get paid that much she's a very nice girl but very very beautiful I remember when she was telling
me and another neighbor some of the students had to switch classes because their parents didn't want her teaching them and some students were actually trying to hit on her she's not the type that goes to work wearing very tight clothes she knows she's around teenage boy so she's mindful of that I will give her that but honestly she's a beautiful woman looks like a model I never even considered that my husband would consider doing anything with her but I guess it makes sense they work together and she lives nearby but when I found out I
couldn't get upset with him because one of my rules was do not deal with the coworker but what did I do I dealt with a coworker and slept with him multiple times even though I requested this open marriage I wanted to find out who my my husband was dealing with so I started to follow him he told me he needed to be at work earlier than usual so my husband was also a social studies teacher so he would leave early in the morning to go to school to teach but he said he is leaving a
lot earlier claiming that he needed to be at school to work on some things of course I didn't buy it my husband was just afraid to tell me who he was dealing with because he knew he was breaking the rules rules dealing with a coworker so I didn't have to follow him very far the way I tracked him was I put a GPS in his trunk I ordered it from Amazon I was pretty pissed off because I had to sign up for a subscription for it which wasn't in the details when I bought it but
it was worth it I got the device set up I put it in the trunk of his car and he left out early I noticed that he drove off circled around the block and ended up back on our street only to park in the young woman's driveway when I saw it on the map I knew exactly what house he was at I went outside and I looked sure enough my husband's car was parked right in the driveway I guess he figured he'd leave before I left for work and seeing the time that he left I
think that was his plan she'll never catch me because she doesn't leave until a certain time for work my husband was sleeping with this beautiful teacher that is our neighbor it broke my heart because I felt stupid I pushed my husband into the arms of another woman a younger and better woman at that I decided to confront my husband but I was going to wait until he came home that day when he got home I had food prepared dinner the way he likes it as soon as we sat down for dinner after he washed his
hands and cleaned himself up I immediately started grilling him so who have you been seeing and don't lie to me he looked at me and said what I told him that he heard exactly what I was asking him I want to know who you've been sleeping with I could tell he was contemplating lying or not but he came out and said it my husband told me that he was sleeping with Jessica a couple houses down I told him I know I know you've been sleeping with her were you sleeping with her before I asked you
for this open marriage my husband promised me no I barely even talked to her it just happened I guess perf timing when he said that to me I turned red I was pissed off he told me honey you're turning red calm down calm down I wanted to go down and rip that woman's head off perfect timing are you kidding me I demanded my husband that we close this open marriage right now my husband looked me dead in my eyes and he told me we can close it that's okay I also want a divorce I don't
want to remain married to you anymore he got up he didn't finish his food and he walked to the bedroom and closed the door to take a shower only to leave and head down to that Bish's house I was beyond hurt but I knew I brought this on myself my husband wanted to divorce me after all of these years what do I tell my daughter I contemplated lying to her telling her that Dad replaced me for another woman a younger woman but I couldn't bring myself to do that that very night I called my daughter
and I told her everything I cried on the phone and she cried with me daughter cursed me out asking me why would I ask for such an arrangement she also got upset with her father too and said that he must have wanted this and he must have pushed me to do this so he can go and be with that younger woman I assured her that he did not want to be with her he didn't want to be with anyone else I pushed him into the arms of another woman I believe my daughter began to believe
me after saying it but before that she was sure it was her father's fault I got a lawyer because my husband was serious I will serve divorce papers I signed them and did what I had to do our lawyers and my husband and I all talked together and we were going to split everything down the middle my husband wanted to give me the house if I wanted it but I didn't want it I thought that we should sell it and just split the money and that's what we did split down in the middle no alimony
and of course no child support my daughter isn't the happiest sometimes she doesn't know whether to be upset with me or her father sometimes she's just upset with both of us she thinks I'm stupid for asking for the open marriage and she thinks her father is dead wrong for not only dealing with a younger woman but moving on to a woman in the first place she feels if her father dumps the girl that he's with now then he and I can rekindle our love I'm willing to rekindle our love I'm sorry for what I did
but he's not willing to let her go my ex-husband is still with her today and it hurts me whenever I see them together I moved across town to a small condo to bedroom to Bath and I'm doing fine I never gained the weight back I now stay in the gym and I have time to do so because I live closer to my job I don't have to drive as far so it's easy for me to go to the gym before work or even after work I eat healthy and I try to stay in shape my
ex-husband seems like a very happy man I don't know if he'd ever marry again I wouldn't I was married to the person I was supposed to spend my life with but I ruined it I played a stupid game and I won a stupid prize you said it play stupid games you win stupid prizes you described your husband like he was the best man in the world took care of you your daughter you guys never needed you didn't need anything not a single thing you cheated on this man before he has no idea you ever cheated
on him you got pregnant by your trainer years ago then you have the nerve to ask for an open man marriage because you feel insecure no one's going to love me anymore because I'm going to get big anymore I'm going to get big again you pushed that man into another woman's arms and got jealous you're silly but you say it to yourself play stupid games Win stupid prizes you know what you did wrong at least you own up to it guys let me know what you think about this in the comments if you got a
story you want to send me send it the true story Nation gmail.com here I put it on the screen that's true story Nation gmail.com I'm going catch you guys at the next one
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